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How to study for History

Write down the dates and events that go with it.

Ask your teacher which dates are and are not important, and make a timeline with
it. I write down the dates in chronological order, and put the event behind it. You
can also write the people involved with it, but you also have the option to do this

Make a list of words you need to know.

Simply make a list with all the words, and write down the definition next to it. You
will need these words when studying.

Write down the events, the people involved and what

exactly happened.

Make sure it is easy to read through, and I like to highlight the important people. You
now have the dates, events and important people written down .

Dont just know, understand.

This is by far the most important. Make sure that you understand what happened,
why it happened and why everyone did what they did. Dont just know the facts. In
my class it works like this: Facts and dates are 30% of your grade, to gain the other
70% you have to understand and be able to talk about the subject. This takes time,
history is not a subject you can cram the night before, because you might know all
the facts you need, but when you dont understand it completely, its useless.

Make flashcards

Make flashcards for dates and events, people and their role. You simply put the date
on one side, and the event on the other side. Also make them with words and their
definitions. I like to make them small so I can easily take them with me and look
through them when I have to wait or something.

Talk about it

With History, talking is the best thing you can do. Get your dog, pillow or friend to
sit in your room, and explain everything about the subject. By teaching others you
dont only learn a lot yourself, but if your friend is in the same class of you, you both
learn something from it!

Take the time

History is a broad subject, and usually there is a lot of information you need to know
for a test, plan in a lot of time to study, and start early with studying for a test. If
you have to do everything in the last week, you will not make it.


1. Wake up earlier. Not only does this improve productivity but it also gives you more time to

make a good, hearty breakfast.

2. Make your bed. Lets be real, being welcomed to a tidy bed after a long day at work/school (or
a long day in general) is probably the best feeling anyone will ever experience.
3. If you want, spend a little more time on your appearance. Take some time choosing an outfit,
applying make up or whatever. Do what helps you boost your confidence and self-esteem.
4. Stay hydrated, folks. Keep a bottle of water with you wherever you go.
5. Stretch everyday or start yoga (or do both, why not?)
6. Create a playlist consisting of songs that make you happy and listen to it. Listen to songs for
the mood you want to be in, instead of the mood you are in.
7. Compliment at least one person per day. This could be an acquaintance, co-worker, class mate,
stranger, whoever!
8. Use your manners. If someone holds the door for you, lets you go first etc, they did it
voluntarily and didnt have to do it, so a thank you wouldnt hurt.
9. Eat your fruit and vegetables and always choose the healthy version over the junk food.
10. Have a good laugh. Catch up with friends, watch some Parks and Recreation, go see some
stand-up comedy, reminisce about funny moments that have happened to you. You dont need
to be a doctor to know that humour has many benefits.
11. Be optimistic. Always look at the positives. Theres no point on focusing on the negatives
because that isnt going to help anyones mood at all.
12. Exercise. It doesnt have to be anything to intense. A run around the block, a walk with your
dog or even a Just Dance session will do the job.
13.Bring a book/magazine or collect the daily newspaper with you. Spend you spare time reading.
14. Try and learn something new everyday. This can either be an interesting fact you saw online
or a new skill someone taught you.
15. Help others when you are able to. Help your classmates with school work or offer to help you
struggling neighbour lift those heavy objects.
16. Stop procrastinating. No matter how unmotivated you are to, push yourself and complete
what you need to complete. Do what you gotta do. You know youll love yourself for doing it.
17. Drink some tea, because that stuff is goooooood (and also beneficial).

18.Make time to do things that help you relax, whether thats painting, having baths, doing you
nails or going for a run.
19. Dont dwell on your mistakes, but instead grow and learn from them.
20. And lastly, be kind to yourself. If you love who you are, everyone else will.

A productive afterschool routine

1. Right when you get home, bring your bag to your study space. Take out your
planner and make a detailed list of everything you plan to accomplish in
that afternoon and evening that is school-related.
2. In your study space, take out everything you need to accomplish these
goals and put it all into one pile. (As you complete tasks, you can refile papers and
put things back into your bag.)
3. Change into your comfy at-home clothes. Its much more relaxing to be at
home with fresh, soft clothing.
4. Get a snack and a drink. Eat before you start working, and use the time to
chill, listen to music, and get pumped for productivity.
5. Go to your study space. All your materials should be laid out for you already, so
all you have to do is turn off your phone, find a playlist, and get cracking!
6. Take a timed 5-minute break in between tasks. Use this time to refill your
drink, stretch, use the restroom, and check your phone.
7. When its time for dinner or another scheduled activity, use that time as a
mental break. Dont rush to get back to work unless you know youll be pressed
for time.
8. After eating dinner and leaving other commitments, finish up your work and
then get ready for bed.
9. Take ten minutes to look over notes for the next day, tidy up, and get
everything ready for the morning.
10. Reward yourself for your productivity with Netfilx, pleasure-reading, or
whatever else feeds your soul. Then, get a good nights sleep!

