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The US is now the most satanic nation in our modern world.

present satanic origins could possibly be traced to the exact
point when it consciously decided to protect selected WW2 Jap
war criminals from prosecution. Certain high ranking officials
who were really truly and thoroughly guilty of war crimes were
secretly given immunity.
Military personnel with vital secrets or in possession of some
rare knowlewdge were also deliberately spared. Such actions by
the US awakened and nurtured the very inner devil lying within
and soon the US became the great satan that it is today.
Seven years ago this month, the US once again surrendered itself
to its inner devil and invaded Iraq. Not that it was the first
time it allowed itself to serve its inner devil but the invasion
of Iraq in March 2003 was carried out against the very expressed
wishes of the UN.
Just before attacking Iraq, the US churned out a litany of lies
against Iraq and the final straw or perhaps nail in the coffin
was the allegation that Iraq had in its possession huge numbers
of WMDs. It was a very atrocious and outrageous lie and this evil
lie was used to open the gates of Hell for the innocent Iraqi
civilian population.
Up to one million people lost their lives and several million
Iraqi children became instant orphans. The whole country was
bombed, shelled and shot up with total and wild abandonment by
devils in US uniforms who were observed singing and listening
to satanic music and songs while uttering devilish curses and
in no time Iraq had been hurled straight back to the Stone Age.
Today, Iraq is like one giant sprawling wasteland. Human blood
runs on the stone pavement and in the streets and open areas in
every corner of the country. This is the direct result of the
illegal March 2003 invasion. Serious crime is everywhere, almost
everything is in a state of disrepair and bombings happen all
the time. Its oilfields are now in the hands of foreign companies
and other state properties had been looted clean a long time ago.
Today, Iraq is like a beggar country thus fulfilling the long
cherished wish of the US which is to make Iraq totally dependent
on the outside world specifically the West. This country with
the third largest known oil reserves in the world now fully in
the control of robber barons from the West.
The US is definitely the one satan nation of the earth.
Recently, the IMF which is secretly controlled by the US gave
the Iraqi 'government' a huge loan, almost four billion. This
huge loan will most certainly turn Iraq (and the Iraqi people)
into a buffalo nation for very many, many years to come.
The money is alleged to be for helping Iraq to get back on its
feet and rebuild its infrastructure and other vital components
of its economy but with all the non-stop bombings and killings,
no sane person would be betting on the Iraqi 'government' doing
any kind of rebuilding or even anything resembling rebuilding.
Instead, all the IMF money is suspected to solely benefit the
great satan eventually. Iraq is now buying US weapons for its
soldiers supposedly because the Russian weapons formerly used
by the Iraqi Army are inferior and 'no good'.
Could it be that Iraq is being asked to prepare itself for a new
round of invasion ? By who ? Iran ? Or perhaps Iraq is now being
nudged by certain quarters to prepare itself and thereby assist
in a future attack on Teheran by the US devils. Either way, nice
money is flowing non-stop into the arms of US companies.
The oilfields have been divided up or carved up and served to a
number of foreign oil giants and thus Iraqi oil will serve to
enable US speculators and 'investors' to reap immense profits
for a long, long time to come. Devils indeed.
Meanwhile the ordinary Iraqi man in the street has to dice with
death everyday. No nickel from the IMF loan will ever reach his
pocket. Apart from the US companies, all the money will surely
end up in the pockets of the Iraqi 'government' officials. This
is to prevent insurgents or anti-government 'opponents' from
filling up those pockets themselves and thereby be able to
freely inflitrate the so-called secure areas.
The corrupt officials are then able to divide government posts
among themselves and bar certain groups from any participation.
Minority groups are being squeezed out and this is being done
to serve the interests of the US. With the Iraqis focused on
each other, they will have no time or strength at all to argue
with the devils. Iraq will always be at the beck and call of
the US. This is needed as the US now has another country in its
gunsights; Iran, the second largest holder of known oil reserves.
Truly the oil money in West Asia is being used to benefit the US
and the West. And now the US has its sights set on Iranian oil.
The very servile Iraq authorities of today are using what is left
of its finances to benefit US arms makers, not its people. In 2006,
Iraq blew $6 billion for weapons purchases alone. This, after all
the senseless slaughter initiated by the Coalition-of-the-willing.
Iran (and its oil) could soon be following Iraq's example. The
deadly sins and great evil of the '53 Iranian coup carried out
by the US and its minions have been totally forgotten by us and
so the US is now fully able to target Teheran. What evil devils.
Thus the US is one big devil and satanic nation. It has most
brazenly murdered and plundered what did not belong to it and
now is happily dreaming of murdering and plundering even more.
In places where outright murdering and plundering is not yet
possible, the US is relentlessly conducting deadly whispering
and sabotaging campaigns or operations. Its very huge army of
agents, diplomats, infiltrators, disinformation specialists and
other staff manning networks solely dedicated to producing chaos
and putrefaction are hard at work everywhere. If not murdering
and plundering and putrefying others, the terribly horrible US
is always wanting to harm others by sending its soldiers, airmen
and sailors to spread diseases like HIV, AIDS or herpes to all
the far corners of the globe. On its home soil, the US has
a very powerful and shadowy and highly secretive army of evil
speculators and manipulators working non-stop day and night to
inflict untold harm on myriad helpless nations. So very, very
demonically evil.
The US is even ready to openly dabble in playing the double game
to promote and nurture its very evil ambitions. In East Asia,
where its diplomats are pretentiously talking about peace talks,
its military commanders are busily mumbling threats and belching
bellicose noises while its soldiers ceaselessly practise and
rehearse for war. Such is the great evil of the US. It is
truly a satanic nation.
Barack is certainly a donkey leader or he would not have forced
himself to accept devils like Clinton, Gates and others in his
Cabinet. These devils are satanic and totally untrustworthy as
shown by their trips to the Gulf to seduce or pressure the oil
sheikhs to use their influence on neutral nations. Their actions
constitute a very dirty and very immoral tactic. You do not buy
support via sex or threat. Only donkeys and devils do it.
You can only obtain support by maintaining or holding the moral
high ground. But a satanic nation can never accomplish this. It
can only squeeze support from others by the use of trickery and
deceit (or via the use of outright force and naked violence).
The US today is very certainly a satanic nation and its leaders
are outright devils from the very depths of Hell. Be aware.
Be very fully aware.

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