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FILE #103001 FILE #103004
This was the FIRST EVER investigation we This investigation is at a Private Residence,
did....wow were we "GREEN", but we had in conjunction with our annual Halloween
to start somewhere. The investigation is at Radio Broadcast on 99.5 Yes FM. Wow,
a Private Residence, in conjunction with our what a gorgeous, historical home. This is
first ever Halloween Radio Broadcast on 99.5 the largest Private Residence we have inves-
Yes FM, which would become an annual tigated to date.

FILE #103005 FILE #103006

This investigation is at a Private Resi- Our annual Halloween Broadcast
dence, in conjunction with our annual with Today's Hit's 99.5 Yes FM. As
Halloween Radio Broadcast on 99.5 Yes always, this night was allot of fun
FM. going live on the radio. It was a
night of a handful of personal expe-
FILE #050507 riences, we would love to get back
for a follow up investigation!
This investigation was three years in the
making. It was put on our "wish list"
back in 2004, and finally in 2007 we
had the honor of investigating Whitefish
Point Lighthouse. This was a night we
will never forget, and can not wait to get

FILE #103003 FILE #100605

This investigation is at a Private Resi- This investigation is at a Public
dence, in conjunction with our annual Hal- Business located in St. Ignace.
loween Radio Broadcast on 99.5 Yes FM. The owner contacted us after
several of his employees were
complaining about strange
events happening in the shop.
FILE #070706
This investigation is at a Private Residence in
Hessel Michigan. This was one we were re-
ally hoping to be able to provide sometime of
answers to the home owner since they have
been experiencing supernatural events for over
7 years, keeping the owner from ever getting a
goodnight sleep. But as often happens in this
field of work, we can't always find the answers
we want in the time that we are there. We will
stay in touch and see if we can't provide more
assistance in the future. FILE #103007
FILE #112106 Our annual Halloween Broadcast with Today's
We were in the middle of wrapping Hit's 99.5 Yes FM. This was a night that was
up our Halloween Broadcast Post- very active and we experienced a "first" for our
Investigation when we were con- group. Two of our members were physically
tacted by this family. A family that touched during this investigation. We have al-
seemed to be tormented by multiple ready set up a return investigation for February of
Hauntings, in what could be one of '08!
the oldest houses in the area. We
put everything on hold and jumped
into action right away to try and FILE #052204
help this family. Unfortunately the
This Investigation is at a Private Residence.
night did not prove to be as active
The Owner contacted us after he had lived
as we were hoping, but a couple of
in the house a few years. This was a great
events have us wanting to go back
historical house, located in one of the oldest
for a follow up.
section of town.
FILE #101505
This investigation was like Christ- FILE #081006
mas Morning for us. Seul Choix
Point Light House is a beautiful, Seul Choix The Return! We couldn't wait to get
historical Light House located on back to this beautiful, historical lighthouse. We
the shores of Lake Michigan. It is were also hoping Captain Joseph Willie Townsh-
one of the most documented Light end was waiting for us too. The first trip was filled
Houses for Paranormal activity. with a handful of personal experience we couldn't
We had a great time during this explain, and the return trip was no different!
FILE #103001
Date: 10/30/01 – 10/31/01
Time: 22:00 – 04:00
Location: Private Residence – Adams St, Soo, MI
Team Members: Tim Ellis, Steve LaPlaunt, Brad Blair, Mike Ellis, Craig Clancy
Subject: Investigation of Paranormal Activity Secondary to Family

Reports of Strange Occurrences


Ø This house was built by one of the richest men of the city back when Sault Ste. Marie was being devel-
oped. The street the house is on is named after this man.....”Adams”.

Ø The current family, shortly after moving in, took a picture of the house and sent it to the in-laws so they
could see their new home. The in-laws called after receiving the picture and wanted to know who the little
boy was in upstairs window. The house was empty at the time the photo was taken. This was the start of
many strange events.

o The wife seems to be the most sensitive to the events. They believe there is a woman and a child who
are in the house. The woman has been seen in the kitchen of the house, which was once the “servants” quar-
ters of the house.

o The family often open their home for hockey players who move to the area to play, and need a home
away from home. From interviewing one of the kids, we found out he had experienced many events in his
room. The TV constantly coming on and off. A closet door opening on it’s own, and voices in his room dur-
ing the night.

