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Key Royal Condominium Association, Inc.

Board Of Directors Meeting

May 13, 2009

Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting

Date of Meeting: May 13, 2009

Time of Meeting: 7:00 P.M.
Place of Meeting: Key Royal Clubhouse, 8204 Key Royal Lane, Naples, FL. 34119

President Ken Stephens called the meeting to order at 7:04 P.M.

Call to Order

Roll Call: Ken Stephens and Sharon Stites were present. Joseph Kalinowski was absent.
Quorum present- 2/3.
Also present was Susan L. Bedyan and Steve Rodeiro; Property Managers.

Reading and Approval of the Minutes from the March 30, 2009 Board of Directors

Motion by Sharon Stites to waive reading of the minutes and approve them as written.
Second by Ken Stephens
Vote 2:0
Motion carried

Old Business:

Exit/Entry Gate Status

Ken Stephens addressed that the gates are now back in complete operation as of May
7, 2009, but that a recent late night incident caused by a resident pushing into the
entrance gate causing his vehicle to become wedged and needed the assistance of our
security guard to free himself.

Gateswork did arrive the next business morning and did not find any damage, but
should any further developments arise, the resident would be held liable for the
Officers Reports

Ken Stephens began by explaining how the meeting would be handled; that comments
and questions would be handled during three specifics areas; after the discussion and
adoption of new flooring specifications, pool rule review and discussion and a general
question and answer section where questions related or unrelated to the agenda would
be answered.

Presidents Report

Ken Stephens began by discussing the troublesome events resulting from the
reinstatement of the Pool Monitor, enforcement of the pool rules and the importance
of keeping the peace within the community, that the rules have remained the same for
3+ years, and that the rules must be followed per the Documents of the Association.

Ken also mentioned that all pool passes and keys must be shown to the Pool Monitor ,
and violations such as jumping or diving will be discouraged, all rules must be
followed by everyone and that civility among all residents and guests at the pool must
be enforced to ensure safety and enjoyment for all.

Ken also asked residents to bring problems to Susan’s attention in the office and or
the Board’s attention ( in person or in writing) and that residents should not insert
themselves in the middle of issues for safety reasons and to avoid additional friction.

Ken also discussed the Association’s first official eviction proceeding being filed and
that unfortunately Association Attorney John Goede was unable to attend the meeting
to elaborate further.

Ken reviewed the previous Wednesday evening’s presentation by the Golden Gate
Fire Control Rescue District on the following subjects: fire safety, hurricane
preparation and May 12, 2009 millage referendum, which did pass and thanked the
residents who attended.

Ken thanked the Beautification Committee for the plantings in front of the clubhouse,
circle and gate entry donation and their continued desire to volunteer to re-plant new
plants that the Association will purchase from hereon.

Ken thanked the volunteers; Jeanne Miller, Anne Schultz and Stephanie Weinhardt for
sponsoring the first showing of our Friday Night Flicks and is currently scheduled for
a second showing on June 5, 2009.
Ken updated our Channel 95 security channel, we are currently working with our gate
company and may be enlisting assistance from Comcast to clarify the problem and the
Community Channel which has never been used which is currently in the works for
either channel 94 or 96. This will help with community postings, updates, etc.

Vice President’s Report

Sharon Stites commented on the presentation of the Golden Gate Fire Department and
her disappointment with the turnout and that brochures are available in the clubhouse
explaining Hurricane Preparedness and Fire Prevention.

Sharon also discussed the enormity of the management of the Association and how
much preparation and work is involved with the day-to-day operation regarding
vendors, emails, etc., and hopefully an increase to the number of Board members will

Treasurer’s Report

Ken Stephens handled the Treasurer’s Report in Joe Kalinowski’s absence:

Balance of main Operating Account $ 56,653.21

Balance of Escrow Account for Insurance Escrow $24,109.60
Balance of Money Market Reserve Account ( in lieu of CD) $ 5,046.92
Balance of Egress Account (Easement with Laurel Lakes) $ 7,040.69
Balance of Reserves CD’s $205,471.20 (total)
( broken down as follows:

CD $102,735.60
CD 51,367.80
CD 51,367.80

Interest-January 2009-April 2009 $ 2,317.23

Interest-April 2009 $ 581.00

Ken also explained that money has been used for the building painting and that the
balance will vary due to the installment payments.

