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Youve taken the most important step in confronting what appears to be a

potentially disastrous reality: Shemitah 2015.
Please read the White Paper below, Surviving Shemitahs Financial Chaos, for
a detailed perspective on what may occur in the West and throughout the world
in the fourth quarter of 2015 and how you can protect yourself.
We give you strategies that are absolutely necessary to your financial survival. If
there is ONE single action you need to take, its to inform yourself about the
Shemitah and what you need to do in response.



September 13, 2015

Are we facing a catastrophe? It is one that may begin in September of 2015 if

not sooner. A 3,000 year old mystery, called the Shemitah.

This White Paper is devoted to protecting yourself, your wealth and your loved
ones against the destructive ramifications of Shemitah.
Shemitah can refer to the year and also to the end date, which falls on
September 13, 2015. As I discovered through my research, Shemitah end-dates
are notoriously affiliated with significant crashes and military confrontations.
Financial elites on Wall Street call it the end of a seven-year cycle. There are
signs, as before, that September 13, 2015, could change everything about the
way we live and work and even relate to our communities and country.
While Shemitah may formally end in September, its ramifications could extend
well beyond. And even if nothing significant happens on September 13 or
even throughout this year it would be my opinion (again based on research)
that September 13 will mark the beginning of far more tempestuous times.
I should point out that my Shemitah analysis has emerged as part of my studies
of investing. I am not interested in the religious affiliations of financiers. Ive
never been especially active politically. Thus, this White Paper does not include,
for instance, a discussion of the virtues of one cultural group over another.
However, there are ramifications to Shemitah, as Ive discovered; those are
what I wish to investigate and address.
There is surely going to be a crisis in these markets that will have a significant
economic and monetary impact. People in Greece have already seen it. Only the
timing is in question. As they say, it is better to be a year early than a day late.
It is better to err on the side of caution, and that is what this White Paper will

People are uneasy. A Washington Examiner article reported that 72 percent in a

recent poll feared an economic crash and that those expressing concern were at
the highest level ever.
Even if people cannot explain exactly whats going on, they are consumed by
dread and fear for their financial futures. A big part of this is that the so-called
Great Recession in 2008 has never had a recovery.
Peoples purchasing power continues to decline, home ownership levels are
back at 90s levels and now one in five people in the US are on some form of
government welfare.

Hello, Im Jeff Berwick.

I started off like many people, blissfully unaware of how
the monetary, financial and political systems really work and it cost me tens of
millions of dollars. Being a serial entrepreneur I had started Stockhouse.com in
Canada in 1994. Still to this day it is Canadas largest financial website and I was

the founder and CEO of it from out of my house in 1994 until it reached its peak
of over 250 employees in eight countries around the world and a market value
of $240 million in 2000.
Then came the internet stock collapse and within a few months it was back to
one country, had eight employees and wasnt worth very much at all. I managed
to salvage it and ended up selling the company in 2002 after skirting with
That left me with a very serious, burning question, What happened?
I asked MBAs, economists and stock brokers how I could have built a company
from nothing to nearly a quarter of a billion dollars before losing almost all of
it in a short period of time. The answers were always a shrug and a, That just
happens sometimes.
I didnt accept that as an answer but I didnt know the answer either. So, I
bought a sailboat and decided to sail around the world while I read everything I
could on money, finance, economics and politics. I ended up sinking the boat in
El Salvador in a freak storm but continued on for five years travelling the world
in search of answers.
What I discovered was Austrian Economics and how that perfectly explained
how these bubbles are created. It is created by money printing of central
banks. And I also began to understand how liberty and free markets are the
best way for humans to self-organize and realized that central banks and
government are actually an unnecessary evil.
By then it was 2007, and I was expecting the crash that happened in 2008.
When that took place I realized I had a grasp on how things worked (one that

most people did not) and decided to start The Dollar Vigilante (TDV) in 2009 to
prepare people for the next collapse which I believe is coming soon and could
be much worse than 2008.