Ø 2 digital still cameras
Ø 2 video camera with audio
Ø 2 audio recorders with parabolic microphone
Ø 1 hand held laser thermometer

Personal Findings:
Ø None
Objective Findings:
Ø None

No evidence of paranormal activity was found. This was the first investigation we ever did. Since this
investigation, our equipment has improved drastically, and our experience has built drastically as well. We
hope to get back to this home to do a more thorough investigation.
FILE #103004
Date: 10/30/04
Time: 20:00 - 24:00
Location: Private Residence – Spruce St., Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Team Members: Tim Ellis, Steve LaPlaunt, Brad Blair, Jason Fegan, Lance Brown
Subject: Investigation of Paranormal Activity Secondary to Occupants Reports of Strange Occurrences


Ø In 1899 the LaLonde family started the building of the “Colonial”. The location of the building was ap-
proximately the center of what is now St. James Street.
While it was still under construction in a roughed in condition, John Moffley and Charles Chipley purchased it.
They finished it in approximately the same year and named it “the Colonial”.

In 1905 the two entrepreneurs moved the huge house to its present location, created St. James Street and built
three “cottages” on the street that still exist today. Mr. Chipley owned and operated the Chipley Insurance
Agency and Mr. Moffley the American-Canadian Real Estate Agency in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.

Mr. Moffley died in 1918 leaving his wife, son, and Mr. Chipley in the house.

Mr. John Kenn, retired Sault Schools Librarian, has provided some research that indicates Mrs. Moffley moved
on and left Mr. Chipley at the Colonial. He suggests that it was turned into an apartment house during the war
when there was a shortage of housing in Sault Ste. Marie.

Since that time countless people have lived at The Colonial. Mr. Chipley owned and lived in the home until his
death in the 1950’s leaving it to Mr. Charles Moffley, the son of John Moffley. It has since changed hands six
times. It remained a rental until the spring of 2000 when it was converted, by the current owners, back into a
single-family residence keeping one small apartment in the back for our aging parents.

Ø Psychic Phenomenon / Ghostly apparitions in the house

· Event happened in 2002: Son #3 was in his bedroom on the Second Floor. Son #2 was in his bedroom on
the Third Floor. Between Midnight and 1am they both heard a constant thumping on the stairs. The thumping
lasted for 15 to 20 minutes. Shortly after the thumping stopped the son on the second floor checked the stairs
and when he saw no one was there, he quickly ran up the stairs to the third floor, into his brother’s room and
spent the night with his brother.

· Event happened in 2002: Son #2 was in the computer room located on the main floor. It was around 1am
and he was home alone. He started to hear a constant tapping on the wall, coming from the adjacent room, the
Billiards Room. The tapping lasted for almost 20 minutes before he talked himself into looking into the Bil-
liards Room. As soon as he got up and looked in, the tapping stopped. As soon as he went back to the comput-
er, the tapping started again. At this point he went to his bedroom and shut the door for the night.

o This event happened during the summer and during renovation of he room, so the radiator was torn up and
heat was shut off. This takes away the possibility of the radiator causing the tapping.

· Event happened in 2003: Son #2, as in the previous occurrence, was getting ready for bed and heard (as
he explained it) a “sinister laugh” coming from inside his wall. He quickly jumped into bed and covered his
head with his blankets until he fell asleep.

o There is a walk through area behind his bedroom wall that allows you to walk around to the other side of
FILE #103004 Cont.
the room. His bedroom wall is NOT the outside wall.

· A couple of times, while son #2 was walking through the main hallway he hit an extremely cold spot that
stopped him from walking. The area is by the dinning room, and each time this happened the formal doors to
the dinning room were closed.

· The oldest son (Son #1), no longer lives at home. But when he did he constantly heard voices, but never
could make out what they were saying. Also, while living in the house, he would hear doors open and close for
no reason, when he knew he was home alone.

· Before the current owners moved in, they owned the house for two years prior. During these two years,
the house was broken into apartments. One renter was sitting in her apartment one night. Her back was to the
hallway, and the door to the hallway was open. She was working on her computer, and through the reflection
of her computer screen she could see the open door and hallway behind her. It was then she noticed an old man
slowly walk by her door. She quickly got up and ran to the hallway, but no one was there. There was no one
else in that area since it was part of her apartment. She quickly called a friend over to stay with her, and report-
ed the incident to the owners the next morning. Her apartment is now where the Master Bedroom is.

· There is also an “urban legend” of a past owner hanging them selves from the rafters of the tower, which
is located in the third floor bedroom. However there is no evidence or records to back this story.


Ø 1 digital still camera

Ø 3 digital video cameras - 5.5 hours of video

Ø 1 audio recorder with parabolic microphone

Ø 8 Thermocouple System

Ø 1 hand held laser thermometer

Ø 1 EMF Detector

Personal Findings: None

Objective Findings:

Ø Digital Video

- Bright fast moving orb seen on Master Bedroom TV. Refer to the ‘Comments’ section for further details.

Ø 8 Thermocouple System
- consistent readings throughout investigation with no significant temperature fluctuations, except for thermo-
couple #8 located in 4th floor closet which increased from a steady state 64F to 82F in 1 minute and then re-
turned to ~64F in 2 minutes. Refer to the ‘Comments’ section for further details.
FILE #103004 Cont.

