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Roth's method for the solution of boundary-value

problems in electrical engineering

Prof. P. Hammond, M.A., C.Eng., A.M.I.Mech.E., F.I.E.E.
Between the years 1927 and 1938 the French engineer E. Roth developed a powerful method for the
solution of boundary-value problems in electrical engineering. He applied the method to problems in heat
conduction and magnetic-field problems in electrical machines and transformers, although the application
of the method is not necessarily limited to such devices. In spite of its possibilities, the method has been
omitted from the standard treatises on electromagnetic problems, because there are certain difficulties
associated with it. The paper gives a critical account of the method, listing both advantages and disadvantages and relating these to the physical and mathematical basis of Roth's work.

List of symbols
A = magnetic vector potential
B magnetic flux density
H = magnetic field strength
/ = current density
V = electric scalar potential
V* = magnetic scalar potential
a, b, c, d, e,f = slot dimensions
m, n = parameters
Cm n = coefficient
x, y = rectangular co-ordinates
X = function of x only
Y = function of y only
J o , J,, Y o , Y,, Z| = oscillatory Bessel functions
fM = permeability
to = angular frequency


The solution of boundary-value problems in electrical

engineering is of great interest and importance. Wherever
there are currents surrounding, or enclosed by, iron structures,
the designer is faced with the necessity of attempting to solve
such problems. Typical examples are the air-gap and slot
fields in machines and the leakage field in transformers. In
electrostatics there are similar problems involving electric
charges in liquids and in gaseous corona in the vicinity of
insulating and conducting surfaces, and the problems of heat
conduction are solved in an identical manner.
The importance of the subject is reflected by the enormous
number of papers and books in which it is discussed.
Analytical, graphical, numerical and experimental methods
vie for the reader's attention, and an adequate survey is
almost impossible. However, as often happens, the first
impression of an abundance of solutions is contradicted by
the designer's experience when he tries to find the solution
to his particular problem. Then it seems as jf all the available
methods have been applied to the same problems and that
these are of little relevance to the problem in hand.
In such a situation it is important to discover whether
the well known methods are necessarily limited to the examples
discussed in the literature and whether there may not be other
more suitable methods which have been overlooked.
The paper deals with the method developed by E. Roth
(Appendix 9.2) in a series of remarkable papers from 1927 to
1938. It is a method which is ignored by most writers,
although Hague1 has a lengthy and enthusiastic section on
it, in which he says that 'no student of these problems can
afford to neglect' Roth's work. Unfortunately, Hague's discussion is not free from error and contains some claims for
the method which cannot be sustained. The work is also
mentioned by Bewley2 and by Billig,3 who praises its sound
theoretical basis and suggests that, in this respect, it is
superior to other methods. There is an extended account in
Paper 5429 J, first received 1st May and in revised form 26th July 1967
Prof. Hammond is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, The
University, Southampton, Hants., England
PROC. IEE, Vol. 114, No. 12, DECEMBER 1967

a book by Binns and Lawrenson, 4 but they also repeat

Hague's misleading conclusions. (Sections 5.1 and 5.2.)
Hague, in 1929," called these papers 'a complete treatise',
and his praise would have been even more justified if he had
had access to Roth's later work. Nevertheless, the word
treatise is misleading. Roth's papers deal with particular
problems which he needed to solve in the course of his professional work. The applications are dominant, and he does not
attempt a critical account of the scope and limitations of his
method. The marks of his work are courage, determination
and industry rather than critical appraisal. The algebra is
often exceedingly intricate and involves the manipulation of
infinite series containing circular, hyperbolic and Bessel
functions. Summation of the series is carried out by hand, and
7-figure logarithms have occasionally to be employed. Billig
comments on the 'unreasonable amount of labour' involved
and suggests some useful simplifications. Nevertheless, Roth
produced a large number of solutions, and his papers contain
many valuable and interesting flux maps.
The scope of Roth's work is considerable, and his method
deserves to be widely known. There are, however, pitfalls
to be avoided if it is to be applied with safety. It is likely that
many workers have avoided the method because they wisely
doubted some of the claims made for it. It is hoped that the
short critical account in this paper will enable designers to
see both the scope and the limitations of Roth's method
without having to undertake the labour of investigating the
original sources. Once the scope is understood it is easy to
decide when to use the method and when to avoid it.

