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A Forsaken Man

(A Heart-breaking True story

of another king Lear)
In Malayalam and English languages

a TSDT Publication
By The Author of The Simple Divine Truth Books
For Free Books Visit > thesimpledivinetruth.org <
October 30, 2015

A Typical Kerala State food, Served on a plantant leaf

Shahid Kp > sImbnemnqw <

Oct 21, at 1:45am (May be 2015)
CXpv F\nv Fs H kp{lpv hmSvkn Abp XXmv. H
s^mthUv satkPv BbXn\m FgpXnbXv AscdnbpIn. Fnepw
hmbnpIgntm a\n s\mcw ]Snb Cu satkPv t]mv
sNW sa tXmo. FgpXnbXv Bcmbnmepw AtltmSp ISmSv
AdnbnpsImv \} P\tdj ambo CXp kan.
.. $

Ign H hjvambn ]memp Pnbnse Iq\d kvIqfnse _nUnv
t{]mPIvmv Fs sskv. sskn\nw hontev hfsc ZqcapXpsImv
Dv hon t]mbn `Ww Ign henb {]bmkamv. AXpsImp
Xs \ tlm tXSn Aebm XpSnbnpv Imew td Bbn.
Aenens\mSphnemv A{]XonXambn H v Hmeta tlm
ImWm CSbmbXv. ]coWmSnkvXm\n AhntSbpw H Ibdntbm
Znhkw... ]gasb Hmn Xcn, acw sImp dp ]gb s_pw
sUkvw AhnsS Dmbncn. s_ns H kbnUnembn Rm C.
AXpw Anbpw hkp tXmn H tNSpnbpw H tNwB
bn B tlm \SnpIm. BZyw Fs ap]n H hmgbne Cp.
AXntev Bhn ]d ]meS a Acn tNmdpv hnfn... ]ns, ]bdpw,
Dtcnbpw, tXmcw, akme Dtcnbpw hnfnbtijw ]pn, Cnbpw
amm Amdpw Ahkm\w ]Shpw Abne hdpXpw kmmdpw IqSn
Bbtm hniv Ccnbmbn. icnw honse `W ns Nnbmbn.
]ns Rm AhnSps kvXncw Iadmbn.
cv Znhkw ap]v `Ww IgnpsImncntmgmWv XmSnsbmw \c sa
en hbk\mb Hcm Ibdn hXv. Imte Adnbmw Abm \ oWn
X\mWv. AbmfpsS In sNdnb H `mhpw Dmbn. Abm
Fs Apds sskUnse s_n `Ww Ignm C.
slmense tN Ceshphnfm XpSptm Abm tNmZnp, ""F{X
bm DuWnv?'' tN adp]Sn ]dp, ""ao ASw 50 cq]m, ao CsX 30
cq]m. Abm Xs apjn t]mn \nv XnsbSp ]p cq]m,
tN t\sc \onsmpv Abm ]dp, ''CtX Dq Fs In,
AXnXp Xm aXn shdpw tNmdmbmepw aXn gan hnip amdnbm
aXn .. Cse DapX Hw Ignnn"" AXp ]dbvtmtgw AbmfpsS
hmI CSdnbn.
slmense tN ao AmsXw Abm hnfn. Rm Abm
IgnXp t\mnbn. BbmsS In \nw Io sNdpXmbn
s]mSnbpmbn. AXp XpSpsImpv H sImpnsbtmse Abm
]Xps IgnXp Itm ASpn B tNmZnp, ""Fn\m
IcbpXv?'' Abm tNmZnbmfpsS apJt t\mn Iv XpSpsImp
]dp, ""Fs Ignp t]mb PohnXw Hmp Icpt]mbXm, aq
afm F\nv, cv Bw H s]pw. aq t]w \ tPmenbpv ..
F\n InmsX t]mb F ku`mxyfpw Rm Ah \In.
AXn\mbn Rm \sSpnbXv Fs su\ambn.. 28 hjs
{]hmk PohnXw... Fmnw F\n Xmmbn Ah, t\cs Fs
X\nmn Apv t]mbn ... hoSv `mKw shXphsc Fs henbImcy
ambn aw aaw... `mKwsh Igntm Rm H
`mcamIm XpSn...sXmXnw ]nSnXnw Fs sSppw... Rm H
hbk\t B ]cnKW\XIqtS?... Xn Fhw Dnt Rm
Dm Ccnq...Fmepw Rm tIs w ]dbpw... `Wsamw Io
hov Dpsckambnpmhpw... Igntm t]cnI hsc anm
hcn, ImcWw, Im a AhtcmSp tZjysSpw... Ftmgpw Ah
]dbpw Ftmsnepw CdnsmqtSv... a`qanbn tNmc \ocmnb

