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(Doctoral Student Graduate Program, State University of Jakarta Program Study
Education Management, Vice Chairman of the Provincial Board Indonesia
Farmers Association South Sumatra and Director of the Strategic Studies Center
of Education Policy of South Sumatra Province)
Socio-agrarian conflict in South Sumatra is still going on, there are still many cases of
land between company and community has not yet been resolved completely. Some land
disputes in South Sumatra occurred between BUMN with villagers. Socio-agrarian
conflict becoming victims died. One of disputed land in South Sumatra occurred between
villagers Ogan Ilir. Socio-agrarian conflict casualties. Agrarian conflicts and BUMN
plantation sector is derived from conflict over land rights. That need to be revealed to
research problem: What is background of socio-agrarian conflict between PTPN VII
Cinta Manis with villagers Ogan Ilir in South Sumatra Province?. How implications of
socio-agrarian conflict on economy for villagers in sustainable development context in
Ogan Ilir?. How implications of socio-agrarian conflict on environment for villagers in
sustainable development context in Ogan Ilir?. Purpose of this study was to describe
meaning of descriptive analytic based on facts through phenomena observed in the field.
Phenomena observed and explored through in-depth interviews, observation and
documentation studies assessed on socio-agrarian conflict in South Sumatra Province.
Results on study describe socio-agrarian conflict occur due to improper handling and
incomplete. Settlement of conflict is only superficial. Government is only focusing on the
issue of violence, perpetrators, victims, and did not touch the issue of agrarian as core
problem. Socio-agrarian conflict affect villagers of low productivity in managing land
and make a living, because it affected a tense situation. Then, physical damage to
environment occurs for example home, garden and office damaged by conflict. Of course,
this also affects sustainable development stagnated in plantation sector.
Keywords: implications, socio-agrarian conflict, economic, environmental, sustainable


Ogan Ilir has an area of 2666.07 km2, is geographically located between 30 02 '
and 30 48' South Latitude and between 1040 20 'to 104 048' East longitude. Ogan
Ilir with administrative boundaries northern borders with Banyuasin regency,
Palembang and Muara Enim regency. South side adjacent to the Ogan Komering
Ulu (OKU). Then, at the eastern border with Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) and East
OKU. Meanwhile, the western border with the district of Muara Enim and
Prabumulih city.
The number of districts in Ogan Ilir many as 16 districts, and the number
of villages is 227 villages and villages as many as 14 villages. Sub-district is
Rambang Kuang Village widest area of 528.82 km2, followed by village of
Indralaya Utara an area of 502.47 km2, Muara Kuang area of 300.75 km2, District
of Tanjung Batu area of 263.75 km2, covering an area of 71.08 km2 Indralaya the
District. While the narrowest districts are District of Rantau Panjang which covers
40.85 km2. The number is the highest village in the district villages Pemulutan
many as 25 villages, as many as 19 sub-district of Tanjung Batu village, District
Indralaya with 17 villages and 3 village, sub-district and village of Tanjung Raja
15 4 North Indralaya village and sub-district with 15 villages and 1 sub.
With an area of significant, then the region has the potential for conflict.
Conflict is a part of democracy, as one of the hallmark of the democratic order is
the existence of opportunities for freedom of thought, consensus and dissent, and
political participation, peaceful conflict management and restriction-pembantasan

violence; as well as the extent of trust and loyalty to the constitutional and
democratic governance. That's necessary efforts to think rationally, promoting
consensus, be tolerant and maintain relationship harmony amid differences in
order to minimize conflict issues in both prevention and treatment of social
conflict (Jimly - Safa'at, 2012: 9).
Indonesia is not only a democratic state, but the state law. Law above all
else, even democracy can not necessarily against or violate applicable laws. When
democracy recognizes the law, then the law is a social tool that is specific.
Therefore between law, morality and religion, have in common that prohibits
conflicts leading to the killing of the country or other community (Jimly - Safa'at,
2012: 9). That is why the state needs to anticipate in terms of both social conflict
and the effectiveness of early prevention of conflict resolution as a form of
effective conflict management.
One of the provinces that have great wealth is in South Sumatra has the
fifth largest natural resources, it has a great potential for social conflict. In fact, a
number of conflicts involving land disputes, not something new in this area.
Mostly vertical case confronts the public with estate investors is a case that
happened a long time and often repeated in this province. Conflict in South
Sumatra has become a public issue to the national level. Land conflicts in South
Sumatra with a more prominent plantation very multi-complex.
Land conflicts in South Sumatra is still going on, there are still many cases
of land between the company and the community has not yet terselasaikan to its
conclusion. Land disputes in Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) and Ogan Ilir. In the