There are obviously no rules written down when it comes to Shemitahs

destructive effects and Shemitahs September occurrence may not be the end,
but only the beginning.
It could be that most of the difficulties of Shemitah, even end-day Shemitah,
take place later on, even in 2016. Perhaps the market goes down and then
shoots back up; or for some reason takes off due to a final burst of money
printing. But as youve seen by now, I have a general sense that a lot of crazy
things are going to start to happen in the fourth quarter of this year.
Look around: Have you read any other comprehensive analyses of Shemitah in
either the mainstream or alternative media? No, I dont believe there are any.
Im not surprised. We make our living by analyzing trends that others dont see.
And then by suggesting proactive solutions to ensure that your family and your
prosperity are protected even when others are not.
-Important Note: While this White Paper contains significant if general
commentary about Shemitah and potential antidotes, for day-to-day and
month-to-month solutions, youll want to take advantage of certain
subscription information at the end of this paper.
Please understand: There is no way I can propose individual solutions for as yet
undefined investment and market challenges. Those solutions will inevitably be
proposed in our TDV newsletter as we approach the Shemitah end-day.

These real-time solutions may prove invaluable to you, and I would implore you
to take them seriously. Its the reason why this White Paper isnt just providing
you with a general approach but is focusing on TDV newsletter coverage as well.
In fact, Ive put what you need to know in the context of our newsletter
coverage so that you can see clearly how we resolve general challenges with
specific solutions.
As we approach September youll hear more and more people talking about
Shemitah. As summer turns to fall, surely more problems like the current ones
involving Greece and China will erupt. People will begin to look into Shemitah
and will be astonished, as I was.

My journey toward understanding the Shemitah began in 2014 when Jonathan

Cahns book, The Harbinger, was published. Until that time I had never heard
the word Shemitah.
After I began researching it I realized that a large part of economic, financial and
political action seems to adhere to its timeline. Why that is is anyones guess
but remember, most of the elite running institutions like the Federal Reserve,
the IMF and most major governments are all part of secret societies (Free
Masons etc) heavily invested in symbology and numerology.
To begin, however, the Shemitah is the sabbath year, also called the sabbatical
year or sheviit.
What caught my attention was that the last day of the Shemitah for the past
two Shemitahs in 2001 and 2008 fell on the exact same days as a major market

The Shemitah fell on September 17th, 2001 and that was the first day the US
stock markets opened after 9/11. That day had the greatest one day stock
market point crash in US history up to that time. The Dow fell 684 points (very
close to 700), or 7%, and it was a record that held for precisely seven years until
the end of the next Shemitah year.
On September 29th, 2008, the exact final day of the Shemitah, the Dow
plummeted 777 points, which still today remains the greatest one day stock
market crash of all time. Noticing quite a few sevens? As well, on that day, it was
the only known day on the New York Stock Exchange where the Opening Bell
wouldnt ring.
2014 and 2015 is also a Shemitah year. It began on September 25, 2014. The day
before, on September 24th, the Dow Jones closed at 17,210. From September
25th until October 16th the market fell almost daily until it reached a bottom of
16,117 on October 16th. A total decline of nearly 7%.

I had been watching the September 25th date, as the start of the current
Shemitah, quite closely to see if there would be anything unusual on that date
and I shorted the market prior and bought a large amount of VIX (Volatility
Index) call options a few days before (as well as advising subscribers to do so)
and was happily surprised that the markets were very volatile from September
25th until the end of the year.
At that time I told subscribers that if they want to follow my thesis that they
shouldnt short the market so much as play the volatility through VIX derivatives
because all of the central bank printing makes it difficult to short this market.
That call paid off very well for that time period.
When I began to investigate Shemitah from a modern perspective and in
depth, I was astonished to see how market crashes and bottoms conformed to
the Sabbath year.
The Shemitah is just one of many factors that has me expecting serious chaos
this fall. In fact, I first began warning about what I call The End Of The Monetary
System As We Know It (TEOTMSAWKI), or more simply, the dollar collapse, in
2009 after I had predicted the collapse that occurred in 2008.
Ive outlined over the years since then all the reasons why there will be a
collapse of the US dollar and likely the entire monetary and financial system
which will cause an economic depression that could make 1929 look like a day at

