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October 2015

Friends in ministry,
We held our Red Oak Grove annual meeting in late September. In my report to the congregation, I
talked about numbers. Often times, the numbers we focus have to do with membership or dollars. I
wanted to give some numbers that werent directly tied to either of those things. I wanted to share
numbers of ministry, because if you didnt know - we are all a part of some really great ministry at
Red Oak Grove! Really, truly great! I think, too often, we get bogged down with those other numbers
those numbers with dollar signs and membership totals. Here are the numbers of ministry I shared
at the meeting:
1 The one God we worship and follow as disciples
2 The number of languages spoken at ROG on Wednesday nights for ESL class.
3 National Youth Gathering participants
4 Youth confirmed (and four more to be confirmed this month)
5 WELCA Circles meet for Bible study and fellowship
6 Campers supported to attend Good Earth Village
7 October 7: The date of our first Wednesday GIFT (Growing in Faith Together)
8 current confirmation students
9 Farewells to dearly remembered and missed saints
10 times the bell is rung before church each Sunday
16 horses attended our annual cowboy worship service (approx.)
17 Baptisms
18 loaves of bread baked and delivered to many of our homebound members
46 handprints on the banner we created together in June (approx.)
84 Quilts made at church (In addition to many at home too)
156 Years Red Oak Grove has been a worshipping congregation
I understand that a church must have a budget and must pay attention to it. I understand that
membership numbers have their place too. But lets not stop at those numbers and make them the
end-all-be-all. Church is about ministry the way we minister to others and the ways we are
ministered to as followers of Jesus. Lets focus on those ministry numbers.
Grateful to be your partner in ministry,
Pastor Lindsay

September 1, 2015 Red Oak Grove Council Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Shad Rudlong. Members attending: Anne Rudlong, Holly Ille,
Bob Kittelson, Ardell Swenson, Scott Basness, Bill Maxwell, Angie Wagaman, Mike Hoffman, Pastor Lindsay
and Laura Tjomsland.
Pastor Lindsay led devotions from Psalm 146 on Praise.
Pastors Report: The focus for the past month has been on educational programs, Faith Formation and
Confirmation. Highlights on upcoming activities included; Cowboy Sunday, Annual Meeting and Education
Team meeting. A question was brought up At what age should young people take Communion? Visits this
past month included 3 baptisms, 1 Memorial Service, 2 Prairie Manor services and 11 other visits. Several
thank you notes have been received from members that received bread.
The Secretarys Report was accepted as presented.
The Treasurers Report was accepted as presented with these highlights: Beginning balance was $14,472.70
with deposits the balance was $21,085.15. After expenses the remaining balance is $7,186.68. The balance
in the Improvement Fund is $3,946.97.
There was no WELCA Report.
Deacons Report: Restroom signs have been added as well as a sign for the door outside of the office. The
garage doors have been done, a large tree was removed from the south side of the church, the parking lot has
been re-surfaced and the work on the fan in the attic has been completed. All of these projects have been paid
for in full.
Old Business: Discussion about the problems with the elevator. This will be reviewed and the change in the
lines so that the emergency call goes in to the 911 service. All of the details have been taken care of for the
Cowboy Service.
New Business: Annual Meeting was discussed as to the agenda and who will present the reports from the
Trustees and the Deacons. There was a lengthy discussion concerning the budget and how Pastors salary is
figured and when the increase takes place. The budget that was presented was accepted by the Council and
will be presented to the Congregation at the meeting. The Nominating Committee is still working to get a slate
of officers for the Council. It was decided to hold the Annual Meeting immediately after church and then host a
catered brunch for all.
The Council agreed to offer the closed-in trailer for sale. Anyone that is interested should contact a Council
member. Options for serving coffee next year after church service was presented, an offer has been made by
Mary Weikum to try a different process. We will still be needing helpers, so please make the consideration to
help continue this fellowship opportunity. The cost of mailing the LOG was also discussed. We need to send
200 newsletters to receive the bulk postage rate. Are there other options that would be less costly? Please
voice your opinion to a Council member regarding your thoughts.
The September Eucharist Assistant and Coffee Hour organizer is Holly Ille.
The next meeting will be October 6, 2015.
The meeting was adjourned and closed with the Lords Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Tjom sland, Council Secretary

