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he CEDEX Strategic Plan, included in the National R&D&I Plan (2004 2007), indicates its
ambition to establish itself as the benchmark
Spanish centre where civil engineering, construction
and the associate environment are concerned, so that
it can play a leading role in matters concerning R&D&I.
It is achieving this aim in five major fields of activity:
enhancing the R&D&I inherent to the CEDEX and the
civil engineering and environment sector as a whole;
increasing activity on an international level; optimising
the use of human resources and facilities; opening up
to society and implementing internal management procedures that will serve to support a commitment to ongoing improvement with respect to the quality of the
CEDEXs actions.

2005 proved to be a very fruitful year in taking initiatives for making progress in all these areas, thanks to
an extremely positive working environment. Enhancing R&D&I activities is a Government priority, and in
the area of Civil Engineering field, a very weak initial
situation is combined with a sector in the middle of a
process of expansion and with an incipient interest in
making itself more competitive through technological
innovation. In 2005, the CEDEX carried on increasing
its R&D&I activities with 6 of its own projects, financed
by its own budgets, and also took part in projects that
form part of the National Plan and the E.U. Framework
Programme. Furthermore, in cooperation with other
Ministerio de Fomento Directorates, in 2005 the
CEDEX started the work involved in preparing the Sectorial R&D&I Plan that was commissioned as part of
the Strategic Infrastructure and Transport Plan (PEIT).
International activity intensified as a result of the
CEDEX joining the European Conference of Transport
Research Institutes (ECTRI), the European coordinator that brings together all the main public transport
research centres, the formalization of the Red de Institutos Nacionales Iberoamericanos de Ingeniera e
Investigacin Hidrulica and the joint evaluation and

updating of the agreement whereby the CEDEX is, as

it has been for the last few years, the headquarters of
the International Association of Hydraulic Engineering
and Research (IAHR). Collaboration agreements were
also signed with the Portuguese public centre LNEC
(National Civil Engineering Laboratory), the German
centre DLR (Deutsches Zentrum fr Luft- und Raumfahrt) and with the Mexican Transport Institute, in
order to encourage the development of joint projects
and to exchange research personnel. In the area of
cooperation and development aid, the CEDEX has
been playing an active role in transferring knowledge,
by giving 4 international Masters Courses, and
through the presence of its experts at the training
centres run by the Agencia Espaola de Cooperacin
Internacional in Latin America. It is likely that this
area of structured cooperation with the Spanish
Agency could be enlarged to include stays in the
medium term for foreign technicians and researchers
at the CEDEX centres and facilities.
Adapting the CEDEX resources to the new support
needs and requirements established by the Ministerio
de Fomento and Ministerio de Medio Ambiente got
under way with the creation of a new Centro de Estudios del Transporte, which not only takes in the area
that used to be covered by the former Centro de Estudios del Transporte but also the increasing activity in
the field of railways, the area of transport planning and
economy and urban mobility. The CEHOPUs Advisory
Body was also re-established, with a view to incorporating a group of experts so that they can define the
Centres main lines of activity. Finally, mention must
also be made of the preparation and completion of the
first test at the new facilities for full-scale railway infrastructure testing, which required close collaboration between the experts at the Laboratorio de
Geotecnia, the Laboratorio Central de Estructuras y
Materiales and the Centro de Estudios del Transporte.
The technical team at the CEDEX was further strengthened with the arrival during the year of twelve high de-

gree graduates by means Research Contracts, five high

degree graduates and four medium degree graduates.

signed by virtue of the provisions contained in the contents of the CEDEX Statute (Royal Decree 591/2005).

The wish to open up to society found a favourable response context in the area of civil engineering and the
associated environment. In 2005, the private sector
proved highly responsive to the need to encourage innovation in the sector. In the light of this, different
Technological Platforms were established with a view
to encouraging private investment in innovation and to
devise ways of finding long-term cooperation with the
public research system, of which the CEDEX forms
part. Cooperation with the University led to the signing of 16 collaboration agreements, which help to incorporate the capacities of the university departments
into the research and specialist technical assistance
needs that are required of the CEDEX. The public profile and the publicising of the CEDEXs achievements
led to a total of 145 papers being submitted at domestic and international Conferences and Symposiums, 15
books and publications being issued and 5 doctoral
thesis being presented at the University. Among the
most outstanding events was the organising of the
Waves 2005 Conference in Madrid, in collaboration
with the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE),
at which more than 220 papers were submitted concerning all areas of coastal engineering.

Finally, it must be pointed out that to tackle the activities that are described in this Annual Report, the
CEDEX was able to depend on the team that works at
the Centre as its main asset and guarantee, thanks to
the preparation, ongoing training and team spirit of its
members, that must be pointed out. They possess very
singular qualities, which enabled them to respond in a
suitable way to whatever innovation and technical
assistance demands were made of them by Spanish
society in the sphere of Civil Engineering and the Environment during the course of 2005.

ngel Aparicio Mourelo

Director General del Cedex

On an internal level, the CEDEX aims to improve the

efficiency and quality levels of its work by updating
its systems for monitoring activities, to enable the experts in charge of each project to manage their resources better where time and content are concerned,
which will make it possible to manage and allocate the
available resources in a better way. The process began
in 2005, and is completed with the creation of an External Committee, comprising personnel from the Ministerio de Fomento and Ministerio de Medio Ambiente,
to advise the Secretara General de Infraestructuras
(Ministerio de Fomento) in controlling the CEDEX effectiveness and efficiency, this responsibility being asPRESENTATION 5

The CEDEX is an Autonomous Entity dependent upon the Central State Government, whose purpose is to
provide suitable technological support for the investment, operation, research and development activities
undertaken by the Ministerio de Fomento and Ministerio de Medio Ambiente.
It is organically dependent upon the Ministerio de Fomento and, from a functional perspective, in the
area of their respective powers, to the Ministerio de Fomento and Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, by virtue
of Royal Decrees 1136 / 2002 october 31st and 591 / 2005 may 20th.
The Entity also caters for other demands for services required by the rest of the public administrations
or the private sector, in the areas of construction and civil engineering, as well as environmental matters.
The CEDEXs Centres and Laboratories provide high-level technical assistance, applied research work,
technological development, innovation, transfer of knowledge and cooperation on an international level, in
different civil engineering sectors: ports and coasts, inland waters, transport, structures and materials, geotechnics, techniques applied to engineering, the environment and historical studies concerning public works.
Approximately 70% of its activity involves technical assistance, whereas the remaining 30% is given over
to applied research, technological development and innovation and information transfer.
The CEDEX has close ties and collaborates with other public bodies, such as the Laboratorio Nacional de
Engenharia Civil (LNEC, Portugal), the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chausees (LCPC, Francia) o the
Deutsches Zentrum fr luft-und Raumtalut (DLR, Alemania), and plays an active part in a variety of research
network, such as the Red de Institutos Nacionales Iberoamericanos de Ingeniera e Investigacin Hidrulica.














Secretario de Estado de Infraestructuras y Planificacin


Secretario General para el Territorio y la Biodiversidad


Subsecretaria de Fomento
Secretaria General de Infraestructuras
Secretario General de Transportes
Subsecretaria de Medio Ambiente
Secretario General para la Prevencin de la Contaminacin y del Cambio Climtico
Director General de Carreteras
Director General de Ferrocarriles
Director General de la Marina Mercante
Director General del CEDEX
Director General del Agua
Director General de Costas
Director General para la Biodiversidad
Director General de Calidad y Evaluacin Ambiental
Director General del Instituto Nacional de Meteorologa
Director General de Arquitectura y Poltica de Vivienda
Presidente del Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado
Presidente de una Confederacin Hidrogrfica (designado por la Ministra de Medio Ambiente)
Representante del Comit de coordinacin funcional de OOAA de Investigacin y Experimentacin


Subdirector General de Programacin Tcnica y Cientfica del CEDEX

Comit de Direccin

Director General del CEDEX


Subdirector General de Programacin Tcnica y Cientfica del CEDEX

Director del Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas
Director del Centro de Estudios Hidrogrficos
Director del Centro de Estudios del Transporte
Director del Centro de Estudios de Tcnicas Aplicadas
Director del Laboratorio Central Estructuras y Materiales
Director del Laboratorio de Geotecnia
Director del Centro de Estudios Histricos de Obras Pblicas y Urbanismo
Director Gabinete Tcnico


Jefe Unidad designado por Director General




The main figures regarding human resources for the year 2005 at CEDEX and its distribution across Centres
and Laboratories are shown in the following tables.
The balance of new enrolments during 2005 was a bit lower than the level of retirements which rose to 24
people. As a consequence, the total workforce, that at the end of 2004 was 713 people training fellows
excluded, decreased slightly to 701 by December of 2005, confirming the slow but gradual dropping off in
staff that has been observed as a trend in the last period.
During 2005 five positions were offered to new graduate level public employees through the Escala de
Titulados de Escuelas Tcnicas de Grado Medio de Organismos Autnomos del Ministerio de Fomento.
Also, a call was issued for 25 research positions with temporary project contracts.
Finally, the Professional Training Internship Programme continued incorporating 12 new positions along
2005, so the total number at the end of the year rose to 21 positions.


Civil Servants
Labour Staff
Research Contracts









Oficials, techniciens
and office staff

High level degree


Medium level degree







CET 9%

CET 16%

SG 11%

CETA 13%

CEH 19%
CETA 14%
CEH 23%
LC 17%
CEPyC 16%

LC 13%

CEPyC 10%


LG 14%

CET 11%


SG 8%

CETA 14%
CEH 22%

LC 14%
CEPyC 14%

LG 11%


CET 6%



CETA 25%


CETA 10%

CET 14%

LC 6%
LC 23%

CEH 35%
LG 3%

CEH 14%
CEPyC 14%

CEPyC 22%





LG 10%


Escala de titulados de Escuelas Tcnicas de Grado Medio de OO.AA. del Ministerio de Fomento:
Medium-level degree.
Called: 29 de abril de 2005.
Posts at CEDEX: 4
Personal contratado para Investigacin y Proyectos especiales:
High level degree.
Called: 21 de abril de 2005.
Posts at CEDEX: 12
Becas CEDEX:
High level degree.
Called: 9 de febrero de 2005.
Posts at CEDEX: 12
Called: 13 de septiembre de 2005.
Posts at CEDEX: 25

As displayed in the table below, the initial 2005 budget rose to 41 million euros and the final budget expenditure was 87% of the total.
The income generated by commercial activities was 21 million euros, which confirms an income trecid higher than 20 million per year.
Approximately 90% of the income came from contracts with the Ministerios de Fomento and Medio
Ambiente, which received priority attention frtom CEDEX, as specified in the statutory mandate.
The overall income generated by CEDEX in 2005 positions it at a rate of self financing close to 53%.








31. Precios pblicos


33. Venta bienes

38. Reintegros







39. Otros ingresos




Cap. 3. Otros ingresos




40. Transf. Corrientes Estado




41. Transf. Corrientes OOAA

Cap. 4. Transf. Corrientes







52. Intereses depsitos

57. Resultado oper. Comerciales


58. Variacin fondo maniobra

Cap. 5. Ingresos patrimoniales



70. Transf. Capital Estado




Cap. 7. Transf. Capital











Cap. 8. Activos financieros

Operaciones comerciales










10 Altos cargos





12 Funcionarios





























22 Material. Suministros





23 Indemnizaciones por razn de servicio





















13 Personal laboral
15 Incentivos rendimiento
16 Cuotas prestaciones sociales
Cap. 1. Gastos de personal
20 Arrendamientos
21 Reparacin y conservacin

24 Publicaciones
Cap. 2. Bienes y servicios
48 Transferencia a familias
49 Al exterior
Cap. 4. Transferencias corrientes




62 Inversiones nuevas funcionamiento servicios *





63 Inversiones de reposicin






















Operaciones comerciales


64 Inversiones de carcter inmaterial *

Cap. 6. Inve3rsiones
Cap. 8. Activos financieros

* Suma Programa 451 M y 467 B





Comercial Op.

Comercial Op.

Current Transfers
Other Income


Applied Techniques

Geotechnics 10%
Materials and structures

Ports and coasts


Inland hydraulics29%



























he aim of the Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas del CEDEX is to develop R&D&I
and to provide non-competitive, state-of-theart technologies to the port, maritime and coastal
engineering sectors and their associated environments. This activity begins by establishing joint,
long-term strategies with the Direcciones Generales at the Ministerio de Fomento and Ministry of
Environment in the matters concerned. The most
effective way of collaborating is to establish
ongoing agreements, within frameworks of time
that are adapted to directing and supporting the
development of specialist service capacities and the
consequent benefits to society.

3D test in the vicinity of the harbour mouth. Port of Barcelona.

The year 2005 proved to be a landmark of special

significance in this sense, as the first 3-yearly
collaboration Agreement was signed between the
CEDEX and the Direccin General de la Marina
Mercante, which is added those of a similar duration that are regularly established with Puertos del
Estado and, on a 2-yearly basis, with the Direccin
General de Costas (Ministry of Environment). The
agreements entered into with these three Direcciones Generales form a balanced platform for
carrying out the activities of the Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas with a greater guarantee
that they will be used more effectively and efficiently.
As the previous 3-yearly Agreement (2002 2004)
with Puertos del Estado had expired, a decision was
made to carry on collaborating through a yearly
extension, while at the same time setting up an adhoc Commission to analyse how the relationship
was developing and to propose the courses of
action to be included in the framework of a new
agreement with a view to optimisation. The tasks
undertaken by this committee, which were
completed in July, led to a proposal being made to
enter into a new 3-yearly Agreement to cover the
period 2006 2008; one of the new features of this
is the inclusion of a specific R&D Committee within
its governing bodies, responsible for preparing and
monitoring an R&D Plan that will account for a
considerable number of the activities to be developed as a whole.

3D test outer Port of Pasajes.

Hydraulic operation and ship movement tests for the new gates in the Port
of Sevilla.

matters concerning ship movements, whereas there

has been a reduction in environmental studies and
in the contribution made by other CEDEX Centres
involved in the Agreement.

Test on the Port of Motril breakwater. Close-up of overtopping.

Work was carried out on 42 specific activities

within the framework of the Agreement with Puertos del Estado, all of which involved studying
specific questions that were posed by 21 of the 27
Port Authorities. A further 3 Ongoing Technical
Assistance activities covered environmental and
geotechnical aspects. Finally, 9 additional activities
were dealt with as part of the set of R&D lines
established in 2002.

At the request of the Pasajes, Bilbao, Santander,

Avils, Ferrol, Corua, Vigo, Algeciras, Ceuta,
Mlaga, Tarragona and Barcelona Port Authorities
maritime climate and port hydraulics studies were
conducted within the framework of the Agreement,
and ship movements studies were performed in
Avils, Ferrol, Vigo, Huelva, Motril and Barcelona.
Along these lines, research activities were
completed on the transfer of wave information
between the deep-water and intermediate-water
measurement networks. Furthermore, computational fluid mechanics techniques involving the
interaction between waves and structures were put
into practice, and multivariate probabilistic techniques were also used to analyse extreme events.

Where commitments were concerned, experimental activities using physical scale models accounted
for 41 % of the total time spent, whereas numerical
experimentation and simulation studies amounted
to 33 %, environmental studies accounting for a
further 16 %. Finally, activities involving port pavements, geotechnics and structural materials for
maritime works, carried out by other CEDEX
Centres, accounted for the remaining 10 % of the
total. The percentage increase in experimentation
activities is particularly outstanding, especially in

Experiments with scale models included the use of 3dimensional interior agitation models and the development of ship behaviour models for vessels
moored in the outer port facilities at Pasajes, for
the enlargement to the Port of Valencia, the enlargement to the southern part of the Port of Castelln
and the extension to the northern zone of the Port
of Barcelona. The latter study involved conducting a specific analysis of the behaviour of the naval
repairs floating breakwater. The current rate of port
development has also given rise to a large number
of activities revolving round 2- and 3-dimensional
tests performed on new maritime structures. One
of the most outstanding studies was the 3-dimensional one conducted in the multidirectional wave
tank for the Port of Gijn and the Outer Port Breakwater for Corua. Other studies were either
completed or are still being carried out for the Ports

Gas- tankers access manoeuvre in the Port of Ferrol.

Large- scale wave flume test. Sloping breakwater studies.


Multidirectional wave tank test on the breakwater of the outer Port of Corua.

of Ferrol, Corua (large scale), Motril and

Barcelona. The large wave channel was also used
to collaborate in research work promoted by Puertos del Estado on wave reflection and rubblemound
breakwaters. One study worth a special mention
is the one concerning the new sluice gate for the
Port of Sevilla, which involves a large-scale analysis of aspects concerning the way it operates
hydraulically and the behaviour of the vessels that
pass through it.
Some of the most noteworthy studies conducted
with respect to environmental aspects in port activity
revolved around environmental characterisation
and, where relevant, proposals for managing
dredged materials and other port sediments in the
Ports of Villagarca, Vigo, Tenerife, Sevilla and
Barcelona. Work was completed on the environmental monitoring control activity for the Outer
Port of Ferrol (Cape Priorio) and work should also
be shortly completed on the studies conducted with
respect to the Inner Contingency Plans for the Ports
of Huelva and Cartagena. Furthermore, with a view
to assessing the effectiveness of the new outer
breakwater in the Port of Avils where the prevention of silting up is concerned, the Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas, Avils Port Authority and
the Direccin General de Costas are jointly moni-

toring how the new structure is affecting the Salinas Beach, particular attention being paid to the
zone lying close to the river mouth. In the sphere
of R&D, further progress was made on a proposal
to update the Recommendations for the Characterisation and Management of Dredged Material and
the project concerning a comparative analysis of
the parameters related to the environmental characterisation of such materials was resumed.
In the area of in situ measurements, and through the
Measurement Network Agreement, oceanographic
measurement campaigns were conducted on directional waves in Almera, Bilbao, Corua, and Cartagena, as well as wind measurement campaigns
(Barcelona) and interior agitation and long-wave
campaigns (Santander, Tarragona). The satisfactory performance of the Spanish Network for Wave
Measurement Red de Medida y Registro de Oleaje
(REMRO) must also be mentioned, as it yielded an
average of no less than 94.5 % valid data from the
17 stations that are currently operating.
As has already been pointed out, the new dimension to the CEPYCs activity for the Direccin
General de la Marina Mercante was the 3-yearly
agreement signed in 2005, which includes scientific
support and technical activities carried out by

contained in Royal Decree 210/2004 and Community Directive 2002/59/EC. The study includes an
analysis of the legal bases for some of the refuge
aspects, a compilation of cases involving ships that
have required assistance, the preparation of an
inventory of potential havens, a proposal for a
National Plan and instructions for taking action and
pinpointing aspects to be promoted in a new International Agreement in this area.

Preparing to sink a wave measurement buoy in Cartagena.

working committees and groups for the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), International
Agreements within its jurisdiction and European
Union bodies associated with maritime areas.
Different courses of action were established regarding the fight against pollution in the marine environment, and
the regulations were updated for the purpose of
standardisation and concerning the use of techniques and products for dealing with the spillage of
pollutants, the analysis of models for predicting the
behaviour of hydrocarbon spillage at sea and studies aimed at identifying through analytical work,
those responsible for dumping waste from vessels.
Moreover, courses of action were also established
to improve safety at sea, by analysing the prevailing
climatic conditions when accidents affect shipping
and the conditions on maritime navigation routes;
studies concerning ship movements in restricted
zones and those were shipping density is high were
also undertaken. Finally, reference must be made
to the ongoing technical assistance activities
performed in other areas associated with maritime
safety and marine ecosystem protection.
Throughout its period of validity, the contents of
the Agreement have increased steadily and they can
now include the parallel development of specific
aspects of lines in which CEDEX is involved; during
the first year activities have begun in most of the
lines described.
Work of a very specific nature was also undertaken
in 2005 for the Direccin General de la Marina:
plans and protocols were drawn up for establishing places of refuge for distressed vessels in need
of assistance, in compliance with the requirements

A new Biennial Agreement (2005 2006) was established with the Direccin General de Costas, which
features a wide range of activities. One aspect of it
that is particularly important in the first year of the
Agreement was the support that the Direccin
General lent in tasks arising from the adaptation of
the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) to our
country, and its application to coastal and transition waters; preparing a multi-institutional inventory containing pressures upon coastal waters, and
accessible via Internet, was just one of the many
tasks undertaken, and this inventory will serve as
a communal reference work for ongoing evaluation
and analysis.
Other aspects of the activities carried out for the
Direccin General de Costas are providing scientific support for activities involved in the OSPAR
Convention for protecting the Marine Environment,
collaboration in the preparation of the Master Plan
for Sustainable Coastal Management and a series
of activities of a basic nature of which the following are just some of the most outstanding: preparing an inventory of groynes, channels, detached
breakwaters and submerged coastal protection
works. A variety of studies have also been
conducted concerning specific tasks: small-scale
physical model tests were conducted for the Puerto
Espndola groyne, and coastal dynamics studies were
carried out in Sitges, Oyambre, Santiago de la
Gomera and Silgar.
Surveillance and monitoring activities were
performed on the beaches at Salinas, Campello and
la Isleta (Alicante), with a view to checking the project hypotheses and obtaining a greater in-depth
knowledge of beach dynamics. A recently-acquired
multi-beam sounder was used for carrying out
precision bathymetry on Salinas Beach. Finally,
different potential courses of action for environmental recovery and reverting to former uses at
Portman Bay, Murcia, were analysed and presented
for discussion in various forums.
Once again where the Ministry of Environment was
concerned, the Centro carried on working for the

Direccin General de Aguas on matters concerning

the land-to-sea outfalls from wastewater treatment
and desalination plants. With respect to the latter,
specific assistance was given to design activities
while the Centro simultaneously conducting
research work aimed at drawing up a series of technical recommendations and guidelines in this area.
Collaboration likewise continued with the Direccin General de Calidad y Evaluacin Ambiental in
assessing the potential environmental impacts of
the sinking of the ship MV Ulla near Incirlik,
One of the activities carried out for other Institutions, was the completion of the first phase of the
studies prior to the enlargement of the Port of
Cudillero, in the Principado de Asturias.

WFD. Coastal and transition water proposal.

On an international level, it must first be mentioned

that a professional from this Centro was elected
as the Secretary General of the International Association for Hydraulic Research (IAHR), during the
biennial Conference held in Seoul, Korea. The structuring of the Centros international activity continued with the second annual meeting of the
Institutos Nacionales Iberoamericanos de Ingeniera e Investigacin Hidrulica, which was held

Playa de Salinas, Asturias.


Field work in Incirilik (Turquia), concerning the sinking of the MV Ulla.

Desalination discharge test. Observe the descending parabolic route of the

cloud due to the negative buoyancy of the discharge.

in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, at which a series

of statutes were implemented and a collaboration
agreement was reached between participants as a
means for regulating the Network; this activity, in
which the Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas
is participating in collaboration with the Centro de
Estudios Hidrogrficos, has been able to count on
the support of the AECI, so it is undergoing a
process of consolidation and is to be a main vehicle for the Centros activity in Latin America. The
AECI has partially sponsored the holding of the 6th
International Port and Coastal Engineering Course
organised by the CEDEX with collaboration from
Puertos del Estado and the Direccin General de

One specific activity of special importance was the

organising of the 5th International Conference
WAVES 2005, which is described in detail below.


Apart from achieving greater efficiency and

strengthening strategic relations with the main
bodies that benefit from the Centros activities, one
of the main objectives for 2006 is to formalise a new
R&D Plan and to make the associated investments
so that it will be possible to carry on making
progress in giving the best possible service to society.

The WAVES 2005 Conference

Wave study is one of the main subjects in the set of activities carried out at the Centro
in providing services to the port, maritime and coastal sectors and their associated
environments, and such studies are of vital importance to our country. Therefore, the
CEDEX organised this International Conference jointly with the American Society of
Civil Engineers, ASCE, through its Institute COPRI; this organisation was able to rely
on collaboration from Puertos del Estado and the Direccin General de Costas.
WAVES 2005 has been the main technical international technical scientific forum
specialising in wave movements and long-period waves, their prediction, measurements and the effects they have as the main action on coasts, beaches, port maritime
works and navigation, all of which are matters of great interest applied to our country, and WAVES invariably presents a broad horizon of the most-recent breakthroughs
to have been made in this field.
The Conference, under the Honorary Chairmanship of SAR the Prncipe de Asturias,
was inaugurated by the Secretario General de Transportes in the presence of important personalities from the Ministerio de Fomento and the Ministry of Environment. It
was the 5th time this Conference had been held, but it was the very first time that
WAVES had taken place outside the United States of America. Top experts, researchers,
technologists, consultant engineers, planners and those responsible for port and
maritime safety and coastal security came from all over the world to share and
exchange knowledge with their Spanish colleagues at this Conference.
Apart from two plenary sessions, 220 papers were submitted at the Conference and
discussed orally during four sessions held simultaneously for four days, between 4th
and 7th July. The Spanish contribution consisted of 30 papers submitted by universities and other institutions. Two short preliminary courses were given by lecturers from the Universities of Cornell (USA) and Cantabria.
One of the subjects dealt with at the Conference was the catastrophic effects of waves and long-period waves, as well as the Tsunami phenomenon. In view of the relevance of the Tsunami on 26th December 2004 in the Indian Ocean, and its disastrous consequences, a special and warmlyreceived section was devoted to this event at the Conference, which featured a large number of observations with respect to the phenomenon,
its effects on coastal structures, lessons to be learnt, mitigation measures and warning systems.
As a cultural activity of maximum interest, the bilingual exhibition Iribarren Engineering and Sea organised by CEHOPU was officially opened
at the Conference; this exhibition provided a human and professional biography of this outstanding engineer (1900 1967), internationally
recognised as one of the founders of scientific maritime engineering, and special attention was paid to his contribution to applied wave study.
Iribarrens legacy lives on in Spain through many university groups and the Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas, which he founded and directed
until his death. The availability of the version of this exhibition in English will enable it to be shown abroad in English-speaking countries, thereby
making a contribution to spreading an awareness and understanding of the history of Spanish maritime engineering.

WAVES 2005. View of the Puertos del Estado stand.

WAVES 2005. Robert Dalrymple, Presidente de COPRI / ASCE; Felipe

Martnez, Director General de Marina Mercante; Billy Edge, Vicepresidente
de COPRI / ASCE, Fernando Palao, Secretario General de Transportes;
ngel Aparicio, Director General del CEDEX; Mariano Navas, Presidente de
Puertos del Estado y Jos Fernndez, Director General de Costas.




he following projects have been carried out

in 2005 at the Centro de Estudios Hidrogrficos.

The following studies have been completed at the HYDRAULICS LABORATORY: spillway, inlets and bottom drainage at the Castrovido dam (Burgos); the
new sluice gate at Seville port, in conjunction with
the Ports and Coasts Centre for Studies; the hydroelectric power station at the Alarcn dam (Cuenca);
the valve vibration study for the Tous dam; characterisation studies for the Tietar River between the
Rosarito and Torrejn reservoirs; the study into three
major pumps for SEIASA (State agrarian infrastructure company) in the irrigable area of the Guadalcacn River; bottom drainage and spillway at the
Montoro dam in Puertollano.
The following physical models are currently underway: structural defence plans for flooding of the
Jcar River (Valencia); channelling of the Andarax
River (Almera); the Mara Cristina dam (Castelln);
vibration study for outflows at the Viuela dam
(Malaga); inflow and start of the Orellana canal
(Badajoz); spillways at the La Viuela dam in Malaga;
adaptation of the spillway at the Amadorio dam and
the spillways at the Gasset dam.

Spillway model (Alarcon dam).

indicators relating to sustainable water use. The Hydrometry Service has continued working to compile
capacity data supplied by the Regional Water Boards.
Once analysed and streamed, this data is then incorporated into the Centre for Hydrographic Studies HIDRO
As far as the modelling of hydrometeorological variables is concerned, improvements to the SIMPA (Pre-

As far as Technological Research and Development

is concerned, the following studies have continued:
E-virtual. The virtual training environment for improvement of emergency responses; Behaviour of
rock-fill dams in conditions of water flow exceeding
projected capacity with overspill; Stepped spillways; Fish ladders in dams; Exploitation of aggregates on river sections.
The HYDROLOGY UNIT has been carrying out projects centring on the compilation, analysis and modelling of hydrometeorological variables, the prevention
and control of hydrological risks, and the analysis of

Prototype test (Viuela dam).


Cyanobacteria bloom in the Ebro Reservoir.

River Guadina estuary.

cipitation-contribution modelling system) application,

created by the Centre for Hyrdographical Studies, have
continued. In 2005, this application was implemented
for use in the LINUX environment, it was connected
for compatibility with SAIH data files, and a new water
quality module was developed implementing the
PolFlow model, for the calculation of nutrient generation and transport.

work (Eionet - Water Quantity) and its periodical updating, along with the analysis of its representativeness
for the evaluation of water resources in the European
Union. Also worthy of mention is the compilation of a
report with recommendations for an evaluation of the
impact of hydromorphological pressures within the application of the Water Framework Directive.

