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|RenamonFOX - citanulcitnamor@hotmail.com
Final |
0.00 - Version History
0.01 - TADA! List
0.10 - Information
1.00 - Game Mechanics
2.00 - Walkthrough
2.10 - Endings
3.00 - Other Battles
3.10 - Mt. Ordeal
3.20 - Post Story Battles
3.30 - X-Dimension
3.40 - Land of Carnage
4.00 - Online Features
4.10 - Custom Pirates
4.20 - Custom Maps
6.00 - Unlocks
6.10 - Evil Symbols
6.11 - Specialty Store Items
6.12 - Legendary Tree
6.20 - Character Classes
7.00 - Items by Rank
8.00 - Powering up
8.10 - Character Level
8.20 - Item World
8.21 - Getting the most out of your items
8.22 - Reverse Pirating
8.30 - Chara World
8.31 - Selectable Bonuses
8.32 - Special Skills
8.33 - Special Evilities
8.34 - Special Blocks
9.00 - Neat Tricks
10.00 - Item Duplication
10.10 - Obsolete Method (Overstocking) **NO LONGER WORKS**
99.00 - FAQs
0.00 - Version History
0.10 - 9/6/11 - First Draft, through chapter 2. Including some FAQs.
0.20 - 9/7/11 - Walkthrough finished through chapter 3.
0.30 - 9/8/11 - Walkthrough finished through chapter 4.
Included section 4.20, Updated FAQ section.
0.40 - 9/9/11 - Walkthrough finished through chapter 5.
Included section 4.10, Updated FAQ section and section 4.20.
0.50 - 9/10/11 - Walkthrough finished through chapter 6.
Updated FAQ section
0.60 - 9/11/11 - Walkthrough finished through chapter 8.
Included section 6.00, 6.10, 6.20, Updated FAQ section
1.00 - 9/13/11 - Walkthrough for main story complete.

Updated section 7.00, Updated FAQ section.

Updated section 3.10 and 8.30.
Updated section 3.10, 5.00, 8.10, and fixed some errors.
Updated section 3.10, 5.00, 8.30, 8.31, 8.32, 8.33, and 9.00.
Updated section 8.20, 8.21, 8.22, 8.30, 8.31, and 8.32
Updated sections 8.30, 8.31, 8.32 and 8.33
Changed section 5.00 to 6.11
Completed sections 6.10, 6.11
1.11 - 9/19/11 - Updated section 7.00, 8.30, 8,31, 8.32, 8.33
1.12 - 9/20/11 - Updated 0.01, 8.33 and 8.34
1.13 - 9/21/11 - Included 10.00, updated 8.33, updated FAQ section
1.14 - 9/22/11 - Updated section 3.20, 8.33, 8.34, 10.00, and fixed some errors
1.15 - 9/22/11 - New item duplication method discovered, section 10.10
1.20 - 9/23/11 - Finished section 2.10, 3.20, 3.30, 6.12, and 7.00
1.21 - 9/24/11 - Fixing some errors
1.22 - 9/25/11 - Updated section 8.33
1.23 - 9/26/11 - Updated section 8.33, fixed some errors
1.24 - 9/28/11 - Updated section 3.30
1.25 - 9/29/11 - Updated sections 3.30 and 8.33
1.26 - 9/30/11 - Updated section 3.30
1.30 - 10/2/11 - Finished section 3.30
1.31 - 10/4/11 - Updated section 8.33, fixed some errors
Final - 10/5/11 - Finished sections 6.20, 8.33, 8.20, and fixed some errors
11/27/11 - Updated information to remain current with latest patches


0.10 - Information
Guide compiled by RenamonFOX (Citanulcitnamor@hotmail.com).
False names will be used to avoid spoilers. These are not errors.
1.00 - Game Mechanics
While most of the game's controls are identical to previous Disgaea titles,
with diagonal throw, lift/throw, and tower attacks, there are a few new
mechanics that are explained in the tutorial. As such, it may be in your best
interests to play through the tutorial, even if you've been at the series
since the release of the first game.
-Team attacks can be performed with up to four people. All members in the
team attack will get exp and mana if the enemy is defeated during the team
attack. The three members of the team that *did not* initiate the attack can
also cancel their move to join in another team attack after one has been
-The Defend command, in addition to reducing damage taken from attacks, will
now protect the user behind the character defending. It's a good strategy to
keep your mages alive if all their gear is bent on maxing out INT.
-The Rosenqueen stores (Weapon, Armor, and Item shops) will change their stock
every time you leave the shop screen and return.
-The Rarity number on an item serves no purpose, other than matching multiple
items with the same rarity on the same character gives a boost to all items
with that number.
-Residents on items can increase the item's stats. When purchasing weapons,
look for items that have Gladiators (boosts ATK) on them. When purchasing
armor, look for sentries (boosts DEF). When purchasing healing items, look

for dieticians (Boosts HP, and thus, HP recovery).

-The Hospital, in addition to being that space you heal up, is also going to
dispense various goodies throughout the game. The more you heal, the better
your goodies.
-The Cam-Pain HQ is where you will create new characters, delete unwanted
characters, increase the quality of the stores' stock, and much more. There
will be an in-game tutorial on this.
2.00 - Walkthrough - Chapter 1
The individual chapters are *not* going to have their own numbers, as it will
be harder to find out how far along in the game you are this way. This will
prevent people from finding out information they don't want to know, such as
"How many hours do I have left?" unless they scroll down and intentionally
look it up.
The tutorial stages are self-explanatory, and exceedingly difficult to lose,
even if you don't follow the instructions. Upon completion of the tutorial
stages, the rosenqueen stores (Armor, Weapons, Item) and Evility specialist
will both open up.
At this point, You can continue the game, or visit a similar map to your last
tutorial map, called "Rehabilitation room". This is a good place to rack up
some bonus items and experience.
Rehabilitation Room Enemy:
-4x Pvt. Prinny
Geo Puzzle:
-Move blue cube on to green panel.
-Destroy red cube
Reincarnation Center Enemy:
-3 Masked Ranger
-1 Cat Saber
-1 Steve
Geo Puzzle:
Once "Reincarnation Center" has been completed, the Cam-Pain HQ (Dark Senate)
will open up, and you will get a brief tour of how it works.
-You will earn a new square for each map you clear.
-You may only have one character for every square you own.
-Placing characters in adjacent squares will increase their chance of
performing a combo attack with one another.
Additionally, the Data Shop will open up. This serves no functional purpose
in the game, but it does contain a veritable ton of data, including your
collection records, and various stats submitted from all the Disgaea 4 players
in the world.
Fun fact: At the time of this guide, two hours after the release of the game
on east coast USA, "Everybody's Netherworld Records" had the following stats.

2 hours
Upload #:
3,122 people
Total Play Time: 31366:36:15
Enemies defeated: 1,369,942
Allies defeated: 1,525
Maps cleared:
X-Dimension maps cleared: 113

24 hours
9,878 people

Main story cleared: 766 times

- 2,052 times

1 week
19,210 people

- 6,833 times

The next story battle, "Prinselytise Room" will also be available.

-2 Bouncer
-3 Cat Saber
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to solve.
-Max out gauge by placing all four geo-blocks on green panels
To beat:
-If the enemies are too difficult, destroy the DEF+50% geo symbol
-Alternatively, leave the DEF+50% geo symbol, and lift+throw enemies off the
areas that confer the bonus
Albatross Collar becomes available upon completion of Prinselytise Room.
Selecting Albatross Collar will give you a tutorial on Magichange and Fusion.
Albatross Collar:
-3 Petite Orc
-2 Cat Saber
-2 Bouncer
---After Round 1---1 Giant Petite Orc
-1 Cat Saber
-1 Petite orc
-1 Bouncer, equipped with Cat Saber weapon
-1 Bouncer
Geo Puzzle:
-Throw red geo symbol onto blue panel
-Destroy red geo symbol
To Beat:
-Throw red geo symbol onto blue panel
-have allies fight only on blue panels
Disaster First:
-1 Steve
-2 Healer
-4 Bouncer
Geo Puzle:
To Beat:
-This map is very straightforward. If you can't beat the enemies, it is time
to power up. Upgrade your gear from the Rosenqueen shops, or level up.

End Chapter 1
2.00 - Walkthrough - Chapter 2
The next story battle will not be available at this point. Instead, you'll be
prompted to pass "several tests" before you can go to the first map of the
second chapter.
The first test is a map called "Study Session: Geo Blocks". If you're not
aware of the mechanics of geo blocks, you should watch the demo. Otherwise,
you can skip the demo.
To Beat:
-Throw red block on top of or next to another red block
The second map is called "Tumble". More mechanics of geo blocks are explained
To Beat:
-Throw blue block next to another blue block
-Height over your opponent will give you a bonus to damage. Attack from above
The next map is called "Practice". Yet more mechanics of geo blocks are
explained here.
To Beat:
-Throw red block next to red blocks
-Throw blue block next to blue blocks
-Throw green block next to green blocks
Upon completing this map, "Place Evil Symbol" will be included in the
Cam-Pain HQ. This functions similarly to Disgaea 3's clubs. Units placed
within an evil symbol's area of effect will gain the bonus of the evil
symbol's stated effect.
After leaving the cam-Pain HQ, you will be informed that another evil symbol,
the Nether Shoe Labs is available to research and place.
The next story battle, "Rotten Sickbed" will also be available.
-1 Thief
-2 Eryngi
-3 Slime
-3 Ghost
Geo Puzzle:
-Irritating and unnecessary to solve, with no large reward.
-Destroy closest red block, Throw green block in front of it to create stairs.
-In second section, destroy any blue block
To Beat:
-Fire from high ground, don't end turn on a lower DM than your opponents.
At this point, the Item World will be available. Item world strategy is its
own FAQ altogether, but the short version is "it's better than levelling up."
Hypha Invasion:


"No Range" area

Lady Fighter
"HP/SP Switch" area
Blue Skull

Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear. Destroy Green and blue blocks simulaneously for
largest boost, or place green and blue blocks on the same color panel, then
destroy the color block that does not match the color of the geo panels.
To Beat:
-Swapping the green and blue geo symbols will make it such that the enemies
aren't able to take advantage of their class abilities.
-The likelihood is that you're going to have better DEF at this point. Clear
out the melee characters in the "No Range" section, throw the "No Range" geo
symbol onto the mage section, and fight from inside the now no-effect green
section, forcing the mages to leave the HP/MP switch section.
Alternatively, you can destroy the green geo block after moving it into the
mages' section, offering you a bonus gauge boost and damaging the units.
-If you don't care about exp, and want the items on the bonus gauge, the stage
is completed very quickly by moving the blue geo symbol onto the green area,
then destroying the blue geo symbol.
NOTE: Imperial Seals can appear on this map's bonus gauge, and due to the ease
this map is cleared, this place becomes ideal for early game HL farming.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Forest of Corpses:
-12 Zombie
Geo Puzzle:
-Geo Blocks only.
-Maximum bonus from throwing four blocks on yellow geo panel on left side.
Make sure the yellow block is the last one to touch.
To Beat:
-Throw geo blocks on left side until the zombies hit the ground. Destroy the
weakened zombies, then take advantage of ranged and combo attacks to destroy
the zombies on the other side of the bridge. With the recovery, and the
zombies' lack of ranged attack, you can fight them right on the bridge.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Whispering Curse:
-1 Steve
-5 Ghost
-3 Slime
-3 Zombie
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to solve. You can get the most bonus gauge from throwing the
Disperse Damage geo symbol onto the yellow geo panels, then destroying
either of the two geo symbols.
To Beat:

-Throw a ranged unit close enough to destroy the Enemy boost +50% geo symbol.
After that, have your two best defenders block off the enemies' escape route
from the yellow area. Use other units to move the Disperse Damage geo
symbol onto the yellow area, then use single-target high-damage attacks to
weaken/destroy the other monsters.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Plan of the Wicked:
-1 Steve
-4 Heavy Knight
-4 Eryngi
-2 Zombie
Geo Puzzle:
-Single color geo panel, all Warp. Warp is null. Just getting to the warp
geo symbol will complete the puzzle.
Additionally, a red weaken enemy 50% symbol is available, for larger bonus
gauge shenanigans.
To Beat:
-Equipping three shoes on someone or lift/throwing someone and jettisoning
the character to the red geo symbol and dropping it onto the playing field
will make the battle drastically easier for the remaining characters.
Just hang out on the blue. Even while warping around, the weakened enemies
should be easier than the enemies on Whispering Curse.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Altar of Waste
-9 Slime
Geo Puzzle:
-Ground covered in red tiles. Four different colored geo symbols.
If you want to abandon a unit on an island, lift/throw one to the green geo
symbol on either island containing a "clone" geo symbol and smash it.
To Beat:
-Ground covered in red tiles. Four different colored geo symbols.
If you want to abandon a unit on an island, lift/throw one to the green geo
symbol on either island containing a "clone" geo symbol and smash it.
Afterwards, have your magic users and your most recent party member mop up.
End Chapter 2
2.00 - Walkthrough - Chapter 3
As Chapter 3 begins, the "Appoint Cabinet Member" command will become
available in the Cam-Pain HQ. With this, you will be able to confer
additional bonuses to units by assigning them a title. Your units can also
appear in other players' games, as well as other players' units appearing in
your game.
After that, the story battle, "Murder Labyrinth", will become available.
Murder Labyrinth

-2 Beastmaster
-4 Thief
-3 Gargoyle
-5 Mothman
-3 Petite Orc
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear. Hijack the other geo symbols and throw them into the
blue area surrounding your base, then destroy purple geo symbol for the
largest bonus.
To Beat:
-Grab the green geo symbol, throw it into the blue area surrounding your base,
then just let the fight come to you.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Searing Euthanasia
-1 Gunslinger
-1 Beastmaster
-2 Gargoyle
-4 Ghost
-4 Mothman
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear. Difficult to simultaneously destroy all geo blocks.
All fields are beneficial to player in any case.
To Beat:
-Send all your characters to one wing, let the fight come to you.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Chains of Judgment
-2 Beastmaster
-3 Mothman
-3 Petite Orc
-4 Gargoyle
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear.
To Beat:
-Deck out your magic user in your finest emblems and poke from a distance.
Enemies are reluctant to leave their spots, and if they do, they're sitting
on damage 20% (or 40% if you put the second geo symbol on the green) tiles.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Vengeful Road
-3 Ghost
-3 Skull
-3 Thief
-3 Mothman
-2 Lady Fighter
-4 Gargoyle

---After Round 1---3 Skulls equipped with Ghost staves

-3 Thieves equipped with Mothman guns
-2 Lady Fighter
-4 gargoyle
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear. Stacking both the red and blue geo symbols on top of
the green one, then destroying either the red or blue geo symbols will
result in the largest bonus.
To Beat:
-Lift the ally boost +50% geo
place them on the panel the
of the stacked geo symbols.
ally boost geo symbol. All
boost bonus.

symbol, lift/throw the other two geo symbols and

ally boost +50% geo symbol was on. Destroy one
Cancel the action of the character holding the
colored geo panels should confer a 50% ally

Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.

Dark Execution
-6 Thief
-4 Archer
-1 Zombie
---After Round 1---6 Thief
-3 Archer
-1 Archer with Zombie Bow
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear.
To Beat:
-Enemies are reluctant to move from their power-spots, so just take them out
one at a time with ranged units, then sit on the red spots when you need to
heal. If you have a magic user with some levels, you can bounce from red
spot to red spot.
In order to reach the next map, "Forbidden Cell", you must venture into item
world and acquire an item of level 10 or higher. The details of item world
will not be gotten into here, but if you can't get to level 10 of an item, it
is recommendable to use a lower rank item. Mint Gum or any of the ~35 HL
weapons/armors are the easiest to complete.
Forbidden Cell
-1 Cute Steve
-6 Gargoyle
-3 Zombie
-3 Mothman
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear.
To Beat:
-"No Range" plus mothman is offensive. attack the mothmen from your base
panel with your mages/archers/etc, then move.
-Utilizing combo attacks on the mothmen will increase your chance to land some
damage on them, as each hit is checked for by their evasion special ability,

rather than the combo attack as a whole.

-9 turns before Cute Steve's area turns all
your units. Destroy the units in the red
symbol, then bomb Cute Steve from the red
symbol pops. Level 4 magic is sufficient

blue, making it a super hazard for

area, then destroy the red geo
area until the "no entry" geo
to outrange Cute Steve.

End Chapter 3
2.00 - Walkthrough - Chapter 4
Now "Make Original Maps" will be available. The details will be discussed in
section 4.20 - Custom Maps
Ultra Security
-6 Ninja
-6 Wolf
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear.
To Beat:
-Fight one room at a time. Heal before breaking the No Entry geo symbols, and
the fight should be easy.
-You can destroy enemy units on the other side of the no-entry panels with any
ranged unit.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Rotten Core
-12 Ninja
Geo Puzzle:
To Beat:
-A very straightforward battle. Ninjas have a 50% chance to evade attacks
from the front, so make sure they're not facing you when you attack.
-Due to the lack of tricks on this map, if you're having a hard time, it is
recommended that you level up your characters, level up your skills, level
up your items, and make sure your equipment is up to date.
Total Fabrication
-8 Alraune
-5 Ninja
Geo Puzzle:
-Throw red geo block from next to base to red geo block tower stack.
-Throw purple geo block from next to base to purple geo block tower stack.
-Throw yellow geo block from (now disassembled) red tower to yellow tower
-Throw green geo block from (now disassembled) purple tower to green tower
-Throw blue geo block from (now disassembled) yellow tower to blue tower
-Throw teal geo block from (now disassembled) green tower to teal tower stack.

To Beat:
-This is an endurance match, with the ninjas on block towers lobbing death
upon you with a height bonus and a collection of powerful buffs. Your best
bet is to use ranged units, or melee units with long range, as you'll want
to break their tower and attack them in the same turn.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
-8 Wolf
-6 Ninja
Geo Puzzle:
-Throw blue block to blue wall.
-Throw green block to green wall.
-Throw yellow block to yellow wall.
-throw red block to red wall.
To Beat:
-Don't rush. Fight one room at a time. This map is easy as cake, unless you
want the legendary treasure chests.
-If you want the treasure chests, conveniently located on top of damage 20%
blocks, you'll have to be quick and powerful, or you'll just have to cut a
hole in the yellow wall with physical attacks.
Turn 1, kill the wolves, bust open the yellow wall.
turn 2, have a spellcaster (level 4 magic will work) snipe
the treasure chests. Afterwards, you can take your time and fight one room
at a time.
-Barring a sufficiently levelled magic user, any character with an attack
whose range matches the level 2 magic pattern (two diagonal squares) can
bust a hole in both the red and yellow walls on turn one. This opens up
several monsters to hit you, however.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Evil Propaganda
-14 Ninja
-1 Alraune
-1 Petite Orc
-1 Wolf
-1 Mothman
---After Round 1---10 Ninja
-4 Ninja with magichanged weapons
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Typical endurance stage. No tricks you can take advantage of.
The best advice would be to keep your units consolidated and let the fight
come to you, as the ninjas are aggressive.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Fall of the Zenith


Bone Dragon

Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Leave characters on the red warp panels until
the right. Move the "Evade" geo symbol into
way up to the left island. Nuke with ranged
you can. Heal up, then charge into the blue

they transport to the island on

the red panels, then work your
units and magic for as long as
Atk+50% zone.

