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1. Marx
a. Class Conflict
2. Durkeim
a. Division of Labor
b. Solidarity
3. Weber
a. Social Action
4. WEB DuBois
a. Color line between whites and black
b. He was smarter than all his playmates but they treated him as inferior
c. Whites get better jobs (better job division)
d. Blacks come from slaves, so naturally whites think inferior
5. Jane Addams
a. Social consequences accompanying industrialization
i. Immigration
ii. Homelessness
iii. Substandard housing
iv. Unemployment
v. And exploitive conditions (unsafe)
b. She would observe and live with them to try and help them
c. Founded Hull House
d. Sympathetic Knowledge
1. Culture
a. The way of life of a people
b. Consists of shared and human-created strategies for adapting and responding to
the surrounding environment and the ppl in it
c. Society is a group of interacting people who share, pass on, and create culture
2. Culture as a Blueprint
a. Shapes, guides, and even determines behavior
i. Eating (style, times, utensils, foods)
1. Need to satisfy hunger is universal
2. Specific practices set them apart
ii. Means of travel
iii. Language are invented methods of communication
iv. Road signs (show what we care about)
1. Material culture
a. The stuff we can hold and see
b. Car represents freedom in America and shows how much you make
i. Vietnam they only have motor bikes since they are chaper
c. Snack food
2. Nonmaterial culture
a. Nonphysical (intangible) aspects of culture

b. Values are general, shared conceptions of what is good, right, appropriate,

worthwhile, and important with regard to conduct, appearance, and states of
c. Beliefs are concepts that people accept as true, concerning how the world operates
and where the individual fits in relationships to others
3. Norms can be broken down into Folkways and Mores
a. Folkways
i. Support routine and habit
ii. Punishment for violating is generally not severe
iii. Rules
b. Mores
4. Cultural diffusion
a. Process by which an idea, an invention, a way of behaving, or such is taken up by
another culture or some shit
b. Selective
c. How does foreign practice take root?
b. resist outside influences that clash with cultural ideas
c. protect and enforce boundaries even as they are opened
i. companies can move, workers cannot
2. Capitalism is the
a. The vehicle is the transnational corporations
b. Most are in US, Japan, Western Europe, and now China
c. Compare corporations annual revenues to the countries GDP
i. Revenue is the total amount of money a company receives for goods sold
or services provided
ii. GPD is the monetary is the value of all goods and services a counry
provides to the people
d. The driver of global capitalism is the transnational capitalist class
e. Consumerism is the fuel that powers the motor of global capitalism and
transnational cultural ideology
f. Ideology of consumption proclaims that the meaning of life is to be found in the
things that we possess
i. To satisfy artificially created desire not to satisfy needs
ii. Consumers believe that the products will give them something they could
not otherwise get.
Tuesday 2/3/15
1. Nature and Nurture
a. Nature is the human genetic makeup or biologically inherited traits
b. Nurture is the social environment or interactions that make up every persons life
c. Works together

i. Language is nature since uses the cerebral cortex, mouth, tongue, etc. The
nurture aspect is where youre located
d. Social Isolation
i. If the child is not given attention, they do no develop fully
ii. They die in the extreme conditions despite being accommodated for
iii. Research has shown how neglect and lack of social contact (nurture) can
delay or even impede the development of human potential (nature)
e. Agents of Socialization
i. Significant people, groups, and institutions act to shape our sense of self
and social identity to help us realize our human capacities and to teach us
to negotiate the world in which we live
ii. The social self is acquired by people around them
1. Taking the role of the other is stepping outside the self and
imagining how others view its appearance and behavior
2. Four stages are:
a. Preparatory children learn to imitate
b. Play children learn to assume different roles and behaviors
c. Game learn to follow established rules
d. Generalize others adolescents learn to encompass all
behaviors and expectations according to society
3. Understand the meaning of significant symbols and gestures
4. Use self-referent terms to describe the self
iii. R-esocialization
1. Process of breaking away from outdated or inappropriate behaviors
or ways of thinking and replacing them with new behaviors or
a. You are different in college from high school
2. Voluntary re-socialization (rehab)
a. People choose to participate in a process that remakes them
3. Imposed re-socialization
a. People are forced into a program that trains, rehabilitates,
or corrects something about them (prison)
4. Total institutions
a. Setting where people are isolated form the rest of society to
undergo systematic re-socialization (monastery)

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