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SAC Allocation Meeting


Call to order: Harrison

Members Present: Shaniqua, Andy, Sofia, Ruiyong, Scott, Natalie, William, Emilio,
Senyo, Daniel

I. Budget Update:
a. Previous Allocation Budget: $48,434
b. Allocated at last meeting: $5,823
c. New Allocation Budget: $42,611
i. 21% of total allocation budget
ii. 38% of post-BAG allocation budget

II. Proposal: SAS 6841000 Ruiyong

a. Event Mendhi Night – 2/25/10. We want to start off the semester with a
cultural night showcasing Mendhi art.
b. Comments/Concerns –
i. Presentation
1. Harrison: You expect the same attendance as in the Fall?
Perhaps slightly less as the Fall event is part of the SAS Week.
ii. Discussion
1. Name: Question
iii. Motion by Ruiyong to SUC
iv. Opposed by Senyo
v. Motion by Sofia to approve
vi. Second by Natalie
1. Income – $0
2. Expense – $180
3. Allocation – $(180)
4. Vote: 7-0-3
5. Motion Passes

III. Proposal: TASA 6853000 Scott

a. Event Sibling Day – 2/27/10. Philip, Gary presenting: This is a sibling-
bonding event for our sibling program. This event will be a Karaoke Night
with simple food.
b. Comments/Concerns –
i. Presentation
1. Andy: Is the budget reflecting the food you plan to cook in the
various apartments? The foods listed are just examples of what
we could use.
2. Shaniqua: What will be the time frame of the event? The first
hour will be the dinner in the respective apartments, and then
come together for the Karaoke in the Alumni Lounge.
ii. Motion by Scott to approve
iii. Second by Andy
1. Income – $0
2. Expense – $212
3. Allocation – $(212)
4. Vote: 7-0-3
5. Motion Passes

IV. Proposal: Club Filipino 6862000 Senyo

a. Event Bayanihan – 3/27/10. Hansky presenting: This is our annual cultural
showcase involving a dinner and a performance.
b. Comments/Concerns –
i. Presentation
1. Ruiyong: How many people attended last year? We had over
200 people last year, and representatives of the Filipino
Embassy attended.
2. Scott: How many are GU students and how many aren’t? We
expect roughly 25 non-students to attend, and the rest are
3. Scott: Do you anticipate the need for security? We haven’t had
the need in the past.
4. Andy: How did you arrive at the $18 ticket price? That was
the fee last year.
5. Harrison: Will there be dancer dues for the participants? Not
that I know of, no.
6. Harrison: Currently, the food costs are at about $29 per
person, and at this level SAC asks groups to cover all of the
costs of food. Have you solicited any outside donations or
other sources of income? We are looking for donations from
different organizations.
ii. Discussion
1. Senyo: I’ve been meeting with them to try to get the budget
down to its necessities at this first presentation. They might
come back for some extra decorations in the future, but this is
just to get the ball rolling.
2. Ruiyong: When we asked about dancer dues he replied that he
didn’t know. It’s concerning that there are so many people
eating free.
3. Senyo: The food quote is for 300 people, so feeding the
dancers for free doesn’t add on any food costs, but detracts
some amount of food from the 300 paying participants.
4. Sofia: Is there another venue they can try? Not to
accommodate that size of event, no.
iii. Motion by William with new income
iv. Second by Andy
1. Income – $6,500
2. Expense – $9,358
3. Allocation – $(2,858)
4. Vote: 8-0-2
5. Motion Passes

