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The wheel coming out of the casting shop has a rough, uneven surface. These wheels need to be
cleaned and finished before its usage. These cleaning, finishing and certain tests are conducted in
this cleaning shop.

In this operation, only the rim part of the wheel is grinded to a fine surface finish using a
grinding wheel and sent to shot blasting.


The surface of the wheel may contain dirt, ashes, and even dust particles formed during storing.
Also the wheels contain scales formed during heat treatment process. This unwanted dust must
be removed in order to obtain a clean surfaced wheel. Steel blasting is the second process carried
out in the cleaning shop.
In this process tiny spherical metal particle with high velocity is made to strike the surface of
the wheel.

Due to the impact of these particles the surface dust present on the wheel gets removed
due to the abrasive action.
Hence the surface cleaned wheel is obtained after this steel blasting process.

After this steel blasting the wheel is made to undergo 2 tests namely ultrasonic test and magnaglo
test. Only those wheels passed in these test are sent to further processing and the wheels with
defects are rejected. The rejected wheels are sent to scrap yard and is recycled.


In this test, the hardness of the wheel after undergoing Magnaglo Test is determined by grinding
Hardness Number of the wheel-297.

The wheels during casting and heat treatment process remains at high temperature. During this
high temperature there are chances of wheel undergoing a little bending.
The Warpaging process includes the balancing of the wheels from which the defects relating to
the shape of the wheels can be detected. If the detected defects in the shape like bending of
wheels etc are more than the limiting value, the wheels are rejected. And if defects are minor,
they are corrected and used.

Peening is a process very similar to steel blasting process. In this process spherical steel particles
are made to strike the surface of the wheels at a high velocity. In case there are surface cracks the
steel particles strikes the cracked surface at a high velocity, they fill the gap and help to remove
the surface defects. Each wheel undergoes peening process for a minimum of 1minute.

Boring is the last operation carried out on a wheel before it is sent to the assembly shop. During
hub cutting, the center hole generated is of a smaller diameter when compared to the required
diameter, this hole enlarging is done by the Boring process. The hole of 3mm lesser than the
axle-wheel seat diameter is produced during this process. The hole produced has a rough surface
Type of tool used: Square shaped Carbide Tool.

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