As I pointed out in the video there are a large amount of events all planned for
this September which makes me think that something is being prepared for that
The 70th session of the United Nations being held on September 15th including
world leaders and the Pope is interesting timing, coming just two days after the
end of the Shemitah and just one day after the Jubilee year begins. As well, the
Pope will be addressing the US Congress soon after.
The Federal Reserve will also hold a meeting that week wherein they may
announce their long, seven-year awaited, rate hike which alone can topple the
entire economy loaded with debt and they are already moving operations
outside of New York to Chicago in expectation of a natural disaster that they
never gave specifics on.
NATO is spending $700 million to move its operations into the Cheyenne
Mountains to protect against an EMP attack. An EMP is an electro-magnetic
pulse and can be natural or manmade. If it is natural it is a pulse from the sun
that tends to happen about once every century. The last solar EMP occurred
during the Carrington event, when particles from a powerful coronal mass
ejection overloaded telegraph wires and set paper messages on fire in 1859.
Back in 1859 electronics were just starting to be used and so the results were
not catastrophic. However today, with the entire world dependent on
electrical power, a manmade or natural EMP would displace commerce so
thoroughly it would take years, if not decades, to return to normal.
The military is beginning a massive rollout of military equipment and personnel
all throughout the southern US called Jade Helm. This runs from July 15th to

September 15th. The Pentagon has been war-gaming for civil disorder for the
last few years.
And famous forecaster, Martin Armstrong, using his incredibly accurate
computer models that eerily predict the collapse of currencies, markets and
nation, has said that there will be a major crisis on October 1st, 2015. He made
that prediction more than 20 years ago.
And there are other strange events all occurring in or around September.
We have already been preparing for a massive crisis throughout the Western
financial, economic and monetary systems. This amount of unusual events all
happening in September has us thinking that the beginning of this coming crisis
could begin in that month.

The internet is changing how people look at the world. People are doubting
every facet of modern Western life from central banks, to vaccines, to
endless war for endless peace.
The obvious thrust of the powers-that-be is more globalism, more fiat money
printing, more internationalist consolidation of power. But the internet is
working in the opposite direction, freeing peoples minds from the false memes
of their academic educations.
This is where information about Shemitah becomes increasingly valuable from a
practical standpoint. Here we may begin to have a timeline as to when this latest
business cycle might turn.
Slowly, thanks to the internet, people are getting access to real information
and finally are beginning to question government propaganda. The political

and financial elites have taken notice, with John Kerry recently stating, This
internet is making it hard to govern.
Government, and governing, of course has the roots of the word in Latin from
the words guverno, which means to control and mentis, meaning mind.
Government is a form of mind control and once they lose their ability to control,
they will lose power.
After more than 40 years unrestrained by a gold standard, governments around
the world have reached peak debt as they continue to spend more than they
take in. After having come close to collapse in the late 1970s, the US based
financial and monetary system managed to hold together until it nearly, again,
collapsed in 2008.
We began The Dollar Vigilante to help prepare people for a collapse of the dollar
and fiat (government) paper currencies that we predicted to occur this decade.
Now, we think we have figured out the code; we are trying to get ahead of the
next orchestrated crisis this September.
It should be noted (optimistically), that if enough people begin to understand
Shemitahs negative potential, certain plans may have to be revised. Perhaps
crises can be averted or at least reduced Well have to wait and see. At the time
of this writing, however, very few people are aware of the history of Shemitah
and what it seems to portend. But by sharing our video and White Paper we
hope to change that.
Its easy to feel hopeless. But it does NOT have to be that way. You CAN be
prepared. You can not only survive, but prosper.

In this part of the White Paper, Ill introduce you to a number of Shemitah
solutions you can use. Also, Ill explain how our flagship newsletter publication
provides critical real-time information for subscribers that they may find
absolutely necessary in the upcoming months. Ill explain certain important
money-saving incentives and additional resources were providing for first-time
Our editors and contributors have a century or more of experience analyzing the
trends in finance, economics and politics. They know where to look and how to
isolate the information thats really important not just to you but to people of
power and insight around the world.
Its an art form, not a science and you need to know what to watch. You need
to be able to understand trends BEFORE they develop. If you do, the information
can be incredibly valuable.
We are now in the final end game for the collapse of the current global
monetary, financial, political and economic systems. Those who are not
prepared are going to get hurt in this collapse.
Here are basics, generally, of ways you can prepare presented within the
larger context of our TDV newsletters strategic positioning.
Gold and Silver
Gold and silver are basic building blocks of a disaster-resistant portfolio. In fact,
the gold-silver paradigm probably goes back thousands of years. Wealthy people
held their assets in gold while the working man preferred silver because it was
easy to get and spend.

