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Uses and Gratification Theory

Uses and gratifications theory is an approach to understanding why and how people
actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs. These are recognised as
we see our final product and see that it is relevant to several of the main categories
that come under UGT. The main categories are Information, Entertainment, Personal
Identity, Integration and Social Interaction.
Gaining a sense of security through knowledge Throughout Gods Gift,
viewers may feel better knowing that Jacks situation is better than it was at
the start of the film.
Finding out about relevant events and conditions in immediate
surroundings, society and the world the deep reason behind the need of
drug use and life problems are not normally known and are hidden. Therefore,
our short film shows some of the reasons and shows what goes in on Jacks
life as a result of this.
Seeking advice on practical matters or opinion and decisions/choices
Viewers that have the same situation as our character may be influenced to
not make the same decision as our character or may be follow the actions as
the main character
Satisfying curiosity and general interest Most of our audience will be
watching our film due to curiosity as our character portrays the different side
to society which may interest some people. Therefore, their curiosity will likely
be satisfied when they see the result of Jacks situation.
Filling Time - As with most films, our viewers will be watching our short film
when they have some free time.
Escaping or being diverted from problems People will often watch other
people have problems, such as Jacks, as a form of escape from their own
Getting essential cultural or visual enjoyment Characters in our film as
well as our locations we have chosen that applies to this culture making it
more relateable as well as more interesting for our audience.
Personal Identity:
Identifying with media role models Our film doesnt contain any known
role models. However, films in the same genre often do and the audience can
relate to them due to a sense of realism
Finding reinforcement for personal value Some of the topics within our
film may cause some difference in opinion amongst our audience and
therefore those who to choose to watch the film will watch to see if their views
are supported.

Integration and Social Interaction;

Finding a basis for conversation and social interaction The topics in our
film are likely to be debatable which may spark some sort of discussion
between viewers.
Identifying with others and gaining a sense of belonging When others
agree with a viewer on an issue in the film, the viewer is likely to feel more like
they belong and therefore appreciate the media product.
Gaining insight into circumstances of others; social empathy Viewers
would more likely feel more empathetic towards Jack as many of the
problems in his life lead to his demise when in reality he just wanted a stress
free life.

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