Ø A temperature change from 64F (steady state) to 82F (within 1 minute) was recorded in the 4th floor closet
at approximately 11:30pm. The temperature returned to 64F within 1.5 minutes. Refer to graph #1004-001.
This event coincided with the attempted EVP contact within the 4th floor closet. We verified that entry into the
closet to obtain the EVP reading did not produced the elevated temperature. This was done by simulating the
EVP recording and monitoring the temperature at the same time. There was no temperature increase.

Ø Video that was focused on the Master Bedroom showed a bright “orb”. It appears at the bottom of the
television screen and moves to toward the top of he screen, and then disappears. There is no other physical
evidence to back this.


In conjunction with the interviews of the occupants and data collected the night of the investigation; it is our
opinion that a follow up investigation could be warranted. After reviewing all the data collected the night of
10/30/04, U.P.P.R.S. feels there were some events that could not be explained as “normal”, and therefore a fol-
low up investigation could help us to gather more information in these areas.
FILE #103005
Date: 10/30/05
Time: 21:00 - 24:00
Location: Private Residence – Parnell St., Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Team Members: Tim Ellis, Steve LaPlaunt, Brad Blair, Jason Fegan, Lance Brown, Lee Kerry

Subject: Investigation of Paranormal Activity Secondary to Occupants Report of Strange Occurrences

Ø The family has lived in the house for about 4 years and started to notice possible paranormal activity 3
years ago. The house was built in 1935 and an addition was built in 1986. All experiences / events have hap-
pened in the old part of the house.

Ø Mother’s Experience:
· Mother had witnessed a black object moving next to her bed.

Ø Daughter’s Experiences:
· Daughter has seen an older lady many times. She describes her as looking wrinkly and with long hair tied
up in a bun under a bonnet. She also describes her as wearing a pink and white dress with flowers and some-
times has an apron on. The apron has a symbol in the upper left hand corner. She has also seen her with a cat.

Ø Father’s Experiences:
Between states of sleep he could feel someone putting a pen in his hand and it then drops out. This hap-
pens over and over. The dog is barking at this time and it wakes him up. He then opens his eyes and sees an
angry lady choking him. He gasps for air and notices his neck is red and has a burning sensation. He describes
the lady as wearing a floral dress with her hair up in a bun. Her hair was either brown or darker in color.

Ø Father’s uncle (clairvoyant) told him there was a lady in the house, prior to entering the house during a
visit and without prior knowledge of the family experiences.

Ø Father’s sister had heard footsteps in the house during a visit, when nobody else was in the area where the
footsteps were heard.

Ø 1 digital still camera
Ø 4 digital video cameras - 9.5 hours of video
Ø 1 digital audio recorder
Ø 8 thermocouple system
Ø 2 hand held laser thermometers
Ø 2 EMF detectors

Ø Personal Findings - None
Ø Objective Findings - None


After reviewing all the data collected the night of 10/30/05, U.P.P.R.S. can not prove or disprove the family’s
claims of paranormal activity.
FILE #103006
Date: 10/30/2006
Time: 21:00 – 24:00
Location: Place of Business (Portage St.) - Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Team Members: Tim Ellis, Steve LaPlaunt, Brad Blair, Lee Shirey, Matt Barr, Jason Fegan, Lance Brown

Subject: Investigation of Paranormal Activity Secondary to Occupants Reports of Strange Occurrences

Ø Personal Findings
· On multiple occasions footsteps were heard upstairs when nobody was on the 2nd floor. Also, while
investigators were upstairs, footsteps were heard coming from other areas of the 2nd floor. Attempts were made
to duplicate these sounds with natural causes, and we were unable to recreate the sounds.

Ø Objective Findings:
· Large orb (see photo #1006-1 below) caught on camera when Kim was pointing out a male presence in the
upstairs SW corner room. Although we don’t put to much credibility into “orbs”, certain orbs to catch our atten-
tion if they fit a certain description. The orb in photo #1006 fits our standards for orbs of interest.

Equipment Used During Investigation:

Ø 3 - digital still cameras

Ø 4 - digital video camera

- 9 hours of video
Ø 2- 12 LED infrared camera
- 4 hours of video
Ø 1 - digital audio recorder
- 1 hour of audio
Ø 2 - hand held laser thermometer
Ø 2 - EMF detector


In conjunction with the interviews of the occupants and data collected the night of the investigation, U.P.P.R.S.
feels there were some events that could not be explained as “normal”. When something cannot be explained as
“normal”, it can be categorized as “Paranormal”. A follow up investigation could help us to gather more infor-
mation in these areas.
FILE #050507
Date: 5/5 – 5/6/2007
Time: 19:00 – 04:00
Location: Whitefish Point Lighthouse – Whitefish Point, MI
Team Members: Tim Ellis, Lance Brown, Steve Laplaunt, Brad Blair, Jason Fegan, Matt Barr, Ryan McLeod,
Michelle Carrick
Guest Members: Don Hermanson and Frederick Stonehouse