In relation to droughts, the Global Hydrological Indicators System has continued to be updated and refined,
through the development of modules for the calculation of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), as
well as the calculation of deficit chronograms. A web
page has also been designed, where these indicators
can be consulted on-line.
In relation to rises in water levels and flooding, work
has continued on the design of a channelling system
for the Jcar River, as foreseen within the Global
Plan against Flooding of the Jcar Riverside Area.
Special mention should be made of the following
projects, started in 2005: the development of a map
of maximum water flows for the entire river network
on mainland Spain, as established in article 28.2 of
the National Hydrological Plan; the compiling of a
Guide to calculate projected and extreme water flows
for the design of reservoir outflow devices, as foreseen in the criteria of the new Dam Security Regulation 1996; the drawing up of recommendations for
the Directorate-General of Water in relation to the ordering and management of flood-susceptible areas.
In the international sphere, activities carried out by the
Hydrology Unit have continued at the European Environment Agency (EEA)s Topic Centre for Inland Water.
Among the projects undertaken by CEDEX (Public
Works Studies and Experimentation Centre) for the
EEA in 2005, we should mention the continuation of the
development of the water quantity measurement net24 CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS HIDROGRFICOS

In the WATER QUALITY UNIT, the Treatment and

Purification Division has undertaken operational trials at the Palma I (Palma de Mallorca), El Tablero,
Arguinegun and Mogn (Gran Canaria) waste water
treatment plants. The first phase of a study has also
been initiated into the activated sludge process using
membrane bioreactors, an ingenious, new technology that offers, amongst other benefits, the possibility of obtaining purified effluent, apt for the majority
of re-utilisation purposes. There has been collaboration with the Water Board of Northern Spain in a
study of the Re-utilisation Plan for residual water produced in Santander Bay, for industrial and recreational use. This aims to free up potable and
pre-potable water supplies, which have been consumed by industry up until now, redirecting them to
domestic water supply.
In the field of water re-cycling, work has also been
done to compile a first draft of the Legislative Act establishing Basic Conditions for the Direct Recycling
of Purified Water, as well as a national recycling database. There has also been a study on the eggs of parasitic worms in sewage and a manual has been
drafted on correct recycling practices. Finally, work
has also been done on the Study into Advanced Technologies for the Regeneration of Purified Effluents,
based principally on the numerous treatment centres
in existence in Spain.
Directives for sample taking have also been established. The first samples have been taken and their

corresponding analyses carried out, with special attention paid to the presence of agronomic parameters, heavy metals, microbiological parameters and
organic compounds.

Public Works Studies and Experimentation (CEDEX),

the study Monitoring Biological Control in aquatic vegetation in irrigation pools using herbivorous fish, has
been completed.

The Ecology of Aquatic Ecosystems division has continued to work studying the toxicity of cyanobacteria in the following reservoirs: Barcena, Belesar,
Cstrelo, Las Conchas and Trasona (Norte); Las Cogotas, Fuentes Claras, Las Vencias, Santa Teresa and
Villagonzalo (Duero); Cazalegas, San Juan and Picadas (Tajo); Orellana and Vega de Jabaln (Guadiana);
Arcos and Bornos (Guadalquivir); Camarillas, Cenajo,
Ojs, Pedrera and Taibilla (Segura); Ebro (Ebro).

In the field of desalination, there have been technical assistance, research and technological development activities at the following desalination plants:
Carboneras, Atabal, Las Palmas-Telde, Cartagena, Alicante, Melilla, Sta Eulalia, Calvi, Alcudia, Andratx
and Almera.

The Geographical Intercalibration Group (GIG), lead

by Spain, has continued its work to meet the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. For the Intercalibration Register, CEDEX has carried out the
sample campaigns for nine of them: Portodemouros,
Salime, San Esteban, Vilasouto and Bao (Norte);
gueda, Nuestra Seora del Agavanzal, Valparaso,
Aldeadvila (Duero) Albarellos and La Ribeira (Norte).
Projects related to surveillance and control of the natural environment on the international border section
of the Guadiana River Estuary have also been completed.
The agreement has been ratified for Development of
an operational system for direct acquisition of topic
maps produced from photosynthetic pigments using
the ENVISAT-1 satellites MERIS sensor. Within this
line of action, there have been radiometric measurement and results validation campaigns at some reservoirs, such as Almendra, Alcntara, Valuengo, Vega
del Jabaln, Finisterre, Valdecaas, Navalcn and
Rosarito, as well as Albufera in Valencia. Participation
has continued in the Proba demonstration satellite,
and its CHRIS experimental sensor, under ESA (European Space Agency) management.
As far as R+D is concerned, the final year of the project, The ecological state of Mediterranean rivers.
Ecological regionalisation, reference stations and
predictive methods of quality evaluation. River basins
in southern Spain (Guadalhorce and Guadiaro) has
been concluded. The following R+D project has also
been concluded: LIMNOPOLAR. A study of non-marine Antarctic aquatic ecosystems as sensors of climatic change, on the Byers peninsula, Livingston
Island (Antarctica).
Within the Framework Agreement for Scientific and
Technological Cooperation between the US Bureau
of Reclamation (USBR) and the Spanish Centre for


to work on the development of the Water Framework
Directive, and the studies stipulated in article 5 of this
Directive were completed in the first quarter of the
A review is being undertaken of the reports compiled
by Hydraulic Administration Bodies regarding the identification and characterisation of surface water bodies.
The aim is to verify which have been the criteria
adopted finally in this initial phase, and to analyse the
possibilities for homogenisation and adaptation, where
appropriate, for phases subsequent to the studies,
which will culminate in the drafting of hydrological
plans for river basins. To this end, a proposal has been
prepared that looks towards the systematisation of information currently available on water bodies, facilitating information management at a national level by
the Directorate-General of Water.
Finally, under orders of the Directorate-General of
Water, there has been a further collaboration in the
definition and delimitation of hydrographical areas
in Spain.
The review and updating of the geographical database for Spanish dams and reservoirs has continued.
This has allowed for a notable increase in the number of dams and reservoirs with associated geographical information, now reaching more than one
thousand. A similar task has also begun in reference
to the major water channels, especially those related
with irrigation, aiming to identify both the main pressures of extraction on water bodies and their relationship with units of demand.
In June of this year, by order of the Directorate-General of Water, the compilation of a situation report
for the Tajo Segura Aqueduct Commission commenced.
In the regulatory field, there have been advances in
the compilation of technical recommendations and
instructions for the normalisation of various hyCENTRO DE ESTUDIOS HIDROGRFICOS 25

ufacturers Association. These have been published

as a CEDEX monograph.
continued on Characterisation of irrigation areas
in the Andalusia Mediterranean basin with the creation of Crop Productivity and Profitability charts,
including water requirements for each UDA (Agrarian Demand Unit) according to its systems, municipalities and areas, along with its crops, surface area,
capacity, price and subsidies. This information is
being used to compile gross and net profitability according to direct and indirect costs corresponding to
each crop in each of said UDAs.
Jellyfish in the River Guadiana estuary.

draulic works projects specifically regulation reservoirs and drainage networks. This action falls within
the Agreement signed with the Directorate-General
of Water for providing technical assistance, research
and technological development related to hydraulic
In a similar way, in conjunction with the Canal de
Isabel II Water Authority, the second and final part
of the collaboration with the aforementiooned institution has been finalised, for the creation of Regulations for Drainage Networks.
Furthermore, in the sphere of projects related with
technical regulations, a series of recommendations
on reinforced concrete pipes for drainage networks
has been drawn up through a collaboration agreement signed with the Reinforced Concrete Pipe Man-


To this end, the corresponding municipalities have

provided details on irrigated crop types, also incorporating the most recent information from MAPA
(Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food) and the
Andalusia Regional Government. Using the Inventory
and Characterisation of Irrigated Crops in Andalusia
(ICRA) a synthesis of specific information (irrigation
areas; water origin, regulation and guarantee; irrigation methods and distribution network, type of production; water requirements and consumption; water
productivity) has also been created, at UDA, exploitation system, and fluvial basin level.
Within the activities related to the Water Framework
Directive, projects have continued on varied-origin
contamination, provoked by pressures exerted on
water bodies by agricultural activity, and studies have
been initiated into the characterisation of measures
to reduce said pressures.


Droughts are recurring phenomena, characterised by an abnormal, seasonal lack of water in a certain region. Water in the hydrological cycle,
whether this is natural or altered, passes through different states and transformations, being added to or removed from different storage positions
according to its physical characteristics or the rules of operation of the hydraulic system. This means that water scarcity takes on different characteristics according to climate and the possibilities for natural regulation, the phase of the water cycle being studied, hydraulic infrastructure in
place and environmental management.
Wilhite (1993) underlines various aspects that make dealing with droughts more complicated. This is a cumulative phenomenon that can continue over long periods of time, without its beginning or end being clearly defined. This characteristic of uncertain temporal boundaries can also be
applied to its spatial coordinates. The damage produced by drought is hard to quantify because it is not usually structural, appearing in a range
of sectors. It is just this diversity of impact, along with the uncertain nature of start and finish boundaries, that make the very definitions of drought
imprecise, adapted to different management and planning bodies according to their requirements.
During the development of the hydrological planning process, in accordance with the Water Act 29/1985 of 2 August, modified under Act 46/1999
of 13 December, repealed and re-written in Royal Legislative Decree 1/2001 of 20 July, the need to develop projects that tend towards the harmonisation of these different visions and towards the treatment of the problem of drought in Spain has been underlined. Hence, in the Spanish
Water White Paper (MIMAM (Environment Ministry), 2000), it was shown that there are problems relating to the homogenous treatment of the
phenomenon of drought and to a global vision of the hydrological cycle. Article 27 of Act 10/2001 of 5 July of the National Hydrological Plan
regarding drought management, established the obligation to set up a global system of hydrological indicators that would allow these situations
to be forecast, and that would serve as a general reference for river basin authorities for formal declarations of situations of alert and eventual
drought. It should also serve for the creation of Special Action Plans by the responsible supply systems in situations of alert and eventual drought
in the sphere of each hydrographical region.
CEDEXs Centre for Hydrographical Studies works with the General Sub-directorate of Sustainable Water Use and Planning, part of the DirectorateGeneral of Water, in the creation of a global system of hydrological indicators (SGIH). Its objectives are to evaluate the hydrological situation using
a limited number of measurement points spread throughout Spain, whether flow is natural or artificial, to identify and characterise droughts. The
hydrometeorological variables taken into consideration are precipitation, water flow, volume of stored water and piezometric level. Later phases

Positioning of points for the system of hydrological indicators.


Quantiles of precipitation accumulated in twelve months, September 2004-2005.

will incorporate snow volume indices and other teledetection procedures. An index of current situation will be produced from each station, in
regard to its historical state. This will, furthermore, be considered in sufficient detail to represent an overall regional value.
Hydrological condition will be evaluated in regions delimited in accordance with hydrographical basin organisations and exploitation systems. The
aim is to manage units of water generation and consumption, although this cannot be taken in general terms, given that demand in certain areas
depends on general regulation systems over a certain river section, or on river diversion.
The variables implemented in the SGIH are as follows:
1. Precipitation. The basic variable for a system that aims to identify droughts. It defines water levels entering the hydrological cycle, propagating
to the rest of the phases of the cycle according to different properties of the ground, the aquifer or to human activity in water use and regulation.
The majority of SGIH precipitation data comes from the synoptic network of the National Meteorological Institute, representing climate.
2. Water volumes registered at gauging stations; reservoir inflow and outflow. They give information on water flow in rivers, on natural water
resources and availability. They include stations selected for UNESCOs 3rd International Hydrological Programme, and those that form part of a
European network of reference stations for natural flow regime. Water volume data is sent by regional Water Board offices.
3. Reservoir supplies. Reservoirs are a basic element in the exploitation of water systems and provide information on availability for agricultural,
industrial, domestic and environmental purposes. At the end of each month, available reserves are communicated to the Hydrological Bulletin of
the Directorate-General of Water and the offices of regional Water Boards.
4. Piezometry. Aquifers are elements with natural regulation capacity that can be used to increase water availability. Knowledge of piezometric
evolution, along with hydrodynamic characteristics and the geometric characteristics of aquifers provides information on availability and the state
of the aquifer. Data is sent by regional Water Board offices.
The following figure shows the total points defined up until now
The hydrological state of the system is evaluated comparing each value - current, monthly or the aggregate of various previous months - with its
temporal evolution. To this end, frequencies of occurrence are calculated, represented in the form of maps or evolution graphs. In the case of precipitation, the percentiles in each region are also taken into account, considering those reached in the stations through simple interpolation operations. In the case of reservoir supplies, it is more important to know the state of reserves in respect of demand rather than in comparison with
historical values. For this reason indices such as current volume vs. maximum volume or ratios that give some idea of the dynamics of the reservoir over recent periods are used.


Standardised precipitation index maps, twelve monthly data for the months of September from 2002.

Drought chronograms in various SGIH regions.

Access to the SGIH website.

Currently, the identification and characterisation of droughts is carried out using the precipitation variable. The system has two incorporated models. The first identifies drought with a variable monthly threshold criterion (85% quantile) with three-month minimum droughts. The second is
based on the standardised precipitation index (SPI) for 3, 6, 12 and 24 month periods.
All the information produced in the hydrological indicators system is published monthly on the web page http://hercules.cedex.es/indhdr/




he preparation of a new test for subgrade

sections that will be conducted on the accelerated pavement test track was among the
most outstanding activities to be carried out by the
Laboratorio de Infraestructuras Viarias in the Road Technology and Studies Area. The new test, which is due to
start in 2006, will mainly be used for making comparisons between the performance of different sections, and the techniques and materials that are
used for subgrades, thus completing the information obtained from earlier studies. This work falls
within the framework of the 3-year Management
Commissioning Agreement signed in November between the Direccin General de Carreteras (Ministerio de Fomento) and the CEDEX to provide
technical assistance and carry out research and
technological development work, which includes a
package of 13 studies involving a wide variety of
subjects (CRT auscultation campaigns, rolling noise
measurements, updating test standards, heavy traffic load spectra evaluation, georadar measurement
of thicknesses, developing highway audit systems,
analysing and giving advice on the pavement management system, etc.).

Further progress was made with the lines of work

established in recent years with the Direccin General de Carreteras (Ministerio de Fomento). A
study was completed that compared the different
design methods used in some neighbouring European countries, special attention being paid to the
analytical calculation procedures and the behavioural models that they use. Furthermore, the task of
preparing a series of recommendations for designing the transition zones between embankments
and engineering structures was concluded, which
dealt with such questions as treating the foundations, the embankment itself, the transition slab and
the drainage structures. Work also continued on
drawing up a series of design recommendations for
the pavements in road tunnels. This document,

Constructing subgrade sections on the CEDEXs full-scale accelerated pavement test track.

which is currently at the draft stage, will be completed during the course of 2006.
A study was conducted and design recommendations given for port pavements for the Ente Pblico
Puertos del Estado; the material concerned, coated
material percolated with laitance, is used in port
pavements. Work continued with the same Body on
inspections and analyses of port pavements as part
of the 4th Monitoring Campaign, and the tasks for
2005 included studies conducted for the Ports of
Ceuta and Melilla.
Further progress was made on studies for the Direccin General de Calidad y Evaluacin Ambiental, (Ministry of Environment), these activities being associated
with the use of waste and industrial by-products on road
surfaces, special attention being paid to the use of bituminous mixes containing the rubber powder from
out-of-use tyres (OUT). These studies involved laboratory tests and monitoring different sections subjected to experimental tests. Different kinds of leaching
tests were also conducted on the recycled materials
to be used on road surfaces, and when these are completed a report will be prepared containing standards
and guidelines.
Research work was also initiated for the Ministry
of Environment to find out ways of improving soils
for the construction of natural pathways and tracks
by including additives and stabilisers, with a view
to improving their ability to withstand the effects

fraestructuras de Andaluca, S.A.), a body that is

dependent upon the Regional Government of Andaluca. The main purposes of this work are to revise and update the Pavement Design Instructions
for the Road Network of Andaluca, which is due
to be completed at the end of 2006, as well to prepare a database concerning the characteristics and
behaviour of road sections that have been constructed following those Instructions.

Aggregate used in the manufacture of bituminous mixes, which contains

black slag as a coarse aggregate.

of atmospheric agents, water and the stress caused

by pedestrians and cyclists, all of which is being carried out in the most environmentally-friendly way;
this study includes laboratory work, characterisation tests and field work, which involves the monitoring of several experimental sections.
As far as work done for other public authorities was
concerned, the Centro prepared a document for the
Regional Government of the Pas Vasco containing
regulations with regard to road surface design, which
is due to be published in 2006. The use of Pas Vasco
steelworks slag on road surfaces was also analysed,
and the findings were included in the Sets of Specific Technical Instructions that were drawn up, and
the Centro constructed a series of experimental sections, which will be monitored by the CEDEX over
the next few years.
During the year, the Centro carried on giving advice
concerning road matters to GIASA (Gestin de In-

Regarding work carried out for private companies,

mention must be made of the following: recycling black
steelworks slag in coated materials, for GSW; studying
several coated materials that contain type 60/70 bitumen, for ASESA; establishing modules and fatigue laws
for concrete with rubber, for the Universidad Politcnica de Madrid; obtaining semi-dense mixture modules with and without a rubber content, also for the
Universidad Politcnica de Madrid; analyses of the potential for using steelworks slag as an aggregate on road
surface, for SIDENOR; conducting shear tests to evaluate the behaviour of tack coats, performed with different thermoadherent emulsions, for CEPSA - PROAS;
comparison of the characteristics of a rubber bitumen
and a modified bitumen, including an analysis of different types of mixtures (semi-dense, draining, micro-agglomerates, etc) manufactured with both binders, for
CEPSA - PROAS; characterisation of different binders
and coated materials designed for use on roads that
have to withstand particularly heavy traffic, for PROBISA Tecnologa y Construccin; and technical assistance and assessment of characteristics in the
manufacture of different bituminous mixes (hot-mix
micro-agglomerates and semi-dense), for CONACON.
Reference must also be made to the beginning of a
study that involves adding a binder to a variety of natural soils, for ICC (Innovaciones en Carreteras y Construccin).
Owing to its innovative nature, one of the most
outstanding works of this type is the study that is
being conducted for Sacyr Vallehermoso, concerning the effects of the method of laying bituminous
mixes on the homogeneity of the pavement, and especially on the thermal separation of the mixes and
the behaviour of the pavements when they are in
service. This research work, which is due to be
completed midway through 2006, is being carried
out using state-of-the-art infrared thermography

Assessment of the thermal separation of bituminous mixes by infrared


During the course of 2005 further progress was made

on the research work conducted for the Foro de Ligantes Bituminosos (Bituminous Binder Forum), carried out with financed with the Centros own R&D, in
which numerous other research organisations and

companies are involved (BP, CIESM, Elsan, Nynas,

Proas-Cepsa, Probisa, Repsol-IPF, ETSI Caminos de
Madrid and ETSI Caminos de Barcelona). At this second stage, the study focused upon the effects of the
binder on the module, aging and the resistance of bituminous mixes to fatigue. Reference must also be
made to the beginning of an inter-laboratory test to
compare the Spanish Standards (UNE) and NLT Standards applying to bitumen, which involves the main laboratories in Spain that produce bituminous products.
On an international level, the Centro, together with
17 other European countries, played an active part
in the COST 351 Action WATMOVE, concerning
water movements in road pavements and embankments, whose main aim is basically to evaluate
water movement and moisture conditions in granular layers and subgrades on highways. Research
is being conducted into the effects of these conditions on the mechanical behaviour of granular materials, the development of advanced finite element
models for simulating the water movements and
their effects, and finally, to evaluate the environmental impact of leachates coming from by-products that are used in pavement layers. Within the
context of this work, the CEDEX undertook to organise in Madrid, an International Technical Workshop on Water Movements in Subgrades and Road
Pavements, jointly-financed by the CEDEX and the
COST Office

Gauges for the in situ measurement of moisture content and matrix suction
in soils and granular layers.

the pavement management system, especially with regard to updating and studying the inventory and in preparing and analysing the surface state indicators.
Further progress was also made with the activities designed to evaluate a new method for visually inspecting flexible pavements, with a view to their potential
use in the management system.
The Centro continued with its campaign involving the
auscultation of the surface characteristics of pavements, and a systematic campaign was put into practice for measuring the skid resistance of the pavements
in the eastern half of the country, with a view to detecting the zones with poor adhesion. One new aspect
that was included in the latest campaign in 2005, apart
from the data concerning the coefficient of transverse
friction and the ongoing measurement of the macrotexture, was the incorporation of graphic documentation from a video camera fitted to the equipment.

In 2005 work was completed on the activities involved

in the SCORE Project as part of the V European Framework Programme concerning improvements to the
cold-mix in situ recycling treatment, in which the
CEDEX has been actively involved. Furthermore, as
part of the CEDEXs self-financed research work, the
Centro played an active part in the European Long-Life
Pavement Group (ELLPAG) as part of the Forum of
European National Highway Research Laboratories
(FEHRL) with respect to long-life pavements in Europe, the main aim of which is to prepare reports and
make recommendations for increasing the useful working life of pavements. Another self-financed project
in which the Centro has been involved is an international inter-laboratory test organised by RILEM
(World-Wide Network of Laboratories and Technical
Experts Advancing the Knowledge of Building Materials and Structures), which concerns the measurement of adherence between layers and a laboratory
assessment of the plastic deformation of bituminous

Work also continued on the auscultation of the thicknesses of certain sections of the State Highway Network, and comparisons were drawn between the
results yielded by the georadar equipment and those
that appear in the pavement inventory database. The
task of measuring rolling noise using the Close Proximity Method (CPX) got under way on certain sections of some dual carriageways, and the respective
analyses were carried out.

In the Area of Full-Scale Evaluation, the Centro carried on

collaborating with the Direccin General de Carreteras (Ministerio de Fomento) on work associated with

On an international level, the Centro started to

take part in the COST 354 Action on road pavements, the main purpose of which is to establish

Weigh-in-motion measurement of a heavy vehicle.

Safety barriers.

uniform performance indicators, bearing in mind

the needs not only of the managers but also of the
end users.

cin Tcnica de Carreteras, consisted of preparing

a series of provisional specifications for rumble

The activities undertaken in the Trafffic and Road Safety Area mainly revolved around a twofold objective:
on the one hand, publishing and handing over the
Final Report on the 3-year weigh-in-motion campaign, as well as preparing a publication that will
describe the main results obtained; and on the other
hand, carrying out the groundwork involved in studying and researching into road safety that is to be
performed in the next few years as part of the Management Commissioning Agreement signed by the
Direccin General de Carreteras and the CEDEX.

On an international level, work was completed on

the Transport Research for European Equipment
(TREE) thematic network financed by the European Commission as part of the 5th R&D Framework Programme, whose most outstanding activity
was to set up an Internet portal (http://www.treetransport-facilities.net) which contains a catalogue
of the major European research facilities in the
transport area; and on the other hand, participation
in the drawing up of the SERRP IV (Fourth Strategic European Road Research Programme), of the
Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories (FEHRL), which will establish the research lines and priorities where roads in Europe are
concerned, from 2006 to 2011.

As far as the first of these objectives is concerned,

apart from presenting the figures obtained at each
one of the 70 stations where data was compiled, the
information from all the stations was jointly processed, with a view to obtaining average results that
describe the main characteristics of the heavy traffic and in order to compare the results with those
yielded by earlier weigh-in-motion campaigns. The
application of these studies is linked to the input
data for pavement design and strengthening, and
for the road transport studies.
Other actions planned within the framework of the
Management Commissioning Agreement are associated with the analysis of the effects of equipment
and infrastructure elements on road safety, in
which ways of swiftly establishing the locations of
accident black spots are studied. Technical assistance will also be given with respect to the development of a road safety audit system for highways
in service.
Other work carried out in the field of road safety,
and within the framework of the Comit de Seguridad Vial (Road Safety Committee) of the Asocia34 CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DEL TRANSPORTE

The activities performed in the Planning and Design Area

basically focused on work commissioned by the Direccin General de Calidad y Evaluacin Ambiental
(Ministry of Environment). Within this field further
progress was made on the use of recycled aggregates on roads, and this included the preparation of an
initial draft containing guidelines for use, together
with a proposal for technical specifications for the
use of recycled aggregates in granular layers. The
task of preparing technical specifications for the use
of recycled aggregates on layers treated with cement
also commenced, and the sections where such aggregates were used were monitored.
The activities included in the Collaboration Agreement
signed in June with the aforementioned Direccin General also began, with regard to the question of environmental quality and evaluation. This 4-year agreement
contains a wide variety of tasks, and the ones that are
allocated to this Area include the following: a study concerning the use of steelworks slag from electric furna-

SCORE Project concerning cold-mix in situ recycling with emulsions.

Rolling noise map obtained from the measurements taken along different

ces on roads; a study on the use of slag from urban incinerators on roads; and updating the catalogue of
waste products that can be used in construction; the latter activity was carried out jointly with other CEDEX
units, such as the Centro de Estudios de Puertos, the
Laboratorio de Geotecnia and the Laboratorio Central
de Estructuras y Materiales.

September, between the Secretara de Estado de Infraestructuras y Planificacin (Ministerio de Fomento)

and the CEDEX, with a view to carrying out technical
assistance and innovation work associated with transport planning. This agreement is scheduled to last for
over 3 years, and it consists of three topics: preparing
a passenger transport demand model and a freight demand model, with periodical updates on an annual
basis; developing and implementing a set of indicators
for monitoring the transport sector, so that it will be
possible to know every 2 years what the transport situation in Spain is; and developing guidelines for action and encouraging innovation where urban mobility
is concerned, which includes putting into practice a
system for calling on those interested to participate in
pilot programmes, and assessing and monitoring these
schemes, in such a way that the programmes encourage research in different fields of urban mobility,
through activities that demonstrate the results and
publicise them.

On an international level, collaboration continued with

the SAMARIS Project (Sustainable and Advanced Materials for Road Infrastructures), which involved on the
one hand, such tasks as managing the Work Group researching into Recycling Techniques, and on the other
hand, the preparation of a report on the Guideline Project concerning road structure recycling techniques.
With a view to completing the activities in which the
CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DEL TRANSPORTE was involved in 2005, reference must be made to the signing
of another Management Commissioning Agreement in



General questions concerning weigh-in-motion
Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) for vehicles is a technique that is used to estimate the weights of vehicles when they are moving at normal speed, without interfering with or holding up the traffic in any way; this is done by measuring and analysing the dynamic force that the tyres exert upon
the pavement.
The great advantage of this method lies in the fact that it enables the operator to know the weights of all the vehicles that are using a particular highway, so the information that is obtained is for all the traffic and not just the few dozen vehicles that can be weighed per day on the traditional static weighbridges.
By contrast, the main drawback to the weigh-in-motion technique is that the readings for individual vehicles are not very accurate (generally
within a range of 20%, depending mainly on the state of the pavement), so the data that is obtained using this method cannot be used to
impose penalties on overloaded vehicles. However, if the system is well calibrated, the precision that is obtain for the average data for all the
vehicles as a whole falls within the bounds of acceptability (normally within a range of 3%), so it can be applied to road planning or statistical studies concerning road transport.

Weigh-in-Motion Campaigns on the State Highway Network

Since 1987, the Direccin General de Carreteras (DGC) (Ministerio de
Fomento) has been entering into different agreements with the CEDEX
for the purpose of carrying out work and undertaking studies with a
view to obtaining a better and greater in-depth working knowledge
of the characteristics of the heavy traffic that uses the State Highway
Network (RCE). The most recent of these agreements was the one called Evaluation of the load spectrum with portable weigh-in-motion
scales (2000 2003 Campaign), which included 70 weighing surveys,
each lasting 24 hours, at different points on the State Highway Network (RCE) in 2001, 2002 and 2003.
To perform these activities the Centro de Estudios del Transporte used
portable weigh-in-motion scales, which were taken to each one of the
lanes and mounted on the transversal sections (stations) selected as
being representative of the respective sections.
The information was stored on an individual basis, vehicle by vehicle,
which enabled the users to have available parameters such as the time
the vehicle passed, the axle loads, the total weight, the wheelbase,
axle and vehicle classifications and the speed at which the vehicle was
travelling. The data and the results for each one of the stations was
entered in a database for the survey and weighing campaign (2000
2003), this being compatible with both past and future campaigns.
Description of the weigh-in-motion system used
The weigh-in-motion scales used by the Centro de Estudios del Transporte in the current campaign are portable, which means they can be
transported to the different sites and installed quickly. (Photo 1).
A 1,800 x 500 x 8 mm surface weight gauge with two induction loops
is fitted to each lane, one of these loops being fitted before the weight
gauge and the other after it, both on the same lane, which enables the
operator to obtain the following data, amongst other, from each vehicle: its total weight, the weight of each one of it axles, the length,
the wheelbase and the speed at which it is travelling.

Figure 3. Distributions of frequencies for the speeds, weights and

lengths of the lorries weighed


Each one of the aforementioned gauges and detectors operates when

connected to a piece of electronic equipment (TDL-500) that records,
processes and stores the data.

Photo 1. Components of the weigh-in-motion system used.

Photo 2. Calibration lorry running over the weighing system.