A bank safe-deposit box is probably not a good idea because the banks boxes
are subject to federal confiscation. In the event that the government has reason
to suspend or close banks, you may risk losing your valuables forever. This
happened in July in Greece where the government ruled that people could not
withdraw cash or precious metals from their safety deposit box.
Home storage may be a better idea, though there are reasons especially theft
for why you might wish to forego that option. Also, there is the very real
possibility of the government, during collapse, confiscating gold, outlawing it or
taxing any purchase/sale at an egregious level. Its not like it hasnt happened
before. It happened in the US in 1933 after the Great Depression collapse.
For this reason having a significant amount of your precious metals
internationalized makes a lot of sense.
There are other alternatives for storing precious metals, and in the newsletter
we explore them as well via updates and new solutions make themselves
available. Also, we have written a report, free to subscribers ($44.95 value),
called Getting Your Gold Out Of Dodge, that tells you how and where to
internationalize your precious metals from the comfort of your own home.
In addition to regularly examining and updating ownership and delivery of gold
and silver, TDV is well known for offering one of the pre-eminent gold stock
analysts of our time: Ed Bugos.
Mr. Bugos has made fortunes for his clients and readers with his elegant
analyses of gold mining, especially when it comes to the so-called juniors.

As Mr. Bugos often reminds readers, this is a highly speculative investment

arena. However at the proper time it can be incredibly lucrative. The trick is
finding that timely opening and then finding equities that take advantage of it.
Much of the profitability in this sector is leveraged to the larger business cycle.
And this has proven confusing in the past decade because of the massive
interference that has been launched by the banking community and Wall Street.
There is no doubt that the cycle of the golden bull has been suppressed,
beginning with the downturn in the price of bullion several years ago. This
tricked many into believing that the business cycle was turning when in fact
it was not. We are STILL on the downside of a bear market in equities, even
though stock indexes would seem to indicate otherwise.
In truth, the business cycle has been frozen in place by massive interference
with gold and silver prices. Those who realize that the market for gold and silver
has been monumentally manipulated are also in a better position to take
advantage of the market as the cycle begins to turn again.
When it comes to individual stocks, Mr. Bugos is a proponent of classical
analysis, including supply, demand and cost factors. However, his analysis is also
more subtle than that as he realizes that the junior gold market is highly
susceptible to promotion.
In other words, with so many promising juniors available, one of the elements of
success inevitably ends up being the promotion expertise of management. Mr.
Bugos knows the industry and the most effective promoters as well. With Mr.
Bugos analysis, youll find it much less likely that youll end up with stocks that

have a good story but not public interest because the story is not being widely
And, if the price of gold and silver skyrocket, as we expect them to, many of the
junior mining stocks will go from less than $0.10 to even as high as $10 very
quickly. Gains like that have happened twice before, in the 1930s and 1970s.
We think it is about to happen again.
Anti-Shemitah Stock Strategies
You need specific stock strategies that can take advantage of the volatility and
asset depreciation of Shemitah. At the start of a tempetuous Shemitah year in
September 2014, we garnered a more than 50% gain within two weeks. Weve
just come up with a strategy could create a fortune should there be a massive
crisis this fall and with limited downside. The returns could be multiple
1,000% if it works out and if it doesnt we should be able to egress from the
trade with a minimal loss.
-Ed Bugos was one of the first analysts to turn bullish on gold in 2000 near
$250 as of July 2015 it was near $1,200
-Our most recent junior gold pick has risen from $0.06 at the start of the year
and as of July 2015 was at $0.22
-We first told subscribers to get into bitcoin at $3 within 2 years it surpassed
$1,000 where we told subscribers to sell and buy back in on a pullback

Often a key to becoming wealthy is simply knowing more than the other guy.
Youre probably not going to achieve that on your own. We aim to provide you
with the information you need to know more.
Opportunities in the Exploding Cannabis Sector
If we told you five years ago to invest in the marijuana business youd look over
your shoulder for cops. Yet, numerous years ago we advised our subscribers to
get into early stage marijuana/cannabis companies as we knew the regulatory
landscape was about to change.
It might sound counterintuitive to recommend a stock investment given the
chaos we expect. But if there is any sector that can prove resilient to Shemitah,
its the exploding cannabis opportunity.
In recessions and depressions very few investments go up. Some of the best
investments are often alcohol and cigarettes as millions of unemployed pass the
time waiting for job opportunities. We think that specific investments into the
cannabis industry worldwide could not only prove to be a good investment in
the coming Greater Depression, but a home run.
Theres no doubt that a shift of this magnitude is endorsed by the
powers-that-be that seek additional global enterprises along with worldwide
However, to state this does not do justice to the size of the opportunity.
Eventually, this new cannabis industry will rival the alcoholic beverage
industry at US$1 trillion a year. While this opportunity would seem to be one
that almost anyone can capitalize on, the reality is more complicated.