Imin DmsXbpw DdmsXbpw Rmw Ahfpw anw sh ImipsImp
mnb hoSm... AhfpsS HmaI Ddn InS hoSm... Cnp t]mhm
a\pv kXnnn. ]t Cse Cdn t]m ... aaIfpsS ame
Rm tamns ]dpv aI FtmSp NqSmbo... Xnbn Ftbpq...
]s C\nbpw AhnsS \nm AXpmw... AOvs\ Xnb aI F
t] tZmjw Ahv DmIXtm... acnm `ban An B th
nbm PohntXpv??""
Abm `Ww apgph\mmsX FWop... Xs Inse 10 cq]m tN
t\sc \onbtm, tN ]dp, ""thm, In shpsImq... Ftm
thWsanepw Ctmp hcmw..
\n `Ww ChnsSbpmw
]s Abm B 10 cq]m AhnsS shpsImp ]dp, ""\nfpsS \a\
n \nbppv... shdpsX Ignp]cnNbanm... Hw IXXpv... hcs,
C\nbpw ImWmw'' F]dpv AbmfpsS `mw FSpv FtmsnmtX
Abm \S t]mbo.
Abm Fs a\n X apdnhpv Ctmgpw amdnbnnm.
Fm ]nebpw Hcn ]gpsav Bw NnnmsXmWqv ? ? ? ?

A True Translation in English as following: By GJ Thamby

Shahid Kp > sImbnemnqw <
Oct 21, at 1:45am (May be 2015)
A friend through whatsup sent this to me. Since it was a forwarded message, do
not know the original author. After reading this message it has spread a pain in
the heart, so I decided to post this in FB. No matter who wrote it I express my
regard to him and present this before the new generation.

.. $
My worksite is Koonathara School Building project in Palakkad District. To have
lunch at home is difficult since there is a good distace from the site to home.
Because of that I started to wander for looking a good hotel. Unexpectedly I
happened to see a small thatched hotel. On an experimental basis there also I went
once. Reminding the old tradition, there were few benches and desks made of wood.
I sat on the side of a bench.
A fifty five-year-old man and a fifty-year-old woman were running that hotel. First
they spread a large plantant leaf and then they served hot and steaming

"PALAKKAADAN MATTA rice", then beans, steamed vegetable side dish, spiced
banana fries, ginger, mango pickle and lastly 'PAPPAD'. Sardine fried and
SAAMBAAR was also served which aggrivated my hunger twice. It had the genuine
home made food taste. Sinceafter I became a permanant customer.
Just two days ago, a lean and white bearded old man came in. His look itself
revealed, he was exhausted. He had a small bundle of luggage with him. He sat on
the opposite side of the bench I was sitting to have his meals. When the hotel man
began to spread the plantant leaf and to serve food - the old man asked, "How much
is for the food" the hotel man answered, Fifty bucks with fish and thirty bucks without
fish". Then the old man searched his pocket and pulled out a ten bucks soiled bill
and stretching it to the hotel man and said, "This is all I have, give me what you can
for this, even just rice without any other dishes, is enough. I did not have anything
since after yesterday noon. By saying this much his voice disrupted.
The hotel man served everything without fish. I sat there watching his eating. His
eyes were filled with tears. He wiped his tears and like a small child he ate the food
slowly. Seeing this, a man whos sitting next to him asked, "Why are you crying" The
old man looked at he questioner and wiped his tears and said, "I was thinking of my
past life" "I have three children, two boys and one girl ... they have good job too ... I
gave them all the luxury I did not get. I have wasted my youth for that. 28 years of
alien life in Gulf country! ! ! My wife was my support for everything. She left me here
all alone and went away".
"Until family wealth was divided everybody considered me dearly. After the wealth
division I became a burden to them. For everything they accused me of faults." "Am I
not an oldman, should they give that consideratin -- they did not". "I had my food
only after everyone has finished their meals "Even then they blame everything
audiable to me. My food must have been filled with tear-salt. Even my grand children
will not talk to me when I take my meals, their parents will shout at them. They
always used to say, "Why not you go away somewhere" "I turned by blood in to swet
in the desrts and earned money with which I made that house". "We both ate and
slept less to make that house. Her memories sleep in that house". "I could not
abandon that house but yesterday I walked out of that house"
My son has outraged, accusing me stealing his wifes necklace. He just did not beat
me up. If I stay there, even that will happen to me. Let not my son become notorious
of beating up his father. I have no fear of death. For whom I should live?
He stopped his eating and stood up and stretched the ten buks to the hotel man. The
hotel man said, No, keep it with you ... you can always come here, your food will
always be here". But the old man left that money there and said, "I am grateful for
your good will... I am not accustomed of eating free food, do not misuderstand,
Adios". So saying he took his small luggage and walked away towards the horizon.
The melancholic thought of him still haunts me.
Why not people think, every green leaf will turn yellow and fall off some day ? ? ?

Comments : -The story of a Forsaken Man reminds me the story written by, Raju Mylapra,
Chief Editor of aswamedham.com under the title Alone in a Crowd

Bqn X\nsb,
My sincere appreciation to the one who wrote it and also others who took their tme to spread
this message.
Modern man has no humanity, humility and even politeness. It is really a shame how human
behave like wild beasts?
This story is very much similar to Shakespeares King Lear who also wandered like this old
October 30, 2015

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