WELCA Minutes for September

On Wednesday, September 2, 2015 the monthly WELCA meeting was called to order by Linda Christianson at
1:30 p.m. The meeting was opened in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The purpose was read in
unison. Our opening hymn was In the Garden. We sang all 3 verses. Doris Draayer read Psalm 145:17-21
for opening devotions. Secretarys minutes were read and approved. Correspondence was read from
Isaac Ille thanking us for our financial support for his days at Good Earth Village.
Sheriff Amazi, the Mower County sheriff, gave the program on Guarding your Privacy. She shared different
scams that happen to innocent people. Be aware of all calls you receive. Call law enforcement if you have
any concerns or questions.
Treasurers Report was given by Lavonne Smith. It will be placed on file.
Committee Reports: Quilting: Cancer quilts donated for up-coming BP Cancer Auction, September 11th and
12th, 1 queen and 1 childs. Quilting may start Monday, October 12th. Date to be set by Judy Wambeam.
Prairie Manor: Ardell thanked everyone who helped deliver meals or served coffee during August. Guest Day
in Geneva will be September 11th at 2 p.m. Check bulletin board for all up-coming events each week.
Visitation: Linda had sent 3 cards.
St. Marks: In need of small containers to use in Occupational Therapy Department.
Unfinished Business: Katie Zipse will do fall cleaning. Each circle to pay $120. Motion made by Marilyn
Helleck and seconded by Doris Draayer. No one is planning on attending the Fall Convention in Preston on
September 19th.
New Business: Red Oak Grove Guest Day will be Wednesday, October 7th at 9 a.m. Judy will plan lunch
with help from 2 members of each circle. WELCA is in need of two officers, President and Vice President.
Prayerfully consider helping if asked. New information supporting our new Bible Study was shared for
2015-2016. Note cards are still available for sale.
Offering was taken and Orlie Grant gave the offering meditation, Psalm of Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving
Our next meeting will be Guest Day, October 7th at 9 a.m. Program is by the officers and hostesses will be 2
people from each circle. Our program will be by the Young Oldies. We wish to thank Naomi for the program
today. Very interesting and Rebekah for hosting.
Closed with the Lords Prayer and sang the Birthday song for September birthdays.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda L. Christianson

New Member Sunday: Do you know someone who might like to become a member of Red Oak
Grove? Ask them! Invite them to talk to Pastor Lindsay and/or let Pastor Lindsay know. Maybe you
want to become a member! Talk to Pastor Lindsay. On Sunday, October 18th, well be honoring our
new members that have joined in the last year.

Pastoral Acts: Baptisms Natalie Rae Hingeveld

Funerals Harland Peter Peterson

Thank you for the loaf of bread. I enjoyed it so much. God bless you all.
Muriel Sayles
Many thanks to all who helped bake the good bread and to Dan Sistek
who delivered it to us. What a pleasant surprise! Thanks again and Gods
blessings to everyone.
Jack and Eileen Sheedy &
Jim and Esther Dalager
Thank you for the loaf of bread. Harvey and I could hardly wait for church to get over so we could go
up and have coffee and bread on Sunday. It was so very good. We sure did enjoy it. With our love,
Harvey and Selma Lysne
Thank you so much for the loaf of bread and your prayers. It was delicious! Getting a little better
every day. Miss everyone! Love, Connie Trihus
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The WIT Group will be decorating the church for Fall on October 13th. They can use pumpkins,
squash, corn stalks or ear corn. If you have some of these items or any Fall decorations you would
like to donate, please bring them to church and put them in the kitchenette. Thank you.

You guys know that I spend most of my time hopping around the church.
I am the ROG frog, after all. As I make my home here, I hear with my
super ears lots of the goings-on. Like this nominating committee
business. I hadnt the faintest lily pad how much time and gumption it
takes to be on that committee. I saw them identifying strong leaders. I
heard them asking people to take leadership. Many hops of
thanksgiving go to Diane Maxwell (HOP!), Julie Hoffman (HOP!),
Tom Harber (HOP!), and Shad Rudlong (HOP!) for their work. And for those who agreed to take on
leadership as council members many hops of thanksgiving to that hopping crew too!
Tammy Harber (HOP!), Jamie Hanson (HOP!), Pete Kleinschmidt (HOP!), Jenny Ingvalson (HOP!),
Vi Christianson (HOP!), Marilyn Helleck (HOP!), and Jacob Ulland (HOP!).

Wednesday, October 7: This evening is our first night of GIFT (Growing in Faith Together).
ALL are welcome to join as we eat together, play together, and pray together. We are launching
this opportunity to be together as part of an alternative to Sunday School; in reality, Wednesday
evenings may work better for many families than Sunday mornings. ENTIRE families are invited to
come and join in the fun! GIFT will begin at 5:45 with a meal and conclude by 7pm (for those early
bedtimes). Think youll make it? We sure hope you will! Sign up in the narthex, call the office, or text
Pastor Lindsay (507-440-3716) to help us figure how much food to prepare!
Confirmation youth: On GIFT evenings (October 7), we invite you and your families to come
and join the fun. We know that sports practice may not allow you to arrive right at 5:45; come as
soon as you can. We will conclude at 7pm with the rest of the crew. These evenings will be
opportunities for you to be with your families and for you to be examples and leaders for the smaller
children of ROG.
10th grade Confirmation Students: A reminder that we will meet in the month of October to
prepare for the confirmation service on October 25th. We will meet following worship on October 4,
11, and 18th in the youth room. We will review the learning from the past three years, work on
confirmation projects, and talk about the service. See you on October 4th!
Sunday, October 11th: Join us for worship this day! Our service will experiment with some new
ways of involvement and participation, especially geared towards the young people of the
congregation. Well also hand out childrens Bibles this day! If you have a three year old or third
grader in your house, you should receive a letter about this special day. If you dont receive a letter,
contact the church office so we can correct our records and include you in this Bible celebration.

Stick around after church and coffee time on October 11th for some fall fun! Stay as a family
for a pumpkin decorating contest, games and crafts. Well end it all with a yummy lunch together. It
will be a fun morning together! But we also need your help to make it happen! Do you by chance
have an abundance of pumpkins in your garden? A transportable outdoor firepit? A talent for making
soup and grilled cheese? Please talk to Pastor Lindsay if youre willing to help in any way.

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