V. Proposal: GUSIF 6869000 Natalie

a. Event GU Stockpitch Competition – 3/27/10. Ryan, Kevin presenting: this is
similar to the MII event we plan to attend, but on a smaller scale.
b. Comments/Concerns –
i. Presentation
1. William: Have you talked to Credit Suisse recently? They
have given a verbal agreement, but haven’t given a number yet.
2. Scott: What are the gifts for the judges? We’re not sure, but
there are 11 judges.
3. Andy: Who are going to be judges? We will have some
professors, and alumni in the Finance sector.
4. Bill: Have you looked into the logistics for giving a cash prize?
No, we haven’t yet, but I now realize that’s an obstacle, so
we’ll look into that.
5. Harrison: You can’t use paypal for online payments, but you
can either use Vendini or accept checks in person or by mail.
6. Ryan: We’d like to have this website for use for future events
as well, not just for this event.
ii. Discussion
1. Andy: I’m concerned with the $90 a month hosting fee.
2. Natalie: We may consider allocating the event now and
holding off on approving the website fees.
iii. Motion by William to approve with reduced website expense
iv. Second by Scott
1. Income – $1,170
2. Expense – $1,220
3. Allocation – $(50)
4. Vote: 7-0-4
5. Motion Passes
c. Event UMich Investment Conference and Competition – 3/18/10. This is a
very prestigious competition of the top notch schools for a stock pitch
d. Comments/Concerns –
i. Presentation
1. Andy: Even though there’s not a fee per person reflected in the
budget, there is a registration fee? It is a flat fee of $50 for the
2. Natalie: Have you gotten a quote from the Dean’s office yet?
We have our meeting with the Dean and our Advisor tomorrow
to clear up some concerns.
3. William: What are the deadlines for registration? The first one
is Sunday, when the hotel offer expires.
4. Bill: Normally, groups do four students to a room to save costs.
5. Harrison: How were the team members selected? There was
an intense application and interview process.
ii. Motion by Sofia to approve
iii. Second by Scott
1. Income – $630
2. Expense – $1050
3. Allocation – $(420)
4. Vote: 8-0-2
5. Motion Passes

VI. Proposal: GUAA 6858000 William

a. Event G:40 Art Summit – 3/26/10. Francesca, Henya presenting: We’re
working in conjunction with an art club in Maryland for an event as part of the
G40 Art Summit. The goal is to get GU students off the hilltop to experience
art in a new setting. It would be a great way to promote the arts on campus,
where the reception to these kinds of events has been very good in the past.
b. Comments/Concerns –
i. Presentation
1. Andy: Is the warehouse where the exhibition being held? Yes,
but there’s no art on the first floor, where the reception and
concert would be held.
2. Ruiyong: How many people have you had in the past? I don’t
have specific numbers, but Riggs Library was packed
completely, and so was the Walsh Gallery when we had events
3. Scott: How probable are you to attract the number of people
that you expect? We think we can hit that target, given our
previous events.
4. Andy: How firm are the costs and income that you have
represented here? The expenses have been changing as we’re
talking to other organizations, but in terms of income, that
number is pretty solid.
5. Francesca: We’re also looking to find food sponsors to lower
food and beverage costs.
6. Scott: Do you plan to cater the event? We’re hoping to have
donations from local businesses or working with Latin
Concepts as donated caterers.
7. Harrison: Whose art installation is the one that you’re
donating to? This is a fun interactive installation that allows
the spectators to participate in the art.
ii. Discussion
1. Scott: I think this event is really interesting, but there are
several concerning aspects: there is still $3000 outstanding
income that hasn’t been guaranteed yet. Also, the costs aren’t
solidified yet.
2. Andy: It seems that this would be them just hosting a party at
the gallery. Yes, it can be seen as a gallery reception, but what
is the main thrust of the event?
3. Natalie: I didn’t see it as just a party. I do think it’s an effort
to get students to go out to the gallery and have a good time.
4. Sofia: We do sponsor embassy events that are essentially the
same type of event, just without the art.
5. Andy: We still have to hammer out the issue of the cost
structure which is really flexible at the moment.
6. Will: I’d like to see some amount allocated for advertising so
that they can start garnering interest.
iii. Motion by Scott to table
iv. Second by Natalie
1. Vote: 5-2-4
2. Motion Passes

