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Marcas Brian MacStiofin Mhaiti Domhnaill

25 October 2015

A Brief History of Lem Pars

and a cultural profile of the Lemne people



In the world of Toriel, far to the north lies a small continent shrouded in the bitter cold. This land called
Malomanan (meaning 'the land of deer') has long been a source of wonder to the larger, warmer, more peopled
lands in the warmer south across the ocean. The continent itself is split into several territories, each by stretch
may be called a country if you must impose such a foreign concept here. Just off the east coast of Malomanan
sits a large island commonly known as Lem Pars. Among these territories dwell several cultures each with its own
defining attribute and language, yet all these people and their languages all were one some time ago. Back then
they called themselves the Sumn or 'travellers' for they lived a nomadic life following the deer migrations and
living of hunting deer but also on other animals and plants. The language they spoke was Old Sumr or
'traveller speech' But after the wolf spirit Olam Yaron came upon Malomanan it feasted upon so much deer that
there was hardly any left for the people to hunt. Driven to desperation some bands of nomads decided to leave
the nomad life and settle into villages and attempt to find other ways to find food. The very first band to do so
fled the mainland and onto Lem Pars in hopes that the isolated nature of the island preserved some deer to
hunt. The deer population wasn't as big as they had hoped so instead they settled along the south coast and
formed small fishing villages. They did find however that the island was very rich in nelav, an edible breed of
grass that grows tall and thick. The versatility of this plant is ridiculous, it can be made into bread, boiled in
water to make tea, dried and woven into rope, baskets and bags, or dried over a fire until its black and crispy
then crunched to form a fine black powder to flavour food. The incomers to the island quickly learned how to
farm nelav with a basic form of agriculture and pushed their settlements inland and north, meanwhile
supplementing their diet by hunting, fishing and gathering plants. Over time the language of the island settlers
changed to become Lemre and they called themselves the Lemne (from the Old Sumr word Lamen 'to dwell' itself
from an older root meaning 'to be still, to sit' a name to distinguish them from the still nomadic people on the



Origin of the Island

To tell the history of the Lemne people we must begin with the history of the island itself and how it
came upon his world. So how did the island come to be? that answer differs depending on who you ask, if you
ask an educated man from the large cobbled mainland city of rjmu he will tell you of how all of Malomanan
was once one great landmass before the sea levels rose which caused low lying areas around the coast to be
consumed by salty water, and that a great chunk of land to the east survived this flooding by the fact that it had
many mountains and high plateaus. This chunk of land now became an island. But if you travel to the Island
and wonder through one of the many quaint villages you may find an old man sitting upon a old rock gazing
before the day enacting itself before him. Approach him and ask him how the island was created, watch how a
slight grin quickens on face, how his eyes twinkle with an ancient and proud lore, sit down for he is about to tell a
story. The words the old man will speak are words spoken many times before by this proud people, of how long
before man dwelt in this earthly world there was a proud but incredibly ferocious spirit named Rcrr (from Old
Sumr recet 'funny' + -ur 'masculine diminutive suffix') who himself lived in the high and lofty spirit world Seam.
Rcrr had the form of a fox with the purest of white fur, though his size was much greater than that of any
earthly fox. Rcrr would parade through his own domain of land in which he would maintain balance by
caring for the needs of the creatures dwelling within it, such as making sure there was enough plants to grow for
the herbivores to eat, and that there was enough herbivores for the carnivores to eat, and that the corpses of the
carnivores enriched the soil for the plants to grow. Rcrr was not outside this web of balance as he hunted
great beasts for his own sustenance. Every night when the sun set Rcrr would sit upon the great hill and call
out with an terrifying and awe inspiring shriek that could turn the brustest of wolves into a whimpering puppy.
On hearing this shriek the day dwelling creatures would lay to rest and the night dwelling creatures would report
to their own intentions and wickedness.
As well as keeping balance he would also defend the lands against incomers with an immense
viscousness. Once the scent of intrusion filled his nose Rcrr wouldn't rest until the intruder was dead or
dying. One evening when Rcrr sat upon the hill he filled his lungs to prepare for his call, but he was
interrupted by desperate pleas. He gazed down to the land below him and in the horizon he saw a black smoke
emerging from the forest below, this very sight of destruction sent the fox spirit into a maddening rage. He
battered his paws against the ground and sped towards the fire. There he found Sitap, the spirit of hunting. Sitap
had the head of a great cat, body of a man with legs and arms of a bear. Sitap had in his left hand a great torch
which he used to burn the forest to drive out animals for game and in his left hand he held a net to catch the
fleeing creatures. The sight of Rcrr charging towards him caused the hunting spirit to flee with two rabbits, a
snake and a roe deer in his net. Rcrr however couldn't chase after him for he had to deal with the forest fire.
With his great shriek he great gust of wind that blew out all the fires and the flames surrendered their expansion.
Yet the damage was done, the homes of many beasts was destroyed, and because Rcrr's shriek was
interrupted the day dwelling creatures didn't rest at night and the night dwelling creatures never rose. Chaos and
unbalance swept the forest.
Eventually the burned trees grew back, eventually Rcrr put the day creatures to sleep and awoke the
night creatures and balance was regained. But the scent of Sitap still filled Rcrr's nose. So he entered a steady