Short account of Roth's papers

Roth's first paper 5 deals with the flow of heat in

electrical machines. The work is based on Fourier's analysis,
and Roth pays particular attention to 2-dimensional rectangular co-ordinates. Practical results are given, and there is
an extensive bibliography.
The second paper 6 discusses the thermal and magnetic
fields of various current-carrying conductors in a rectangular
slot (Fig. 1). The magnetic boundary conditions are those of
infinite permeability along AB, AA' and A'B', while BB' is a
flux line. The centre line of the slot is a line of symmetry.
Roth next7 directs his attention to the leakage field in
transformers. He considers several different arrangements of
transformer windings. The discussion is limited to the
2-dimensional field in a rectangular transformer 'window'.
The cross-sections of the windings are rectangular, but their
position is arbitrary. The permeability of the iron boundaries
is assumed to be infinite, and the magnetising current is
neglected. The paper contains various flux plots and photographs of a 3-dimensional model of the magnetic field.
In a paper 8 written with his colleague G. Kouskoff,
published a month after the paper on transformers, Roth
deals with some mathematical difficulties of his method. His
solutions are in the form of doubly infinite series of products
of circular functions. The convergence of the series is poor,
and it is desired to discover finite representations of the

series over the appropriate interval. This aim is achieved-by

choosing a representation in hyperbolic functions which
reduces the double series to series in a single circular function
multipled by a hyperbolic function of the same order.

assumed for all iron boundaries, but, in spite of this simplification, the labours involved are prodigious.
A further paper in 193812 deals with the magnetic field of

Fig. 1
Symmetrical arrangement of conductors in a slot
Armed with the results of this mathematical investigation,
Roth 9 returned to the consideration of the leakage field in
transformers in a long paper published in two sections. He
considered the arrangement of Fig. 2. The boundaries AB,

Fig. 3
Arbitrary arrangement of conductors in a slot

a system of rectangular parallel conductors. Roth first considered a region by flux lines and then relaxed the condition
to allow the discussion to apply to an unbounded region.

Outline of Roth's method



core iron

Fig. 2
Transformer window and core

BC and DA represent the yoke of the transformer and have

infinite permeability. The boundary CD lies along the centre
line of the core and is, by symmetry, a flux line. The new step
in this paper is the inclusion of the shaded region ECDF
representing the core. This region has a constant finite
Four years later, in 1932, Roth 10 generalised his study of
the field in the slot of a rotating machine. The arrangement considered is illustrated in Fig. 3. The windings and
boundaries are still rectangular in section, but the conditions
specified in the 1927 paper have been relaxed. The windings
are no longer symmetrically disposed about the slot centre
line. The permeability on the boundary AA' is still infinite,
but along AB and A'B' the tangential magnetic field is finite
and of arbitrary strength. The line BB' is also no longer a
flux line.
The problem of cylindrical co-ordinates is considered in
a massive paper published in three sections in 1936." Solutions are obtained in terms of series of Bessel and circular
functions, and the latter are represented by hyperbolic functions as before. The treatment is extended to transformers
having more than two windings. Infinite permeability is

Poisson's equation in rectangular co-ordinates

Roth's method applies to boundary-value problems
which can be described in terms of Poisson's equation. This
relates a potential function within a region to a distribution
of sources throughout the region. In electrostatics, for
example, the electric field strength E can be derived from a
scalar potential V by the relationship E = grad V. The
electric flux density D is related to the sources of the field
by div D = p, where p is the volume charge density and
D eE, where e is the permittivity. Hence div grad
V pic
This is written as V2K p/e, which is
known as Poisson's equation.
With the exception of one paper," Roth confined his
attention to 2-dimensional rectangular co-ordinates. In this


A similar equation arises in magnetostatics, where

H = grad V*, and V* is the scalar magnetic potential.
If the magnetic field is due to steady electric currents
rather than magnetic poles or dipoles, a vector potential A
is introduced, defined by curl A = B and div A = 0. Since
curl curl A = grad div A V2<4 = V2A

curl B = /x curl H = \xJ

we have V2/4 = fxJ where J is the current density per

unit area. The vector equation V2A = /x7 describes three
equations of the Poisson type. In the simple, but important,
case in which Jx Jv = 0, we have the single equation


where A and J are both in the ^direction.

PROC. IEE, Vol. 114, No. 12, DECEMBER 1967

Poisson's equation appears also in problems of heat and

fluid flow and in many other situations, but Roth confined
his discussion to electrostatics, magnetostatics and steady heat
conduction. The method of solution for the equation is to
find a function for the potential which satisfies the equation
subject to certain boundary conditions. The usual method is
to find the complementary function and particular integral
of the equation, but Roth has developed a technique for
finding a single function which satisfies the entire equation.
His method is best explained by considering a simple example.

For the special case when m = 0,




The coefficients can now be computed, and the problem is

solved. The magnetic field can be obtained from trie relation7)A
ships Bx ^ and Bv = ^. The vector B is therefore
perpendicular to the vector F grad A, which has the

Magnetic field of a conductor in a slot

Fig. 4 shows a conductor in a slot. The boundary

consists of regions of infinite permeability on three sides and

sin nf sin ne


Fxx = ^ and Fy = x

This implies that flux lines are also lines of constant A, and a
plot of A is therefore a flux plot. This enhances the value of
the solution in terms of the vector potential.