What to do when you have a bad day

Have some chocolate (light/dark/milk, hot/cold/whatever as preferred)

Have a bath, or a long shower
Go for a walk or a jog, preferably surrounded by nature
Find someone/something to cuddle
Even if you have things to do, give yourself a break
Tidy your room/flat/whatever to get a fresh perspective
Open all windows and air out your room
If you have things that need to be done, make a to do list and sort your brain
Organise your clutter/notes/room/whatever
Do come colouring in a colouring book (these are awesome)
Try your hand at painting, even if youre terrible at it
Make yourself some tea
Bake something (and eat it without feeling guilty afterwards)
Light a nice-smelling candle
Spend time with the positive forces in your life, be it parents, friends or pets
Watch your favourite movie (preferably with someone who loves it as much
as you)
Go on spotify, pandora, soundcloud, 8tracks or wherever and look for new
If you find some really good music, have a dance party
Put on your favourite outfit (+ makeup look if youre into that)
Paint your nails, shave, moisturize, wash your face and pamper yourself

Study tips for lazy people, let's be real

1. Take good notes the first time around. I see some people say rewriting them is a
good way to memorize but lets be honest, youre not going to do that. Instead bite
the bullet and do what you can the first time so you can read them later. Its also
just more time efficient. And dont ask other people for notes, theyre not you and
notes need to be personal to be effective. So dont skip class too much.
2. You dont need 100 different highlighters to be successful (but you can if you
want). The key is keeping it succinct. Write down what your teacher says and find
it later in the book. Read those passages a couple of times in your head and out
loud to yourself to commit the info to memory. Honestly just highlight the key
words so that when you see it on the test, the info connected to it floods back.
3. Use your phone to organize your shit. You always have it with you. God knows
you aint gonna buy multi colored sticky notes and a $30 planner. And you might
forget your textbooks and planner but not your phone.
4. Make a reasonable to do list you KNOW deep in your soul you can commit to.
Its a better motivator to see stuff get done than to see stuff not get done.

5. Try to get stuff done before noon. Thats my best advice. Early rise and early
done makes you feel accomplished even if all youve done is read a few pages. This
is probably the best time management advice I ever received in my life.
6. Dont cram but if you have to get up and walk around to keep yourself
7. Try to find a way to keep calm. Youre most likely not the type to plan every
aspect down to the molecule or the type to be on top of everything. Things go awry,
thats just life. Find a way to fix your perspective on setbacks and failures so that it
doesnt ruin your future vision. This is personal so I cant help you too much there.

How to become a better person

Wake up and open your curtains. Your windows too.

Drink some tea or coffee, whatever pleases you. Notice every sip.
Have some fresh fruit and finish breakfast feeling full.
Stand outside and feel the air. Cool or warm, it will make you feel real.
Get some exercise. Yoga to soothe, running to breathe, lifting for strength.
Take care of your body. Have a nice shower and pamper as much as you
want afterward.
If youre going to work, remember you have the chance to make anyones
day or to ruin it. Act accordingly.
Weed out the bad language. Its only creating tension in your body and mind.
Kind words are infinitely more appreciated.
Take some time each day to improve your mind. Keep reading that great
book. Listen to an incredible piece of music. Practice an instrument or a skill. The
progress is its own reward.
Pictures will help you remember how wonderful life is. But spend less time
on your phone and more time seeing the world face to face.
Go to sleep knowing that you have done well. Tomorrow is there with room
to become even better.
-Notes to myself on how to become a better person this summer.

How to Hermione the Shit out of Your Studying.

(Some Hermione inspired study tips.)

Want to study.
Hermione studies as hard as she does because she wants to. So try to think about
WHY you want to study, is it because you are interested in the subject? Is it
because you want a certain grade? Is it because you want to pass the subject to go
on to something else? Once you figure that out, then you can go from feeling like
you have to study to feeling like you want to study. Remember that you dont
have to study if you dont want to, but usually you will want to, because you would
rather study than face the consequences of not studying.