Subject: Investigation of Paranormal Activity Secondary to Occupants Reports of Strange Occurrences

The group arrived around 7pm and we began with a brief walk-around and then started to set up the equipment.
Don met us at 7pm when we arrived and Fred arrived later around 10-10:30. We started acquiring data around
9:30. As soon as Don arrived, we began with a Q & A session for a while and then started the individual team
investigations. Tim set up teams of two and Don and Fred joined different teams in different locations through-
out the night. Teams went out in 40-50min shifts and would report back to the conference room after they had
completed their investigation.

Ø Personal Findings
Gift Shop
· Flushing toilet heard by Steve and Tim in 1st story Men’s Restroom of the gift shop while they were walk-
ing away outside the bathroom.
· 11 – 11:30pm: Tim heard what sounded like breathing behind him while he was sitting on bench furthest
from main entrance.
· 11 – 11:30pm: Matt heard what sounded like a female voice coming from the same area where Tim heard
the breathing.
· 1:40am: Jason heard what sounded like pant legs (wind pants) rubbing together or someone walking
through tall grass.
Ø Objective Findings
Gift Shop
· EMF readings near the wood boat that spiked for a few minutes and then dropped a few minutes later.
· Walking and cracking noises in heard upstairs.
· 12:15 – 1:00am: EVP of women’s voice from Don’s video camera.
· EVP saying the word help being repeated heard after Tim asking “can we help you”.
· EVP of female voice followed by a male voice (not audible)
Lighthouse Keeper’s Quarters
· Multiple EVP’s from DAR and Lance’s video camera of snapping, cracking, bangs, etc. (could be wood
settling or possibly mechanical issues with video camera).
· 1:45am: Lance saw an EMF spike to 2mg (happened twice) near the child mannequin. At the same time
this happened, Ryan saw a 4º drop in temperature and a shadow moving out of the corner of his eye – same area
of house.

Equipment Used During Investigation:

Ø 4 - digital still cameras
Ø 6 - digital video camera- 28 hours of video
Ø 2- 12 LED infrared camera - 12 hours of video
Ø 3 - digital audio recorder- 2 with bullet cams and 1 for walkaround
Ø 3 - hand held laser thermometer
FILE #050507 Cont.
Ø 3 - EMF detector
Ø 4 – hand held ambient
Ø 6 – locations for thermo couple system

In conjunction with the interviews of the occupants and data collected the night of the investigation, U.P.P.R.S.
feels there were some events that could not be explained as “normal”. When something cannot be explained as
“normal”, it can be categorized as “Paranormal”. A follow up investigation could help us to gather more infor-
mation in these areas.
FILE #103003
Date: 10/30/03 – 10/31/03
Time: 22:00 – 02:00
Location: Private Residence – 6 Mile Rd., Brimley, MI
Team Members: Tim Ellis, Steve LaPlaunt, Brad Blair, Lance Brown

Subject: Investigation of Paranormal Activity Secondary to Family Reports of Strange Occurrences


Ø It is known and documented from speaking with neighbors; the previous owners were an older couple
who both passed away in the house. The husband was fond of smoking a pipe. The wife was fond of roses. So
much that she grew rose bushes in the yard and often wore rose scented perfume.

Ø The current family, who have been living in the house for a decade, often report smelling strong odors
roses and/or a pipe being smoked. Neither the current husband or wife smoke or have rose scented perfume in
the house.

o One morning the husband woke up early and went outside to the shed. The wife woke up feeling her hus-
band get back into bed with her, and feel a hand touch her shoulder. Thinking her husband was back in bed, she
closed her eyes and shortly after heard the back door open and close. Once she realized it was her husband who
just came in the house, she quickly turned around to see no one in bed with her.

o Late one night, the wife and kids were in bed, and the husband had fallen asleep in the front room. He
woke up to what he thought was one of his children standing in the entry from the hallway to the front room.
He asked his “son” why he was still up. The figure slowly disappeared in front of him.

o Early in the morning, the husband was running late for work. He ran outside to get in the car and realized
he hadn’t grabbed the keys to the car. He went back in the house and grabbed the keys and went to open the
door to go back outside. He couldn’t open the door. The door was not locked, but as much as he pulled on it, it
would not open. He then yelled at the “ghost” to stop fooling around, he had to get to work. At that moment,
he tried the door, and it opened right up.

o The family often hears footsteps down the hallway toward the bedrooms. Pictures are often moved on the