Assessment delinquencies were discussed for the past several quarters and currently
total $171,900.01.

The total delinquencies for the current quarter $57,510.93 ( approximately one –
quarter of the total fees that should have been collected).
Delinquencies over 90 days; $ 116,504.93; a majority of those sitting in Attorney
Action, foreclosures, pre-foreclosures and a small percentage of people who take
longer to pay their assessments.

Water delinquencies are roughly $4,000.00.

Committee Report

There was nothing new to report on the Laurel Lakes easement. We are still waiting
to find out who the new Board members will be should we need to contact them for
future dealings.

Management Report

The following items were discussed to update the status of management and
maintenance within the Association:

• Elias Brothers- The re-painting of the 1st Floor Breezeways for Buildings 1 and 2 has
been completed. After careful review, it was determined that this was a necessary
measure as a result of several large patches of paint chipping and peeling. The second
and third floors will be monitored for wear and tear and may be “spot-patched” in the

• Crystal Clear Fountains examined the Sunrise Lake motor on Saturday, May 9, 2009 to
respond to a report of a malfunction. The motor had been tripped off despite the light
functioning correctly. Crystal Clear has reported a lack of maintenance on the motor and
should it trip off again, may result in the replacement of the motor. We are expecting a
proposal for maintenance.

• Crystal Clear also replaced a 120 volt 300 watt light in the Lake Fountain at a cost
of $ 286.20. The glass was shattered on one side and pieces of glass were missing.

• South Point Pool Service –has installed a new pool heater and filter manifold at a cost of
$ 4,040.00. We have also received a proposal to replace the spa filter canister base at a
cost of $467.00. This installation is expected to occur on Thursday, May 14, 2009.

• Any Town Tree is scheduled to trim palms on May 27, 2009.

• As of May 7, 2009, Affordable Alarm and Monitoring has taken over the Clubhouse
Burglar Alarm monthly monitoring at price of $ 24.00 (+ tax) per month.
• Golf Carts-We are currently on a month-to-month lease with B & W Golf Carts at a cost
of $353.00 for one gas and one electric cart. We are researching whether to purchase or
continue leasing and the pros and cons between gas vs. electric carts.

• Gateswork-Installed a new LED photo plate on the keypad to enhance nighttime viewing
and emergency battery backup for the exit gate operators, which will ensure that the gate
will open automatically and remain open on both sides during a power outage. When
power is restored, the gates will close and the gate operators will return to normal
position. The total cost for both installations is $1,959.68.

• Building Cleaning-We have experimented with several methods of cleaning the buildings
and breezeways and have determined that both the power-washer and “hover-cover” are
too harsh and causes the removal of paint and caulking from the breezeways. Therefore,
mopping has proven to be the best method. The water supply is provided from the end
units and we have purchased a portable hose bib to gauge usage and enable us to provide
credits to the water bills for those units.

The cleaning began on a select few random buildings (determined by wear and tear), and
after the completion of buildings 12, 13, 15, & 16, a normal chronological cycle of
cleaning will begin.

Steve Rodeiro added that Ernest Martinez has returned to Key Royal temporarily from St.
Croix on a part-time basis to assist with the training of our new maintenance worker Roy
Irizarry who began employment at Key Royal on May 12, 2009. Ernest had previously
been employed by Key Royal part-time during the evenings, but resigned from this
second job as it became overwhelming after his full-time job at St. Croix. After being
trained, Roy will be solely responsible for the maintenance and cleaning of buildings,
thereby eliminating the need for two maintenance workers.

• Accurate Air Conditioning has provided our six month a/c maintenance (4 units) in the
clubhouse and (4) mini-splits the meter rooms in Buildings 3, 4, 10 & 13. The unit in the
meter room of building 4 was low on Freon and needed to be serviced and recharged at
an additional cost of $153.00. Our follow- up 6 month maintenance is scheduled for
November, 2009. The total cost for the 2 maintenance visits is $ 756.00.

• Phoenix Fitness Services- has replaced the motor in the Life Fitness 9100 Treadmill at a
cost of $ 159.00- labor, (Motor was under warranty) and a main pulley shaft on the
Universal at a cost of $595.00.