While it may not be necessary to read every word of every textbook before your
classes even start, it will be extremely helpful to read any chapters, articles,
websites or extra information your lecturers give you. Do any extra questions as
well. Usually your lecture would have gone out of his/her way to get this
information to you, this is because they think it will help you, and it probably will.

Answer questions in class.

Trying to answer questions in class will help to keep you concentrated on the topic
at hand, you cant answer questions if you havent been paying attention. This will
not only show your lecturer that you are interested in learning (and they may be
more lenient on you if you are ever after an extension or miss a class) it will also
help you to identify when you dont understand something, and gives you the
chance to clarify.

Help others.

leviooosar, not leviosaarr. Okay, so maybe try help others in a more

understanding way. But when you see someone struggling with something in class
or an assignment, help them. This is something that pretty much everyone will
appreciate, and it can also help you to solidify your own knowledge. There have
been heaps of studies that show that you are much more likely to retain information
once you have taught someone else about it.

Get things done early.

This is one that pretty much everyone knows, but very few ever do. Try to be one
of those few, if you get assignments or readings done early, then you can always
ask questions if you get stuck on something, have more time to work on other
things, not feel stressed about it, youll have the chance to polish up anything you
arent super happy with and more. Trust me, it is worth it.

Find a nice environment to study in.

Some people like their desk while others like their bed and some people fall asleep
if they study in bed. Find something that works for you. I find that if I take a trip to
my local caf or library I am much more motivated because I have gone there for
the purpose of studying.. Whereas at home I sometimes I find it too distracting.

Dont forget to take time to have fun.

While Hermione does study a lot, she also has fun and enjoys herself. Studying and
learning is awesome, but give yourself some time to unwind. Dont let yourself get
burnt out, take regular brakes during long study sessions, and try to set bigger
chunks of time aside some days to relax, play games or see friends. You might feel
fine after the first 2 hours, but after an 8 hour study session with no breaks.. You
may not feel so motivated

Ultimate Study Tips - Master Any Subject!

Your objective is to UNDERSTAND the subject, not just to read the book. Dont
feel your work is done just because you read all the pages you were asked to.

Be modest. Train yourself to love correction. Dont be disheartened by mistakes

or bad grades, they are important for your progression.
Make sure you understand the words you read. Its a bad habit to skip over
words with vague understanding. Use a dictionary. Each word is chosen for a
Only use definite ideas in your argument. Have enough facts to support your
essay thoroughly.
A proper method of study ALWAYS involves re-reading.
Memory is not a substitute for thought. That said, fundamental principles of
subject should be frequently memorized.
Dont try to solve a problem without knowing fully what the problem actually is.
What is the problem? What is required to solve it? Would variations of problem
affect result?
When you read from the above it is evident stop reading. Ask yourself what is
evident? If your conclusion matches then continue, if it doesnt, re-read section.
Go beyond the books you read (this is important to get the highest grades)
regard book as suggestive and not final.
When starting a new subject, pick an ELEMENTARY book. You need the core of
the subject before you can expand and understand to an advanced level.
If you can, stick to studying one subject a day when revising. Its easier on your
Review work frequently.
DO NOT neglect physical exercise and recreational time
Generalise books. Gain a simple and precise conclusion along with all the main
principles. Thats the important part.

Top Tips from A* Students


Manage your time wisely.

Ask for help if you need it.
Make sure you understand everything. And dont start on something
new until you do understand it.
Review and look over your tests and exams.
A hobby makes you a well rounded person and gives you a break from
school work.
Revise throughout the year in small chunks.
Make notes and keep them all safe for your exams.
Try and make yourself a comfy study place which makes you want to
Beautiful notes dont always help you learn, but if they do- go for it!
Remember to go out and have fun.
When revising, dont start with the topics you know or the easy ones,
start with the hardest ones which you dont understand.
Make a revision timetable.
Read around your favourite topics to gain a better understanding.