Ø 2 digital still cameras
Ø 1 digital video camera with audio * 2.5 hours of video
Ø 1 audio recorder with parabolic microphone
Ø 6 thermocouples with switch box
Ø 1 hand held laser thermometer
Personal Findings:
Ø None
Objective Findings:
Ø None
No credible evidence of paranormal activity was found. Even though it was stated and known before that we
needed a “controlled atmosphere”, friends and family still came over during the investigation. Contaminating
most of the audio and video from the night!
FILE #100605
Date: 10/6/05
Time: 20:00 – 23:00
Location: Indian Village Gift Shop – St. Ignace, MI
Team Members: Tim Ellis, Brad Blair, Lee Kerry

Subject: Investigation of Paranormal Activity Secondary to Store Owner and workers Reports of Strange Oc

Ø A seasonal tourist gift shop designed in Native American Motif. A back room is a small museum in honor
of the Native Americans who first inhabited the area, filled with relics and historical items from that
time. The current owner has owned the shop for three years. During this time he has heard stories and events
from his co-workers of strange happenings in the store.
· Workers talk about hearing footsteps coming from the above walk way where the public is not allowed.
You can see the entire walk way from the main floor and workers say there is never anyone up there when the
footsteps are heard.
· One worker was alone in the store room getting stock one night when she says she heard someone
breathe on her neck directly behind her. When she turned around....No one was there
· A certain picture of Native Americans, which is located by the entrance to the museum, is often
crooked on the wall when the workers come in during the morning, knowing they had it straight when they left
the night before.
· A shadowy figure is seen at the other end of the store walking between isles.
· Workers will not walk into certain parts of the store by themselves, so the owner called us in to try and
find some answers.

Equipment Used During Investigation:

Ø 1 - 35mm camera
Ø 1- 12 LED infrared camera - 3 hours of video
Ø 1 – digital audio recorder
Ø 1 - hand held laser thermometer
Ø 1 EMF detectors
Ø 1 – motion detector
Personal Findings:
Ø The Motion Detector was located in the back store room where one worker felt a breath down her neck.
Periodically the sensor would go off with a quick "chirp". The possibility of low batteries is ruled out since we
were running it off of a plug in.

Objective Findings:



This was an investigation that was done with a limited team, and limited equipment, so the UPPRS has set up
a return investigation for the Spring of '06. Strange events have continued to happen to the workers since we
were there.
FILE #070706
Date: 7/7/06
Time: 2100 – 2400hrs (Video was recording through the night)
Location: Private Residence – Hessel, MI
Team Members: Tim Ellis, Brad Blair, Jason Fegan, Lance Brown, Matt Barr

Subject: Investigation of Paranormal Activity Secondary to Occupants Reports of Strange Occurrences

Ø The owner has noted many occurrences of the bed sheets being pulled, and end of bed being pushed on,
while they are sleeping or attempting to fall asleep. This is an occurrence that has been bothering the owner
for several years. Often the owner feels a presence in the room and has on occasion sensed that something has
touched her.
Ø A friend of the owner and the owner both heard a cough come from the living room area while they were
sitting in the entry way (secondary living room). Friend was quite concerned. Both thought it sounded like it
came from within the house.

Ø Personal Findings - None
Ø Objective Findings
- Overnight video taken in bedroom while owner slept showed many instances of the owner having a very
restless sleep.
- High EMF reading was seen in middle of living room one time during the investigation and then again
the next morning when equipment was being packed up.
- There is one point in the night the owner experienced a voice/whisper go right past their ear and raises their
head from the pillow to see what it was. We have it on video of the owner raising their head and looking, but
nothing is noticeable on Digital Video, or Digital Audio of the noise.

Ø 2 digital still camera
Ø 2 digital video cameras (w/audio)- 2 hours of video
Ø 2 digital bullet cameras (no audio)- 12 hours of video
Ø 2 digital audio recorder- 8 hours of audio
Ø 2 hand held laser thermometers
Ø 1 EMF detector


After reviewing all the data collected the night of 7/7/06, U.P.P.R.S. can not prove or disprove the owner’s
claims of a presence in the house, specifically in the master bedroom. Our objective findings from just one
night of video only show a trend of restless sleep throughout the night.
FILE #112106
Date: 11/21/2006
Time: 20:30 – 23:30
Location: (Private Residence) Cedar St. - Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Team Members: Tim Ellis, Brad Blair, Jason Fegan, Lance Brown
Subject: Investigation of Paranormal Activity Secondary to Occupants Reports of Strange Occurrences

Ø Personal Findings
· Brad and Tim were in the Toy Room asking for a sign and heard a noise / footsteps coming from down the
· When all members were downstairs on the first floor Tim thought he heard the same noise / footsteps up-

Ø Objective Findings:
· Audio (sounded like tapping on digital video camera) heard on Kid’s Room video camera
· Possible EVP, but un-recognizable, when upstairs and the question was asked….”does it upset you when
the children leave?” After many attempts to clean up the recording and enhance the “EVP”, no clear word can
be made out.
· Many voices and dog barking can be heard throughout the house from the neighborhood. Very easy to
hear voices from neighbors through the house. Many attempts at EVP’s were unable to be used because of this
outside interference.

