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Culture perception of family relationship in Costa Rica and the united

The family plays an important role in the formation of values mainly the parents
that have all responsibility of ensuring a good education a their children own
culture, tradition, beliefs, religions and perception what defines us as unique. But
we should not rule out that the center of both culture continues to be family their
development and welfare.
culture of the American families are more independent tan Costa Rican families
structure, American people teaching their children from their childhood to do very
independent therefore when the teenager complete their studies in the high school
they are ready to leave their home, forming more autonomous people.. After
graduation, for American teenagers will be easier enter the labor market anywhere
in the country, and they visit their parents only on holidays.
In contrast Costa Rican family are most dependent, when the teenagers complete
their studies in the university the first thing you are looking for is to find a job near
where his parents reside with the intention of making consistent contact, or either
live with their parents, it is part of Costa Rican culture.
In the religious aspects , Costa Rican families are mostly Catholic families that
North American, Costa Rican families teaching their children respect for the
Catholic Church and its sacraments; baptism, first communion, confirms. Catholics
worship the Virgen the Angeles and other religious activities.
In contrast American families are mostly Protestant they believe only in the bible
and forgiveness of sins for salvation, they do not believe in saints or religious
images, propagate much the holy bible, read it and do it read; insist much there is
to have a great faith in God; struggle against the vices of men like drugs, alcohol
and theft among others .; They insist that people should be generous with God and

The food is very different among Latinos and Americans. Latinos use much
seasoning, herbs, flavor, meats, spices and sometimes are slightly spicy.
For dessert, Latin Americans prefer sweet as puddings, cakes, rice pudding,
churros, nougat, among others. Americans are more inclined towards apple pie,
pudding, "Banana Split", beaten, stuffed marshmallows or donuts flavors.
Americans eat too many fast foods like burgers, fries, hot dog.
American people spend their time in the best way, they are very punctual to attend
lessons, appointments, or meetings , American people spend their time in the best
way, they are very punctual to attend lessons, appointments, or meetings and
when they arrive later to wherever they apologize.
In contrast to the Costa Rican people always arrive late everywhere and not take
advantage of time.
Other thing very important American people do not have many children, either for
their work or studies they prefer to work first or complete their studies, and then
they think of starting a family and have 2 or 3 kids no more.
Costa Rican families we are known for having several children, and in some cases
the poorest families are having more children than others who are better
we can consider that we have different cultures, traditions, way of acting and
thinking but we should not rule out that the center of both cultures continues to be
family, their development and welfare.

Universidad Latina de
Costa Rica
Paso Canoas Extension
English School

Ingrid Mora QUIROS


Ingrid Mora Sequeira

November 16th, 2014

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