Advantages of Roth's method

The simplicity of Roth's approach can best be appreciated by comparing it with the alternative and more usual
method of the separation of variables. This very general
method was applied by Rogowski to problems similar to
those considered by Roth, who was familiar with Rogowski's
Consider again the problem discussed in Section 3.2. In
order to solve it by the method of separating the variables
the region of the slot must be subdivided as indicated in
Fig. 5. This is necessary because the current distribution is

Fig. 4
Single conductor surrounded by three boundaries of infinite permeability and one boundary which is a flux line

a line of magnetic flux on the fourth side, which forms the

mouth of the slot. Steady, uniformly distributed current flows
in the conductor in a direction perpendicular to the plane of
the diagram. The origin of co-ordinates is taken as the bottom
left-hand corner of the slot. Eqn. 2 applies and is subject to
the boundary conditions
^ 0 at x = 0 and x = a
Fig. 5

= o at y = 0

Single conductor in a slot showing the three regions required for the
solution by separation of variables

and A = constant at y = b. Without loss of generality, this

constant can be set equal to zero.
Roth postulates the solution

A = 2 Cmn cos mx cos ny



which satisfies the boundary conditions at x 0, y = 0. The

remaining boundary conditions are satisfied if sin ma = 0,
and cos nb 0, i.e. if m = h-n\a, where h = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . ,
and n = (2k + \)7r/2b where k = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . Thus ma
is an even multiple of 77/2 and includes the value zero, while
nb is an odd multiple of TT/2. The equation itself is satisfied if
(w 2 + n2)Cm cos mx cos ny = \xJ

. (4)

limited to a part of the slot. The regions are ACC'A',

CDD'C and DBB'D', numbered 1, 2 and 3, respectively. \n
regions 1 and 3, the magnetic field is described by Laplace's
+ ^2 -

In region 2 the field is described by Poisson's equation

(eqn. 2). Consider solutions of the form A = XY, where X
is a function of x only and Y is a function of y only.
Laplace's equation gives

The coefficients Cmn can be obtained by Fourier's method:

(w 2 + n2)Cmn


I cos 2 mjrr/x:

= /xJ

cos 2 nydy


Since both terms are dependent on only one variable

they must be equal to constants of equal magnitude and
opposite sign. Thus
I ~d2X
J I ^ Y
- ;y
= - ml a n d ^ -2y = + mL
X ox2
Y Oy

cos mxdx


cos y</y
T h e variables have separated and solutions are of the form

_ 4ju.y
sin md sin we sin nf sin e
*" ~ ~aT m2 + n2
PROC. 1EE, Vol. 114, No. 12, DECEMBER 1967

X = sin mx or cos mx

Y = sinh my or cosh my


sin md sin me
sinh m/ sinh me .
sinh m(6
cos mx
cosh mb

For the special case m = 0,

X = a or fix


Y = y or 8y

To obtain A, products XY are formed which will satisfy the

boundary conditions. The choice of circular functions for the
xdirection implies a Fourier representation in terms of x of
the current distribution in region 2.
J 2 Jm

c o s mx

> where m = hrr/a .



Jn =

2 f'
2J sin md sin me
- \ J c o s mxax =
J(d - c)


Jt is clear that this method is far more cumbersome than the

one suggested by Roth. His solution gives a single expression
for the entire region of the slot, while the method of the
separation of variables involves three different expressions
and requires the use of four boundary equations between the
regions, in addition to the boundary conditions at the perimeter of the slot.


Limitations of Roth's method

Hence, in region 2

Periodicity of the solution

In Roth's method the functions representing the
potential have to be orthogonal and therefore oscillatory in
every direction. Thus in the example in Section 3.2 the
x variation is cos mx and the y variation is cos ny.
Similarly, the current distribution has to be expressed in
oscillatory functions. These functions are orthogonal over a
suitable interval, and this makes it possible to obtain the
individual coefficients Cmn by Fourier's method.
The periodicity restricts solutions to problems in which
the source distribution is also periodic. Such a distribution is
shown in Fig. 6, in which the direction of current is indicated


^ 4 _ _


sin m

c)x 2


)cos mx

The particular integral of this equation is of the form

A = *LKm cos mx + K0y2


2iiJ (sin md sin me)

where Km =



- c)

Kn =



The complementary function has to be added, and the

complete solution for region 2 is
A 2 = ] {(/>m cosh my + Em sinh my) cos mx} + a 2 + j82j>



where Dm, Em, cc2 and j32 are constants.
In region 1, making use of ^- = 0 at y 0,

cosh m^ cos mx)


and in region 3
A3 = 2 {(Fm cosh my + Gm sinh m^) cos mx} + a 3 + fi3y

. . . .


