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Edward Snowden: The New Brand of Whistle-Blower?

Quill, The - Vol. 101 Nm. 5, Septiembre 2013
Autor: Hackett, Kara
Id. vLex: VLEX-471148042
[...]according to the administration's August appeal in the Berry v. Conyers & Northover case,
even lowlevel "noncritical sensitive" employees who can't access classified information do not
have the right to seek protection when they blow the whistle on the government. [...]that happens,
potential government whistle-blowers might have better luck "pulling an Edward Snowden.

The ideal whistle-blower is a martyr who plays by the rules.
He values the public interest more than personal security, so when he notices waste, fraud or
abuse on the job, he consults his superiors.
That's where Edward Snowden is different, said Angela Canterbury, executive director of the
Project on Government Oversight.
When he copied and shared with reporters top-secret U.S. intelligence documents, he did not
consult his superiors at Booz Allen Hamilton, where he worked as a system administrator.
Instead, he purchased a plane ticket to leave the country.
Although Snowden instigated one of the most sensational leaks of classified information in U.S.
history, his cool demeanor and calculated path to asylum through China and Russia make it
difficult for citizens - even open government groups - to peg him.
He's been labeled a "super-whistle-blower" for saving Americans from indiscriminate
government spying. Others call him a traitor for exposing U.S. intelligence systems to foreign
8 Sep 2015 19:48:27


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"I've never seen anything like it," Canterbury said. "There's all sorts of speculation because it's
highly unusual to see a whistle-blower behave in the way he has."
The term "whistle-blower" can be traced back to the puffy-cheeked bobbies of Victorian England,
who blew whistles when they witnessed crimes to warn the public of potential danger.
Much like these antiquated police officers, modern whistle-blowers sound the alarm when they
witness a crime and feel obligated to alert the public.
But four days after Snowden made his disclosures, The Associated Press issued a statement
from standards editor Tom Kent warning AP employees against calling Snowden a whistleblower until it can be con- firmed that he revealed wrongdoing on the part of the government.
"A whistle-blower is a person who exposes wrongdoing," Kent wrote. "It's not a person who
simply asserts that what he has uncovered is illegal or immoral."
When classified information is released, it largely falls into one of two categories, said Mark
Horvit, executive director of Investigative Reporters and Editors.
It either helps the public make informed decisions, or it harms the public by exposing
The question for whistle-blowers is whether the public's right to know the information at stake
outweighs any downsides of its release.
"When someone comes forward and releases large troves of information, the answers are
tougher because oftentimes the information they've got usually falls into both categories," Horvit
Canterbury considers some of the information Snowden released whistleblowing material.
Snowden is not the first to accuse the National Security Agency of violating the Fourth
Amendment against unreasonable search and seizure. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
Court ruled in July 2012 that the NSA's programs for collecting and saving U.S. citizens' data
violated the Fourth Amendment.
And in the months after Snowden's exposures, most citizens agreed that Snowden was more of a
whistle-blower than a traitor. A Quinnipiac University poll from July 28-31 showed 55 percent of
Americans supported Snowden as a whistle-blower, and only 34 percent called him a traitor.
Snowden's revelations are especially important for journalists who want to keep sources safe in
the digital age, said Toni Locy, associate professor of journalism at Washington and Lee
When Locy was a young journalist, she was taught to throw away her notes.
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Now the former USA Today reporter teaches her journalism students the same practice.
"If you don't have it, they can't subpoena it," Locy said.
But when Snowden revealed the extent of the NSA's surveillance system, Locy realized that the
government no longer needs to subpoena reporters in some cases because it already collects
reporters' data.
"Snowden got me thinking long and hard about whether the tools reporters use are as safe as
they could be," Locy said.
Now she thinks reporters should never take notes on a computer. Instead, they should handwrite
everything and destroy the evidence, she said.
Her practices saved her from a subpoena in 2008 when a federal judge held her in contempt of
court for refusing to name confidential sources.
Locy wrote for USA Today about the FBI's 2001 anthrax attacks investigation, voicing the
concerns of federal agents who thought the government was wrongfully targeting scientist Steven
When these agents turned out to be right, Hatfill sued the government and wanted to subpoena
Locy's sources to testify on his behalf.