pursuit of revenge after the hunting spirit. Yet he couldn't just approach Sitap for the spirit knew the fox's
appearance and was skilled with many weapons. So the cunning fox rolled in the dirt and muddied his fur to give
it a dark and brown colour and travelled to the rutting grounds of the white deer, for after their mating season
the males shed their antlers so at this time the rutting grounds were littered with abandoned antlers, Rcrr
took two and attached them to his head. With the antlers and brown fur he took on the disguise of a deer and
approached Sitap.
Sitap sat in his own domain on a day when the wind was still and carried no scent, due to this the hunting
spirit could find no food and was hungry for it. In his boredom he mindlessly plucked at his bow string until he
cried out to himself
"My hunger need not know any woe, for my net has two rabbits, and snake and a meaty roe!" As he rose
up in excitement for his meal a voice pierced the air,
"Those rabbits are scant, that snake is thin and stringy, the taste of the roe's meat is spoiled by its fear,
such a pathetic hunter you are"
Sitap's eyes searched for the mysterious speaker and found a curious looking deer of brown fur
"Who are you to mock me? I took this meat from the domain of Rcrr himself where no hunter dare
tread, perhaps I should have you for my dinner, strange deer?"
"perhaps you should put your arrogance aside you witless fool. The domain of Rcrr has beasts so
massive that the meat of one alone can feed a hunter for a lifetime, yet all you took is some scant vermin, if you
want to hunt like a true hunter in Rcrr's domain then follow me. My deer brethren have forsaken me and
banished me from my home, I seek revenge and I can lead you secretly in Rcrr's domain where you can hunt
my herd who banished me so cruelly, do you accept?"
Sitap jumped at the chance to hunt a whole herd especially one protected by the fox. The odd looking
deer told Sitap to bring three arrows and to sit upon the great hill that night and wait for him there
"Doesn't Rcrr climb that hill every evening?"
"trust me" said the deer "this evening he will not come"
After talking to Sitap, Rcrr disappeared from Sitap's sight yet remained hidden behind a boulder.
When night brought it's darkness Sitap left his home and set out to travel to the great hill. With the hunter spirit
gone Rcrr snuck in his home and freed the two rabbits, snake and roe deer from the net and guided them
home to the forest. Once they were safe Rcrr climbed the great hill and greeted Sitap in his antlered disguise.
"I see you are bold to sit upon this hill Sitap, follow me now to find my herd"
with caution Sitap whispered "where is Rcrr? I feel unsteady in his land"
The foxed grinned under his disguise and said "not here"
Rcrr led the hunter to a flat and level place, shrouded in darkness by the night.
"Take your first arrow and fire it straight before you, there lies my brother who deserted me"
Sitap done as told and his arrow whistled into the dark cover of night
"I don't think I hit anything, are you sure the herd is there?"
"oh I am sure, my brother is a brute and doesn't whelp in pain, fire another arrow"



"I have only two arrows left strange deer, once I have fired another I will only have one left to defend
myself against Rcrr should he appear"
with a grin upon his face the disguised fox said "oh yes I see that..now take your second arrow and fire it
to your left, their lies my father who shunned me"
Sitap done as told and his arrow whistled in the darkness
"I don't think I hit anything, are you sure the herd is there?"
"oh I am sure, my father is old and has lost his voice, he can make no whelp even when he wants to, fire
another arrow"
"I have only one arrow left strange deer, once I have fired another I will have none left to defend myself
against Rcrr should he appear"
with an even greater grin the disguised fox said "oh yes I see that..now take your third arrow and fire to
your right, their lies my mother who abandoned me"
Sitap done as told and drew his final arrow, but before he fired he asked the strange deer where the fox
Rcrr was, the answer from the deer deeply disturbed Sitap
"oh he is..I AM..right behind you!"
with that the fox shook his head and his antlers fell of, he shook his fur to rid it of the dirt to reveal a
shining white coat under it, he bared his immense fangs and lunged at the hunter. Though as arrogant and
witless as he was, Sitap was the hunting spirit for a reason, in the time the fox leapt for him Sitap aimed his
arrow at Rcrr and fired, striking him between his second and third ribs on his left side.
Rcrr let out a scarring roar and fell to the ground ingloriously. The fatal wound dug deep into his side
and let out a single drop of blood. That one drop of blood seeped through the ground of the spirit world Seam
and down into the frozen world below named Hocerem, there it seeped through the ice and into the world below
named Cnorn made up of endless dirt and earth and tunnels throughout. There the drop of blood seeped
through the soil and into the world below named Mec, the earthly world. The blood drop fell through the sky
and with a great splash landed in the sea and solidified, forming the very island itself.
From this the Lemne proudly claim to have the blood of the vne, a large fox that resembles the mythical
Rcrr and is found in abundance on the island. Indeed many Lemne call themselves vnenre or 'little foxes'
and the poetic name for the Island is Rcrresa or 'like Rcrr'. The revolutionary flag even bears the image of
the white fox. The people believe that the fierceness, the stubbornness and determination of the fox spirit seeped
into them from the blood formed island, the blood that endured that fall between four worlds. a fact proven by
the Lemne fight against their oppression.

-Footnote: The vne species of fox has a muddy brown coloured except in the winter when it will shed its
brown fur and grow a new shiny white coat to blend in with he white snow. The time when th fox sheds its fur is
known as brlm rcrra or 'Rcrra's revealing' in reference to the story where Rcrra shook the disguise of
brown mud off his fur to reveal his white coat. When the vne gains a brown coat again in the spring this time
is known as jnlm rcrra or 'Rcrra's deception' in reference to when the fox muddied his coat to disguise