First of all, the industry will eventually be dominated by large corporations in a

manner similar to the beverage industry. In the case of cannabis, it is likely that
the large cigarette companies that already have acquired the necessary
manufacturing and distribution in a related field, will end up dominating
smokeable cannabis and the large pharmaceutical companies will dominate oils.
For this reason, investors will have to seek out smaller companies that will be
ripe for acquisition. And this is where it becomes more complicated. Many
companies will look promising to begin with, first in the field of medical cannabis
and then in the recreational arena.
Investors will discover too late that in a competitive industry there are certain
elements of production that will loom larger as competition evolves. Right now,
greenhouse growth of cannabis seems logical, but such growth comes with
costs. More likely, as the industry grows and becomes legal around the world,
growth will gravitate to companies that are situated where the growing season
is year round.
There will be other factors to consider, including the ease-of-production in
countries where considerable growing is taking place, the amount of private
sector involvement and governmental corruption and of course the quality of
the of the end product.
All these factors and numerous others are going to color the industry and its
opportunities. Here at TDV, were skilled at following the evolution of start-up
opportunities and have already compiled a list of companies that we intend to
follow. Weve already brought two private placement opportunities to our
subscribers that have had excellent returns.

Passports and Living Abroad

The news that up to 35 percent (and maybe more) of US citizens want to leave
the homeland comes as a shock to many.
A recent online poll of more than 2,000 adults by TransferWise, a peer-to-peer
money transfer service based in the United Kingdom, revealed that 35 percent
of American-born residents and emigrants would consider leaving the United
States to live in another country.
This percentage greatly increases for those age 18 to 34. More than half of
millennials, a whopping 55 percent, said that they would consider leaving the
U.S. for foreign shores. Among them, 43 percent of men and 38 percent of
women noted that a higher salary would be a factor in their relocation decision.
We werent surprised by these findings. As the Western world continues to fall
because of over-regulation, over-taxation and central bank money printing,
foreign residency and second citizenships have become topics of significant
At TDV we even started one of the largest second residency and
citizenship/passport providers, now known as TDV Global and it has helped
hundreds of people to expatriate.
The TDV newsletter often offers updates on traveling and settling abroad. These
include real options with a sound legal basis. Of course, there are only a limited
number of countries which offer a direct route to citizenship through investment
Antigua and Barbuda, Cyprus, Dominica, Malta, St. Kitts and Nevis, and
Venezuela or a clear route to citizenship following residency. However, there
are changes in status over time as well as emerging opportunities.

This goes for a second home as well. One needs to know not only suitable
regions but also the growing number of communities abroad that specialize in
expat resettlement. These are located in such places as Argentina, Chile and
Colombia to name a few.
Passports, residency and resettlement opportunities are all increasing
important at a time when significant social and economic chaos threatens.
will find regular discussions about these issues in the TDV newsletter. When you
are ready to act, TDV has services available to help facilitate your plans.
As well, we have a worldwide network of subscribers who have already
expatriated and made a life in a different country called TDV Groups. You can
access these hundreds of people and get on-the-ground info before you choose
to visit and move and then have a support network when you arrive.
Self-Directed IRA
Al Gore, when running for president, used to speak of a lock box in terms of
US social security. This was a lie. There is no box associated with US social
security. The program has just been treated as one more year-to-year source of
tax revenue. It has been borrowed against and pledged many times over.
If you are in your working/productive years, please make up your mind to forget
about ever seeing a social security check. It either wont be there or wont be
worth anything in a few years.
And, forget about your company pension plan too. Almost all corporate pension
plans are invested in things that are going to be either worthless or worthless in
the coming years, including US government bonds. Again, just ask people in