The judge threatened Locy with fines of up to $5,000 a day if she didn't reveal her sources, but
since she forgot the names and destroyed her notes, she had nothing to tell.
The government eventually settled the case without her sources, and the judge vacated the
contempt order against her.
Although she agrees with the AP that it's too early to call Snowden a whistleblower, she doesn't
like the AP-preferred term "leaker" either because she said it's equally loaded with the negative
connotation of a "traitor."
"People in government use the word leaker like it's a leper," Locy said. "That's just not the case."
Her experience taught her that insiders who "leak" on the principle that the public needs to know
something are watchdogs in our democracy.
"I don't think that's a traitor; I think that's a patriot," Locy said.
But in Snowden's case, so much information is at stake and so many questions are unanswered
that the line between a traitor and a patriot proves thin.
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When President Obama addressed the press on Aug. 9, he said Snowden is not a patriot.
Instead, he called Snowden a criminal.
He said Snowden does not know the true repercussions of his disclosures, and the media is
jumping to conclusions that give the world an inaccurate and incomplete depiction of the U.S.
intelligence apparatus.
The less thought government insiders give to individual pieces of information they are releasing,
the more likely they are crossing the line between patriot and traitor, Horvit said.
As of early September, Snowden and the reporter who broke his story, Glenn Greenwald of The
Guardian, have said they are not releasing all the information at their disposal. They claim to be
using strict discretion to determine what information the public should and should not know.
Snowden allegedly told the South China Morning Post on June 25 that he plans to "go through"
the information before he releases it to foreign countries, such as China and Russia.
Then Greenwald explained in an article on July 13 that he and other journalists are using
"rigorous journalistic discretion" to decide which documents should be published.
But Steve Brill, a Columbia Journalism Review reporter, isn't satisfied with Greenwald's answer.
He would like to leam more about The Guardian's methods for vetting the information and its
qualifications for making judgments about America's national security interests.
When The Guardian released in July a "top secret" 32-page training manual for XKeyscore, the
NSA's "widestreaching" system sweeping up Internet browsing activity, Brill was frustrated to find
four of the manual's pages blacked out. The Guardian said it redacted the information because it
"reveals specific NSA operations."
In Brill's "Stories I'd like to see" column for the Columbia Journalism Review on Aug. 6, he asked:
"How exactly are Greenwald and his editors making these decisions about what threatens and
doesn't threaten national security?"
According to Horvit, the answer is careful attention to detail. He said when a source comes to a
reporter with confidential information, it's the reporter's responsibility to judge that source's motivotions and determine if the information he or she shares is a potential threat to society.
The SPJ Code of Ethics instructs reporters: "Always question sources' motives before promising
anonymity. Clarify conditions attached to any promise made in exchange for information. Keep
The Code of Ethics also advises reporters to "test the accuracy of information" they are given and
work to minimize harm by showing "compassion for those who may be affected adversely by
news coverage." (See the full Code of Ethics, which is under review this year for possible
updating, at SPJ.org/ ethicscode.asp.)
When something allegedly harms or has the potential to harm national security, SPJ President
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David Cuillier said most journalists will take the information back to the government and ask
them to explain why they shouldn't print it.
"If it's important to the public to know, then the government has to prove that that information is
going to hurt somebody," Cuillier said. "If government can, then most journalists either withhold
the information or figure out ways of minimizing the harm."
In his experience working with reporters, Horvit thinks most would agree that some information
should not be released because it poses a legitimate threat to national security.
But the government's definition of what constitutes a national security threat is generally far
broader than a reporter's, he said. And from the Bush administration to the Obama administration,
the government tends to push the limit on what qualifies as sensitive information and what
warrants prosecuting those who release it.
"There are cases where journalists have traditionally understood that not every piece of
information is meant for public consumption," Horvit said. "The problem though is that the
government tends to take that and push it way beyond anything that's reasonable."
Thomas Drake worked his first day as a senior executive at the NSA's Fort Meade campus on
Sept. 11, 2001.
In the weeks following that fateful day, he watched as the agency constructed its massive
surveillance infrastructure to spy on American citizens.
