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Ojeks carts ferrying bikers to cross a pool of water as high as 60 cm in Jalan Gunung

Sahari Raya, North Jakarta, Wednesday (02/10/2015). For three days puddle derived
rainfall there has been no sign of receding.
Negative impact
1. Damaging infrastructure of homes, buildings, bridges, roads, etc ...
2. Decide transportation lines, due to the stagnant water transport lines so it can not be
passed ...
3. Can be destructive and even eliminate the equipment, supplies, other property or even
the human soul
4. It could lead to blackouts, because there was a puddle of water, the electricity in the
region to be extinguished because it can be dangerous ...
5. Disruptive activities of daily living, can not get out of the house, can not get to the
office, school, etc ...
6. Can pollute the environment around us, when the flood came not only water, but also
brings with garbage, dirt, sewage, etc. in addition can contaminate clean water sources,
flooding will also be fouled, or even our home page so that it becomes not hyegienic.
7. Bring issues / health problems (diseases)
Positive impact
1. The community became aware that this time is less awareness of the environment so
that the flooded ...
2. People are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of keeping in order to avoid
flooding ...

POT PLANTS slipshod - A greening plants in pots contained in Cengkareng, West

Jakarta intersection, left to die molt and neglected due to drought as seen last year
Positive impact:
1. It is easier to do the activity.
When the weather is nice it will be easier to travel to perform activities outside the
home than during the rainy season.
2. Clothes dry faster.
With the sun clothes will dry faster because it gets more sunlight.
3. Heat from the sun can evaporate seawater. Sea water contains salt. If the sea water
evaporated, the salt will be formed. The process of salt formation requires sunlight or
hot temperatures for better results.
4. Fisherman's easier to go to sea and sea transport kancar.
When the weather is sunny, the fishermen will be easier to find fish in the absence of
rain or strong winds and sea transport will not be disturbed.
5. With the dry season landslides and flooding will not often occur because no rain was so
6. Can be used as a PLTS
With more scorching sun can be utilized as a solar power plant.
Negative impact:
1. In certain areas that lack of water will suffer from drought.
If the dry season berkepanjang in certain areas of the river would dry up.
2. Farmers would be difficult to irrigate the fields.
Prolonged drought could result in some farmers' difficulty in obtaining water due to lack
of water supply.
3. If the high air temperatures will be more frequent sweating.
The hot weather makes people more often sweating and consequently will be quickly
4. Due to prolonged heat can lead to the occurrence of forest fires in the forests bare.
5. The dry season is too long can result in farmers failed to harvest. If a prolonged dry
season farmers will be difficult to get water.

SEVERE TRAFFIC: Many vehicles were choosing park while waiting for the water to recede to
create long lines.
negative impacts of flooding
1. Damaging infrastructure of homes, buildings, bridges, roads, etc ...
2. Decide transportation lines, due to the stagnant water transport lines so it can not be passed ...
3. Can be destructive and even eliminate the equipment, supplies, other property or even the human
4. Bring problems / health problems (diseases)
the positive impact of flooding
1. Awareness of the environment and safeguarding the environment including awareness kebesihan by
not throwing garbage multiplied etc.

FISH SALTED - A woman is drying salted fish in one of the roadside location in Jalan Kusumabangsa, Long
Wetan, North Pekalongan, on Monday (20/18).

The positive impact of drought

1. The road is not muddy and muddy roads
2. Fishermen easier to go to sea and sea transport kancar.
3. With the dry season landslides and flooding will not often occur because no rain was so heavy.
The negative impact of drought:
1. In certain areas that lack of water will suffer from drought.
2. Farmers would be difficult to irrigate the fields.
3. Due to prolonged heat can lead to the occurrence of forest fires
4. The dry season is too long can result in farmers failed to harvest

dampak negatif banjir

1. Merusak sarana dan prasarana rumah, gedung, jembatan, jalan, dll...
2. Memutuskan jalur transportasi, akibat genangan air maka jalur transportasi jadi tidak bisa
3. Bisa merusak dan bahkan menghilangkan peralatan, perlengkapan, harta benda lainnya
atau bahkan jiwa manusia
4. Mendatangkan masalah / gangguan kesehatan (penyakit)

dampak positif banjir

1. Kesadaran terhadap lingkungan serta menjaga lingkungan termasuk kesadaran akan
kebesihan dengan tidak membuang sampah dikali dll

Dampak positif Kemarau

1. Jalan jalan tidak becek dan berlumpur
2. Nelayan lebih mudah untuk melaut dan transportasi laut kancar.
3. Dengan adanya musim kemarau bencana tanah longsor dan banjir tidak akan sering terjadi karena
tidak ada hujan yang begitu deras.

Dampak negatif kemarau :

1. Pada daerah-daerah tertentu yang minim air akan mengalami kekeringan.
2. Petani akan kesulitan untuk mengairi sawah.
3. Karena panas yang berkepanjangan dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya kebakaran hutan
4. Musim kemarau yang terlalu panjang dapat mengakibatkan petani gagal panen

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