35 Top Study Tips

1. Take advantage of a lighter workload to make notes, catch up on topics you
dont understand and clean up your workspace.
2. Keep a planner or a bullet journal and carry it everywhere to keep track of what
you need to do and when.
4. Get an early night sleep on school nights, when you wake up in the morning, get
up straight away, to prevent lazing about.
5. Work hard from the first day back of school, revise during the holidays and term
time to get a greater understanding of the topic or course.
6. Have a healthy snack and a drink close by during study sessions to keep
hydrated and healthy and avoid distractions. Also make sure you always eat
7. Keep a spare pencil case and notebook in your locker so if you forget any books
you are still able to make notes in class without needing to borrow anything.
8. Summarise your notes onto small pieces of paper for revision, this helps to sort
through the information.
9. To avoid study stress, take regular breaks and avoid studying for long periods of
10. Do as much work in school as possible to cut down the amount of work you
have to do at home.
11. Study before bed, you remember more just before you go to sleep.
12. Only make flashcards of the things that you dont understand or important
13. Try to finish major revision a week before exams, allowing time to rest before
your exam. Then focus on points that are your weakest.
14. Pick subjects you will enjoy doing despite what your friends chose.
15. Take brief and messy notes in class so when you get home you can neaten them
up. Also have a folder to put your loose sheets and handouts in to keep them in one
16. Dont have too much coffee, or unhealthy food!!
17. Have a window open or a source of fresh air to help brain stimulation.
18. Answer practice papers and questions, to help focus revision on areas you
struggle with. Look at the types of questions you often get wrong.
19. Set realistic goals and targets, for your revision and things you want to
complete by the end of the day.
20. Tie long hair back to keep it out of your face and prevent it from distracting
21. Wear comfortable clothes like tracksuits, hoodies or leggings so you can focus
on revision.
22. Dont waste time making your notes look pretty, just ensure they are easy to
read and you understand them.
23. Study as often as you can. Dont study if youre exhausted as it wont sink in.
Instead tidy your workspace and have an early night sleep refreshed for revision
the next day.
24. Reward yourself for your hard work.
25. Before you go back to school after a holiday, wake up early a few days
beforehand to get into a routine.
26. Always think about the next steps and future ambitions whether thats getting
work experience, choosing subjects or finding a job.
27. Make time for yourself at night to spend time meditating, working out or doing

28. Make studying a habit. Do it every day and it will soon become second nature.
29. Keep spare food in your bag in case you get peckish.
30. Dont spend too long on social media including Tumblr, you may want to log off
and start revising.
31. Break down studying into smaller bits and spread it out over time to avoid
headaches and a burnout.
32. Clean out your bag to get rid of clutter and make it easy to find things.
33. Make more visual notes, like drawings, mind-maps and timelines to help you
study if your an artistic person. But feel free to try various methods to find one that
suits you best.
34. Dont neglect any subjects, feel free to prioritise them but spend an equal
amount of time on each one.
35. When taking a test look through all the questions to begin with to prepare for
questions to come.

How to study for a exam

Before the Exam Date (~2-3 weeks out from the exam):

I tend to study at least two weeks out the material that will be on the exam.
If the exam covers chapter X-Z, I break up the chapters and review everyday.
I DO NOT cram all my material in a day or pull all nighters. This has never
worked for me and plus, I value my sanity and sleep too much.
I review and do my homework problems as soon lecture get out.
Any questions I have about the material, I go to my professors office hours
during these couple of weeks before the exams because MOST students wait the
day of the exam and I dont have time to deal with people who waited last minute
to ask questions.
I do not study ALL day. Nope. I hate looking at the material all day and I
spend about 2-4 hours on the material per day.

1 Week Before the Exam Date:

All homework should be completed by this time and the only problem solving
I will do is for practice exams/quizzes.
I begin reviewing my material by either teaching it to other people, writing
it all out, or rewriting important concepts over and over again.
I begin winding down on material. I do not let up on studying, but I also
dont spend hours reviewing/studying

Night Before the Exam Date:

I review a little bit that day and I try to relax that day. I have lots of test
anxiety and I have to make sure I am stress-free on exam day.
1-2 hours before bed, I put my books and material down and do something
fun before bed such as reading a book for fun.

The Exam Date:

By this point, I hate looking at my material for the exam and I am so sick of
looking at it so a lot of times I dont bring it with me.
I listen to music before the exam, something calming.

I do not like to be near people before the exam. My chemistry friends were
so negative and mean, I just didnt bother with them during exam day. So I would
isolate myself.
I do a lot of deep breathing exercises to calm my nerves and think positive
thoughts. It works so much for me especially with my test anxiety.

After the Exam:

I go home or do something constructive like exercise after the exam. I do not

like to think about the exam at all and I vacate the testing area as soon as possible
because I do not want to hear about how people did.
I do other assignments for other classes if I have homework, but I wont do
anything for that class I took a test in. Again, I dont like to look at the material
after an exam.