2012-2013 conflict in South Sumatra that resulted in fatalities was sticking to the
national media that case Sodong village, OIC. At the time of treatment has not
been completed appear again the case of land between villagers and plantation PT
Nusantara VII (Persero) Cinta Manis were also casualties. Continues even happen
anymore land disputes between citizens of the Air Force in Palembang which if
not handled quickly and peacefully.
Plantation PT Nusantara VII (Persero) abbreviated PTPN VII, formed
under PP 12 In 1996, dated February 14, 1996, the Company's status as a State
Owned Enterprise (SOE) is a merger of the gardens in Lampung region, South
Sumatra and Bengkulu from ex PTP X, XI PTP, PTP XXIIII danPTP XXXI.
Commodity businesses seek PTPN VII commodity palm oil, rubber, tea, cocoa,
sugar cane and horticulture with an area of 76740.11 hectares concession area.
Cultivation of oil palm cultivated on an area of 31 874 ha, 34 439 ha of rubber, tea
1,500 ha, 20 ha of cocoa, sugar cane and horticulture 50 20,400 ha ha. In addition
to planting commodity in its own area + core, PTPN VII also manages Plasma
area covering 65 335 ha from farmers to plant oil palm area of 23 868 ha and 31
467 ha of rubber. while the area of 5,502 ha of sugarcane intensification. Gardens
owned by PTPN VII plantings totaling 25 units, one of which is Cinta Manis.
Activity units / Enterprises addition PTPN VII garden business unit also has a
number of sugar factories which produce sugar Cinta Manis.
Business units in PTPN VII Cinta Manis got land related protests and
environmental pollution. According to Anwar Sadat (Walhi Executive Director of
South Sumatra) that acts PTPN VII Cinta Manis on land over the function not just

inconsistency companies. However, the firm violated the mandate of the Act. The
law expressly their support to the community. Meanwhile, according to records
there are 44 cases of BPN agrarian South Sumatra occurred a continuous basis
throughout 2012 (Sumatra Ekspress, 2012).
In South Sumatra province agrarian conflict has reached its nadir. Weak
political will to make policy makers agrarian disputes in increased chronic
Sriwijaya earth. Indonesian Environmental Forum (Walhi) of South Sumatra
mention, inequality of land tenure is a major contributor to the agrarian conflict
that is currently emerging. According to the South Sumatra Walhi, administrative
area of the province is only 8.7 million hectares (ha). Now as many as 4.9 million
hectares or about 56.32 percent of the land owned by the company with details of
1.2 million ha of plantation forests (HTI), 1 million ha of oil palm plantations, and
2.7 million ha of coal mining. If paired with a population of 7 million people, then
each soul tenure ranging from 0.5 hectares only.
So do not be surprised if over the last three years the number of disputes
lodged agrarian society continues to increase. In 2009 there were 18 complaints of
agrarian disputes, in 2010 the number increased to 27, in 2011 there were 32
complaints. Likewise with the land dispute between the people of Ogan Ilir with
PTPN VII Sweet Love Business unit, or rather citizens 20 villages of 6 districts in
Ogan Ilir incorporated in the Unified Movement of Peasants Penesak (GPPB),
consisting of the villages Sribandung, Tj. Sea, Tj. Pinang, Tj. Roof, Tj. New Petai,
Sentul, Limbang Jaya (districts Tanjung Stone), Village Sri Kembang, Rengas,
Lubuk Bandung (districts Payarman), Village Ketiau, Betong, Payalingkung,

Lubuk Keliat, (District of Lubuk Keliat), Village Meranjat 1 & 2, Meranjat Ilir,
(District of Indralaya south) and the village of Tj. Gelam, Tj.Sejaroh, Tj.Agung
Sejaro Way (Indralaya the District Parent) Then village Sri Ngilam in Districts of
Tanjung Raja.
According to Ahmad Syahril as suggested by Sri Utami that agrarian
conflicts occur more due to "the act of a company that is often unjust division of
land or compensation to the community. The company does not realize its
promise, such as plasma and compensation is not appropriate "(Sumatra Ekpress,
2012). In addition, there is a difference with the previous Act. Previous
governments could take land without people's consent. According to Law No. 2 of
2012, the government could no longer take the field prior to the approval of
society it first.
Based on the explanation ata, trigger this conflict is not solely from
agrarian interests. But there is also the role of the social life of one who is
believed to come from economic interests, cultures and religions that have an
impact on the environment when examined further ingrained in each of these
areas. However, the opportunity will be studied culture and religion alone
approach in addressing social conflicts agrarian titled "Implications of SocioAgrarian Conflict between PTPN VII Cina Manis with Villagers of Economy and
Environment in Sustainable Development Context in Ogan Ilir of South Sumatra