If you have a significant amount of funds in an IRA or 401k you should either
withdraw immediately (before it likely gets nationalized) or, if withdrawal is
not an option, move into a Self-Directed IRA.
A Self-Directed IRA allows you to invest your retirement funds into hard assets
worldwide (whereas a standard IRA does not allow you). You can even buy
foreign real estate.
It also allows you to internationalize your assets so when the situation becomes
so dire that officials begin to eye nationalization of your IRAs your assets.
Fortunately, you cant nationalize whats not there to grab. And with a little
forethought and planning, you can be one of the fortunate ones.
In our TDV newsletter, we offer continual updates on IRAs and other forms of
pension planning. This can be valuable for anyone thinking of retiring now or in
the near future. In addition, we offer actual Self-Directed IRAs.
The Dollar Vigilante newsletter was the first major financial publication to not
only mention bitcoin, at $3 in 2011, but to urge subscribers to get them.
We knew it was going to change the world and it continues to do so and is
currently worth about $300 per bitcoin.
We are so well known in the bitcoin community that many major bitcoin related
opportunities come straight through us and we have already told subscribers of
a number of investment opportunities to get into bitcoin related companies that
could very well pay massive returns.

Still, to this day, despite the massive success and billion dollar bitcoin economy
most other financial analysts ignore it. They wont for much longer as it is an
evolution in money and banking.
Again, people in Cyprus and Greece would have liked to know this knowledge
before Greek ATMs were shut down and people with a bank account in Cyprus
had 50% of their funds taken in a bank bail-in. This will continue to happen
and we expect bitcoin will soar.
And the related companies offering bitcoin technologies and services could be
the investment of a lifetime.
Special Reports
From time to time TDV delivers Special Reports on items of interest to our
subscribers. Past Special Reports include Investing in Junior Mining
Companies and Getting Your Gold Out Of Dodge and Bulletproof Shares.
We will be releasing our next one, called BEYOND EXPATRIATION A GUIDE
months which will show you how to legally live a completely income tax free
lifestyle all by internationalizing yourself and your wealth.
We also operate a subscribers-only Facebook Group where TDV subscribers can
meet and discuss topics amongst themselves. A great way to meet like-minded
Dollar Vigilantes! And Jeff Berwick and the rest of the analysts from TDV are
often there to answer questions.

Above, weve written about the critical information that TDV delivers. With
dozens of contributors and entrepreneurial experts placed strategically around

the world, were able to bring you the ability to act on the solutions we suggest
at virtually a moments notice.
Our new pricing structure introduces you to our newsletter at the lowest
possible cost: US$39.95. This is our lowest price ever our Shemitah special
-In addition to a special low price of $39.95, as a subscriber you get free access
to five years of back issues of The Dollar Vigilante. Nowhere else has this kind of
information available so easily and for such value.
-As part of your subscription you get access to the worldwide network of TDV
subscribers, called TDV Groups. These are hundreds of liberty-minded expats
and entrepreneurs who live around the world who can help you with any info
you need on visiting, moving or investing in their country or region. The group is
incredibly diverse and covers much of the planet. Numerous major business
ventures started in these groups.
-You will also have access to all of our Special Reports including Getting Your
Gold Out Of Dodge (GYGOOD). GYGOOD is a complete compendium of places
around the world where you can easily buy, sell or store precious metals often
without even leaving the comfort of your own home.
Getting Your Gold Out Of Dodge took over nine months to research and is
comprised of nearly 100 pages packed full of up-to-date insider information on
the most intelligent, economic, safe and secure ways of buying, selling, storing
and transporting gold (and other precious metals) throughout the world.


Another bonus for which you are eligible is our

recently acquired special edition of Glen Lee
Roberts already-legendary book on citizen
More and more expats are considering
renunciation because of recently implemented US
policy that demands foreign banks report to the
IRS on US citizen bank accounts. The invasive
demands include account income and other
pertinent information.
Banks can be blacklisted by the US if they do not cooperate. The result has
been a full-scale jettisoning of overseas US bank accounts, thus making it
increasingly difficult for US expats to live and work in other countries.
But it is not just overseas account demands that make US citizenship
increasingly onerous. There is the precarious situation of US finances that have
people increasingly worried that the taxes they are paying will never be paid out
in commensurate services. This is especially true when it comes to programs like
Social Security.
In fact, citizenship renunciation is up significantly and it would probably be
larger by hundreds of thousands if not millions if people had more resources or
were less worried about the process itself.