One single item of recording equipment can store the data obtained from four lanes, in each one of which there is a weight gauge and two induction loops. Once the equipment has been fitted to the station and programmed and calibrated, it can obtain records for all vehicles, regardless of their weight, weighing and classifying each and every one of their axles. In the case of very small saloon cars, it might not detect the
weight of one or even both of their axles, but the vehicle does appear in the census.
During the 24 hours of automatic census conducted by the equipment, there is a 6-hour period of visual sampling that provides supplementary
data in addition to the information furnished by the equipment, such as the vehicles tare and maximum permitted weight (MPW), with a view
to calculating the load being transported, as well as its registration plate number, to find out whether it is involved in local or long-distance
haulage, and this also furnishes information about a vehicles age.
Some results obtained during the campaign
Some of the most outstanding results obtained from the 2000 2003 Campaign were as follows:
Heavy traffic silhouette: the silhouette for the sample as a whole (taken visually) for the 2000 - 2003 Campaign revealed that approximately 30.3 % of the vehicles were rigid, 66.6 % were articulated and 3.1 % were road trains. This information varied greatly from one station to
another. It can generally be said that the stations whose proportion of articulated vehicles was greater than 60 % were mainly long-distance
stations, whereas when the percentage was lower than 40 %, they were short-distance stations.
Characteristics of the heavy vehicles: the total number of heavy vehicles (weighing > 3.5 t) from all the stations was 163,748. The average length of these heavy lorries was 14.2 m, their average weight was 25.6 tonnes and the average speed was 84.9 km/h. Figure 3 shows the
distributions for the frequencies of the lengths, weights and speeds of the lorries concerned.
Equivalence factor for vehicle with an average axle weight of 13 tonnes: the equivalence factor for vehicles with a standard 13
tonne axle load was measured at each one of the stations, using not only the OECD method, but also the AASHO Method. Regarding the equivalence factor calculated resorting only to the AASHO Method, using exponent 4 (flexible pavements), the value obtained ranged between 0.24
and 1.02 at the different stations, when the equivalent axle load was 13 t. In general, it can be said that the traffic passing through the stations
where the equivalence factor was below 0.45 was not very aggressive, whereas the traffic passing through the stations where the factor was
above 0.75 was rather aggressive.




High-Speed Trains (S-102 and S103), equipped with ERTMS.

he modifications made to the CEDEX Statute, published in the BOE (Official Government Gazette) dated 2nd June 2005 state,
amongst other decisions, that the Centro de Estudios
de Transporte shall be established, and that from a
functional perspective the Area of Physics and Electronic Techniques - which until that time formed part
of the Centro de Estudios de Tcnicas Aplicadas
would be incorporated into the new Centro.

(CEDEX), this agreement covering the period 2005

- 2007. It will serve to provide support in helping to
establish the LIF as the first neutral European laboratory, and only one to date, which is capable of
finding solutions to the interoperability problems
caused by implementing the ERTMS (European Rail
Traffic Management System) on the European rail
system. The main activities performed by the LIF
can be summarised in the following way:

Throughout 2005 the aforementioned Area was

still integrated into the Centro de Estudios de Tcnicas Aplicadas, which explains why its activities
are included in the CETA report.

In the railway area, a new agreement was signed

with the Direccin General de Ferrocarriles with
respect to the maintenance and consolidation of the
Laboratorio de Interoperabilidad Ferroviaria (LIF)

1. Work was completed on the second part of the European test campaign on the ERTMS Eurocabs in
which all the European manufacturers (Alstom, Ansaldo-Csee, Bombardier, Dimetronic, Alcatel and Siemens) have conducted trials on their equipment in the
LIF laboratories with a view to standardising the different interpretations of the specifications for the
ERTMS system. As a result of this campaign, the LIF
Eurocab laboratory can conduct official certification
tests on eurocabs. It must also be pointed out that the
LIF has been accredited by ENAC to conduct tests on

Reference loop for calibrating the balise signal on the Madrid Lleida Line.

System for measuring the eurobalise signals on the track.

The Physics and Electronic Techniques Area focused on the

following fields of activity:


peared on the Madrid - Lleida line, and the Laboratory approached these problems by evaluating all the
tests conducted on this section, participating in solving the problems arising from the failure to read balises on the display at Level 1 of the ERTMS system.
These activities were backed by a collaboration agreement signed jointly with RENFE and ADIF.
5. Finally, it must be pointed out that the LIF initiated its work in the field of railway safety in two
areas of great importance:
1. Giving technical assistance to the ADIF in evaluating the safety dossiers for the trains that run
on high-speed lines and
2. Playing an active part in establishing the causes
of rail accidents, by undertaken as a result of the
management agreement signed with the Direccin
General de Ferrocarriles, which came into effect
on 1st January 2006.

View of prototype from the ACE2 Project with its power supply equipment in the background.

2. An active role was played in the national control

group for the ERTMS system and its implementation
in Spain, in the following three basic areas:
1. Establishing the processes required to certify and
validate the ERTMS system that will be compulsory
before the system can be put into commercial service.
2. Establishing the track acceptance tests that must
be conducted on all trains equipped with this
system, and the LIF also participated in performing
the tests conducted on the Talgo high-speed train
(S-102) and in evaluating the results of those tests.
3. Forming part of the group responsible for guaranteeing compatibility between the new European version
of the specifications and the versions fitted in Spain.
3. Test specifications were established for the System
Test Specifications-Subset-076). This European work
group was spearheaded by the CEDEX and when
those specifications are sent to the European Commission, they will become compulsory regulations, as
soon as they are published in the Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSIs).
4. The LIF worked extremely hard in the area of
overcoming the interoperability problems that ap40 CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DE TCNICAS APLICADAS

As in earlier years, the CETA continued to collaborate closely with the CIEMAT in the field of energy
and superconductivity, in the superconductivity laboratory jointly-owned by CEDEX / CIEMAT, in the
following areas:
1. Energy, (which also includes power electronics activities), where further progress was made on developing the ACE2 Project (Kinetic Energy Storage for the
Reduction of Electricity Consumption), a storage
system with railway applications that is being developed for the ADIF (Rail Infrastructure Administrator).
The following activities were undertaken in this field:
- Commissioning and trials conducted on the Wmotor prototype with its power supply and control systems.
- Delivery, commissioning and tests conducted on
the W prototype with its power supply and control
- Manufacturing a second universal control prototype for all the prototypes involved in the project.
- Starting to manufacture the power converters for
the W-plus prototype.
2. In applied superconductivity, the following work
was done:
- Tests were conducted at DESY (Hamburg) on the
combined magnet prototype as part of the EDISON
project (Financed by the National R&D&I Plan).

- Modifications were made to the above-mentioned magnet in view of the test results.
- The manufacturing process began on the second
combined magnet prototype as part of the EDISON
project, based on superferric technology.
- A Fast Kicker-type magnet was designed for the
CERNs CTF3 Project.
The Environmental Engineering Area, carried on participating in the second stage of the COST 350 Action,
for the Direccin General de Calidad y Evaluacin
Ambiental (Ministry of Environment), the aim of
which is to comprehensively evaluate the environmental impact of traffic and transport infrastructures. Environmental evaluation reports were also
prepared on different land transport infrastructures. Reports were also drawn up in support of the
Comisin Nacional sobre Cambio Climtico (National Committee on Climatic Change) for the
same Direccin General.
The CETA also initiated studies for the Direccin
General del Agua (Ministry of Environment), with
a view to characterising the riverbank vegetation
in Southern Spain and the Balearics and Canary
Isles, the work on the Tajo and Guadiana River Basins being completed in 2005. As far as the pilot
restoration project for the banks of the River Zjar
was concerned, once the basic information had
been obtained to allow for a geomorphologic characterisation of the riverbank vegetation in the
Guadiana Basin upstream from Badajoz, the task
of preparing the project got under way for the
Zjar Dam confluence with the River Guadiana
section. Work also started for the same Direccin
General, on trying to obtain a methodology for calculating the damage to the riverbank vegetation.
Furthermore, the species of riverbank vegetation
were compiled for the Ministry of Environment
website, in the section entitled Public Domain
over Water.
At the end of the year work began on a new line of
research into climatic change and the effects of the
Kyoto Protocol on Spain. As the work has only recently begun it is too early to have obtained any results.
Progress was made on the noise pollution programme that commenced the year before for the
Direccin General de Calidad y Evaluacin Ambiental, which involves plotting strategic noise
maps, developing the Regulations contained in the
Noise Act and organising and processing the infor-

Gauging in the Jcar Channel Turia (Tous Reservoir).

Interconnection tests (Lagunas de Ruidera).

mation that has to be used where this subject is

concerned, analysing the ability of major cities to
draw up noise maps and preparing plans of action.
The Direccin General de Carreteras, commissioned the CETA to monitor and control the quality
of the preparation of the first strategic maps plotting road noise on the State Network.
The Area of Isotopic Applications continued its radiological monitoring of the waters, in the inland
water, coastal water and water supply control networks, with over 200 sampling stations.
The number of radioactivity determinations in environmental matrices is around five thousand per
year, taking into consideration a broad spectrum
of radionucleides, both of natural and artificial
origins. Furthermore, the activities involved in
providing backup for the demand for research
and technical support for the Nuclear Safety
Council were particularly important, as is shown

Entrainment of caesium.

Process of extracting the supernatant water in the radiochemical preparation process for the measurement of the 137Cs (Caesium 137).

by the involvement in the operational monitoring

networks (surveillance on a national level within
the framework of Articles 35 and 36 of EURATOM) and the contributions made by the national work groups to the regulations governing
environmental radioactivity laboratories.

2005 began to collaborate with the Abdelmalek Essaadi University, in Morocco.

Studies were conducted in the area of isotopic applications to hydrology with a view to finding out
whether there was any seepage of wastewater into
the Lagunas de Ruidera. Research work was also carried out to establish the origins of the waters that
emerged on a quarry face in Santa Cruz de Mudela.
Tests were conducted to determine the groundwater flows in Vallirana (Barcelona). Further
progress was made on the tasks involved in locating the leaks from the reservoirs belonging to
the River Jcar Basin Water Authority. Laboratory work continued on measuring the content
of 18O, deuterium, tritium, 13C and 14C in the
water samples so that universities and private
companies could carry out a variety of hydrological studies.

Further progress was made on the tasks involved

in the R&D project Analysis of Earthquake-Induced Landslides (Andes), with the development of
numerical models using the Finite Elements methodology, and work also continued with the project Analysis and Prevention of Landslides on
Roads and Railway Lines (Descartes) for the Ministerio de Fomento.
A 2D surface flow model was developed and calibrated, which can be applied to the prevention
of natural water risks caused by hydraulic works,
for the Direccin General del Agua, with which
the Centro also collaborated on developing a variety of techniques for the numerical modelling
of dams.
As part of its scientific and technical information
and documentation programme, the Gabinete de Formacin y Documentacin (CEDEX) carried out activities basically in the following areas:

The network for establishing the isotopic composition of the rainfall on the Iberian Peninsula is still
operational, for the purpose of which the CETA
relies on the backing given by the Instituto Nacional de Meteorologa. Promoted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), this is going to
complete the world network concerning isotopic
composition in the rainfall.

- Taking part in international networks and projects with respect to information, documentation
and databases in a wide variety of civil engineering fields and the associated environmental questions.

Where Computational Engineering was concerned, the

CETA kept up its relations with different foreign
centres and laboratories (Europe, China), and in

In the area of inland waters and in fulfilment of the

agreements signed with the Direccin General del


- Implementing and developing Internet information systems concerning inland waters, roads and

- Progress was made on developing and optimising

the Internet thematic portal on inland waters in
Spain, entitled Hispagua.
- Active participation continued with the European
cooperation project SEMIDE / EMWIS (EuropeanMediterranean Water Information System) for
which Hispagua is the National Focal Point, the
CEDEX also being a member of the Technical Unit
that coordinates it.
- The CETA also carried on participating in the SIAGUA information system (Latin American Water Information System). System liaison and planning
functions are performed on this virtual network, as
well as administering and being responsible for the
International Focal Point for the entire network. In
2005 the CEDEX organised the SIAGUAs 4th Technical Conference in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia,
doing this jointly with the 5th General Directors of
Water in Latin America Conference.
In the Area of Transport and Highways, technology
transfer activities, especially in Latin America, were
undertaken in fulfilment of the agreements that have
been established; these transfer activities particularly
involved matters concerning either road information
and documentation or the diffusion of the Strategic
Infrastructures and Transport Plan (PEIT):
- The CETA took part in the ITRD (DIIT) programme (International Transport Research Documentation) established by the OECD in the
capacity of the Spanish Language Co-ordination
- Further progress was made on updating and increasing the contents of the DIRCAIBEA site run

Measurement geometry adapted for establishing radiocaesium concentrations by high resolution gamma spectrometry.

by the Consejo de Directores de Carreteras de Iberia e Iberoamrica.

- The PEIT website was maintained, and the contents were updated, online surveys and forums
being held with a view to encouraging the general
public to take part.
The CEDEX publishing programme went ahead,
and amongst other activities, it involved the publication of 12 books (including 2 manuals and recommendations, 3 monographic works, 1 piece of
research work, and 2 books on conference papers), considerable documentation on courses that
were given, triptychs and leaflets on scientific and
technical activities, together with reprints of the
events that occurred.
The CEDEX library network carried on increasing
its activity with respect to earlier years, evidence
of which was the rise in the number of enquiries
made to the CEDEX itself and queries made via the
Internet, from companies, individuals, universities
and other external bodies, in addition to those
made by the personnel at the CEDEX. No less than
118,091 references appeared in the CEDEXs
CATA database, which amounted to an increase of
2,825 with respect to 2004. Within the framework
of collaboration with other institutions, several of

Photomultiplier tube used in scintillation detectors for detecting radiation.

Main page of the PEIT website.

the CEDEX libraries were chosen by students in

their final year before graduation in Librarianship and Documentation at the Universidad Carlos
III, so that they could do their end of course practicals.

course were organised for access to the State Civil

Engineering and Technical Engineering Bodies.
Four international Master of Science courses, one
international course, six domestic courses, one international symposium, one domestic symposium,
one workshop and six conferences were organised, details of which can be found in the section
Committees, Courses, Conferences and Technical Reports and Publications (2005).

Within the framework of the CEDEXs own annual

training programme, and with the involvement of
its own Technical Training College, selective



Engineers plan and build structures that are needed for the development of society, and they
also plan where, when, how, with which financing system and within which legal framework
they will be constructed; these engineering structures are built in an environment that is in
a precarious, fragile and sometimes even hostile state, and society is becoming increasingly concern over studying the impact of building such works on the environment.

Figure 1. Popocatapetl Volcano.

Natural hazards are the other side of the coin where this fragility is concerned. Earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, floods, avalanches, debris flows and mudslides, are all phenomena
whose force often exceeds our capacity to counteract their effects. The defence strategy is
based upon a greater in-depth working knowledge of these natural phenomena, so that
we can increase our safety against the risks involved. For example, either by planning structures that can better withstand a seismic tremor, designing dams that can hold back, reroute
or divert large masses of mud, or by prohibiting the building of homes in zones that could
be affected by flooding.
It is essential to be able to predict the consequences of these phenomena. There are three
different ways of forecasting; (i) studying a full-scale prototype, (ii) resorting to scale models,
and finally, (iii) with the aid of mathematical and numerical models, which is the option that
is most extensively used in engineering. A mathematical model is merely a set of equations
that describe the way the system being studied behaves. For example, mass balance or linear
momentum equations. These equations are developed after the basic physical phenomena
have been understood and when a series of simplifications have been made. They are generally systems of partial differential equations, for which the variables used to describe the
problem are unknown.

Figure 2. Simulation of a lahar with the Finite

Elements Method, using the Geoflow program.

The occurrence of the aforementioned phenomena is relatively infrequent in our country.

However they can and do cause great damage and considerable loss of life in other countries. But if they are not very common Why study them? There are several reasons for
doing so. First of all, we are equipped with powerful analysis and simulation tools that many
other countries have not yet been able to develop. Secondly, the international vocation of
our engineers has led them to plan and construct works in zones where such phenomena
happen frequently, so it is vital to know a great deal about them and understand how they
take place. Thirdly, the fact that they are not as likely to happen in Spain should not lead to
complacency, because their occurrence cannot be ruled out.Therefore, the more we can learn
from other countries the better we will be prepared from a professional perspective.
In recent years, the CEDEX has been involved in cooperation work of this type, financed from
a variety of sources, and the AECI (Spanish International Cooperation Agency) played an
outstanding role in this respect. Taking part as members of the European networks (ALERT
- Geomaterials) has enabled the CETA to improve the quality of the models developed in
Spain, which have been applied in China, El Salvador, Morocco and Mexico. Furthermore,
these activities have yielded extra benefits, because it has been possible to use the experience gained in those countries to improve models that have been applied in Europe (France
and Italy).

Figure 3. Simulation of a lahar with the SPH

Method, using the Geoflow_sph program.

One interesting example is the modelling of lahars from the Mexican volcano Popocatapetl, for the purpose of which two propagation models were perfected for large tracts of
land. Figure 1 shows a general view of the volcano, and the results of two models devised,
one with a Finite Elements model and the other of the SPH type, can be seen in Figures 2
and 3, respectively.




ork carried out by the Central Laboratory

of Structures and Materials throughout
2005 has centred on technical assistance,
experimentation, research and the creation of regulations, all within the sphere of construction materials, and civil engineering and building structures.

Sounding of the bridge over the Escudo River (San Vicente de la Barquera).

In the field of Structures, there has been continuity in

the collaboration with, and the providing of technical assistance to, the different Departments of the Ministries of Public Works, Environment, and Culture
and Sport. Below you will find the most relevant projects quoted.
In relation to technical assistance to the Ministry of
Public Works Highways Agency in the field of bridges and structures, the sounding procedure for cantilever bridges on the national roads network has
continued. Specifically, the viaducts over the Tagus
and Guadiana Rivers (A-5) were sounded, along with
the Santos viaduct over the Eo River. The bridge over
the Lladoner River in Barcelona, the bridge over the
Adra River in Puente del Ro, Almera, and the structures on the CN-340 road between Almera and Alicante were also inspected. Other similar inspections
have been the evaluation of Colindres bridge over the
Asn River, and the Escudo River bridge in San Vicente de la Barquera, where a detailed inspection procedure was carried out on welded joints, and
bolt-tightening and tension was measured with normal levels of traffic. The Sella viaduct in Ribadesella,
on the Cantabrian motorway, was also inspected. The
majority of the aforementioned structures were inspected using the self-supporting bridge inspection
As far as dynamic tests are concerned, measurements
were made on the Ribadeo viaducts over the Eo Es-

La Rioja Museum.

tuary, between the Regions of Asturias and Galicia,

as well as on the Sella viaduct, the bridge over the Escudo River and the cable-stayed bridge over the Treto
Estuary in Colindres.
Other special operations were the inspections of El
Rubn and Avils bridges in the so-called Asturias Y
area, and Cobertoria bridge over the A-66 in Campomanes, as well as the first phase of inspection of Valladar bridge over the A-2 in Soria.
In Almera there was a one-off quality audit of the A7 Mediterranean Motorway works on the AlbuolAdra section.

commendations for inspection of buildings affected

by earthquakes.
The six-degrees-of-freedom seismic simulator has
been extremely busy over the year, carrying out fatigue and impact trials on a range of industrial equipment (mainly air-conditioning and electrical
transformer units) built by Spanish companies and
destined for various Spanish and overseas railway
systems, as well as others for the underground
systems in Santiago de Chile, Rome, Washington,
New York and Mexico.
The Central Laboratorys most important activity in
relation to building Materials has been as follows:
Preparation of fatigue tests for air conditioning system in railway wagons.

Activity in relation to historic-artistic heritage buildings falls within technical assistance to the Ministry
of Culture and Sport, for the evaluation of damage
and structural problems in buildings under the control of said ministry. Specifically, this assistance has
taken place at Aduana Palace in Malaga, Espartero
Palace, home to the La Rioja Museum, in Logroo,
the Cuenca Archaeological Museum and the PalaeoChristian Necropolis in Tarragona.
Dam-sounding comes under the agreement with the
Environment Ministrys Directorate-General of
Water. Here, agreements have been established with
the Regional Water Boards of Duero, Norte and Guadalquivir, in order to implement the integral management system for dam-sounding (SIGAP) at dams
belonging to these Water Boards. Technical assistance has also been given in the case of the Ebro
Water Board, with the compilation of a list of requirements for contract tenders that include dam-sounding procedures.
In the Duero, Guadalquivir and Norte Regional
Water Boards, Management has proposed a series
of pilot dams for implementation of the system, aiming to extend its application subsequently to the
remaining dams. The first technical inspections
made were at the Brcena (Norte) and Santa Teresa
(Duero) dams, and a preliminary report was compiled for the latter. Apart from implementation of the
system, there has also been a full review of IT
systems, adapting them to the requirements of the
Environment Ministrys Dams Surveillance Service,
with reference to the compiling of the annual report
on dams.
A project related to seismic vulnerability studies has
been completed for the Home Office, along with re48 LABORATORIO CENTRAL DE ESTRUCTURAS Y MATERIALES

A research programme has continued in relation to

concrete for the Environment Ministrys DirectorateGeneral of Quality and Environmental Evaluation.
It has focused on the use of aggregates from recycled concrete for use in the production of new concrete. With the completion of a laboratory study into
the properties of recycled concrete, a Work Group
has been coordinated, producing the annexe, Recommendations for the use of recycled concrete,
which will be included in the next review of the Spanish Code of practice for Structural Concrete (EHE).
This past experience will be used to carry out a pilot
trial using recycled concrete, in which the Central
Laboratory for Structures and Materials will provide
the necessary technical assistance for the project
and works management, in relation to the use of
recycled materials. The chosen application is a
cable-stayed, reinforced concrete bridge in the municipal area of Manises (Valencia), which will substitute the concrete structure already in existence.
For the Public State Ports Body, work has been carried out to determine which category of resistance
is adequate for concrete in marine environments, to
evaluate the behaviour of expansive cement, to evaluate the influence of sea water exposure in high-resistance concrete, to extend the study into corrosion
of reinforcement in tidal areas, and to analyse the
long-term evolution of the state of concrete in the marine environment.
The study into deterioration of concrete in dams has
continued for the Directorate-General of Water (Environment Ministry). The first, partial report on this
study has already been compiled. The aim of the
study is to increase current knowledge on the deterioration of concrete in dams, on the present state
of the concrete in these structures, and to establish
the criteria and requisites for materials to be used
for the construction of new dams.

Inspection of Wharf no. 3, Abra Exterior at Bilbao Port.

Studies into the condition of concrete in the spillway

of the Castrejn (Toledo) and San Juan Collado (Madrid) dams have been carried out for Soluziona Engineering, and the following project on the durability
of concrete has also been concluded: Alkaline-carbonate reaction, for Castile and Len Regional Government, in collaboration with the Polytechnic College
of Burgos University.
Monitoring of the quality of plastic materials used for
the waterproofing of reservoirs has continued for the
Directorate-General of Water, with inspection, sample-taking and characterisation of materials from a
broad range of reservoirs, with reports compiled relating to 75 of these. The continuity of this project has
also been established for the coming years. In the
same field, monitoring has continued of various reservoirs in Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera and Gran
Canaria, in accordance with the collaboration agreement with the Local Governments of the islands of
Tenerife and La Palma.
Studies and trials on materials and elements for road
building have been carried out for the Highways
Agency of the Ministry of Public Works.
In the case of vertical signposting, tests have been

Analysis of concrete used in dam building by electron microscopy.

done, both of elements such as the plates used for

signs, boards and signal posts, as well as of retro- reflective materials (made using glass microspheres or
microprisms), for signposting and road marking.
A study has been carried out for 3M Espaa, S.A. into
the photometric behaviour of retro-reflective materials made using glass microspheres, through measurements of their retro-reflection coefficient.

Aljaraque Reservoir.

As far as the use of polymeric materials in road signs

is concerned, a research programme has been launched for the Environment Ministrys General Directorate of Quality and Environmental Evaluation into
the re-use of plastics in road signing. The fundamental aim of this project is to contribute to environmental improvement, reducing the quantity of plastic
waste, either by using part of this waste to manufacture products and elements used in sign-making, or
by re-using products from signs in the manufacture
of these same, or similar, products.
In the case of horizontal signing (road markings) trials
have been carried out with materials, such as paints
and microspheres, and dynamic, in situ measurements have been made of the optical characteristics
of road markings using the mobile Ecodyn system,
inspecting sections of road in the provinces of Tarragona, Barcelona and Albacete.
One part of the activity related to road-signing materials has been trials for product certification, fundamentally to achieve the AENOR N quality certificate.
A similar process has been undertaken for the certification of galvanised steel barriers for vehicle contention, also considered as elements of road equipment.
An in situ trial has been completed for the Highways
Agency, to study the long-term behaviour of different
types of geotextiles.

In the field of metallic materials, trials have continued

for the standardisation of steel reinforcement for
prestressed concrete and of drawn wire for electrosoldered netting, as well as for the certification of active and passive reinforcement for concrete, steel
tubes and hollow sections, supports and columns for
street lighting, cross sections, bars and metallic sheets for structural applications and copper tubing for
thermal/ water/sanitary use.
As part of the trials with steel products for prestressed concrete, research has begun into the behaviour
of active reinforcement when it relaxes, at non-conventional temperatures, supported by laboratory
tests, according to ISO 15630/3 regulations.
Trials also continued to obtain the N mark certification for other materials and products such as thermal insulation, ceramic materials and polystyrene
arches. Trials have also been carried out for other
quality marks (international QUALICOAT certificate),
in relation to aluminium lacquering. Many other trials
were carried out on construction materials and products, included in horizontal activities for other Departments of the Central Laboratory itself or other
CEDEX Laboratories and Centres.
Monitoring of recognised quality certificates (N, CV
and Q marks) has continued in relation to products
and materials which are included in the EHE guidelines, and which have been carried out for the Mi-

nistry of Public Works General Technical Bureau.

This monitoring consists of analysis of samples
(taken at works sites or warehouses), review of documentation and the carrying out of a series of contrast tests. Products currently contained in this
monitoring programme are: cements, steel reinforcements and pre-cast concrete. Throughout 2005 there
have been a range of inspections in different places
in the Regions of Canary Islands, Castile La Mancha,
Murcia, Galicia, Asturias, Baleares, Castile-Len, Catalonia and Aragn.
Implementation of the Quality System (ISO EN UNE
17025) has continued, as has renewal of ENAC accreditation. The Central Laboratory is currently accredited to carry out tests for metallic crash barriers for
vehicles, steel for reinforcement, structural steelwork
and thermal insulation. In 2005 accreditation was obtained for tests relative to materials for vertical signposting. Comparisons with various other Spanish and
overseas laboratories were carried out in several accredited tests during 2005.
As part of participation in the compilation of technical regulations, both in relation to structural topics

and materials, active participation has continued in

many Spanish and European standardisation committees, as has collaboration with various inter-departmental commissions related to construction
In particular, work corresponding to monitoring of
the preparation of Structural Eurocodes has been
completed for the Ministry of Public Works General
Technical Bureau (SGT). National Annexes have
been developed for those parts of the regulations already completed, and the first examples of calibration have been carried out.
The Laboratorys facilities have improved with the
acquisition of thermo-controlled heaters for conditioning the Relaxation Lab. This equipment allows for
relaxation tests to be carried out at non-conventional temperatures. Automatic devices for the measurement of concrete shrinkage have also been put into
Installation of the new inorganic materials laboratory
has been completed and work has begun on the new
Laboratory Library.


Recycled aggregate is the aggregate obtained by processing construction and demolition rubble. According to the nature of the original residual
material, recycled aggregates can be classified as recycled aggregates from concrete, recycled aggregates from ceramics, or mixed aggregates,
when they come from a mixture of different residual material.
Since the publication of the National Construction and Demolition Residual Materials Plan (PNRCD) in 2001, use of construction and demolition
residual materials (RCDs) has been promoted. One of the aims of this plan is to reach a minimum recycling level of 60% of RCDs by 2006.
In order to promote the recycling of these residual materials (currently less than 15%), regulations must be put in place to guarantee adequate
use of materials for different applications. In Spain, regulations are currently being developed for use of these materials, both for road construction and for use in concrete.
Few countries have regulations or recommendations in place for the use of this type of aggregates in structural concrete, with different tendencies regarding quality levels required for recycled aggregate, the maximum amount of aggregate permitted in concrete, and limitations as to applications for this concrete. The lack of standardisation in international regulations calls for specific studies to evaluate the properties of recycled
aggregates currently produced in Spain and their influence on concrete. To this end, the CEDEX Central Laboratory for Structures and Materials
has carried out an experimental study aiming to establish regulations, promoted by the Environment Ministry, which has led to the publication of
a doctoral thesis on the subject.
The work carried out in this study falls into two phases. The first of these has consisted in the control of recycled aggregate production in
Spain today, with a full characterisation being carried out, in line with the requirements established by the EHE (Spanish structural concrete
code of practice). The results reached have allowed for regulatory requisites to be established, that should make recycled aggregate satisfactory for use in structural concrete, as well as the maximum percentage appropriate so that a combination of natural and recycled aggregate
meets EHE specifications.
The second part of the study has consisted of the evaluation of the influence of different percentages of recycled aggregate on the properties, both
of fresh and hardened concrete. This has allowed for the establishment of a maximum recommended percentage of coarse recycled aggregate in
structural concrete, so that the quality of the recycled concrete is adequate.
To this end, a top limit of quantity of recycled aggregate has been selected, admissible for the production of concrete according to the specifications established in the first phase, and the following properties of the concrete have been tested: consistency, air content, compression resistance, traction resistance, elasticity and shrinkage - in concrete with 20%, 50% and 100% coarse recycled aggregate.
The results of this study have allowed for the establishment of recommendations for the use of recycled aggregate in the production of structural
concrete. The following are amongst the most important:
- Use of coarse recycled aggregate (> 4 mm) from concrete rubble
- Maximum substitution of 20% of coarse natural aggregate
- Additional specifications to the recycled and natural aggregate
- Application in mass and reinforced concrete of fck 40 N/mm2
In November 2002, the Recycled Concrete Work Group was also founded, coordinated by CEDEX, at the request of the Permanent Concrete
Commission and the ACHE, Technical-Scientific Structural Concrete Association. It was charged with drafting a document, complementary to the

Process for obtaining recycled concrete.