1. Problem Formulation

Based on the description of the background of the problem and focus on the
research, the problem in this study as follows.
1) What is history of socio-agrarian conflict between PTPN VII Cinta Manis
with villagers Ogan Ilir of South Sumatra Province ?.
2) What is the response PTPN VII Cinta Manis and Ogan Ilir villagers about
implications of social-agrarian conflict on economy and environment in
sustainable development context in Ogan Ilir of South Sumatra Province ?
3) What is the response of stakeholders and community leaders about the
implications of social-agrarian conflict on the economy and environment in
sustainable development context in Ogan Ilir of South Sumatra Province?
4) What efforts are made with PTPN VII Cinta Manis, villagers Ogan Ilir,
stakeholders and community leaders in addressing socio-agrarian conflict in
order to strengthen economy and environment in sustainable development the
context in Ogan Ilir of South Sumatra Province?


Research Objectives

The purpose of this study is to reveal the response of PTPN VII Cinta Manis,
Ogan Ilir villagers, stakeholders and community leaders about the implications of
social-agrarian conflict between PTPN VII Cinta Manis with villagers on
economy and environment in sustainable development context in Ogan Ilir of

South Sumatra Province. This study will reveal meaning contained in research
problem, thus gaining knowledge and understanding of appropriate and objective
of this study was to determine the economic and environmental implications for
environment in sustainable development context in order to obtain a solution for
the future in Ogan Ilir of South Sumatra Province.


The focus of this research study on the title over to the socio-agrarian conflict
implications of socio-agrarian conflict between PTPN VII Cinta Manis with
villagers on economy and environment in sustainable development context in
Ogan Ilir of South Sumatra Province. Where the data to obtain data on the
economic and environmental implications of villagers of Ogan Ilir with a
qualitative approach. The approach was conducted using interviews with a
purposive sample means, respondents were interviewed representing certain
groups in society (such as indigenous leaders, community leaders, religious
leaders such as stakeholders, youth leaders, groups of fishermen), and also expert
NGOs which reflects opinion or state wide. Interviews ranged from informal
conversations to formal interviews at the right time. In addition to interviews, this
study is also based on experience and observation in Ogan Ilir writer for two
months (January to February 2014). Then, the general information obtained from
the written literature and news or newspaper articles. In addition, the documents

on land disputes derived from a variety of sources. The steps in this study as



Methodologically, this study is a qualitative research case study approach

analyzed descriptively uncover the facts or data on the subject as it is
accompanied by rational interpretation. The data obtained will be used from the
situation as it is without any intervention on the part of researchers. Data
collection was carried out by researchers directly by entering the field situation.
The data is described in the form of reports for further analysis. Researchers
believe that qualitative research is very concerned to the understanding of various
social phenomena. Social phenomenon is an event or action patterns of human
interaction. The nature of social world that is the nature of human interaction
within the community. Events or acts by humans that is meaningful to the culprit,
therefore, the essence of human behavior is that behavior that has meaning.


Techniques and Data Collection Procedures

Techniques and procedures for data collection are all ways used in collecting the
data by using a technique that is structured and in-depth interviews, observation or
direct observation to the object being observed as well as reviewing

documentation obtained in the field. Techniques and instruments required in this

research by means of interviews, observation and documentation.
In analyzing the data the researcher uses concepts developed by Miles and
Huberman as disclosed above which consists of three activities simultaneously the
flow of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing or verification.
By using the model of Miles and Huberman study data will be analyzed on
a case-qualitative, which began collecting data in the field. Thus when researchers
collect data in the field immediately followed by a write job, categorizing,
classifying, reducing, analyzing and interpreting into the whole context of the
research problem (Muhadjir, 1989). So that the data is not only descriptive but
able to touch the transcendent dimension of the authors are trying to think


Data Analysis Techniques

This study also uses interactive model of data analysis which consists of three
interrelated components analysis of the data reduction, data display and
conclusion drawing (Miles & Huberman, 1992). More details of data analysis
done with the following procedure: First, trying to summarize the data reduction,
collect and select the appropriate data with a focus on research themes. Second,
data display, which seeks to organize and explain the whole picture in order to
obtain a complete and intact. Third, and verification concludes that make


interpretation of the data and make improvements to search for new data
collection necessary to proper conclusion.


