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Geoffrey Rothwell is the Director of Honors Programs for the Department of Economics and is Associate Director of the Public Policy Program at Stanford University, Stanford, California. He received his Masters degree in Jurisprudence and Social Policy from Boalt Law School in 1984 and his Ph.D. in Economics from the
University of California, Berkeley, in 1985. He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the
California Institute of Technology from 1985 to 1986. Teaching at Stanford since
1986, Dr. Rothwell is widely published in the economics of electricity and nuclear
power, including nuclear fuel markets, nuclear power plant construction, operating
costs, productivity, reliability, decommissioning, and spent nuclear fuel management. From 1995 to 1997, he chaired the Committee on Methodology for Nuclear
Power Plant Performance and Statistical Analysis of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. Since 2001, he has served on the U.S. Department of Energy's
Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems Roadmap Committee and is currently serving on the Economic Models Working Group. Publications include analyses ofnuclear power industries in China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Dr. Rothwell began working in Russia in 1992 with the Russian
Academy of Sciences, and is now affiliated with the New Economics School in
Moscow, working on a project to evaluate market reforms in the Russian electric
utility sector.
Tomas Gomez San Roman is a professor of Electrical Engineering at the Engineering School of Universidad Pontifica Comillas (UPCo) in Madrid, Spain. He obtained the Degree of Doctor Ingeniero Industrial from Universidad Politecnica,
Madrid in 1989, and the Degree of Ingeniero Industrial in Electrical Engineering
from UPCo in 1982. He joined Instituto de Investigacion Tecnologica at UPCo
(IIT-UPCo) in 1984. From 1994 to 2000, he was the Director of lIT, and from 2000
to 2002, the Vice-Rector of Research, Development, and Innovation of UPCo. Dr.
Gomez has vast experience in industry joint research projects in the field of Electric
Energy Systems with Spanish, Latin American, and European utilities. He has been
project manager and/or principal investigator for more than 40 research projects.



Areas of interest include operation and planning of transmission and distribution

systems, power quality assessment and regulation, and economic and regulatory issues in the electrical power sector. He has published more than 50 articles in different specialized magazines such as IEEE PES Transactions and Conference proceedings. He is a member of IEEE and belongs or has belonged to the Technical
Committees of the Conferences: Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems,
Power System Computation Conference, and IEEE Power Technology. From 1998
to 1999, he was a visiting researcher at the Energy Analysis Department of the
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California.

Helle Gronli is a project coordinator at Energie-Control GmbH, Vienna, Austria.

She is responsible for developing new regulatory principles for the electric grid
companies, involving the use of benchmarking. She holds a Masters equivalent in
Economics and Business Administration (Sivilekonom) from the Norwegian
School of Economics and Business Administration. She was in the employ of SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim, Norway, over the period 1995-2001, and was
involved in a broad specter of research projects related to deregulation of electricity
industries. From 1998 to 1999 she was a visiting researcher at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and worked part time at California Polar Power Brokers.
Ryan Wiser is a scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He leads research in the planning, design, and evaluation of renewable energy policies, renewable energy economics, and electric industry restructuring. He received a B.S. in
Civil Engineering from Stanford University and holds an M.S. and Ph.D. in Energy
and Resources from the University of California, Berkeley.

Steve Pickle is an executive in the strategy practice at Accenture Ltd. He holds an

MBA from The Anderson School at UCLA, an M.Sc. in economics and public policy from the London School of Economics, and a BA in political science from Grinnell College. Prior to joining Accenture, Steve was a senior research associate at
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory where he assessed the impact of electric
utility restructuring on renewable energy and energy efficiency investments.
Afzal S. Siddiqui is a visiting post-doctoral fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory. At Berkeley Lab, he directs research on price-responsive load in restructured electricity industries and distributed energy resources. He has a B.S. in
industrial engineering and operations (IEOR) research from Columbia University,
and an M.S. and Ph.D. in IEOR from the University of California, Berkeley.

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