Region 3 is bounded by a flux line. Thus A constant at

y = b. Jf, as in Section 3.2, we put A = 0 at y = b, and use
the fact that on the boundaries between the regions, A
and ^ are continuous, (these relationships imply that r
is also continuous) we obtain equations from which the'
coefficients Cm, Dm, Em, Fm, Gm, Km, a,, a 2 , a 3 , ^ 2 and ^ 3
can be found.
After considerable reduction,

Fig. 6
Doubly infinite array of conductors

sin md sin mc\

cos mx

cosh m(b e) cosh m(b f)

; ;
cosh my
cosh mb

sin md sin me
. ,
cos mx-< I

sinh me sinh m(6

cosh mb
cosh my cosh m(b / )



{2b(f - e ) - p -



by the plus or minus sign. Such infinite distributions of current

are, however, only of academic interest. What the engineer
needs is a solution of the field in a finite region, such as
that indicated by the boundaries in Fig. 6. The question
therefore arises as to whether there are any physical
boundaries which give the effect of periodicity and represent
the outside sources correctly both in position and magnitude.
From the theory of images, we know that there are two
possible boundaries: those of infinite permeability and those
of zero permeability. The first type represents an approximation to a physical situation, because permeabilities are never
truly infinite. Nevertheless, the field in air outside an iron
boundary very closely resemoles the field outside a boundary
of infinite permeability. Zero permeability can be postulated
along a flux line, and so does not represent an approximation.
By analogy the boundaries in an electrostatic problem must
PROC. IEE, Vol. 114, No. 12, DECEMBER 1967

have infinite or zero permittivity. Roth's method applies as

long as the boundaries are either scalar equipotentials
(= = 0) or flux lines (A = constant).
It follows that Roth's method cannot be applied to regions
bounded by material of finite permeability or permittivity.
Nor can it be applied to any physical problem in which the
field has both normal and tangential components at a
This restriction should be compared with the conditions
applicable to a solution by the method of separation of
variables. In this method the use of oscillatory functions for
all the variables is not allowed for static problems. At least
one function must be nonoscillatory. Thus, in Section 4 the
solution was obtained in terms of cos mx and sinh my or
cosh my. Alternatively, it could have been obtained by using
circular functions of y and hyperbolic functions of x.
Only oscillatory functions impose,the boundary conditions
of zero and infinite permeability. Thus, the method ofseparation of variables can be applied to regions having
mixed boundary conditions in the direction of the hyperbolic
functions. The magnetic field in a slot, for instance, can be
obtained if the bottom of the slot has finite permeability,
and the top of the slot need not be bounded by a flux line.
Even the two sides of the slot need- not be of infinite permeability, because solutions of the type eJmxer"y can be
added to solutions of the type emxejmy. Thus there is no
need for periodicity in either x or y. The scope of the method
of separation of variables is far more extensive than the
scope of Roth's method. All problems that can be solved
by Roth's method can also be solved by the separation of
variables, but the converse is not true. This conclusion is at
variance with the conclusions reached in References 1 and 4.

Superposition of solutions

The simplicity of Roth's solution depends on the fact

that a single expression-satisfies the entire Poisson equation
with its boundary conditions. Eqn. 3 in Section 3.2 was
written as a double Fourier series. It should be noted explicitly
that the individual terms of the series do not satisfy Poisson's
equation, nor can the individual terms be identified with the
source distribution of current or with particular parts of the
boundaries. Only the complete expression has physical
significance. Every problem amenable to Roth's method has
its own complete solution. Superposition of solutions is
restricted to the superposition of sources within the same
boundaries. In particular it is not possible to superpose the
effect of magnetised surfaces and currents in the manner
suggested by Hague.1 .
This is in sharp contrast with the method of separation of
variables. In Section 4 it was shown how that solution was
built up from a complementary function and a particular
integral. The latter deals with the current distribution but
ignores the top and bottom of the slot. The solution is then
completed by adding terms which account for these boundaries
and also for the limited extent of the current in the ^direction.
Every individual term in the resulting series solution is a
linearly independent solution of Laplace's equation, and,
with a little care, these individual terms can be identified with
the different parts of the boundary. These boundaries are
treated by the solution as additional sources. Thus the series
solution is a true summation of the effect of individual
sources. This accounts for the great flexibility of* the method
and also for the complexity of the algebra. Unlike Roth's
method, the method of the separation of variables allows
the superposition of solutions with different boundary conditions. Complicated conditions can be built up by combining
solutions of simpler cases. Moreover, the method of separation of variables can deal with regions where the sources are
confined to the boundaries. Such Laplacian problems cannot
be solved by Roth's method.