In the studies that have been conducted, and through in-depth study and research
methods used, the result in this study include:


History of Social-Agrarian Conflict in Ogan Ilir

The results of this study revealed that the strain citizens Ogan Ilir and PTPN VII
Cinta Manis stretched since 30 years ago. In general, the process of land grabbing
people by PTPN VII in 1982 roughly the same in every village. New Order an age
citizens have no choice but to surrender when their rubber plantations and
pineapple by PTPN VII Cinta Manis evicted without proper compensation. The
process of compensation recognized in 1982 colored citizens of pressure,
intimidation and repressive apparatus attitude keamanan.Ganti loss and even then
very unfair, for example, of 5 ha of land, only 1 ha are changed, more severe until
today there are still people who have not been replaced soil loss by PTPN VII.
They are victims of land grabs carried out by PTPN VII Cinta Manis since
1982 Over the past two months, they keep moving urged local governments to
memenenuhi demands of citizens that their land be returned.


Then in 2012, PTPN VII which shares 100% owned by the government
has an important agenda to go public. (www.kpbptpn.co.id). The initial offering of
shares / Initial Public Offering (IPO) is targeted to be able to attract fresh funds of
Rp 1.5 trillion. This value is equivalent to the release of 30 percent ownership of
state-owned shares to the public. In corporations, the performance PTPN VII did
show a significant increase. The state-owned company engaged in the
agribusiness plantations have had a working area covers 3 provinces, which
consists of several business units. (www.kpbptpn.co.id).
That legally development and plant cane sugar Sweet Love performed in
accordance with the decree of the Minister of Agriculture SOE Number : 076 /
Ministry of Agriculture / 1981 dated February 2, 1981 on the principle permits the
establishment of sugarcane plantations and mills in South Sumatra which is the
Government's efforts to meet the self-sufficiency of sugar in the State. In
accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Finance no. 257 / KMK / 016/1996
dated March 11, 1996 on the restructuring of SOEs. Plantation merger some PT.
Plantation in South Sumatra region (Bengkulu, South Sumatra, and Lampung
became PT. Plantation Nusantara VII (Persero) through a legal letter Harun
Kamil, SH no. 40 dated March 11, 1996 (See Intelkam Police RI report, 2012).
However, the development of sugar cane plantations and sugar mills are
less care about the rights of the people, so that economically Ogan Ilir lags behind
other districts in South Sumatra. Not only that, this plantation development to
make of that damage to the environment, either as a result of combustion due to
the conflict as well as river water pollution by the sugar mills. This then triggers a


prolonged conflict between PTPN VII Cinta Manis with villagers Ogan Ilir (Rusdi
interview, February 2, 2014).
This conflict incidence by PTPN VII begins Cinta Manis on December 4,
2009 unload peasant huts which ended with the firing incident Rengas village
residents, Ogan Ilir, by members of Brimob. Commission immediately formed an
investigative team to investigate allegations of human rights violations in the July
27, 2012 at Cinta Manis. Commission also asked the Chief of Police to withdraw
all Brimob troops from the region. In addition, urges the Minister of State for
BUMN Dahlan Iskan to resolve land conflicts involving PTPN, and called on
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to realize the formation of Agrarian
Conflict Management Team. This conflict has cost the lives of named Anga. The
boy became a victim of the conflict unresolved for so long. Covered by large
corporations obsessions. (Sumatera Ekspress, 2012).
Agrarian conflict resolution between communities and PTPN VII Cinta
Manis Unit is still far from expectations. May still be far from completion even
society instead presented "new problems" : the arrest of activists who advocate,
criminalization of farmers, and the last act of "resistance" Ogan Ilir Police Chief,
Chief Dheni Darmapala, who reported that he considers certain elements have
been condemning it in public to South Sumatra Police. (Suaraadraria.com).



Implications of Conflict in the Economy

Social-agrarian conflict in Ogan Ilir has caused problems on economic aspects of

villagers Ogan Ilir. Although impact of this difficult material assessed (for
example, although price of land can be assessed, but social value of rural land
which is integral to the lives of villagers could not be calculated), issue is very
important to note impact because it affects the economic life of citizens Ogan Ilir.

1) Confiscation of Land Resources Economics Villagers

Village-owned land dispute problem Bandung and Sri Sri Tanjung village district.
Tanjung Batu district. Ogan Ilir of 2500 hectares of land located at 10 Rayon III
Cambodgien planted by PTPN VII Cinta Manis no resolution from year to year.
Then on May 31, thousands of residents who are members of Unified Movement
of Peasants Penesak (GPPB) action in Ogan Ilir Parliament to push the
negotiation process in order to side with the people. The results, together PTPN
VII OI Vice Regent allow citizens to peg the land without vandalized while
waiting for a renegotiation of June 7.
Of course, this is a fundamental problem that led to poverty, suffering
people of Indonesia from the colonial era, the construction of the New Order era,
until today is injustice mastery of agrarian resources. Injustice agrarian resources
control in question is dimonopolinya ownership and use of agrarian sources
whether it be land, water and air as well as the natural resources contained therein