He said he was concerned about the extent of domestic surveillance, and as he noticed more
waste fraud and abuse in the NS A, he consulted his superiors about his concerns. He went
through internal channels by talking to Congress and the Department of Defense.
But when nothing changed, he blew the whistle by contacting a reporter at The Baltimore Sun.
Drake told the reporter about an NS A program called Trailblazer that wasted $1.2 billion in
government money and was eventually abandoned in 2006.
But even though he didn't leak any confidential information, the government brought a 10-count
indictment against him in April 2010 and accused him of causing "exceptionally grave damage to
U.S. national security."
Jesselyn Radack, one of Drake's attorneys, said his case is a good example of what Snowden
might have been if he'd played by the rules of whistle-blowing to expose the NSA's programs.
"Everyone says Snowden should have gone through internal channels, and I say, Took, Drake
went through every conceivable internal channel, and he still ended up being prosecuted,"'
Radack said.
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The government accused Drake of violating the Espionage Act, a World War Iera law created to
punish federal spies.
The Obama administration has so far used the Espionage Act seven times to prosecute federal
insiders for sharing information with the press - more than all previous presidents combined.
Radack doesn't think most Americans understand the significance of that statement.
"They're not thinking that there are a lot of people in prison now [that] Obama has put there for
really nothing crimes," Radack said.
When Obama addressed the press on Aug. 9, he assured the public that whistle-blower
protections for the intelligence community were put in place, so Snowden had other avenues for
questioning federal practices than turning to the press and fleeing the country.
But Canterbury said that even if Snowden had used legal, internal channels for disclosing
information like Drake did, he would have had absolutely no protection for having done so.
Snowden could have been fired without any recourse or put in prison, because there aren't any
specific protections for intelligence community contractors under the law.
Even though Obama endorsed the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act in November
2012 and expanded it with Presidential Policy Directive 19 to include some intelligence and
national security personnel, Snowden had a "top secret" security clearance when he worked at
Booz Allen Hamilton.
This means he would not have been included in the whistle-blower protections afforded to lowerlevel employees who are not privy to classified information, and he would have been vulnerable
to internal reproach without an appeal.
In fact, according to the administration's August appeal in the Berry v. Conyers & Northover case,
even lowlevel "noncritical sensitive" employees who can't access classified information do not
have the right to seek protection when they blow the whistle on the government.
This leaves at least 200,000 defense employees with lower security clearances than Snowden
without any protections to report wrongdoing.
"Some people say Snowden should come back and face the music," Radack said. "I say the only
music he would face would be going to jail for rest of his life by charges of the Obama
Whistle-blower protections only work well when they are believed credible by government
insiders, Canterbury of the Project on Government Oversight said. That requires a fair system
and a framework that proves solid when it is tested.
Until that happens, potential government whistle-blowers might have better luck "pulling an
Edward Snowden."
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"Maybe the way the government has been handling disclosure of classification is creating an
environment for more leaks," Canterbury said.
The most popular form of whistle-blower retaliation is what Canterbury calls "character
She said it's a common tactic the government and even the media use to distract the public from
critical issues facing the nation by focusing reports about whistle-blowers on their personal lives
and motivations.
That's why when it comes to deciding whether Snowden is actually a whistleblower, Canterbury
is not sure it even matters.
"At this point, it matters that he made whistle-blower disclosures, and we should be focusing
more on wrongdoing he disclosed rather than him personally," Canterbury said.
Radack claims the government often controls the conversation about whistleblowers by using the
media to misdirect the public.
During her years as a defense attorney for whistle-blowers, she has read illdirected or inaccurate
reports about her clients. She said the government always gets quoted in these articles, but
sometimes reporters don't seek an alternative opinion.
"It's very hard to fight government propaganda and the government machine on this," Radack
said. "They always have an audience, and they always have a medium through which they
deliver their message."
For reporters working with confidential sources or sensitive information, Horvit said it's important
for them to assess the motivations of the person giving them that information and judge the
validity of what they are being told.
But what the public should hear from the media is accurate and thorough information about what
sources are releasing rather than their intentions for releasing it.
"Many people who leak information do so for their own personal reasons," Horvit said. "The point
is not their motivation for releasing information, but the ultimate value that information has to
Copyright Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi Sep/Oct 2013
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8 Sep 2015 19:48:27


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