Time-varying problems
Eddy-current problems

In his papers Roth confined his attention to static

fields. He did, however, mention the fact that the knowledge
of the magnetic field calculated by his method could be used
PROC. IEE, Vol. 114, No. 12, DECEMBER 1967

to determine the eddy-current loss in the conductors in a slot.

Presumably he had in mind the low-frequency approximation,
in which the magnetic field of the eddy currents is neglected
in comparison with the magnetic field of the applied current.
It is interesting to investigate whether this restriction is
necessary or whether the method can be applied more
The electromagnetic equation governing eddy-current phenomena is known as the diffusion equation. In terms of the
magnetic vector potential it is written


where a is the conductivity and / ' is the applied current

density. A solution in Roth's form demands that the conductivity and permeability must be constant throughout the
region. It thus excludes most problems of practical interest.
Solutions will be of the type
S Cm>,,it0 cos mx cos ny cos cut

A =



and the boundary conditions will again have to be of infinite

or zero permeability. These conditions are more difficult to
meet than in the static case, because currents may be induced
in the boundaries, and the effective permeability will be a
complex function of the frequency.
The method of the separation of variables does not suffer
from the restrictions imposed by the use of circular functions
in both x and y. This method makes it possible to examine
the interaction of applied and induced currents and to solve
complicated problems by dividing the region to be considered
into a number of simpler subregions linked to one another
by suitable boundary conditions.

Microwave problems

The relevant equation is

Roth's method is again a possible one, but the boundary

conditions are extremely restrictive. The interaction of electric
and magnetic fields can no longer be neglected, as in static
and quasistatic problems. The electric boundary conditions
are infinite or zero permittivity, and the magnetic conditions
are infinite or zero permeability. Every boundary must
possess a pair of these properties. However, there are not
really four independent conditions. Consideration of the
continuity of electricity shows that infinite permittivity is
linked to zero permeability and that a similar linkage holds
between zero permittivity and infinite permeability. The
problem is even more restricted because, in practice, high
permeabilities are almost unobtainable at high frequencies.
This leaves one boundary condition, namely infinite permittivity and zero permeability, or in other words normal
electric field and tangential magnetic field. In theory, the
boundary would therefore have to be superconducting, but
an ordinary conductor will give a reasonable approximation.
Roth's method is therefore restricted to regions enclosed by
highly conducting boundaries.
Again the method of separation of variables is preferable
because it is not restricted to enclosed regions but can deal
with thefieldof radiating sources in free space. Even in waveguides, Roth's method does not allow the separate consideration of regions free from conduction current and is therefore
not easily applied.

Slow convergence of the series

It is a feature of Roth's method that his solution is of
the form

,n c o s

mx c o s



Thus, for a problem in two dimensions, the solution involves

the summation of a doubly infinite series. The indices m and
n are independent of each other. The comparable solution by
separation of variables is of the form
A =

c o s mx



Instead of a double series in m and n, there is a single series

in m only. This use of a single index, or separation constant,
is made possible by choosing every term of the series to be a
solution of Laplace's equation. In other words, the physical
conditions of a vector field free from sources are included in
the solution at the beginning, whereas in Roth's method
these conditions are not applied to the individual terms but
to the whole series. This accounts for the fact that Roth's
method has slow convergence in comparison with the method
of separation of variables.

Extensions of Roth's method

Roth was aware of the difficulties which could be
encountered in the use of his method and he laboured to
remove them, although unhappily he did not investigate the
physical reasons for the difficulties. His papers give the
impression that he believed that the method could be extended
indefinitely by an improvement in the algebraic formulation.
Writers like Hague1 seem to have accepted this point of view,
and the excessive claims made for Roth's method may have
led to its disuse.

