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—_———a ha Allegretto “Age 1. Mydear Marquis, it seems to me —_you should dis - play more tact! 2, Justlook at_ me and you will see there's more than meets the eye —_ Allegretto la- dy goes, what a- la- dy shows, is how she Ia-dy's been, where a lady's seen, are proofs that proves the fact! My taste Is too fine and too nev- er lie, Could Tbe at home in this room,ah— Ze = sg. = My talk is too dra-ma-tie, my The way I lift an eyebrow is waist has a line too u-nique,ah. T were at home with abroomah. D pn ttomwe -ris-to- crat-ic.What chambermaid you know could havesomuch to show, what ty - pie- al-ly highbrow: wnavchambermaid you know could have somuch to show, what z= > cham - bermaid youknowcouldhaveso much to show? In-stead of put- ting cham -bermaid youknow couldhave so much to show? You might as well ad- rt ey -—, creseserit. a patemye on such airs, why don't you mind your own af-fairs? It’s toofun-ny,ha ha ha, ~ mit, Mar-quis, you owe me an a-pol- o- gy. It’s toofun-ny.ha haha, atempo AR A Ar a Please excuse me,ha ha ha,I can’thelp it, ha ha ha, You amuse me, haha ha ha haha. Please excuse me,ha ha ha, I can'thelp it, ha ha ha, You amuse me,ha ha ha ha haha, -, It’s too fun-ny, ha ha ha, Please ex-cuse me, ha It’s too fun-ny, ha ha ha, Please ex-cuse me, ha BY tes too fun-ny, ha ha ha, Please ex-cuse me, ha It's too fun-ny, ha ha ha, Please ex-cuse me, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha haha! aha ha ha ha haha! —_ "Sanne 8 Pik mosto

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