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celebrates the spirit of innovation in technology. This year its horizons have been
broadened. Apart from a massive inter-school Tech Quiz, hosted by Rajiv Makhni,
there will be a Product Design Competition too. Through this, students will get the chance to step into the
shoes of an entrepreneur and present a viable product on the theme of 'health to the judges.
Guests at the Shri Tech Quiz 2014 included Mr. Rajiv Makhni, Mr. Saket Modi and Mr. Kunal Sarvarkar.
Nineteen schools participated in the Senior category and sixteen in the Junior category.
ShriTeq15 aims at testing both the knowledge of technology as well as product innovation.
Broad topics for the Junior Quiz include basic IT concepts, a knowledge of logos, and latest developments in
the ICT field. Personalities in technology, business and trivia about business owners are some, but not all
topics for the Senior Quiz.

A few must-have applications in every students life

1. PhotoMath
PhotoMath lets you point your phone
camera at a math problem and the
app will answer the question and
sh o w y o u th e ste p -b y -s te p

4. Flipboard
Tired of your teachers saying you lack
general knowledge? Flipboard will
give you a collection of great news
items from around the world based
on what you find interesting.

2. Sleep Cycle
It analyses your sleep and wakes you
up during your lightest sleep phase
the next morning so that you feel
more rested when you wake up

5. Khan Academy
More than 4,200 educational videos
that let you learn about anything
from math to computing from music
to college admissions.

3. Self Control
This app blocks certain websites
that can distract you from studying,
for a set amount of time.

6. Alarmy
Rated 'The World's Most Annoying
Alarm App. This app makes you
solve a math equation or take a
picture to match one taken earlier. If
you fail at the task, the alarm
continues to ring.

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Technology Well Miss:

1. Gameboy: The revolutionary
Gameboy had every child hooked to his
or her screen, trying to defeat
Pokmon gym masters and attempting
to assemble the blocks in Tetris.
2. Cassettes: Before the existence of
Netflix, Putlocker and DVDs, cassettes
the size of books were used to watch
our favourite movies.
3. Walkman: The Walkman was the
first ever music storage system and
immediately took markets by storm.
Thought to be the pioneer of portable
music, the Walkman paved the way for
future devices like the iPod.
4. Flip Phones: These phones marked
the era when one could stylishly flip
their phones shut after a fight. We
dont however miss those text pads the horror of having to type two letters
on the same button still haunts us.

Technology Were Excited About:

1. 3D Printer: The 3D printer has
made our dreams of making our own
chocolate relatively true and we could
not be more grateful. Were proud to
say we have one of these in our school,
made by our own students.
2. Lexus Hoverboard: This device
makes Subway Surfer look realistic. It
uses gravitational levitation and can be
tricky to balance on, but will still
probably be a huge success.
3. Windows HoloLens: Microsoft
HoloLens is the first fully untethered,
holographic computer, enabling
high-definition holograms to integrate
with your world.
4. Automated Truck: These self
driving trucks have appeared to mixed
responses. However, these trucks may
be used in Nevada ,USA and Australia.

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