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Infection, Infectious Diseases and Epidermiology [start at slide 42]

1. What is the difference between commensalism and mutualism?
2. How much bacteria does a person have in a 1 cm^3 piece of skin?
3. What are the 8 resident microbacteria of the upper respiratory tract?
4. What is special about the nose?
5. How are the microbials of the trachea compared to the nose and the mouth?
6. Which part of the upper respiratory tract is anexic?
7. What are the ten resident microbacteria of the upper digestive tract?
8. What parts of the body contain lactobacillus?
9. What parts of the body contain Clostridium?
10.What parts of the body contain Fusobacterium?
11.What parts of the body contain Bacteriodes
12.What parts of the body contain STapylococcus?
13.Which parts of the body contain Streptococcus?
14.What bacteria is present in the conjunctiva?
15.T/F in the lower digestive tract the bacteria are strictly anaerobes
16.What does the flow of urine prevent?
17.Where do the microbiota live on the skin?
18.Which parts of the skin are anexic?
19.What is the significance of tears when compared to skin, what does it do to
the microorganisms in the eyes?
20.Name 5 anexic environments?
21.Name some examples of microbial antagonism?
22.Name a few portals of entry?
23.What is a specific microbe which has a specific portal of entry?
24.Where would a student find mucous membranes?
25.Where can pathogens enter in the skin?
26.What pathogens enter the skin by burrowing?
27.What are some examples of the parenteral route?
28.What causes toxoplamosis?
29.What is the effect of toxoplasma gondii?
30.What is the classification of toxoplasma gondii?
31.What are examples of bacteria that affect the placenta?
32.An fetus is aborted and is shown to have multiorgan birth defects, which of
the following pathogens was the most likely cause of this?
a. Treponema pallidium
b. Listeria monocytogenes
c. Rubivirus
d. Cytomegalovirus
33.Which of the following conditions will NOT result in the fetus being aborted
a. Syphilis
b. Toxoplasmosis
c. Listeriosis
d. Erythema infectiosum
34.Which of the following is asymptomatic in presentation?
a. Treponema pallidum
b. Listeria monocytogenes
c. Lentivirus

d. Cytomegalovirus
35.What is the difference between LD and ID?
36.T/F The values of LD and ID are absolute results, not the relative comparisons
of experimental results
37.What is pathology concerned with?
38.What is the difference between infection and disease?
39.T/F Infection is the same as disease
40. Give the meanings of the following words:
a. Idiohepatoma
b. Teratogen
c. Septicarditis
41.T/F A symptom is an objective change.
42.T/F a symptom is a subjective change
43.Y for symptom and I for sign
a. Pain
b. Swelling
c. Rash
d. Bubo
e. Malaise
f. Itching
g. Tachycardia
44.What is a diagnosis made by?
45.What is the significance of Koch?
46.Name the 4 steps in the application of Kochs postulates?
47.What are 5 exceptions to Kochs postulates?
48.Which of the following can grow in artificial culture?
a. Treponema pallidum
b. Mycobacterium leprae
c. Bacteria
d. Viruses
49.WHhat are some pathogens that may cause several different disease
50.What is a pathogen?
51.What is bacillus anthracis
a. Primary pathogen
b. Secondary pathogen
c. Opportunistic pathogen
52.What is candida albicans with immunesupperession
a. Primary pathogen
b. Secondary pathogen
c. Opportunistic pathogen
53.What is pseudomonas aeruginosa with burns
a. Primary pathogen
b. Secondary pathogen
c. Opportunistic pathogen
54.What is the difference between pathogenicity and virulence?
55.What are 4 virulence factors contributing to an organisms virulence?
56.Which is the most virulent
a. Yersinia pestis
b. Bordetella pertussis

