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Brain Power

Improve memory and concentration

Initiate Big Picture thinking
Expand perception
Gain clarity of thought
Your mind is cluttered and no matter how hard you try to focus or find answers, nothing
flows easily. Perhaps you know that youre using only a small portion of your mental capacity,
but you cant seem to make the breakthroughs you want. Or youre swamped with new material
and information you need to absorb and assimilate quickly. No worries.
Slip on your headphones, close your eyes and let the rich resonant tones of harmonically layered
frequencies effortlessly guide you into the flow state of expanded consciousness. Frustrating
mental blocks dissolve. You can think and perceive with crystal clarity. You feel invigorated as
fresh neural pathways are opened to effortlessly access more of your untapped ability to learn,
recall and create new ideas.

Pure Focus

Improve clarity and perception

Clear mental fog and boost energy
Increase cognition and concentration
Listen to Pure Focus when you need crystal clear clarity and peak concentration. Like a pro
baseball player counting the stitches on an incoming fastball; your brain will be running at full
capacity. Gamma waves are considered the brains optimal frequency for cognitive functioning.
Gamma brain waves work like the glue of the mind, holding and connecting all your senses and
thought processes together in a unified whole.
Boosting your Gamma wave activity will enhance all of your senses and your perception of
reality; you will become more aware of your own thought processes, and in effect be better able
to control any negative emotions, fears, or impulses. Higher Gamma activity also works as a
natural anti-depressant, boosting your mood, empathy, and compassion. Pure Focus is perfect for
enjoying while working, studying, preparing for a performance, or just meditating. Gamma Waves
also improve hand eye coordination, making this an ideal program to improve your golf or tennis

High Focus

Increase cognition & concentration

Improve hand-eye coordination for sports activities
Clear mental fog and boost energy
Perhaps your energy is dragging, but you need laser-sharp focus for a meeting or exam or
presentation. Maybe concentrating on a single task has never been one of your strong points.
Now you can easily reach high-performance brain states, ideal for increasing cognition and
focusing on any task. Nobel Prize-winning scientist Sir Francis Crick believes that the 40hz
brainwave frequency used on this program is key to the act of cognition. See for yourself.
Simply slip on your headphones, press play, and within minutes your brain waves will
become organized into a state of high-coherence. This state of crystal-clear clarity arises when
both hemispheres of your brain become balanced and mental energy is maximized. Suddenly
youll feel your mind focusing like a laser beam as your brain releases catecholamines, which
boost your learning and memory skills.
Use High Focus for:
Working on any tasks that require focus and concentration
When you need a quick pick-me-up or need to work long hours
Studying, writing, number-crunching and problem solving
Preparing for competitive sports that require hand-eye coordination, such as tennis or
The treatment of ADHD

Deep Learning

Improve memory & concentration

Absorb, retain, and recall information
Expand awareness and increase creativity
Do you ever wonder why as children we learn more in our first few years of life? The
answer lies in the mysterious and elusive Theta brain wave state. Up until the age of six, children
are predominantly in Theta. This frequency allows the brain to absorb and retain massive
amounts of information that gets stored in long-term memory. You can restore this magical ability
through daily Theta brain wave training.
When you need to study and assimilate new information, slip on your headphones, relax and
listen to Deep Learning. Within minutes, memory receptors are gently stimulated as precisionengineered frequencies shift your brain into perfect balance. In this state of heightened
receptivity, the clarity and speed with which you can concentrate, study, and integrate and store
information is profoundly improved. Theta brain waves are associated with long-term-potentiation.
Use Deep Learning For:
Super learning
Receiving inner direction and insights
Behavior modification
Improving memory

Instructions for Listening:

Listen to this program daily for either thirty or sixty minutes a day to train your brain to develop
more Theta activity. Regular use will enhance overall mental performance.
Here are three ways to use Deep Learning. Experiment to explore which way works best for you
and your needs:
1. Thirty minutes before studying, lie down, close your eyes and listen to Deep Learning. This will
prepare your brain for absorbing new information.
2. Or, listen to Deep Learning while you study.
3. Listen to Deep Learning to relax, unwind or meditate.
After regular use youll notice a dramatic increase in your ability to retain and retrieve information.

Super Learning

Improve memory
Increase concentration
Learn quicker and retain more
When you need to study, cram, or sharpen your concentration for peak mental
performance, Super Learning is the sound solution. Precision-engineered frequencies are
harmonically layered in soothing music. They guide your brain activity into a hyper-receptive
state, where trigger phrases and key words are received by the subconscious. As both
hemispheres of the brain move into perfect balance, frustrating mental blocks dissolve. You enter
a flow state of relaxed awareness where new information is easily absorbed and stored in longterm memory.

This Brain Wave Subliminal activates the unlimited power of your learning abilities. Theta
frequencies induce states of hyper-receptivity to subliminal messages. Here, a new set of selfempowering beliefs are firmly imprinted in the unconscious. You'll notice a remarkable change in
attitude that dramatically improves your ability to learn, recall, and access new ideas.

This recording contains the following subliminal messages:

Learning is easy, I am very smart

I remember effortlessly
My mental potential is unlimited
I can integrate massive amounts of information
I am brilliant, I enjoy learning
I am learning all the time
I absorb information effortlessly
I am confident of my abilities
I feel intelligent, I am intelligent
My mind works perfectly
I get all the help I need
I concentrate easily, I stay focused
I have an excellent memory
I am clear and lucid
My mind is organized
I am expanding my horizons with new knowledge
I am relaxed, alert, and aware
I am focused, centered, and clear
I activate my mental potential
My life is enriched with knowledge
This Brain Wave Subliminal has two tracks; both contain the exact same subliminal messages.
You can listen two ways.
Listen to both tracks anywhere or anytime over your stereo system. While you wont consciously
hear the subliminal messages, they will be received and absorbed by your subconscious.
For deeper subconscious programming, and to receive the full benefits of Brain Wave Therapy,
listen to track 2 (the one without the piano overlay) with headphones at a time and place when
you will not be disturbed. Allow yourself to simply drift and relax. You might even fall asleep and
take a refreshing nap. Whether you fall asleep while listening or not, theta brain wave frequencies
will induce heightened receptivity to the messages. Theta brain waves have been identified as
essential to learning and storing information in long-term memory. Theta is the ideal state for
subconscious reprogramming.

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