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02, 10: Essay: Tongue in relation to:

mucosa and its specialisations
nerves all functional components of motor and sensory
arteries and communications or anastomoses of veins which drain the
lymphatic drainage
13: Describe anatomy w/ particular emphasis on its embryo!!!

Tongue consists of several parts and different mucosa including

- Anterior 2/3 (dorsal) is specialist gustatory epithelium
- Posterior 1/3 (dorsal) is lining gustatory epithelium
- Ventral of tongue and floor or mouth (FOM) is lining epithelium
Anterior 2/3 tongue:
- This is Thick variably keratinized squamous cell epithelium.
- It is overlies lamina propria (LP), consisting of elastic and
collagen fibres and over submucsoa that is is ATTACHED to
- It is specialized gustatory in that it, like that of the lateral
portion of tongue, consists of lingual papillae:
- Circumvallate papillae (large, near the border between
anterior and posterior parts of the tongue), foliate papillae
(lateral border of tongue) and fungiform papillae (red in
colour, on dorsal of tongue) all consists of taste buds.
- Filiform papillae increase the surface area of the tongue, are
white and are composed of keratin aiding w/ mastication. Do
not contain taste buds.
Posterior 1/3 tongue:
- Has THICK variably keratinized squamous cell epithlium. It
overlies lamina propria and submucosa that is also attached
to muscles.
- It contains some lymphoid tissue.
Ventral tongue/FOM:
- Has thin non-keratinised squamous cell epithelium.
- It is lining mucosa which is thin and flexible. It overlies lamina
propria of elastic and collagen fibres and a submucosa????
- The FOM of consts of a lingual frenum with lateral sublingual
caruncle (where ducts from submandibular and sublingual
gland secrete into oral cavity into)
Taste buds:
- Are specialized cells which consist of many taste cells and
support cells (like an onion) which form a taste pore superiorly.

At the taste pore are the taste receptors (one for each taste
sweet/satly/sour/umami/bitter) and microvilli.
Tastants are dissolved in saliva to be detected by taste bud

- The tongue consists of extrinsic and intrinsic muscles:
- Extrinsic muscles:
o Hyoglossus (from hyoid bone)
o Genioglossus (from ***** of mandible)
o glossus (from styloid process of mandible ***** check!)
o palatoglossus
- Intrinsic muscles
o Vertical
o Transverse
o Superior longitudinal
o Inferior longitudinal
- Cant remember, I think one helps w/ mvmt the other w/
different mvtm?
- General somatic afferent (eg pain, temperature, crude and
light pressure etc, proprioception)
o Ant 2/3 tongue: CNV Lingual Nerve
o Pos 1/3 tongue: Glossopharyngela nerve
o FOM????
o Ventral ???
- Taste
o Ant 2/3: Chorda tympani via Lingual nerve
o Pos 1/3 tongue: Glossopharyngeal nerve
- Motor:
o Special visceral efferent: Styloglossus and palatoglossus
are from CNX (derived from PA IV)
o The other muscles are innervated by CNXII
- ECA: Lingual artery????

- Lingual artery of dunno EJV??

??? Drains to deeper LN at jugulo-omohyoid LN and then to

submandibular LN??

- submandibular and sublingual gland are located in FOM and
their ducts enter the oral cavity at sublingual caruncle, lateral
to sublingual frenum
- Sublingual folds are created by ???????
- Ant 2/3 is derived from PA I (really?!!! Then why no sve?)
- Pos 1/3 is derived from PAiv

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