Equipment Used During Investigation:

Ø 3 - digital still cameras
Ø 3 - digital video camera- ~5 hours of video
Ø 2- 12 LED infrared camera - 4 hours of video
Ø 2 - digital audio recorder
Ø 2 - hand held laser thermometer
Ø 2 - EMF detector
Ø 1 – motion detector


In conjunction with the interviews of the occupants and data collected the night of the investigation, U.P.P.R.S.
feels there were some events that could not be explained as “normal”. When something cannot be explained as
“normal”, it can be categorized as “Paranormal”. A follow up investigation could help us to gather more infor-
mation in these areas.
FILE #103007
Date: 10/30 – 10/31/07
Time: 20:00 – 01:00
Location: Antler’s Restaurant – Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Team Members: Tim Ellis, Lance Brown, Steve Laplaunt, Brad Blair, Jason Fegan, Matt Barr, Ryan McLeod,
Michelle Carrick
Guest Members: Don Hermanson

Subject: Investigation of Paranormal Activity Secondary to Occupants Reports of Strange Occurrences

The group arrived around 8pm and we began with a brief walk-around and then started to set up the equipment.
Don met us when we arrived. We started acquiring data around 9:30. Tim broadcasted for 99.5 during the
investigation. Teams of two investigated throughout the night. The owners also tagged along for some of the
walk arounds, as did Don.

Ø Personal Findings
· 9:55pm – Brad, Michelle, and Ryan heard possible shuffling across carpet flooring in basement.
· 9:55pm – Brad, Michelle, and Ryan recorded centralized, but moving in basement that were different than
the readings that were recorded in other areas of the basement.
· 11:40pm – Ryan felt a very cold spot on his elbow while fixing Brad’s camera with Lance in corner of
basement gift shop.
· 11:45pm – While doing EVP’s in the basement with Michelle, Erin, and Don, Matt felt a cold rush on his
back and legs

Upper Kitchen
· 10:52pm: Steve and Ryan were touched on upper back shoulder and arm while standing next to each
other next to the meat cutting table and right after Lance asked for a sign while taking EVP’s.

Ø Objective Findings
· Loud tap on Matt’s upstairs camera – sounded very near to or on the camera itself.
Equipment Used During Investigation:
Ø 4 - digital still cameras (multiple locations)
Ø 4 - digital video camera (Upper Kitchen, Lower Kitchen, Outside Basement Cooler, Attic)
- 12 hours of video
Ø 1 - 12 LED infrared bullet camera – no audio (Basement Coffin Room) - 3 hours of video
Ø 3 - digital audio recorder (1 with above bullet cam and 2 used in multiple locations
Ø 2 - hand held laser thermometer (multiple locations)
Ø 2 - hand held ambient (multiple locations)
Ø 3 - EMF detector (multiple locations)
Ø 4 - locations for thermo couple system (Outside Basement Cooler, Basement Gift Shop, Upper Kitchen,
Lower Kitchen)
Ø Motion Detector (Attic)

In conjunction with the interviews of the occupants and data collected the night of the investigation, UPPRS
feels there is adequate paranormal activity throughout the building and therefore a follow-up investigation will
be set up in the near future with a full team and a psychic medium.
FILE #052204
Date: 5/22/04
Time: 20:00-24:00
Location: Private Residence – Carrie St., Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Team Members: Tim Ellis, Steve LaPlaunt, Brad Blair, Jason Fegan, Lance Brown

Subject: Investigation of Paranormal Activity Secondary to Occupants Reports of Strange Occurrences

Ø The house was built in 1910 w/ addition built in 1930’s.
Ø History of the area
Very old neighborhood, located across from the original High School. The houses on the same block are built
of the same style and era. Owner does not know of any prior deaths in the home.

Ø Psychic Phenomenon / Ghostly apparitions in the house

· First event happened in July of 2003. Both occupants were sleeping upstairs in the master bedroom. The
male, as often happens, was awake due to back pain. He had been awake for about a half an hour (important
to note this, he did not just wake up when the event happened). He then noticed a misty, but still transparent,
object four to five feet in height floating in front of him. The object appeared at the left side of the room, and
slowly moved to the right side of the room through the wall. The entire event lasted five to ten seconds and the
female was not awake during the event. This same event has happened two more times since last July. There
are two more important things to note:

- He was under the covers during this event, so no drop in temperature was noticed.