End Chapter 4
2.00 - Walkthrough - Chapter 5
The evil symbol "Information Bureau" can now be suggested at the Cam-Pain HQ.
The information bureau is an evil symbol which will reduce the damage taken by
characters within its area of effect.
Scream Park
-6 Nekomata
-2 Cat Saber
-1 Zombie
-1 Petite Orc
-1 Masked Hero
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to solve, but a sizable bonus gauge can be obtained by throwing
all the geo symbols into one color and popping one of the geo symbols.
However, all of the geo symbols move, so this will prove to be an
aggravating task.
To Beat:
-Hole up in a corner and wait. Since the geo symbols move on the opponent's
turn, you can safely hide on the noncolored panels and poke at the enemies
on the damage panels.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Lost Dignity
-4 Alraune
-4 Cockatrice
-4 Wolf
-4 Nekomata
Geo Puzzle:
-Sit on a yellow warp panel until the character is on the far left side of the
map, with the three exp +50% geo symbols. Throw every geo symbol down to
the purple zone. Then, destroy the yellow geo symbol.
To Beat:
-The monsters are not aggressive. Stay out of their move/hit range, and they

won't attack you. Take one character and complete the geo puzzle as
described above. The chain reaction will clear the stage.
**NOTE**: After completing this stage, it becomes your first respectable level
up spot. The +150% exp bonus is quick and easy to obtain, and the monsters
are easily set up to be destroyed by level 4 magic, and many other skills.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Wounded Pride
-9 Cat Saber
-3 Cockatrice
-3 Skull
-3 Witch
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear. Enemies standing on Reverse Damage panels and geo
To Beat:
-Lift an enemy off a Reverse Damage symbol and occupy it for yourself.
Since the enemy has no healing, you can treat it as an invincibility panel.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Ruin coaster
-13 Bodyguard
-2 Witch
-1 Succubus
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to Clear
To Beat:
-The units on this map are not super aggressive. Take out the six bouncers
near your base, then heal up, then take on the rest of the map.
-The enemies on the green panels won't move, even if you're poking at them
from two spaces away. After clearing out the mages, you can plink at them
with a bow user all day.
-If the No Range effect is giving you problems, Get three characters with a
throw range of 5, 5, and 6 (or four characters whose combined throw range
adds up to 15) and lift/throw a unit up to destroy the geo block. If the
throwers were not part of your main force, this still leaves you with 5/6
units left to complete the map.
-Due to the shape of the map, the witches will pose a major threat with their
high ground advantage. Since you want to take them out first anyways, this
will leave only physicals on the board. Maxing out your DEF score will
soften the damage taken from this map.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Frantic Wheel
-4 Archer
-4 Mothman
-2 Rifle Demon
-2 Shaman

Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear.
To Beat:
-The archers *are* aggressive, so destroying them first is important.
-Since the rifle demons are trapped, just hang out of their range while you
deal with the rest of the threats.
-Time is a factor, as the demons grow in level every turn. Lifting or
destroying the green geo symbol is the only start to this match.
-To prevent the demons from getting too large, sending a mage or shooter to
blast the green block from right in front of the demons' playpen may be
-Grabbing the mighty Enemy geo block and then destroying either of the other
two geo symbols will cause some damage to the rifle demons.
-The Demons are aggressive, so if you are in their hit range, they will come
after you, even if it means leaving their comfy invincibility squares.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
-17 Prinny
-1 Steve
Geo Puzzle:
To Beat:
-Pick up and throw prinnies to kill them in a single shot.
Steve will politely hang back and wait for you to pop all the prinnies, so
long as you remain out of her move/hit range.
10 units vs Steve shouldn't pose a threat at all.
End Chapter 5
2.00 - Walkthrough - Chapter 6
Winter Cemetery
-2 Gargoyle
-2 Cat Saber
-2 Mothman
-1 Beastmaster
---After round 1---3 humans with dual-magichanged weapons
---If you perform a geo chain---2 zombies
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear.
To Beat:
-Drop the Enemy Weaken 50% block on the purple zone, then destroy the enemy
weaken geo symbol to damage all the enemies on the screen.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Oblivion Hill

-8 Masked Hero
-4 Gunner
-3 Shaman
-2 Blue Skull
-1 Infected
Geo Puzzle:
-Throw the blue geo symbol to the blue wall.
-Throw the green geo symbol to the green wall.
To Beat:
-Use ranged attacks and kill the units behind the green wall, heal up, then
complete the geo puzzle.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Ghoul Standard
-4 Dragon
-2 Mothman
-3 Infected
-2 Ghost
---If you perform a geo chain---3 Zombies
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear. However, the largest bonus can be derived from throwing
the blue geo symbol onto the red zone, then attacking the blue geo symbol.
To Beat:
-A relatively straightforward map. Stay on the ATK +100% panels, and throw
fire at enemies on the blue panels.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Abysmal Mirage
-6 Infected
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear.
To Beat:
-Every round, another infected will appear. Hit hard and fast. If you can't
kill at least two axels per round, you will need to power up.
-Due to the lack of tricks on this map, if you're having a hard time, it is
recommended that you level up your characters, level up your skills, level
up your items, and make sure your equipment is up to date.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
The Defiled
-5 Infected
-4 Enemy base panel, Spawning 4 Infected every round
Geo Puzzle:

To Beat:
-This map is strictly a show of force. You want to drop as much damage as
possible every turn.
-Exactly like the previous stage, Abysmal Mirage, except that you will need to
destroy 5 infected a turn to make headway, instead of 2.
-Due to the lack of tricks on this map, if you're having a hard time, it is
recommended that you level up your characters, level up your skills, level
up your items, and make sure your equipment is up to date.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Fractured Bouquet
-4 Infected
Geo Puzzle:
-Not worth clearing
To Beat:
-Fight the Infected on the stacks one at a time, destroying the geo symbols as
well before moving on to the next stack, to mitigate the efficacy of the
clone blocks.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
-24 Infected
-1 Steve
Geo Puzzle:
To Beat:
-Out of the gate, you're surrounded, and there is also a sizable amount of
enemies, so your SP will have to last. ...Or so it seems.
All of the Infecteds here are level 5. Just poke them to death and blow it
all on Steve.
End Chapter 6
2.00 - Walkthrough - Chapter 7
Rebel Invasion
-4 Nekomata
-4 Succubus
-2 Reaper
-2 Thief
-2 Bouncer
Geo Puzzle:
-Destroy the null geo symbol
To Beat:
-Throw someone with some muscle over to pop the null symbol ASAP,
-Hang back and bomb the units with ranged attacks, luring them to you. If you

remain out of range of the units, they will not move towards you for several
turns. This will allow you to clear out the whole map at your own pace.
*NOTE*: There are four legendary treasure chests on this map. If this stage
is not difficult for you to clear, it is a great farming spot to pick up
some mid-rank legendary items.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Shard of Regret
-5 Heavy Knight
-5 Warrior
-5 Onmyo Monk
-6 Bouncer
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear. Placing all four geo symbols on one color, then
destroying a colored geo symbol will yield the largest bonus.
To Beat:
-Play to your strengths. If you're heavy into ranged combat, drop the
Attack +1 geo symbol on the zone you're fighting in. If you've got a lot of
spellcasters, bring the magic range +1 block with you. If you're confident
in your ability to one-shot monsters, you can live on the recovery +20%
block. If you can survive the opponent's turn, the atk+50% block will be
-If you don't want the enemy to get the bonus that you need to clear the
stage, you can stand a character on the colored zone you're in, lift the
desired block from outside the zone, then cancel the lifting character's
movement after you perform your actions for the turn.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Busted Mythology
-8 Reaper
Geo Puzzle:
-Move null geo symbol to blue panel, destroy blue geo symbol.
To Beat:
-Outrange the reapers and take them down one at a time. If you don't get in
range of the reapers, they won't chase you. Since you are only allowed to
have one unit on the blue at a time, two options become available.
Because the green squares can heal you, it's not necessary to have a healer.
Your only concern should be keeping your SP intact, as the reapers will chew
it up really quickly if they hit you.
-1: Give all your strongest gear to one character and treat this as a
commando mission.
-2: Move units from green square to green square, as reapers get destroyed.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Dark History
-16 Bouncer
-8 Reaper
-1 Skull
-1 Shaman

-1 Succubus
-1 Ninja
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear.
To Beat:
-Not a particularly tricky map. Lots of enemies, but your advantage is that
you're stuck in a No Entry zone until you destroy the green block, leaving
you as much time as you want to snipe units from inside it.
After that, it's an endurance match. You can poke units to lure them out of
their comfort zones, or charge in and take advantage of them yourself.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Post-Purge Purge
-16 Prinny
-6 Masked Hero
Geo Puzzle:
To Beat:
-Throw prinnies up the stairs near the barrels to cause a chain reaction.
For the most part, this battle should be just vs the 6 masked heroes.
Throwing the prinny and waiting will lure the masked hero down to you, well
out of range of the next set of prinnies.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Overlord's Test
-3 Shaman
-3 Gunner
-3 Archer
-3 Magic Knight
Geo Puzzle:
-Throw purple block onto center platform.
-Throw teal block onto center platform.
To Beat:
-Fight the units at the edge of your platform, or throw units over.
*DO NOT* complete the geo puzzle, as 20% damage per turn is far preferable
to eating damage from units on high ground. Two of your story characters
have attacks with an area of effect that can target all three units on any
given side.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Feast of the Wolf
-18 Bouncer
-10 Assorted Overlord
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:

-All of the beneficial spaces can have their occupants lifted from them.
Lift, throw, and take over. Fighting from bonus squares should provide the
edge you need to complete this battle.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Evil Office
-8 Samurai
-4 Onmyo Monk
-3 Bouncer
-1 Steve
Geo Puzzle:
To Beat:
-Steve isn't aggressive. You can poke at the other units with ranged attacks
and lure them to you in manageable sizes.
Afterwards, he's no stronger than a basic unit with a lot of HP.
End Chapter 7
2.00 - Walkthrough - Chapter 8
Rising Tragedy
-16 Bio Suit
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear.
To Beat:
-Bio-suits have guns, but will not move off their squares. You can easily
poke them to death with mages or archers.
-Destroy either geo symbol to heavily damage all the enemy units. Afterwards,
you will be surrounded by 16 injured enemies with no other tricks at your
-Remember that bio-suits blow up when reduced to 10% HP, so take advantage of
the estimated damage gauge before making your attacks.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Deadly Elevator
-9 Bio Suit
Geo Puzzle:
-impossible to clear.
To Beat:
-Slow and steady: Occupy the yellow invincibility panel at the top, throwing
the bio suits around, and attacking as you see fit.
-Lift the bio suits off their invincibility squares, then just stay out of
their attack range, as they're equipped with guns and have limited attack

Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.

Section D
-2 Golem
-2 Ghost
-2 Alraune
-2 Zombie
-2 Mushroom
-2 Sludge
-2 Petite Orc
-2 Mothman
-2 Gargoyle
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-If you can survive a round of enemy attacks, you can simply ride the recovery
panels throughout the whole stage.
-If you can reach the deathblow geo symbol (lift/throw shenanigans), you can
beat everything in one shot, simply by throwing the moved enemies back onto
the deathblow panels.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.

Chaos Factory
-5 Beastmaster
-4 Cat Saber
-2 Bouncer
-2 Healer
-2 Professor
-1 Warrior
-1 Gunner
-1 Heavy Knight
-1 Archer
-1 Onmyo Monk
Geo Puzzle:
-None, save for two geo symbols
To Beat:
-You can go commando by stacking the blue and yellow blocks on top of one
another, benefiting from recovery and a 50% boost.
-Also, enemies are less likely to move if you're out of their range, so you
can hang back and fight the enemies at your own pace.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Section G9
-6 Dragon
-4 Nekomata
-4 Professor

Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to solve, but placing all the geo symbols in the purple zone, then
destroying a non-purple geo symbol will yield the largest bonus.
To Beat:
-Block the enemies out of the purple zone.
-Lift/throwing allies over to the geo symbols can allow you to power up your
stronghold in the purple zone.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.

Two-Headed Dragon
-4 Bio Suit
-1 Witch
-1 Skull
Geo Puzzle:
-Destroy the containers with a non-special attack to create a chain, removing
all like-colored blocks.
To Beat:
-Destroy containers to remove the geo symbols, destroy the star skull, then
throw the red geo symbol over to clear out the red geo symbols.
-Since the mages will be throwing magic at you the whole time, dropping an orb
on your characters may be appropriate.
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
Mission Improbable
-12 Reaper
Geo Puzzle:
-Place red geo symbol on purple geo symbol, destroy blocks until the red geo
symbol touches the other red geo symbols.
To Beat:
-Either complete the geo puzzle ASAP, or hang back and let the enemies come to
Completing this map will unlock the next story battle.
True Final Weapon
-7 Bio Suit
-2 Professor
-1 Steve
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to solve.
To Beat:
-summon one character and run it into a corner. End turn and wait until the
"no entry" geo symbol moves, making an easy path to the bio suits.
-If you fight while standing on the blue panels, only the initial 5 bio suits
will come fight you for the first turn, as the geo symbol will move back to

blue before the enemy gets a chance to move.

This is also convenient, as you will be able to move to either side if the
No Entry geo symbol moves back onto blue. Furthermore, you will be allowed
to lift units from one side of the no-entry panels to the other, if the
lifter is standing on the no-entry panel.
Completing this map will lead immediately into the second part of the fight.
True Final Weapon Mk II
-1 Steve
Geo Puzzle:
To Beat:
-The boss has large area of effect attacks. Look up the patterns when you
fight it, and become familiar with them. It's not hard to keep any of these
attacks from hitting several of your units at a time, if you stay on top of
Although her attacks are formidable, they are generally not strong enough to
kill outright, so keeping your units spread and well healed should help win
this battle.
-Due to the lack of tricks on this map, if you're having a hard time, it is
recommended that you level up your characters, level up your skills, level
up your items, and make sure your equipment is up to date.
End Chapter 8
2.00 - Walkthrough - Chapter 9
Gloomy Moon
-6 Android
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear.
To Beat:
-You can either chop down the wall of containers in front of you, or you can
run around the side, if you have sufficient JM (jump) or someone to throw
your team up there.
-If the Mighty Enemy geo symbol touches down on the yellow panels, lift and
throw it far away. If the No Lifting geo symbol makes its way to the yellow
panel as well, you'll have to either lure the andoids off the yellow, punch
the geo symbols off the yellow, or simply reset and try again. The short
version is simply to ignore the geo symbols for this map.
-If you decide to chop down the wall, you can use ranged attacks from either
of the pillars on the sides of the ramp. Multi targetting spells like Star,
or Cute Steve's True God Weapon are very helpful.
This also works to fire at the androids through the wall.
3rd Colony
-9 Android
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear

-Use magic or ranged units to destroy the No Entry geo symbols.

To Beat:
-Use magic or ranged units to destroy the No Entry geo symbols, then take out
the androids one group at a time.
-If you outrange the androids, simply snipe them from outside their range.
Units caught inside "No Entry" panels can't move out.
Parasite Nest
-2 Dragon
-2 Skeleton Dragon
-2 Mothman
-2 Reaper
-5 Android
---After Round 1---1 Giant Dragon
-1 Giant Skeleton Dragon
-1 Giant Reaper
-2 Android with Mothman Gun
-3 Android
Geo Puzzle:
To Beat:
-Since the enemies aren't aggressive, you can take them off in small groups.
If you have the power and the survivability, you can also focus all your
attacks on the center console to win the fight immediately.
-After the monsters fuse together, however, they *will* become aggressive. So
if you decide to ignore the androids and focus on the console, you will only
have two turns to do it before giant monsters come bearing down on you.
Concrete Knowledge
-6 Android
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear.
-Destroy any of the geo symbols for the largest bonus.
To Beat:
-Enemy base panels will spawn another android every turn. If you don't have
the ability to take out at least two androids every turn, it's time to go
back and level up a bit. Otherwise, send a team to each wing and fight
on three fronts.
***NOTE***: After the story battle on this stage has been cleared, it becomes
your first really good levelling spot, as there are ten enemies set up in a
2x5 pattern, perfect for Giant Cute Steve's level 100 attack.
Evil Heresy
-10 Android
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear.
-Place all geo symbols on red panel, then destroy blue geo symbol for largest

To Beat:
-Ranged attack the first two antroids behind the No Entry panels.
-Lure the next four androids towards you, then take them out.
-NOT fighting the enemy on their +50% boost panels is key, so let them come to
you. Keep an eye on their special attack range.
Sign of Demolition
-1 Android with Giant golem axe
-5 Android
-1 Reaper
-1 Dragon
-1 Rifle Demon
-1 Cockatrice
-1 Alraune
---After Round 1---6 Androids with various magichange weapons
Geo Puzzle:
To Beat:
-A very straightforward map. You are intended to defeat the six androids with
their magichange weapons.
-Their innate evility, "One Man Army" makes the last one alive have doubled
stats. If possible, kill the last two at once with a single attack.
-Due to the lack of tricks on this map, if you're having a hard time, it is
recommended that you level up your characters, level up your skills, level
up your items, and make sure your equipment is up to date.
End Chapter 9
2.00 - Walkthrough - Chapter 10
Swarming Malice
-3 Eryngi
-3 Cat Saber
-3 Mothman
-2 Petite Orc
Geo Puzzle:
-Destroy all the geo symbols, ending with the null symbol.
-place all the geo symbols in the blue area, except for the null geo symbol.
Then destroy any colored geo symbol.
To Beat:
-Lift and throw enemies onto the ByeBye panels, then defend and wait.
-Destroy the green geo symbol, then fight from your base panel. Enemies that
move to engage your character on the base panel will die at the end of turn.
***NOTE***: A special new object, Blast Box is introduced in this stage.
These will explode like a prinny when thrown.

Disaster Dimension
-8 Sludge
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear.
To Beat:
-There is room for two fusion monsters on this stage, and placing them in
those spots will guard your base panel.
-Fusion monsters can tank the hits while a mage nukes the slimes from the base
panel. Since the fusion monster will cover five +1 attack panels, each time
you issue the command to attack, the fusion monster will attack SIX times.
This is very helpful if you can overcome the attack penalty and damage the
sludge monsters in the first place.
-The top layer (purple blocks) are the silence blocks. destroying those will
allow you to use special attacks from a +1 attack zone.
Ruler's Wound
-4 Heavy Knight
-4 Cockatrice
-2 Healer
-2 Skull
-2 Witch
---After round 1---4 Heavy Knight with magichange weapons
-2 Healer
-2 Skull
-2 Witch
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear.
To Beat:
-Charge in the direction of one of the heavy knights, staying as far out of
range of as much magic bombardment as possible. Once you've cleared out a
side, destroy the geo symbols to weaken the spellcasters.
-Charge the other side, destroy those geo symbols, and the spellcasters will
be weak enough to take out.
-If you destroy the yellow geo symbol first, it will neutralize all the mages'
Dark Mud
-Giant Rifle Demon
-Giant Reaper
-Giant Ghost
-Giant Succubus
Geo Puzzle:
-Throw Red geo symbol to red block of geo symbols.
-Throw Green geo symbol to green block of geo symbols.
-Throw Blue geo symbol to blue block of geo symbols.
-Throw Yellow geo symbol to yellow block of geo symbols.
To Beat:
-Although the giant monsters can't move, they all have ranged attacks.
-If you have good healers, the succubus is the easiest one to take out.
Otherwise, the ghost will be the weakest target.