View of the current bridge.

Losa en la que se utilizar rido reciclado.

Virtual views of the new bridge.

The road to be built.

Tests for the characterisation

of the structures concrete.

current structural concrete regulations (EHE, Spanish Structural Concrete Code of Practice), containing specific recommendations on the use
of recycled aggregate in this application. This document was passed to the Permanent Concrete Commission in October 2005.
On account of this experience it was decided to carry out a pilot trial using recycled concrete, in which the Central Structures and
Materials Laboratory would provide the necessary technical assistance for the project and works management, in relation to the use of
recycled materials.
The chosen application is a cable-stayed bridge (Figure 2) in the municipal area of Manises (Valencia), which will substitute the concrete
structure already in existence (Figure 3). The aim of this project is to recycle concrete material from the old structure to produce part of the
concrete for the new one.
Due to the novel nature of using recycled aggregates in concrete, especially in the type of structure in this project, coarse recycled aggregate will substitute a maximum 20% of the coarse natural aggregate in the HA-35 concrete used for the slabs of the new bridge.
It has been decided to recycle the entire structure. Part of the materials will be used in the new bridge, while the rest will go to the road building works that will link the bridge with Paterna, some 750 m long, using the recycled aggregate for the roads sub-base.
The phases of the study take in, firstly, a characterisation of the materials in the current structure to be demolished (Figure 6). This characterisation has, amongst other factors, allowed for the definition of elements to be re-used in the concrete of the new bridge.
The type of processing required for the rubble produced has also been analysed, in order to obtain aggregate of adequate characteristics.
Finally, a control plan for recycled materials has been drafted, both for the aggregate produced and for the concrete to be produced using it.
This project is a milestone in the field of recycling of residual material from construction and demolition, both in Spain and at an international level, on account of the type of bridge to be built. This is bound to provide a better understanding of these materials, and to promote
their use in the future.




n the field of research, technological development

and innovation, the Laboratorio de Geotecnia carried on with the intensive activity undertaken in
2004, not only with respect to the rock and soil characterisation using both in situ and laboratory techniques,
but also regarding the development of mathematical
models to account for the behaviour of a variety of geotechnical structures.

Work was completed that enabled the Laboratorio to

defend the following doctoral theses at the Universidad Politcnica de Madrid:
- Slope stability in rock material with non-linear failure criteria and non-associated plasctic flow.
- Rock anchorage.
Further breakthroughs were made on the use of geophysical techniques to analyse seepage trhough
dams; in modelling the rheological behaviour of rock
masses, in modelling anisotropic granular soils and
in studying the interaction between soils and geotextiles with suction control. More progress was made on
developing torsion equipment for conducting laboratory tests on soils with different stress paths and a
study was concluded that researched into the deformability of rockfill used in harbours with an analysis
of the results obtained from direct shear tests performed in the 1m3 shear box with limestone material
from the Port of Mlaga. Finally, and within the framework of an Agreement with the Regional Government
of Islas Canarias, further progress was made on the
geotechnical characterisation of weakly-cemented Canarian pyroclasts and the design of foundations, slopes and walls made from volcanic materials.
In the area of the European Thematic R&D&I Networks, the SUPERTRACK project was completed; the Laboratorio
took part in this project together with other European
centres, and the following final reports were issued:

Micrography of poorly-cemented pyroclasts on the Canary Islands.

- Construction, assembly and conducting tests, simulating the passage of trains at 200 Km/hour, at fullscale railway infrastructure test facilities.
- Construction of a gauging station at Kilometre 69.5
on the high-speed rail link between Madrid and Zaragoza and recording the train movements on three sections with instruments.
- Rehabilitation of a transition zone to the Amposta
Viaduct without disturbing train movements along
the Mediterranean Corridor.
- Jetting up a triaxial cell for dynamic tests conducted on micro-ballast.
The Laboratorio also continued to participate with
the European geotechnical centre platform European
Large Geotechnical Institute Platform (ELGIP).
In the field of technical assistance further collaboration
took place with different Directorates dependent upon
the Ministerio de Fomento, and the following Ministries: Environment, Education and Science, and different Regional Governments, County Councils, Local
Councils, Public Bodies, Associations and Companies.
The stability conditions of the cuttings on the Jerz
(Cdiz) By-Pass were studied for the Direccin GeLABORATORIO DE GEOTECNIA 55

neral de Carreteras (Ministerio de Fomento) and suggestions have been put forward with respect to works
to be performed to redesign them. The results obtained from instrumentation work on the cuttings of the
Montagut to Olot Section of the N-260 Highway were
analysed and laboratory tests were conducted on
samples taken from the Alczar del Rey to Horcajada
de la Torre Section of the Castilla-La Mancha Dual
Carriageway. The damage to the Torrox Tunnel at Kilometre 288 on the Mediterranean Dual Carriageway
was also analysed.

Landslide affecting a cutting on the Pesquera - Reinosa Section of the

Cantabria Meseta Dual Carriageway.

Dynamic screen to prevent rocks falling onto the N-I.

Apart from the aforementioned activities, a geotechnical study was carried out on the damaged section
of the CN-340 Highway at Kilometre 92.4; the stability of the cutting located between Kilometres 5.8 and
6 on the Pesquera to Reinosa Section of the Cantabria Meseta Dual Carriageway was analysed; the
final state of the Peon del Cuervo cutting, on the
East Section of the Mlaga Ring road was examined,
after the emergency works had been performed between July 2004 and May 2005; a supplementary study
was conducted with respect to the protection measures taken to combat rock-falls affecting the road
works on the N-1 Highway in the Condado de Trevio; a rockfill wall was designed to replace the existing rockfill lining to the Torremir cutting on the
CN-232 Highway, in Castelln; the landslide that occurred at Kilometre 12.2 of the Chiclana to Conil de
la Frontera Section of the N-340 Cdiz to Barcelona
Dual Carriageway was studied, and a synthesis of the
work supervised in situ by the Laboratorio for the Vallirana Bypass in Barcelona was also carried out for
the same highway between the months of July and
October 2005; geotechnical advice was given for
analysing the stability of the slopes on an embankment between Kilometres 0.7 and 1.34 and the slopes
of a cutting lying between Kilometres 1.4 and 2.0
along the Encinas Reales Section of the A-45 Crdoba
to Mlaga Dual Carriageway; the proposal for making
modifications to the works on the Navarrete - Njera
Section of the A-12 Camino de Santiago Dual Carriageway were also examined.
Furthermore, a set of Technical Notes was issued dealing with the following pathology analyses and studies:

Auscultation of a damaged section of the Torrox Tunnel (Mlaga).


- Analysis of the geotechnical problems caused to the

Contreras Section and to the Rabo de la Sartn Tunnel on the A-3 Levante Dual Carriageway, as a result
of interference from the construction works for the
Madrid Valencia High-Speed Rail Link. A Technical
Note was also used to analyse the geotechnical problems affecting the embankment located at Kilometre 38.5 on the same highway.

Stabilising a cutting in Reinosa with the aid of micropiles.

- Slope stability work carried out between Kilometres 0.62 and 0.83; 5.85 and 6.40; 8.36 and 9.04 of the
Mainar to Paniza Section of the Mudjar Dual Carriageway (Zaragoza) and analysis of the results obtained from the laboratory tests conducted with cutting
samples taken between Kilometre 5.6 and Kilometre
6.6 of the Castelln to Carrin Section of the aforementioned dual carriageway.
- Analysis of the geotechnical aspects affecting the
N-340 Vallirana Bypass.
- Research into the excavation work that has to be
undertaken to repair the cutting along the PesqueraReinosa Section of the Cantabria Meseta Dual Carriageway, referred to above.
- Recommendations for designing a rockfill wall that
will make it possible to stabilise the slopes between
Kilometres 279.86 and 279.93 of the N-1 Highway in
the vicinity of Briviesca (Burgos).
In fulfilment of the 3-year Agreement signed with the
Ente Pblico Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (ADIF), the Laboratorio drew up two reports on the medium- and long-term behaviour study
concerning the rail ballast platforms. One was issued
in July 2005 and contained the final results of the
study, whereas the other one, issued in November
2005, provided a synthesis of those results.
Furthermore, and also within the framework of the
agreement entered into with ADIF, which envisages
the performance of applied research activities, technical assistance and the development of technology

that can serve the Spanish state-owned railway

system, the following work was undertaken:
- Work was completed on installing the instrumentation in a 15-metre high embankment and on the settlement layers of a stretch of the Fuencarral to Canto
Blanco Section of the new rail approach to North and
Northeast Spain.
- Two in situ measurement campaigns were conducted to monitor the behaviour of the El Aranero Embankment between Kilometres 106.3 and 106.5 of
Subsection 1 (Section 2) of the high-speed rail link
between Madrid, Segovia and Valladolid.
- A Technical Note was prepared regarding the visit paid
to the Pajares Tunnel, with a view to finding out what
effect the tunnel construction process will have on the
stress to which the lining segments will be subjected.
- The work group formed in the UIC was directed
with an aim to updating the 719-R file concerning
earthworks and settlement layers on railway lines.
Within the framework of the General Agreement established between the Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado, and CEDEX, technical assistance was given to
the El Ferrol Port Authority with respect to the supplementary stabilisation works for the cutting slope
forming part of the enlargement to the outer port. The
geotechnical explanations for the movements of the
caissons for dock Num. 9 in the Port of Mlaga were
analysed. The Laboratorio also studied the enlargement to the Marqus de Comillas Dock in the Port
of Cdiz and gave an appraisal for the repair activiLABORATORIO DE GEOTECNIA 57

Within the framework of another specific Agreement,

this time with the Confederacin Hidrogrfica del
Jcar, the Laboratorio carried out different types of
research work and studies on the Arens Reservoir
in the Province of Castelln, and prepared a final report that analyses the stability conditions of the left
slope of the aforementioned reservoir.

Paleoslides at the Formigal Ski Resort.

ties that were carried out on the new multipurpose

dock in the southern zone of the Port of Huelva.
Advice on geotechnical matters was given to the Direccin General del Agua (Ministry of Environment)
and the Laboratorio also undertook surveying and
exploration work and conducted geotechnical studies as part of the Agreement for managing the public water domain and operating the works. These
activities took the following forms: monitoring the
settlements recorded during the filling of Pool 5 of
the biological reactor for the Galindo Wastewater
Treatment Plant; a geotechnical report on the irregularities that were detected in the Bediesta pool on the
island of La Palma when it was being filled for the
first time; a geotechnical study of the site in Puebla
de Arenoso; a technical note regarding the visit paid
to the site where the Siles Dam is to be constructed
in the Province of Jan; a preview and a final report
on the slope stability conditions at La Raya, on the
right-hand bank of the Gllego River, which could affect the Biscarrus Dam in the Province of Huesca;
an analysis and interpretation of the laboratory tests
that were conducted for the Mora de Rubielos Dam
in the Province of Teruel.
A report on the use of fly ash in earthworks was prepared for the Direccin General de Calidad y Evaluacin Ambiental (Ministry of Environment) and the
Laboratorio also collaborated in revising and updating the catalogue of industrial waste that can be used
for construction purposes.
The Laboratorio de Geotecnias contribution to a specific Agreement with the Confederacin Hidrogrfica
del Ebro was also completed, which involved monitoring and auscultation work on concrete dams and
embankment dams in the River Ebro Basin. On completion of this work a final report was issued that contained an analysis of the results obtained from the
auscultation of the Pajares Dam located in La Rioja.

Another final report was issued for Aguas de la

Cuenca del Guadalquivir, which contained an analysis and interpretation of the shear tests conducted on
the Laboratorios 1m3 shear box for the rockfill used
to construct the Arenoso Dam located in the Province
of Crdoba.
A technical report was prepared for the Gerencia de
Infraestructuras y Equipamiento (Ministry of Culture),
which established the causes of damp and proposed
solutions to prevent the situation from recurring in the
Palacio del Infantado in Guadalajara.
The Laboratorio collaborated with the Instituto
Eduardo Torroja de la Construccin y el Cemento on
researching into the structural damage caused to the
IFEMA parking facilities in the Juan Carlos I Exhibition Site and a report was issued that contained the
final results together with recommendations arising
from the study undertaken.
As part of a technical assistance agreement with the
Autonomous Region of Andaluca for the project to
channel the riverbed of the Argamasilla Stream as it
flows through cija (Sevilla), the Laboratorio de Geotecnia issued a report that not only analysed the results of the geotechnical test results for that project
but also recommended the construction procedures
to be used.
A geotechnical study was conducted for the part privately- and part publicly-owned company ARAMN,
which concerned the underpinning of the foundations for chair lift B-20 in Formigal (Huesca).
Finally, the Laboratorio completed a study into the
behaviour of self-boring micropiles for the company
RODIO; these micropiles were constructed using a
procedure that had been developed by the aforementioned company and a final report was prepared containing a summary of the results obtained.


One of the most important geophysical techniques that
the Laboratorio de Geotecnia has been developing in
recent years to characterise the elastic properties of
the ground land is Surface Wave Spectral Analysis. This
technique is a very suitable non-destructive method
for establishing the velocity of S waves in the
groundVs-, especially when there are surface layers
that are more rigid where it is not possible to use the
traditional refraction methods. Furthermore, the fact
that this method can be carried out quickly and is
global in nature, sometimes means that there are
advantages in using this technique instead of others
such as crosshole and downhole, for which it is
necessary to drill boreholes.
Cullar and Valerio described the geotechnical applications of Surface Waves in the Book Geotechnics in the
Year 2000, a tribute to Professor Jimnez Salas, which
was jointly published by the CEDEX and the Sociedad
Espaola de Mecnica del Suelo in that same year.

Figure 2. General view of the treated zone

A very brief description is given below of how this technique is applied to studying the homogeneity of the soil-cement crust after having
treated the sludge lying in the South Dock in the Port of Valencia using the deep soil mixing technique.

The surface to which the treatment was applied can be seen in Figures 1 and 2. As can be seen in these figures, the improvement is made
along bands, in such a way that in each position the machine can treat, cells, which in this case were approximately 4 x 4 x 4 m 3.
Figure 3 shows the mixer that was used to create the soil cement mixture, and two different moments in the improvement procedure can
be seen in Figures 4 and 5.
The first tests to be conducted using the SWSA technique (figure 6) were performed on several cells belonging to bands L and M (See Figure 1),
which had been finished about two weeks before the test took place. A zone on the untreated strip P was also selected with a view to estimating the stiffness of the sludge.
The reason for testing bands L and M was because trials were still being conducted, which meant that different proportions of cement could
be used for one of the bands.
In view of the fact that the main purpose of the test was to study the homogeneity of the soil being treated, the criterion followed was the
quality of the records obtained (coherence and phase). On the basis of this criterion, it was considered that strip M proved to be more homogeneous than band L.
The Laboratorio intends to apply this type of test on at least two more occasions. The second phase, that will be conducted when the whole
zone has been treated and the third phase, that will take place after a period during which the sludge will be compacted by means of drains
and preloading.

Figure 3. Deep soil mixing: Mixer used for the

treatment process.

Figure 4. Deep soil mixing: Mixer in the ground.

Figure 5. Deep soil mixing: Mixer on the ground





he objectives that the CEHOPU set for itself

throughout 2005 were aimed at establishing a
series of medium- and long-term activities with
a view to carrying out research work, holding exhibitions and publishing books and journals, within the
context of the points established by the Advisory Committee that, chaired by the Secretaria General de Infraestructuras (Ministerio de Fomento), held two
meetings during the course of the year, including the
one whereby the Committee was first established, as
well as reaching agreements with the Mixed Committee for managing the 1% Cultural.

The CEHOPU worked on several newly created exhibitions throughout 2005, and reference must first be
made to the one entitled Espaa en el Mediterrneo. La Construccin del Espacio (Spain in the Mediterranean. The
Construction of Space), which focuses on construction
and technique as vital factors in the shaping of the Mediterranean territory. It is due to be opened in the Sala

Civitas Genova. Palacio del Viso del Marques.

de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid during the last 3

months of 2006 and is being staged in collaboration
with the Universidad Politcnica de Madrid. The aim
of this exhibition is to show the general public our involvement in the Western Mediterranean during the period that runs from the end of the Middle Ages right
up to the beginning of the 18th Century. A wealth of
original documentation normally safeguarded in libraries, archives and Spanish and foreign Museums and

View of Miln. Palacio de Viso del Marqus.


Galleries is being exhibited, with abundant artistic iconography, in the form of paintings, prints, etchings, drawings, models, treaties and books, which are being lent
to the CEHOPU thanks to arranges made with the
Museo del Prado, the Biblioteca del Monasterio de San
Lorenzo de El Escorial, Patrimonio Nacional, the National Capodimonte Museum and the San Martino Museum, both in Naples, the Breda Art Gallery or the
Castello Sforzesco Museum, in Milan, Galata Maritime
Museum in Genoa, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of
Art (Connecticut), and many more.

Besal bridge.

Artifex. Roman waterwheel.

ARTIFEX. Museo Arqueolgico de Sevilla.


During the course of 2005 the preparatory groundwork

was done for holding an exhibition to coincide with the
centenary of the birth of the engineer Carlos Fernndez
Casado (1905-1988), who was born one hundred years ago
in March. A man of universal knowledge, apart from his
technical training as a Civil Engineer and as a Telecommunications Engineer - which began in 1924 and 1927,
respectively -, he also studied Philosophy, and subsequently Law. In his career, Carlos Fernndez Casado
managed to combine the two facets of constructor and
humanist. He was both an author and lecturer on the
subject of bridges and structures who left a permanent
mark on an entire chapter of our recent public works
history. As a theoretician and as an author of treatises,
he epitomised the reflection that should go hand in hand
with practising ones profession. In the case of Carlos
Fernndez Casado, he tackled not only technical but
also aesthetical questions, as well as studying historic
public works. It is planned to hold the exhibition, which
is being organised by the engineer Leonardo Fernndez
Troyano, during the first 3 months of 2007 in the Sala
de las Arqueras de los Nuevos Ministerios.
In the final three months of 2007, it is also planned to
hold in the Sala de las Arqueras de los Nuevos Ministerios, the exhibition Ars Mechanicae. Tecnologa medieval
en Espaa (Ars Mechanicae. Medieval Technology in
Spain), in collaboration with the Juanelo Turriano
Trust, the groundwork for which was initiated in the
final months of 2005.The aim of this exhibition is to give
an insight into the techniques that were used in the
kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula in the Medieval Period, paying special attention to those techniques that
were applied to a wide range of public works, ranging
from roads and bridges, irrigation and water supply
works, the construction of ports and lighthouses, to
castles and forts, encompassing the widest variety of
devices and machines from the period.
Another significant chapter in the years activities was
itinerant exhibitions, which included the preparatory
work for Artifex. Ingeniera romana en Espaa (Artifex.
Roman Engineering in Spain), produced by CEHOPU,
and organised in collaboration with the Subdireccin

Imon waterwheel.

General de Promocin de las Bellas Artes (Ministry of

Culture) and the Juanelo Turriano Trust, which has
prompted the republishing of the sold-out exhibition catalogue, It is a version of the exhibition of the same
name shown at the Museo Arqueolgico Nacional de
Madrid in 2002, which has been especially adapted for
travelling, the reason for making it a roaming exhibition
being to ensure that the broadest sectors of the population in the different Autonomous Regions have an opportunity to see it. The first venue was the Museo
Arqueolgico de Sevilla, where, in collaboration with
the Itlica Trust, it was officially opened to the public
on 23rd October by the Minister of Fomento. The aim
of Artifex is to make the public aware of the great legacy that the Romans left to the world, demonstrating
their knowledge in a variety of technological areas, placing special emphasis on the way in which this knowledge was applied to civil engineering in Hispania.
Plans have been made for the exhibition to be shown
in Tarragona, Murcia, Barcelona, etc.
The exhibition Obras Pblicas en Castilla-La Mancha (Public Works in Castilla-La Mancha), organised in collaboration with the Demarcacin de Castilla-La Mancha
del Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, was first shown in Toledo and features the public
works creations that have been constructed within the
aforementioned Autonomous Region, and has been

shown in the different capitals of the Region. The exhibition, which features engineering works and projects that have been developed in Castilla-La Mancha
from historical times up to the present day, visited Albacete, Guadalajara, Ciudad Real and Talavera de la
Reina in 2005.
The exhibition Puertos espaoles en la historia (Spanish
Ports throughout History) continued its travels, and
was on view in the Iglesia de Sant Francesc en Montblanc (Tarragona) on 21st July, where it remained until
4th September.
The exhibition, Iribarren. Ingeniera y Mar, first shown in
the year 2000, was inaugurated in its English version,
Iribarren. Engineering and Sea, in 2005, the accompanying catalogue also being translated into English. The
objective of this new version was to reach an international target and it was inaugurated on the occasion
of the holding in Madrid from 3rd to 7th July, of the
Fifth International Symposium on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis WAVES 2005, organised by the
CEDEX. A book entitled Las olas en la pintura. De la
calma a la tempestad (Waves in Painting. From Calm
to Storm was published to coincide with the occasion;
the aim of this work was to show experts who observe
the sea, how artists view the seascape in different ways.
The book contains the reproductions of 50 paintings of

the sea and ocean waves, and is supplemented with

brief literary fragments that make reference to the subject matter, extracted from some of the best works of
universal literature.
The book Essays on the history of the theory of structures.
In honour of Jacques Heyman was published in English, on
the occasion of the symposium Historical Perspectives
on Structural Analysis, held with a view to paying a tribute to Professor Jacques Heyman and in collaboration
with the Instituto Juan de Herrera. The aforementioned
work contains the papers presented at that symposium,
together with a list of tests, where the worlds greatest
experts on the subject provide a historical account of
how structural theory and calculation has evolved.
The book La construccin de puentes en el siglo XVIII (18th
Century Bridge Construction), by Jean Rodolphe Perronet, is worth a separate mention. The author was
held to be the best French Engineer of his day, and his
writings had major effects upon the 19th Century; this
publication contains a selection of some of his most
important projects and reports, some of which are hitherto unpublished, providing insight into bridge construction engineering techniques in 18th Century France.
Furthermore, the good work carried out in the first edition of the book El arte de construir en Roma (The Art of

La construccin de puentes del S. XVIII. Jean-Rodolph Perronet.


Construction in Rome) was critically acclaimed both

by the general public and specialists alike. A second
edition was printed in response to the great demand
that the books subject matter has had and still has, coupled with the CEHOPUs own interest and that of the
Instituto Juan de Herrera.
The book Historia de los Ferrocarriles de Va Estrecha (History of Narrow Gauge Railway Lines) was prepared and
published in collaboration with the Fundacin de los
Ferrocarriles Espaoles (Spanish Railway Trust). Split
into two volumes, this work analyses the development
of narrow gauge railways in Spain throughout their 150year history. The first volume deals with the history of
railway companies, as seen from a company perspective, whereas the second examines the railway company period in greater depth, as well as dealing with
aspects concerning infrastructure, technology and rolling stock.
Finally, reference must be made to the publication of
the book Los Ingenios. Coleccin de vistas de los principales
ingenios de azcar de la isla de Cuba (The Sugar Refineries.
Collection of views of the Main Sugar Refineries on the
Island of Cuba). It is a facsimile edition of the original
work published in Cuba, one of the best made publications in America that, apart from its artistic value, provides very useful information about the main Cuban
sugar refineries in the 1850s, through 29 prints drawn
and lithographed by the French illustrator Eduardo Laplante, who was commissioned to do so by the author,
Justo Cantero. This edition is much more than a facsimile because it has been updated with the inclusion
of new introductory studies that consider different aspects of this singular work. The book also features an
analysis of the socio-economic questions and hitherto
unpublished statistical appendices.
In the area of documentation, the CEHOPU Library currently has a list of 7,300 titles of monographic works
and almost 150 periodical publications that have been
acquired either through purchase, donation or exchange, and users can refer to it via Internet in the automated catalogue of the network of CEDEX libraries.
In 2005, the students at the Departamento de Biblioteconoma y Documentacin (Universidad Carlos III) did
their practicals at the library in May. Other outstanding
activities included the signing of a collaboration agreement with the Universidad Carlos III, which will enable students doing their Masters in Archivistics at the
aforementioned University to do their practicals at the
CEHOPU as from 2006. Work was also completed on
the digitalisation of the Revista de Obras Pblicas and
making it available on the Internet, in collaboration
with the Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos Canales y

Ingenio de Acana. Los ingenios. Coleccin de vistas de los principales

ingenios azucareros de la isla de Cuba.

Vas Verdes.

During the course of the year, work progressed on improving the institutions Website, so that it will be possible to publicise the CEHOPUs work and initiatives in
all its spheres of activity from the moment the Centro
was established up to the present time, without forgetting forthcoming projects and taking into account the
recommendations for creating Websites for Public Bodies of the State Authorities. The idea is to show the
activities of the Centro in a clear and visual way, describing the services that are offered by the CEHOPU
and the entities with which it collaborates, as well as
providing details of the lectures and seminars that are
being organised and setting up two databases, one for
exhibitions and the other for publications, both of which
contain systematic and easy-to-access information.

A variety of reports were drawn up for other centres,

such as the advisability and necessity of putting back
in their original site, two milestones, in the form of columns, on the Va de la Plata, a historical report on the
Special Plan for the Prado Recoletos Center Line in
Madrid, amongst others.

With respect to research work conducted throughout

the year, one of the most outstanding activities was
Groundwork for an Exhibition on Spanish Engineering
in the Mediterranean Area under the Crowns of Aragn and Castilla, carried out through an agreement signed with the Universidad Politcnica de Madrid.
Another extremely interesting study was the Approach
to the Historical Development of the Relationship between Railways
and Cities, undertaken by virtue of an agreement reached
with the Fundacin de los Ferrocarriles Espaoles, involving studies conducted in 17 Spanish cities, which
yielded important data about the way in which railways
affected the urban development of the boroughs and
how the subsequent evolution of the urban structure
gave rise to changes, sometimes drastic ones, in the layout of rail access to towns and cities.
The CEHOPU also collaborated with the Fundacin de
los Ferrocarriles Espaoles on the joint creation of the
script for the Television Series Vive la Va, which highlights the incorporation of the historical nature of railway heritage adapted for use as Nature Trails, which
was broadcast by Channel 2 (TVE).

In the area of institutional relations, the initiative has

been taken once again to strengthen the ties with both
national and international bodies; on the domestic
front, reference must be made to the collaborations
with the Universidad Carlos III, encouraging students
from the aforementioned university or those from the
Universidad Politcnica de Madrid to do their practicals at the CEHOPU, through the Chair of Aesthetics
at the Escuela de Caminos, Canales y Puertos or the
Instituto Juan de Herrera; the Ministry of Culture, establishing agreements with the Biblioteca Nacional de
Madrid, the Museo Arqueolgico Nacional, trusts such
as the Fundacin Itlica, the Fundacin Juanelo Turriano and the Fundacin de los Ferrocarriles Espaoles. Positive contact is being kept up with Puertos del
Estado (Tarragona Port Authority), local councils, museums (Arqueolgico de Sevilla, Museum Cemento Rezola in San Sebastin), Fundacin de Cultura Islmica,
etc. for the purpose of holding different exhibitions.
On an international level, the CEHOPU became a full
member of the TICCIH (The International Committee
for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage), so that
it can make its presence felt in the area of studying, conserving, recovering and restoring Industrial Heritage;
the CEHOPU is currently collaborating with the Architekturmuseum der Technischen University of Munich,
providing exhibits for the exhibition on sports architecture that is being prepared on the occasion of the football World Cup 2006, and with the Muse des arts et
mtiers (Paris), for the exhibition Bton which is scheduled to be inaugurated in the first half of 2006 in Paris.

Besal bridge.