Imperial Oppression
The Lemne lived quite happily in their settlements on the island which they called Mll Lemnen but their
content life was distrupted in the year 200BR. It was in that dreadful year that massive wooden ships drifted
towards the island like imposing hills of inpending doom. This sight was witnessed by a lone fisherman named
Cenole who had his rod cast in the sea. Cenole watched as smaller boats came from the ship and landed ashore.
The people that the boat brought forth looked very odd to the fisherman, they were short but stout with swarthy
skin. Their speech was malformed and foreign, they trembled in the cold air..these people came from a land
kissed by the sun for they seemed to suffer in cold stiff wind. Cenole took note of their shiny metal clothing but
moreso their swords and spears. The fisherman spotted more small boats coming to the shore so he fled to his
village before more men arrived.
These strange short, shiny, swarthy boat people were part of an exploration sent by the Antagan Empire
which is based in the eastern half of the Henda continent far to south. The swarthy people from Antagan call
themselves the Jaawn and this fleet of boats was to explore the northern continant Malomanan whose existence
was previouvsky unknown to them. It was when a Jaawn sailor got lost at sea and found himself within range of
Malomanan that the existence of the northern land was discovered. The Emperor Jachto II of Antagan decided
to send a fleet northwards to explore the sailors claim. After 6 months at sea the Imperial fleet caught sight of
Malomanan and split into two fleets. The larger fleet landed on the mainland while the smaller one landed on
the island. The camp that landed on the mainland was utterly annialated by a herd of giant bison as
documented by the scholar Madyg Tasra who was present during the bison attack, though he died shortly
afterwards after an eagle flew to the ship he was fleeing on and tore out his stomach. Madyg left behind a
journal which documented his time on the mainland. When the tiny fraction of survivors arrived back in
Antagan City they told of the horrors they met and gave Madyg's journal to the Emperor himself. After reading
the dead man's book Jachto II decreed that no more fleets shall be sent to Malomanan and marked it a no go
zone. Here is a quote from Madyg's journal on the camp's destruction
"We were all struck dumb when we heard a deep thudding noise followed by the ground shaking...I gazed into the blinding
snow falling around our camp and in it I could make out a vague dark shadow...which was getting closer and closer and bigger and
bigger. As it got closer it gave a deep below and suddenly revealed itself to be a herd of extremely large hairy bison-like beasts each the
size of an elephant. The herd smashed through tents as if they were running through dry leaves, myself and the soldiers hurried out
of the way as a giant hoof crumpled our campfire. The giant hairy beasts brought rampage through the entire camp, shaking the
ground under them and crushed anyone in their path. I witnessed a man slumber out of a tent to investigate the noise only to have his
back snapped in half by a beast's foot. The creatures had massive horns on their heads which they swayed side to side to further their
destruction. We were like bugs on the path of a busy street yet these beast weren't merely passing through, I saw them target tents,
chase down people to crush them, these things killed with intent. I barely survived myself as I managed to get on a small boat along
with others to retreat back to our fleet on the shore. I was lucky to survive, many died in the stampede. Right now I stand on the deck
looking back at this land, the giant beasts have gone yet the piercing wailing still calls out to us, even when I cover my ears the
shrieking sound tears at my ears. This land may have an incredible beauty but it holds a power over it, or rather against us"



The smaller fleet that landed on the island met a different story however. The moment they split from the
main fleet was recorded by Magyd "Our numbers have dropped as some of our fleet decided to explore around the coast, again
for creating maps" They weren't attacked by any great beasts but were attacked by hunger. The smaller fleet was
supposed to join the larger fleet to restock on food but since the large fleet was mostly destroyed that food was
lost. So when the food supply on the small fleet dwindled the Jaawn broke up into small bands of soldiers and
approached several Lemne villages. The first few groups of soldiers met the Lemne with peace and traded their
weapons for food. One group of soldiers however weren't so kind and thought it was easier to just raid a village
than to simply ask for food. After that one band fools attacked one village the Lemne refused to interact with the
Jaawn except with violence, made easier by the fact some villages now had Jaawn swords and spears. The
Lemne decided to drive of the swarthy boat people or kill those that refused to leave. The survivors fled to their
boats and barely survived the journey home. When they arrived to their large warm city, Antagan was still
mourning the loss of the first fleet, so when the survivors of the second fleet showed up and spoke of being
attacked by natives the proud Emperor was furious. For being attacked by a herd of wild beasts? a freak of
nature, but being attacked by native barbarians? That must be avenged! Such is the arrogant attitude of the
Jaawn. In their eyes they had engaded in warfare with a foreign people which means they had to go back with a
larger fleet and conquer the island, lest the Empire of Antagan suffer a failure in its ever so glorious military
record. Soon Jachto II sent an offensive fleet north to incorporate the island into the Empire of Antagan. The
aggressive and huge fleet landed on the island in 201BR and crushed the Lemne into submission with their
advanced weaponry and numbers. The island was now in Jaawn hands and now they had to put their mark on
the land, they started by ignoring the native name for the island, Mll lemnen, in favour of their own name
which is Lem Pars..or 'Lem Island'
The native Lemne didn't go without fighting the Jaawn. Even after they lost, their tough unforgiving
spirit endured when a Lemne hero led his people to fight for their freedom or their ruin rather than live under
the oppresive invaders, unfortunately the latter came true. But the actions of this hero would resonate for
centuries and inspire the Lemne to fight once more. That hero's name was Ancos.