Things to Think About:

Exams are hard and sometimes you wont always get perfect grades. And thats
perfectly ok! I didnt and I failed quite a few exams, I still passed the courses. But I
didnt let failing exams derail me completely. I had moments of doubt, but then I
realized it is not worth stressing about an exam that only tests your ability to
regurgitate a textbook or lecture notes back onto paper. Always have positive
thoughts and NEVER second guess yourself.

First off, these are some essentials on setting yourself up for
1) First off, you have to be motivated. Keep on reminding yourself why youre
doing this, think how happy youll be when you get the results you want. You could
even stick a photo of your dream uni or something above your desk, stick up some
motivational quotes, whatever works for you.
2) Dont procrastinate! I have some tips on procrastinating here
3) Make a study timetable, or at least organise yourself in some way or another.
Its so much easier to study when you have already planned it
out.theorganisedstudent has some GREAT printables of daily planners and things
which I hope she doesnt mind me recommending here. I also suggest
gettingMomentum for google chrome or safari.
Also, make sure that your timetable is reasonable. I know some people can do
this, but most people cant concentrate for 10 hours a day without any breaks.
Make sure you schedule in breaks and fun things for you to do. It helps motivate
you if you know that once youve done this study period, you are going to watch an
episode of your favourite TV show.
4) Get a good study space. Some people like to always work at their desk, some
people like to mix it up a bit and go to a coffee shop or the library some days - do
what works for you. But, if you find yourself getting distracted at home, I would
really recommend going out.
5) Have minimal distractions. Turn your phone off, have your internet off unless
you need it. Go somewhere where you wont be bothered by friends/family.

Ok so now for the actual studying bit!

1) First off, you have to have good notes. As you go along in the course, make
notes from all your lectures/classes, then put them together along with notes from
textbooks and other sources. I try to make them as condensed and colourful as
possible! One of my examples is here
2) Read notes/talk through them. This is a good way to just quickly go over the
material and gauge how much you know them, and its not very taxing. Its best to
read them aloud.
3) Make posters/factsheets/mindmaps from your notes. This is a good way to
further consolidate the topic, in a easy to read, colourful way. Plus you can stick it
up on your wall so you can read it lots! joolshallie has a really good example of a
mindmap here. But its up to you - set it out how you want.
4) Make flashcards. My followers will know how much I love flashcards! Theyre
easy to make - either get some record cards which you can usually get from
somewhere like WHSmiths or any stationery shop, OR you can go digital and use
the website quizlet.com and make them there. Just write a question or topic
heading on the front, then write the answer or information on the back. Then you
can test yourself! They are really handy, especially when you just want to go over
something quickly.
5) Do practise questions. Some textbooks will hopefully have questions, or you
might be lucky and have past papers for your subject. Either way, do these, with no
cheating! Make sure you write a note of the stuff you got wrong, and revise it
again. Remember that exam technique is important - make a note of what the mark
schemes are looking for.
6) Write out things. Buy a whiteboard, or just use scrap paper, and think of a
topic and write out all you can remember about it. Then look at your notes and see
what you missed. I find this really good for remembering things! Here is an
example I did.
7) Teach people. This one may seem weird, but its been shown again and again
that teaching people things is one of the best ways to remember. Grab a friend or
family member, or even your pet, and try and teach them about one of your topics.
Write out and draw things as you explain. Trust me, it will really stick in your head
after that, and it will help you find the topics you are unsure on.

Memory Tips

Study repeatedly - Overlearn. Take advantage of lifes little intervals (i.e.riding the bus, walking, waiting in the grocery checkout line)
Spend time actively thinking about material - Exercise weak memories
with rehersal and critical reflection. No skimming!
Make material personally meaningful - Write notes in your own words.
Form as many cue associations (i.e.- images, experiences) as possible!
Use mnemonic devices for lists - Associate items with peg words, create
a vivid story involving the items, or chunk items into acronyms
Refresh your memory by activating cues - Mentally re-create
situations/moods where you orginally learned the material or physically return to
the location
Minimize interferences - Study about an hour before sleep. Dont study
similar subjects back-to-back (i.e.- Studying Spanish then French right after)

Test your knowledge - Dont be overconfident about recalling the material.

