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Best Practices: BSA Packaging & Deployment

INTERNATIONAL TOLL FREE: Par0cipant Code: 625920

Argen=na: 0800 444 6440
Australia: 1 800 612 415
Austria: 0800 295 780
Bahamas: 1 800 389 0491
Belgium: 0 800 75 636
Brazil: 0800 891 0266
Bulgaria: 00 800 115 1141
Chile: 123 0020 6707
China, Northern Region: 10 800 714
China, Southern Region: 10 800 140
Colombia: 01 800 518 1171
Czech Republic: 800 700 715
Denmark: 80 883 277
Dominican Republic: 1 888 752 0002
France: 0 800 914 176
Germany: 0 800 183 0299
Greece: 00 800 161 2205 6440

Hungary: 06 800 112 82

India: 000 800 1007 613
Indonesia: 001 803 017 6440
Ireland: 1 800 947 415
Israel: 1 80 925 6440
Italy: 800 789 377
Japan: 00348 0040 1009
Latvia: 8000 3523
Lithuania: 8 800 3 09 64
Luxembourg: 800 2 3214
Malaysia: 1 800 814 723
Mexico: 001 800 514 6440
Monaco: 800 39 593
Netherlands: 0 800 022 1465
New Zealand: 0 800 451 520
Norway: 800 138 41
Panama: 00 800 226 6440
Peru: 0800 54 129

Philippines: 1 800 111 010 55

Poland: 00 800 112 41 42
Portugal: 800 827 538
Russian Federa=on: 810 800 2915
Singapore: 800 101 2320
Slovenia: 0 800 80439
South Africa: 0 800 982 304
South Korea, Korea, Republic Of:
003 0813 2344
Spain: 900 937 665
Sweden: 02 079 3266
Switzerland: 0 800 894 821
Taiwan: 00 801 127 186
Thailand: 001 800 156 205 2068
Trinidad and Tobago: 1 800 205 6440
United Kingdom: 0 808 101 7156
Uruguay: 0004 019 0348
Venezuela: 0 800 100 8540

Hong Kong: 800 968 066

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc

BSA Best Prac=ces Webinar

Packaging & Deployment
Sean Berry
Customer Engineering

! Whats the value? Whats it do?
! Plaborms / Technologies
! How does it work?
! Advanced Topics

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc

Whats the value? Whats it do?

! Deploy:


! Na=ve rollback (never have to make up the rollback on a change

=cket again)

! Flexible Packaging

Parameters, passwords

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc

Common use cases

(What do you want to do?)
! Install packaged so4ware


! Install unpackaged so4ware

! Push a congura=on

Cong le entries (resolv.conf, /etc/passwd, hosts, etc.)

User accounts
Add user to Administrators group
New/updated les
Enable automated rollback

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc

How Packages Are Used

! One copy of the package, stored in BSA as a golden package

Some=mes subject to greater control

Audit trail

! Externally referenced package


Maintained by others?
Updated/owned externally

! Embedding a process

Infrastructure agents
So4ware Execu=on
External tasks: restarts/user adds

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc

Whats the promise?

! Package any piece of so4ware, in 4.2 seconds, with no eort

whatsoever, and deploy EVERYWHERE

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc

Whats the reality?

! You can- package almost anything
! But commands lines can be hard
! Not all applica=ons behave well when silently installed
! Not all applica=ons can be- silently installed
! What installs easily on one system may fail due to dierences or

dependencies on another

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc

Cut to the chase: Im impa=ent!

! Upgrade to a Modern BSA version!

(at least in your lab!)

(8.2 SP4+/8.3 SP1+ preferred as of early August 2013)
Actually, much of this Just Works, and has for a long =me.

! Content Packs!
! BSA Packaging Docs


! Get it working on the command line then- package the install

! Keep undo & log les when tes=ng deployments!

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc



Why package instead of just scrip=ng + le deploys?

! GUI Packaging is available to everyone with the console
! Built-in rollback
! Built-in commands (dont need to teach your users arcane command

lines to deploy their apps)

! Strong error handling


Pass or con=nue on known error codes

Manage reboot requirements

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc


What kinds of packages are there?



Almost any kind of congura=on object
Most other depot objects
Local users & groups
Cong Files & Entries
Files & Directories
Executables & Scripts
External Commands

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc


So4ware Packages


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Patches & Service Packs

! Commonly added via Patching Jobs
! Manually: Depot -> New -> So4ware -> Hobix


Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc


How does this stu generally work?