• Mold Remediation-The mold remediation completed by H2O911 Restoration for Unit

1614 has proved to be successful. After the necessary demolition to the unit, the affected
areas were air-scrubbed and treated with sanitizing agents. The post remediation
Verification Assessment ( air test) was conducted (this included 2 indoor and 1 outdoor
air test, visual inspection and a detailed report.

Radon & Mold Professionals conducted the Post Remediation Verification and the results
provided show normal air humidity and temperature, the interior living spaces are now
free of any active moisture and visible indications of microbial activity and the laboratory
analysis of the indoor air sample showed no elevated presence of airborne mold

The cost to the Association was $5,841.44 and an additional $307.95 for a repair to the
unit’s a/c blower which wasn’t working properly.

Additionally, a temporary FPL account had to be opened in order to provide electrical

service for the remediation. The current charge for the service to date is $ 45.09 due on
May 18, 2009.

Ken Stephens mentioned that the Association will be working with attorney John Goede
to attempt to recoup the expenses for the mold remediation since the unit is almost in
foreclosure and the owner has failed to remediate the situation.

Charlie Miller asked about entering vacant units to inspect for mold and mentioned that
John Goede had informed us that management has an irrevocable right to enter the units
for the upcoming annual fire sprinkler inspection and questioned why that could not be
done to check for mold as well. Ken explained the extenuating circumstances in the
particular unit (1614) which had developed mold due to a faulty water heater.

Attorney Report

Ken Stephens spoke on behalf of John Goede to report that currently there are 10
foreclosures and 5 bankruptcies.

New Business

Pool Rules Review

Ken Stephens then moved around the agenda items to move up the current pool rules to
discuss and review.

Jeanne Miller asked where the rules come from. Ken explained that some are State laws,
others are community rules generally instilled by most communities for the safe
enjoyment of all residents.
Ken brought up the State’s revision to Chapter 64 E-9, Administrative Code for pools,
including construction, maintenance, public vs. private rules, (33 pages), etc., which take
effect on May 24, 2009 and the need to update/amend some of our current rules.

Ken and Sharon requested that questions and comments be held until the current rules
and regulations be discussed and/or amended.

Sharon and Ken both commented that these rules have always been in effect and that
surrounding communities also have similar if not, stricter rules than we do.

The existing rules were read aloud/discussed/and either amended or left as they were. (A
complete of set of revised pool rules will be provided to all owners, posted at the pool
and posted online once approval is reached.

Anne Schultz asked a question about pools without lights. Ken specified that we do not
allow night swimming, our license does not allow it.

Charlie Miller asked for clarification of the pool hours according to the new state
regulations; ½ hour after sunrise to ½ hour before sunset. Ken explained that we are
losing 1 hour on both sides of pool usage, but that compliance is mandatory or our pool
license would be revoked and that new signs will be posted at the pool.

Anne Schultz then began the discussion surrounding the pool guard. The discussion
focused on the manner in which identification at the pool was being conducted during the
weekends and why known owners needed to show their passes when at the pool.

Ken elaborated on the need to identify everyone using the pool to confirm that they are
indeed residents and/or guests of residents.

Steve Rodeiro added that there have always been problems with a pool monitor at the
pool and as a result of altercations and bad behavior at the pool after regular business
hours and on the weekends, and that “known” residents’ identity has been relaxed to
avoid any feelings of favoritism or “harassment”.

Ken added that although there are bad feelings toward the pool monitor, these feelings
must be redirected to the rules and the Board and that in order to continue to provide a
safe, enjoyable atmosphere, the rules must remain and that there have been complaints
about the behavior stemming from the pool after hours and during the weekends and that
part of the problems stem from adults’ alcohol consumption at the pool.
Charlie Miller questioned the pool monitor’s actions toward a pre- schooler and the
removal of a ball that was being used in the pool. Ken and Sharon re-emphasized that the
rules state that there are no toys allowed and that the child’s mother should have paid
attention to the rule before allowing the toy to be used .

Charlie Miller also inquired as to what will occur when the pool monitor returns home.
Ken stated that the situation will be monitored to see if another monitor will be needed
and that the pool monitor; “Karin’s” position will cease at the coming weekend.