by some small groups, while most other people were left without ownership and
the opportunity to work on that.
One of the injustice that is evidence of long-citizen issues Ogan Ilir 6
districts in South Sumatra that their land was taken forcibly by PTPN VII since
last 1982. The long struggle of the people of the village Sribandung, Tj. Sea, Tj.
Pinang, Tj. Roof, Tj. New Petai, Sentul, Limbang Jaya (KecamatanTanjung
Stone), Village SriKembang, Rengas, Lubuk Bandung (districts Payarman),
Village Ketiau, Betong, Payalingkung, Lubuk Keliat, (District of Lubuk Keliat),
Village Meranjat 1 & 2, Meranjat Ilir, (District of Indralaya south) and the village
of Tj. Gelam, Tj.Sejaroh, Tj.Agung Sejaro Way (Indralaya the District Parent)
Then Desa Sri Ngilam District of Tanjung Raja to regain their rights just put them
as "opponents" of the country due to government neglect of the agrarian problems
that should be resolved by the state as MPR IXtahun number 2001 and BAL 1960.
What's more, of the land area of 20,000 ha of cultivated PTPN VII Cinta Manis
only 6,000 ha concession has an area located in the districts Burai Overseas Alai,
in other words PTPN VII has been unprofitable as income of approximately
14,000 ha of land is not reported as income for the country. This problem is
actually known by the Ministry of SOEs as an adviser SOEs in Indonesia in this
case one of them is PTPN VII. (Anwar Sadat, executive director of South Sumatra
Walhi, 2012).
Various dialogue and mediation efforts have been made citizens, but that
PTPN VII always gain time and tend not to give a firm decision. Finally, on
Monday, May 21, 2012, residents mmetuskan to block the access road to the sugar


mills PTPN VII, other than that people were setting up tents and set a land area of
3000 ha.

2) The low Daily Wages of PTPN VII Cinta Manis

Poverty has been called at the beginning of the course begins with the existence of
land, sources of income, and type of work. If the employee PTPN VII Cinta
Manis, then the low wages earned by laborers Rp.22.500, - / day is considered
extremely inhumane and does not meet the needs of daily living (Interview Fery,
February 5, 2014). Naturally then people continue to insist that PTPN VII Cinta
Manis out of earth Ogan Ilir. The action was the culmination of the
disappointment of existence PTPN VII Cinta Manis are considered not benefit the
people around.
It can be seen, from the amount of labor which 70% come from outside.
Then, the river which was able to be a place for fishing, is now polluted and the
fish have started to become extinct due to waste. Furthermore, the dust burning of
cane sugar factory PTPN VII entered into the residential area and disrupting the
activity. Another thing, on the land area of 20,000 ha of cultivated PTPN VII
Cinta Manis only 6000 ha concession has an area located in Rantau Alai districts
Burai. Therefore, citizens who are members of Movement Penesak Farmers Unite
(GPPB) has the right feel on their own land.
Then from the blockade, Ogan Ilir government is willing to facilitate the
citizens to have a dialogue on the date of May 23, 2012 Based on the results of the
dialogue, there is a written agreement between the citizens (Desa Sri Bandung)


and The PTPN VII in Ogan Ilir parliament building on May 23, 2012, facilitated
and witnessed by the police chief, district military commander, chairman and
deputy chairman of the parliament Ogan Ilir, that the company does not mind if
people do land and set up a tent peg as long as the activity does not interfere with
the company up to the level of time negotiating dated May 31, 2012 (See Report
of the Police Intelkam, 2012 ).

3) Low CSR from PTPN VII Cinta Manis

On May 23, 2012, around 16:00 pm mass on behalf of village residents Ketiau
district. Depths of 100 Keliat number of people, coordinated by Br. Subadi, Br.
Bahyar, Br. Waliul Adi and Br. Nurdin to block roads connecting Rayon Office of
Parent PTPN III to VII Sweet Love by establishing a one (1) unit of the tent.
According to Averroes, this incident because it is considered Lack Contributions
PTPN VII Cinta Manis to the villagers of Desa Sri Sri Tanjung Bandung and
helping social activities (CSR). (Wawancanra Rusdi, February 7, 2014).
One proof is the village road culverts were damaged, causing flooding. Of
consequence, inhibition of the activity of citizens in making a living. Thus,
citizens expect any special attention from the PTPN VII Cinta Manis to public
facilities to facilitate the activities of all the efforts and activities of citizens Ogan
On Friday May 25, 2012 around 10:00 pm about + 80 Persons Village
residents Ketiau district. Keliat depths coordinated by Br. Mukho and Br. Subadi
remained in the tent rayon V then around 10:30 pm residents to block roads


connecting the Type A V rayon factory environment to the main office by using a
wooden stick, causing vehicles hauling sugarcane activity stalled / stopped. This is
done according to the coordinator of action Br. Waliyul, No. HP 0852 6733 1175
told residents to ask the results of a meeting held on Thursday, May 24, 2012
around 11:00 pm at home Bro. Krio and Wahab Former Former Village Ketiau
Kadesh. (See report Intelkam, 2012). Of course, residents hope the decisions that
PTPN VII Cinta Manis.