Ancos Polosev Monoce was a Lemne who was born in 176 MA. The Antagan Empire first conquered Lem
Pars, the Lemne homeland or Mll Lemnen as Ancos knew it in his native Lemre tongue in 200MA. He
witnessed the initial occupation of the island by the imperial forces. The Empire initially attacked from the
southern side of the island while Ancos lives on the northern shores, so by the time the Antagan forces had
reached Ancos' region they had already gained control over most of the island. One day Ancos was fishing
alone by a lake among the hills whose bases kissed the salty shore. He had managed to catch five fish so far
which he laid out on a sheet made of a thick woven grass. While he set out his rod to catch a sixth a group of
Antagan soldiers marched past and saw the fish and demanded to Ancos that he give the fish to them as the
island, and everything in it, was now theirs. Ancos spent all day by the lake catching his food and he wasn't
about to give it to these invading foreigners. One soldier walked forward to snatch the fish but before he could do
so Ancos butted the end of his rod so hard against the soldier's head that it killed him. When the rest of the
soldiers charged him he took the dead man's sword and killed two other soldiers, upon seeing this the other two
fled. When he returned to his village he found that people were already talking of the incident and how they
heard that he was now wanted by the appointed Jaawn general. On hearing this news he set out into the cold



wilderness of Mll Lemnen to run away from the Imperial forces who were now hunting him down. For weeks
he avoided capture but one day he entered a small village to look for some new clothes and cooked meat, for he
dared not light a fire in case the smoke be seen. Unfortunately he was caught by a garrison that was stationed in
the village. He put up a fight before being overwhelmed by the numerous soldiers. The commotion caught the
attention of the whole village which caused a riot. People took the weapons of dead soldiers and slew more
themselves. Although a large number of villagers died fighting against the professional Antagan soldiers, they
managed to defeat enough soldiers to cause the rest to flee. Ancos thanked the villagers dearly for saving him
but warned them that the Imperial forces will return to 'discipline' the village, so they contacted the nearby
villages who weren't too happy about the occupation themselves and grouped together and organised a defensive
attack for when the soldiers would return with Ancos leading the way. The women and children of the first
village were evacuated and set up small camps in a forest where they would be hidden. The village lay in a valley
with high rising hill slopes to either side. Ancos placed men on either side on each hill slope to attack the
imperial forces from above when they came.
When the Antagan forces did arrive they found a seemingly deserted village, from the wide open mouth
of the valley where were entering from it seemed as if the whole village fled before them. But they wouldn't give
up so easily. They pressed further on and began to search the village. When they did Ancos gave a silent signal
for his men in the hills to release giant stone boulders covered in tar which was set on fire to roll down the hills
and among the soldiers below. Followed by a rain of spears and arrows the Lemne made a big dent in the
imperial numbers. After the attack from above stopped Ancos led a group of men around the base of the hills
where they hid and ran into the village in a charge. The remaining imperial soldiers were now trapped in the
valley with Ancos charging from the only way out, and with the other Lemne now charging down the hills. A
quick close combat skirmish ensued and Ancos came out victorious. Though the village was ruined by the
burning boulders and fighting. The bodies of the imperial soldiers were placed on pikes at the entrance of the
valley of the ruined village and imperial flags were flown but with the phrase tere mcebj m mlmm written on
them in blood. The phrase was also written on boulders, across the
buildings in the ruined village, over any surface which could be
written on. The phrase translates as 'do not temper us', these words
would become the motto of the Lemne nationalists from time on.
Ancos continued fighting against the Antagan occupation of
Mll Lemnen and managed to spark an entire rebellion. But in
answer the Antagan Empire sent more soldiers to the island and
eventually ended the rebellion in the Battle of rnlem, known as onta
jera (day of sorrow) in Lemre. The Antagan Empire sent a
ridiculously huge force to the island as the rebellions were giving the empire a bad mark in its military record.
The massive army wiped out the rebel army, so much blood was shed on the soil that the plants that grew there
afterwards had red leaves, as such the field where the battle took place is known as lorl conlon (red field). Ancos'
corpse was found amongst the dead of the fallen rebel army in lorl conlon. His head was cut from his body
and displayed in the centre of the Lemne town rnlem as a warning to others who dare rebel. But the
nationalist sentiment was every bit as alive, as can be seen when Corocoga lead rebellions against the empire 800
years later.



Once the natives were quelled in that bloody and brutal manner Jaawn colonists arrived to set up their
own villages in an attemp to establish a permanent Jaawn population. Admitedly stories of a frozen land far
across the ocean didn't attract many settlers but the few that came did so to take advantage of the nelav grass.
Being such a versatile plant the incomers sought to grow it for themselves and sell the product to merchants who
then sold it across the Henda continent. The colonists weren't used to working in such cold conditions so with
some military help they took some Lemne as slaves to work the fields. While the native slaves toiled the fields the
colonists took the food they needed and sold the rest to merchants. So much food was exported instead of being
distributed on Lem Pars that it caused a famine among the natives. At one point in time the famine got so bad
that drove some Lemne to resort to cannibalism for survival. Not in the sense that they ate the corpses of those
who died, rather some desperate cannibals actively hunted other humans like game. The presence of cannibals
was not widespread but not rare. Often they would target jaawn colonist to hunt and eat, usually hunting in
packs and would attack groups of travellers or on rare occasions break into homes. They became cannibals
rather than hunt deer as the hunting grounds were heavily regularised by jaawn colonists, the reason being that
if the Jaawn have control over all of the food sources be it harvests or wild game then the Lemne would be
forced to rely on the colonists. Th cannibals usually formed groups made up of young to middle aged men, as
these people were fathers who had hungry children to feed or brothers trying to keep their siblings from death's
door. These groups exclusively targeted Jaawn colonists due to the animosity between the colonists and Jaawn,
plus the fact that the Jaawn hoarded all of the food so they had no lack of succulent meat on their invasive
bones. The typical method of hunting was to ambush travellers along lonely paths. But people got wise to this
and took extra caution to this when leaving their homes which made hunting them much harder. In answer the
desperately driven cannibals started to attack the Jaawn in their own homes, mostly farmers were the targets of
these attacks as they had food reserves hid away in their homes. If a farmer did have food then the cannibals
would rob him of it rather than kill and eat him, as the cannibals did not want for human meat they just wanted
to survive, so an alternative source of food was always chosen when possible. When the cannibals started to
attack people in their homes the Imperial military started to hunt the flesh eaters and exterminate them. Anyone
who was suspected of eating human flesh was to be executed on the spot, no matter how dubious the claim.
People took advantage of this new law to get rid of any enemies, so if your neighbour was being too loud for
your liking..if someone laid eyes on your wife and you wanted them gone..all you had to do was tell a whisper a
tale of how they nibbled on some poor souls liver and that person would have their head chopped of by an swift
imperial sword. no questions asked. The corpses of the accused were thrown off high cliffs to the rocky grounds
below, the bodies were left in the open so that beasts of the land, sea and air may feast on them as the accused
did onto others. The nonstemln nejnen or 'cleansing of the cannibals' killed so many people that heaps of bodies
piled under the cliffs, such heaps where known as smem nejnen or 'fall of the cannibals'. Long the cleansing had
stopped and the bodies had either been buried, decayed or eaten by animals the rocky cliffs rid themselves of the
smell of death though the name smem nejnen endured. So if you are walking along the coast of Lem Pars where
the sun shines behind the clouds, where the birds squawk in the clean air above and where the beauty of the
harsh landscape stabs wonder into your heart and you come across a place with smem in the name..then you are
in a place where centuries ago the innocent and guilty were dumped to rot. The now unassuming places with
smem in the name are a reminder of the island's dark history.