-After taking one out, you can solve the geo puzzles one block at a time.
-Every geo block you destroy will cut the HP of the giant monster residing on
it by about 40%.
Deadly Option
-5 Archer
-4 Sorcerer
-1 Professor
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Defeat the archers on your level, then build a staircase, alternating between
Umbra Cubes and Geo Symbols, then head up to the second level to defeat the
sorcerers and the professor.
-The archers are well equipped and are standing on enemy boost blocks.
Furthermore, the sorcerers are reducing your stats by 20%.
If you have a hard time taking them out, try poking at them with ranged
attacks from a decoy character to lure them to you.
Boiling Point
-2 Rifle Demon
-1 Gunner
-2 Nekomata
-1 Bouncer
-1 Samurai
-1 Giant Dragon
-1 Bio Suit
-1 Giant Golem
---After Round 1---1 Bio Suit with giant magichange weapon
-1 Samurai with giant magichange weapon
-1 Bouncer with two magichange weapons
-1 Gunner with two magichange weapons
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Throw somebody over to both sides to destroy the "No Color Change" geo
symbols. Afterwards, it's a straightforward match with your units on the
high ground.
Defying God
-6 Android
-1 Steve
Geo Puzzle:
To Beat:
-Every turn, Steve will summon a new unit to the battlefield.
-Beating Steve will end the map
-A straightforward map. Unload combo attacks on him until he dies, or tank
his hits and whittle him down, while destroying the units he spawns every

End Main Story
2.10 - Endings
Depending on what relationships were formed throughout the course of the game,
the ending you see after clearing the final chapter will change. These endings
require the use of the Legendary Tree evil symbol, which becomes available as
you complete the story.
Character names will be used in this section.
---Happy End!--Getting one of these endings and starting a new cycle is the only way to unlock
the Android class.
Default Ending:
-Complete the story
-Valvatorez under level 500 *OR* be on your first cycle through the game.
-Valvatorez not in an ending-required relationship listed below
Tyrant Epilogue:
-Valvatorez at least level 500 at the end of the final chapter.
-Cannot get this ending on the first cycle.
Vulcanus Epilogue:
-Valvatorez and Vulcanus as "Lovers" relationship. (He heals her 10 times)
Fenrich Epilogue:
-Valvatorez and Fenrich as "Comrades" relationship. (Perform 10 combo attacks)
Fuuka Epilogue:
-Valvatorez and Fuuka as "Mentors" relationship. (Use her skill with
Valvatorez 10 times)
Desco Epilogue:
-Valvatorez and Desco as "Stepsiblings" relationship. (Protect Desco 10 times)
Emizel Epilogue:
-Valvatorez and Emizel as "Rivals" relationship. (Have them punch each other
with fist type weapons, but not kill one another.)
---Bad End!--These are endings that are little more than glorified game overs.
You will get the option to restart a new cycle after the credits roll.
Emizel 1:
Lose to Emizel in Disaster First (1-5)
Emizel 2 (Same as Emizel 1):
Lose to Emizel in Whispering Curse (2-4)
Lose to Fuuka in Plan of the Wicked (2-5)
Lose to Desco in The Forbidden Cell (3-6)

Lose to Vulcanus in Murder-go-Round (5-6)
Lose to Axel in Infringement (6-7)

3.00 - Other Battles
Aside from the story battles, other special battles can be unlocked by
fulfilling special requirements.
3.10 - Mt. Ordeal
Available for vote in the Dark Senate (Cam-Pain HQ) as soon as you have the
available mana to burn on it, Mt. Ordeal is a Disgaea staple, offering players
a place to power up their characters to quadruple digits as they get prepared
to go visit the Land of Carnage.
7000 mana on a single character is required to make this bill appear.
Ordeal 1
-10 Samurai
-5 Ninja
-3 Onmyo Monk
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Not much to it. You're surrounded by fatties on +50% attack tiles.
Unload all you got and hope it's enough.
-Level up Desco on 9-4 a bit, and she can solo this map.
Ordeal 2
-12 Bouncer
-1 Magic Knight
-1 Witch
-1 Skull
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Lift and Throw to the Geo Symbols on the far side, destroy the No Color
Change symbol, and it will strip the buffs, and drastically weaken everybody
on the map.
Ordeal 3
-7 Succubus
-6 Zombie
-6 Mothman
-5 Sludge
-1 Dragon

Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-This map has no intention of beating you. It just wants to irritate you into
a coma. A handful of fairy dusts to ward off the sleep/poison/etc. will be
-Smack the sludges around with magic cast from base panel.
-Snipe Succubi and Zombies with arrows before throwing units over.
-Bring a healer or healing items to deal with the ally damage panels.
-Conversely, bringing a thrower with low HP to fling your high HP character
around the the ally damage panels will take less powerful healing items to
Ordeal 4
-13 Gargoyles, nicely bunched up into a small diamond on EXP/Mana +100% tiles.
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-This is your levelup map. Ideally, you want to clear this in a single turn.
Massive attack and AOE to the rescue, here.
-Giant Desco can take out all but 2 or 4, depending on the area you want to
leave for other characters.
-A Giant Nekomata magichange fist will expand the range of Big Bang to hit all
the units on this stage.
3.20 - Post Story Battles
After completing the main story, a series of battles will become available via
the Dark Senate. These battles will have cameos, extra party members, and
other shenanigans you've come to expect from this game.
These battles will also cause other unique characters to join your party.
1000 - Attend the Dark Hero Show Live
Attend the Dark Hero Show Live
-1 Steve
-1 Cat Saber
-6 Bouncer
-24 Various Demons
Geo Puzzle:
To Beat:
-The characters on this stage are levels 80-100, and there are no tricks you
can take advantage of. Simply being more powerful is all you can do to make
this stage easier.
After this battle, the bills "The Love Evangelist Appears!" and "Fight the
Defender of Earth!" will appear.
64000 - Fight the Defender of Earth!
Prinny Kurtis!

-1 Prinny
Geo Puzzle:
To Beat:
-Level 150, 58,000 HP, and 4,200 ATK. Unload all you got at him, then lift him
to end the turn. This will buy you quite a bit of time for your powerhouses
to weedle his HP down.
2000 - The Love Evangelist Appears!
Love Missionaries
-2 Healer
-2 Thief
-2 Ghost
-2 Succubus
-2 Reaper
-1 Skull
-1 Masked Hero
-1 Steve
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-The monsters are levels 190 to 200.
-Although the geo symbols are weak, the one you want to target (Enemy Boost)
is being stood on by Steve, which means it can only be hit by non-special
-If you don't mind sacrificing some units, destroying the red "No Entry" geo
symbol will allow you to send someone in to lift steve, so someone else can
take the Enemy Boost geo symbol out, then it's just a brawl.
-Depending on the power of your ranged units, you can hang around outside the
No Entry zone and poke at the enemies until they die.
After this battle, the bill "The Legendary Delinquent Appears!" will appear.
4000 - The Legendary Delinquent Appears!
-6 Ghost
-4 Nekomata
-3 Golem
-1 Steve
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Bombard the nekomatas from your base with ranged attacks before moving them.
-Throwing the teal "No Ranged" geo symbol onto the green panels at the end of
the match will render Steve and the ghosts impotent.
After this battle, the bill "The Nice-Bodied Appears?!" will appear.
8000 - The Nice-Bodied Appears?!

Yes! Nice-Bodied!
-14 Prinny
-1 Felicia.. er.. I mean Steve.
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
-*DO NOT* destroy the enemy boost geo symbol
To Beat:
-Enemies are level 480-500
-Enemy prinnies cannot be thrown, however, your prinnies still can.
-Be careful not to cause a chain reaction that will result in the blue geo
symbol being destroyed. If that thing dies, the whole board changes to
"No Entry" and "invincible", forcing you to quit and restart.
After this battle, the bill "Another Netherworld Overlord Appears!" will
16,000 - Another Netherworld Overlord Appears!
From Anether World
-6 Bone Dragon
-4 Dragon
-1 Steve
---After Round 1---3 Giant Bone Dragon
-2 Dragon'
-1 Steve with two magichange weapons
Geo Puzzle:
To Beat:
-The monsters are only level 1000, but when Steve starts dual wielding his
magichanged dragon swords, his attack power goes up to 160,000. This will
cause problems for characters even twice his level.
-If you only have one super strong character, bring it out, hit with it, then
throw it back into the base panel.
-If you have multiple strong characters, bring them out, unleash a combo
attack on Steve, then have someone lift Steve and end the turn.
-If you can't clear the not-Steve enemies with ease, you will have an
extremely difficult time with the boss, so levelling up may be required.
32000 - Destroy the Root of All Evil!
New Main Character!
-5 Bio Suit
-3 Gunner
-2 Giant Rifle Demon
-1 Steve
---After Round 1---5 Bio Suit
-3 Gunner
-1 Steve dual wielding giant rifle demon magichange guns
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear

To Beat:
-Steve has 400,000 ATK, and the "No Entry" blocks will pop on rounds 1 and 2,
giving you one round to take out the gunners, and one round to take out the
bio suits. Given the difficulty of Steve in this fight, the gunners and
bio suits should be a cakewalk. If you are having problems with the little
guys, you may find yourself unable to harm Steve.
-Since there's no terrain, and no geo puzzle to take advantage of, this match
is just a slugfest. Give it all you've got with combo attacks and high SP
skills. If you can't beat Steve, level up and try again.
After this battle, the bill "Witness a Historical Spectacle!" will appear.
128,000 - Witness a Historical Spectacle!
Pringer X
-1 Prinny
Geo Puzzle:
To beat:
-No tricks to be had here. He has 8 movement and skills with limited range.
It may be possible to outrun him and fire at him, but there will be a fair
amount of luck involved in that strategy.
-He has some highly stealable items. Bring a thief.
-He's got 4 million HP and 500,000 ATK. Buff up and take him down.
After this battle, the bill "Challenge the Badass overlord!" will appear.
256,000 - Challenge the Badass Overlord!
The Badass Overlord
-1 Steve
Geo Puzzle:
To beat:
-Level 4000, 20,000,000 HP, and 1,100,000 ATK. Just like any other end game
test of strength. Unload all your attacks and lift him, or take this time to
visit item world or Chara World.
-This guy's got a legendary Makai Wars, one of the best emblems in the game.
-His weapon, the rank 39 sword, Yoshitsuna, can be legendary. Saving and
reloading can save you a lot of aggravation if you have any intent of grabbing
the rank 40 sword at some point.
After this battle, "Vengeance of Pringer X" will appear.
Pringer X: Roar
-1 Prinny
Geo Puzzle:
To Beat:
-Level 5000, 37,000,000 HP, and 1,700,000 ATK. Fight this guy just like you

fought Badass Overlord, just with higher limits.

***NOTE*** If this fight is too easy for you, rejoining this stage will allow
you to fight eight of these prinnies at once.
3.30 - X-Dimension
Past the standard tricks and gimmicks of the maps you see in story mode,
X-Dimension's maps are going to test your ability to think, and will require
much more preparation than the main story. Most of the "To Beat"s in this will
not give advice on how to beat stronger enemies, as the players experienced
enough to have gotten this far will not need to know that "Fighting enemies on
Enemy Turbo x3 is a bad idea", but rather, they will give advice on how to take
advantage of the terrain, and to not lose the match by being locked in a cage
while a "Game Over" geo symbol casually waltzes onto the field.
In order to unlock the X-Dimension, you need to encounter the Scalper from a
mystery gate in Item World, and buy all the Promotionhell tickets he sells.
Floors 1-50 of item world will contain the first half of the X-Dimension
tickets, while floors 51-100 will contain the second half of the tickets.
The tickets will cost a sizable amount of money, which is only easily obtained
in the post game.
Maps in this section will be labelled "Puzzle" or "Overpower". Overpower maps
can be won simply by having very powerful units, and won't be surprised by a
sudden tricky "Game Over" screen. Puzzle maps will have something special to
watch out for, or will require some special conditions be fulfilled before your
super powerful units can skoosh the enemy.
Suggested preparations for X-Dimension includes:
-A 10 range archer
A bow with 6 "Increase attack range" bills passed.
-A 10 range magic user
Any spellcaster a staff and Enlarge or Law by Range as a secondary Evility.
-A 9 range thrower
A Heavy Knight that has had two "Increase Throw Range" Chara Worlds cleared is
not enough. The professor's "Amazing Throw" ability will also be required.
-A unit with massive move and jump capacity
Items are fine, if you don't feel like doing the 27 chara worlds for it.
-Tower of Babel unlocked
-pentanque.hades.org unlocked
Your super thrower will need to be a member of this evil symbol
X-Reincarnation Site - Overpower
Enemy: Level 600
Geo Puzzle:
-Destroy the Null Block to clear the puzzle
To Beat:
-Destroying the Null Block (Range 9 required) will clear the No Entry panels,
and allow you to gang up on her.
X-Prinselytise Room - Overpower
Enemy: Level 400

Geo Puzzle:
-9 range archer required. Start by destroying "Game Over" symbol, then work on
other symbols
-If you don't win in 5 turns, the geo symbols will turn into "Game Over" panels,
and you will lose.
To Beat:
-You're standing on silence symbols, so bring a physical beater.
-The enemy can be lifted off his nice panel, so if you need it, you can take it
for yourself to avoid the silence panels.
X-Albatross Collar - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 150
-6 Witch
-2 Masked Hero
-2 Ninja
-2 Bouncer
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-You have only one turn to win this map, as any enemy casters left alive will go
to destroy the red geo symbol, which will make the map unwinnable, forcing you
to reset.
---Fight the melee units on no-range panels, then throw someone over at the top of
the map, or destroy the teal geo symbol, and poke the witches with your ranged
-Destroy the teal symbol, and fight everyone on Enemy Turbo x3 Panels, then nuke
the witches from across the unpassable strips
X-Disaster First - Overpower
Enemy: Level 180-200
-2 Rifle Demon
-16 Beastmaster
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-A 9 range magic user will be able to target one of the 3x3 units of enemies.
-Stand a unit on the green and/or red geo symbols to have them teleport over to
the enemies at the end of the turn.
-You will only be able to send two units at a time.
Chapter 2:
X-Rotten Sickbed - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 330
-3 Thief
Geo Puzzle:
-Use the Babel Tower's "Dual Throw" ability, combined with the "Tower Lift"
ability to take the lone "Ally Boost" geo symbol, and throw them to the other
purple geo symbols.

To Beat:
-Solve the geo puzzle, destroy the enemy
-Instead of throwing the geo symbol over, you can simply throw the thieves back
over to your side. Since the Ally Boost geo symbol explodes in three turns,
this is a good method if you want to take your time.
-A thief can lift and throw the enemy thieves over the wall without needing the
assistance of the babel tower's Dual Throw command, making this whole fight
require less preparation.
-The "dual throw" command is only executed if the character at the bottom of the
tower is in the babel tower evil symbol. It doesn't matter whether or not the
person you're dual-throwing is in the evil symbol or not.
X-Hypha Invasion - Overpower
Enemy: Level 90-115
-12 Nekomata
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-No tricks here. Just be stronger than the enemy.
X-Forest of Corpses - Overpower
Enemy: Level 450-500
-6 Gunner
Geo Puzzle:
-Attack all the geo symbols one at a time
To Beat:
-Destroy the gunners, destroy the geo symbols, and walk to the next area.
-Units with 48 Jump are required to get up and down the pillars, unless you feel
like lifting and moving the indestructible boxes, or want to throw from your
starting platform, leaving units with the necessary throw ranges on their
-Units with 48 Jump can be thrown from pillar to pillar without needing a line
of units standing in place to throw them.
--Move the first unit on top of one pillar.
--Move the second unit into the same space as the first one. The second unit
will now be held by the first unit, and can be thrown.
X-Whispering Curse - Overpower
Enemy: Level 700
-2 Heavy Knight
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Lift the enemy, throw them onto the byebye panels, then occupy their squares.
End the turn, win the stage.
-Units with sufficient movement range (Max range required is 14 for melee) will

be able to just walk up to the enemy and destroy him in one turn.
X-Plan of the Wicked - Overpower
Enemy: Level 1000
-1 Mothman
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-You have 5 turns to win this stage. After that, the ground changes to
"Absolute Area" and "Game Over".
-The No Range and Evade status makes all attacks on this enemy reduced to 25%
maximum hit chance.
-Four units with high movement range are an ideal team for this stage.
X-Altar of Waste - Overpower
Enemy: Level 125
-9 Bio Suit
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-No tricks here. Just give 'em the smackdown.
Chapter 3:
X-Murder Labyrinth - Overpower
Enemy: Level 270
-9 Zombie
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Enemies will beeline for the Game Over squares. Take them out before they can
get there.
-Do not destroy the purple geo symbol, as it will cause you to lose the game.
X-Searing Euthanasia - Overpower
Enemy: Level 200
-12 Cleric
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-The whole stage is Reverse Damage. Bring some healers to take the enemy out.
X-Chains of Judgment - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 450
-9 Gargoyle
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear

To Beat:
-Lift and throw the gargoyles on to the red damage panels, then just smack them
to death.
X-vengeful Road - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 135-140
-6 Mothman
-6 Eryngi
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Both the red geo symbol and the teal geo symbol much be on the teal panels in
front of your base when the red block's timer runs out. All the red blocks
will turn teal and have no effect. At that point, you will be able to lift
the invulnerability block from the green panel and damage the enemies.
-Units with massive move scores will help this on this map.
-Monsters with high movement rates will also be helpful, as they can move after
having blocks thrown at them.
X-Dark Execution - Overpower
Enemy: Level 230-240
-11 Beastmaster
-12 Cockatrice
---After Round 1---10 Beastmaster with cockatrice magichange weapon
-1 Beastmaster with dual cockatrice magichange weapons
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-This stage is just a slug fest. Bigger numbers will win here.
X-The Forbidden Cell - Overpower
Enemy: Level 777
-1 Samurai
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-You are allowed only one unit to fight the samurai, unless you bring her close
enough to your base to get a second that can attack from the base panel.
Chapter 4
X-Ultra Security - Overpower
Enemy: Level 200
-8 Alraune
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:

-There are plenty of safe squares to keep from the ally damage 100% effect.
Just hang out on the high ground and assault the targets with ranged attacks.
-You can simply destroy any of the geo symbols after turn 1 to create a huge
chain effect, greatly damaging all the enemies.
X-Rotten Core - Overpower
Enemy: Level 380
-16 Cockatrice
Geo Puzzle:
-Imposible to clear
To Beat:
-Wait 8 turns wile the invincibility blocks explode, then poke the chickens to
-The chickens have an assortment of status spells that will hit at 55%
regardless of level.
X-Total Fabrication - Overpower
Enemy: Level 500
-10 Archer
Geo Puzzle:
-Attack the blocks one at a time
To Beat:
-A ranged attacker is required to beat the enemies here.
-A sizable amount of JM on characters helps with this map, as it will mitigate
the required amount of time spent throwing characters around the map.
-Lifting and throwing from pillar to pillar is the way to clear this stage.
X-Conspiracy - Overpower
Enemy: Level 150
-24 Bouncer
Geo Puzzle:
To Beat:
-No tricks here. Just bring your biggest guys and smash 'em.
X-Evil Propaganda - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 250
-8 Skull
-8 Female Fighter
-4 Gunner
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-A lot of the shenanigans on this stage can be ignored simply by having a
sizable amount of jump (at least 50), and attack range (at least 9). This
will allow you to take out the enemies behind the "Absolute Area" panels
without having to play by the stage's rules.