To rectify this last issue the fear and suspicion regarding renunciation
Roberts has written a book designed to familiarize people with the process of
The author writes from a position of unique experience: That day, June 21,
2013, I had walked into the US Embassy an American Citizen and walked out
without any nationality, Stateless an Earthling. A real-life man without a
Included are copies of government forms he filed in the process, as well as parts
of the US State Departments Foreign Affairs Manual which express the process
from the governments viewpoint. Of course, a copy of his Certificate of Loss of
Nationality of the United States (CLN) is also included, signed, sealed and
stamped by U.S government authorities.
Roberts states definitively that he cannot help you decide if you should
renounce your citizenship or not. But he takes you through the process so you
can exercise your rights if you decide to.
After reading this book youll know exactly what you need to do, and how to do
it. Included are copies of government forms filed in the process, as well as parts
of the U.S. State Departments Foreign Affairs Manual which expresses the
process from the governments viewpoint.
Renunciation is a significant step, and some may find it unpatriotic or have
other reservations. It is very obviously a sensitive, individual choice and
certainly not for everyone.
But given the growing invasiveness of US tax policy
abroad, it is one that you may already have considered or wish to consider
especially if you are an expat or have plans to go abroad permanently.


There is plenty of evidence that the disasters of Shemitah are shortly upon us
and will strike no later than September or October of this year.
Even if we dont experience immediate difficulties of the most extreme kind,
Shemitah may mark the beginning of a far more fragile and disaster-prone world
one that creates extreme suffering throughout 2016 and beyond.
Here at TDV, weve analyzed the problem and come up with specific solutions.
Weve discussed ways you can position your portfolio to take advantage of
whats surely going to occur in the not-so-distant future.
These solutions are not merely hypothetical but will be discussed on an ongoing
basis in real time, in other words. Each issue of the TDV newsletter features a
Shemitah Watch that exposes whats going in the markets and the sociopolitical
arena as well as projections about what may happen next.
Ive tried to give you an overview of Shemitah solutions in this White Paper.
Ive done my best to provide a high-altitude summary, and also to do it within
the context of our TDV newsletter strategy. But you will need to subscribe to
gain the full impact of the critical actions we are recommending.
I wish I could be more specific, but solutions are inevitably linked to real-time
events. Without confronting a specific frame-of-reference, providing exact
conclusions is simply not feasible. Such timeliness is especially critical when it
comes to focusing on time-sensitive investments such as gold stocks. These are
often thinly traded and the right moves at the correct moments can yield
extraordinary value.

Were known for the timing of our recommendations as well as accuracy. Heres
what some are saying about the TDV newsletter.

If youve read this far, youve probably gained some general insights into how to
position your wealth and your portfolio for the fall. This White Paper has
covered a broad gamut of solutions from asset-internationalization to second

residences to alternative investments in precious metals and cannabis and

more. Our Survive Shemitah discount package will add considerably to this
process, and get you through September for only US$39.95 (a special 3-month
Youll find monthly resolutions to various financial problems as well as updates
as necessary and youll be able to browse the entire back-end of the TDV
website including all of our previous newsletters. Youll have access to the
bonuses weve presented above.
Over the next months, receiving the right information at the right time can
influence the fate of your entire portfolio. It can mean the difference between
significant loss and substantial gains. These critical gains can further
strengthen your resources at home and abroad.
Of course, I dont want to discourage you from a longer subscription. If you are
already convinced of the value of our publication, you may wish to purchase an
entire years subscription for $150. And if you want all of TDVs Premium
information, analysis and specific stock recommendations you can sign up to our
Premium service for $250/year.
Sure, we could charge more: Millionaires and even billionaires are counted in
our subscriber base. But we want to make this information as widely available as
possible. In our minds, the more people we can help through this crisis, the
more people with capital will survive to build a new, better world.
We are verging on an era where accurate and insightful information will be
absolutely critical. You can count on TDV to bring cutting edge analysis to you on
a regular basis, just as we have provided the above Shemitah analysis to you.

Repetition often supports clarity, so let me repeat: We are offering a special

three-month subscription to the complete Dollar Vigilante newsletter including
regular Survive Shemitah updates for $39.95. Weve NEVER offered such a low

Subscribe Now!
If you want to guarantee a year of financial advice and analysis from The Dollar
Vigilante you can subscribe now and receive a discounted annual rate of $150.

Subscribe Now!
Do yourself and your family a favor by subscribing at this critical time. And
please forward our Shemitah video to others so they too will be alerted to the
gravity of the challenges they may face over the next months and into 2016.
Your friends and family may not act on the information but after events come
true this fall at least you can say you tried to warn them.
So many are without necessary resources through no fault of their own. Lets
reach as many as possible with the message of Shemitah and the necessity for
Please subscribe and pass the message on.
Thank you.

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