Magnetic field in a space containing iron and

electric current

Roth considered this problem in a long paper dealing

with the leakage fields of a transformer. Fig. 2 is taken from
this paper. The transformer windings are located in the lefthand side of the figure, and the iron core is shown on the
right. The line CD is the centre line of the core and is, by
symmetry, a flux line. The yoke is represented by the surfaces
AB, BC and DA, and it is assumed that the permeability of
the yoke is finite. The boundaries are therefore all of the
kind demanded by Roth's method, and the method can be
applied to the solution of the problem. The difficulty of the
problem stems from the presence of the core iron in the space
ECDF, since this iron will modify the magnetic field of the
currents in the space ABEF and there are thus two sets of
magnetic sources. The current sources are assigned and are
known, but the effect of the iron is unknown.
Roth overcame the difficulty by replacing the iron by an
additional current distribution on the surface EF. This current
distribution is written as an arbitrary function of the
co-ordinates, and a formal solution of the vector potential
is obtained. Roth then used this solution to obtain the discontinuity in the tangential magnetic field strength at the
surface. Finally he wrote the step in tangential magnetic field
in terms of the permeability of the iron, and thus obtained
an equation for the equivalent surface current in terms of
the permeability. All the current sources are then known,
and the solution proceeds as before.
This is an ingenious method and extends Roth's approach
to all problems in which iron as well as current is included in
the bounded space. However, some words of warning need
to be said. Although he was aware that the surface current
represents an additional source in Poisson's equation, Roth
described the extra term due to the surface current as a
'Laplacian field'. He stated that he was superimposing a
Laplacian on a Poissonian distribution of field. This is an
unfortunate nomenclature, because Roth's method is in
principle incapable of dealing with a Laplacian field, and
this is one of its severe limitations. This point seems to have
been overlooked by subsequent writers.
A further conceptual difficulty arises from Roth's apparent
assumption that the equivalent current on the iron is confined
to the surface EF in Fig. 2. This is misleading. In general,
there will be surface layers of current on all the surfaces of
the iron. It is only where these surfaces lie along the
boundaries of the space considered that it is possible to
ignore such further surface currents, because in this special
case the effect of the surface current is embodied in the value
of the potential at the boundary. Roth's single layer of
current does not satisfy the condition of continuity. This is
easily seen if, instead of surface current, we use surface poles.
Roth's explanation would then imply the presence of one
kind of polarity more than of another which is not physically
possible. Similarly, there can be no net induced flow of direct
current in iron. It is curious that Roth seems unaware of the

difficulty, and that in discussing a problem in heat conduction

he introduces surface distributions of heat which do not add
up to zero. They modify the energy input and do not satisfy
the principle of conservation of energy and can thus easily
lead to erroneous conclusions.

Improvements in the convergence of series


It must be remembered that Roth did not have the

aid of computers. The many valuable flux plots which he
obtained required great labour and, with the aid of G.
Kouskoff,8 he devised a means of improving the convergence
of the double Fourier series encountered.
The method used was to find a finite sum for the Fourier
series, and Roth and Kouskoff investigated the use of hyperbolic functions. Typical results are given in Appendix 9.1.
When the coefficients Cm have been found, the independent
parameters m and n in the double Fourier series are reduced
to the single parameter m, and the series of circular functions
in n are replaced by a single hyperbolic function in m. As a
result there is a marked improvement in the convergence. It
is, however, found that it is no longer possible to use a single
representation for the entire bounded space. Different
hyperbolic functions need to be used in different regions.
Applying Roth's and Kouskoff's results to the problem of
the slot in Section 3.2 and Fig. 4, we find that the region
needs to be subdivided into three: region 1 for 0 < y < e,
region 2 for e < y < / a n d region 3 f o r / < y < b.
A = 2 2 CTO cos mx cos



we have in region 1 by the use of eqns. 31 and 33 (Section 9.1)

sin md sin
cosh m(b

e) ~ cosh m(b / ) .
> cos mx cosh my
cosh mb

which is identical with eqn. 21. Similarly, A2 and AT, can be

derived and will be found to be identical with eqn. 22 and
eqn. 23. It is extraordinary that neither Roth, Hague nor
Binns and Lawrenson seem to have realised the significance
of this identity. Inevitably the substitution of hyperbolic for
circular functions has led to the form of solution obtained by
the separation of variables.
Roth's substitutions merely provide an alternative way of
obtaining this form of solution. Either one can subdivide the
bounded space into different regions and use the boundary
conditions between regions to obtain the solution, or one can
write the solution first in terms of circular functions and then
use Roth's substitutions. If a computer is readily available,
the direct method is more straightforward, but Roth's substitution may be simpler where the problem is worked by
hand. In either case the ultimate solution is the same. Roth's
substitutions provide a stepping stone to the separating of

Magnetic field in a region bounded by iron of

finite permeability

In a paper published in 1932,l0 Roth endeavoured to

extend his method to problems involving boundaries which
are neither of infinite nor of zero permeability. Fig. 3 is
taken from this paper. The boundary AA' has infinite
permeability, but the teeth are saturated, and there is an
assigned and varying tangential magnetic field strength H{
along AB, and H2 along A'B'. Finally, there is an arbitrary
varying vector potential along BB', which is therefore no
longer a flux line.
It should be noted that there is a great difference between
this problem and the one discussed in Section 6.1, in which
the iron was enclosed within the boundaries. Indeed, if our
PROC. IEE, Vol. 114, No. 12, DECEMBER 1967