-The name of the game is getting that yellow geo symbol all the way around the
map to the outside yellow panel, which will allow you to teleport a character
inside the absolute area panels.
-You have 5 turns to get the yellow geo symbol to the other side of the map
before it pops.
X-Fall of the Zenith - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 180
-16 Reaper
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Units with high movement will be less affected by the "No Entry" block, by
being able to clear a whole section in one turn.
-Wait for the "No Entry" geo symbol to get off the red, then send units to lift
and throw over the blue panels.
-Then wait for the "No Entry" geo symbol to let you pass as you make your way to
the "Stage Clear" geo symbol.
-You will be taking quite a bit of a beating from the reapers, since they're
Chapter 5:
X-Scream Park - Overpower
Enemy: Level 130
-8 Masked Hero
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-You have one turn to destroy all the enemies. If they get a turn, they will
randomly end their turn on a game over panel, or knock you on to a game over
panel with their fist skills.
-Because of the setup, very few skills can hit more than one masked hero at a
time, so you will want several characters able to take out a level 130 unit
in a single shot.
-If an enemy ends his turn on a game over panel, you have one turn to get him
off that panel. Since he can't be lifted, fist skills will have to do.
X-Lost Dignity - Overpower
Enemy: Level 400
-8 Bio Suit
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-No tricks here. If they end turn on an invincibility panel, wait for them to
get off it. Otherwise, just use your best attacks.
X-Wounded Pride - Overpower
Enemy: Level 555
-4 Alraune

-4 Ghost
-1 Witch
-1 Skull
-1 Mage Knight
---After Round 1---3 humans dual-wielding staff type magichange weapons.
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-You have a limited number of turns to beat this stage, as the expanding blue
panels will spell a game over if they touch any unit.
-The stage is set up such that the enemies are quickly defeated.
X-Ruin Coaster - Overpower
Enemy: Level 500
-27 Petite Orc
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Three mages with sufficiently levelled magic can end this on turn one.
Remember that "Game Over" panels don't trigger until you press End Turn. If
you clear the stage by executing, you won't lose, no matter how many units are
standing on the red panels.
-The "Game Over" panels surrounding your base can prove problematic if you don't
use 3 units to end this immediately, or have a mage with +8 or higher magic.
-The "No Humans" panel will make Desco an MVP on this map, as her Yog Sothoth
will be able to clear a group of enemies on its own.
X-Frantic Wheel - Overpower
Enemy: Level 1-1000
-1 Giant Rifle Demon
-1 Sludge
-1 Cat Saber
-1 Mothman
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-9 range mage with 3x3 magic can clear this in one action. Simply target the
three level 1s with the 3x3, and let the Disperse Damage effect kill the giant
rifle demon.
-Similarly, any melee unit that can get in range will have the same effect, but
requires a much higher damage threshold, as the damage will get divided.
X-Murder-Go-Round - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 100
-4 Mage
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:

-A character with high movement range and the ability to heal itself is
important to this stage, as you will be reducing your HP to nearly 1 every
round as you make your way to the center.
-You will have to travel a total of 72 panels across "Ally Move Damage" panels
in order to reach the center of this map.
-Once a unit has reached the center, lift and throw the invincibility block off
the green panels, then destroy the mages.
-If you ignore the mages too long, their levels will become problematic, as they
get a 10% level up every turn.
-Only one unit needs to reach the center to throw the invincibility block away,
as your other units will be able to hit them with ranged attacks afterwards.
Chapter 6
X-Winter Cemetery - Overpower
Enemy: Level 350
-10 Petite Orc
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Run through the red strip and beat on the pigs.
-If you have a limited number of characters that can take a beating, you can
also destroy the prohibitive geo symbols with the first character that makes
it out of the red, allowing mages and archers to shoot from inside the
restricted area.
X-Oblivion Hill - Overpower
Enemy: Level 300-350
-6 Succubus
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Two units with at least 10 move range and a ranged attack is required.
-Run your long range characters to the yellow panels and bomb the enemy.
-Take high move characters and run to the center, taking out the enemy when you
get there.
X-Ghoul Standard - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 1
-2 Masked Hero
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-A modestly weak character (Weak enough to be killed in one shot) and another
character with an Area of Effect that can target two units four spaces apart
are required to complete this stage.
-Have a weak human character move behind a masked hero, lift him, and throw him
onto a yellow panel.
-Have a second character come out from the base panel and destroy both the
masked hero and the weak character. (Rune Dimension works for this)
-Move the character that just attacked on to the yellow panel the first masked

hero was thrown to.

-Have a second character come out, lift the second masked hero, throw it on to
the yellow panel, then nuke it from the base panel with a ranged unit.
X-Abysmal Mirage - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 115
-1 Ghost
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-A thrower with range 9 as a member of pentanque.hades.org is required to clear
this map.
-Pull out your thrower, place him next to the base panel. Use Amazing Throw if
-Use the thrower to throw a character onto the Mighty Enemy block.
-Have the thrown character throw the ghost onto the deathblow panels.
X-The Defiled - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 1000
-10 Archer
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-simply lift the invincibility geo symbol, and destroy the archers with ranged
-Standing on the invincibility block will confer the bonus to the character
standing on it, no matter whether it's on a colored geo panel or not.
-Pull the teal geo symbol back, and use diagonal throw to plant it on the
enemy's blue Invincibility panels. Pass turn, and they'll all explode.
-If you're not comfortable with diagonal throwing, bring the block all the way
back to the purple geo symbol next to your main base panel.
X-Fractured Bouquet - Overpower
Enemy: Level 500
-2 Shaman
---For every tombstone you move---1 Zombie
Geo Puzzle:
To Beat:
-A character with 60 jump will be able to clear this map without disturbing any
of the tombstones.
-Otherwise, a character with at least 36 jump will be required to jump up the
stairs you will create by lifting and throwing the tombstones.
X-Infringement - Puzzle
Enemy: Eventually 1015

-1 Wood Golem
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Have a character with 0 counters (or a character holding another character,
lifted from the base panel) wait several turns for all the monsters to fuse
into the wood golem, then attack.
-Defeating the wood golem before all the monsters have fused into him will
render the map unbeatable.
Chapter 7:
X-Rebel Invasion - Overpower
Enemy: Level 200
-12 Wolf
-12 Cat Saber
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Keep a unit on each color of Lonely panels, or else this may prove to be a long
fight, waiting for the enemy to come to you one at a time.
-If you need more than one unit to clear this map, you can destroy the lonely
geo symbols to allow many units on the field at once.
X-Shard of Regret - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 60 - 350
-1 level 60 Prinny
-1 level 350 Ghost (If you disturb the tombstone)
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-You'll need a thrower with a range of at least 7.
-All units required to complete this stage must have at least 14 move.
If everything is executed perfectly, you will only have enough time to get to
the end and throw if this condition is met.
--If your thrower does not need to be buffed, or gets buffed prior to getting in
position, 11 move on all units will also be enough.
-You will need a unit with enough HP to take about 14,000 damage from exploding
barrels four times. (either 56,000 HP, or 14,000 HP and a heal spell), or
have all involved units possess at least 48 jump to skip the barrels.
-Walk along the provided path, throw a unit over to the prinny, and blow it up.
-You have 7 turns to complete this map before the red geo symbol explodes, and
leaves you standing on Game Over panels.
X-Busted Mythology - Overpower
Enemy: Level 500 (On x3 turbo squares)
-9 Reaper
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:

-Lonely tiles restrict you to only one unit to clear this stage.
X-Dark History - Overpower
Enemy: Level 280 - 300
-4 Fighter
-4 Thief
-4 Ninja
-4 Mage Knight
-4 Wolf
-4 Cockatrice
-4 Ghost
-4 Petite Orc
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-If you're lacking a powerful human or monster for the off-side, the restricting
geo symbols can be destroyed once you clear a side.
X-Post-Purge Purge - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 500
-2 Prinny
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Build up two large towers near your base panel, then throw them near to the
prinnies. Your characters will explode, and so will the enemy.
-A combined total throw/move between five characters of 28 is required, as you
will need to make two separate towers to get to each prinny.
-A monster with a high enough move range can bounce a thrown tower of characters
another couple spaces, if your throw range falls short.
X-Overlord's Test - Overpower
Enemy: Level 270
-4 Prinny
-4 Ninja
Geo Puzzle:
-Destroy each block one at a time
To Beat:
-Either ride the warp blocks to the other platforms, or simply lob spells at the
ninjas from your base panel.
X-Feast of the Wolf - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 220
-5 Zombie
-7 Sludge
-8 Nekomata
-5 Cockatrice
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear

To Beat:
-You need some very specific units to beat this stage, as you only have one turn
to clear all the monsters before the floor goes absolute, forcing you to quit.
--Green: Valvatorez, with Tyrant Flughude
--Yellow: Anybody with 3x3 attacks except Desco's Yog Sothoth (Magic level 9)
--Blue: Anybody with 3x3 attacks, including Desco's Yog Sothoth
--Red: Anybody with Rune Dimension (Tier 6 sword skill)
X-Evil Office - Overpower
Enemy: Level 999
-1 Android
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Attack her.
-Use a masked hero to move past the enemy, start a tower, then lift/throw her
onto the Deathblow panel.
Chapter 8
X-Rising Tragedy - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 235
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-You have 5 turns to get to the red Stage Clear panel.
-A movement of 17 is required to end this map in one turn.
X-Deadly Elevator - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 380-400
Geo Puzzle:
-Have a character end the turn holding the lone purple geo symbol, then remain
holding the purple geo symbol until it dies.
To Beat:
-Complete the geo puzzle, then mop up the damaged enemies.
X-Section D - Overpower
Enemy: Level 800
-32 Eryngi
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-No Tricks here. Just beat 'em up.
X-Chaos Factory - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 260 - 3300

-12 Ghost
Geo Puzzle:
-Can't be bothered to figure it out, since it's much easier to clear this map
the lazy way. It's possible to make it such that you are unable to get a
block relevant to clearing your next tower, so think before you throw.
To Beat:
-Solve the geo puzzle and clean up
-If the geo puzzle is too much work, simply wait for the fusions to finish, and
then clear only the tower that has the last remaining enemy.
X-Section G9 - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 270
-9 Zombie
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Bring your pentanque.hades.org thrower to one of the warp panels, holding a
-Once the thrower warps, throw the held character to one of the zombies.
-Throw the zombies to the warp panels when able, and kill them off.
X-Two-Headed Dragon - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 150-180
-1 Alraune
-2 Mage Knight
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Throw a unit over to the second platform.
-Lift/throw the mage knight onto the alraune.
-Light/throw the mage knight off the mighty enemy blocks.
-Destroy the first mage knight
-Fire at the second mage knight from the first mage knight's pillar.
X-Mission Improbable - Puzzle
Enemy: level 1
-1 Prinny
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-You will need a character with 84 Jump to clear this stage.
--Remember that your professor can help with this.
-Lift and throw the prinny.
-You will need a character in the Tower of Babel evil symbol.
-Make a tower several characters high.
-Dual Throw with the highest character you can, to get them over the mountain of
geo symbols.

-Lift and throw the prinny.

X-True Final Weapon - Overpower
Enemy: level 220
-7 Wood Golem
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-No tricks here. The bigger stats will win.
Chapter 9
X-Gloomy Moon - Overpower
Enemy: Level 330
-16 Bio Suit
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Chop your way through the containers with ranged attacks from your base panel.
--Or have all involved characters possess at least 48 jump, to ignore the boxes.
-After that, it's just a matter of killing everything in sight and surviving the
"ally move damage" effect, when combined with the DEF ignoring evility of the
bio suits.
X-3rd Colony - Overpower
Enemy: Level 230 - 240
-4 Bodyguard
-4 Gargoyle
-4 Beast Tamer
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Mash the attack button. No tricks here.
X-Parasite Nest - Overpower
Enemy: Level 150 - 170
-2 Dragon
-2 Petite Orc
-2 Mothman
-2 Zombie
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Ride the warp panels from room to room, or lob long range attacks from the base
X-Concrete Knowledge - Overpower
Enemy: Level 420

-11 Masked Hero

Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-The enemy will not attack you, but rather, make a dash to land on the game over
-Destroy the enemy before they land on the super expanding game over panels.
X-Evil Heresy - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 1
-1 Gargoyle
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-You will need characters with high movement and sizable throw ranges to get the
gargoyle back to the not-invincibility panel in the one turn you have to
complete this stage.
-Monsters with massive move range will help on this stage, as they can receive
and bounce the enemy, then cancel their movement to receive and bounce again.
-The base panel is closer than the not-invincibility panel, if you deem
capturing the monster to be easier.
X-Sign of Demolition - Overpower
Enemy: Level 200 - 240
-29 Wolf
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Each turn, one of the "No Entry" symbols will explode, allowing you to get to
the next group of enemies.
-Level 7 magic will target 5 of the enemies at a time, speeding this map up
Chapter 10:
X-Swarming Malice - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 300
-4 Professor
-4 Skull
-4 Mage Knight
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Let the red symbol encroach the green panels out until its last turn.
-Throw the red geo symbol onto the red panels
-Wait for the enemies to walk onto the green panels to destroy them.
-Standing on the red geo symbol will keep it from getting destroyed by stray
magic attacks.

X-Disaster Dimension - Overpower

Enemy: Level 430 - 450
-6 Succubus
-1 Ghost
Geo Puzzle:
-Wait 3 turns, the puzzle will clear itself.
To Beat:
-Destroy the ghost before the geo-puzzle solves itself.
--Lower the ghost to you by attacking the blue geo symbols underneath it with
normal attacks.
-Either let the geo puzzle solve itself for bonuses, or destroy all the enemies.
X-Ruler's Wound - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 570
-3 Skull
-3 Witch
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-You will need characters that can survive a series of beatings from level 570
-Lift and throw units across the map to the "Invincibility" geo symbol, lift it
off the yellow panel, then destroy the mages with ranged attacks.
X-Dark Mud - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 1000
-1 Bio Suit
Geo Puzzle:
-Destroy each block one at a time
To Beat:
-You will require 7 range 6 throwers, Minus 1 for every 12 jump you have on
every character you plan on using.
-Lift and throw characters from pillar to pillar, then destroy the Bio Suit.
-A unit with a 5 range basic attack can destroy the blocks one at a time, until
the enemy is in range.
-An archer with 7 range can hit the enemy right where he stands.
X-Deadly Option - Puzzle
Enemy: Level 180 - 200
-4 Thief
Geo Puzzle:
-Move the lone red block on the top tier to the bottom tier within one turn.
To Beat:
-A unit with 72 jump and 16 move will make life significantly easier.
-Without the afforementioned unit, you can use the umbra cubes to make a stair
for another unit to run up and grab the cube.
-Solve the Geo Puzzle, then destroy the enemies.

X-Boiling Point - Overpower

Enemy: Level 1200 (On x3 turbo, +1 attack)
-5 Android
Geo Puzzle:
-Impossible to clear
To Beat:
-Move a ranged unit (Desco, Mage) to the clear panel, and attack.
3.40 - Land of Carnage
So you've swiped a Makai Wars and levelled it to 300, made short work of the
post game battles, and the enemies don't even damage your mage anymore? Well
it might be time to book your flight to the Land of Carnage!
The enemies will appear to be only level 9999 here, but their stats will
continue to rise to match the stats they would be if the unit kept going up to
the point their level would be if the cap was not in place.
The Land of Carnage is also the only place you'll be able to find items that
exceed rank 34, including travelling through item worlds.
Just like in previous games, however, getting to the Land of Carnage is a
production in and of itself. You will require the following in order to get
to the Land of Carnage:
-At least 40% of the X-Dimension maps must be cleared.
--The tickets to get to the X-Dimension are sold randomly by NPCs in the
mystery gates in item world. You can get the first half of the tickets from
an NPC in the first 50 floors of an item, and you can get the second half
from an NPC in the second 50 floors.
--The tickets cost a sizable amount of HL each, so if you're not buying songs
with reckless abandon, you may want to clear Mt. Ordeals 4 a few more times
to pick up the necessary cash.
-All of the pieces to the P-Flonzor pirate ship must be obtained. Most of the
parts to the P-Flonzor are obtained through capturing and disciplining
enemies. A higher level enemy will have a larger chance of divulging the
location of a part, so pass all the Stronger Enemy Bills you can handle.
--Rear Part: Capture a Rifle Demon in Sign of Demolition (9-6)
--Left Part: Capture a Reaper in X-Busted Mythology (X 7-3)
--Right Part: Capture a Prinny King in X-Overlord's Test (X 7-6)
--Top Part: Capture a Mage Knight in X-Swarming Malice (X 10-1)
--Head Part: Capture a Professor in X-Swarming Malice (X 10-1)
--Body Part: Obtained by meeting and defeating the Meowkin Pirates, only
encountered on stages 91-99 of a legendary item.
***NOTE***: Since it's widely accepted that the P-Flonzor parts will only
appear in X-Dimension maps, a method to acquire the pieces would
include "Capture all the enemies you need", "Start a new cycle",
clear an X-Dimension map, but no other maps", and then "Find
Treasure". The treasure will always spawn in the X-Dimension.
Once the maps are cleared and the P-Flonzor is assembled, you will be able to
talk to an NPC at the lower level of Hades to send you to the Land of Carnage.

4.00 - Online Features
New to Disgaea 4 is a collection of features that take advantage of the
Playstation Network. They're not essential for completion of the game, nor
are they spectacularly optimal in terms of levelling up quickly, or making the
game significantly easier, so if you're lacking an account, or have no desire
to leave the network online (as it does increase the load times on certain
actions), you won't be hurting yourself.
While the network functions would not be qualified as necessary, there is
certainly a lot of reward available for players willing to put in the work to
acquire the CP, a commodity spent in the map editing store.
4.10 - Custom Pirates
Once you've battled some pirates in item world and passed the necessary bill
in the dark senate, you'll be able to create your own pirate squad. These
pirates can raid enemy item worlds, if they're connected to the network when
they delve into item world, and they can also be helpful or harmful to the
player whose world they're invading. Simply choose whether they'll support or
attack when they land.
More pirate ship pieces can be unlocked when you defeat new pirates in item
world, or when you interrogate appropriately levelled monsters for their
treasure locations. More detailed information will follow
4.20 - Custom Maps
NOTE: Maps created by other users will only grant CP, a currency used in the
store to unlock geo symbols and additional terrain. In order to utilize
this feature to farm EXP, Money, or what-have-you, you'll need to play on
maps you've created yourself, with geo-symbols you've bought.
Maps created by you will have an exp yield of only 25% of the amount you
would recieve if you fought the exact same thing in the base game. It really
isn't as bad as it sounds, considering everything you can do on a map.
-Damage 10%, enemies never move. Pull one unit out, wait 10 turns, kill a ton
of high level enemies with single digit HP. ...Among other things.
Once you complete chapter 3, and pass the requisite dark senate bill, the
ability to create custom maps will become available. These maps serve any
number of purposes. Challenging your brain, racking up trophies, or just
plain farming.
Talk to the map editor in town, and select "information" from the list if you
want the in-game explanation on how it works.
You will need CP to buy map bits. These are easily obtained by finding maps
online and playing those.
To play on another user's map, select Map Edit -> User Battle in the NPC's
choice menu. Keep in mind that you will only get CP from playing on the maps
of others once per day.
Creating a map is a lot easier than it looks. There's just a lot of buttons
and commands that appear overwhelming. A step-by-step to creating a simple

map follows:
-Map Edit -> Begin Edit -> Map 1 -> Original Map -> Panel
-From the General Menu (Triangle button) select Landform Creation, then choose
"Cross". Place it anywhere with the X button.
-Back up (circle) to the menu, and select "Placement Menu" ->
"Place Characters" -> Then Valvatorez. Just drop him anywhere on the cross.
-Back up (circle) to the Placement menu, and select "Place Base Panel".
Drop it anywhere.
Voila! Instant simple map! It will play like a normal map where you fight
Valvatorez at the strength (and equipment) he was when you created the map.
If you make a good money map, you will have more people play it and rate it.
The more stars you get for rating, the more CP you get to spend on geo blocks.
Successful money maps include:
-Small maps with 7 geo blocks, one enemy, and covered in one color panel, with
the null block at the end of the chain.
-Geo block puzzles that drop five levels as soon as the key is thrown into
place, with a collection of units at the top that are reduced to near-death
once the chain ends.
-While geo chain 9001s are fun to watch once, they're not fun to watch over
and over when you're just farming for CP. Avoid this if you're trying to
lure people in.
-For an example of a good panel combo map (completed quickly, max CP)
look up Futami_Ami, with a champ strength of 2553.
6.00 - Unlocks
This section covers an assortment of unlockable content in the game.
6.10 - Evil Symbols
Evil Symbols are bases that provide special effects to all the units standing
within in their area of effect. The areas of evil symbols can be improved
upon by clearing the geo symbols on floor 10 of Chara World, and visiting the
mystery gate.
If a minister offers a bonus, such as "All stats way up when a unit in the
area levels up", that bonus will be conferred to any unit that shares an evil
symbol with the minister.
This is a list of Evil Symbols, how to get them, and their effects.
Aura Pyramid
-You start with this symbol unlocked.
-All members will obtain 50% of the Mana earned by a member who defeats an
-This is easily the most useful evil symbol in the game. Since Mana is such
a hard commodity to come by, the ability to double the amount you generate
in the early game (increased to 3.5x once you expand the evil symbol enough)
is such a vastly useful tool that some theologists use it to prove the
nonexistence of... wait.. wrong book.
-Training Ground
-You start with this symbol unlocked.
-All members gain 10% of the EXP earned by a member who defeats an enemy.
-The second most useful symbol in the game. Did you make a healer that has a
hard time killing things? Give it a spot here, and let your higher levels
do the work. Is Desco killing everything in sight on 9-4? Let some other

guys get in on the action!

