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SUBMITTED TO: Mr. Champuku, Lott

Student name

Registration number

Konzo, Eliya


Cleophace, Patric


Question 1;
Write a program to implement 3 classes which perform the following tasks.
(a) Addition & Subtraction

(b) Multiplication
(c) Division and remainder
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//a class to perform Addition and subtraction
class AddSub {
double a, b;
double add() {
return a + b;
double sub() {
return a - b;
void setvalues(double,double);
//a class to perform multiplication
class Mult {
double a, b;
double operate() {
return a * b;
void setvalues(double,double);
//a class to perform division and provide a remainder
class Div {
int a, b;
int devide() {
return a / b;
int rem() {
return a%b;
void setvalues(int,int);
//body definitions for setvalues() method for each above classes
void AddSub::setvalues(double m,double n) {
a = m;
b = n;
void Mult::setvalues(double m, double n) {
a = m;
b = n;
void Div::setvalues(int m, int n) {
a = m;
b = n;
//The main class which defines the main entry of thee application
int main()


AddSub addsub;
Mult mult;
Div div;
double a, b;
int choice;
cout << "Enter a number of a task you wish to perform... \n";
cout<<" 1. Addition\n 2. Substraction\n 3. Multiplication\n 4. Division\n 5. Quit program.\n
cin >> choice;
if (choice<5&&choice>0) {
cout << "enter your first number.. \n";
cin >> a;
cout << "enter your second number.. \n";
cin >> b;
cout << endl;
switch (choice)
case 1:
addsub.setvalues(a, b);
cout<<a<< " plus "<<b<<" equals "<<addsub.add()<<endl;
case 2:
addsub.setvalues(a, b);
cout << a << " minus " << b <<" equals "<< addsub.sub() << endl;
case 3:
mult.setvalues(a, b);
cout << a << " multiplied by " << b << " equals "<< mult.operate() << endl;
case 4:
div.setvalues(a, b);
cout << a << " divided by " << b << " equals " << div.devide();
if (div.rem()) {
cout << " remainig " << div.rem() << endl;
else {
cout << endl;
case 5:
return 0;
cout << "\n Invalid operation choice please try again\n";
cout << "\n\n\n\n Choose a different option or 5 to quit... \n ";
return main();

Output for question 1;

1. Choice screen, the user will be given a screen showing available tasks and
will choose a desired task by pressing a button on screen.

2. If a person chooses 1(Addition) he/she will be prompted to enter a first then

second number. In this sample the user have entered 45 and 60 as first and
second numbers respectively.

The output will be: 45 plus 60 equals 105 then the program will display the
choices again.
3. If a person chooses 2(Subtraction) he/she will be prompted to enter a first
then second number. In this sample the user have entered 60 and 45 as first
and second numbers respectively.

The output will be: 60 minus 45 equals 15 then the program will display the
choices again.
4. If a person chooses 3(Multiplication) he/she will be prompted to enter a first
then second number. In this sample the user have entered 60 and 45 as first
and second numbers respectively.

The output will be: 60 multiplied by 45 equals 2700 then the program will
display the choices again.

5. If a person chooses 4(Division) he/she will be prompted to enter a first then

second number. In this sample the user have entered 60 and 45 as first and
second numbers respectively.

The output will be: 60 multiplied by 45 equals 1 remaing 15 indicating 15 as a

remainder, then the program will display the choices again.
6. If a person chooses any number less than 1 or greater than 5 the program
will display a message invalid operation choice please try again.
7. If the user chooses 5. The program will quit immediately.

Question 2;
Write a program to implement 2 classes which will compute the following tasks
(a) Factorial of a number
(b) Quadratic equation
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Fist class fact to handle factorial (reclusively)
class Fact {
int factorial(int n)
if (n == 0)
return 1;
return n * factorial(n - 1);
//Second class for quadratic
class Quad {
double a, b, c,root;
double check_imaginary() {
return root >= 0;
double quad_pos()
return ((-b) + sqrt(root)) / (2 * a);
double quad_nag()
return ((-b) - sqrt(root)) / (2 * a);
void set_values();

//Body definition for set values in the Quad class
void Quad::set_values() {
cout << "Enter a \n";
cin >> a;
cout << "Enter b \n";
cin >> b;
cout << "Enter c \n";
cin >> c;
root = (pow(b, 2)) - (4 * a*c);
//main class defines the entry point of the application
int main()
Quad quad;
Fact fact;
int n;
int choice;

cout << "\nEnter a number of a task you wish to perform... \n";

cout <<" 1. Factorial\n 2. Quadratic\n 3. Quit program.\n \n";
cin >> choice;
switch (choice)
case 1:
cout << "Enter a number to find the factorial\n";
cin >> n;
cout << "The factorial is " << fact.factorial(n) << endl;
case 2:
cout << "Rearrange your quesation in form of ax + bx + c = 0\n";
if (!quad.check_imaginary()) {
cout << "\nThe given equation have no real roots\n";
else if (quad.quad_nag() == quad.quad_pos()) {
cout << "the value of x is " << quad.quad_nag() << endl;
else {
cout << "the value of x is " << quad.quad_nag() << " or " <<
quad.quad_pos() << endl;
case 3:
return 0;
cout << "\nInalid choice. try again....\n";

return main();

Output for question 2;

1. Choice screen, the user will be given a screen showing available tasks and
will choose a desired task by pressing a button on screen.

2. If a person chooses 1(Factorial) he/she will be prompted to enter a number. In

this sample the user have entered 4.

The output will be: The factorial is 24 then the program will display the

choices again.
3. If a person chooses 2(Quadratic) he/she will be prompted with how to format
his/her equation then enter values of a b and c. In this sample the user have
entered 1, 3 and -4 as first, second and third numbers respectively.

The output will be: the value of x is -4 or 1 then the program will display the
choices again.
4. If a person chooses any number less than 1 or greater than 3 the program
will display a message invalid operation choice please try again.
5. If the user chooses 3. The program will quit immediately.

Question 3;
Write a program to compute series of even & odd numbers from 0-30; using user
defined functions
using namespace std;
//custom function even to provide even numbers taking one parameter max of type int
void even(int max) {
for (int i = 1; i <= max; i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
cout << i << ", ";
//custom function odd to provide odd numbers taking one parameter max of type int
void odd(int max) {
for (int i = 0; i <= max; i++) {
if (i % 2 != 0) {
cout << i << ", ";
//application entry
int main()
cout << "This program will list even and odd numbers from 0 to 30\n\n\n";
cout << "Even numbers are.. ";
cout << "\nAnd Odd numbers are... ";
cout << endl;

return 0;

Output for question 3;

The application will display the following when run

listing even numbers from 1-30 as required.


Question 4;
Write a program to implementing function which will compute the temperature in
Celsius [Assuming the input temperature is farenheight]
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//a function to accept Fahrenheit (double) and return Celsius (double)
double centigrade(double f) {
return (f - 32) * 5 / 9;
int main()
double f, c;
cout << "Enter Fahrenheit Temperature \n";
cin >> f;
c = centigrade(f);
cout << "The temprature is " << c <<" degree Celsius\n\nEnter 1 to convert another
temprature or anything to quit\n";
int choice;
cin >> choice;
if (choice == 1) {
cout << endl << endl;
return main();

return 0;

Output for question 3;

1. The application will prompt the user for temperature in Fahrenheit when run,
in this sample the user has entered 212

the program will display output The temperature is 100 degree Celsius;
2. The program will then ask the user to choose if he/she wants to convert
another temperature, pressing 1 will restart the application, any other key will
end the application.


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