Implications for the Environment

Socio-agrarian conflict has implications for the environment, which should be

maintained and preserved for a life together, but this conflict is correlated to the
environmental damage to make of that from both sides.

1) Damage to gardens
On Tuesday, May 22, 2012, at 09.00 am. Desa Sri mass of Bandung, amounting to
250 people re-assembled in the tent that had been set up to continue the action
by performing a demo of making a soup kitchen around the tent and make huts,
while the mass of about 15 people to do the installation / attachment banners made
of cardboard mounted the guard post Rayon III glass that reads, among others: a.
PTPN must go from OI; b. Fixed price of land rights; and c. Return the land of our
ancestors (See IntelkamPolice Report, 2012).


Their activities continued with sealing Office Rayon III, while the daily
activities of employees in Rayon III transferred to the Office of the Master in the
village of Lubuk Keliat this is done to avoid clashes with residents. Then, at 13:00
pm held at Rayon III PTPN VII Cinta Manis lasted a free minbar delivery of
speeches made by Abdul Muis as Tomas and Kori Toda village as Sri Bandung
which essentially expect the masses to remain compact and patience to wait for
the results of the decision.
When free speech ongoing incidents such as mass expulsions carried out
by District Military Command OIC Member since Intel has been caught doing the
recording and documenting the activities of oration. But the situation can be
controlled thanks to the efforts made by members of the police who carry out
security duties in place.
At 17.00 pm the fire had occurred 50 sugar plantations plots within about
200 meters from the tent, but the fire was extinguished by fire mutual aid mass
that is suspected hotspots in Rayon IX. Then, at 16:30 pm in the implementation
of the meeting, PTPN VII Cinta Manis can not give a decision on the grounds that
the meeting outside kewewenangnya meetings will resume on Thursday, May 31,
2012 in the Office of the District Council. Ogan Ilir but for the grace period
agreed with the decision made in writing and the content is as follows:
1) PTPN VII Cinta Manis are welcome to work as usual without interruption of
2) Residents are welcome to have marked out an area of 3,000 Ha dilahan
recognized as belonging to citizens without disturbing plant cane;


3) Residents and PTPN VII Cinta Manis will still keep the atmosphere, situation
and conditions in order to remain conducive, peaceful and safe.
The joint agreement was signed by representatives of village society Ms.
Sri Bandung. Hj. Juhairoh Mahmud, Bambang Santoso district as District
Manager. Banyuasi, OIC and OI, Ir. Purwanto as Manager of PTPN VII Cinta
Manis, Drs. H. Climate Cloudy, MM as the Chairman of the District Council.
Ogan Ilir, Arhandi Tabrani, SE as Vice Chairman of DPRD. Ogan Ilir, Chief Dean
Dharmapala, SH, S.Ik as police chief Major Ogan Ilir and District Military
Command 0402 Pabung Mujari as OIC / OI as evidence of the consequences of
the implementation of the field. At the same time the meeting took place at the
Rayon III, PTPN VII Cinta Manis between people of Bandung with Sri Sri
Tanjung village and residents to block the entrance of the village of Sri Bandung
with cane plantation PTPN VII Cinta Manis so that personnel from the South
Sumatra Police Directorate Sabhara dibantukan to Ogan Ilir Police can not get
into the location Rayon III so back to the Police Tanjung Batu.

2) River Ecosystem Pollution

Impact on the environment due to the Development of a sugar factory in Ogan Ilir
has long protested the citizens. Only, the action is the disappointment of the
existence of the peak, PTPN VII are considered not benefit the people around. It
can be seen, from the amount of labor which 70% come from outside. Then, the
river which was able to be a place for fishing, is now polluted and the fish have
started to become extinct due to waste. Furthermore, the dust burning of cane


sugar factory PTPN VII entered into the residential area and disrupting the
Habitats that support human life is protected by the Law of the Republic of
Indonesia No. 5 of 1990 on Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems.
In studies suggest that contamination of the river and burning the garden is an act
contrary to the law in Ogan Ilir, when rivers and air kebersiahan is the right of
every person. River gives life Ogan Ilir citizens, because one of the residents
Ogan Ilir income is fishing. The fish are sold to earn money and eat for everyday
In addition, the fish can be made into kempelang - Ogan Ilir specialties are sold to the market and to the outside Ogan Ilir, Palembang sales to as the
capital city of Palembang. Therefore, residents protest against this contamination.
Then, the air pollution resulting from the burning that occurs every time there is a
protest to the citizens of PTPN VII Cinta Manis. Not only pollution, but the
smoke generated from burning by residents to garden plants that do not cause
much of combustion also experienced kelayuan. Thus, the view turns yellow
glowing green.