-Nether Shoe Lab
-Unsure how to unlock. It seems easy, however.
-Increases the MV of members by 3, but members can only move in a straight
-Not as useful as it sounds. The limited use of this symbol makes it a great
-Defense Fortress
-The bill for this symbol is available immediately.
-In addition to activating Protect, members take an adjacent ally's damage.
-Not a spectacularly useful symbol, but if you have multiple glass cannons,
and only one tank, the tank can protect up to three units at once.
-Legendary Tree
-Unlocked over the course of the story
-This symbol is required to obtain the many different endings in Disgaea 4.
See the Legendary Tree section (when it exists) for details.
-Item World Radar
-Defeat an Item King to unlock the bill for this symbol
-"Trigger more events at the Mini Map".
-I'm not exactly sure what this means. It might be referring to the triangle
that appears when you access the menu in item world, or it might refer to
the frequency with which an Innocent Town can appear.
-Discipline Room
-Throw enemies three times
-This will allow you to capture enemies in your base panel, so long as you
have that class and tier unlocked to create. After capturing the enemy, you
can interrogate it and get unique pieces of gear. Puppy Paw Stick, Pirate
ship pieces, and the like.
-Rosen Queen
-Unlocked over the course of the story
-Allows a souvenir vendor to set up shop in the main base. Depending on where
the symbol and its area of effect are, the inventory the souvenir vendor
sells will change.
-Cam-Pain Board
-Pass 3 bills in Dark Senate to unlock the bill for this symbol
-Members of this symbol will be sent to Dark Senate hearing, and are very
likely to vote in favor of any bill you suggest.
-Heart Cannon
-The bill for this symbol is available immediately.
-If a member is within range of an enemy that a character attacks, the member
will also attack that enemy.
-Babel Tower
-Attack while a tower of characters is formed.
-Members will gain access to the "dual throw" command. The "dual throw"
command is a bit of a misnomer, as it only allows you to select which member
of your tower will be throwing the remaining characters in the tower.
-Blight House
-Unlocked over the course of the story
-Increases the stats by 10% when a cabinet member unit is placed.
-I'm not sure exactly what that line means, or what this symbol does. Several

tests have yielded no definite results.

-Fusion Weapon Lab
-Have a fused (giant) monster defeat a monster of at least level 100.
-Members of this symbol will be able to conduct a magichange after being fused
into. In short, Giant magichange.
-This symbol is a must if you plan on taking advantage of Mt. Ordeals 4.
When a Nekomata is fused and magichanges into a fist for a human character,
the area of effect of the "Big Bang" attack matches the formation of the
-Dual Dojo
-Have a character equipped with a magichange weapon destroy an enemy of at
least level 1000.
-Any monster-type unit member will be able to conduct the second magichange,
Dual magichange.
-A very popular, but unnecessary symbol.
-Beast Lab
-Clear the sixth post game story battle.
-Monster equipment is factored in when performing fusion or magichange.
-If you use magichange, this is probably your best symbol. The three pieces
of gear on the character, plus the four pieces of gear on the monster, plus
the stats of the monster itself adds up to absolutely monstrous damage.
-Sacrificial Altar
-Not sure how to unlock
-The leader will absorb a member's HP to revive from death
-A comfortable set of extra lives on your character, should something happen.
-Information Bureau
-Unlocked over the course of the story
-Special attacks that are used more than once in a turn do reduced damage to
members of this symbol.
-Monster-throw 30 times for this symbol's bill to become avaiable.
-Members of this symbol will push enemies out of the way when they land.
-This is very useful for your item world runner character.
-Hall Monitor
-Steal an item from an enemy
-Extort items from senators during hearings
-It sounds novel, but you never get anything good.
-General Advisor
-Have ten characters die in battle
-10% of the base stats of defeated members will be added to other members.
-Nether Express
-Move more than 10 squares in a turn
-Create train stations on the map to dispatch units from.
-Another amazingly useful symbol. When units are dispatched from your base
panel, they get the "Board" option to appear below "move", allowing them to
act and move as if they were summoned from the train station, rather than
the base panel.
-Carnage Master
-Have more than 20 million in combined stats (Excluding HP/SP)
-Allows a giant monster to fuse into another giant monster to make an even

stronger demon fusion.

6.11 - Specialty Store Items
The evil symbol "Rosen Queen" can be placed on any area in the Cam-Pain map
that you've cleared. Depending on which square you place it on, different
items will appear at the specialty shop, which will appear next to the general
store in your main base.
The items provided are based wholly on the map tile that the Rosen Queen evil
symbol is placed on, and the amount of territories in its range. If a
territory is occupied by either the Rosen Queen symbol, or any of the squares
in its range, you will get the items from that area available for sale.

Rehabilitation Room - (Nothing)

Reincarnation Site - Power Belt
Prinselytise Room - Slippers
Albatross Collar - Common Orb
Disaster First - Glasses
Rotten Sickbed - Brawny Muscle
Hypha Invasion - Sardine
Forest of Corpses - Power Belt, Slippers
Whispering Curse - Common Orb, Glasses
Plan of the Wicked - Brawny Muscle, Sardine
Altar of Waste - Power Belt, Slippers, Common Orb
Murder Labyrinth - Glasses, Brawny Muscle, Sardine
Searing Euthanasia - Exertion Belt
Chains of Judgment - Cross-Trainers
Vengeful Road - Psycho Orb
Dark Execution - Binoculars
The Forbidden Cell - Kung-Fu Muscle
Ultra Security - Caterpillar Egg
Rotten Core - Cross-Trainers, Exertion Belt
Total Fabrication - Psycho Orb, Binoculars
Conspiracy - Kung-Fu Muscle, Caterpillar Egg
Evil Propaganda - Exertion Belt, Cross-Trainers, Psycho Orb
Fall of the Zenith - Binoculars, Kung-Fu Muscle, Caterpillar Egg
Scream Park - Energy Belt
Lost Dignity - Ninja Tabi
Wounded Pride - Dark Orb
Ruin Coaster - Nerd Glasses
Frantic Wheel - Spirit Muscle
Murder-go-Round - Charred Newt
Winter Cemetery - Energy Belt, Ninja Tabi
Oblivion Hill - Dark Orb, Nerd Glasses
Ghoul Standard - Spirit Muscle, Charred Newt
Abysmal Mirage - Energy Belt, Ninja Tabi, Dark Orb
The Defiled - Nerd Glasses, Spirit Muscle, Charred Newt
Fractured Bouquet - Beastly Belt
Infringement - (Nothing)
Rebel Invasion - Falcon Shoes
Shard of Regret - Bloody Orb
Busted Mythology - Plastic Nose
Dark History - Fight Muscle
Post-Purge Purge - Chicken Blood
Overlord's Test - Beastly Belt, Falcon Shoes
Feast of the Wolf - Bloody Orb, Plastic Nose
Evil Office - Fight Muscle, Chicken Blood
Rising Tragendy - Beastly Belt, Falcon Shoes, Bloody Orb

8 - Deadly Elevator - Plastic Nose, Fight Muscle, Chicken Blood

8 - Section D - Aura Belt
8 - Chaos Factory - Aero Sneakers
8 - Section G9 - Astral Orb
8 - Two-Headed Dragon - Opera Glasses
8 - Mission Improbable - Ace Muscle
8 - True Final Weapon - Snake Kidney
9 - Gloomy Moon - Aura Belt, Aero Sneakers
9 - 3rd Colony - Astral Orb, Opera Glasses
9 - Parasite Nest - Ace Muscle, Snake Kidney
9 - Concrete Knowledge - Aura Belt, Aero Sneakers, Astral Orb
9 - Evil Heresy - Opera Glasses, Ace Muscle, Snake Kidney
9 - Sign of Demolition - Spirit Belt
10 - Swarming Malice - Winged Boots
10 - Disaster Dimension - Lunar Orb
10 - Ruler's Wound - Nightvision
10 - Dark Mud - Victory Muscle
10 - Deadly Option - Yummy Kimchee
10 - Boiling Point - Spirit Belt, Winged Boots
Ordeal 1 - Aura Belt, Aero Sneakers, Astral Orb, Opera Glasses
Ordeal 2 - Spirit Belt, Winged Boots, Ace Muscle, Snake Kidney
Ordeal 3 - Lunar Orb, Nightvision, Victory Muscle, Yummy Kimchee
Ordeal 4 - Bravery Belt, Angel's Shoes, Royal Orb, Crosshair
6.12 - Legendary Tree
This section will go over the details of how to take advantage of the Legendary
Tree evil symbol, as its bonuses are not readily apparent.
The goal of the Legendary Tree is to establish a relationship between two or
more characters. These relationships will offer bonuses to the characters in
the relationship, and can affect the ending you see once the main story is
cleared. Details on the Legendary Tree's effect on endings will be explained
in section 2.10
In order to establish a relationship, at least one of the characters must be in
the leader spot, and a stunt must be performed during battle.
In order to clear a relationship, one of the characters must pass a dark senate
bill at 1,000 mana.
-The leader and target character must be deployed on the same map ten times.
-This relationship does nothing.
-The leader and the target character must engage in a combo attack ten times.
-The combo attack chance between comrades is 100%.
-The leader must use defend in front of the target character, and shield it
from attacks ten times.
-The leader will be able to protect a stepsibling anywhere on the map.
-The leader must wear the same name armor in the same equip order as the target
character for ten battles.
-While twins are wearing the same equipment, they will gain a 20% stat boost
per matching piece of armor.

-The leader must heal the target character 10 times via healing magic or using
-While lovers stand next to one another, they will both restore 10% HP at the
end of every turn.
-While the target character is standing next to the leader, the leader must use
the spells of the target character ten times.
-The leader will be able to use the mentor's spells anywhere on the map, as
long as the mentor is deployed.
-Both the leader and the target must equip fist type weapons and beat each
other up a bit, but not kill one another, for ten attacks.
-The leader gains a stat boost of 20% while the rival is on the map.
-The leader must kill the target character ten times.
-When the leader kills their archenemy, the leader will gain a 50% boost to all
stats for the remainder of the battle.
6.20 - Character Classes
The information in this section is still relatively new, and as such, may be
*INCORRECT*. If something is wrong, please send me an email and let me know
how to correct the information. Please don't throw rotten eggs at my car or
full bottles of wine at your computer screen.
**NOTE**: To unlock all the classes unlocked by levels, you will need:
-Healer 20
-Female Fighter 30
-Armor Knight 30
-Warrior 30
-Thief 30
-Skull 30 (Total of 50 for star skull)
-Witch 15 (Total of 50 for star mage)
-Archer 30
-Sorcerer 30
-Ninja 30
-Onmyo Monk 20
-No requirements to unlock
Evilities inherent to the class:
*Wild Cry: Stats are increased by 20%
Armor Mastery: Equipment aptitude for
Energy Slash: 10% of current SP added
heavy Smash: 30% of base DEF added to

for each adjacent enemy unit

HP and DEF increased by 30%
to ATK when a sword is equipped
ATK when an axe is equipped

Female Fighter
-No requirements to unlock
Evilities inherent to the class:
*Assault Attack: Damage increases by number of enemies defeated * 10%
Shield mastery: Damage decreased by 50% when receiving a normal attack
Power Shot: 30% of base ATK added to HIT when a bow is equipped

Spear Sling: 30% of base HIT added to ATK when a spear is equipped
-No requirement to unlock
Evilities inherent to the class:
*Corpse Heal: Increase recovery magic strength by 50% * the number of
adjacent allied units
Heart's Fertility: 50% more mana gained if killing blow is dealt
Veteran Nurse: Add 1% to the strength of healing magic. I don't get it either.
Death's Heal: Stats are decreased by 50%, but healing magic gains opposite
Bio Suit
-Complete Chapter 8
-have a level 30 warrior
-have a level 30 armor knight
Evilities inherent to the class:
*Self-Destruct: If an attack brings this character below 10% of their max HP,
the character will blow up.
Limiter Release: Adds 20% to all stats, but reduces SP by 10% every turn.
Rear Monitor: Character turns around before receiving an attack from behind.
Damage Cut: Ignore damage that would do less than 10% of the character's max
-Complete Chapter 7
Evilities inherent to the class:
*Official Protection: Adds 20% to the DEF and RES scores of adjacent allies
Synch Guard: Damage dealt to allies reduced by 10% when the character uses
defend to protect them
Damage Shift: The Character takes 20% of the damage that would be otherwise
dealt to an ally in the same attack range
Deadly Support: When this character dies, adjacent allied units gain a 20%
bonus to all their stats for three turns
-Get any ending that doesn't result in you losing a battle, and start a second
Evilities inherent to the class:
*One Man Army: When all allied units are defeated, stats increase by 100%
Revival: If HP is below 25% of max at the start of your turn, the character's
HP will be fully restored
Gimmick Body: All Aptitudes become 200%, but base stats are cut to 10%
Basic Rule: Friendly fire damage is reduced to 0
Armor Knight
-have a level 20 warrior
-pass bill at dark senate
Evilities inherent to the class:
*Aegis: Attacks from the front are reduced by 30%
Last Fortress: DEF and RES are increased b 50% when self HP is below 25%
Advance Guard: Damage taken while defending is reduced by 80%
Spear Defense: 30% of base ATK is added to DEF when a spear is equipped

-have a level 15 healer

-have a level 15 female fighter
-pass "Cute huntress" bill
Evilities inherent to the class:
*Accel Shot: Damage increased by 5% for each tile between this character and
the target.
Hawk Down: 50% more damage to flying enemies
Boy Hunt: 20% more damage to male characters
Bow Range: Bow attack range increased by 1
-have a level 15 warrior
-have a level 15 female fighter
-pass "Top breeder" bill
Evilities inherent to the class:
*Dark Tamer: Increases the stats of adjacent monsters by 20%
Synchronize: Increases chance of team attack with monsters to 99%
Dark Blood: Increases the character's stats by 5% for each monter on the map
M Weapon Master: Aptitudes increase by 20% when a magichange weapon is
-have a level 15 thief
-have a level 15 skull
-pass "Sunset kind of guy" bill
Evilities inherent to the class:
*Marking: Next ally to attack in a combo attack has a 100% critical rate
Assist: Next ally to attack in a combo attack has 100% accuracy
Second Attack: Deals 50% more damage when attacking as part of a combo
Gun Trick: 30% of base HIT is added to SPD when a gun is equipped
-have a level 15 skull
-have a level 15 witch
-pass "curse loving girl" bill
Evilities inherent to the class:
*Cursed Dance: Decrease the stats of all enemies on the map by 5%
Hazard Dance: Increase the chance for enemies to be inflicted by ailments
by 20%
Ominous Dance: Decreases the evasion of enemies by 20%
Ruin Dance: Decrease the elemental affinities of enemies by 25%
Masked Hero
-have a level 25 thief
-have a level 25 warrior
-pass "Hero of the Future" bill
Evilities inherent to the class:
*Speedy Move: Increases SPD by 5% for each tile moved in a turn
Power Survival: Deal 50% more damage to lower level enemies
Superiority: Takes 50% less damage from lower level enemies
Chicken Heart: Stats go down 30%, but movement range increases by 3
-have a level 30 archer
-have a level 30 female fighter
-pass bill at dark senate

Evilities inherent to the class:

*Calm Waters: Increase damage by 30% when
Mind's Eye: No penalty for being attacked
Euthanasia: Normal attacks kill instantly
Cleanse Evil: Increase damage to monsters

attacking a single target

from behind
when target has 25% HP or less
by 25%

Magic Knight
-have a level 30 fighter (Male or female)
-have a level 30 mage (Skull or Witch)
-pass bill at dark senate
Evilities inherent to the class:
*Spirit Benediction: Elemental damage increased by 20%
Elemental Force: Higher elemental affinities will increase the damage of their
corresponding elemental attacks
Echo: 25% chance to use the same skill twice
Sword Force: 30% of base ATK is added to INT when a sword is equipped
-have a level 30 thief
-have a level 30 skull
-pass bill at dark senate
Evilities inherent to the class:
*Misty Haze: Attacks from the front have a 50% miss rate
Sharp Eye: Critical hit rate up 20%
Vision Blur: "Nick"s no longer to damage to this character
Killing Hand: 30% of base SPD is added to HIT when a fist is equipped
Onmyo Monk
-have a level 30 sorcerer
-have a level 30 ninja
-pass "Feng Shui Specialist" bill
Evilities inherent to the class:
*Mass Blaster: Increase damage by 10% for each target in an area attack
Geo Energy: Increase character stats by 10% for each uniquely colored geo
symbol on the map
Geo Resist: Damage from geo chains and falling is reduced to 0
Geo Damage: Geo chain damage increased by 50%
-have a level 20 healer
-have a level 20 Onmyo Monk
-pass bill at dark senate
Evilities inherent to the class:
*Medical Insertion: Effectiveness of
Effective Delivery: Duration of buff
Secret Poison: Increases the effects
Teaching License: EXP gain of allies

buff magic increased by 50%

magic lengthened by two turns
of items used by 100%
on map increased by 20%

Star Mage
-have a combined level of 50 between your highest witch of each color
Evilities inherent to the class:
*Magic Moderation: SP costs of special attacks reduced by 50%
Concentrate: 30% of base INT added to HIT when a staff is equipped
Magic Wand: Attack damage is based off INT when a staff is equipped
Enlarge: Magic range increased by 1