2005 marked the centenary of the birth of Carlos Fernndez Casado. To commemorate the anniversary of this outstanding figure of Spanish Engineering the Centro de Estudios Histricos de Obras Pblicas y Urbanismo took the initiative of holding an exhibition in Madrid, with a view to
showing a representative cross section of his works as a whole, for the purpose of which the Centro was able to count on the support of the Oficina
Tcnica Carlos Fernndez Casado, S. L. itself for the essential groundwork for this initiative.
There are numerous reasons for holding this exhibition, so it is only necessary to list them briefly. His extensive training in a wide variety of areas,
because he was not only a Civil Engineer and a Telecommunications Engineer, but also a Radiotelegraphy Engineer in France, as well as possessing
Degrees in Law and in Philosophy and the Arts, where he graduated in History, all of which served to give him a very broad base for facing up to
the challenges posed by engineering and public works.
His devotion to the history of engineering and the philosophic discipline of aesthetics, spurred on by the teachings of Xavier Zubiri, led him to attempt
to purify structures not only from a formal perspective but also where the construction process was concerned, by dispensing with centering and
replacing it with self-centering that served as the metallic support for the concrete, or by means of voussoirs, semi-arches and segments of prefabricated concrete that were mounted as the workers advanced cantilever-style, or along central towers, in the case of arches. The aim was to
prevent unnecessarily high costs for such auxiliary elements as scaffolding, centering or formwork, thereby ensuring that no unnecessary time was
wasted on dismantling, thereby bringing about a reduction in cost and making the whole design and construction process not only more efficient
but also more economical.The reason for these advanced solutions lay in a clear interest in the research work that he conducted from the very beginning of his career, including photoelasticity, which he was already working on in 1932; he continued his activities in the latter field with the company
Huarte y Ca. His interest in this area was one of the reasons that prompted him to establish his own Technical Office which is still operating today,
where he experimented using microconcrete and plastic models, amongst many others.
Carlos Fernndez Casados contribution to civil works was undoubtedly of great importance, in view of the fact that he was one of the very first
engineers to use prefabricated concrete in Spain, placing an ongoing emphasis on saving costs and simplifying the construction processes by ensuring that different construction stages could be performed simultaneously and by controlling the manufacture of the elements in optimum conditions, without adverse climatic circumstances and using the most suitable technical and human resources. Not only was he an expert in reinforced
concrete and structures, but he also pioneered the pre-stressed concrete technique in Spain, which made it possible to rely on stronger and more
resistant structures thanks to better technical qualities.
Another major question, and one that is consistent with the aforementioned philosophical aesthetics, was his endeavour to cause as little negative
impact as possible on the landscape, something that is now the order of the day thanks to compulsory environmental impact studies and lands66 CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS HISTRICOS DE OBRAS PBLICAS Y URBANISMO

Plastic model for the Mieres bridge.

Pre-stressed concrete bridge at Priego.

Carlos Fernandez Casado inspecting the work.

cape assessment, aspects that he was already including as an essential part of his projects many years earlier. This environmental factor pervaded
all his works, a fact that is particularly epitomised by his devotion to strict height bridges, invariably very simple structures with pure lines, which
in no way detracted from the complexity of the task, quite the opposite.
All of this serves to endorse the work that the CEHOPU is carrying out on an ongoing basis to make the public aware of the engineers great material and theoretical legacy, by holding an exhibition that, during the first 3-monthly period of 2007, will be presented in the Sala de las Arqueras
de los Nuevos Ministerios.
First of all, the exhibition consists of a biographical part, which shows the construction processes chronologically, using photographs of the different stages that they went through; another section will deal with his devotion to historical research, such as, for instance, his research into Roman
roads or bridges, and the restoration of ancient engineering works, which was Fernndez Casados other great passion. All of these sections are
supplemented with models not only of his constructions but also his experimental work and his projects.
His research work and theoretical production will also be on view, in the form of an exhibition of original documentation, consisting of texts, articles, publications of all kinds and, when necessary, these will be featured on panels showing reproductions of them.
To coincide with the exhibition, a book will be published containing studies on the life and achievements of Fernndez Casado, together with as
complete a list as possible of his works and some writings from the author himself.
Various preparatory activities had already been carried out when this report was being drawn up, so it is possible to give an insight into some of
the groundwork tasks that are being undertaken to bring this exhibition together. These activities include the digitalization of the graphic documentation, a selection of his extensive bibliography and written documentation, as well as the plans, spreadsheets, original drawings, etc., from the
different works carried out by Carlos Fernndez Casado.





- Curso Internacional: Los Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica en el Manejo
de Cuencas. Santa Cruz de la sierra (Bolivia). AECI-CEDEX.
- IV Jornadas Tcnicas sobre el Sistema Iberoamericano de Informacin sobre
el Agua. Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). SIAGUA-CEDEX.
- II Reunin de Directores de Institutos Nacionales Iberoamericanos de
Ingeniera y Experimentacin Hidrulica. Cartagena de Indias (Colombia).
- Jornada Tcnica Internacional sobre el Agua En Explanadas y Capas de
Firmes de Carretera. Madrid. COST-CEDEX.
- Mster en Hidrologa General y Aplicada. Madrid. En colaboracin con la
Agencia Espaola de Cooperacin Internacional, UNESCO, Direccin General
del Agua del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y otras instituciones.
- Mster en Ingeniera de Puertos y Costas. Madrid. En colaboracin con la
Agencia Espaola de Cooperacin Internacional, Ente Nacional Puertos del
Estado, Direccin General de Costas y otras instituciones.
- Mster en Ingeniera de Regados. Madrid. En colaboracin con la Agencia
Espaola de Cooperacin Internacional, UNESCO, Direccin General del Agua
y otras instituciones.
- Mster en Mecnica del Suelo e Ingeniera de Cimentaciones. Madrid. En
colaboracin con la Agencia Espaola de Cooperacin Internacional (AECI),
Fundacin Agustn de Betancourt y la Universidad Politcnica de Madrid.
- Curso Selectivo de Acceso al Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y
Puertos del Estado. Madrid. Escuela de Formacin Tcnica de los Ministerios
de Fomento y Medio Ambiente, en colaboracin con la Subsecretara del
Ministerio de Fomento.
- Curso Selectivo de Acceso al Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Tcnicos de Obras
Pblicas. Madrid.
- Curso sobre Diseo de Carreteras y Ferrocarriles. Madrid. Escuela de
Formacin Tcnica.
- Curso sobre Ondas Largas (Inframarea). Madrid.
- Curso sobre Uso y Aplicacin de Datos de Oleaje en Proyectos Tpicos de
Ingeniera. Madrid.
- II Curso de Ecologa Fluvial y Restauracin de Ros y Riberas. Madrid.
- XII Curso sobre Limnologa Aplicada: Embalses, Lagunas y Ros. Madrid.
- XXIII Curso sobre Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales y Explotacin de
Estaciones Depuradoras. Madrid.
Cimentaciones 2005. Madrid. Institute for International Research.
Tipologa, diseo y clculo de pilotes: Olalla, C.
ridos: Propiedades Geomecnicas, Petrotexturales, Ensayos
Fsicos y Mecnicos. (Curso de Doctorado). Zaragoza. Universidad
de Zaragoza.
ridos para hormigones. Soriano, J.
Reacciones de interaccin rido-cemento. Soriano, J.
Curso Bsico de Geosintticos. Barcelona. Escuela Tcnica Superior de
Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos. Captulo Espaol de la IGS.
Tipos de geosintticos. Leiro, A.
Canteras: Extraccin, Tratamientos y Procesos de Elaboracin de
los Productos. (Curso de Doctorado). Zaragoza. Universidad de
Cementos industriales. Soriano, J. Adiciones activas. Soriano, J.
Conservacin y Explotacin de Carreteras. Madrid. Ministerio de
Fomento. Subdireccin General de Recursos Humanos.
Auscultacin de estructuras, tipologa de obras de fbrica, patologa de las
obras de fbrica. Astudillo, R.
Curso Internacional sobre Ingeniera de Puertos y Costas.
Quertaro (Mxico). Instituto Mexicano del Transporte (IMT).
Dinmica de los sedimentos en playas, ros y estuarios. Transporte elico.
Lechuga, .

Mtodos de regeneracin de playas y su problemtica. Lechuga, .

Clausura. Sntesis del Curso. Lechuga, .
Conservacin y Explotacin de Carreteras COEX. Madrid.
Subdireccin General de Recursos Humanos del Ministerio de
Inspeccin general de firmes. Alonso, M.
Catlogo de defectos de firmes flexibles. Alonso, M.
Prcticas de inspeccin visual. Alonso, M. y Sinis, F.
Medida de caractersticas superficiales. Yanguas, S.
Prcticas con equipos. Yanguas, S.
Catlogo de defectos de firmes rgidos. Sinis, F.
Medida de caractersticas estructurales. Sinis, F.
Conservacin de firmes con pavimentos de hormign. Sinis, F.
Prcticas de inspeccin visual Sinis, F. y Alonso, M.
Conservacin de firmes con pavimento bituminoso (II) Sinis, F.
Control de Calidad de Materiales para Firmes. Ensayos de
Campo. Madrid. CEDEX e Instituto Tcnico de Vialidad y del
Transporte (INTEVIA).
Caractersticas superficiales de la unidad terminada. conceptos tericos,
especificaciones y normativa. Alonso, M.
Textura superficial con el mtodo de la mancha de arena (NLT-335/00),
rozamiento transversal con pndulo TRL (NLT-175/98), regularidad superficial
con Dipstick (NLT-331/98) y determinacin del IRI (NLT-330/98). Yanguas, S.
Textura superficial con el mtodo de la mancha de arena (NLT-335/00) y
rozamiento transversal con el pndulo TRL (NLT-175/98). Alonso, M. y Yanguas, S.
Medida de la regularidad superficial con dipstick (NLT-331/98). Determinacin
del IRI (NLT-330/98). Alonso, M. y Yanguas, S.
Introduccin al control de calidad. Conceptos generales. Baena, J.M.
Conceptos generales sobre el diseo de mezclas. Baena, J. M.
Puesta en obra de mezclas bituminosas y materiales tratados con cemento.
Baena, J. M.
Valoracin y tratamiento de los datos de control. Baena, J.M.
Carga con placa (NLT-357/98), viga Benkelman (NLT-356/88),
deflectmetro de impacto (NLT-338/98), fabricacin de probetas in situ y
extraccin de testigos (NLT-314/92). Igea, A.
Hormign para Tcnicos de Laboratorio. Madrid. CEDEX e INTEVIA
(Instituto Tcnico de la Vialidad y del Transporte).
Componentes del hormign. Dosificacin de hormigones. Hormign fresco.
Hormign endurecido. Durabilidad. Hormigones de alta resistencia. Alaejos,
P.; Leiro, A.; Bermdez, M.A.; Lpez, S.; Soriano, J.; Snchez, M.; Martn, F. y
Burgos, J.
Curso Iberoamericano de Gestin Portuaria. Madrid. Puertos del
La gestin de los productos de dragado. Ruiz, A.
Curso Iberoamericano de Ingeniera Portuaria. Santander.
Puertos del Estado (Ministerio de Fomento).
La gestin de los productos de dragado. Ruiz, A.
VIII Curso de Ingeniera Geolgica y Geologa Aplicada. Madrid.
Colegio Oficial de Gelogos de Espaa.
Compresibilidad de suelos. El ensayo edomtrico: Estaie, J.
Curso Internacional Fundamentos para el Monitoreo y Pronstico
de Fenmenos Hidrometeorolgicos. Santo Domingo (Repblica
Dominicana). Universidad Autnoma de Santo Domingo.
El problema de las inundaciones. Causas, tipologas de daos, alternativas
de actuacin. Aldana, A. L.
Mercancas Peligrosas y Contaminacin Marina. Madrid. Direccin
General de la Marina Mercante (Ministerio de Fomento).
Los dispersantes en la lucha contra la contaminacin producida por los
derrames de hidrocarburos en el mar. Snchez, J.Fco.
Tcnicas de muestreo y anlisis para la identificacin de responsables de
vertidos de hidrocarburos. Obispo, R.

V Curso sobre Diseo e Instalacin de Tuberas para el Transporte

de Agua. vila. Escuela Politcnica Superior de vila (Universidad
de Salamanca).
Conceptos bsicos. Normativa. Balairn, L.
Las pruebas de la tubera instalada. Balairn, L.
Dimensionamiento de conducciones. Balairn, L.
Master en Ingeniera Geolgica. Granada. Colegio Oficial de
Gelogos de Andaluca.
Cimentaciones Superficiales Especiales: Estaire, J.
Cimentaciones Superficiales en Suelos: Perucho, A.
Cimentaciones Profundas en Suelos: Perucho, A.
Reutilizacin de Materiales para la Obra Pblica. Cartagena
(Murcia). Universidad Politcnica de Cartagena.
Reutilizacin de materiales para la obra pblica. Soriano, J.
Curso Superior en Polticas e Instrumentos de Gestin Ambiental.
Madrid. Instituto de Estudios Europeos y Universidad San Pablo.
El origen y efectos de la contaminacin acstica. Segus, F.
Soluciones al problema del ruido en el transporte y la industria. Segus, F.
Curso Superior de Polticas e Instrumentos de Gestin Ambiental.
Madrid. Fundacin San Pablo CEU, Fundacin Carolina, FCC y
Vivendi Medio Ambiente.
Recursos hdricos superficiales y subterrneos. Estrada, F.
II Curso de Tecnologa del Hormign en la Edificacin y en la
Obra Pblica. La Laguna (Canarias). Departamento de Ingeniera
de la Construccin de la Universidad de la Laguna e Instituto
Espaol del Cemento y sus Aplicaciones (IECA).
Condiciones exigibles al cemento en la instruccin RC-03. Leiro, A.
ltimos Avances en Ingeniera Viaria y de Presas. San Jos (Costa
Rica). Universidad San Jos de Costa Rica y la Sociedad Mecnica
del Suelo e Ingeniera Geotcnica, con la colaboracin de RODIO.
Resistencia del macizo rocoso y de las discontinuidades: Olalla, C.
Diseo, instrumentacin y seguimiento de vaciados en arcillas
preconsolidadas junto a edificios histricos. Ampliacin del Museo del Prado:
Garca de la Oliva, J.L.
Cimentaciones superficiales en roca: Olalla, C.
Recalce para la restauracin y ejecucin de stanos bajo edificios histricos.
Casn del Buen Retiro: Garca de la Oliva, J.L.
Cimentaciones profundas en roca: Olalla, C.
Instrumentacin geotcnica: Garca de la Oliva, J.L.
Rotura progresiva de arcillas sobreconsolidadas, Olalla, C.
Mtodo simplificado de clculo para la estabilizacin de laderas con
elementos estructurales de contencin: Garca de la Oliva, J.L.
Aspectos dinmicos: Reconocimiento. Licuefaccin. Clculo seudoesttico,
Olalla, C.
XV Curso de Verano de Ingeniera Civil El Agua: un Patrimonio a
Proteger, Toledo. Fundacin Ingeniera y Sociedad.
Aguas continentales no subterrneas. Estrada, F.
Curso de Verano de la Universidad de Cantabria Santander.
Universidad de Cantabria.
Aplicacin de los geosintticos en obras de construccin y edificacin:
Martnez, J.M.
III Curso de Verano sobre Tendencias Actuales en el Diseo y
Gestin de Abastecimientos y Saneamientos Urbanos. Zamora.
Escuela Politcnica Superior de Zamora (Universidad de
Abastecimientos y saneamientos en la planificacin hidrolgica espaola.
Balairn, L.
Caractersticas bsicas de las demandas de agua. Balairn, L.
Materiales usuales en las conducciones. Balairn, L.
Indicadores de gestin. Balairn, L.
Investigacin, desarrollo y formacin en la materia. Balairn, L.


Estudios Geolgicos en Obras de Carcter Lineal. Madrid.

Ministerio de Fomento.
Geologa Aplicada. Cartografa, petrologa; geomorfologa y geotecnia.
Prendes, N.
Petrografa de materiales. Problemtica. Prendes, N.
Restauracin de la zona de las canteras del Jarama. Problemtica. Prendes, N.
Tipologa de la erosin. Incidencia en la ejecucin de obras lineales. Prendes, N.
Aspectos medioambientales en las obras lineales. Prendes, N.
Canteras de ridos granticos. El AVE en el Guadarrama. Prendes, N.
Estereologa y clculo de estratos sobre mapas. Prendes, N.
Master en Gestin y Administracin Ambiental. Madrid.
Fundacin Biodiversidad.
La Directiva Marco del Agua y la gestin del litoral. Lloret, A.
El medio fsico. Procesos costeros y transporte de sedimentos. Lechuga, A.
Master en Ingeniera y Gestin Ambiental. Sevilla. Escuela de
Organizacin Industrial (EOI).
Aspectos ambientales de los dragados. Antequera, M.
Contaminacin Marina. Snchez, J.Fco
Master en Ingeniera Medioambiental y Gestin del Agua.
Madrid. Escuela de Organizacin Industrial (EOI).
Vertido al mar a travs de emisarios submarinos. Ruiz, A.
Las aguas costeras y de transicin. Lloret, A.
Master en Ingeniera y Gestin Portuaria. Barcelona. Universidad
Politcnica de Catalua.
Grandes instalaciones de ensayo en modelos fsico en ingeniera portuaria.
Gutirrez, R. M.
Master en Ingeniera Medioambiental y Gestin del Agua.
Madrid. Escuela de Organizacin Industrial (EOI).
Funciones de distribucin en hidrologa. Jimnez, .
Distribucin temporal de lluvias mximas. Jimnez, .
Hidrograma unitario. Concepto e hiptesis admitidas. Jimnez, .
Hidrulica: rgimen gradualmente variado. Marcuello, C.
La Agencia Europea del Medio Ambiente en el mbito del agua. Marcuello, C.
Modelos matemticos de acuferos. Principios. Dimas, M.
Evaporacin y evapotranspiracin. Conceptos y mtodos. Garca, C.
Obtencin de la lluvia neta: mtodo del SCS. Garca, C.
Conceptos bsicos de geologa relacionados con la hidrologa. Cobo, R.
Geomorfologa. Cobo, R.
Introduccin a los sistemas de informacin geogrfica y a la teledeteccin.
Rodrguez, J.
Resolucin de proyectos de ingeniera medioambiental con SIG. Rodrguez, J.
Master en Restauracin y Rehabilitacin Arquitectnica. Madrid. Escuela
Tcnica Superior de Arquitectura.
El proceso digital de imgenes y los sistemas de informacin grfica en la
arquitectura y su aplicacin a programas de restauracin, rehabilitacin y
ordenacin urbanstica. Prendes, N.
Modelling of Water Waves in Harbours. Gdansk (Polonia). Polish
Academy of Sciences.
Physical wave modelling for harbour studies. Grassa, J.M.
Laboratory engineering studies for the extension of Ferrol harbour. Grassa, J.M.
Morteros de Restauracin en los Proyectos de Intervencin del
Patrimonio Arquitectnico. Granada. Universidad de Granada.
Morteros de restauracin y de reparacin. Soriano, J.
Termografa Aplicada a la Ingeniera Civil. Madrid. lava
Ingenieros, S.A.
Aplicaciones de las tcnicas de procesdo y anlisis digital de imgenes a la
informacin derivada de cmaras termogrficas. Limitaciones y
potencialidades. Prendes, N.
Uso de Geotextiles en Obras Pblicas, Firmes y Obras Hidrulicas.
Madrid. Fundacin Agustn de Betancourt .
Tipos de geotextiles. Leiro, A.

- Jornadas sobre Documentos Econmicos y de Calidad de los Proyectos.
Madrid. Escuela de Formacin Tcnica.
- Jornadas sobre ndices de Actividad Alfa Total, Beta Total y Beta Resto en
Aguas Marinas. Madrid.
- Jornadas sobre Problemtica de la Ejecucin de los Contratos de Obra con
las Administraciones Pblicas y el Contrato Concesional. Madrid. Escuela de
Formacin Tcnica.
- Jornada Tcnica sobre el Clculo de Cimentaciones en Roca con el Criterio
de Hoek y Brown. Madrid.
- Seminario del Sistema Distribuido Open-Acces para el Remide. Madrid.
- V Simposio Internacional sobre Medida y Anlisis del Oleaje (WAVES).
- I Simposio Nacional sobre Proyecto, Construccin e Impermeabilizacin de
Balsas. Sevilla.
ASLO (American Society of Limnology and Oceanography)
Meeting, junio 2005. Santiago de Compostela.
- Remote sensing of phytoplankton in an eutrophic reservoir. Ruiz-Verd,
A.; Domnguez, J.A.; Simis, S.G.H.; Gons, H.J. y Pea, R.
- Remote sensing of cyanobacterial biomass in eutrophic lakes. Simis,
S.G.H.; Ruiz-Verd, A.; Peters, S.W.M.; Pea, R. y Gons, H.J.
- Effects of grazing and nutrient release by copepods on the microbial
food web of antarctic lake. Camacho, A.; Rico, E.; Petz, W.; FernndezValiente, E.; Tor, M.; Vincent, W.F. y Quesada, A.
- Hozgarganta river biotic: characteristics of an mediterranean basin in
pristine conditions. Robles, S.; Nuo, C.; Avils, J. y Toro, M.
- Invertebrate communities of fresh-water ecosystems in Byers peninsula,
Livingston island, Antartica. Rico, E.; Toro, M.; Camacho, A.; Rochera, C.;
Fernndez, E. y Quesada, A.
- Cyanobacterial abundance and cyanotoxins in Spanish freshwaters.
Quesada,A.; Sanchis, D.; Carrasco, d. y de Hoyos, C.
- Phytoplankton as a biological indicator to assess the ecological status of
Spanish reservoirs. de Hoyos, C. y Serrano, M.L.
- Toxicity vs. toxins concentration in Spanish reservoirs. Carrasco, D.;
Paniagua, T.; Moreno, E.; Wrmer, I.; Fernndez, F.; Ouahid, Y. y de Hoyos, C.
VII Coastal Engineering 2005. Algarve (Portugal). Wessex Institute
of Technology (UK). Universidad de Coimbra (Portugal).
- Analysis of shear strength of armoustone based on 1m3 direct shear
tests: Estaire, J. y Olalla, C.
XIV Congreso Argentino de Vialidad y Trnsito. Buenos Aires
(Argentina). Asociacin Argentina de Carreteras.
- Principales lneas de investigacin sobre carreteras en Espaa. Ruiz, A.
X Congreso de Control de Calidad en la Construccin, VIII
Congreso Latinoamericano de Patologa de la Construccin.
Asuncin (Paraguay). Asociacin Latinoamericana de Control de
Calidad, Patologa y Recuperacin de las Construcciones
(ALCONPAT) y la Universidad Catlica Nuestra Seora de la
- Ensayo del comportamiento de diferentes geotextiles en la instalacin
en la base de un terrapln. Leiro, A.
XXXI Congreso de la IAHR. Seoul (Korea). Asociacin
Internacional de Investigacin e Ingeniera Hidrulica (IAHR).
- The Iberoamerican network of national institutes of hydraulic
engineering and research. Grassa, J.M.
V Congreso Ibrico de Geoqumica. Soria. Consejo Superior de
Colegios de Ingenieros de Minas.

- Estudio comparativo de ensayos qumicos para la medida de cloruros

solubles en el hormign. Lanza, V.; Bermdez, M.A. y Alaejos, P.
- La corrosin del hormign armado en ambiente marino: contenido
crtico de cloruros. Bermdez, M. A.; Alaejos, P. y Lanza, V.
- Aspectos qumicos del rido reciclado relacionados con la durabilidad del
hormign. Snchez, M. y Alaejos P.
XV Congreso Mundial de Carreteras de Internacional Road
Federation (IRF). Bangkok (Thailandia). Internacional Road
- Utilizacin de pistas de ensayo a escala real para investigaciones de
carreteras. Romero, R. y Ruiz, A.
- Utilizacin de escorias de acero de horno elctrico en carreteras. Ruiz. A.
II Congreso Nacional de Historia de las Presas. Burgos. Sociedad
Espaola de Presas y Embalses (SEPREM) y Universidad
Politcnica de Burgos.
- Materiales sintticos para impermeabilizacin de presas y embalses.
Blanco, M.; Zaragoza, G; Aguiar, E.; Soriano, J.; Gonzlez, J.M. y Garca, F.
I Congreso Nacional de Impermeabilizacin. Madrid. Asociacin
Espaola de Impermeabilizacin (ANI).
- Estudio de la modificacin de betunes asflticos con cauchos
termoplsticos de estireno-butadieno-estireno. Rico, G.; Blanco, M. y
Pargada, L.
- Las geomembranas sintticas en la impermeabilizacin de obras
hidrulicas. Cea, J.C. de y Blanco, M.
XXIII Congreso Nacional de Riegos. Elche (Alicante). Asociacin
Espaola de Riegos y Drenajes (AERYD).
- Nuevos criterios para la caracterizacin de las conducciones a presin.
Balairn, L.
- Importancia de las nuevas agriculturas de regado para la rentabilidad y
economa agraria. Castillo, H.
VIII Congreso Nacional de Sanidad Ambiental. Toledo.
- Cianobacterias y cianotoxinas en la zona de bao de los embalses de
Rosarito, Cazalegas y Arcos. de Hoyos, C.; Quesada; A. y Avils, J.
- Abundancia de cianobacterias y cianotoxinas en embalses espaoles.
Quesada,A.; Sanchis, D.; Carrasco, D. y de Hoyos, C.
III Congreso de Puentes y Estructuras de Edificacin. Zaragoza.
Asociacin Cientfico-Tcnica del Hormign Estructural (ACHE).
- Mesa redonda: Nuevos materiales y nuevos procesos. Astudillo, R.
- Puente reciclado sobre el ro Turia en Manises (Valencia). Alaejos, P.;
Domingo, A., Lzaro, C.; Monlen, S. y Snchez, M.
- Influencia del rido reciclado en las propiedades del hormign
estructural. Snchez de Juan M. y Alaejos P.
- Aportaciones para la mejora de la calidad del rido reciclado procedente
de escombros de hormign. Alaejos P. y Snchez de Juan M.
- Borrador de normativa espaola sobre la utilizacin del rido reciclado
en hormign estructural. Grupo Hormign Reciclado. Comisin
Permanente del Hormign. Comisin de Materiales de ACHE.
- Comportamiento del hormign armado en ambiente marino sumergido:
2 casos reales. Bermdez, M.A. y Alaejos, P.
Congreso sobreTheory, Technique, Valuation, Maintenance.
Bucarest (Rumania). International Association for Shell and
Spatial Structures.
- New materials for structures: project of a concrete cable-stayed bridge
drawn up with recycled concrete. Alaejos, P.; Domingo, A.; Lzaro, C.;
Monlen, S. y Snchez, M.
Conferencia de los Directores Generales del Agua de Europa y
del Mediterrneo. Roma (Italia). Unidad Tcnica del Sistema
Euro-Mediterrneo de Informacin sobre el Agua (SEMIDE) y la
Societa Gestione Impianti Idrici (SOGESID).
- Avancement des PFN du SEMIDE. Martnez, L.

19th Conference On Magnet Technology, Genova (Italia). Instituto

Nacional de Fsica Nuclear (INFN).
- Fabrication and testing of a combined superconducting magnet for the
tesla test facility. Toral, F.; Abramian, P.; Gutirrez, J.L.; Rodrguez, E.; Sanz,
S.; Vzquez, C.; Garca-Tabares, I.; Calero, J.; Brueck, H.; Maschmann, W. y
Stolper, M.
V Congreso Espaol de Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte. ITS
Ms All de las Fronteras. Mlaga. Sistemas Inteligentes de
Transportes en Espaa (ITS).
- La interoperabilidad ferroviaria europea: El Laboratorio de
Interoperabilidad Ferroviaria (LIF) del CEDEX. Bueno, J.
Efficient 2005 3 International Conference on Efficient Use and
Management of Water. Santiago de Chile (Chile).
- Technical studies for flood prevention on the river Jcar Floodplain.
Garca, C.
- Hydrological indicators for an early identification of droughts in Spain.
Incio, L.
V Earthquaks Resistant Engineering Structures. Thessaloniki
(Grecia). Wessex Institute of Technology (UK). Universidad de
Patras (Grecia). Universidad Aristotlica de Tsalnica
(Grecia)Universidad Tcnica Nacional de Atenas (Grecia).
- Shaking table dynamic tests of a granular deposit: Estaire, J. y Cullar, V.
11th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications
EPE 05 Proceedings. Dresden (Alemania).
- A 200kva prototype for kinetic energy storage system based on switched
reluctance machine technology. Lafoz, M.; Ugena, D.; Garca-Tabars, I.;
Lucas, J. Vzquez, C. y Toral, F.
European Signalling 2005. Londres (Inglaterra). International
Quality Productivity Centre (IQPC).
- ETCS Standard Test Specifications and Reference Laboratories. Iglesias,
3rd ESA CHRIS / PROBA WORKSHOP.ESA / ESRIN. Frascati. (Italia).
- Use of CHRIS for monitoring water quality in Rosarito reservoir. Pea, R.;
Ruiz-Verd, A. y Domnguez, J.A.
- Use of CHRIS imagery for monitoring ecological water quality in smallest
mediterranean reservoirs integrated in the Intercalibration exercise of
WFD implementation process (AO 3123). Pea, R.; Ruiz-Verd, A. y
Domnguez, J.A.
Foro del Ferrocarril y del Transporte (FFT), Seminario de
Sealizacin Ferroviaria Avanzada y ERTMS. Madrid. Foro del
Ferrocarril y del Transporte (FFT).
- Ensayos de interoperabilidad: EuroBalizas, BTMs y EVCs en el Laboratorio
de Interoperabilidad Ferroviaria (LIF) del CEDEX. Bueno, J. y Molina, D.
Gestin de la Conservacin de Firmes. Barcelona. Universidad
Politcnica de Catalua (ETSIT) y la Asociacin Espaola de la
Carretera (AEC).
- La implantacin de los sistemas de gestin de firmes. Beneficios y
aspectos prcticos. Alonso, M.
XXI IAHR CONGRESS. SEOUL (Korea). Asociacin Internacional de
Investigacin e Ingeniera Hidrulica (IAHR).
- La Viuela Dam. Air Evacuation problems during the pressure
compensation process to open the bottom gate. Lpez, D.
Information and Training Seminar for Information Technology
Managers. Sophia-Antipolis (Francia). Unidad Tcnica del Sistema
Euro-Mediterrneo de Informacin sobre el Agua (SEMIDE).
- Access to the Hispagua metadata. Martn, A. y Mosteiro, L.