previous analysis of Roth's method is correct, the method is

not by itself applicable to the problem of Fig. 3. This is borne
out by a study of Roth's paper.
He first derived a vector potential for the field of the
currents when AB, A'B' and AA' have infinite permeability
and BB' is a flux line. He then added, by the separation of
variables, a vector potential which has no sources in the slot
and has no derivative at the three iron boundaries. This
potential was chosen to have the correct value on BB'. Lastly
he added a further vector potential, obtained by separation
of variables, which satisfied the tangential magnetic field on
AB and A'B'. Thus the problem was solved by a mixture of
Roth's own method and that of the separation of variables.
This example shows that it is possible to extend the application of Roth's method by the addition of solutions obtained
by the separation of variables. In Section 6.2 it was pointed
out that any solution by Roth's method has an equivalent
solution by the separation of variables. Since it is possible
to superpose solutions by separation of variables, it is also
possible to superpose such solutions on a solution by Roth's
method. The converse is not true however. The method of
the separation of variables cannot be extended to new
problems by adding solutions of Roth's type. All such
solutions are only particular cases of the method of separation
of variables.
Although, in principle, Roth's method is therefore unnecessary, it may in practice be very convenient in examples where
the method of separation of variables demands the solution
to be split into many subregions. In the example of Fig. 3 the
mixture of the two methods is appropriate and convenient.
Magnetic field in an unbounded region
In a paper published in 193812 Roth investigated the
magnetic field of a set of parallel rectangular conductors in
air. He first obtained this field in a region bounded by flux
lines and used his own method of double Fourier series. He
then made use of the substitution mentioned in Section 6.2
and converted the solution into the form obtained by separation of variables. The boundaries were then moved to infinity
by expressing the hyperbolic functions in terms of exponentials
and the circular functions in terms of a Fourier integral.
Except for the initial step, no use is made of Roth's method,
and it is clear that he himself preferred to use the separation
of variables in solving this problem.

meability. The cylindrical surface CB carries no tangential

flux because the net m.m.f. enclosed by ABCD is zero. The
only component of current is the circumferential / e , and there
is no 6 variation of the field. As a result, the vector potential
has only the component A$, and Poisson's equation becomes


Roth's method in cylindrical co-ordinates

In Section 5.1 it was shown that the functions used in

Roth's solution must all be orthogonal over the interval considered. Many functions possess this property, and in a massive paper in 1936" Roth.investigated the field of cylindrical
transformer windings by means of his method using Bessel
functions of the first and second kinds and of order unity.
Fig. 7 shows half of a transformer window. The core AD
and the yoke AB and DC are assumed to have infinite per\


\ \


. (26)


- ^ - = 0 at z = 0 and z = b

B7 -^ + = n0 at r = a* and r = a
Choosing a circular function cos nz for the z variation, we
have sin nb 0 or nb = kir where k is an integer or zero.
Choosing Bessel functions 3\(mr) and Y,(mr), the solution
is of the form
Z,(mr) = .




subject to the condition
\ J0(ma)



The roots of eqn. 28 give the values of m and can be obtained

from tables.13
The solution is of the form
A =

C m / ) Zi(mr)cosz


which has to obey Poisson's equation, so that

S 2 Cm,n{m2 + 2)Z,(mr) cos nz = fxJ


whence the values of Cmn can be obtained by making use

of the orthogonality of Z t (mr) and of cos nz. The solution is
very simple in form and, like the solution in circular functions,
can easily be remembered.
There is, however, an additional difficulty to be overcome
in finding the values of the coefficients Cm . Integrals of
Bessel functions arise in the calculation, and these integrals
are not themselves Bessel functions and are not tabulated.
They would, therefore, have to be computed separately.
As before the convergence of the series is poor, and Roth
made use of his usual substitution of hyperbolic functions
for circular functions. This reduces the double series in m
and n to a single series in m. The solution is one which could
have been obtained by separation of variables, but it is not
the best solution. The method of separation of variables
admits the possibility of another solution in circular functions
of z and modified (nonoscillatory) Bessel function of r. In
such a solution integrals of Bessel functions do not arise,
and this solution is much to be preferred to Roth's solution.
It appears, therefore, that although an extension of Roth's
method to cylindrical co-ordinates is possible, the method
cannot be recommended.
It is, of course, true that Roth could have derived a sub?
stitution of oscillatory for nonoscillatory Bessel functions and
that any solution by separation of variables can be derived
from Roth's solution by appropriate substitutions. There is
something rather artificial in such a procedure, and Roth's
solution is only really useful where it can be applied in its
original form. Nevertheless, if computer time is expensive or
difficult to obtain it may be worthwhile to proceed in this
Roth did not investigate other co-ordinate systems. This
can be done in the way shown in this Section. It is, however,
very unlikely that the conclusions would differ from those
that have just been stated, namely that Roth's method is
only convenient in rectangular co-ordinates.