Star Skull
-have a combined level of 50 between your highest skull of
Evilities inherent to the class:
*Magic Bundle: SP costs for skills are doubled, but magic
by 30%
Illusion: 30% of base INT is added to SPD when a staff is
Magic Wand: Attack damage is based of INT when a staff is
Magic Conversion: 10% of current SP is added to INT

each color
efficacy is increased

*These Evilities cannot be stripped from the class. If your unit is this class,
it must have this evility.
7.00 - Items by Rank
When you begin a stage, you will see "Bonus Rank" written on the side of the
screen. The bonus rank will measure the overall qualities of the items you
can get from the bonus gauge on that stage. The following list will order the
game's items by both item type, and rank.
Items up to Rank 34 will appear throughout the game, either on story maps or
in Item World. In order to get items of rank 35-39, you must visit the item
world in the Land of Carnage. In order to get a rank 40 item, you must clear
100 floors of a legendary rank 39 item, and steal the rank 40 item from the
item god on that floor.
***NOTE***: Because there is a chance the item god may not have the item, it
is recommended you use a Mr. Gency exit on floor 99 of the rank 39 item, and
reload the game if the item god does not have the item. You CAN NOT gency
out on floor 100 and hope he has the item. This was a built-in mechanic to
prevent people from swiping several rank 40 items from a single rank 39 item
1 - Oven Mitts
2 - Old Gloves
3 - Toy Puppet
4 - Fist
5 - Double Slap
6 - Leather Gloves
7 - Hand-Me-Downs
8 - One-Two Punch
9 - Surprise Shot
10 - Knuckles
11 - Full Snap Back
12 - Power Knuckle
13 - Buster
14 - Regime Bust
15 - Whirlwind Slap
16 - Miracle Punch
17 - Deluxe Fist
18 - White Tiger
19 - Shadow Slicer
20 - Giant Swing
21 - Bone Crusher
22 - Bomber Tackle
23 - Corruption Incident
24 - Scorching Burn

|Paring Knife
|Main Gauche
|Night Saber
|Heavy Sword
|Dragon Blade
|Plant Saber
|Bloody Dagger
|Ninja Sword
|Rock Buster
|Berserk Stinger
|Passing Showers
|Quaking Blade
|Ancient Hero
|Blood Shark
|Crystal Blade
|Hero Blade
|Super Flashlight
|Dragon Slayer

|Faux Spear
|Beginner's Spear
|Scout Spear
|Battle Spear
|Moon Pike
|Cross Spear
|Military Fork
|Bat Spear
|Night Giserne
|Beast Lance
|Side Winder
|Nature's Spear
|Trembling Spear
|Demon Pinner
|Eagle Spear
|Star lance
|Great Partisan
|Walkure Spear
|Twin Assassin
|Mental javelin

25 - Hades Karate
|Scorching Trident
26 - Cross Counter
|Regal Darkness
27 - Purgatory Chop
|Demon Ninja
|Death Scorpion
28 - Death Combat
|Ogre Knife
|Achilles' Spear
29 - Poison Hand
|Titan's Treasure
|Disaster Lance
30 - Bloody Hand
|Heavenly Wings
|Romulus' Spear
31 - Heavenly Tornado
|Hades Blade
|Gae Bolg
32 - Rising Fist
|Abaddon Spear
33 - Death Gauntlet
34 - Money Fist
35 - Galactica
36 - Lightning Ligon
37 - Demon Lord's Hand
|Claiomh Solais
38 - Holy Breaker
39 - Ultimus
|Holy Ray
40 - Cosmo Infinity
|Baal Sword
|Drill Emperor
1 - Makeshift Bow
|Water Gun
|Wannabe Axe
2 - Small Bow
|Junk Gun
|Old Axe
3 - Wooden Bow
|Defense Gun
|Nail Bat
4 - Steel Bow
|Rapid Fire
5 - Edgy Bow
|Assault Pistol
|Strong Bat
6 - Long Bow
|Silver Auto
7 - Composite Bow
|Saturday Night
|Bandit Axe
8 - Elf Bow
|Silent Killer
|Fool's Gold Axe
9 - Bone Hunter
|Twin Danger
|Bronze Axe
10 - Thorn Bow
|Viking Axe
11 - Atrocious Bow
12 - Wing Bow
|Texas Revolver
13 - Demon Hunter
|War Hammer
14 - Golden Bow
|Steam Cannon
15 - Bow of Hope
|Laser Run
|Lovely Edge
16 - Kamaitachi's Bow
|Ogre Club
17 - Cursing Bow
|Lite Burst
18 - Gaea's Bow
|Haunted Magnum
19 - Sky Arc
|Grand Cannon
|Metal Warrior
20 - Bull's Eye
|Space Detective Gun |Wing Axe
21 - Undead Bow
|Pulsar Cannon
|Butterfly Hammer
22 - Crystal Hunter
|Cross Blaster
|Saint Hatchet
23 - God Speed
|Wing Cannon
|Lightning Axe
24 - Elemental Bow
|Crescent Thwacker
25 - Monoceros
|Technical Shooter
|Heaven's Axe
26 - Harpuia
|Mad Cleaver
27 - Beast Bow
|Panzer Blaster
|Demon Axe Labrys
28 - Angel Bow
|Gaea Axe
29 - Mystic Bow
|Bugle Emperor
|Heart Crusher
30 - Celestial Bow
|Flame Thrower
|Rune Axe
31 - Metal Hunter
|Martial Phaser
|Abyss Mace
32 - Magna Mater
|Axe of Demolition
33 - Jupiter's Bow
|Warrior's Gun
|Griffon Edge
34 - Phoenix Bow
|Victory Magnum
|Gigas Hammer
35 - Wendigo
|Gravity Blaster
|Lunatic Axe
36 - Demon Lord's Bow
|Atomic Ray
|Holy War Axe
37 - Izanami's Bow
|Minotaur Axe
38 - Drake Hunter
|God Cannon
|Godly Ray Axe
39 - Lovely Cupid
40 - Divinity
|Deicide Axe
Monster Weapons (Red) Monster Weapons (Gray)

1 - Old Wooden Staff

|Sardine Bone
|Preamble: Warning
2 - Light Staff
|Paw Gloves
|Article 1: Dishonest
3 - Glass Staff
|Hawk Claw
|Article 2: Diminish
4 - Magician Rod
|Crab Claw
|Article 3: Hindering
5 - Clown Staff
|Slime Mucus
|Article 4: Unjust
6 - Undead Rod
|Hornet Needle
|Article 5: Crass
7 - Harpy Staff
|Spikey Shell
|Article 6: Suspicion
8 - Shell Staff
|Kangaroo Punch
|Article 7: Despair
9 - Jewel Wand
|Wolf Fang
|Article 8: Mischief
10 - Sorcerer's Staff
|Odd Mandible
|Article 9: Crime
11 - Demon Rod
|Death Invitation
|Article 10: Guffaw
12 - Hammer Stick
|Bear Claw
|Article 11: Deprave
13 - Jungle Staff
|Snake Skull
|Article 12: Guilt
14 - Prinny Staff
|Shark Head
|Article 13: Filth
15 - Prelude
|Article 14: Deceit
16 - Justice Staff
|Thorny Whip
|Article 15: Scheme
17 - Cat's Eye Staff
|Undead Embrace
|Article 16: Insult
18 - Sunshine Rod
|Ogre Horn
|Article 17: Immoral
19 - Storm Staff
|Jack O' Lantern
|Article 18: Disguise
20 - Cute Stick
|Article 19: Rebel
21 - Icarus Staff
|Elephant Tusk
|Article 20: Vain
22 - Loreley
|Gargoyle Feather
|Article 21: Strength
23 - Holy Wings
|Arachne Weave
|Article 22: Leverage
24 - Lunar Staff
|Chimera Tail
|Article 23: Reward
25 - Venus Wand
|Tengu Fan
|Article 24: Connive
26 - Nightmare
|Golem Punch
|Article 25: Doubt
27 - Solid Impact
|Unicorn Hoof
|Article 26: Arrogant
28 - Sorcerer Rod
|Dark Aura
|Article 27: Laziness
29 - Prinny Stick
|Troll Claw
|Article 28: Avarice
30 - Requiem
|Cerberus Jaw
|Article 29: Threat
31 - Darkness Wand
|Siren Harp
|Article 30: Skeptic
32 - Holy Gem
|Phoenix Wing
|Article 31: Pseudo
33 - Helios Staff
|Fox Ninetail
|Article 32: Unlucky
34 - Holy Staff
|Basilisk Eye
|Article 33: Revolt
35 - Diablos
|Dragon Fang
|Article 34: Rage
36 - Heavenly Revelation
|Devil Matrix
|Article 35: Atrocity
37 - Fenghuang Staff
|Ashura's Anger
|Article 36: Conceal
38 - Soma Staff
|Uroborus Ring
|Article 37: Cruel
39 - Archangel's Staff
|Satan Force
|Article 38: D-Lord
40 - Genesis Wand
|Demon Law: Digest
1 - Vinyl Cloth
2 - Pot Lid
3 - Evilection Sash
4 - Pretty Apron
5 - Large Buttoned Shirt
6 - Jijo Outfit
7 - Overalls
8 - Doctor's Coat
9 - Hunting Cap
10 - Dress Clothes
11 - Light Buckler
12 - Trench Coat
13 - Magical Vest
14 - Fancy Suit
15 - Chained Kimono
16 - Mage Robe
17 - Powerful Jacket
18 - Camo-Clothes

19 - Samurai Robe
20 - Skele-mail
21 - Breast Plate
22 - Riot Shield
23 - Brigandine
24 - Dandy Gown
25 - Spike Shield
26 - Saint's Robe
27 - Passion Best
28 - Angel Leotard
29 - Sengoku Armor
30 - Spartan Shield
31 - Valkyrie Dress
32 - Dragon Mail
33 - Hero Cape
34 - Holy Warrior Armor
35 - Gilgamesh Armor
36 - Aegis Shield
37 - Goddess's Dress
38 - Overlord Cape
39 - Super Alloy Mechsuit
40 - Ultimate Barrier
3 - Power Belt
|Common Orb
7 - Exertion Belt
|Psycho Orb
11 - Energy Belt
|Ninja Tabi
|Dark Orb
15 - Beastly Belt
|Falcon Shoes
|Bloody Orb
19 - Aura Belt
|Aero Sneakers
|Astral Orb
23 - Spirit Belt
|Winged Boots
|Lunar Orb
27 - Bravery Belt
|Angel's Shoes
|Royal Orb
31 - Black Belt
|Holy Orb
35 - Ubermensch
|Propel Vernier
|Chaos Orb
39 - Orion's Belt
|Barefoot X
|Universal Orb
3 - Glasses
|Brawny Muscle
7 - Binoculars
|Kung-Fu Muscle
11 - Nerd Glasses
|Spirit Muscle
15 - Plastic Nose
|Fight Muscle
19 - Opera Glasses
|Ace Muscle
23 - Nightvision
|Victory Muscle
27 - Crosshair
|Dream Muscle
31 - Foresight
|World Muscle
35 - Destiny Lens
|Star Muscle
39 - Providence
|Cosmo Muscle
4 - Imperial Seal
8 - Dark Rosary
12 - Evil Ring
16 - Feather Token
20 - Sophia's Mirror
24 - Pravada Pendant
28 - Royal Ring
32 - Testament
36 - Exodus
39 - Arcadia
40 - Trapezohedron

8.00 - Powering up
This section is dedicated to increasing the power of your characters.
Increasing character level is only the tip of the iceberg in the Disgaea
universe. Aside from increasing levels, you can also power up items, increase
aptitudes, and invest mana in powering up skills.
8.10 - Character Level
Increasing character level is unanimously agreed upon as the weakest boost you
can give your characters, but it's also the easiest and quickest way to power
up in the late game.
By reincarnating, you can store levels which will add to bonus points that can
be used when deciding character growth rates. You can store as many as
180,000 levels to maximize the effect of reincarnation.
The quickest way to gain levels, in order of appearance in the game, are as
-Lost Dignity (5-2) ; Everybody
--An easily obtained 150% exp boost on all panels, coupled with four groups of
enemies grouped up nicely in 2x2 formation.
--Due to a glitch in the game's programming, monsters that are exactly level
99 will give more experience than monsters three times their level.
Passing 8 Stronger Enemy Bills will make the levels of the monsters on this
stage equal to 99, netting you that bonus.
-Concrete Knowledge (9-4) ; Desco, Monster classes
--Two lines of monsters set up in such a fashion that a fused Desco can hit
all of them with Yog Sothoth. This levels up both her, and the monster
that fused with her.
--If you're having problems with story battles after 9-4, bringing Desco back
here will make it such that you can steamroll the rest of the game with
superior levels and stats.
-Ordeal 4 ; Everybody
--The monsters here are set up in such a way that a human character equipped
with a giant nekomata fist will be able to target all the enemies on the
stage with a single Big Bang. This gives experience to the human, and to
the two monsters that fused to make the giant fist. This is also the
fastest levelling spot occuring in the natural game.
-Custom Maps ; Everybody
--If moving, fusing, and attacking is too many steps for you, you can make
your own map using characters you already have and piling on the Exp+50%
geo symbols. Although the exp gain from user maps is cut to 25%, you can
make it such that your enemies will never move, and also that they're not
equipped with anything, making them easy kills.
8.20 - Item World
Item World is a game unto itself. There are complex formulas that go into how
an item's stats are calculated. The basic rules are as follows:
-An item's rank will determine the strength of the enemies you face inside the
item. Rank 1 items will start with enemies level 1, while rank 40 items
will have enemies that start at 255.

-An item's rarity will determine the amount of floors you can travel through.
Most items (Common, nonblinking) will only allow 30 floors to be passed.
Rare items (Blinking blue) will allow you to clear 60 floors.
Legendary items (Blinking gold) will allow you to clear 100 floors.
-There is no difference between killing every enemy on a floor and simply
running to the dimensional gate on every floor.
-Residents (Innocents) on an item can be transferred from one item to another
if they have been subdued (killed) in the item world they reside in. Once a
resident is subdued, their effective bonus will double, and they can be
moved from item to item indefinitely.
-Defeating an Item General (Floors 10,20,40,50,70,80), Item King (Floors 30,
60, and 90), or an Item God (Floor 100) will drastically increase the stats
the item gets.
-Mystery rooms house a myriad of special features that can improve your item's
-For every 20 floors in an item cleared, you can reverse pirate in the item to
improve stats, gain levels, and acquire special innocents.
-Including the "Item Radar" evil symbol at your Cam-Pain HQ will increase the
frequency at which innocent towns will appear. Increasing the ground covered
via the Evil Area Developer in Chara World will increase the chances further,
to almost 90% frequency, when six members are present.
The Onmyo Monk has special abilities that will let you mess with the terrain
in item world. It is recommended that, even if you don't plan on levelling
one up, that you have one for the sake of fixing problem stages, or giving you
a second chance at the bonus gauge.
8.21 - Getting the most out of your items
While the strongest items are going to come from the strongest bases (Rank 40
items), there's no excuse to avoid levelling up lower rank items. A level 100
low rank item will outclass any unlevelled item you can buy in the store.
A modest Devil Ring (Rank 12) with a base of 31 attack can become a formidable
accessory with 12,000 attack that goes back and forth between your characters
if levelled up correctly.
Also known as Innocents in this game, an item's residents will have an effect
on the item's growth. It does not matter how big the resident is, nor does it
matter if the resident is subdued or not.
It only matters that the resident exists on the item.
If you're trying to make your item a powerful ATK accessory, you'll want some
gladiators. Gladiators are ATK boosting residents that are commonly found on
belts and axes. Diving into item worlds on these items and subduing the
gladiator residents is an essential preparatory step.
If you are making a SPD boosting accessory for guns or fists, you'll want to
get coaches. Similarly, you'll want tutors for INT, and marksmen for HIT.
Once you have a couple gladiators (tutors/coaches/whatever), put them all on
the item you plan on levelling up. The item should have nothing but your
desired resident on it, if you're super OCD like that, but if you have some

unsubdued, nondesired residents on there for the first 20 levels or so, you
won't lose too much.
Once your undesired residents become subdued, remove them ASAP and replace
them with your desired ones.
Every time you get the choice, select "Item Growth Rate", and NOT "Innocent
Boost". Item Growth Rate will add another level to the item for each time you
select it, and level spheres will be more likely to appear.
After clearing floor 9, 19, 29, etc., You will be sent to fight an item boss.
After destroying the item boss, use a Mr. Gency Exit to escape the item.
Afterwards, re-enter the item, beat the item boss, and clear the stage.
This accomplishes two things.
First, all the stats inherent on the item get a sizable boost each time you
get the menu claiming "Item General/King/God defeated!".
Second, all the residents in the item grant some strength to the item each
time you get the "Item General/King/God defeated!" menu.
That is to say, If a gladiator is on a piece of armor (With a base ATK of 0)
when you beat an item general, the base ATK of the armor will be raised from 0
to ..something higher than 0, based on several factors.
Passing stat bills sooner, rather than later, is crucial. If you plan on
levelling up a stat (As opposed to MV, Attack range, etc.), you'll want to
pass these bills as soon as possible, as their effects are synergistic with
everything else that adds to an item's stats.
If you plan on levelling both a stat and increasing a non-stat (Like MV),
do the stat first.
If you plan on levelling two stats (Bad idea), increase the stat that has more
residents in it first.
Due to the importance of passing stat bills early, it is a good idea (although
time consuming) to save your game when you exit on floor 10 of an item, and
reload if innocent town doesn't appear of if there's no dark senate in
innocent town.
Bows are ATK/HIT, and fists are ATK/SPD, but neither of those two stats matter
more than the other. A fist with 100 atk and 100 spd will do the same damage
as a fist that has 20 atk and 180 spd.
So, due to the synergistic (multiplicative) effects of levelling up in item
world, you want to pick ONE STAT and run with it. Levelling a bow with four
gladiators and four marksmen is going to be less than half as effective as an
item that just used eight marksmen.
8.22 - Reverse Pirating
For every 20 floors you clear in item world, you'll get the option to reverse
pirate in the item once. For legendary items, this means you can reverse
pirate five times on a fully cleared item. Simply select "Reverse Pirate"
instead of "Go to Item World" from the Item Worlder's menu.

Reverse Pirating acts almost exactly like item world. The terrain, geo
symbols, and enemies are all randomly generated, but there are special rules
to this mode.
-You only have a certain amount of turns to get done what you need to get done
here. This number is based on your pirate ship, which you can create at the
pirate editor in your main base, after the appropriate bill has been passed
at the dark senate. After your turn timer runs out, the ship will set sail,
and the map will be cleared.
-If all the enemies are destroyed, the stage will be cleared regardless of how
many turns you would have had left otherwise. If you're significantly more
powerful than the enemies, simply have someone lift/hold an enemy while you
loot the stage.
-There will be a significantly larger amount of treasure chests on the ground,
and they will be much more likely to get rare or legendary items. While
there is plenty of speculation about whether or not throwing treasure chests
back to your ship is better or not, destroying the chests where they spawn
will still get you legendary items.
-An item general (floor 20/40), item king (floor 60/80) or item god (100) will
appear. Killing this item boss will give you an appropriate boost to your
-A yellow (10 levels) or red (15 levels) level sphere will appear. Throwing
this back to your ship will give you the bonus levels.
-Special residents that can't be obtained anywhere else will also appear here.
The higher numbered floor you're on, the better the residents. The vaunted
statistician will appear with about 50% frequency on floor 100 of an item,
while almost never appearing on lower numbered floors.
Subduing these residents where they stand will net you only half the bonus
you would receive from throwing them all the way back to your ship.
If you significantly outlevel the enemies here, you can equip sludges with
three shoes and have them bounce everything you desire to bring back to the
ship. Throwing does not take the turn of a monster, so it's easy to set up
four sludges with 7 throw range on the first turn, and be ready to start
loading up your ship on turn 2.
8.30 - Chara World
Chara World becomes available after you've reincarnated and stored at least
100 levels on one character, and then passed the appropriate bill in the Dark
Chara World is the only place you can learn several skills, evilities, and it
is also the only place you can get certain skills on your story characters, as
reincarnation is not going to help them get their skills.
Similar to item world, Chara World powers up the aptitudes of a character, and
there are some special rules to Chara World.
-The floor will descend by one level every time a special skill is used in the
area, every time blocks are cleared in the area, and whenever a turn is
passed. This is mostly an annoyance. At the worst, it will result in some
geo symbols being cleared, and if you're standing on them, you will lose
some HP.