Test yourself with the learning objectives. You can outline sections, define
terms/concepts, create practice tests, or explain the topic to a friend without using
your notes

Shorter Breaks: 5-10 minutes

-Make a study snack
-Make some tea/coffee
-Tidy your desk and notes
-Draw/paint something: here is a list of things to draw and here is some inspiration and references.
-Practice your instrument/sport
-Try some breathing techniques
-If you like baking or cooking, look for some recipes to collect and start a recipe folder.
-Plan out your week
-Make some origami swans or stars.
-Write someone a letter
-Do some dishes or laundry.
-Answer some emails
-Look online for some stationary: it could help you get a bit more motivated
-Write a haiku
Longer breaks: 30-60 minutes
-Bake or cook something
-Take your pets for a walk
-Go on a nice bike ride
-Play some video games
-Go to your local library
-Do some gardening: It will get you outside and even better if you go out and buy some herb or vegetable seeds or

I used to have this problem where I would read a book and less than a month later I wouldnt remember a thing about it.
Since I started to take notes while reading, I have been able to discuss books I have read long ago with ease. This post is
also helpful for those of you that have literature classes.
First, a few general tips:
Do not highlight or write on the book

The majority of how to read posts I have seen on tumblr advise people to write notes on the book and/or highlight important
stuff. Heres why you shouldnt do this:

You might want to sell the book later and this will devalue its price.
You have less space for writting important things, which makes it easier to just write a few words
and skip noteworthy stuff.
Highlighting is uneffective and it is a step to passive reading.
Instead, try to have a notebook where you can write out key points. Or, better yet, use Google Docs.
Have a computer near you
It is highly unlikely that you understand all the concepts that a certain book might carry, so make sure to have a google tab
open at all times. I would not advise stopping your reading just to find out the meaning of a word. Try to search
for references you dont get and historical backgrounds only.
Now, how to virtually read a book:

Before reading

Create a new Google Docs document and write down the books title, year of publication and

authors name.
Search a little bit about the global and the local historical background. For example, if the book was

written by an English author on 1950, try to understand what was going on with the world and with England
from 1900-1950.
Do not read any analisys of the book right now.

While reading

Take notes on characters names, type of narrators and such.

Take notes after every page (if necessary, obviously) and write the page numbers as you take notes.
Never take your notes until you finish the pharagraph, as you might get lost or loose the vibe of
the book.
Example of how I organize my reading notes: click here.

After reading

Write final notes about what you got out of the book.
Search for book analysis and reviews.
Discuss the book with people who have read it.
I understand that this makes reading quite harder and more time consuming, but this is the best way to make the most of the
books we read.
If you read on public transportation and such I advise you to mark important pages with postits and write down a few notes
when you get home. You could also carry a small notebook.

32 Ways to Get Motivated

1) Make a studyblr
2) Think about getting a good grade
3) Use a planner to record when you should be working on what
4) Make a checklist of things you need to do and cross them off as you go
5) Create a clean, enjoyable study space for yourself
6) Check out other studyblrs
8) Think about how learning this material can benefit you throughout your life
9) Take time to make your notes colorful so you like looking at them
10) Doodle some of your notes
11) Come up with a game that helps you study and that you enjoy playing
12) Pretend youre a professional scientist/mathematician/author/historian/etc. and that you need to know
this information to complete a super important project (possibly childish, but also effective)
13) Make a studying playlist that you love to listen to
14) Create a reward to give yourself when youre finished
15) Start a study group
16) Find a motivational quote that you really like, write it down, and put it in your study space so you see it
every time you study
17) Think about your dream university/grad school/job
18) Turn off your phone, put it in another room, and dont let yourself go check it until you finish studying
19) Remind yourself of all the amazing things youve already accomplished
20) Designate a friend or family member that you can text/call when you need some extra encouragement
21) Remember all your friends and family that want to see you trying your best