- After examination of the upstairs bedroom there are two windows, each on an adjoining wall. Neither
window is in direct line to a road that would allow headlights to come through the room

· A short time after they moved in they got two dogs. Since the dogs have been in the house they will bark
at an un-seen object. This will happen once every week to ten days. It is a very mean bark as if someone is in
the house, and they are often staring at the stairs leading to the second floor. These have occurred any time of
the day, with no specific pattern. Even though these events have occurred with the dogs, there are no specific
rooms in the house that the dogs won’t go in.

· A number of times the occupants have left the house for a period of time, upon returning they found their
dining room chairs to be pulled out and in different spots then when they left. After asking the male, he assured
us these were times when they knew the chairs were pushed in to the table before they left.

· Other than the dining rooms chairs, all other occurrences seem to focus around the stairs leading to the
second floor and the master bedroom located on the second floor. Since they have moved in, the male has said
there are times when he is home alone that he will feel weird, like someone is watching him, or he is not alone.
However, he has never felt threatened or scared to be in the house.

Equipment Used During Investigation:

Ø 1 digital still camera
Ø 2 digital video cameras- 6 hours of video
Ø 1 audio recorder with parabolic microphone
Ø 8 thermocouples with 8 channel thermocouple switch box
Ø 1 hand held laser thermometer
Ø 1 EMF Detector
FILE #052204 Cont.
Ø Personal Findings

No personal / subjective findings noted by any of the team members during the investigation
Ø Objective Findings

The audio recorder picked up one EVP of a slow male sounding voice from a

Master Bedroom recording. Not able to determine what is said - inconclusive.


After reviewing all the data collected the night of 5/22/04 and during the follow-up investigation, U.P.P.R.S.
feels the data collected is inconclusive.
FILE #101505
Date: 10/15/05
Time: 17:00 – 24:00
Location: Seul Choix Point Lighthouse – Gulliver, MI
Team Members: Tim Ellis, Steve LaPlaunt, Brad Blair, Jason Fegan, Lance Brown, Lee Kerry

Subject: Investigation of Paranormal Activity Secondary to Occupants Reports of Strange Occurrences


Visitors and workers at the lighthouse complex have reported strange happenings, including moved silverware
and other items, footsteps, the strong smell of cigars and the sound of someone climbing the lighthouse steps.
Many believe that a lighthouse beeper, Captian Joseph Townshend, is still at work.

Seul Choix Point Light marks a small harbor on Lake Michigan located on the south shore of the Upper Penin-
sula. Some sixty miles west of the Straits, the name means "only choice".

Native Americans and French fur traders traveled in canoes across the rough waters of Lake Michigan. It was
named by the French who found that it was the only harbor of refuge in this part of Lake Michigan. If boats
were headed for the Straits of Mackinac, the only choice for safety was Seul Choix.

During the mid-1800's Seul Choix Point was the center of a thriving fishing community, but today, only the
lighthouse complex is still active. The light still operates, but with an automated replacement for its original
lens. The light was placed into service in 1892, but the tower had to be rebuilt and the station was not entirely
completed until September, 1895.

Equipment Used During Investigation:

Ø 2 - digital still cameras
Ø 1 - 35mm camera
Ø 6 - digital video camera- 14 hours of video
Ø 1- 12 LED infrared camera - 3 hours of video
Ø 1 – digital audio recorder
Ø 8 thermocouple system with laptop
Ø 2 - hand held laser thermometer
Ø 2 EMF detectors
Ø 1 – motion detector
Ø Personal Findings
· Outside door slammed shut. No significant wind at that time, although another outside door opposite this
one in the dame hallway was open.
· Cabinet door opened as we entered kitchen area where were setting up equipment. Tried to repeat this by
leaving the door partially latched and then jumping up and down on the floor, but door did not open.
· A friend of the lighthouse manager, who also claims to be a medium, thought he felt someone touch the
back of his neck while we were viewing the possible fogging of the mirror in the spare bedroom.
Ø Objective Findings:
· Possible fogging of the spare bedroom mirror, which was first noticed by the lighthouse manager during
our walk through. After looking closer at the mirror, it appears the mirror had a haze on it and it remained on
the mirror throughout the night with no noticeable change. No noticeable or distinguishable shapes in the haze.
· During the time when the friend of the lighthouse manager thought he felt someone touch the back of his
neck, the laser thermometer showed an approximate 5°F drop in temperature in the back of his neck area as this
was happening.
FILE #101505 Cont.