The floor will not disappear, so after waiting a few turns, it plays like a
normal stage.
-The levels of the monsters are based on the levels of the character you're
diving inside, and the levels will climb fast.
-You choose the bonus you want to appear on stage 9 before you enter, and for
every stage you remove all the geo blocks from, the cost of the bonus is
reduced by 10%.
-Every so often, a clone of the character you are diving into will appear,
appearing exactly as the character was at the start of the floor. Defeating
this character will give you a bonus aptitude point when you clear the
stages. More importantly, however, you can duplicate items you have by
killing the character using the item "Puppy Paw Stick" at about 10% chance.
-Destroying all the blocks on floor 10 will cause another mystery gate to
appear, allowing you to access special abilities, or to expand the area of
effect of your evil symbols.
An easy way to take advantage of all the aspects of Chara World at once is to
reincarnate the character to level 1, then generate a ton of mana on it by
using the mana pyramid evil symbol to give it mana without increasing its
level. This will allow you to take your time clearing blocks, or to solo
the whole Chara World with a powerful flying character (like Desco) very
quickly. The clones of your level 1 character that appear will also be very
easy to wipe out with a Puppy Paw Stick as well. When you get to a stage you
want to wipe out the geo blocks on, simply take a higher level character to
lift and hold an enemy for several turns while you wipe out the blocks.
8.31 - Selectable Bonuses
Before you dive into Chara World, you are given a list of bonuses to choose
from, that you will pay for on floor 9's mystery gate. Clearing all the geo
symbols from a floor every stage before floor 9 will reduce the mana cost of
learning the ability by 5%, to a minimum cost of 55% of the initial cost.
Movement (Max 2 times)
Increases movement range by 1 panel
-5,000 mana
-50,000 mana
Jumping Power (Max 25 times)
Increases Jumping power by 1 dm
-2,000 mana
-4,000 mana
-6,000 mana
-8,000 mana
-10,000 mana
-12,000 mana
...And so on
Counter Hits (Max 2 times)
Increase the number of times a character can counterattack by 1
-5,000 mana
Throwing Range (Max 2 times)
Increase the range a character can throw by 1 tile
-5,000 mana
-50,000 mana
Criticals (Max 25 times)

Increases chance of critical hit by 1%

-2,000 mana
-4,000 mana
-6,000 mana
-8,000 mana
-10,000 mana
-12,000 mana
...And so on
Skill Inheritance
Learn a skill known by a person in the range of the same evil symbol.
-10x the mana cost of learning the initial skill
Evility Inheritance
Learn an evility known by a person in the range of the same evil symbol.
-10x the mana cost of learning the initial evility
8.32 - Special Skills
While in Chara World, there is a chance that clearing floor 10's geo symbols
will create a mystery gate that can teach you unique weapon skills. Unless
you learn these skills from another member at 10x the cost, this is the only
way to learn these skills.
Fist Skills
Big Wave - 4x1 AoE in front of caster - SP 32 - Power C
No Way Out - 1x1 AoE one space in front of caster - SP 128 - Power S
Sword Skills
Crimson Rain - 5 range in straight line - 1x1 AoE - 32 SP - Power C
Super Crosslord - 4 range - 1x1 AoE - 128 SP - Power S
Spear Skills
Spearing Windmill - small "+" shape AoE in front of caster - 32 SP - Power C
Brynhildr - 3x1 + 1x1 AoE in front of caster - 128 SP - Power S
Bow Skills
Lightning Flash - 7 range - 1x1 AoE - 32 SP - Power C
Flaming Dragon - 4 range - small "+" AoE - 128 SP - Power C
Gun Skills
Prism Burster - 6 range in straight line - small "x" AoE - 32 SP - Power E
Cocytus - 6 range in straight line - small "+" AoE - 128 SP - Power C
Axe Skills
Twin Tomahawks - 4 range in straight line - 1x1 AoE - 32 SP - Power A
Destroyer - 1 panel in each direction AoE - 128 SP - Power S
8.33 - Special Evilities
In each class's Chara World, a special block can drop called a "Skill Sphere".
This skill sphere will give the character an evility once floor 10 has been
cleared. Evilities learned from skill spheres are based on the class of the
The skill sphere can appear at any time the ground is lowered by a special
attack, or by geo blocks being destroyed. Destroying a null block or a prism
block will clear the most ground at once, and give you the greatest chance of

seeing skill spheres.

Weapon Specific Evilities:
Fury Strike - Crit rate up 100%, HIT down 30% when an axe is equipped
-Obtained by units with an axe forte
Fencer Guild - Increase stats by 5% * number of allies using a sword
Blade Dance - 30% of base ATK added to SPD when a sword is equipped
-Obtained by units with a sword forte
Lancer Guild - Increase stats by 5% * number of allies using a spear
-Obtained by units with a spear forte
Striker Guild - Increase stats by 5% * the number of allies with fists
-Obtained by units with a fist forte
Gunner Guild - Increase stats by 5% * the number of allies with guns
-Obtained by units with a gun forte
Bow Focus - 30% of base HIT added to ATK when bow is equipped
Archer Guild - Increase stats by 5% * number of allies using a bow
-Obtained by units with a bow forte
Witch Guild - Increase stats by 5% * number of allies using a staff
-Obtained by units with a staff forte
Magichange Guild - Increase stats by 30% times # of allies with magichanges.
-Obtained by all humans
Psycho Barrier - 20% of current SP added to DEF if a monster weapon is equipped
Divine Body - 30% of base RES added to ATK when monster weapon is equipped
-Obtained by all monsters
Other Evilities with Known Recipients:
Power of Eros - Increase stats by 20% per adjacent female ally unit
Beauty is Sin - Increase stats of adjacent female ally units by 20%
-Obtained by all males
Princess Hope - Increase critical rate of adjacent ally units by 20%
Princess Orders - Increase magic range of adjacent ally units by 1
Lucky Song - Critical damage of allies increased by 20%
-Obtained by all females
Requiem - Increase stats by 5% * the number of exploded prinnies
Bomb Trainer - Increase all barrel splash damage to 100%.
-Obtained by all humans
Back to Basics - Increase exp gain by 100% when not equipping any items
Saintly Aggression - Increase normal attack damage by 100%.
-Obtained by all characters
--Unless otherwise stated, the lists of evilities acquired by character were all
obtained by hand, and I've seen each evility myself in Chara World. Also,
unless otherwise stated, these lists are incomplete.
--Female Fighter
Bomb Trainer - Increase all barrel splash damage to 100%.
Blade Dance - 30% of base ATK added to SPD when a sword is equipped

Requiem - Increase stats by 5% for every exploded prinny.

Android - 29 Evilities - Complete - Provided by Scy046 (GameFAQs)
Armor Pierce - 25% of ATK becomes fixed value for normal attack.
Assassination - Attacks from behind are always critical.
Back to Basics - Increase exp gain by 100% when not equipping any items
Bomb Trainer - Increase all barrel splash damage to 100%.
Bond of Souls - No turn limit when using Magichange.
Captain Tower - Increases damage by 10% times # of units below you in a tower
Chivalry - Damage increased by 30% when attacking from front.
Earth Hero's Proof - When equipping belt item, increase aptitude by 20%.
Fallen Peony - If enemy level is higher, critical damage increased by 80%.
Fire of Revenge - Stats increased by 10% per ally unit defeated.
Forgotten Arts - ATK increased by 50% while affected by forget.
Heal Gain - Heal amount increased by 50% when receiving healing magic
Healthy Milk - Increases ATK & HIT by 30% for 3 turns when defending.
Hero-style Combat - Non-element attack damage increased by 20%.
Isolation - Increase stats by 30% when no other ally is in battle.
Kamikaze - Critical damage increased by 100% when self HP is under 25%.
Lucky Song - Critical damage of allies on map increased by 20%.
Madness - ATK increased by 50% when self HP is under 25%.
Magichange Guild - Increase stats by 30% times # of allies with magichanges.
Merciful Attack - Always leave 1 HP, when enemies are lower level.
Metal Wall - Number of counter attacks will not decrease during defense.
Overdrive - ATK increased by # of criticals occurred x10%.
Princess Hope - Increase critical rate of adjacent ally units by 20%
Princess Orders - Increase magic range of adjacent ally units by 1
Purgatory - Critical damage increased by 50%.
Requiem - Increase stats by 5% for every exploded prinny.
Saintly Aggression - Increase normal attack damage by 100%.
Violence - Stats increased by 50%, EXP gain becomes 50%.
Vortex - Aptitude becomes 10%, but base stats increased by 100%
Samurai - 33 Evilities - Complete
Archer Guild - Increase stats by 5% * number of allies using a bow
Armor Pierce - 25% of ATK becomes fixed value for normal attack
Assassination - Attacks from behind are always critical
Back to Basics - Increase exp gain by 100% if nothing is equipped
Blade Dance - 30% of base ATK added to SPD when a sword is equipped
Bomb Trainer - Explosion damage added to the HP of the thrown barrel
Bond of Souls - No turn limit when using Magichange
Bow Focus - 30% of base HIT added to ATK when bow is equipped
Captain Tower - Increase ATK by 10% * the # of allies below on a tower
Chivalry - Damage increased by 30% when attacking from the front
Divine Punishment - Damage dealt to human-type units increased by 25%
Earth Hero's Proof - Increase aptitudes by 20% when a belt is equipped
Fallen Peony - If enemy level is higher, critical damage increased by 80%
Fencer Guild - Increase stats by 5% * number of allies using a sword
Fire of Revenge - Stats increased by 10% per ally unit defeated
Forgotten Arts - ATK increased by 50% while affected by Forget
Heal Gain - Heal amount increased by 50% when receiving healing magic
Healthy Milk - Increase ATK and HIT by 30% during defense (3 turns)
Hero-Style Combat - Non-element attack damage increased by 20%
Isolation - Increase stats by 30% when no other allies are dispatched
Kamikaze - Crit damage increased by 100% when self HP is under 25%
Kendo Black Belt - Increase ATK by 30% when fighting an enemy with a weapon
Lucky Song - Critical damage of allies on map increased by 20%
Madness - ATK increased by 50% when HP falls below 25%
Magichange Guild - Increase stats by 30% * the # of allies with Magichanges
Merciful Attack - Attacks will leave 1 HP on lower level enemies

Metal Wall - Don't reduce the # of counters even during defense

Overdrive - ATK increased by # of criticals * 10%
Princess Hope - Increase critical rate of adjacent allies by 20%
Princess Orders - Increase mag range of adj ally units by 1
Purgatory - +50% damage added to critical hits
Requiem - Increase stats by 5% * the number of exploded prinnies
Saintly Aggression - Increase normal ATK by 100%
Gunner - 37 Evilities - Complete
Back to Basics - Increase exp gain by 100% if nothing is equipped
Beautiful Step - Increase aptitudes by 20% when shoes are equipped
Beauty is Sin - Increase stats of adjacent female ally units by 20%
Big Chance - Bonus gauge gain increased by 50% when part of a combo
Bomb Trainer - Explosion damage added to the HP of the thrown barrel
Bond of Souls - No turn limit when using Magichange
Captain Tower - Increase ATK by 10% * the # of allies below on a tower
Chasing Fang - 50% chance to hit twice if HP is under 25%
Counter Chance - Crit rate increased by 50% for counterattacks
Counter Power - Counterattack damage increased by 50%
C-Sniping - Normal attack's crit increased by 100% if not moved
Faint - Cancel out the enemy's counter attack
Fatal Counter - Counter damage increased by 100% when self HP is under 25%
Fury - Number of counter hits * 25% damage increase (within turn)
Gunner Guild - Increase stats by 5% * the number of allies with guns
Heal Gain - Heal amount increased by 50% when receiving healing magic
Hunter's Range - HIT increased by 30% if distance is kept from enemy
Hurt me, Kill you - Counter attacks always hit
Isolation - Increase stats by 30% when no other allies are dispatched
Karate Black Belt - Increase ATK by 30% when fighting an enemy without a weapon
Kung-Fu Master - Inflict 10% of damage from a normal attack to an adjacent unit
Lion Stance - Damage taken is added to damage of counterattack
Long Shot - Attack range increased by 1 panel when gun is equipped
Magichange Guild - Increase stats by 30% * the # of allies with Magichanges
Merciful Attack - Attacks will leave 1 HP on lower level enemies
Positional Energy - Attack power increased by 30% if on high ground
Power of Eros - Increase stats by 20% per adjacent female ally unit
Retribution - Number of counter hits increased by 2
Requiem - Increase stats by 5% * the number of exploded prinnies
Safety - When attacked, attack cannot be critical
Saintly Aggression - Increase normal ATK by 100%
Screw Counters - Will not counterattack, but damage taken is reduced by 20%
Second Attack Win - 100% to counter when HP is below 25%
Striker Guild - Increase stats by 5% * the number of allies with fists
Tom's Glasses - Increase aptitudes by 20% when glasses are equipped
Treasure Hunt - 30% chance for chest to appear if killing blow is dealt
Wide View - ATK increased by 20% if distance is kept from enemy
Shaman - 24 Evilities - Complete - Provided by Kushu (GameFAQs)
Bomb Trainer - Explosion damage added to the HP of the thrown barrel
Captain Tower - Increase ATK by 10% * the # of allies below on a tower
Magichange Guild - Increase stats by 30% * the # of allies with Magichanges
Merciful Attack - Attacks will leave 1 HP on lower level enemies
Witch Guild - Increase stats by 5% * number of allies using a staff
Mist Cloak - Damage reduced by 50% when receiving magic attack
Absorb Magic - Increase INT by 5% every time damage is recieved
Reverse Element - Reverse + and - on elemental resistances
E-Canceller - Ignore elemental defense for attack
Ice's Blessing - Ice attack damage increased by 30%
Requiem - Increase stats by 5% * the number of exploded prinnies

Lancer Guild - Increase stats by 5% * number of allies using a spear

Bond of Souls - No turn limit when using Magichange
Isolation - Increase stats by 30% when no other allies are dispatched
Energy Eater - 10% of damage dealt by normal attack recovers SP
Heal Gain - Heal amount increased by 50% when receiving healing magic
Lucky Song - Critical damage of allies on map increased by 20%
Princess Hope - Increase critical rate of adjacent ally units by 20%
Princess Orders - Increase magic range of adjacent ally units by 1.
Saintly Aggression - Increase normal ATK by 100%
Trance - Magic attack increased by 50% when SP is below 25%
Back to Basics - Increase exp gain by 100% if nothing is equipped
Light's Blessing - Magic damage to adjacent allies decreased by 50%
Saintly Air - Increase aptitudes by 20% when an orb is equipped
Forgotten Arts - ATK increased by 50% while affected by Forget
Armor Pierce - 25% of ATK becomes fixed value for normal attack
Beauty is Sin - Increase stats of adjacent female ally units by 20%
Overdrive - ATK increased by # of criticals * 10%
Magichange Guild - Increase stats by 30% * the # of allies with Magichang
Hero-Style Combat - Non-element attack damage increased by 20%
Wide View - ATK increased by 20% if distance is kept from enemy
Positional Energy - Attack power increased by 30% if on high ground
Girl Hunt - Damage dealt to females increased by 20%
Archer Guild - Increase stats by 5% * number of allies using a bow
Lucky Song - Critical damage of allies on map increased by 20%
Lancer Guild - Increase stats by 5% * number of allies using a spear
Long Shot - Attack range increased by 1 panel when gun is equipped
Big Chance - Bonus gauge gain increased by 50% when part of a combo
Tom's Glasses - Increase aptitudes by 20% when glasses are equipped
C-Sniping - Normal attack's crit increased by 100% if not moved
Bond of Souls - No turn limit when using Magichange
Hunter's Range - HIT increased by 30% if distance is kept from enemy
Hunter's Range - HIT increased by 30% if distance is kept from enemy
Gunner Guild - Increase stats by 5% * the number of allies with guns
Wide View - ATK increased by 20% if distance is kept from enemy
Captain Tower - Increase ATK by 10% * the # of allies below on a tower
C-Sniping - Normal attack's crit increased by 100% if not moved
Shine of Souls - Increase mana gain of allies on map by 20%
Power of Eros - Increase stats by 20% per adjacent female ally unit
Heal Gain - Heal amount increased by 50% when receiving healing magic
Captain Tower - Increase ATK by 10% * the # of allies below on a tower
Treasure Hunt - 30% chance for chest to appear if killing blow is dealt
E-Canceller - Ignore elemental defense for attack
Mist Cloak - Damage reduced by 50% when receiving magic attack
Heal Mastery - Heal magic effects increased by 50%
Bomb Trainer - Explosion damage added to the HP of the thrown barrel
Energy Eater - 10% of damage dealt by normal attack recovers SP
Witch - Complete - 23 Evilities - Provided by SXiang (GameFAQs)
Absorb Magic - Increase INT by 5% every time damage is recieved
Back to Basics - Increase exp gain by 100% if nothing is equipped

Bomb Trainer - Explosion damage added to the HP of the thrown barrel

Bond of Souls - No turn limit when using Magichange
Captain Tower - Increase ATK by 10% * the # of allies below on a tower
E-Canceller - Ignore elemental defense for attack
Energy Eater - 10% of damage dealt by normal attack recovers SP
Heal Gain - Heal amount increased by 50% when receiving healing magic
Ice's Blessing - Ice attack damage increased by 30%
Isolation - Increase stats by 30% when no other allies are dispatched
Light's Blessing - Magic damage to adjacent allies decreased by 50%
Lucky Song - Critical damage of allies on map increased by 20%
Magichange Guild - Increase stats by 30% * the # of allies with Magich
Merciful Attack - Attacks will leave 1 HP on lower level enemies
Mist Cloak - Damage reduced by 50% when receiving magic attack
Princess Hope - Increase critical rate of adjacent allies by 20%
Princess Orders - Increase magic range of adjacent ally units by 1.
Requiem - Increase stats by 5% * the number of exploded prinnies
Reverse Element - Reverse + and - on elemental resistances
Saintly Aggression - Increase normal ATK by 100%
Saintly Air - Increase aptitudes by 20% when an orb is equipped
Trance - Magic attack increased by 50% when SP is below 25%
Witch Guild - Increase stats by 5% * number of allies using a staff
Mage Knight
Fencer Guild - Increase stats by 5% * number of allies using a sword
Merciful Attack - Attacks will leave 1 HP on lower level enemies
Reverse Element - Reverse + and - values of elemental resistances
Metal Wall - Don't reduce the # of counters even during defense
Witch Guild - Increase stats by 5% * number of allies using a staff
Healthy Milk - Increase ATK and HIT by 30% during defense (3 turns)
Ice's Blessing - Ice attack damage increased by 30%
Absorb Magic - Increase INT by 5% every time damage is recieved
Isolation - Increase stats by 30% when no other allies are dispatched
Masked Hero
Power of Eros - Increase stats by 20% per adjacent female ally unit
Assault Charge - Critical damage chance increased by 10%*spaces moved
Chasing Fang - 50% chance to hit twice if HP is under 25%
Saintly Aggression - Increase normal ATK by 100%
Bouncer - 46 Evilities - Complete - Provided by 84Matines (GameFAQs)
Armor Pierce - 25% of ATK becomes fixed value for normal attack
Assassination - Attacks from behind are always critical
Auto Protection - Automatically defend against physical special attacks
Back to Basics - Increase exp gain by 100% if nothing is equipped
Beauty is Sin - Increase stats of adjacent female ally units by 20%
Bomb Trainer - Explosion damage added to the HP of the thrown barrel
Bond of Souls - No turn limit when using Magichange
Captain Tower - Increase ATK by 10% * the # of allies below on a tower
Chasing Fang - 50% chance to hit twice if HP is under 25%
Chivalry - Damage increased by 30% when attacking from front
Counter Chance - Crit rate increased by 50% for counterattacks
Counter Power - Counterattack damage increased by 50%
Defense Mechanism - When defending, automatically faces towards attacker
Earth Hero's Proof - When equipping belt item, increase aptitude by 20%
Earth Hero's Shield - Automatically defend against magical special attacks
Faint - Cancel out the enemy's counter attack
Fallen Peony - If enemy level is higher, critical damage increased by 80%
Fatal Counter - Counter damage increased by 100% when self HP is under 25%
Fire of Revenge - Stats increased by 10% per ally unit defeated
Forgotten Arts - ATK increased by 50% while affected by forget