The mass cleansing of the accused such an outrage among the natives as many of those being killed were
innocent. This only worsened the already terrible relations between the Lemne and Jaawn. Natives led small
revolts on local scales but those were..'calmed' by the Antagan soldiers. With the increased military defending
Jaawn colonists it made them much harder to hunt, so how did the cannibals react? They started to eat the
Bloodlust of Sedoreso
One native in particular took advantage of the situation like the cunning fox. His name was Sedoreso.
Born in 207BR he grew up under the rule of the Jaawn. As a child his grandfather told him of the golden time
when the Lemne were free and unhindered. The stories of a past freedom and the current colonisation of the
island gave Sedoreso a deep hatred of the Antagan Empire like every other Lemne. To keep his head on his
soldiers he kept these feelings hidden from the oppressor. When he was a child he and his family were rounded
up by Imperial soldiers in the black of night and were brought to a small nelav field where they were told that
they had to work as slaves or be slaughtered. Sedoreso clung on to his mother in his childish fright and asked if
they would ever go back home, but he made a terrible mistake by asking this question in the Lemre language
which had been outlawed and was punished by being branded on the cheeks with the phrase enka pr (meaning
'bad speech' in the Tns language). The soldiers who escorted them to the field had to red hot iron so one brute
took out a knife and held the child down and started to carve the words into the child's face while his family was
restrained. The wailing pleas of the family brought the attention of the field owner who came to see what the
noise was about. The owner scorned the soldiers and ordered them to leave the boy alone as he didn't want to
'damage his property' although the soldier had managed to carve the letter E on Sedoreso's cheek before being
told off. For the next several years Sedoreso worked on those fields without much issue, at least he and his family
were fed by the owners who needed to keep them alive to work. He may have been a bound slave but he didn't
starve. The child grew into a young man by the time the cleansing of the cannibals began. Around the same
time Sedoreso's father had a dispute with the field owner on how the Jaawn slaver hoarded his food for himself
and to sell abroad while people on the island starved. To deal with this the slaver accused the father of being a
cannibal which resulted in his execution soon after. Sedoreso was absolutely devastated by his father's death
which turned his hatred of the Jaawn into an immense, maddening, uncontrollable bloodlust. Soon after he
managed to escape the field but as an escaped slave he was now marked to be killed on the spot, but he didn't
care, all he wanted to do was kill as many of the savage invaders as he could. But in the outside world he had no
slaver to feed him and soon found out why the cannibals did what they did when he felt the endless hunger tear
into his stomach. This drove Sedoreso to join a band of cannibals to sate his hunger. Unlike the other men in his
group he didn't kill solely for food, he killed with a raging madness that could only be calmed with the deaths of
the enemy. Once people started to avoid travelling alone the groups started to attack the farmer in their homes.
It was then that Sedoreso led his band of cannibals to the same field he was taken to as child slave, he knew
every nook and cranny of it which allowed him to sneak everyone in during the black of night without alerting
the farmers. The cannibals tied up all of the Jaawn present in the house and freed the slaves, the farmer had a
hoard of food so the group decided to rob him instead of eating him, they hated to eat human flesh after-all..all
except Sedoreso, he gazed upon the farmer who sentence his father to death with eyes that held no remnants of
the little boy he was before..madness consumed Sedoreso..and Sedoreso consumed the farmer. He remarked