22) Start a friendly competition with a friend in your class (for example, the person that gets the lower grade
on a test has to buy the other person a candy bar)
23) Say this out loud Studying does not have to be stressful until you believe it
24) Go for a quick walk to stretch your legs and clear your mind before you start studying
25) Take a shower and change out of your pajamas
26) WWHGD (what would Hermione Granger do)
27) Surround yourself with people that inspire you to do your best
28) Find a role model that you can look up to
29) Dont ignore the other aspects of your life! Focusing only on studying and neglecting hobbies, friends,
and family will drain you and youll feel less motivated than ever
31) Start exercising to boost your energy
32) Try studying somewhere new, like a nearby park or library
Tip 1: (which probably wont be very helpful right now, but maybe next semester).
Make sure that all throughout the semester you do your very best in every assignment and in class, and that youve taken
good notes. That way, studying for finals wont be that hard and youll be much more relaxed because the grade you get in
this exam wont make a drastic change in your average grade.
Tip 2:
DO NOT study in bed. Study in a desk where you can have everything you need close to you. Before sitting down, make
sure you have all the textbooks, notes and equipment you need. Its also a good idea to have a glass of water and something
to eat (fruit, nuts, etc). Unless you really need your laptop, then dont use it. If you will use it, then you can block
websites that will distract you for a certain amount of time.
Tip 3:
Make a list with all the things you need to do, set goals for yourself. Then decide how much time youll spend in each task.
For example, Ive got to learn the 4 erosion processes and the 4 processes of fluvial transportation. Ill spend 30 minutes in
each with a 5 minute break between them.
Make a calendar with all of your exam dates so you know when you should start studying. I start doing summaries and notes
3 weeks before, and read them everyday before I go to bed.
Tip 4:
Note taking and summaries. How do I know what to include and what to omit? Include all of the main ideas and dont
introduce anything new. Make sure that they are written in your own words and not in the textbooks words. Use post its for
little reminders (word definitions maybe?) and different coloured pens. I suggest you to write notes by hand, apparently youll
remember them that way.
Use acronyms too. That way you can remember lots of things in one word. For example, for the 4 erosion processes, Id use
HAAS (hydraulic action, abrasion, attrition and solution.) The word HAAS will instantly remind me of the other 4 words.
Tip 5:

Flashcards. Flashcards are great for learning new languages and maths. You can write word definitions and for maths you
can write formulas and such. You have to learn the formulas and then you apply them to problems.
Tip 6:
Find a friend that is interested in getting good grades and study with them. When you study with another person, its easier
to remember the information because youre having a conversation (or something like that). If you dont want to study with a
friend because youll get distracted, then read a paragraph and then explain it out loud to yourself.
Finally, if you like music, I suggest instrumental songs because they wont distract you. Also, try to space your study
sessions because that way itll stay in your long term memory. YOU NEED GOOD SLEEP AND BREAKFAST BEFORE AN
Try to avoid using your computer on breaks. Instead, clean your room or work out or pet a cat.

My Reasons To Study Now:


To prove the haters wrong.

To get the job that I want.
To be a better person.
To challenge myself to gain knowledge and understanding.
To make my family proud.
Studying psychology and getting a job in psychology is all that I have ever wanted.
It could be the difference between a pass and a fail.
You wont have a mad dash of studying in the few weeks before exam
To be proud of myself and what I have done.
To have a positive impact on peoples lives in the future.


Your brain is your biggest liquid asset. It is composed of more than 85 percent water. Little wonder then that if
you are dehydrated, your thinking ability drops dramatically, as does the performance of your whole body.
Water is 2nd only to oxygen in survival. A body can live for minutes without oxygen, for a few days without
water, and several weeks without food.
The human body is 60% water, blood is 90% water, muscles are 75% water, and bone is 25% water. Water is
one of the main structures of the body. Drain your body of water youll be left with a few pounds of chemicals
that are worth about $5 you guys!
Your brain is 1/50 of your total body weight, but it receives 20% of the blood circulation, so 1/5 of your bodys
water requirements come from your brain.
Water balances and regulates almost every other system in the body temperature regulation, digestion, and
waste excretion. You cannot eliminate toxins from your body with insufficient water.
Most headaches and feelings of fatigue are caused by dehydration.
You lose about 10 cups of fluid each day in sweat, urine, and bowel movements. Even the air you exhale
contains vital water vapor.
If you wait until you are thirsty to drink, you are already dehydrated. Unlike hunger, thirst is a bad sign.

Drinks that contain caffeine (colas and coffee) are diuretics, which means they lessen the bodys ability to
absorb and retain water they rob the body of water.
It is the most time efficient way of improving your mood and overall performance. It takes seconds to drink a
glass of water, but the benefits last for hours.
Combined with a healthy lifestyle, drinking water increases weight loss.