Fury - Number of counter hits * 25% damage increase (within turn)

Gunner Guild - Increase stats by 5% * the number of allies with guns
Heal Gain - Heal amount increased by 50% when receiving healing magic
Healthy Milk - Increases ATK & HIT by 30% for 3 turns when defending
Hero-Style Combat - Non-element attack damage increased by 20%
Hero-Style Defense - Automatically defend when receiving an attack from front
Hurt me, Kill you - Counter attacks always hit
Isolation - Increase stats by 30% when no other allies are dispatched
Kamikaze - Critical damage increased by 100% when self HP is under 25%
Karate Black Belt - Increase ATK by 30% when fighting an enemy without a weapon
Kung-Fu Master - Inflict 10% of damage from a normal attack to an adjacent unit
Lion Stance - Damage taken is added to damage of counterattack
Madness - ATK increased by 50% when self HP is under 25%
Magichange Guild - Increase stats by 30% * the # of allies with Magichanges
Merciful Attack - Attacks will leave 1 HP on lower level enemies
Metal Wall - Number of counter attacks will not decrease during defense
Overdrive - ATK increased by # of criticals occurred x10%
Power of Eros - Increase stats by 20% per adjacent female ally unit
Purgatory - Critical damage increased by 50%
Retribution - Number of counter hits increased by 2
Requiem - Increase stats by 5% * the number of exploded prinnies
Saintly Aggression - Increase normal ATK by 100%
Screw Counters - Will not counterattack, but damage taken is reduced by 20%
Striker Guild - Increase stats by 5% * the number of allies with fists
Second Attack Win - 100% to counter when HP is below 25%
Safety - When attacked, attack cannot be critical
Purgatory - +50% damage added to critical hits
Magichange Guild - Increase stats by 30% * number of allies with Magichanges
Counter Power - Counterattack damage dealt increased by 50%
Magichange Guild - Increase stats by 30% * number of allies with Magichanges
Chivalry - Damage increased by 30% when attacking from the front
Bond of Souls - No turn limit when using Magichange
Counter Chance - Crit rate increased by 50% for counterattacks
Requiem - Increase stats by 5% * the number of exploded prinnies
Princess orders - Increase magic range of adjacent ally units by 1
Camellia Chaos - If enemy is of a higher level, crit rate increases by 30%
Lucky Song - Critical damage of allies increased by 20%
Divine Punishment - Damage dealt to human-type units increased by 25%
Hero-style combat - Non-element attack damage increased by 20%
Fire of Revenge - Stats increased by 10% per ally unit defeated
Overdrive - ATK increased by # of criticals occurred * 10%
Madness - ATK increased by 50% when HP falls below 25%
Counter Power - Counter attack damage dealt increased by 50%
Hurt me, Kill you - Counter attacks always hit
Counter Chance - Crit rate increased by 50% for counter attacks
Fallen Peony - If enemy level is higher, critical damage increased by 80%
Screw Counters - Will not counterattack, but damage taken is reduced by 20%
Karate Black Belt - Increase ATK by 30% when fighting enemies without a weapon
Requiem - Increase stats by 5% * the number of exploded prinnies
Isolation - Increase stats by 30% when no other allies are dispatched
Second Attack Win - 100% chance of counterattacking when HP is below 25%

Magichange Guild - Increase stats by 30% * the # of allies with magichanges
Trance - Magic attack increased by 50% when SP is below 25%
Nekomata - 31 Evilities - Provided by sion4ever (GameFAQs)
Back to Basics - Increase exp gain by 100% if nothing is equipped
Beautiful Step - Increase aptitudes by 20% when shoes are equipped
Camellia Chaos - If enemy is of a higher level, crit rate increases by 30%
Chasing Fang - 50% chance to hit twice if HP is under 25%
Counter Chance - Crit rate increased by 50% for counterattacks
Counter Power - Counterattack damage increased by 50%
Doze Off - Recover 20% HP/SP while sleeping
Divine Body - 30% of base RES added to ATK when monster weapon is equipped
Fallen Peony - If enemy level is higher, critical damage increased by 80%
Faint - Cancel out the enemy's counter attack
Fatal Counter - Counter damage increased by 100% when self HP is under 25%
Fire of Revenge - Stats increased by 10% per ally unit defeated
Fury - Number of counter hits * 25% damage increase (within turn)
Heal Gain - Heal amount increased by 50% when receiving healing magic
Heaven's Blessing - Attack power increased by half of current DM * 1%
Hurt me, Kill you - Counter attacks always hit
Isolation - Increase stats by 30% when no other allies are dispatched
Kung-Fu Master - Inflict 10% of damage from a normal attack to an adjacent unit
Lion Stance - Damage taken is added to damage of counterattack
Merciful Attack - Attacks will leave 1 HP on lower level enemies
Overdrive - ATK increased by # of criticals occurred * 10%
Psycho Barrier - 20% of currest SP added to DEF if monster weapon is equipped
Requiem - Increase stats by 5% * the number of exploded prinnies
Retribution - Number of counter hits increased by 2
Safety - When attacked, attack cannot be critical
Saintly Aggression - Increase normal ATK by 100%
Screw Counters - Will not counterattack, but damage taken is reduced by 20%
Second Attack Win - 100% chance of counterattacking when HP is below 25%
Skill Count - Increase stats by 3% * the number of units damaged using specials
Super Gut - As long as HP is full, unit cannot be destroyed
Ties - Magichange range increased by 1
8.34 - Special Blocks
In order to make Aptitude spheres, Skill spheres, or Heart conservatives
appear in Chara World, you will need to destroy the ground. This can be
accomplished in a variety of ways with different chances to yield results.
-Special Attacks- (0.145~0.524% per destroyed block)
(1.3%~4.7% per 3x3 spell)
The most effective and reliable method of acquiring heart conservatives and
skill spheres is to blow up the ground with each character's special attacks.
This is daunting and time consuming, but it also has the highest success rate.
Every 3x3 area attack (any level 9 spell, Yog Sothoth, etc.) will give you will
give you the highest chance per destroyed section of floor of finding a heart
conservative, aptitude sphere, or skill sphere.
-Prism Blocks- (0.11~0.45% per destroyed block)
(6.4~25.9% per prism block)
Prism blocks can take out an entire level of the floor, but yield a much
smaller percent per-block to yield a special block, however, since they can
blow out a whole floor, it saves you quite a bit of time. It's up to you if
you want to speed the run along and just go to the next Chara World, or if you

want to make the most out of the chara world you're in, and put off
reincarnating as long as you can.
-Null Blocks- (0.06~0.25% per destroyed block)
(10.64~44.68% per null block)
Null blocks will clear all the destroyable blocks on a stage at once, but are
drastically less likely to spawn a heart conservative than either of the
previous two methods. Just like the prism blocks, you have to choose between
spending less real life time in Chara World, or getting the most out of every
-Geo Chain- (0.10~0.21% per destroyed block) ***Needs more tests***
You would figure the hardest way to clear out the floor would also give you
the best chance of spawning your heart conservatives, but it's not.
This will need to be tested more, but the time it takes to set up geo chains
is simply not worth it, when compared to the speed of casting 3x3 spells.
77-Prism Blocks 4422
47-Null Blocks 8119
Geo Chains




9.00 - Neat Tricks
This section covers a variety of things that can be done in the game that may
not seem obvious at first, but are at least situationally useful.
-Item Duplication can be achieved by using the special item "Puppy paw Stick",
and attacking an enemy version of someone in your party. The PPS has a
chance (10% or so) to swipe an item from someone it lands the finishing blow
on. Heart Conservatives (Chara World) and allied senators that vote against
you are both hostile, both equipped with the item of your choice, and when
beaten by the PPS, have a chance to drop a copy of the item you already own.
This is a great way to multiply the amount of innocents you have, or to just
get a second level 100 testament you spent hours working on.
-Taking advantage of Desco's "Final Boss Setting" evility. When Desco is
fused, you can fit 8 allies next to her, for a 160% boost to her attack.
(Or 320%, if the 8 allies are all beastmasters).
After Desco's attack, you can cancel the movement of all the characters
moved for the sake of powering her up.
-Putting a beastmaster next to Desco will give her a double boost. One from
the beastmaster's ability to power up monsters, and one from Desco's ability
to be powered up by having allies standing next to her.
10.00 - Item Duplication
A popular game mechanic from Disgaea 3 makes a return in this installment of the
game. This is the ability to reproduce an item you already have. There is
plenty of conjecture about the best methods, personal experience, and a metric
ton of threads on Disgaea 4 message boards asking the best way to go about this.
There are two methods to cloning an item you own. The first is the Puppy Paw
Stick method, which is explained in this section. The second is a glitch in the

game just recently discovered. It's significantly faster, but it's definitely
qualified as cheating the system. While the first method existed for Disgaea 3,
and was not a well kept secret, Nippon Ichi left it in the game. However, since
this is a single player game, nobody's going to sneer at you no matter which
method you use.
The short version is "Using a Puppy Paw Stick, fight an enemy version of your
character, equipped with the item you want a clone of."
"Why would anyone want to do this?", you might ask, since it's very lengthy and
requires a lot of legwork to accomplish.
-The item you duplicate will retain the levels you worked to put on it.
-The item will retain all the innocents inside the item, including hard to find
ones, such as guardian or statistician.
As such, acquiring 2400 statisticians is less of a chore to multiply through
duplication than it would be to level up a myriad of items to 100, then reverse
"How do I do it?"
-First, you need a Puppy Paw Stick (PPS). This is an item that confers a small
chance to steal an item from a character that is defeated by the character who
wields the PPS.
--To get a PPS, you need to torture a Nekomata of at least level 1000, and ask
for the location of her treasure.
---To get a level 1000 Nekomata, pass all the Stronger Enemy Bills, go to stage
5-2 (Lost Dignity), and throw enemies into each other until the level totals
up to at least 1000, then throw it into your base panel.
---In order to capture monsters at all, you need to pass the "Discipline
Monsters" bill, which unlocks the Discipline Room evil symbol. Placing that
symbol down will allow you to capture monsters by throwing them into your
base panel.
----If Valvatorez is not a higher level than the monster you're trying to
capture, the capture will fail.
--After torturing the Nekomata, and asking for her treasure you go to the stage
she told you her treasure was at. Destroy the treasure chest, and hope for
the best. My personal experience with torturing a level 1264 Nekomata
yielded these results.
---1 (4%) Puppy Paw Stick
---11 (46%) Pirate Ship Pieces
---5 (21%) Junk Items
---7 (29%) EXP/HL
-After obtaining a PPS, you put the item you wish to duplicate as the ONLY ITEM
on the character you plan on duplicating from. Lower level characters are
better for this.
-Find a neutral or enemy version of your character.
--Heart conservatives are a good choice, as they appear naturally while you're
running through Chara World.
--Hostile versions of your character can also be found in the Dark Senate if you
make them members of the Cam-Pain Board evil symbol.
---Since party members are highly likely to vote for your bills, regardless of
the topic, it helps to have a senator with Idol status (Charms nearby
senators) registered, and hope they appear next to your senator.
-Beat the neutral or hostile version of your character with the character using
the PPS.
--Normal or special attacks will work.

--There is a 10% chance that an item will be stolen at random after the target
And now for the ultimate question. The question you will see no less than 9001
times on any Disgaea 4 site.
"What's the best way to duplicate an item?"
There are as many answers to this question as there are bogus claims and false
stats to back them up.
---If you have only one item you're trying to duplicate--Without a doubt, the best way is Chara World. You put the item you want to
clone on the character, and nothing else. Depending on how thorough you are in
your ground clearing, you can find as many as one heart conservative for every
dive into a character.
You are going to be diving into Chara World in any case to max out a character's
aptitudes, or at the very least, increasing the movement ranges of your most
used characters, so finding clones in the process is killing two birds with one
Heart conservatives are unaffected by clone blocks.
---If you have multiple items you're trying to duplicate--If you have access to the internet, you can register an online user's senator so
long as it is set to "idol", and it will appear in every senate hearing you
suggest. Call "have a business meeting", and the registered senator plus two
more will appear. If any of the units in the Cam-Pain Board equipped with the
item you wish to clone appear next to an idol senator, just bribe it down to
disapproving, and start the vote.
When the bill gets rejected, select "Persuade by force", and attack the ally
that was persuaded by the adjacent idol senator. A lot of quitting and loading
is involved with this method, but it's modestly quick, and you don't need to
deal with Chara World and the finickiness of heart conservatives.
No matter what you do, item duplication is a tedious and time consuming process,
and you can expect to devote hours to getting just one item (unless you get
super lucky and get a heart conservative on a clone block), so don't be
dissuaded, and stick to it.
10.10 - Obsolete Method (Overstocking) **NO LONGER WORKS**
This section only remains for completeness' sake.
This method involves taking advantage of a game mechanic that was an oversight
by Nippon Ichi. All you need to execute this method is a large amount of HL.
Information provided by Divinewarlord (GameFAQs)
-Pack your inventory and warehouse full of items. General store is good for
this, as it's cheaper than the other stores, and less time consuming than
finding all the items yourself.
-Go into item world of the item you want to duplicate.
-While in item world, fill your inventory back up (Since a slot will be left
open for the item you're inside.)

--Break treasure chests, buy something from an item world vendor, or clear a
floor while the bonus gauge offers you an item.
-Complete 10 floors to exit the item. DO NOT use a gency exit.
--You will get a message saying "Your inventory is full! Rosen Queen has your
item. come buy it quickly before they sell it to someone else!"
-Enter one of the Rosen Queen shops, find your item, and press square
(It's the "try" option)
--Make sure you've sold some things to make room in your inventory, or put it on
a character that has nothing in the slot you're trying to overwrite
-press X ("Buy and equip" option)
-Leave the store
-Lather, rinse, repeat as desired.
99.00 - FAQs
I increased my evil symbol area in Chara World... why hasn't the range
increased like it said it did?
-While in the Cam-Pain HQ, you'll need to increase the range by hand. This is
convenient, as you will get to choose the area it expands toward, and you
will be able to make symbols with areas that fit nicely into one another.
What's the success rate of stealing an item with the Puppy Paw Stick?
-My tests using Valvatorez's ultimate on 9-4 shows 31 duplications in 300 tests.
That's almost a perfect 10% ratio.
Does having a beastmaster standing next to a monster increase the stats of
a giant monster after fusion? What about Magichange?
-No. The artificially inflated stats will not get calculated when forming a
giant monster or a magichange weapon.
What are the best places for grinding levels?
-5/2 (Lost Dignity) will change to a map with four nicely grouped enemies and
an easily obtained +150% experience bonus after you complete its story mode.
-9/4 (Concrete Knowledge) will change to a map with two lines of untis set in
1x5 formation after you clear it, with an easily obtainable +100% experience
bonus. Desco can clear this stage in one shot when fused with any monster.
-Mount Ordeals stage 4 is your final quick-level spot, akin to previous games'
Cave of Ordeals maps.
-The best way to power up a character still remains as Item World. Not only
are you levelling up your party as evenly as you want to, but you're also
powering up the items which will ultimately trump all your characters' base
How do you increase the area of effect on Evil Symbols?
-In Chara World, clearing all the geo symbols on floor 10 has a chance to
create an Evil Symbol Vendor event. This event can increase the area of
effects on your evil symbols.
Does the selected voice when creating a character have any effect on the unit?
-No. It only affects the voice heard when moving, jumping, fighting, and the
selection of dialogue that appears when you talk to the character in the
Cam-Pain HQ, so pick the one that's most aesthetically pleasing.
When do characters get their unique skills?

-All story characters come with one unique skill, get a second one at 32, and
their third one at level 80. Desco is the exception here, getting her third
skill at level 100.
How do you get the highest level weapon skills?
-On generic characters (the ones you create), they will need to be at least
tier 4 to have access to the highest level skills purchasable from the
evility shop.
Past that, two more weapon skills unbuyable from the evility shop are also
available in a character's Chara World.
Can you get legendary items out of the hospital?
-I've never seen one myself, but people insist that it's possible. If you can
get legendaries from the hospital, it's at a significantly lower rate than
in previous games.
What is the maximum hospital reward in this game?
-The best item you can get from the hospital is Testament. (Rank 32, behind
arcadia, exodus, and trapezohedron). Still spading the exact HP/SP recovery
numbers, but the necessary revive count seems to be 300.
Can a Tier 1 unit unlock a tier 6 character?
-Unfortunately, no. You will have to create a new character, or reincarnate,
every time into your highest available class to make the next level
How do you wield a giant monster as a magichange weapon?
-In order to use a fused monster as a magichange weapon, you will have to
complete a couple tasks.
--Use a fusion monster to defeat an enemy of level 100 or more.
--Pass the bill at the dark senate, allowing you to place Monster Fusion Lab.
--Place the monster you wish to giant-wield within the range of the Fusion Lab
I saw Steve using two magichanged weapons. When can I do that?
-In order to use two magichange monster weapons at once, you will have to
complete a couple tasks.
--Use a fusion monster to defeat an enemy of level 1000 or more.
--Pass the bill at the dark senate, allowing you to place Nitouryuu Doujou
(Two-weapon fighting dojo) evil symbol.
--Place the monsters to be dual-wielded within the range of that evil symbol.
What's the best way to get CP?
-Money Maps (From the Map Editor) and Pirate Duels (Pirate Editor) are the
most surefire ways to acquire a lot of CP quickly.
-Pirate Duels: If you know someone has their pirates set to "guard this spot"
and those pirates are a higher level than you, you will gain 999 CP just by
boarding their ship and letting the timer run out.
-Money Maps: Sorting by Popularity (stars) will generally have the best money
maps at the top. Quickly cleared geo chains of about 1000 that kill
everything on the screen, or block puzzles that leave an assortment of units
with single digit HP can get you 290 CP or ~500 CP, respectively, and are
cleared more quickly than pirate duels.
-Both Pirate Duels and Money Maps can be found on the GameFAQs forums, as
people advertise their maps there regularly.
My map is under Futami_Ami, with a champ strength of 2553.
How do I get my DLC Character to join the party?
-Upon entering the Cam-Pain HQ, if there is an available free space, the DLC
character will join instantly.

How do I change the camera angle?

-Hold Square, and press R1. This is a change from previous Disgaea titles.
What does "Meat/Paralyzing Mushroom/etc" do?
-A new type of item can be found in Disgaea 4. These are terrain features
that, when lifted and thrown, will explode on impact, bestowing their stated
benefit to all units within two panels of the item's landing spot. "Meat"
will grant 5% levels to all units in range, while "Paralyzing Mushroom" will
inflict paralysis on all units in range.
How can you capture monsters?
-You used to be able to lift/throw enemy non-humans into your base panel and
capture them. This is still possible, but requires you to pass the
"Discipline Monsters" bill at the dark senate, and placing the appropriate
evil symbol. Even then, you won't be able to capture units of a type you
have not yet unlocked, so be careful.
How do I get an ability on my character?
-Barring reincarnation, there's a slightly convoluted method that will allow
you to get spells on your characters that can't/would rather not
--First, you must have the person you're teaching the spell to be the leader
of the 'club' (Evil symbol's area of effect) the skill-user is a member of.
--Second, you'll require a sizable amount of Mana. (Ten times the normal cost
of learning the skill.)
--Third, you'll want to go into the Character World of the person that desires
skill you're trying to teach.
--Finally, on floor 9 in the Character World, a portal will appear. This
portal will allow you to learn skills as if you were learning them from the
evility specialist, at the afforementioned 1000% premium.

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