Ken also mentioned that if a new guard is needed, perhaps an employee of our security
company would be used and Sharon agreed by adding that a non-resident employee
would be a better choice.

Steve Rodeiro compared our pool rules to the Disney Resort and stated that rules are
universal; if a rule states, “no balls allowed in the pool” then balls are not allowed in the
pool for anyone to use. If a rule was being broken at the Disney Resort, the Resort
personnel would enforce it.

Steve also touched upon the several instances that Susan was cursed at and threatened
when trying to enforce pool rules on her own due to the animosity aimed at the pool rules
and pool monitor.

Karin LaFemina (pool monitor) spoke up to discuss some of the situations and
circumstances she has experienced with regard to enforcing the pool rules.

The reading of the pool rules then continued and recommendations/changes were
discussed. Ken and Sharon then touched upon support for Susan to shut down the pool in
the event of problems.

Al LaFemina asked about the method of entering the new rules into the condo docs. Ken
explained the difference between changing the rules and regulations and changing the
declaration of condominium.

Steve added the importance of making sure that rules are enforceable and that the owners
receive copies to become aware and that some associations record them.

Steve also stressed the absolute importance about not having glass in the pool area and

Charlie Miller spoke about the past ideas of installing a soda machine and the lack of
activities for both teenagers and young children in the community; that a current
recreation company was going out of business and perhaps a pool table would be a good
idea to purchase.
Ken then asked Sharon if she was ready to make motion regarding the pool rule changes
and Sharon stated that she would like an opportunity to look them over, to make that her
next project and to schedule another meeting in order to vote on the new rules and them
distribute them to everyone.

Flooring Specifications Updates

Sharon then discussed the past problems regarding flooring specifications and sound
insulation mentioned by John Foiles in Unit 126 at the last Board meeting. The unit
above had installed tile without proper insulation, removed it and re-installed it with the
proper insulation. But the noise problem continues.

Sharon spoke of the new guidelines for flooring installation and that there are 2 ways of
measuring sound insulation and how that is handled; minimum ratings. STC rating;
sound transmission up and down walls and IIC rating; impact sound.

Sharon also received test results on a number of products which cover any type of
flooring installation. Sharon then briefly reviewed her findings regarding the surfaces of
each floor and the types of sound barriers required and that the 3 page document would
be available on the website.

Sharon then made a motion for the new minimum sound ratings; STC rating of 50 and
IIC rating of 60.

Motion by Sharon Stites to adopt the new flooring guidelines

Second by Ken Stephens.
Vote 2:0
Motion carried.

Building Painting, Repairs & Breezeways

Ken the reviewed the building painting and repairs made to the first floors of buildings 1
and 2.

Annual Fire Sprinkler Inspection

Ken mentioned the upcoming annual Fire Sprinkler Annual Inspection and mailout.

Hurricane Preparations

Ken then spoke about Hurricane Season Preparations and the Golden Gate Fire
Department presentation, and upcoming palm trimming scheduling and the Association’s
role in preparation.
Parking Issues

Ken spoke about the ongoing parking issues; temporary visitor parking passes and
possible changes and reserved parking violations.

Susan then spoke about the manner in which individuals should respond to parking
warnings in order to avoid being towed by Jeff, our new security guard.

Ken then discussed the possibility of changing the format of our current parking decals
since the Key Royal logo is displayed and he is receiving feedback from residents who
feel unsafe about advertising where they reside.

Ratification of Gateswork & Accurate Air maintenance contracts


1. Maintenance & Repair Contract $ 699.95 annually

2. Battery backup installation (entrance) & various
repairs resulting from negligence of previous gate company 1,382.55
3. Battery backup installation for exit gates 1,539.85

Accurate Air

1. Preventive maintenance service (2) $ 756.00 annually

Motion by Sharon to ratify both contracts

Second by Ken Stephens
Vote 2:0
Motion carried.

Storage Building Status

Ken discussed the recent correspondence from Key Royal Storage that was sent to
several of our residents advising that the company was going out of business and giving
various deadlines for the removal of personal belongings. The Association itself was not
notified, but through various channels, we discovered that they would remain in business
by increasing their fees.

Ken also mentioned the idea of possibly purchasing the units if they should become
available and the possibility of providing electricity to the units for the benefit of our
Questions from Owners



The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

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