15 Things to do the Night Before School!

So by the title youve guessed what this post is about. This is a list of things you could (and some things
you should do before the first day of school).
1. Any appointments that need to be made (hair, nails, facials, etc.) should be made before 5pm. After 5 is
when youre probably going to start feeling pressed for time.
2. If you exercise, do that. I usually do so in the morning so I can feel productive and actually start my day.
3. If you live in the US, you know that a lot of popular reality shows, and just TV shows in general come on,
on Sunday. I start school on a Monday, so I know that the show I like comes on at 9:30 and ends at 10. Plan
for the TV shows you would like to watch and try to watch them so you can wind down. This is usually the
last thing I do.
4. If you dont/cant drive, be sure you know how you are getting to school the next morning and plan

5. Cheesy, but pick out your clothes, jewelry, perfume whatever it is you want to wear in the morning do,
pick it out. Youll save unto 20 minutes the next morning.
6. Call friends. Talk about your schedules for the next day, who youre planning to meet up with and where.
or just goof off.
7. Pack your backpack!! This includes filling up water bottles, packing bags for sports/ gym class as well as
your primary school bag (if you want to see a whats in my backpack post, send your request here)
8. If you arent a morning person, shower the night before, it will save you at least 10 minutes.
9. Set your alarm. Self-explainatory
10. Think about your morning. Do you usually get coffee? How crowded does your schools parking get?
11. Alway try to be done getting ready 5 minutes before you have to leave. This is just a safety blanket
incase you forget something, or you can just be 5 minutes early.
12. Eat dinner. Doesnt have to be a huge mega feast, but its always good be eat before bed.
13. Do something that it therapeutic for you.
14. Kind of related to number 10, but also think of your game plan for when you get to school. Heres mine:

Put the rest of your books in your locker

pack your bag for the day
review schedule
get tea
15. Go to bed at a reasonable time. I recommend anywhere between 9-10:30pm

100 Things To Do In Your Study Break:

Go for a walk.
Do some cleaning.
Play with your pet.
Call your Mum/Dad
Text a friend.
Get some tea/coffee

Read the headlines

Do a crossword
Have a dance
Do yoga
Catch up on your favourite blogs
Organise your workspace
Write a short story
Sketch a picture
Paint your nails
Read a chapter of a book.
Make origami
Look at some art
Do a good deed.
Eat some fruit
Watch the clouds
Do a full body stretch
Try juggling
Read a comic book.
Start a scrapbook
Sit outside for a bit
Do some breathing exercises.
Do some Sudoku.
Watch some TV.
Have a singalong.
Play an instrument
Start a Pinterest account
Watch a TED talk
Write a to-do list
Play brain games
Listen to really old pop music
Do the dishes
Make paper snowflakes/paper chains
Clean out your bag and wallet
Play hangman or naughts and crosses (tic-tac-toe) with someone
Watch videos of puppies or kitties playing
Do jumping jacks
Do your laundry
Start using Evernote
Have a snack
Read a magazine
Discover some new music
Watch funny videos on Youtube.
Create a plan for studying
Have a Facebook chat with some friends.
Do a household chore.
Read some poetry.
Try writing some poetry.
Do some colouring.
Go on google maps and see the world.
Play a video game.
Do some gardening/water your plants.
Take an online quiz
Listen to a podcast

Lift some weights

Take out the trash
Schedule any doctor and dentist appointments that are due
Make a new playlist
Answer some emails
Sort through your junk mail
Write a blog post
Make a meal plan
Get a glass of water
Give yourself a hand or neck massage
Check your social media
Make your bed
Plan a trip
Sew something
Pick some flowers
Write down your goals
Sort through the documents and files on your computer
Learn some new words.
Make a smoothie
Do a puzzle
Rearrange your books
Reflect on your day so far
Play catch
Create a bucket list.
Sort your stationery; get rid of old pens.
Play a game on your phone
Try to replicate a famous painting
Read some fanfiction
Fold the laundry
Make a friendship bracelet
Write a haiku
Try to find the ten gnomes
Update your calendar
Update your CV/resume
Do an online search for jobs
Check the fridge and throw out anything thats gone off
Make bubbles.
Listen to some empowering-ass music right before you study - yall listen to that classical

stuff, which is cute, but you dont want cute, you want something that will get you in the mood to
KICK ASS like this song and this playlist.
Give yourself pep talks - go to your bathroom, flush in case the person before you didnt, then

look at yourself in the mirror, and tell your lazy ass to GET IT THE FUCK TOGETHER OR ELSE YOULL
Compliment/reward yourself every two minutes - you need to stay positive throughout the

painful process of doing all that schoolwork, so constantly remind yourself that youre amazing and
that youll get a better grade on the test than that idiot Mike who throws erasers at you in class (this
got personal).
DRINK WATER/MOISTURIZE - your body does not function well if your thirsty or if youre ashy, so

get that lotion out, honey.

Read inspirational quotes - these can come from pamphlets that you got at the hospital or even
celebrity gossip magazines from 2007. Example: Lindsey Lohan is out of control can you get more
inspirational than that???

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