Fig. 7
Succession of slots and teeth
PROC. IEE, Vol. 114, No. 12, DECEMBER 1967

r or

_ /

subject to the boundary conditions:



1 ~bA
_ _ + =


By means of Roth's method, a single solution for the

magnetic field in a region containing electric current can be

written by inspection, whereas the region has to be subdivided

if the method of separation of variables is used.
The convergence of the series used in Roth's method is
slow but it can be greatly improved by making substitutions
of the type described in Appendix 9.1. By this procedure it is
possible to obtain the solutions of the method of the separation
of variables without having to solve a large number of simultaneous equations. This can be a considerable help where
problems have to be worked by hand. Even when a computer
is available, the cost of using it can be reduced by working
the first part of the problem by hand in Roth's manner and
using the computer to sum the series obtained after the
substitutions have been made.
Roth's method is best applied to systems in rectangular
co-ordinates having boundaries which are flux lines or are
of infinite permeability. It is possible to extend the method to
other co-ordinate systems and to more complicated boundary
conditions, but the simplicity and benefit of the method tend
to be lost.


HAGUE, B. : 'Electromagnetic problems in electrical engineering'

(Oxford University Press, 1929), pp. 313-325
2 BEWLEY, L. v.: 'Two-dimensional fields in electrical engineering'
(Dover, 1963), pp. 81-83
3 BILLIG, E. : T h e calculation of the magnetic field of rectangular
conductors in a closed slot and its application to the reactance of
transfer windings', Proc. IEE, 1951, 98, Pt. 4, pp. 55-64

13 JAHNKE, E., and EMDE, F. : 'Tables of functions' (Dover, 1945),

pp. 204-206
14 BETHENOD, i.: 'Edouard Roth', Rev. Gen. Elect., 1939, 46, pp. 131134



Summation of certain Fourier series

In Reference 8 various formulas are derived by means

of which double Fourier series can be converted into single
series. The following formulas are relevant to Section 6.2 of
this paper. If nb is an odd multiple of TT/2, then for 0 < y < b
sin nb' cos ny
n{m2 + n2)

b cosh mb cosh m(b b') cosh my

m2 cosh mb




*t n{m2 + n2)


sin nb' cos ny

b sinh mb' sinh m(b y)

m2 cosh mb

sin nb' cos ny




BINNS, K. J., and LAWRENSON, P. J. : 'Analysis and computation of

electric and magnetic field problems' (Pergamon, 1963), pp. 109-117

5 ROTH, E.: 'Introduction a l'etude analytique de Pechauffement des
machines electriques', Bull. Soc. Franc. Beet., 1927, 7, pp. 840-954
6 ROTH, E. : 'tude analytique du champ propre d'une encoche',
Rev. Gen. ilect., 1927, 22, pp. 417-424
7 ROTH, E. : 'tude analytique du champ de fuites des transformateurs
et des efforts mecaniques exerces sur les enroulements', ibid., 1928,
23, pp. 773-787


ROTH, E., and KOUSKOFF, G.: 'Sur une mdthode de sommation de

certaines series de Fourier', ibid., 1928, 23, pp. 1061-1073

ROTH, E. : 'tude analytique des champs thermique et magnetique
lorsque la conductibilitie thermique ou la permeabilitie n'est pas
la meme dans toute l'etendue du domaine considere', ibid., 1928,
24, pp. 137-148 and 179-188
ROTH, E.: 'tude analytique du champ resultant d'une encoche de
machine electrique', ibid., 1932, 32, pp. 761-768
ROTH, E. : 'Inductance due aux fuites magnetiques dans les transformateurs a bobines cylindriques et efforts exerces sur les
enroulements', ibid., 1936, 40, pp. 259-268, 291-303 and 323-336
ROTH, E. : 'Champ magnetique et inductance d'un systeme de
barres rectangulaires paralleles', ibid., 1938, 44, pp. 275-283



sin nb' cos ny


y> b'


Edouard Roth



Born on 17th January 1878 at Mulhouse, E. Roth

studied at the Technische Hochschule at Zurich. At the age
of 22 he joined the firm Societe Alsacienne de Constructions
Mecaniques at Belfort. He made notable contributions to
the design of induction motors and turboalternators. He
became chief alternating-current engineer of his company
and, on the formation of the company Alsthom, he became
chief engineer (technical services). He remained with the
company till his death on 28th April 1939. He published
three books and 29 papers, which show a remarkable blend
of mathematical skill and physical insight. A short account of
his life and a complete bibliography are given in Reference 14.

PROC. IEE, Vol. 114, No. 12, DECEMBER 1967

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