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1) Property package window are opened from the view menu.

2) From Chemical System Catagories, All Property option was selected so that all possible
property package.
3) At the Thermodynamic Model option, the desired package which is Advanced PengRobinson was selected and applied.
4) At the component tab, the components of water and ammonia were selected into the
selected compounds box. Then the apply button was hit again to acknowledge the
selection without leaving the thermodynamics property package environment.
5) At the Simulation Tree icon, the materials stream is selected then all the information in
the question was fill in the material stream window.
6) The temperature inlet is 143.6 C and pressure of 1724 kPa containing 80% ammonia
with a flow rate of 4536 kgmole/h.
7) A cooler was selected from PFD stencil palette and the information for the cooler was
input. The output temperature is 1700 kW. Then a stream for output mixture is labeled as
8) A valve was connected to S2 and the pressure of output stream is reduced to 1034 kPa.
9) A vertical separator was connected to S3 so that the mixture can be separated into liquid
and vapor. Then an output streams was added and labeled as S4 and S5.
10) When all the stream and equipment show solved with a green line, then it is successfully
run. If not, the information input need to be check back.


A mixture of ammonia and water were feed into a condenser at the flow rate 4536
kgmol/h. since a condenser is not in the PFD stencil palette. Since a cooler has the same function
as the condenser which is to change a gas into liquid. Therefore, a cooler was used to substitute
the condenser. Then, a valve was installed to reduce the pressure until 1034 kPa. The mixture
was feed into a separator so that the mixture can be separate into a vapor and a liquid. The
calculation was done by using Advanced Peng-Robinson package.
The outlet temperature of the condenser stream is 138.8 C. The temperature was
dropped because the mixture released heat to the cooler. After the mixture went through all the
process in the cooler and separator, the mole fractions of ammonia and water in the vapor stream
are 0.1845 and 0.1855 while the mole fraction in the liquid stream are 0.17329 and 0.82671. The
flow rate of stream vapor is 76314.05 kg/h and the flow rate in the liquid stream is 1829.91 kg/h.
The problem was also being solved with other type of thermodynamic packages. In order
to study the effect of different packages on the outlet temperature, the composition of ammonia
and water in the vapor and liquid streams, and also the flow rate of vapor and liquid streams.

Using Van Laar package, the outlet temperature of the condenser stream is 134.9 C, the
mole fractions of ammonia and water in the vapor stream are 0.80926 and 0.19074 while the
mole fraction in the liquid stream are 0.00739 and 0.99261. The flow rate of stream vapor is
77201.15 kg/h and the flow rate in the liquid stream is 942.81 kg/h.
Using Wilson package, the outlet temperature of the condenser stream is 133 C, the
mole fractions of ammonia and water in the vapor stream are 0.81697 and 0.18303 while the
mole fraction in the liquid stream are 0.0075 and 0.9925. The flow rate of stream vapor is
77284.08 kg/h and the flow rate in the liquid stream is 820.39 kg/h.
Using Natural Gas package, the outlet temperature of the condenser stream is 139.2 C,
the mole fractions of ammonia and water in the vapor stream are 0.81468 and 0.18532 while the
mole fraction in the liquid stream are 0.17339 and 0.82661. The flow rate of stream vapor is
76291.68 kg/h and the flow rate in the liquid stream is 1852.28 kg/h.
Based on the result above, we can say that all the outlet temperature, composition and
flow rate are different. This may due to the package that we been using. Since every package has
been installed with different condition and formula on calculation, this will affect the outlet
temperature, composition and flow rate based on the type of package. Therefore we must choose
the package wisely so that we are not choosing the wrong formula to get the information we

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