VII. Proposal: Philodemic 6886000 Natalie

a. Event Annual Newsletter – Emma presenting: We are putting out our annual
newsletter in a few weeks that contains all of the information about the goings
on within the Philodemic society as a form of outreach to our alums. It
received great feedback last year that was reciprocated in Alumni
b. Comments/Concerns –
i. Presentation
1. Andy: How many copies will there be? We are looking to
send out 500 copies to Alums and parents of current members.
2. Natalie: Can you explain why you want to avoid using your
GD money? We’re planning our large debate at the end of the
year that is heavily attended by Alumni, for which we are
saving our GD funds.
3. Harrison: Do you directly solicit funds in the newsletter, or is
it purely informational? We put in a line in the newsletter about
how to donate to the society.
4. Andy: Do you think it would be feasible to get a price quote
from Kinko’s ahead of time upon which to base the allocation
rather than a historic quote? We can try and get that for you,
but we’re doing exactly what we did last year, and it cost just
over $600.
ii. Discussion
1. Andy: I was weary of the $600 at first, but I’m confident that
they are pursuing the most cost-effective approach.
2. Senyo: Do we know how much money they have in their GD
at the moment? Not at the moment
iii. Motion by William to approve
iv. Second by Sofia
1. Income – $0
2. Expense – $600
3. Allocation – $(600)
4. Vote: 7-2-2
5. Motion Passes

VIII. Proposal: J-NET 6831000 Shaniqua

a. Event Matsuri – 3/20/10. Alex, Millie presenting: Last year was the first time
we held an event last year, which imitates a Japanese festival called Matsuri.
There will be food booths, game booths, and a photo booth. There will be a
Nendaiko performance as well.
b. Comments/Concerns –
i. Presentation
1. William: How will the tickets be use for the Nendaiko
performance? The performance is free to watch, so we only
charge for the food or games.
ii. Discussion
1. Andy: I think it’s a great idea in terms of a pricing scheme.
iii. Motion by Ruiyong to approve
iv. Second by Scott
1. Income – $1,069
2. Expense – $1,353
3. Allocation – $(284)
4. Vote: 10-0-1
5. Motion Passes

IX. Proposal: GUGS 6897000 Scott

a. Event Relay for Life – 4/16/10.
b. Comments/Concerns –
i. Motion by Sofia to SUC
1. Income – $1,800
2. Expense – $1,800
3. Allocation – $0
4. Vote: Unanimous
5. Motion Passes
c. Event Baker Scholar – 4/18/10.
d. Comments/Concerns –
i. Motion by Senyo to SUC
1. Income – $300
2. Expense – $300
3. Allocation – $0
4. Vote: Unanimous
5. Motion Passes
e. Event Run for Rigby – 4/10/10.
f. Comments/Concerns –
i. Motion by William to approve
ii. Second by Sofia
1. Income – $1,000
2. Expense – $1,000
3. Allocation – $0
4. Vote: 10-0-1
5. Motion Passes
g. Event Lacrosse Tailgate – 3/27/10.
h. Comments/Concerns –
i. Motion by Andy to SUC
1. Income – $800
2. Expense – $500
3. Allocation – $300
4. Vote: Unanimous
5. Motion Passes
i. Event Regular Thursday/Fridays Grills –
j. Comments/Concerns –
i. Motion by Andy to SUC
1. Income – $750
2. Expense – $650
3. Allocation – $100
4. Vote: Unanimous
5. Motion Passes

X. Q&A With GUSA

a. How would you respond to SAC’s position of having to look at University
Policy and legal issues in handling allocations?
i. Everyone in this room applied to be a commissioner for a reason, and
if a commissioner feels uncomfortable with certain policy issues, then
they shouldn’t apply to hold such a position.
b. Scott: Can organizations that do not have access to benefits apply for funds?
i. Yes, in that scenario it becomes a GUSA sponsored event.
c. Scott: If an advisory board chose not to implement the six reforms, and
subsequently lost the funding from GUSA, how would GUSA go about to
funding the activities of the subordinate groups?
i. We wouldn’t allocate their money elsewhere and hold it until such
time that the board achieves the reforms.
d. Scott: What happens if any of the boards aren’t approved for an allocation,
where does the money go?
i. That’s a worst-case scenario as we do want to allocate the money. If
that happens, we would work with the boards to alleviate the issues to
allow for an allocation.
e. Sofia: Are the reforms actual requirements or guidelines?
i. We would not approve funding for boards that do not comply with the
reforms, but it the FinAp committee isn’t bound to those requirements
when voting on the budget.
f. Scott: What has been GUSA’s involvement in the discourse over Presumed
i. We’re still working on that issue, but that’s a long process that will
probably not go into effect in the next year.
g. William: Can you give a brief overview as to the issues at hand?
i. The Senate just passed the bylaws change, that makes the FinAp
committee the sole arbiters of the Student Activities Fee allocation at
the Funding Board Hearing and has changed the application and voting
procedure for passing the budget.
ii. It may also get approved a month earlier than it was last year, so
the timing concern may be slightly alleviated.