Internacional Conference on Advances in Liquid Scintillation

Epectrometry. Katowice (Polonia). Central Mining Institute (GIG).
- Overview of the environmental monitoring programme for tritium in
Spanish river waters. Pujol, L.; Daz, M.F. y Payeras, J.
13th International Conference on Electrical Drives and Power
Electronics - EDPE05 Proceedings. Dubrovnik (Croacia). Faculty of
Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb (FER);
Croatian Society for Communications, Computing, Electronics,
Measurement and Control (KOREMA); Technical University of
Kosice (TU) y Slovak Electrotechnical Society (SES).
- Microcontroller canbus network based control system for switched
reluctante drives in flywheel energy storage applications. Vzquez, C.;
Alberdi, J.;.Toral, F.; Lafoz, M. y Garca-Ttabars, I.
XVI International Conference on Soil Mechanics and
Geotechnical Engineering. Osaka (Japn). Sociedad Internacional
de Mecnica del Suelo e Ingeniera Geotcnica.
- Long term settlement of foundations made of 195x147 m slabs built on
a layer of fluvial sediments: Dapena, E.; Romn, F. y San Salvador, J.
- Dry season problems creted by volumetrically highly unstable morls and
clays: Santos, A. and Cullar, V.
1 st International Seminar on Earthworks in Europe. Pars
(Francia). Ecole Nationale des Ponst et Chausses. Terrasiers de
France. Laboratoire Central des Ponst et Chausses.
- Utilizacin del anlisis espectral de ondas superficiales como tcnica de
control en los trabajos de compactacin de rellenos de tierra: Cullar, V.
- Las obras de explanacin en Espaa: Cullar, V.
V International Symposium WAVES 2005. Madrid. CEDEX y
Asociacin Americana de Ingenieros Civiles.
- Freak edge waves. Pelinovsky, E; Lechuga, A.; Kurkin, A; Poloukhina, O. y
Dubinina, V.
- High frecuency low amplitude waves study on a marina to perform
outside-inside transfer function evaluation. Benito, C.; Sants , J.C.;
Zataran, J.L.; Navarro, A. y Martn, M.J.
- Capability of different Boussinesq approximations to reproduce wave
agitation and second order bounded long wave in real situation.
Comparison with measured data. Espaa. Garca, M.
- A rational method for design storm estimation behind shoals.Aberturas P.
- Trivariate design load characterization.Application to structural design.
Martn M.J.
- An optimized solution method for the elliptic mild slope equation.
Grassa, J.M.
Jornadas sobre Actualizacin de los Criterios de Reutilizacin del
Agua Residual Tratada. Madrid. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente.
- La situacin de la reuitilizacin de las aguas residuales en Espaa.
Ortega, E.; Batanero, G. e Iglesias, R.
- Evaluacin de las tecnologas de regeneracin en funcin de parmetros
de calidad. Ortega, E.; Batanero, G.; Iglesias, R.
Jornadas sobre el Agua en Espaa. Retos de la Planificacin
Hidrolgica. Madrid. Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales
y Puertos.
- El reto del cambio climtico y la planificacin hidrolgica. Ruiz, J.M.
Jornada El Agua un Patrimonio a Proteger. Toledo. Fundacin
Ecologa y Sociedad. Escuela Tcnica Superior de Caminos de la
Universidad de Castilla La Mancha.
- El impacto del cambio climtico sobre el agua. Ruiz, J.M.
Jornada Anual de la Sociedad Espaola de Mecnica del Suelo e
Ingeniera Geotcnica. Madrid. Sociedad Espaola de Mecnica
del Suelo e Ingeniera Geotcnica
- Presidente de la Jornada: Cullar, V.

Jornada Anual de la Sociedad Espaola de Mecnica de Rocas.

Madrid. Sociedad Espaola de Mecnica de Rocas.
- Secretario de la Jornada: Olalla, C.
XXV Jornadas de la Asociacin Espaola de Abastecimientos de
Agua y Saneamiento. Palma de Mallorca. Asociacin Espaola de
Abastecimientos de Agua y Saneamiento.
- Nueva normativa de tubos y pozos de hormign. Balairn, L.
Jornadas sobre Cimentaciones en el Cdigo Tcnico de la
Edificacin. Madrid. Colegio Oficial de Gelogos de Espaa y
Asociacin de Ingeniera Geolgica Espaola.
- Contenido de un estudio geotcnico: Travesedo, F.
- Cimentaciones profundas: Anlisis y dimensionado. Condiciones
constructivas y de control: Santamara, J.M.
- Elementos de contencin: Anlisis y dimensionado. Condiciones
constructivas y de control: Garca de la Oliva, J.M.
- Acondicionamiento del terreno: Excavaciones, rellenos y gestin del agua:
Olalla, C.
- Mejora y refuerzo del terreno: Santos, A.
- Comparacin del dimensioamiento de cimentaciones superficiales
aplicando el Eurocdigo 7 y las normativas espaolas: Estaire, J. Y
Perucho, A.
Jornadas sobre Conservacin, Mantenimiento y Rehabilitacin de
Puentes. Madrid. Institute for International Research.
- Alternativas y materiales para el puente reciclado. puente sobre el ro
Turia en Manises (Valencia). Alaejos, P.; Domingo, A.; Lzaro, C.; Monlen,
S. y Snchez, M.
I Jornadas Espaolas de Estudios en Microcistinas. Zaragoza.
Universidad de Zaragoza.
- Toxicidad de Aphanizomenon ovalisporum en un embalse espaol.
Martn del Pozo, D.; Moreno, E.; Carrasco, D.; Paniagua, T.; Wrmer, L.; de
Hoyos, C.; Sukenik, A. y Quesada, A.
- Anatoxina-a en Espaa. Carrasco, D.; E. Moreno, E.; Paniagua, T.; de
Hoyos, C.; Wormer, L., Sanchis, D.; Martn del Pozo, D. y Quesada, A.
- Cianobacterias en los embalses espaoles. Cmo de frecuentemente
son txicas? Quesada,A.; Sanchos, D.; Carrasco, D.; Moreno, E.; Paniagua,
T.; Wrmer, L.; Martn del Pozo, D.; Sirs, S.; de Hoyos, C.; Palomo, S.;
Aguera, S; Ouahid, Y. y Fernndez, F.
- Anlisis de riesgos (risk assessment) de cianobacterias en aguas de
recreo. Cirs, S.; Carrasco, D.; Moreno, E.; Paniagua, T.; Wrmer, L.; Martn,
D.; de Hoyos, C. y Quesada, A.
VIII Jornadas Espaolas de Ingeniera de Costas y Puertos. Sitges
(Barcelona). Universidad Politcnica de Catalua.
- Turbidez generada en el mar por las obras martimas: campaas de
medidas, modelos de comportamiento y futuras lneas de investigacin.
Snchez, J.F.
- Propuesta de mejora de la playa de Sitges (Barcelona). Lechuga, A;
Snchez, J.F. y de la Pea, J.F.
- Dinmica litoral de la playa de Silgar en Sanxenxo (Pontevedra).
Snchez, V. y de la Pea, J.M.
- Estudio de diques exentos de las costas espaolas. Snchez, F. J. y de la
Pea, J.M.
- Anlisis comparativo entre medidas de campo relativas al campo de
corrientes en la ra del Ferrol, originadas por las mareas de la zona y los
valores calculados mediante una modelacin matemtica, tipo 2d, del
fenmeno hidrodinmico. Garca, M.
- Transferencia de informacin punto a punto. Aplicacin al diseo del
dique de abrigo del nuevo puerto exterior de A Corua. Aberturas, P.
- Caracterizacin trivariada de las tormentas en el litoral espaol.
Aplicacin al diseo estructural. Martn, M.J.
- Estudio experimental en modelo fsico a gran escala: seccin tipo del
dique de Langosteira (La Corua). Valds, J.M.; Lozano, J; Prez, J.C. y
Noya, F.

- Estudio de la operatividad de dos buques portacontenedores de 600 y

2.400 TEUs mediante modelo fsico a escala reducida para la ampliacin
del puerto de la Baha de Algeciras en Isla Verde. Redondo, L. y Jimeno, F.
Jornada Fundacional del Comit Tcnico de Gestin Ambiental
(COTEMA). Madrid. Asociacin Tcnica de Puertos y Costas
- Directiva Marco de Aguas: Reflexiones sobre su incidencia en la
ingeniera de puertos y costas. Lloret, A.
Jornadas sobre Geomembranas y Geotextiles y su Aplicacin a
Balsas de Materiales Sueltos para Riego. Valencia. Departamento
de Ingeniera Rural y Agroalimentaria de la E.T.S. de Ingenieros
Agrnomos de Valencia.
- Geomembranas para embalses. Blanco, M.
- Patologa de geomembranas. Garca, F.
- Geosintticos. Leiro, A.
2 Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Geotecnia. Lisboa (Portugal).
Sociedad Portuguesa de Geotecnia, Sociedad Espala de
Mecnica del Suelo e Ingeniera Geotcnica y Laboratrio
Nacional de Engenharia Civil.
- Riesgo geotcnico y valoracin de la seguridad: Cullar, V.
- Eurocdigos: Santos, A.
- Comparacin del dimensionamiento de cimentaciones aplicando el
Eurocdigo EC7 y las normativas espaolas: Perucho, A. Y Estaire, J.
- Clculo de la carga de hundimiento de cimentaciones superficiales
mediante el mtodo de los elementos finitos y teoras de equilibrio lmite:
Pousada, M.C.; Estaire, J.; Martn, M. y Oteo, C.
Jornada sobre la Incidencia de la Directiva Marco del Agua en los
Puertos. Madrid. Madrid. Puertos del Estado.
- Implicaciones de la Directiva Marco de Aguas para el sistema portuario.
Lloret, A.
Jornadas sobre la Integracin del Agua Regenerada en la Gestin
de los Recursos Hdricos: el Papel Dinamizador de los Recursos.
Lloret de Mar (Gerona). Agencia Catalana del Agua y Consorcio
de la Costa Brava.
- Escenarios existentes y propuesta para el avance de la reutilizacin de
Espaa. Iglesias, R.
Jornada INTEVIA/ELSAMEX. Santo Domingo (R. Dominicana).
- Panormica de las mezclas bituminosas en Espaa y en Europa. Ruiz, A.
VII Jornada Internacional de Tecnologa sin Zanja. Valencia.
Asociacin Ibrica de Tecnologa sin Zanja.
- Las tecnologas sin zanja como alternativa a la obra tradicional. Balairn,
Jornadas sobre Investigacin, Desarrollo, Innovacin y Medio
Ambiente en la Siderurgia. Madrid. Unin de Empresas
Siderrgicas (UNESID).
- Utilizacin de ridos Siderrgicos en Carreteras. Ruiz, A.
Jornadas sobre Nuevas Tecnologas de Aplicacin en Canarias.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos,
Canales y Puertos.
- La Utilizacin de rido Reciclado en la Fabricacin de Hormigones.
Snchez, M. y Alaejos P.
Jornada sobre Panormica actual de las Mezclas Bituminosas.
Madrid. Asociacin Espaola de Fabricantes de Mezclas Asflticas
- Panormica espaola de las mezclas bituminosas. Desarrollos recientes.
Consideraciones de futuro. Ruiz, A.

Jornada sobre Planificacin y Gestin del Alcantarillado. Madrid.

Institute for International Research.
- Criterios hidrulicos y nuevos materiales en el diseo de una red de
alcantarillado. Balairn, L.

Reunin sobre metodologa para el establecimiento el Estado

Ecolgico segn la DMA. Zaragoza. Confederacin Hidrogrfica
del Ebro.
- Protocolo de muestreo y anlisis para fitoplancton. de Hoyos, C.

Jornada sobre Proyecto y Ejecucin de Muros de Stano con

Garantas de Estanqueidad. Madrid. INTEMAC.
- Clculo de empujes en muros pantalla: Garca de la Oliva, J.L.

2 Reunin del Programa de Accin Europea sobre Gestin de

Riesgos de Inundacin. Bruselas (Blgica). Agencia Europea de
Medio Ambiente (AEMA) y Organizacin Meteorolgica Mundial
- Prototipo de avenidas para el proyecto Neighbourhood de la AE MA.
Marcuello, C.

Jornada sobre Resumen del Estado Actual de la Tipificacin de Masas

de Aguas Superficiales. Madrid. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente.
- Aguas costeras y de transicin. Lloret, A.
Jornada sobre Retos de Aplicacin de la Nueva Poltica del Agua.
Galapagar (Madrid). Escuela Jaime Vera.
- Las polticas de uso eficiente y gestin de la demanda. Ruiz, J.M.
Jornada sobre Sealizacin Vial. A Corua. Colegio de Ingenieros
de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Demarcacin de Galicia y la
Asociacin de Fabricantes de Seales Metlicas de Trfico.
- El papel de los laboratorios en el Control de Calidad. Castillo, F.
Jornada Tcnica sobre Caractersticas y Utilizacin de Escorias de
Ferroaleaciones y Siderrgica. Santander. Asociacin Internacional
para Congresos de Carreteras (AIPCR).
- Utilizacin de escorias de acera en carreteras. Ruiz, A. y Romero, R.
Jornada Tcnica sobre Conservacin de Carreteras y Seguridad
Vial. Madrid. Grupo Recoletos.
- Cmo mantener los niveles de calidad apropiados en una obra?. Ruiz, A.
Jornada Tcnica sobre Normativa e Innovacin en Firmes de
Carreteras. Sevilla. Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y
- La Instruccin de firmes de Andaluca. Baena, J.M.
5 Jornada Tcnica SEMSIG-AETESS sobre Anclajes. Madrid.
Sociedad Espaola de Mecnica del Suelo e Ingeniera Geotcnica.
Asociacin de Empresas de la Tecnologa del Suelo y del Subsuelo.
- Anclajes en roca: Olalla, C.
- Mesa redonda sobre diseo de anclajes: Cullar, V.
Jornadas sobre la Toma de Datos y la Realizacin de Modelos de
Agua Subterrnea y la Gestin Integrada. Alicante. Asociacin
Internacional de Hidrogelogos, Grupo Espaol.
- Presentacin de los sistemas de informacin sobre el agua HISPAGUA,
SIAGUA, y SEMIDE. Martnez, L.
MERIS (A) ATSR Workshop 2005. ESA. Frascati (Italia).
- Advances in phytoplankton mapping in inland waters using MERIS. Pea,
R.; Ruiz-Verd, A. y Domnguez, J. A.
Report on Harmonisation of Freshwater Biological Methods. Ispra
- Discusiones grupo de trabajo. Serrano, M.L.

XXXI Reunin de la Sociedad Nuclear Espaola. Logroo. Sociedad

Nuclear Espaola.
- Estudios preliminares para la determinacin de emisores alfa mediante el
mtodo de coprecipitacin alfa total: Determinacin de la actividad de
uranio total. Surez-Navarro J.A. y Pujol, L.
San Francisco Fall Meeting 2005. San Francisco (Estados Unidos).
American Geofisical Union (AGU).
- A national drought monitoring system in Spain. lvarez, J.
Seminaire de Coordination des Points Focaux Nationaux. Amman
(Jordania). Unidad Tcnica del Sistema Euro-Mediterrneo de
Informacin sobre el Agua (SEMIDE) y Direccin General del Agua
de Jordania.
- Collecte des mtadonnes pour les rfrences bibliographiques. Mosteiro,
- Bonnes pratiques PFN: Besoins des utilisateurs, questionnaires en ligne.
accords avec les fournisseurs du contenu. Martnez, L.
Seminario Hispano-Chino sobre Ahorro de Agua en la Agricultura.
Pekn (China). Agencia Espaola de Cooperacin Internacional
(AECI) y el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologa de la Repblica
Popular de China (MOST).
- Administracin, gestin y planificacin del agua en Espaa. Rodrguez, J.
Seminario Internacional sobre Desastres Naturales y Emergencias.
Santo Domingo (Repblica Dominicana).
- Pronstico hidrometeorolgico basado en sistemas automticos de
informacin hidrolgica. Aldana, A. L.
Seminario Internacional sobre Tacgrafo Digital y Pesaje Dinmico.
Valencia. Universidad de Valencia e Instituto de Robtica.
- El pesaje en movimiento en Espaa. Leal, J.
I Seminrio Portugus sobre Geosintticos. Oporto (Portugal).
Facultade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto e Internacional
Geosynthetic Asociation (IGS).
- Evolucin de goemembranas sintticas empleadas en la
impermeabilizacin de embalses espaoles. Blanco, M.
- Ensayo para evaluar el comportamiento de diferentes tipos de geotextiles
como capa separadora. Leiro, A.

Reunin AEMAOMM. Copenhague (Dinamarca). Agencia Europea

de Medio Ambiente (AEMA) y Organizacin Meteorolgica
Mundial (OMM).
- La red Eionet Water Quantity. Marcuello, C.

Seminario de Promocin y de Utilizacin de un SIG para la Gestin

y la Proteccin de los Recursos Hdricos. Rabat (Marruecos).
Unidad Tcnica del Sistema Euro-Mediterrneo de Informacin
sobre el Agua (SEMIDE) y Direccin General del Agua de
- Dveloppements des point focaux du SEMIDE. Martnez, L.

II Reunin de Directores de Institutos Nacionales Iberoamericanos

de Ingeniera y Experimentacin Hidrulica. Cartagena de Indias
(Colombia). Agencia Espaola de Cooperacin Internacional
(AECI), Centro de Estudios y Experimentacin de O. P. (CEDEX) e
Instituto Nacional de Hidrulica de Chile (INH).
- La gestin del conocimiento en los Institutos del Agua. Grassa, J.M.

Seminario Tcnico sobre Gestin Integrada de los Recursos

Hdricos en la Regin Mediterrnea y Norte de frica. Marrakech
(Marruecos). Red Mediterrnea de Organismos de Cuenca
Marrakech (Marruecos).
- La gestin de la inundacin en Espaa: Aspectos tecnolgicos e
institucionales. Ruiz, J.M.


Sesin de Jornadas sobre Obras de Inters Geotcnico

Ejecutadas por los Constructores Espaoles. Madrid. Sociedad
Espaola de Mecnica del Suelo e Ingeniera Geotcnica
- Presidente de la Jornada: Cullar, V.



Simposio FIB 2005 sobre el Hormign Estructural y el Transcurso

del Tiempo. La Plata (Argentina). Federacin Internacional del
Hormign (FIB).
- Metodologa para el estudio del deterioro del hormign ocasionado por
la reaccin lcali-slice.Alaejos, P.; Bermdez, M.A. y Soriano, J.
- Durabilidad del hormign: Reaccin lcali-carbonato. Gadea, J. y Soriano, J.

Se han publicado durante el ao tres nmeros ordinarios correspondientes al

137, 138, 139, y uno monogrfico, 140, sobre Congreso Waves
correspondientes a la revista Ingeniera Civil, incluyendo en total 64 artculos
tcnicos. La relacin completa de artculos se encuentra en la siguiente
direccin de Internet:

Simposio Nacional sobre Proyecto, Construccin e

Impermeabilizacin de Balsas.
- Geomembranas. Blanco, M.
- Geosintticos. Leiro, A.
- Las microscopias ptica de reflexin y electrnica de barrido como
tcnicas avanzadas en el conocimiento del estado de las geomembranas
sintticas. Soriano, J.; Blanco, M.; Burgos, J.; Aguiar, E.; Zaragoza, G. y
Garca, M. A.
- Algunas consideraciones a tener en cuenta a la hora de impermeabilizar
una balsa con geomembranas sintticas. Blanco, M; de Cea, J.C. y Garca, F.
- Aproximacin a los materiales sintticos. Blanco, M.; Rico, G. y Pargada, L.
- Los plastificantes como aditivos del poli (cloruro de vinilo) plastificado
utilizado como geomembrana en obras hidrulicas. Blanco, M.; Aguiar, E.;
Castillo, F.; Martn, A.; Vara, T. y Solera, R.
- Proteccin-impermeabilizacin de paramentos de presas.
Geomembranas o pinturas? Snchez, F.J.; Cuenca, J.J.; de Cea, J.C. y
Blanco, M.


XV Simposio Peruano de Fsica 2005. Lima (Per).

- Soluciones estratgicas para el problema de las inundaciones.Aldana,A. L.
Taller para Evaluar y Asesorar la Tipificacin de las Aguas
Epicontinentales, Costeras y de Transicin en Espaa. Madrid.
Asociacin para la Defensa de la naturaleza (ADENA) y (MIMAM).
- Tipologa de lagos. Garca, A.
Taller Iberoamericano sobre Inundaciones y Desastres Naturales.
Lima (Per). Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
- Algunas experiencias en la implantacin de modelos de previsin en
Espaa. Aldana, A. L.
- El Sistema Global de Indicadores Hidrolgicos (SGIH) para la
identificacin de situaciones de sequa. lvarez, J.
Taller Regional Preparatorio al IV Foro Mundial del Agua.
Cuernavaca (Mxico). Comisin Nacional del Agua y el Instituto
Mexicano de Tecnologa del Agua (IMTA).
- Incorporacin de nuevas tecnologas para la gestin del agua en una zona
regable histrica: el canal de Aragn y Catalua. Rodrguez, J.
Taller sobre Tipificacin de Aguas en Aplicacin de la Directiva
Marco de Aguas. Madrid. ADENA Ministerio de Medio
- Aguas costeras y de transicin. Lloret, A.
15 World Meeting of the International Road Federation.
Bangkok. International Road Federation (IRF).
- Actuaciones recientes en la Unin Europea en relacin con los puentes y
otras estructuras de carretera: desarrollo de eurocdigos, proyecto BRIME
y Accin Cost 345. Astudillo, R.
XVIII VYODEAL. Benidorm (Valencia). Asociacin Espaola de la
- Influencia de los trficos pesados estacionales en la carreteras locales;
Ruiz, A.


Recomendaciones para Tuberas de Hormign Armado en Redes. de

Saneamiento y Drenaje. Varios; Manuales y Recomendaciones CEDEX. R16.
Gua Tcnica sobre Tuberas para el Transporte de Agua a Presin. Varios;
Manuales y Recomendaciones CEDEX. R13.
Caractersticas Superficiales de los Firmes de Carreteras. Achtegui, F.;
Monografas CEDEX. M83.
Caudales Ecolgicos: Concepto, Mtodos e Interpretaciones. Magdaleno, F.;
Monografas CEDEX. M82
Actas del XI Congreso de la Asociacin Espaola de Limnologa. Volmenes
Especiales de la Revista Limntica. Varios; Congreso.
Congreso Waves 2005. Ponencias; Congreso.
Determinacin del ndice de Actividad Beta Resto en muestras de agua. SurezNavarro, J.A. y Pujol, L.; Cuadernos de Investigacin. C50.
Los Caminos y la Construccin del Territorio en Zamora. Catlogo de Puentes.
Varios; Biblioteca CEHOPU-CEDEX.
Las Olas en la Pintura. Varios; Biblioteca CEHOPU-CEDEX.
Essays in the History of the Theory of Structures. Varios; Biblioteca CEHOPUCEDEX.
El Arte de Construir en Roma. Varios; Biblioteca CEHOPU-CEDEX.


Cursos de Formacin. Varios.
Trpticos del Gabinete de Formacin. Varios.

Folletos de actividades tcnicas y cientficas 2004 con la separata de eventos
realizados en ese ao.


Comit de Redaccin del boletn de la SEMSIG.
Enrique Dapena Garca. Vocal. Vicente Cullar Mirasol. Vocal
Computational Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
Comparison of two mathematical models for solving the dam break problem
using the FEM method. Quecedo, M.; Pastor, M.; Herreros, M.I.; Fernndez, J.A.
y Zhang, Q. N 194, pp. 3984-4005.
Hidropress, N 45. Criterios hidrogeolgicos en el diseo de la red bsica de
control de la calidad de las aguas subterrneas en Espaa. Sanz, E.; Alonso, A.
M; Ruza, J.; Espinosa, G.; de La Hera, A.; Diago, I. y Domnguez, A. pp. 34-40.
Limnetica 24. N1-2. Relationships between diatoms and the enviroment in

Spanish reservoirs. 2005. Negro,A. I. y de Hoyos, C. pp 133-144.

Limnetica 24. N1-2. Nuevos datos morfomtricos para el lago de Sanabria.

2005. Vega, J. C.; de Hoyos, C.; Aldasoro, J. J.; de Miguel, J. y Fraile. H. pp 115122.
European J. Phycol. Toxicity of Aphanizomenon ovalisporum (Cyanobacteria) in
a Spanish water reservoir. Quesada, A.; E. Moreno, Carrasco, D.; Paniagua, T.;
Wormer, L.; de Hoyos, C. y Sukenik, A.
El Patrimonio de las Obras Pblicas y el Medio Ambiente.
En: Ambienta. N 48. ISSN: 2005, pp. 36-41. Dolores Romero
Tecnologa del Agua N 262. Nuevos criterios para la clasificacin de las
conducciones a presin. Balairn, L.

Captulos de libros
Mtodos Numricos en Ingeniera. SEMNI (Sociedad Espaola de Mtodos
Numricos en Ingeniera).
Granada. ISBN 84-95999-74-9. Editores: Prez, J. L., Rodrguez-Ferrn,A.;
Martis, J.A. C., Gallego, R. y De Sa, J.C.
- Initiation mechanisms for fast granular flows. Fernndez-Merodo, J.A.; Mira,
P.; Pastor, M. y Tonni, l.
- Modelizacin numrica del lahar del 22 de enero de 2001 (Popocatpetl,
Mexico) Haddad, B.; Herreros, M. I.; Pastor, M.; Quecedo, M. y Palacios, D.
Powders and Grains. A. A. Balkema Publishers.
Amsterdam (Pases Bajos). ISBN 0 415 38348 X. Editores: Garca-Rojo, R.;
Herrmann, H. J. y Mc Namara, S.
- Fluidization and liquefaction of geomaterials in fast slope movements.
Pastor, M., Herreros, M.I.; Fernndez-Merodo, J.A.; Gonzlez, E.; Mira, P.;
Haddad, B. y Quecedo, M. pg 711-718.
The Role of Pore Pressures on Fast Landslides Triggering and Propagation.
Patron Editore. Bolonia (Italia). Editores: Barla, G. y Barla, M.
- A mathematical modelling approach prediction, analysis and design in
geomechanical applications. Pastor, M.; Fernndez-Merodo, J.A.; Herreros, M.
I.; Gonzlez, E.; Mira, P.; Haddad, B. y Quecedo, M. pg.671-682.
Restauracin y rehabilitacin de monumentos.
Aplicacin de las Tcnicas de Tratamiento Digital de Imgenes y Sistemas de
Informacin Geogrfica Asociados. Captulo 2. Prendes, N. ISBN: 84-89450-33-8.
Editor: Munilla-Lera.

