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Microbes and health

A microbe (from the greek scientific [microbes]; [micros], 'small',

and [bios] said, 'life' ;1 living being tiny), also called organism, is a living being,
or a biological system, which can only be viewed with the microscope. The science
that studies the microorganisms is the microbiology. Are agencies with individuality
that present, unlike plants and animals, a biological organization elementary. In
their majority are unicellular, although in some cases concerned agencies
cenoticos compounds by multinucleated cells, or even multicellular
The concept of micro-organism is operational and it lacks any taxonomic or
phylogenetic implication because it encompasses unicellular and multicellular
organisms not evolutionarily related among themselves, both prokaryotes (such as
bacteria), and eukaryotes (such as the protozoa), a part of the algae and fungi, and
even biological entities acellular such an ultramicroscopic level in size, such as
viruses or prions.
The latter are generally not considered living beings and therefore are not
microorganisms in the strict sense; however, are also included in the field of study
of microbiology. Microbes have multiple shapes and sizes.

The importance of microbial diversity in the intestinal Health and

Their gastrointestinal tract is now widely considered as one of the most complex
microbial ecosystems on Earth. You will very likely have a basic knowledge of the
fact that microbes in their intestine affect your digestion. But its influence extends
far beyond, reaches to the brain, heart, skin, mood, weight and the list goes on
and on
This whole intestinal microflora is part of your immune system and secretwjgeneral 80 percent of it originates in your intestine. Researchers have discovered
that the microbes of all kinds play an instrumental role in the functioning of your
body. For example, the beneficial bacteria, also known as probiotics, have shown:

Counteract inflammation and control

the growth of disease-causing

Control asthma and reduce the risk of allergies

Produce vitamins, absorb minerals and eliminate toxins

Microbes and humans

Microbes can only be seen under the microscope, represent

the most basic necessities of life; to protect us from diseases
that could produce it is important to know about them.

personal hygiene
Pathogenic microbes
Are those capable of producing disease or damage. For example the viruses,
bacteria, fungi and protozoa. These microscopic beings produce diseases that can
conclude with our life
The skin is our first barrier against the diseases;
and to prevent it, it is necessary to keep it clean
and bathe frequently.
According to the way of life and climatic
conditions, soil, among others; there are
diseases that affect more in one country than in
others. We have as an example the Cholera,
a disease that was spread from India. This is
caused by a bacterium and is manifested as an
intestinal infection that causes diarrhea.

Of all the diseases caused by viruses, cold (cold or the flu) is the most common
known. It is produced by a virus that is transmitted in the air currents. The flu is a
mild viral infectious disease of the nose, throat and upper respiratory system. Your
symptoms are sneezing, runny nose, headache, runny nose and congestion,
normally lasts between 3 and 10 days, is one of the most common diseases. The
incubation period is the initial stage of a disease in which develops without
symptoms appear external. The Convalescence is the period that follows after
completion of a disease and ends when the health is restored. There are deadly
diseases such as AIDS that are produced by a virus that is transmitted by sexual
contact. AIDS affects humans infected with HIV or human immunodeficiency virus .


1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7617/
2. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/05/15/microbialdiversity-gut-flora.aspx
3. http://www.microbiologyonline.org.uk/about-microbiology/microbesand-the-human-body/microbes-and-disease

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