c. Francisella tularensis
d. Lactobacilli
57.What is the difference between viruses and bacteria in terms of adherence
58.What can make a microorganism avirulent?
59.Which of the following bacteria produces a capsule in the right environmental
a. Bacillus anthracis
b. Mycoplasma Tuberculosis
c. Streptococcus pneumoniae
d. More than one of the above
e. What is the other options . . .
60.What is so special about M protein of S. Pyogenes?
61.What is special about mycolic acids in the cell wall of M. tuberculosis
62.What are exoensymes?
63.What is the + of having them for the pathogen?
64.______________ kill white blood cells and ___________ kill red blood cells.
______________ form blood clots while __________ break down blood clots.
___________________ break down tissue between cells.
65.______________ breaks down collagen
66.___________________________ kills host cells
67._______________ destroys plasma membranes
68.________________ scavenge and bind iron.
69.Why do bacteria need iron?
70.What are invasins?
71.What is often the primary factor of pathogenicity
a. invasins
b. toxin
c. kinase
d. leucocidin
72._________ presence of toxins in the blood
73.___________ inactivated toxin used in vaccination
74.What is the difference between an endotoxin and an exotoxin?
75.Write N for endotoxin and X for exotoxin and B for both
a. Result of bacterial metabolism
b. Treatment of G- may worsen symptoms
c. Toxoid
d. Heat stable
e. Part of outer membrane LPS of G-. released when bacteria die
f. Source: Gram ve bacteria
g. Metabolic product secreted from living cell
h. Low toxicity
i. Not fever producing
j. Strong antigenicity
k. Not feasible for toxoid formation for immunization
l. Botulism
m. Typhoid fever
n. Cholera
o. Gas gangrene
p. Urinary tract infections
q. Diphtheria


Endotoxic shock
is the pyrogenic response? What does it cause?
are the steps to the pyrogenic fever?
the stages of infectious diseases in order
i. Incubation period
ii. Illness
iii. Convalescence
iv. Prodromal
v. decline
b. I, ii, ii, v, iv
c. Iv, ii, iii, I, v
d. I, iv, ii, v, iii
79.Put the incubation periods in order
i. Leprosy
ii. Syphilis
iii. Hepatitis
iv. Cholera
vi. Influenza
80.What is the difference between an acute chronic and latent disease
81.Which of the following is a latent disease?
a. Hepatitis B
b. HSV
c. Shingles
d. Influenza
e. More than 1 of the above
82.Which of the following is an acute disease
a. Hepatitis B
b. HSV
c. Shingles
d. Influenza
e. More than 1 of the above
83.What is a subclinical infection?
84.What kind of infection is Hepatisis A?
85.What kind of infection id poliovirus?
86.What is the difference between local, focal, and systemic infection?
87.What is the difference between communicable, contagious, and noncommunicable diseases?
88.What are reservioirs of infection
89.What is a resovoir?
90.What are the three types of resovoirs?
91.Will a human reservoir be symptomatic?
92.What are zoonoses
93.What are some examples of animal reservoirs?
94.What are some examples of nonliving resovoirs?
95.What are clostridium sp
96.[table questions]
97.What are the three modes of disease transmission
98.What are three types of contact transmission?
99.What are three types of vehicle transmission?

What are two types of vector transmission?
What is the difference between droplet, airbone, and waterborne
What is the difference between direct and indirect transmission?
What is the difference between foodborne, mechanical, biological
What tends to be more contangious of the viruses [airborne]
What does vector transmission refer to? [some kind of insect biting
insect, tick, mosquito malaria, arthropods]
How do you prevent direct transmission
What is a formite
What is the prevention of indirect transmission
How many droplets does a sneeze have?
How far do the droplets travel
What are some mediums that can be used in vehicle transmission
How is water a medium for vehicle transmission
What are some diseases that can be spread through water?
How can food transmit diseases
What are diseases associated with food
What is the mechanism of action in air?
What are diseases in air?
What are the 2 methods that arthropods transmit diseases?
What are risk factors for infection?
What are general factors for infection
What is the significance of air
What are some local factors that are risk factors for infection
What are invasive procedures that are risk factors for infection
What are diseases which are risk factors for infection?
What are community acquired infections
What are nosocomial infection
What is the significance of MRSA in relation to nosocomial infection?
What are some common nosocomial infections?
What are some different LRTI
What are some different UTIs
What are some different surgical wound infections?
Whaat are some different bloodstream infections?
What is the most common nosocomial infection?
What is the second most common nosocomial infection?
What is the least common nosocomial infection?
What microorganism is the most common in the infections?
What is the cause of staphylococcus aureus?
What is epidemiology?
What are some etiology of disease?
What are some important factors to consider in relation to the
identification of patterns?
What does prevalence indicate?
Sporatic disease


What is an example of a sporatic disease?

Endemic disease
What is an example of a epidemic disease?
Pandemic disease
What is a common pandemic disease?
What is linking a common thread?
Who is john snow? What did he do?
Who is semmelweis?
What is the importance of case reporting

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