Escuela Tcnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la

Universidad Politcnica de Madrid.
- Sistemas de sealizacin marina en la antigedad clsica.Autor: de la
Pea, J.M. Directora: Palomino, MC.
Escuela Tcnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la
Universidad Politcnica de Madrid.
- Nuevos criterios para la caracterizacin de las conducciones a presin.
Autor: Balairn, L. Director: Granados,A.
Ecologa del fitoplancton de lagunas y turberas de las sierras Segundera y
Cabrera y de la Cordillera Cantbrica. Facultad de Biologa de la Universidad de
Salamanca. Autor: Negro,A.I. Directora de Tesis: de Hoyos, C.
Escuela Tcnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la
Universidad Politcnica de Madrid.
- Anclajes en roca: Garca Wolfrum, S. Director: Serrano,A.
Escuela Tcnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la
Universidad Politcnica de Madrid.
- Estabilidad de taludes en macizos rocosos con criterios de rotura no
lineales y leyes de fluencia asociada.Autora: Melentijevic, S. Director:



Estudio experimental del uso de geotextiles en carreteras
Direccin General de Carreteras (11-400-3-046)
Resultados finales del estudio
Estudio y experimentacin de materiales para el equipamiento
de carreteras (2000-2002)
- Direccin General de Carreteras (11-400-3-047)
- Barreras metlicas galvanizadas. Certificacin de producto. BMG-03-051
- Sealizacin vertical. Fotometra. Nivel 3. V-14-047-R3
- Sealizacin vertical. Fotometra. Procedimiento de ensayo. V-15-048-P3
- Sealizacin horizontal. Barcelona, N-340. H-35-053
- Sealizacin horizontal. Tarragona, N-340 y A-7
- Barreras metlicas galvanizadas. Certificacin de producto. BMG-04-051
- Sealizacin horizontal. Albacete A-35, N-301, N-320, N-330, N-344, N-430.
Ensayos de laboratorio. H-36-054
- Sealizacin horizontal. Albacete A-35 y N-301, N-320, N-330, N-344, N-430.
Ensayos de laboratorio. H-37-056
Evaluacin del espectro de cargas con bsculas dinmicas porttiles (campaa 2000-2002)
Direccin General de Carreteras (33-499-3-021)
Resumen de la campaa de pesaje 2000-2002
Colaboracin con la Subdireccin General de Conservacin y
Explotacin en materia de tcnicas de rehabilitacin y gestin
de firmes (2002-2005)
Direccin General de Carreteras (34-402-3-006)
Actualizacin del inventario de firmes (2004)
Nuevo mtodo de inspeccin visual de firmes con pavimento bituminoso
mediante cmara de vdeo. Trabajos previos
Estudio de los firmes de la Red (a partir del inventario de firmes de 2004).
Actualizacin del inventario de firmes (2005)
Medida de espesores de capas de firmes mediante tcnicas de
georradar (2002-2004)
Direccin General de Carreteras (35-402-3-013)
Datos del firme de la carretera A-30 proporcionados por el georradar.
Provincia de Murcia
Datos del firme de las carreteras A-7 y A-70 proporcionados por el georradar. Provincia de Alicante
Datos del firme de las carreteras A-7, A-91, MU-30 y N-301a proporcionados
por el georradar. Provincia de Murcia
Datos del firme de la carretera A-7 proporcionados por el georradar.
Provincia de Almera
Datos del firme de las carreteras A-7 y A-44 proporcionados por el georradar. Provincia de Granada
Datos del firme de las carreteras A-7 y A-45 proporcionados por el georradar. Provincia de Mlaga
Datos del firme de la carretera A-44 proporcionados por el georradar.
Provincia de Jan
Medida de ruido de rodadura mediante el mtodo de proximidad
Direccin General de Carreteras (35-402-3-014)
Medicin del ruido de rodadura con el mtodo de proximidad (CPX).
Carreteras A-30, A-32 y A-35. Provincia de Albacete
Medicin del ruido de rodadura con el mtodo de proximidad (CPX).
Carretera A-31. Provincia de Albacete
Medicin del ruido de rodadura con el mtodo de proximidad (CPX).
Carretera A-52. Provincia de Ourense


Estudio del comportamiento del hormign de los cajones utilizados en muelles portuarios del Atlntico
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (14-404-9-002)
Resultados finales del estudio
Realizacin de actividades de investigacin aplicada, asistencia
tcnica y desarrollo tecnolgico de inters para el sistema portuario espaol de titularidad estatal
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (20-402-2-003)
Estudio hidrulico
Mantenimiento operativo de la red de medida y registro de oleaje (REMRO) y la realizacin de campaas de medida de oleaje
de duracin limitada (julio 2004-junio 2007)
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (20-404-2-004)
Datos de oleaje 2004. Informe general
Puerto de Vigo. Estudio de maniobra de buques de transporte de
automviles para la ampliacin de la terminal de transbordadores del puerto
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (21-400-9-241)
Resultados finales del estudio
Puerto de A Corua. Estabilidad 2D en gran canal de la seccin
tipo del dique de abrigo
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (21-403-9-265)
Resultados finales del ensayo
Puerto de Barcelona. Ensayos en modelo fsico de agitacin para
analizar la influencia de la bocana norte en las drsenas interiores
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (21-404-9-284)
Resultados finales de los ensayos
Puerto de Ferrol. Estudio de maniobra de grandes buques gaseros en su acceso a la terminal de GNL de Reganosa, en
Mugardos (ra de Ferrol)
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (21-404-9-287)
Resultados finales del estudio
Puerto de A Corua. Estudio en modelo fsico 3D sobre el morro
y el talud posterior del dique de abrigo del nuevo puerto exterior en Punta Langosteira
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (21-404-9-293)
Resultados finales del estudio
Puerto de Motril. Acceso de buques tanque al muelle adosado al
contradique del proyecto de ampliacin del puerto de Motril en
la playa de las Azucenas
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (21-405-9-289). Resultados finales
Estudio de la influencia de la reflexin
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (21-405-9-291)
Avance de los trabajos realizados en el CEDEX
Puerto de Barcelona. Estudio de maniobra de buques en el acceso al muelle Prat
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (21-405-9-295)
Resultados finales del estudio
Puerto de Barcelona. Estudio en modelo fsico 2D de la modificacin de la berma de apoyo de la tercera modificacin del dique
sur del puerto
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (21-405-9-298)
Resultados finales del estudio

Puerto de Tarragona. Campaa de medida y anlisis de ondas

largas (fase 2004)
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (22-404-2-001)
Resultados finales de la campaa
Puerto de A Corua. Campaa de medida de oleaje en Punta
Langosteira (fase 2004)
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (22-404-2-002)
Resultados finales de la campaa
Puerto de Almera. Campaa de medida de oleaje (fase 2004)
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (22-404-2-003)
Resultados finales de la campaa
Puerto de A Corua. Campaa de medida y anlisis de ondas largas en la drsena de San Diego (fase 2004)
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (22-404-2-004)
Resultados finales de la campaa
Puerto de Santander. Anlisis de la eficacia del rompeolas flotante de la drsena de Molnedo
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (22-404-2-005)
Resultados finales del estudio
Puerto de Ferrol. Control del programa de vigilancia ambiental
de las obras de ampliacin del puerto
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (23-403-9-189)
Resumen final de las actuaciones realizadas
Puerto de Huelva. Estudio de condiciones ambientales, meteorolgicas y oceanogrficas en la zona de evolucin de posibles
vertidos de hidrocarburos
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (23-403-9-196)
Estudio de las condiciones meteorolgicas y oceanogrficas
Asistencia tcnica en materias ambientales (2004)
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (23-404-9-195)
Resumen final de los trabajos realizados
Puerto de Villagarca de Arousa. Seguimiento ambiental de las
obras de dragado y vertido en el puerto
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (23-404-9-197)
Segunda campaa
Puerto de Sevilla. Supervisin de la caracterizacin de sedimentos y los dragados de mantenimiento (2004-2005)
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (23-404-9-198)
Validacin de la caracterizacin de los sedimentos y propuesta de criterios
para usos productivos. Informe ltimo
Puerto de Cartagena. Estudio de condiciones en la zona de evolucin de posibles vertidos de hidrocarburos
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (23-404-9-201)
Condiciones meteorolgicas y oceanogrficas
Descripcin general de las condiciones ambientales
Inventario de dragados en los puertos espaoles (actualizacin
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (23-405-9-202)
Resumen final de los trabajos realizados
Estudio de transferencia de informacin de oleaje y redundancias
informativas entre la red exterior y la red costera
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (24-404-9-154)
Zona gallega I (rea II). Puntos: Corua y Langosteira. Zona gallega II (rea
III). Punto: Silleiro. Zona cantbrica (rea I.II). Punto: Gijn


Puerto de Bilbao. Oleaje de diseo de los diques exteriores

Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (24-405-9-164)
Resultados finales del estudio
Puerto de Santander. Estudio en modelo numrico de la eficacia
del dique flotante de Puerto Chico en la agitacin interior
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (24-405-9-165)
Resultados finales del estudio
Puerto de Avils. Estudio de ondas largas con distintas disposiciones de muelles en la margen derecha de la Ra
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (24-405-9-166)
Resultados finales del estudio
Puerto de A Corua. Estudio de ondas largas en las futuras instalaciones portuarias en Punta Langosteira
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (24-405-9-167)
Resultados finales del estudio
Puerto de Pasajes. Anlisis complementario de los estudios previos para la ampliacin del puerto
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (24-405-9-169). Resultados finales
Puerto de Barcelona. Ampliacin del estudio de optimizacin con
modelo numrico del diseo en planta de la futura drsena de
transporte ro-ro
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (24-405-9-170)
Resultados finales del estudio
Puerto de Vigo. Anlisis de la operatividad del nuevo muelle del
rea portuaria de Bouzas
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (24-405-9-171)
Anlisis de las condiciones de agitacin interiores del actual puerto de
Bouzas de las resultantes en las dos fases de ampliacin previstas para la
terminal de transbordadores
Additional wave climat and short and long waves numerical
studies for Algeciras port extension
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (24-405-9-175). Characteristics of the wave
data sources considered in the previous studies
Estudio de mezclas percoladas para pavimentos portuarios
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (31-403-9-009)
Recomendaciones para el diseo de pavimentos portuarios de mezcla bituminosa percolada con lechada de cemento
Estudio sobre deformabilidad de escolleras de puertos
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (82-400-9-005). Deformabilidad de escolleras en el cajn de 1 m3. caliza del puerto de Mlaga
Asistencia geotcnica permanente a los puertos del Estado
Ente Pblico Puertos del Estado (82-403-9-007)
Nota tcnica sobre la visita al talud en desmonte de las obras de ampliacin
del puerto exterior de Ferrol. Informe sobre los trabajos complementarios de
estabilizacin del talud en desmonte de las obras de ampliacin del puerto
exterior de Ferrol
Anlisis de las causas geotcnicas del desplazamiento de los
cajones del muelle nmero 9 del puerto de Mlaga
Ampliacin del muelle Marqus de Comillas (Cdiz)
Actuaciones de reparacin realizadas en el nuevo muelle multipropsito de
la zona sur del puerto de Huelva
Trabajos complementarios de estabilizacin del talud en desmonte de las
obras de ampliacin del puerto exterior de Ferrol, de junio a septiembre de



Seguimiento de productos de construccin con distintivos de
calidad reconocidos por la Secretara General Tcnica del
Ministerio de Fomento en el rea de la Instruccin de Hormign
Secretara General Tcnica (10-403-4-009)
Informe semestral de seguimiento nmero 4
Resumen de seguimiento 2004
Informe semestral de seguimiento nmero 6
Seguimiento y anlisis de eurocdigos estructurales
Secretara General Tcnica (12-401-4-010)
Informe anual ao 2004
Informe de seguimiento de eurocdigos. Primer trimestre de 2005
Informe de seguimiento de eurocdigos. Segundo trimestre de 2005
Informe final de eurocdigos
Trabajos analticos encaminados a la identificacin de culpables
en casos de derrames de hidrocarburos desde buques
Direccin General de la Marina Mercante (23-405-4-019)
Anlisis de muestras en relacin con un incidente de contaminacin en el
puerto de Melilla (13 de enero de 2005)
Anlisis de muestras en relacin con un incidente de contaminacin en la
baha de Santander (28 de agosto de 2005)
Anlisis de muestras en relacin con un incidente de contaminacin en San
Roque, Cdiz (29 de septiembre de 2005)
Apoyo cientfico y tcnico a la Direccin General de la Marina
Mercante en los comits, subcomits y grupos de trabajo de la
Organizacin Martima Internacional (OMI)
Direccin General de la Marina Mercante (23-405-4-020)
Actividades relacionadas con el quincuagsimo tercer perodo de sesiones
del Comit de Proteccin del Medio Marino (MEPC53)
Asistencia tcnica permanente en materias relacionadas con la
seguridad martima y la proteccin del ecosistema marino
Direccin General de la Marina Mercante (23-405-4-021)
Clculo del tamao de la mancha producida por el buque Prestige, a partir de
los vdeos grabados por el helicptero Helimer Galicia. Investigacin sobre el
estado de llenado de los tanques del buque Prestige, a partir de los vdeos
grabados por el helicptero Helimer Galicia la noche del da 13 y madrugada
del 14 de noviembre de 2002
Realizacin de planes y protocolos sobre lugares de refugio para
buques necesitados de asistencia
Direccin General de la Marina Mercante (23-405-4-023)
Inventario de posibles lugares de refugio
Anlisis de las condiciones climticas existentes en el transcurso
de accidentes de buques
Direccin General de la Marina Mercante (24-405-4-004)
Anlisis del clima martimo en la ltima travesa del Prestige
Buque Siempre Casina
Seguimiento mediante sistemas de indicadores del sector del
transporte y su impacto ambiental
Direccin General de Planificacin y Coordinacin Territorial (30-405-4-015).
Inventario de otros sistemas de indicadores, nacionales o internacionales
Mantenimiento y consolidacin del Laboratorio de
Interoperabilidad Ferroviaria (LIF) del CEDEX
Direccin General de Ferrocarriles (37-405-4-001)
Informe de trabajos desarrollados en el primer semestre del ao 2005.
Trabajos desarrollados en el segundo semestre del ao 2005

Actividades de investigacin aplicada, asistencia tcnica y desarrollo tecnolgico de inters para el sistema ferroviario espaol de titularidad estatal
Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (ADIF) (80-403-4-008)
Nota tcnica sobre la visita efectuada al tnel de Pajares
Propuesta de instrumentacin de un terrapln. Tramo Fuencarral-Canto
Instrumentacin del terrapln de El Arenero. Lnea AVE Madrid-SegoviaValladolid, subtramo 1 (seccin segunda)
Revisin del documento UIC-719R
Estudio del comportamiento a medio y largo plazo de las plataformas ferroviarias de balasto
Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (ADIF) (81-402-4-001)
Resultados finales del estudio
Sntesis de los resultados obtenidos en el convenio


Geomembranas sintticas para impermeabilizacin de embalses
(Gestin dominio pblico hidrulico-Explotacin obras)
Direccin General del Agua (11-404-1-005)
Embalse de Sanlcar (Huelva). Tercera inspeccin. SN03-009-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana
Embalse de Moguer (Huelva). Tercera inspeccin. MO03-005-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana
Embalse de El Golfo (Tenerife). Sexta inspeccin. EG06-003-405
Embalse de El Granado (Huelva). Tercera inspeccin. GR03-010-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana
Embalse de Las Yeguas (Huelva). Quinta inspeccin. LY05-011-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana
Embalse del Sifn de Odiel (Huelva). Tercera inspeccin. SF03-006-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana
Embalse de Los Machos (Huelva). Quinta inspeccin. MH05-004-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana
Embalse de La Mericana (Cceres). Sexta inspeccin. ME06-001-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Tajo
Embalse de San Xulin de Vigo (Pontevedra). Quinta inspeccin. SX05-002405. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Norte
Embalse de Chanza (Huelva), sector 6-7. Quinta inspeccin. EC05-007-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana
Embalse de Pramo Bajo-5 (Len). Quinta inspeccin. PR05-030-405
Embalse de El Toscar (Alicante). Primera inspeccin. ET01-015-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Jcar
Embalse de Murillo de ro Leza (La Rioja). Quinta inspeccin. ML05-021-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Ebro
Embalse del Valle de Ocn (La Rioja). Cuarta inspeccin. VO04-020-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Ebro
Embalse de Beties-II (Alicante). Octava inspeccin. BE08-019-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Jcar
Azud de Matavacas (Huelva). Quinta inspeccin. ZM05-012-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana
Embalse de Chanza (Huelva), sector 2-3-4. CZ05-008-405. Confederacin
Hidrogrfica del Guadiana
Embalse de la Sierra de las guilas (Alicante). Sexta inspeccin. SG06-017405. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Jcar
Embalse de La Hoya (Murcia). Cuarta inspeccin. LH04-024-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Segura
Embalse de Reclot (Alicante). Octava inspeccin. ER08-014-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Jcar
Embalse de Ycora (lava). Segunda inspeccin. YC02-022-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Ebro
Embalse de Pilar de la Horadada (Alicante). Octava inspeccin. PH08-016405. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Segura

Embalse de Los Cabezos (Alicante). Quinta inspeccin. CB05-018-405.

Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Jcar
Embalse de Pl de Sant Jordi (Baleares). Quinta inspeccin. SJ05-023-405
Embalse de Cabezo de los Leones (Murcia). Octava inspeccin. CL08-013405. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Segura
Embalse de Sa Rota (Baleares). Sptima inspeccin. SR07-032-405
Embalse de La Contraviesa (Granada). Octava inspeccin. LC08-027-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Sur
Embalse de Pramo Bajo-3 (Len). Quinta inspeccin. PB05-031-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Duero
Embalse de Bota, Aguas Claras (Murcia). Cuarta inspeccin. AC04-025-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Segura
Embalse de El Alto de los Payuelos-2 (Len). Quinta inspeccin. PY05-029405. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Duero
Embalse de la Rambla de Carcuz (Almera). Quinta inspeccin. RC05-026405. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Sur
Embalse de El Alto de los Payuelos-1 (Len). Quinta inspeccin. PA05-028405. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Duero
Embalse de Piedralengua (lava). Cuarta inspeccin. PL04-033-405.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Ebro
Embalse de Rabigel (lava). Quinta inspeccin. RB05-040-505. Confederacin
Hidrogrfica del Ebro
Embalse de Casa de las Chumberas (Murcia). Quinta inspeccin. CA05-034505. Mancomunidad de los Canales del Taibilla
Embalse de Bullas (Murcia). Octava inspeccin. BU08-036-505.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Segura
Embalse de la Pantaneta de Celn (Almera). Primera inspeccin. PC01-045505. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Sur
Embalse de Tjola-1 (Almera). Primera inspeccin. TI01-049-505.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Sur
Embalse de Torre Alta (Murcia). Quinta inspeccin. TA095-035-505.
Mancomunidad de los Canales del Taibilla
Embalse de Santiama (lava). Quinta inspeccin. ST05-041-505.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Ebro
Embalse de El Morrn (Alicante). Tercera inspeccin. EM03-037-505.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Jcar
Embalse de Bigastro (Alicante). Cuarta inspeccin. BI04-039-505.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Segura
Embalse de Los Pozos -La Torrecilla- (Murcia). Octava inspeccin. LP09-038505. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Segura
Embalse de Pl Mateos (Alicante). Octava inspeccin. PM08-048-505.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Jcar
Embalse de Cirauqui (Navarra). Sexta inspeccin. CQ06-043-505.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Ebro
Embalse de Zambrana (lava). Quinta inspeccin. ZA05-042-505.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Ebro
Embalse de Campotjar (Murcia). Octava inspeccin. CT08-044-505.
Mancomunidad de los Canales del Taibilla
Embalse de Aguadulce (Almera). Quinta inspeccin. AG05-046-505.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Sur
Embalse de Cerrillo del Libro (Almera). Sexta inspeccin. CE06-047-505.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Sur
Embalse de las Porteras. Primera inspeccin. PO01-051-505. Confederacin
Hidrogrfica del Duero
Embalse de la Nava de Arvalo. Primera inspeccin. NV01-050-505.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Duero
Embalse de Vauperal. Primera inspeccin. VP01-052-505. Confederacin
Hidrogrfica del Duero
Embalse de Alcntar (Almera). Segunda inspeccin. AL02-056-505.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Sur
Embalses de Los Manueles (Granada). Segunda inspeccin. MN02-055-505.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Sur
Embalse de Santa Mara de Nieva (Almera). Segunda inspeccin. NI02058.505. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Sur
Embalse de Sern (Almera). Segunda inspeccin. SE02-057-505.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Sur
Embalse de Arroyo-Calamonte (Badajoz). Primera inspeccin. AY01-060-505.

Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana

Embalse de Tjola (Almera). Segunda inspeccin. TI02-054-505.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Sur
Embalse de Zjar (Granada). Segunda inspeccin. ZU02-053-505.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Sur
Embalse del sector e-1 del Canal de Montijo (Badajoz). EU01-059-505.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana
Embalse de Ycora (lava). Tercera inspeccin. YC03-061-605. Confederacin
Hidrogrfica del Ebro
Embalse de Bediesta. Isla de La Palma (Tenerife). BD01-062-905
Embalse de Moguer (Huelva). Cuarta inspeccin. MO04-069-905.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana
Embalse del Sifn de Odiel (Huelva). Cuarta inspeccin. SF04-068-005.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana
Embalse de Los Machos (Huelva). Sexta inspeccin. MH06-070-005.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana
Embalse de La Mericana (Cceres). Sptima inspeccin. SF04-068-005.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Tajo
Embalse de Aldeanueva de la Vera (Cceres). Primera inspeccin. AV01-065005. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana
Embalse de la Alcazaba (Badajoz). Primera inspeccin. AZ01-064-005.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana
Embalse de Valdeoveja (Badajoz). Primera inspeccin. VJ01-071-005.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana
Embalse de El Golfo (Tenerife). Sptima inspeccin. EG07-066-005
Embalse del Valle de Ocn (La Rioja). Quinta inspeccin. VO05-063-005.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Ebro
Embalse de La Rueda, El Corzo (Sevilla). Octava inspeccin. LR08-072-N05.
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadalquivir
Embalse de La Contraviesa (Granada). Novena inspeccin. LC09-073-N05
Embalse de Pl de Sant Jordi (Baleares). Sexta inspeccin. SJ06-075-N05
Embalse de San Xulin de Vigo (Pontevedra). Sexta inspeccin. SX06-074N05. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Norte
Evaluacin correspondiente al ao 2005. OH08-076-N05
Auscultacin de presas (Gestin dominio pblico hidrulicoExplotacin obras)
Direccin General del Agua (13-404-1-012)
Revisin del pliego de bases para la contratacin de trabajos de auscultacin de presas. Estudios preliminares de la presa de Santa Teresa
(Salamanca). Actuaciones en 2005 relativas al sistema integral de gestin
para la auscultacin de presas (SIGAP)
Asistencia tcnica en aspectos de ingeniera e impacto ambiental en conducciones de vertidos al mar de depuradoras: conducciones de aguas residuales (Tratamiento y control calidad
Direccin General del Agua (23-403-1-003)
Anlisis de las modificaciones al proyecto y ejecucin de obras de ampliacin y remodelacin de la EDAR de Fuengirola (Mlaga) propuestas por la
empresa constructora. Descripcin del estado del emisario de Talamanca
(Eivissa, Illes Balears)
Estudio del ro Titar entre los embalses de Torrejn y Rosarito.
Cuenca del Tajo (Hidrulica continental)
Direccin General del Agua (41-404-1-092)
Caracterizacin geolgica y geomorfolgica, zonificacin, estudio hidrolgico, comportamiento de las estructuras viarias, trabajos previstos. Resultados
finales del estudio
Estudio del aliviadero y los desages de fondo de la presa de
Castrovido (Burgos). Cuenca del Duero (Hidrulica continental)
Direccin General del Agua (41-404-1-093). Resultados finales del estudio
Asistencia tcnica a Confederaciones (Hidrulica continental)
Direccin General del Agua (41-404-1-094). Estudio de las vibraciones del
edificio de vlvulas de las tomas de la presa de Tous

Estudio de los desages de la presa de La Viuela. Cuenca del

Sur (Hidrulica continental)
Direccin General del Agua (41-404-1-096)
Estudio terico para la comprobacin de la capacidad del aliviadero
Estudio de los problemas de evacuacin del aire durante las maniobras de
puesta en carga del conducto izquierdo del desage de fondo
Escala de peces en presas y azudes (Hidrulica continental)
Direccin General del Agua (41-404-1-097)
Recopilacin de las legislaciones autonmica, estatal y comunitaria, relativas
a la normativa para la instalacin de pasos para peces y a la conservacin
de peces fluviales
Anlisis de informacin existente y descripcin general de los aspectos relacionados con hbitat, movimientos y grado de conservacin
Asistencia tcnica, investigacin y desarrollo tecnolgico en
estudio de la capacidad til, aporte de slidos y sedimentologa
de embalses (decimoprimera campaa)
Direccin General del Agua (42-403-1-071)
Estudio de la capacidad til del embalse del Ebro (Cantabria-Burgos)
Campaa de aforo de slidos y lquido en la cuenca del Guadalquivir (septiembre 2004-junio 2005)
Campaa de aforos de slidos y lquido en la cuenca del Sur (septiembre
2004-junio 2005)
Campaa de aforos de slidos y lquido en la cuenca del Tajo (septiembre
2004-junio 2005)
Campaa de aforos de slidos y lquido en la cuenca del Ebro (septiembre
2004-junio 2005)
Estudio sedimentolgico del embalse de Almodvar (Cdiz)
Estudio sedimentolgico del embalse de El Limonero (Mlaga)
Estudio sedimentolgico del embalse del Ebro (Cantabria-Burgos)
Estudio sedimentolgico del embalse de Aguascebas (Jan)
Vigilancia y control del medio natural del estuario del ro
Direccin General del Agua (44-400-1-076)
Ictiofauna, flora acutica y vegetacin riparia del estuario del Guadiana:
inventario de especies, distribucin y propuesta de bioindicadores
Reconocimiento limnolgico del embalse del Chanza (Huelva)
Realizacin de estudios relativos a la calidad de las aguas subterrneas
Direccin General del Agua (44-400-1-078)
Cuenca del Segura (tercer muestreo)
Cuenca del Sur (segundo muestreo)
Cuenca del Guadalquivir (tercer muestreo)
Proyecto redes de vigilancia: cuenca del Segura
Determinacin de la toxicidad debido a cianobacterias, y estudios de eutrofizacin de embalses (Tratamiento y control calidad
Direccin General del Agua (44-403-1-098). Protocolo de caracterizacin y
toxicidad de cianobacterias en aguas de bao. Estudio de toxicidad en los
embalses de Arcos, Cazalegas, Rosarito y Zjar
Toma de datos limnolgicos para el ejercicio de intercalibracin
de 11 embalses de las cuencas del Norte y Duero (Directiva
marco aguas)
Direccin General del Agua (44-405-1-101)
Estudio de parmetros fsico-qumicos y biolgicos necesarios para el ejercicio de intercalibracin
A.T. a las evaluaciones ambientales (planes, programas y proyectos), medidas correctoras y compensadoras, seguimiento y vigilancia ambiental (Infraestructuras hidrulicas)
Direccin General del Agua (51-403-1-032)
Anlisis de los procedimientos de evaluacin y establecimiento de regme-

nes de caudales ecolgicos. Anlisis de las variables ambientales del estuario del ro Guadiana (ao 2004)

Direccin General del Agua (62-403-1-012)

Actividad realizada durante 2005

Restauracin y recuperacin ambiental de reas fluviales degradadas por la accin antrpica. Fase experimental: ro Zjar,
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana (Hidrulica continental)
Direccin General del Agua (51-404-1-033)
Caracterizacin de las comunidades vegetales riparias de las cuencas alta y
media del Guadiana. Caracterizacin geomorfolgica de la red fluvial del
alto y medio Guadiana

Asesoramiento en materias geotcnicas (Gestin dominio pblico hidrulico-Explotacin obras)

Direccin General del Agua (82-403-1-019)
Depuradora de Galindo. Asientos registrados en el llenado de la balsa 5 del
reactor biolgico
Informe geotcnico de las anomalas detectadas en la balsa de Bediesta
(isla de La Palma) con motivo del primer llenado
Resultados de las lecturas inclinomtricas realizadas en la ladera de la margen
izquierda situada enfrente de Puebla de Arenoso. Embalse de Arens (Castelln)
Estudio geotcnico del emplazamiento de la localidad de Puebla de
Arenoso. Embalse de Arens (Castelln)
Nota tcnica sobre la visita realizada al emplazamiento de la futura presa
de Siles (Jan)

Caracterizacin ecolgica de la vegetacin de ribera de la mitad

meridional de la Espaa peninsular (Gestin dominio pblico
hidrulico-Explotacin obras)
Direccin General del Agua (51-404-1-034)
Elaboracin de contenidos relativos a la vegetacin de ribera para la pgina
WEB del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente
Anlisis radiolgico de las aguas potables de consumo pblico
de la red primaria que gestiona la Mancomunidad de los
Canales del Taibilla
Direccin General del Agua (52-400-1-029). Ao 2003-2004
Red de vigilancia radiolgica ambiental de las aguas continentales espaolas, campaas 21, 22 y 23 (Tratamiento y control calidad aguas)
Direccin General del Agua (52-403-1-032)
Ao hidrulico 2003-2004. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Norte de Espaa
Ao hidrulico 2003-2004. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Duero
Ao hidrulico 2003-2004. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Tajo
Ao hidrulico 2003-2004. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadiana
Ao hidrulico 2003-2004. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Guadalquivir
Ao hidrulico 2003-2004. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Ebro
Ao hidrulico 2003-2004. Agencia Catalana del Agua
Ao hidrulico 2003-2004. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Jcar
Ao hidrulico 2003-2004. Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Segura
Asistencia tcnica a la Direccin General de Obras Hidrulicas y
Calidad de las Aguas para estudios de fugas de embalses
(Infraestructuras hidrulicas)
Direccin General del Agua (52-403-1-033)
Estudio de los flujos subterrneos en el entorno de la presa de Beniarrs ro Serpis. Campaa 2004
Acuferos y zonas hmedas (Gestin dominio pblico hidrulicoExplotacin obras)
Direccin General del Agua (52-405-1-034)
Estudios para la comprobacin de posibles fugas en la fosa sptica del hotel
restaurante La Colgada, en el parque natural de las Lagunas de Ruidera
Estudios para la comprobacin de posibles fugas en la fosa sptica del restaurante El Huerto, en el parque natural de las Lagunas de Ruidera
Estudios para la comprobacin del origen de los afloramientos en la corta
de la cantera de Santa Cruz de Mudela (Ciudad Real)
Asistencia tcnica para el apoyo a la Direccin General de Obras
Hidrulicas y Calidad de las Aguas en la presidencia del SEMIDE
y el mantenimiento de su unidad tcnica (2002-2005)
Direccin General del Agua (62-401-1-010)
Actividad realizada durante 2005
Mantenimiento y adecuacin del sistema espaol de informacin del agua, HISPAGUA (Transferencia recursos hdricos)
Direccin General del Agua (62-403-1-011)
Actividad realizada durante 2005
Sistema iberoamericano de informacin del agua, SIAGUA
(Transferencia recursos hdricos)