Future Solutions For Sustainable Development Context

In Law 7 of 2012 that in terms of dealing with conflict is explained that the
conflict resolution mechanism relies heavily on social institutions that exist in the
community. Indigenous institutions and / or Social Institution in Article 41 was


placed as a front line especially in the paragraph (1) which describes the Conflict
Resolution by the Government and Local Government to promote Indigenous
Institution and / or the existing Social Institution and recognized. (2) The
Government and Local Government acknowledge the conflict settlement through
the mechanism of Indigenous Institution and / or Social Institution. (3) The result
of the settlement agreement Institution Indigenous Conflict through the
mechanism and / or a Social Institution as referred to in paragraph (1) has a
binding force for community groups involved in the conflict. (4) In the event of
conflict settlement through the mechanism of Indigenous Institution and / or
Social Institution as referred to in paragraph (1) can not be resolved, then the
resolution of conflict conducted by the Task Force on Social Conflict Resolution.
(5) Conflict Resolution through the mechanism of Indigenous Institution and / or
Social Institution as referred to in paragraph (1) is facilitated by the local
government district / city officials involving district and village / local village (the
Law on Handling Conflict No. 7 in 2012).
However, the necessary effective measures as a field approach. Maswadi
Rauf believes the necessary steps to resolve the known model of "consensus"
consensus interpreted as a conflict resolution (conflict resolution), namely through
the process of interaction between the parties involved in the conflict to reach
common ground, namely the achievement of the same view and not create new
problems in social relations and in it equally benefit / reasonable benefits. This is
listed in the above Act, that consensus can not be done directly or through an
intermediary (mediator) and directly implemented by the parties to the conflict


with persuasive approach and provides a variety of possible alternative

approaches and coercive force, either in the form of threats and physical violence
to generate consensus (Maswadi Rauf, 2000).
During this approach to culture and religion set forth in the Act can be
seen through the approach of structural functional approach to the conflict. This
approach views society as a whole that are functionally integrated into an
equilibrium. In this approach the analogies of society as a biological organism.
Thought functional society considers a static social order or are in a state of
change proportionally, because the general public subject to the process of change.
Because functionalist emphasizes social order, therefore, this approach is very
concerned about the norms, values, morals and religion of a particular community
(Pitzer-Doughlas, 2004).
Approach to culture and religion, not also disregard how the state can take
on the role. Stephen D. Krasner describes the state when integrated with pluralism
would have a tendency; first, tend to see politics in the sense of rules, control the
order rather than in terms of the allocation; focus more on the internal order and
external maintenance of the distribution of the benefit to the government and
Pudjiastuti Budiardjo, 1996). Nodlinger split the four types of countries: countries
strong (strong states), independent state (state independents), the state is
responsive (responsive states), and the state is weak (weak states). However, in
reality the state can do in terms of handling conflict compulsion. Because the state
is an element of compulsion dapak be organized through policies decided (Weiner
and Huntington, 1994).


Thus it is difficult to try to understand society without trying to understand

their culture. The existence of culture can not be separated from society. Through
culture, people learn about many things, such as the values, beliefs, behaviors, and
other material objects that reflect the way people live. Culture is a survival
strategy for the community. Inside there is a culture of understanding maps (map
of understanding) that will direct what to do and how they do it man. Not
infrequently culture can only be understood by the community, but not for another
person or group. As a survival strategy, the public has the expectation that culture
can help them in overcoming the problems of life. This has encouraged the use of
cultural approaches to overcome their problems, including conflicts that occurred
in the community.


Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded as follows:

First, one of the disputed land in South Sumatra occurred between
villagers Ogan Ilir. Socio-agrarian conflict victims. Agrarian conflicts and
plantation sector SOEs derived from land rights conflicts. Land issues have not
been certified and is still in process at BPN Center that used by the residents to
claim land that has not been certified. These problems lead to social conflict
agrarian hitherto demanded by citizens to be released. Residents conduct road
blocks, peg lands held from May 21 2012 until now as evidence of the


disappointment of the PTPN VII Cinta Manis business unit which does not
respond to the demands of citizens.
Second, agrarian social conflict in South Sumatra is still in progress, there
are still many cases of land between the company and the community has not been
solved completely. Social agrarian conflicts become victims died. Agrarian social
conflicts occur due to improper handling and incomplete. Conflict resolution is
only superficial. The government only focuses on the problem of violence,
perpetrators, victims, and not touch the agrarian problem as the core problem.
Third, social-agrarian conflict in Ogan Ilir has caused problems on
economic aspects of the villagers Ogan Ilir. Social conflicts affecting agrarian
villagers in managing the low productivity of land and make a living, because it
affects the tense situation. Then, the physical damage to the environment occurs,
for example the home, garden and office damaged by the conflict. Of course, this
also affects the sustainable development stagnated in the plantation sector. Land
grabbing kelaurag economic resources, low daily wages of PTPN VII Cinta Manis
and low CSR of PTPN VII Cinta Manis.
Fourth, social-agrarian conflict has implications for the environment,
which should be maintained and preserved for a life together, but this conflict is
correlated to the environmental damage to make of that from both sides ie
environmental damage and pollution of the river ecosystem. Physical damage to
the environment occurs, for example the home, garden and office damaged by the
conflict. Of course, this also affects the sustainable development stagnated in the
plantation sector.


Fifth, both sides feel the most true and do not want to deliberation.
Settlement of the conflict is only on the surface, which in the government see only
the issue of violence, perpetrators, and victims, does not touch on the agrarian


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Afriantoni, M.Pd.I, born in Palembang dated 3 April 1978, a lecturer in Faculty of Tarbiyah IAIN
Raden Fatah Palembang. He was a Secretary Rector of IAIN Raden Fatah 2007-2011. Staff of
management thesis Faculty of IAIN Raden Fatah Tarbiyah 2011-2012. Secretary of Force
Education Quality Assurance Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Raden Fatah 2012-2013. Vice Chairman of
the Provincial Board Indonesia Farmers Association South Sumatra Director of the Education Policy
Center for Strategic Studies of South Sumatra Province until now. The author is currently
continuing Doctoral Program in Educational Management Studies, State University of Jakarta.
Houses Address: Jl. Sukarela Lrg. No. Cekmid. 1326 Rt. 21 Rw. 07 KM 7 Sukarami Palembang
South Sumatra HP. 0823-80500054. Email: imraniantoni@gmail.com / afriantonie@gmail.com.
Writing in the form of opinions, Catatan Kritis Kuliah Gratis di Sumsel (Sumeks,
2014), Menatap Arah UIN Raden Fatah? (Sumeks, 2012), Formulasi Revolusi Sistematik
Pendidikan di Desa (Tabloid desa, 2006), Sertifikasi Guru dan Guru Sertifikat (2006),
Reformulasi Rekruitmen Guru (Sumeks, 2003), Menggugat Kewibawaan Guru (Sripo, 2001), dan
Menggugat Ideologi Gerakan Mahasiswa (Sripo, 2000).
Writings in book form ever publication include: team wrote a book called Dibalik Tirai
Kesungguhan Mewujudkan UIN Raden Fatah (Refleksi Gerak Nyata Gubernur, Rektor dan Tokoh
Sumsel), Penerbit Rafah Pers, 2011 dan Toward Easy Learning Cara Mudah Belajar di
Perguruan Tinggi, Penerbit Rafah Pers.
In the form of research into potential research team entitled Peta Potensi Alumni IAIN
Raden Fatah, Penerbit Rafah Press 2009, Persepsi Mahasiswa Kependidikan Islam Terhadap
Pelayanan Administrasi Mahasiswa Fakultas Tarbiyah, Lembaga Penelitian IAIN Raden Fatah
Palembang tahun 2012, Koordinator Peneliti, Paradigma Pembaharuan Pemikiran Pendidikan di
Indonesia 1990-2010, Program Studi PAI Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Raden Fatah dan Koordinator
Peneliti, Tatakelola Pendidikan Madrasah di Kota Palembang, Program Studi PAI Fakultas
Tarbiyah IAIN Raden Fatah.
Then, last in the form of journal Kajian Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Teologi Inti
Pancasila (Jurnal Al Riwayah STAIN Sorong Papua Barat, 2012), Pandangan Tokoh-tokoh
Agama terhadap Materi PAI Sekolah Dasar di Kota Palembang, (Istinbat Kopertais Wilayah II
Sumatera Bagian Selatan, 2013), Implikasi Pertarungan Ideologi Terhadap Pendidikan di
Indonesia (Jurnal Tadib Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Raden Fatah, , 2011) Doktrin Pendidikan Akhlak
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, (Jurnal Concencia Pascasarjana IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang), dan
Interpretasi Jihad Bediuzzaman Said Nursi Pada Kehidupan Modern, (Jurnal Medine-te,
Pascasarjana IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang).


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