how it was the sweetest meal he had ever had. Sedoreso no longer hunted for survival alone..he desired the taste
of Jaawn blood on his lips. Whenever he raided a colonists farm he would distribute the hoarded food amongst
his native people, for them he still had compassion.
So when the soldiers tightened down on security he decided instead to eat the soldiers! He and his band
of cannibals ambushed a small garrison patrolling a hunting field, they took their armour and disguised
themselves as Imperial soldiers. They disposed of the bodies in their own palatable way. Now he could set up the
trap. Dressed in imperial armour Sedoreso ran within sight of troops and screamed and waved his warms, once
he had their attention he would point in a direction and run that same way. The troops would assume that he
was an imperial soldier in trouble and follow after him. They would follow they deceiver as he led them into an
ambush. Sedoreso quickly became a name for colonists to fear.
When news of natives feeding upon imperial solders reached the ears of Emporer Jacho II he decided to
enforce a new law which states that colonists on Lem Pars must distribute food among the native people and that
the hunting grounds must be re-opened for use albeit each hunter would have to gain a permit to do so. Only
after food was distributed among the natives could any extra produce be sold to merchants. Although the slavery
continued. In doing this the Emperor ended the famine for the people could now eat, removing their need to
hunt humans. The band of cannibals dispersed as they were relieved from the life they hated to enact, except for
Sedoreso, the want for Jaawn blood still lingered on his tongue. But without his band of cannibals he fled inland
where he lived alone the windy hills and continued to prey upon lone travellers, by this time he was utterly
insane and could not distinguish Lemne from colonist and killed anyone in sight. He was eventually hunted
down by other Lemne and thrown off a cliff onto a smem nejnen.

The Empire is quite intolerant of foreign cultures and languages of its subjects and has a one nation, one
language policy which is strictly enforced to varying degrees across the Empire, any language that wasn't Tns (the
language of the Jaawn) was to be exterminated. Mll Lemnen got the worst treatment as even its name was
changed into Tns as Lem Pars albeit preserving the root 'lem'. Any native Lemne caught speaking the language
was marked as open game, which meant anyone could murder him, raid his home or do anything against him
and not be punished by the overreaching laws of Antagan. This was a frequent occorance in the early days of
colonisation as the living conditions for the natives worsened, driving many into desperation, waiting with a
listening ear for someone to slip a word of Lemre so that they can take his possessions as spoil to feed their
families. This treatment caused the Lemre language to decline rapidly. As the language was in its dying breath a
new law was passed that anyone caught speaking the language was to have their tongue cut out and branded on
the cheek with the words enka pr meaning 'bad speech' in Tynes. Not long after this the Lemre language was
dead and forgotten to the natives, beyond even the memories of the eldest natives. Though the language
lingered on in notes of Antagan scholars, for throughout the Antagan Empire there is open schools which teach



free education and act independently of the Empire, meaning that they can do as they wish even if the Empire is
actively against it, just as long as the school's activities don't directly interfeer with Imperial busines. The open
school has a band of advanced scholars who travel and collect knowledge of foreign cultures. They often
accompany Imperial forces when they set foot on fresh land, the purpose being to record the culture and
language of the lands before the Empire destroys them. It is thanks to these scholars recording the Lemre
language before its complete death that revival of the language was made possible many, many, generations later.
Imperial involvement in Lem Pars loosened its grip when the Wasgar Confederacy, among other forces, started
to put pressure on the ever expanding Empire. This extra pressure forced the Empire to source any spare troops
in Lem Pars for the war in Henda. This gave the island life to the long simmering revolutionary sentiment and
revival of Lemne culture, and also revival of the Lemre language. This situation made Lemre quite unique
among other Sumric languages as by this time, many centuries after the original oppression, the Sumric tribes on
the mainland had settled into villages and the language Old Sumr had diverged into 11 other languages. The
great amount of time meant that these languages had changed in many ways from Old Sumr, some being
unrecognisable to its ancestor. But Lemre was preserved as it was many centuries ago in the notes of scholars,
and as it wasn't spoken the whole time no changes in grammar or sound had affected it, it was essentialy frozen
in time, making the revived language closest to Old Sumr in terms of vocabulary and morphology (except from
the many Tns loanwords).
Delor is the Lemne man who was at the forefront of reviving the native Lemre language. From a young
age Delor took an interest in languages which he picked up while attending the open school. He was always
interested to know what the Lemre language of his ancestors was like, as by his time the language had been dead
for many many centuries. The closest glimpse he had was the surviving Sumric languages but even those were
vastly different and unintelligible to each other as they had been evolving in their own separate ways. In his late
teens Delor travelled to Mainland Malomanan where he studied Moicha at Clrnoume rjmua (Universtity of
rjmu) and travelled north to learn the little known Nmmezse languages. In his time in Mmoicha (a
mainland territory on the east coast) he heard of the rivalry with the Forana from Mforia, mostly he heard
about how the Forana spoke a weird slant dialect of Moicha. Curious to this claim he met the Forana linguist
glfer and learned that the Forana spoke a seperate yet related language to Moicha. He returned to Lem Pars
now with a firm knowledge of languages but with a thirst to discover Lemre, how did it work? How similar was it
to the other Sumric languages? What did it even sound like? These questions buzzed in Delor's head. The
answer wasn't an easy one to get for details of the language are to be found in ancient records written by
Antagan scholars when the language was alive and well (which was a very long time ago), these records lay far
across the ocean on the Henda continent in the imperial city Antagan, stored away in vast libraries belonging to
the open school, so not the most accessible...or affordable. However Delor couldn't have picked a better time to
access these records for he saw the beginning of a new Lemne revolution, albeit at that time it was no more than
public speeches and people flying flags with the infamous Lemne phrase tere mcebj m mlmm meaning 'do not
temper us'. It was also a time when people were trying to claim back their own culture, and what better way to
do that than to speak the Lemne language once again! Delor convinced people to donate money and supplies for
a trip to Antagan to access the only records of Lemre and to bring the information back and ultimately to
restore the language to its former glory. With thanks to the current sentiment regarding Lemne culture he found
no shortage of donors and was soon on a ship to Antagan. When he arrived he met with the open school of
Antagan to gain permission to access the records. His only condition to enter was that he had to make copies of



the originals instead of taking them. Delor was happy enough with the arrangement and after a few months of
slaving over old records and copying them he returned to Lem Pars with the long awaited language. He began to
teach it to children at the open schools but his work caught so much attention that adults attended his lessons to
hear the language. To encourage its usage Delor created posters that he put up around the island, each poster
had delora lenonre (Delor's Guidance) about usage of the language which are as follows:

1. If you know the Lemre word for something, use that word only
2. If someone speaks to you in Lemre, it is only courteous to reply in Lemre. Replying in another language or not at all is an
offence against the person
3. Do not chastise another for speaking Lemre
4. If you bear a child, grace its ears with only Lemre
This campaign was incredibly successful. So much so that the language went from being forgotten to the
last word to being widely understood, and by the next generation even gained native speakers, the generation
after that had some monolingual Lemre speakers.