XI. New Club Development – Note: there was a 10 minute consideration period to
review missions and whether or not they are exclusive or duplicative in order to
be in keeping with the access to benefits policy.
i. Motion by Senyo to accept
ii. Second by Shaniqua
1. Vote: 8-2-1
i. Motion by Harrison to deny
ii. Second by Andy
1. Vote: 9-1-1
i. Discussion
1. Scott: GUMA seems to encompass these interests, so this
would be duplicative
ii. Motion by Senyo to deny
iii. Second by Ruiyong
1. Vote: 10-0-1
i. Discussion
1. Andy: It’s not something that is focused on a mission. It’s very
across the board, so garnering support would be difficult.
2. Bill: This is a duplicative group as well, as other groups are
performing most of their missions.
ii. Motion by Andy to deny
iii. Second by Shaniqua
1. Vote: 10-0-2
e. Community Garden
i. Discussion
1. Harrison: Much of their activities are in line with the CSJ
mission, but they have SAC relevant activities as well.
ii. Motion by William to approve
iii. Second by Scott
1. Vote: 5-3-3
2. Motion Passes
f. Diversability
i. Discussion
ii. Motion by Sofia to approve
iii. Second by Scott
1. Vote: 10-0-1
2. Motion Passes
g. MVP
i. Discussion
1. Harrison: Is this a professional organization?
ii. Motion by Ruiyong to accept
iii. Second by Andy
1. Vote: 8-1-3
2. Motion Passes
i. Discussion
1. Harrison: This one seems to be the most umbrella-like in terms
of the Military organizations
ii. Motion by Ruiyong to accept
iii. Second by Senyo
1. Vote: 10-0-1
2. Motion Passes
i. Science Bowl
i. Discussion
1. Sofia: Is this like a Mock Trial type set-up, in that they are
getting together to compete?
2. Harrison: They also want to foster HS teams, not just focus on
their own growth.
ii. Motion by Harrison to accept
iii. Second by Scott
1. Vote: 7-3-1
2. Motion Passes
j. Georgetown Leaders in Science and Health
i. Discussion
1. Bill: Harrison, this is poorly written
2. Harrison: I know that, this is embarrassing.
3. Bill: The language in the mission statement precludes certain
groups of people by focusing on certain majors. This would
preclude them from part of the access to benefits policy.
4. Sofia: I see this as interest in those topics and not participation
in those majors.
ii. Motion by Sofia to accept
iii. Second by Ruiyong
1. Vote: 4-3-4
2. Motion Passes
a. LEAD Workshops
i. Please inform me as to who will be attending this weekend and next
ii. You will be responsible for collecting the names and groups
b. Chair Applications
i. Chair applications are due Friday
c. Office Hours
i. Make sure you are available during your posted office hours
d. Internal Survey
i. Scott created an internal survey, so please review the survey before it
goes out to the groups.
e. BAG Weekend
i. It will take place This Friday at 2:00 pm .
ii. The deadline for worksheets is Thursday at noon.
f. General Etiquette
i. Please do not hold side conversations and be respectful of the speaker
ii. If you will be late, please let me know ahead of time.

XIII. Bill’s Bytes

a. Reiterating Ethel’s comments
b. Be mindful of iWeek events that you will probably start seeing.
c. Be mindful of the fast approaching Spring Break.

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