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ergo sum
Marshanette Maramis
Communication and Public Relations 2

Descartes statement, "Cogito ergo sum" means "I think therefore I am."
This statement has a strong relation with consciousness. Consciousness is the
action of having perceptions, thoughts, and feelings or awareness. One person
cannot live without being aware that he exists. For this reason, being conscious is
necessary to be aware of the surroundings and oneself own existence.
At his first attempt on proving this statement, he started to get confused
about the existence of surrounding things and situation as well as he started to
questions his own existence. But then he realized the ability of thinking that
human being has is the only thing that proves they exist. People exist not only
because we have the awareness that we do exist but also because we have a
conscious mind.
In Descrates premise, he was convinced himself that there is absolutely
nothing in the world, he starts doubting everything around him followed by
himself that might be is not exist, too. But then he thinks if he is doing well in
convincing himself about something or any thoughts he has it means he is
certainly exist.
His own existence can be proved by his ability to form thoughts into a
concrete explanation and action. Not only this state of mind by having a
conscious mind can be proved that he does really exists, but Descrates
proposition of his existence is strengthened if every act he does is developed in
his mind first, therefore, he exists.
Even though we have these abilities to see, hear, or become aware of
something, We only use our senses to earn perception of something, then the
perception is observed again inside our mind and turning them into a reasonable
conclusion. From this conclusion, our mind convinced us that we are thinking
about things, which makes us exist.


Wikipedia: Cogito ergo sum


Wikipedia: Consciousness

Wikipedia: Perception


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