How does so4ware get into BSA?

! Patches/payloads: via Patch Catalog Updates or Patch Remedia=on
! 3rd Party So4ware: usually manually added, commonly used for install/


! In-house applica=ons: most commonly packaged automa=cally from


! Audit / Snapshot results


! Op=on: Mount at install =me! (NFS)

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc


So4ware Installs
! Ideally use exis=ng packages
! Start with a known working package, or test installs on already-built


! Don't use automated provisioning to test so4ware install commands

un=l you know they work (poten=ally very long lead =me & very

Build one fresh instance of the machine and work on the install on that

! Dont delete So4ware Deploy Jobs, change their payloads or targets

(dependency trees)

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc


Strengths / Weaknesses of Dierent Kinds of Packages





Very strong roll-back, stop-on failure, XML-based, parameterizable, can

include all kinds of objects. Great for packaging in-house apps from
components: baked in parameteriza=on. -> then usually need to add post-
install commands
Great way to bake process into deployment, pre-ight checks, ability to
check state, roll back on error, prevent further deployment etc.
Trivially package adding user accounts, service stop/start, bake most
congura=on items into process without needing to know command lines
& trap failure modes.
Many les: In older versions some issues seen with many many les
(10-100k+) as every instruc=on needs to be read/parsed/executed +
rollback stored. Consider using a zip le to extract many les.
Also only does so well with very large les (Several GB+).
Supports repeaters
Nothing wrong with wrapping "net use" into a BLPackage if it's signicantly
faster to do/there is good organized leserver availability in your org.

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc


Strengths / Weaknesses of Dierent Kinds of Packages

! So4ware Packages (OS-specic):

Generally berer handling for OS-specic packages (MSIEXEC, Solaris SysV

answer les, etc.), but OOTB examples are dated at this point.
Supports repeaters

! File Deploy Job:



"rsync-like" characteris=cs, works with any le anywhere there's a BSA

agent (or any lesystem mounted on a BSA agent, in the case of SMB/NFS
le servers)
Some=mes -great- for large website content (think 100,000 les,
permissions, etc.).
Contrast with audit->deploy, which creates a BLPackage, may be much
faster than audit/deploy for many objects, avoids leserver footprint

! NSH Script:

Very exible, doesn't bring payloads along, no parameteriza=on. Doesn't

support repeaters

! "File:

great for things that don't need code to deploy them (standalone binary
executables, web content, etc.)

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc


Ways to Build Packages

! Direct crea=on in the GUI (s=ll very common)
! Package from Component
! Automated:


! Ini=ated by:

Web Portals
Patching Job Remedia=on
Change requests

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc


Ways to deploy packages


BLDeploy Job

targe=ng BLPackage,
has good simula=on, check for space,
Be carefule with very large payloads + small installed disk footprint.

! So4ware Deploy Job, targe=ng so4ware package

! File Deploy Job


Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc


Next Steps

Parameterized Packaging
! Create a template with a simple part, like a directory.
! Add a local property to the template
! Parameterize the part: C:\App becomes ??DEPLOY_PATH??
! Create/discover components on two hosts
! Package, set property, deploy.

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc


Where can I get Content?


Blade Essen=als Content Packages

! Security & Compliance Content (EPD)


Includes remedia=on instruc=ons for many common security


! Communi=es!

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc


Global Deployments
! Repeaters vs. Data stores
! Replica=on

File Deploy Jobs


! Longer =meouts

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Server Proper=es



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! Common to build packages with .Read: anyone can deploy them
! Common to migrate using the Promote to QA / Promote to Prod

type Authoriza=on Proles

! File server *must* be setup correctly or weird errors will happen (map

to single user in ACLs)

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc


External Commands
! Use na=ve syntax: C:\Windows vs. /C/Windows
! cmd /c preferred over start /wait
! Can use su - if mapping to root

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc


! Where should I set this up

(the rst =me)?


A lab!
(not that kind of Lab!)

! Somewhere you have:


control or knowledge of the

know the environment, and
can quickly troubleshoot issues.

Copyright 9/10/13 BMC So4ware, Inc


For More Informa=on

! Next =me: dierent format!

More videos, in advance!

More focused Q&A

! BMC Communi=es Server Automa=on:


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Learn more at www.bmc.com

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