· At the same time we were in the spare bedroom looking into the fogging of the mirror, Lee’s video camera
battery went from 50% to 0%.
· There was a light that illuminated both upstairs bedrooms at the same time. The source of the light is un-
known. It was proven that nobody was upstairs at this time and that a camera flash taken downstairs would not
have produced this intense of a light. The light was also noticeable different from a camera flash, as seen during
other occurrences on multiple videos from that night.
· Streak of light goes from floor area to Tim’s digital voice recorder while attempting to acquire EVP’s in
the Captain’s Bedroom.
· Streak of light, same characteristics as the one previously mentioned, was seen on the same video camera
moving in front of the dresser/mirror. This camera did have slow shutter speed running. Other dust orbs were
seen on this video and did not have the same appearance as the streaks. The only other explanation may be fast
moving bug.
· Large transparent (perfect circle) orb moves across and then towards infrared camera placed in the front of
the small round kitchen table.


In conjunction with the interviews of the occupants and data collected the night of the investigation, U.P.P.R.S.
feels there were some events that could not be explained as “normal” and a follow up investigation could help
us to gather more information in these areas.
FILE #081006
Date: 8/10 – 8/11/06
Time: 22:00 – 02:00
Location: Seul Choix Point Lighthouse – Gulliver, MI
Team Members: Tim Ellis, Steve LaPlaunt, Brad Blair, Lee Shirey, Matt Barr
Subject: Investigation of Paranormal Activity Secondary to Occupants Reports of Strange Occurrences


Visitors and workers at the lighthouse complex have reported strange happenings, including moved silverware
and other items, footsteps, the strong smell of cigars and the sound of someone climbing the lighthouse steps.
Many believe that a lighthouse keeper, Captain Joseph Townsend, is still at work.

Seul Choix Point Light marks a small harbor on Lake Michigan located on the south shore of the Upper Penin-
sula, some sixty miles west of the Straits of Mackinac. The name Seul Choix means "only choice".

Native Americans and French fur traders traveled in canoes across the rough waters of Lake Michigan. It was
named by the French who found that it was the only harbor of refuge in this part of Lake Michigan. If boats
were headed for the Straits of Mackinac, the only choice for safety was Seul Choix.

During the mid-1800's Seul Choix Point was the center of a thriving fishing community, but today, only the
lighthouse complex is still active. The light still operates, but with an automated replacement for its original
lens. The light was placed into service in 1892, but the tower had to be rebuilt and the station was not entirely
completed until September, 1895.
Ø Personal Findings
· While standing outside in the parking lot, Tim and Matt saw a shadow move across the window in kitchen.
Immediately after this, Tim notices the curtain move in the adjacent dining room, as if someone had pulled back
the curtain to peek out the window.
· Steve and Tim smelled a perfume like aroma at the bottom of stairs.
· While Tim and Steve were outside, they saw the light post in the yard turn on (1am). They called the
others (inside the house) on the radio and asked if anyone turned on a switch and then explained what just hap-
pened. Brad radioed back that they were upstairs and had just asked for a sign if anyone was there.
· Jan noted diamond shaped orbs in pictures taken at previous dates and times 20 minutes before Brad cap-
tured diamond shaped orbs in pictures taken of Marilyn.
Ø Objective Findings:
· Orbs mentioned above as well as orbs in a picture of Marilyn
· In the video from one of the bullet cams set up in the Dining Room, a “large” orb appears and floats to-
ward the camera, and then changes direction, and out of site of the camera.
Ø The stance the UPPRS takes on “Orbs” is a very skeptical one. We believe that 90% of orbs are of natural
explanation. However, when an orb fits a certain criteria, solid center / nucleus, complete circle, larger than dust
or bug, then we will make note of the orb. The theory that a ball of energy is a form of an entity is a plausible
one, but must be approached with a tough eye, and a healthy portion of skepticism. Groups who believe every
“orb” caught on film and video is indeed a ghost, do more harm than good to the field of Paranormal Investiga-
FILE #081006 Cont.
Equipment Used During Investigation:
Ø 2 - digital still cameras
Ø 2 - digital video camera - 10 hours of video
Ø 2- 12 LED infrared camera- 8 hours of video
Ø 2 – digital audio recorder- 10 hours of audio
Ø 2 - hand held laser thermometer
Ø 2 - EMF detector
Ø 1 – motion detector


In conjunction with the interviews of the occupants and data collected the night of the investigation, U.P.P.R.S.
feels there were some events that could not be explained as “normal”. When something cannot be explained as
“normal”, it can be categorized as “Paranormal”. A follow up investigation could help us to gather more infor-
mation in these areas.
Who are the Upper Peninsula Paranormal Research Society?

We are Researchers of the Paranormal. Our head office is located in Sault

Ste. Marie in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where people are affection-
ately referred to as Yoopers! Although we are located in the Eastern U.P.
of Michigan, our research will take us all the way to the Western U.P., and
into Northern Lower Michigan.

Tim Ellis, Director
Steve LaPlaunt
Brad Blair
Lance Brown
Jason Fegan
Lee Shirrey
Matt Barr

Not Pictured:
Michelle Carick
Ryan McCleod

To Contact the UPPRS with questions or

sightings: help@upprs.org

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