Vive la Revolution!
After the events of Ancos' rebellion and the clearance of the cannibals the Lemne fight for freedom
queitened down and for the next few centuries and being part of the Empire of Antgan became the status quo.
During this time the Jaawn colonists had been living in Lem Pars for generations and called the island their
home, some intermarrige and interbreeding occured between the natives and Jaawn, mostly in the few cities
and large towns but elsewhere mingling was minimal to non-existent. The Lemne girned and endured, though
conditions did improve over the centuries which lessened the chances of other rebellions. Things remained like
this for a long time until the Empire entered a large war with several powerful neighbours on the Henda
continent for which Antagan to source any spare troops in Lem Pars to fight in the war in Henda. when the
Antagan Empire focused it attention away from Lem Pars to conflicts elsewhere. This let the nationalist antiimperial sentiment spark among the Lemne and marked the begining of a cultural revolution. To begin with the
reclamation consisted of public speeches, growth of native art and openly flying the Lemnic flag which bears the
image of Rcrr bearing his claws in a defensive attack with the infamous motto tere mcebj m mlmm. So
began the Lemic Enlightenment

Corogoca waving the flag

the text in the picture reads:
Mll Lemnen, ma lou lemma
cor lomen conn nenbene nelavbene
cor s vm msle mbnsale
cor mourer rsr sourson omb
cor leme smele nojn ansorole nonsansarole
lncaca lrnolen
"Dweller's Isle, my good home,
Where the deer graze on green grass,
Where the wind blowns along great mountains, Where
dwellers feet roam in white snow,
and hopeful children endure."

Until the birth of Corocoga that is..Corocoga's father was among the first of those to support the revived
Lemre language as a language of the island, as such Corocoga grew up speaking it as a first language. The



nationalist sentiment rung truly in Corocoga. When he was 17 years old volunteered to join the crew of ship
which sailed to the Malomaman mainland where the Modern Sumric cultures exist untouched by the foreigner's
rule. They landed in a Moicha city named rjmu where they managed to speak with the leader of the city and
asked him for an alliance between the Moicha and Lemne against the Antagan Empire, banking on their shared
Sumric heritage. But the leader replied with a wave of his hand, saying that the Moicha have a good trade deal
with the Empire and don't wish to sour it, and also that they are busy enough with the Forana raiding along
their border. Corocoga returned home disappointed, though upon hearing of how the Forana could trouble the
much bigger Moicha by use of hit and run attacks Corocoga thought that he could try something similar in Lem
Pars. When he returned he gathered a few able bodies to train and practice fighting with each other with hopes
of attacking some Antagan outposts and colonist settlements, though he didn't quite have enough to lead any
sort of raid. For the time being at least. Years later Corocoga had managed to gather together a sizable force
which he led into raids and skirmishes. But it was his disturbance of imperial activity on the island that caused
the Empire to send a small army in retaliation which raided and took prisoners to work as slaves in their silver
mines in Antagan. Two such Prisoners were Pwrima miners Shfin and Rfafi from the Pwrddw territory in the
far west, who years later took part in the Minors Revolt of 1286. Shfin for personal reasons fought against the
Empire and collaborated with the Wasgar Confederation. It thanks to Shfin that the Empire suffered a heavy
blow from the Wasgar Confederation which would increase the chances of Lem Pars gsining freedom in the
future, and it is thanks to Corocoga's raiding that the Empire sent the army to enslave some Lemne where Shfin
got caught up in the mess (the Pwrina are neutral and have fought no wars with Antagan) which led to his own
enslavement and in turn his own disdain for the Empire.
All the while Corocoga's power grew as his rebellion kicked off. This revolution wasn't just a buntch of
angry villagers rebelling or hungry cannibals, Corocoga had formed his own army of soldiers. The outcome of
the revolution is yet to be decided for it is yet ongoing. This face hasn't stopped Corocoga becoming a legend
however, his very name shakes fear into Jaawn soldiers. The natives rally to his cause and proclaim him to be
Ancos born again. His legendary status even saved the life of his wife and infant child.
His wife Menora often followed her husband on his excursions around the island. Though when she had
a newborn she stayed with her mother in a very small settlement, the very same one she herself grew up in.
Around this time her husband Corocoga was away on an excursion to root out some imperial soldiers and he
took with him his men in arms. So the village was left with just women and children. What the rebel leader
didn't realise that the location of his wife's settlement was discovered by some Imperial soldiers who sent a band
of soldiers to take by surprise his wife and hold her ransom. Luckily Menora's cottage was on a hill rise so she
spotted the soldiers marching to her settlement long before they got there. Hurredly she thought of what to do,
she couldn't run away with a newborn at her breast as she would surely he hunted down, and she couldn't leave
the rest of the woman either. Cunningly she took her husband's spare set of armour and wore it. The native
Lemne armour typically has a mouthpiece which covers the chin and mouth and curves under the eyes, it wasn't
for protection but rather to stop the wearer from speaking, as it is the spirits of war who speak the words that
decide the victor, not the warrior. But for Menora it meant it would cover her face and improve her disguise, for
when the soldiers arrived she stood outside her cottage on the hill rise clad in full Lemne rebel armour that bore
Corocoga's mark. To the witless soldiers it looked as if Corocoga himself was standing before them, the
Corocoga whose actions spurned many stories of a noble savage native hungry for Antagan blood. The soldiers



who were prepared to steal away one woman hostage never prepared to battle with a native warlord, so they
tucked tail and ran away. That was how Menora disguised herself as Corocoga and avoided her capture and
protected the small village.