Reconocimiento y estudio geotcnico (Gestin dominio pblico

hidrulico-Explotacin obras)
Direccin General del Agua (82-403-1-020)
Avance del anlisis de las condiciones de estabilidad de la ladera del paraje
de la Raya (Huesca)
Anlisis de las condiciones de estabilidad de la ladera del paraje de la Raya,
en la margen derecha del ro Gllego (Huesca)
Presa de Mora de Rubielos (Teruel): anlisis de interpretacin de ensayos de
Proyecto piloto para el seguimiento de la auscultacin de presas
de hormign y materiales sueltos en la cuenca del Ebro
Direccin General del Agua (84-499-1-003). Anlisis de los resultados de la
auscultacin de la presa de Pajares (La Rioja)


Ensayos de estabilidad de obras de defensa de costas. Ensayos
en modelo fsico para analizar la estabilidad de las playas de
Puerto Espndola y Rompecabo
Direccin General de Costas (21-403-5-017)
Resultados finales de los ensayos
Estudio de dinmica litoral en diversas playas del litoral espaol
Direccin General de Costas (22-404-5-114)
Estudio de dinmica litoral en la playa de Silgar. Sanxenxo (Pontevedra).
Estudio evolutivo de las playas de Oyambre (Cantabria)
Inventario de espigones, diques exentos, longitudinales y de
encauzamiento en las costas espaolas
Direccin General de Costas (22-405-5-119). Inventario de las obras de
defensa existentes a lo largo de las costas espaolas
Seguimiento en diversas playas espaolas. Playas de El Espartal
y Salinas. Fase 2005-2006
Direccin General de Costas (22-405-5-121)
Seguimiento de la playa de Salinas y del dique del puerto de Avils
Recomendaciones para el diseo de playas para la prctica de
Direccin General de Costas (22-405-5-123)
Resumen final de las actividades realizadas
Asistencia tcnica para las actividades relacionadas con el convenio OSPAR. Ao 2005
Direccin General de Costas (23-404-5-030)
Reunin del grupo de trabajo de EIHA 2004
Reunin del grupo de trabajo de Eutrofizacin (ETG 2004) y reunin conjunta de los grupos de trabajo de Eutrofizacin y de Monitorizacin (ETG/MON)

Reunin del comit de Biodiversidad BDC 2005

Reunin del comit de Evaluacin y seguimiento. ASMO 2005

Resultados finales
Resultados finales de los ensayos complementarios

Determinacin de las presiones antropognicas significativas

sobre masas de aguas costeras y de transicin
Direccin General de Costas (23-404-5-033)
Propuesta de manual para la recopilacin de informacin sobre presiones en
las masas de agua costeras y de transicin

Asistencia tcnica a la licitacin del proyecto de reconstruccin

de las obras de canalizacin y control de torrentes del ro San
Julin, Estado de Vargas, en la Repblica de Venezuela
Instituto de Crdito Oficial, ICO (43-404-7-005). Memorando

Propuesta de tipologas, condiciones de referencia y sistemas de

clasificacin en el mbito de las aguas costeras y de transicin
Direccin General de Costas (23-404-5-035)
Creacin de capas de informacin para un SIG a partir de los mapas de sntesis de los estudios geofsicos de la Direccin General de Costas
Seguimiento de la evolucin del medio fsico y de las comunidades biolgicas en la zona afectada por la extraccin de arenas
en Cabo Vido (Asturias)
Direccin General de Costas (23-405-5-036). Primera campaa de seguimiento de la calidad ambiental del agua y los sedimentos. Primera campaa
de seguimiento biolgico. Segunda campaa de seguimiento de la calidad
ambiental del agua y los sedimentos

Asistencia tcnica al Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear en los programas de vigilancia radiolgica del medio acutico (2004).
Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (52-404-7-023)
Resumen final de los trabajos realizados
Programa de vigilancia radiolgica ambiental en el medio acutico (Red de estaciones de muestreo: red espaciada)
Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (52-404-7-024). Ao 2004
Trabajos e informes de patologa geotcnica en edificios del
Ministerio de Cultura (2005)
Gerencia de Infraestructuras y Equipamientos de Cultura (Ministerio de
Cultura) (80-405-7-016). Informe tcnico relativo con las humedades del
palacio del Infantado (Guadalajara)


Experiencia piloto en estructuras con hormign realizado con
rido reciclado
Direccin General de Calidad y Evaluacin Ambiental (14-405-6-001). Experiencia
piloto de hormign reciclado estructural. T.M. de Manises (Valencia)
Actualizacin del catlogo de residuos utilizables en la construccin
Direccin General de Calidad y Evaluacin Ambiental (14-405-6-002)
Realizacin del plan de trabajo para las distintas fases del proyecto
Modelizacin del encauzamiento del ro Jcar entre las poblaciones de Alzira y Carcaixent, y la modificacin e instalacin del
modelo matemtico GISPLANA Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Jcar
Modelo hidrulico GISPLANA. v2.1 y v3.0. Bases tericas y manual de usuario
Trabajos de investigacin y estudio de las posibles inestabilidades de las laderas del embalse de Arens (Castelln)
Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Jcar (82-404-6-002)
Anlisis de las condiciones de estabilidad de la ladera de la margen izquierda situada enfrente de Puebla de Arenoso. Informe ltimo

Colaboracin en trabajos de investigacin sobre lesiones estructurales en aparcamiento del Ferial Juan Carlos I, de IFEMA
Instituto de Ciencias de la Construccin Eduardo Torroja (81-404-7-010).
Resultados finales de los trabajos


Estudios sobre la evolucin de las geomembranas utilizadas en
la impermeabilizacin de balsas en las islas Canarias
Balsas de Tenerife (BALTEN)-Consejo Insular de Aguas de La Palma (11-5034-002)
Embalses de la Florida y Llanos de Mesa. Resultados experimentales.
Trigsima primera inspeccin
Isla de La Palma. Trigsima primera inspeccin
Resultados experimentales-I. Trigsima segunda inspeccin
Realizacin de estudios de clima martimo, agitacin y ondas largas en modelo numrico, y ensayos en modelo fsico para la
remodelacin del puerto de Cudillero (Asturias)
Principado de Asturias (20-404-8-003). Estudio de clima martimo, agitacin
y ondas largas en modelo numrico

Trabajos e informes de patologa estructural en edificios del
Ministerio de Cultura (2005)
Gerencia de Infraestructuras y Equipamientos de Cultura (Ministerio de
Cultura) (12-405-7-022)
Informe sobre las patologas detectadas en el edificio del palacio de la
Aduana, en Mlaga
Informe preliminar sobre las estructuras del museo Arqueolgico de Cuenca
y edificios anexos (Cuenca)
Informe sobre la estructura del museo de La Rioja (Logroo)
Museo de la Necrpolis paleocristiana de Tarragona
Estudio y desarrollo de metodologas para la estimacin de la
vulnerabilidad de construcciones frente a solicitaciones ssmicas
y de inspeccin de edificaciones afectadas por terremotos
Direccin General de Proteccin Civil (13-403-7-003)
Resultados finales del estudio
Determinacin de mdulos y leyes de fatiga de hormign con caucho
Escuela Tcnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (31-404-7-002)

Estudio de las nuevas instalaciones deportivas en la antigua drsena de la E.T.E.A. Vigo (Pontevedra)
Consorcio Zona Franca de Vigo (22-505-3-003)
Resultados finales del estudio
II Adenda al convenio para la realizacin de trabajos tendentes
a la regeneracin y adecuacin ambiental de la baha de
Portmn (Murcia)
Comunidad Autnoma de la Regin de Murcia - Ente Pblico Puertos del
Estado (EPPE) (23-404-8-018)
Adenda a la memoria-resumen de las alternativas de actuacin
Elaboracin de una norma tcnica sobre sistemas de contencin
de vehculos
Gobierno Vasco (36-402-8-001). Anlisis de la normativa actual, nacional e
internacional, sobre sistemas de contencin de vehculos
Caracterizacin geotcnica de los piroclastos canarios dbilmente cementados
Gobierno de Canarias (82-402-8-011)

Avance de resultados de ensayos realizados y estudio de cimentaciones,

taludes y muros en materiales volcnicos
Asistencia tcnica para el proyecto de encauzamiento del arroyo
Argamasilla a su paso por cija (Sevilla)
Junta de Andaluca (84-404-8-003). Ensayos y anlisis de resultados

Estudio estadstico del comportamiento fotomtrico de los
materiales retrorreflectantes constituidos por microesferas de
vidrio de nivel 1 (3M EG)
3M Espaa, S.A. (11-505-5-015). Resultados finales del estudio
Ensayos de contraste de los de seguimiento de armaduras de acero
con caractersticas especiales de ductilidad con marca ARCER
Instituto para la Promocin de Armaduras Certificadas, IPAC (12-504-5-032).
Resultados finales de los ensayos
Pruebas de vibracin y choque de convertidor 77 kVA - Metro
Santiago de Chile L-4 (cdigo SEPSA 000402)
Sistemas Electrnicos de Potencia, S.A. (13-504-5-072)
Resultados finales de las pruebas
Pruebas de vibracin y choque de convertidor esttico de 31.5
kVA + 14 W para metro de Mxico-STC (Referencia SEPSA 000414)
Sistemas Electrnicos de Potencia, S.A. (13-504-5-073)
Resultados finales de las pruebas
Pruebas de vibracin y choque de convertidor esttico de 200
kVA - Metro de Roma (cdigo SEPSA 000413)
Sistemas Electrnicos de Potencia, S.A. (13-504-5-074)
Resultados finales de las pruebas

Estudio del hormign de la presa de Castejn (Toledo) y de la

presa de San Juan Collado (Madrid)
Soluziona Ingeniera, S.A. (14-504-5-010)
Resultados finales del estudio
Ensayos en modelo fsico a escala reducida para el anlisis de
soluciones de cajones de baja reflexin en muelles y en diques
de abrigo
FCC Construccin, S.A. (21-503-5-049). Resultados finales de los ensayos
Dictamen sobre el producto de biorremediacin S200 IEP
Europe, S.L. (23-504-5-016)
Resultados finales
Evaluacin de riegos de adherencia con emulsiones termoadherentes (Adhermul y Styemul-adherencia)
CEPSA-PROAS (31-503-5-097). Resultados finales de la evaluacin
Estudio de dos mezclas bituminosas con betunes tipo 60/70
Asfaltos Espaoles, S.A., ASESA (31-504-5-113)
Resultados finales del estudio
Estudio de la escoria negra de SIDENOR (Cantabria)
SIDENOR (31-504-5-114). Resultados finales del estudio
Estudio de una mezcla bituminosa tipo S12 con escorias negras
Global Steel Wire, S.A. (31-504-5-115). Resultados finales del estudio
Ensayo en modelo reducido de la obra de reincorporacin al ro
Jcar de la central hidroelctrica de Alarcn
CIENER, S.A.U. (41-504-5-047). Resultados finales del ensayo
Realizacin del ensayo de tres bombas en el Laboratorio de
Seiasa del Sur y Este, S.A. (41-505-7-001). Resultados finales del ensayo

Pruebas de vibracin y choque de convertidor de 14 kVA para

WMATA 6000 (Metro de Washington)
Sistemas Electrnicos de Potencia, S.A. (13-505-5-076)
Resultados finales de las pruebas

Asistencia tcnica para el estudio de la capacidad del embalse

de Aarbe (Navarra)
Aguas del Aarbe, S.A. (42-504-5-016). Resultados finales del estudio

Pruebas de vibracin y choque de convertidor de 70.5 kVA para

WMATA 6000 (Metro de Washington)
Sistemas Electrnicos de Potencia, S.A. (13-505-5-077)
Resultados finales de las pruebas

Asistencia tcnica a las actuaciones de recuperacin ambiental

del embalse de Aulencia (Madrid)
TRAGSA (43-504-5-008). Estudio de los materiales depositados en el embalse de Aulencia. Informe ltimo

Pruebas de vibracin y choque de convertidor auxiliar de 110

kVA y equipo ISEB para tren M2 (Metro de Nueva York)
Sistemas Electrnicos de Potencia, S.A. (13-505-5-078)
Resultados finales de las pruebas

Vigilancia radiolgica del ro Ebro, en torno a las instalaciones

de las centrales nucleares de Asc (2004)
Comunidad de Usuarios de las Centrales Nucleares de Asc (52-504-5-049).
Resultados finales de los anlisis realizados

Pruebas de vibracin y choque de grupo motocompresor insonorizado VV230-2. Referencia ISTL 12173/R
Sociedad Espaola de Frenos, S.A. (13-505-5-080)
Resultados finales de las pruebas

Vigilancia radiolgica del ro Tajo, en torno a las instalaciones de

la central nuclear de Almaraz (2004)
Comunidad de Bienes de la Central Nuclear de Almaraz (52-504-5-050)
Resultados finales de los anlisis realizados

Pruebas de vibracin y choque de los equipos ISTL 19565/024,

ISTL 16619/C e ISTL 19508
Sociedad Espaola de Frenos, S.A. (13-505-5-081)
Resultados finales de las pruebas

Vigilancia radiolgica del ro Ebro, en torno a las instalaciones

de la central nuclear de Santa Mara de Garoa (agosto-diciembre 2004)
Nuclenor, S.A. (52-504-5-051). Resultados finales de los anlisis realizados

Pruebas de vibracin y choque de los calefactores del sistema

de climatizacin del tren TGV-DUPLEX
Merak, S.A. (13-505-5-082). Resultados finales de las pruebas

Estudio de micropilotes autoperforantes ejecutados por el procedimiento desarrollado por la empresa Rodio (13-504-5-069)
Rodio (81-504-5-019). Resultados finales del estudio

Pruebas de vibracin y choque de la central de medida del sistema SME

Sistemas Electrnicos de Potencia, S.A. (13-505-5-083)
Resultados finales de las pruebas

Determinacin de la resistencia al corte de escollera de la presa

del Arenoso (Crdoba)
Aguas de la Cuenca del Guadalquivir, S.A., AQUAVIR (82-504-7-008)
Resultados finales del estudio


Apoyo tcnico en la instalacin y puesta en operacin de una boya
direccional medidora de oleaje en el puerto de Veracruz (Mxico)
Instituto Mexicano del Transporte-Secretara de Comunicaciones y Transportes
(22-604-5-001). Resumen final de las actuaciones realizadas


Realizacin de los ensayos Eurabalise and support tests on bibloc and monobloc sleepers
CSEE Transport (54-605-1-010). Resultados finales de los ensayos


Realizacin de los ensayos WP3 Compact Eurobalise Laboratory

Alstom Transport (54-605-1-012). Resultados finales de los ensayos





Realizacin de los ensayos WP4 Non-Regressive Laboratory Tests

Alstom Transport (54-605-1-013). Resultados finales de los ensayos



Comisin Asesora Armaduras para Hormign

GT1. Caractersticas de Traccin y Fatiga

Directrices de diseo para el uso ingenieril de la formulacin de

la tangente hiperblica para playas encajadas
CEDEX (proyectos de I+D) (22-302-0-006). Resultados finales de los trabajos
Localizacin de boyas por el sistema de satlites GLOBALCOM
CEDEX (proyectos de I+D) (25-301-0-007). Resultados finales del estudio
Estudio de la influencia de los betunes en la durabilidad de las
mezclas bituminosas
CEDEX (proyectos de I+D) (31-303-0-017). Resultados del primer ao del proyecto
Seguimiento del control biolgico de la vegetacin acutica en
balsas de riego mediante la utilizacin de peces herbvoros
Bureau of Reclamation USA (44-397-8-001)
Seguimiento del control biolgico de la vegetacin acutica en balsas de
riego mediante la utilizacin de peces herbvoros en El Ejido (Almera),
Fuente lamo (Murcia) y Vinaroz (Castelln)
Estado ecolgico de los ros mediterrneos. Regionalizacin ecolgica, estaciones de referencia y mtodos predictivos de evaluacin de calidad. Cuencas de la zona sur (Guadalhorce y Guadiaro).
Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia (44-302-9-003). Resultados finales
Evaluacin del riesgo y prevencin de deslizamientos catastrficos
de laderas inducidos por terremotos. Aplicacin a los casos de El
Salvador y sureste de Espaa (REN2001-0266-C02-01) (BES-2002-0726)
Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia (I+D) (53-302-9-008). Resultados finales
Proyecto SUPERTRACK. G1RD-CT-2002-00777
Unin Europea (UE) (81-302-4-001)
Laboratory tests on track bed layers and platform materials. Instrumentation
and monitorization of sector in high-speed lines. Retrofitting of track sections by hydraulic fracture injections. Track box (21m king, 5m wide, 4m
high) for testing and bed layer for high speed railway lines
Cesin (23-405-4-023). Realizacin de planes y protocolos sobre
lugares de refugio para buques necesitados de asistencia
CEDEX (actuaciones internas) (51-905-2-002)
Recopilacin de casos de buques que han requerido asistencia
Cesin (23-494-4-009). Caracterizacin geotcnica de los residuos
mineros de la baha de Portmn (Murcia)
CEDEX (actuaciones internas) (84-994-2-001)
Informe de trabajos desarrollados en el primer semestre del ao 2005


Consejo de Direccin
Comisin 2.- Materiales
Comisin de Desalinizacin
Comisin 4. Drenaje Urbano
Comisin 5. Depuracin de Aguas Residuales
Consejo Directivo
Comit de Direccin
Comits Tcnicos de Normalizacin (CTN),
Subcomits (SC) y Grupos de Trabajo (GT):
CTN 36. Siderurgia
CTN 40. Industrias Textiles
- Subcomit de Geotextiles
CTN 41. Construccin
- SC 1. Materiales para Ejecucin de Carreteras
GT 3/4 . Materiales Granulares y Marginales
- SC 9. Construccin Sostenible
GT 1. Principios generales
GT 3. Aspectos medioambientales de los materiales de construccin
- SC 10. Construccin en tierra
CTN 48. Pinturas y Barnices
CTN 51. Productos Petrolferos
- SC 1. Ligantes Bituminosos
CTN 53. Plsticos y Caucho
- SC 2. Tuberas y accesorios de plstico
CTN 73. Energa Nuclear
- SC 3. Cceres Tarragona 73
GT. Normas
- Subgrupo de Anlisis de Normas del CSN

Muestreo: Toma, Pretratamiento, Anlisis y Medida

Procedimientos Radioqumicos
GT. Patrones

GT. Incertidumbres
- Subgrupo de Lmites Crticos
GT. Equipos de Medida
CTN 74. Acstica
- SC 2. Acstica en la Edificacin
CTN 77. Medio Ambiente
- SC 1. Agua
CTN 80. Cementos y Cales
- SC 2. Anlisis Qumicos
- SC 3. Especificaciones
CTN 82. Metrologa y Calibracin
- SC 3. Metrologa de Fluidos
CTN 83. Hormign
- SC 2. Aditivos
- SC10. Durabilidad
GT1. Corrosin de la Armadura en el Hormign
GT2. Ensayos Qumicos
CTN 92. Aislamiento Trmico
- SC 1. Ensayos
CTN 102. Yesos
CTN 104. Materiales Impermeabilizantes para la Construccin
CTN 112. Corrosin y Proteccin de Materiales Metlicos
- SC 2. Proteccin de los Materiales Metlicos
GT 4. Corrosin de Armaduras
GT. Revestimientos por Inmersin en Caliente
CTN 125. Albailera
CTN 135. Equipamiento de Carretera para Sealizacin Vial
- SC 1. Barreras de Seguridad
- SC 2. Sealizacin Horizontal
- SC 3. Sealizacin Vertical
GT 3.1. Sealizacin de Mensaje Variable
- SC 4. Regulacin de Trfico
- SC 6. Barreras Antirruido
- SC 7. Pantallas Antideslumbrantes, Telfonos de Emergencia
y otras Dotaciones
CTN 140. Eurocdigos Estructurales
- SC 1. Eurocdigos 0 y 1. Criterios de Proyecto y Acciones sobre
- SC 2. Eurocdigo 2. Estructuras de Hormign
GT 2. Parte 2. Puentes de Hormign
- SC 3. Eurocdigo 3. Estructuras de Acero
- SC 4. Eurocdigo 4. Estructuras Mixtas Hormign-Acero
- SC 7. Eurocdigo 7. Proyecto Geotcnico para Hormigones
- SC 8. Eurocdigo 8. Estructuras en Zonas Ssmicas
CTN 146. ridos para Fabricacin de Hormigones
- SC 2. ridos para Fabricacin de Hormigones
- SC 3. ridos para Carreteras
- SC 5. ridos Reciclados
- SC 6. Ensayos de ridos
GT. ridos Reciclados
CTN 149. Ingeniera del Agua
- SC 2. Abastecimiento de Agua
- SC 3. Redes de Saneamiento y Drenaje
CTN 159. Telemtica Aplicada a la Circulacin y al Transporte por
Comits de Certificacin (CTC):
CTC 15. Cementos
CTC 17. Productos de Acero para Hormign
CTC 19. Bculos y Columnas de Alumbrado Pblico
CTC 20. Materiales Aislantes Trmicos
CTC 32. Impermeabilizantes Bituminosos
CTC 36. Tubos y Perfiles Huecos de Acero
CTC 46. Perfiles de Acero Laminados en Caliente
CTC 50. Pinturas y Barnices
CTC 52. Equipamiento para Carreteras
CTC 61. Hormign Preparado


Junta Directiva
Comits Tcnicos (CT):
CT 1. Caractersticas Superficiales de los Pavimentos
CT 5. Explotacin y Gestin de Tneles de Carreteras
CT 7/8. Firmes de Carreteras
CT 11. Puentes
CT 12. Geotecnia Vial
CT 13. Seguridad Vial
CT 14. Comit de Carreteras y Medio Ambiente
CT 16. Sistemas Inteligentes de Explotacin de Carreteras y Transportes
CT 18. Carreteras y Caminos Locales y de Baja Intensidad de Trfico
CT 21. Geotextiles
Grupos de Trabajo:
GT 2.2. Cimentaciones
GT Anclajes al Terreno
Grupo de Trabajo del Centro de Referencia
Comit Cientfico
Comit Permanente
- Subcomit de Organismos Notificados
GT 4. Grupo de Reguladores para los Productos de Construccin en
Contacto con Agua Potable
Grupo de Trabajo Instruccin de Estructuras de Acero EAE
Grupos de Trabajo (GT):
GT Materiales y Vida til
GT ridos Reciclados


Comit Espaol de Sedimentacin en Embalses
Comit Tcnico de Hormigones de Presas
Grupos de Trabajo:
ROM 0.3. Oleaje
ROM 0.5. 94. Revisin de las Recomendaciones Geotcnicas para el
Proyecto de Obras Martimas y Portuarias
ROM 1.1. Diques de Abrigo

Comisin del Programa Nacional de Recursos Naturales y Tecnologas

Grupo de Trabajo del Plan. Subgrupo de Trabajo sobre Reciclado
Comit Permanente. Lnea Estratgica de Materiales
Grupo de Usuarios de BRS





Ciencias de la Tierra-Recursos Hdricos









Comisin Permanente



Comit de Revisin de la Instruccin



Comisin Sectorial de Construccin






Comit de Gestin. Comit Tcnico


Comit de Seguridad Vial
Comit Docente
Mdulo de Recursos Hdricos y Gestin del Agua
Mdulo de Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica y Teledeteccin
Grupo de Trabajo Reglamento del Proyecto de la Ley del Ruido
PLAN NACIONAL DE I+D+i 2004-2007


Comisin n 10 Rocas para Edificios y Ornamentales
Captulo Espaol de la IGS


Grupo Espaol
Grupo de trabajo EnviCom 8: Generis Biological Assessment Guidance for
Dredged Material
Grupo de trabajo EnviCom 11: Management, Reclamation of Dredged
Material and End Use of Existing Confined Disposal Facilities
Grupo de trabajo 10: Environmental Risk Assessment in Dredging and
Dredged Material Disposal
Comits Tcnico (CT):
CT 2.1. Desarrollo Sostenible y Transporte por Carretera
CT. Terminologa
CT 4.2. Interaccin Vehculo/Carretera
CT 4.4. Comit de Puentes de Carreteras
CT 4.5. Obras de Tierras, Drenaje y Explanadas
Comit Nacional Espaol de Riegos y Drenajes
Working Group on Farm Irrigation Systems
Working Group on Irrigated Agriculture under Drought and Water Scarcity
Comits Tcnicos (CEN TC), Subcomits (SC) y Grupos de Trabajo (WG):
CEN TC 51. Cementos y Cales de Construccin
CEN TC 189. Geotextiles y Productos Relacionados
CEN TC 226. Dotaciones Viales
GT 7. Pantallas Antideslumbrantes,Telfonos de Emergencia y otras
CEN TC 227. Materiales para Carreteras
GT 1. Mezclas Bituminosas
CEN TC 241. Yesos
CEN TC 250. Eurocdigos Estructurales
SC 2. Estructuras de Hormign
SC 3. Estructuras de Acero
GT 7. Reglas de Proyecto
CEN JWC 139/254. Geomembranas
CEN TC 318. Hidrometra
Conference on Water Observation and Information System for the Balkan


Comit de Eutrofizacin EUC
Comit ASMO. Evaluacin y Seguimiento
Grupo de Trabajo INPUT: Inputs to the Marine Environment
Grupo de Trabajo ETG: Eutrophication Task Group
Grupo de Trabajo SIME: Concentrations, Trends and Effects of Substances in
the Marine Environment
Grupo de Trabajo EIHA: Environmental Impact of Human Activities
Seminario OSPAR sobre concentraciones de fondo (BRC) y sobre criterios de
evaluacin ecotoxicolgica (EAC)
Comit Ejecutivo
Grupo de Trabajo sobre Armonizacin europea de las Medidas de Friccin y
Regularidad (Proyecto HERMES)
Grupo de Trabajo sobre firmes de larga duracin (Proyecto ELLPAG)
Equipo para el desarrollo del IV Programa Estratgico de Investigacin en
Carreteras (SERRP IV)
Comit Tcnico. WP 2 Eurocdigo 7
Grupos Internacionales de trabajo de la estrategia comn de implantacin
de la Directiva Marco del Agua en Europa:
Grupo 2A. Estado Ecolgico
Grupo 2B. Gestin Integrada de Cuencas Coordinacin
Grupo 2D. Reporting
Objetivos Medioambientales
Grupo de Coordinacin Estratgico
Grupo de Trabajo 1 Gestin del Agua
Expert Group for developing a paper on social aspects of integrated flood
Programa para la Documentacin Internacional de Investigacin sobre
Carreteras (DIRR)
- Comit Operacional
- Subcomit de Tecnologas de la Informacin
- Subcomit de Terminologa
- Centro Coordinador de Lengua Espaola
Comit de Direccin




Programa CYTED


Proyecto FORMAT. Conservacin totalmente optimizada de carreteras.
Proyecto SAMARIS. Materiales sostenibles y avanzados para la
infraestructura de la carretera.
Proyecto SCORE. Reciclado en fro de calidad mejorada.
Red Temtica TREE. Equipamientos de investigacin del transporte en Europa.
Programa de mejora del potencial humano. Acceso a grandes
infraestructuras de investigacin. Proyecto HYDRALAB-II




Comit Asesor de Gestin
Comit de Actividades Tcnicas
Grupo de Trabajo de Publicaciones
Delegado espaol de la RILEM


Consejo de Direccin. Unidad Tcnica (UT SEMIDE)

Grupo de Trabajo para la creacin de las especificaciones de prueba del
sistema ERTMS


Grupo de control de ERTMS





Comits Tcnicos (TC):
TC 3. Comit de Geotecnia para Carreteras
TC 10. Caracterizacin in situ por Geofsica
TC 16. Ensayos in situ
TC 20. Prctica Profesional en Geotecnia
TC 29. Ensayos de Laboratorio
Comits Tcnicos Europeos (ETC):
ETC 10. Anlisis del Eurocdigo 7
ETC 12. Anlisis del Eurocdigo 8
Accin COST 54. Indicadores de firmes de carreteras.
Accin COST 347. Mejoras en la investigacin sobre pavimentos mediante la
realizacin de ensayos acelerados con aplicacin de cargas.
Accin COST 348. Refuerzo de firmes con mallas de acero y geosintticos.
Accin COST 350. Evaluacin integrada del impacto ambiental de trfico y de
las infraestructuras de transporte.
Accin COST 351. Movimiento de agua en firmes de carreteras y explanadas


- Boletn de la SEMSIG (Sociedad Espaola de Mecnica del Suelo e Ingeniera Civil)

- Carreteras
- Equipos y obras
- Ingeniera civil (CEDEX)
- Ingeniera del agua
- Ingeniera hidrulica en Mxico
- Italian Geotechnical Journal
- Journal of Cohesive and Frictional Materials
- Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
- Revista Ambienta del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente
- Revista del Ministerio de Fomento
- Revista de Obras Pblicas
- Revista Materiales de Construccin
- Rutas

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