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Proposal for WPVM-FM 103.

7 Program
Date of Application:
Contact Information
Program Information
Name & describe the proposed program. (Concept/Theme)
Give examples of a program that you would do.
Who will be the producer(s)? (Producer is responsible for hosting/
arranging for the personalities on air)
Describe your Target Audience:
What is your programs proposed length?
[ ] One hour
[ ] 30 minutes
[ ] Other (describe)

Show frequency:
[ ] Daily
[ ] Weekly
[ ] Monthly
[ ] Other program (describe)
How will you promote your program:
What equipment will you need for the program? (Example- portable recording unit, turn table, etc.)
Have you identified any potential program underwriters for your show?
(Underwriters pay a set fee to have their name/product/business mentioned at specific times on the air.)
What time of day and day of the week do you think would be ideal for
your program? Second choice?
WPVM-FM 103.7 is licensed to the nonprofit Friends of WPVM. All program producers and show hosts are evaluated on their proficiency in
broadcasting and content that gives the listener valid information.
Show hosts/producers are required to provide 4 hours a month for each
hour of a show in volunteer time in support of WPVM 103.7 over and
above direct work on their own show. Where would you prefer to make
your volunteer contribution?

] Fund Raising
] News/ Public Affairs
] Music Library
] Office/Clerical Support (Radio Station or Business Office)
] Training Others
] Engineering/Technical
] Show Reviews & Critiques
] Public Events (Hosting, Distributing Literature, Tabling, MC-ing, etc.)
] Designing Promotional Materials
] Other (Describe)

What experience have you had working in: Radio, Advocacy, Presentations or other experience of interest?

When are you available during the week so we can schedule an interview
with you?
WPVM103.7 reserves the right, after a program is approved and run for a
full broadcast quarter (13 weeks), to determine if it may be continued or
re-formatted for the on-air schedule or discontinued. All programs are
monitored for quality, compliance with FCC guidelines, and audience acceptance.
Potential Producers must read and sign the WPVM Rights & Responsibilities located either at WPVM studio or at Scribd document hosting service
I agree to the extent allowed by law, to indemnify and save harmless
WPVM lp, its Board of Directors or members from any and all claims,
demands, damages or other liabilities which may be made against or
arise out of the broadcast of a program submitted by me whether or not
the program has been reviewed by WPVM programming committee prior
to broadcast.
Please attach a resume or brief bio as your personal introduction to us.

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