In their anger of being colonised by the foreign race the Lemne rationalise their sentiment by proclaiming
that they were on the island long, long before the Jaawn set foot there and that they were there first. However
this statement is not entirely true, of course the Lemne lived on the island before the Jaawn..but they were not
the first people to live there..strictly speaking.
The various Sumric peoples each have their own cultures and languages distinct from each other though
they do recognise that they all descend from the same group of people. If you try to distinguish the Sumric
peoples genetically you will find that they are all the one race with little genetic differences amongst the various
populations. So here we must define the word 'people' to refer to a cultural group. With this definition of 'people'
we can say that the Lemne as a cultural group were not the first to inhabit the island, they they do in part
descend from the first inhabitants of Lem Pars genetically speaking.
The first inhabitants of the Island were there before it was even an island. The people were Sumric
nomads like everyone else and just so happened to be on the island when the rising sea levels submerged the low
lying lands around Lem Pars which cut it off from the mainland creating an island. The water rose very quick as
at the same time a tsunami came across the ocean from the south east and flooded the low lying areas within the
space of a few days. The now higher sea level stopped the water from draining away. Any unfortunate soul who
happened to be on the island at the time was now stuck there for good much to their woe. Some deer were
trapped on the island too but there wasn't enough to survive on by hunting so the islanders domesticated the
deer population and led the herds to grazing areas. The first islanders were now shepherds. With domestic deer
the people could now milk the does, eat the meat of a portion of the herd and have a greater control over the
deer population as opposed to following wild deer herds. The shepherds lived a nomadic life as they had to herd
the deer onto fresh pastures after several weeks of staying in one area.
The language these people spoke was an ancient one that was even older than Old Sumr (which is itself
the ancestor of all the modern Sumric languages) as all of the Sumn of this time spoke the parent language of
Old Sumr known today by linguists only as Proto-Sumric. There is absolutely no record left of Proto-Sumric so
linguists look to Old Sumr to determine what Proto-Sumric may have been like. So the very first individuals to
be trapped on the island spoke Proto-Sumric though over time the island language changed though only slightly
for the few records of the ancient island language, scant as they are, show that it was very similar to ProtoSumric in its grammar and phonology while Old Sumr deviated quite a bit. The scant records of the island
language are to be found carved on raised slabs of rock throughout the island, the script the language is written
in is much like the Rsora script of the mainland, though it has more straight and jagged lines as it is hard to
carve round lines on rock.



Top: A carving on a stone slab in Lem Pars. see how

every line is straight compared the round and flowy
lines of Rsora. This is due to straight lines being
easier to carve into rock

Bottom: An example of the Rsora script from the mainland. related to

the script shown in the picture above

What these carvings actually said remained a mystery for a long time as no one knew the language. It was
only until recently after linguists reconstructed Proto-Sumric that the writing on the rocks beared some similarity
to Proto-Sumric. This then allowed some clever souls to reconstruct the original island language based on the
scant attestations for intellectual purposes and also to decider the carvings. The old standing stones shed their
mystery and shown themselves to have a dual purpose for the first islanders. One purpose was a practical one
written on one side of the slab that told the shepherds how long they should graze their deer in the surrounding
areas and to warn of any potential danger. The second purpose was a religious one. The opposite side of the
slab had a religious purpose with carvings telling of the people's devotion to the animal spirits and ancestors, this
devotion to the gods is somewhat unusual as Sumric people tend to be lax on actively worshipping their gods.
These slabs indicate that after being trapped on the island the first islanders felt that they had to rely more on
their gods. Modern linguists have named the old island language Hajec which comes from the Lemre hjec
meaning 'whisked away'. From the carvings we can see that they called themselves the onxiibhne /nxion/
(The latinised spelling was created by modern linguists) which means 'trapped' (or to translate literally on 'still xii
'force' -bhne 'by').
When the Lemne settlers first arrived on the island they interacted with the onxiibhne by trading the fish
they caught in return for deer's milk, meat and fur. After some time of co-habitating the island the two peoples
began to interbreed and intermingle with Lemne culture dominating. Eventually the onxiibhne fully and
peacefully assimilated into Lemne culture and language. The herds of deer were left to become feral and graze



free unto their own wild will. As a cultural group the onxiibhne had died out, though they bred with the Lemne
so the blood of the first islanders survives in the modern population.

The history of Lem Pars is one of adaptation, endurance, hardship and ferocity like the white fox who
sought vengance fom the hunter until the end of his use or the end of himself. What lies ahead for the
inhabitants of the island is uncertain be they Trapped Shepherds, Lemne fishermen or Jaawn colonists.
Whatever will happen they will face it with their bared fangs and unrelenting spirit. The Lemne are not to be
tempered with.

Culture Notes
naming system
Last names are not passed down in families in Lemni culture. Instead an individual takes the name one of
his ancestors, usually his grandfather though if he has a noble ancestor in particular he can choose his name,
and attach the suffix -jm which was used only by men. If the individual is a woman then she uses the suffx -n.
surname of male descendant of Ancos: Ancosjm
surname of female descendant of Ancos: Ancosn



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