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Report On The Star Knowledge

Gathering - Las Cruces 1998

New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, MAY 8-10, 1998
by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
As with the previous Star Knowledge Conferences at the Yankton Sioux
Reservation in South Dakota, both Conferences in the Rockies at Estes
Park, Colorado, and the Conferences at San Diego and at Santa Fe, the
Star Knowledge Conference at Las Cruces was convened by Standing Elk,
Yankton Dakota spiritual advisor.
Each Conference has been a gathering of tribal peoples and others to share
and learn more about the past, current, and upcoming contacts with the
Star Nations, and participate in Native American prayer, ceremony and
healings. These Conferences are also occasions to deepen the skills
essential for living in the dawning "Fifth World", as Earth becomes a
cosmic society, and learns to live the Native American truth, Mitakuye
Oyasin: "All Are My Relations".
A number of Native American elders, along with some non-Native
experts, spoke on the Star Visitors' contacts, and corresponding human
cultural, metaphysical and spiritual resonances. I was not able to attend a
number of the speaker presentations, since I was also a speaker, and used
some of the Conference time to confer with various other speakers. Nor is
there space to do justice to every presentation. Thus, this report will cover
a select few presentations deemed highly significant, and which have not
been previously reported on.
Tascara, a Mayan teacher in his early twenties, turned away from street
gang life in Los Angeles to reclaim his Mayan ancestral wisdom through
study, astral travel, and from "the different dimension levels which talk to
(him)." He described the Mayans as "technicians of power and light", and
as "engineers of the Thirteen Dimensions". He shared information
contained in the 20 Mayan tablets of the law of time and cycles, such as
the 16-year Telektonon Cube of the Law and the Cycle of the Mayan
Messengership. Commenting on the upcoming end of the Great Mayan
Cycle in 2012, Tascara said, "Batal is a two-dimensional being who comes
every 26,000 years, wipes everything out, and reestablishes everything."
Tascara also said, "we are born into a family, because we have affirmed
that we can handle that soul group. We are ambassadors of the Light. The
purity of our crystal temples is becoming a reality."

Switching gears, the Mayan teacher talked about Black Ops (secret
Special Forces units). Tascara noted that Black Ops were involved in the
L.A. Riots, and recently in the Bosnia- Herzegovina conflict, but that the
two-day bilateral truce in Bosnia was due to angelic intervention. He noted
with some compassion that "the Black Ops are caught in a routine," and
that "we have to help them with their transition by loving them to death,"
the death of their old ways.
Tascara made the startling statement, "we all got a new immune system
six months ago. Our immune system is to balance our three-dimensional
self with the higher dimensional selves." He stated that people now have
more than two DNA strands. "Some have six, some eight, up to twelve."
Tascara closed by observing, "To act as if you are the god/goddess is the
highest joy, the highest fulfilment."
Blackfoot medicine man Rod Skenandore's name ought to be a household
word. Rod is a founder of the American Indian Movement and helped get
the 1978 Freedom of [Native American] Religion Act passed. He is
honored by his people for being a protector of the oral traditions and
ceremonies of the Star Visitor, White Buffalo Calf Woman, who gave the
Plains Indians their true history, ceremonies and spiritual culture, and
healing practices. As Medicine Man he has helped bring back the sacred
Sun Dance as an annual observance by many tribes. But it is this Red
hero's humility which is his most striking attribute. He freely
acknowledges having spent part of his earlier life doing things of which he
is not proud. But after getting back on the Red Road and recovering his
spiritual heritage, Rod made up for lost time.
Skenandore spoke about being up on a craft of the Star Nations. What the
White Man calls extraterrestrial encounters are nothing new to Native
people. However, Indian people consider such contacts to be sacred
events, since the Star People are such spiritual entities. And Skenandore,
the proud fighter for Indian justice, has been tempered by his spiritual
contacts. He spoke of his defining vision: "A warrior has become a hunter,
looking for flowers."
DaEl Walker/Buffalo Hawk is a part-Cherokee elder in the Spirit Horse
Medicine Society. He is expert in the traditional Native American use of
crystals for healing. He brought with him to display an ancient crystal
skull he has dubbed Rainbow, which produces different pictures and light
patterns depending on which color (frequency) of light is shone through it.
A number of other Native elders were quite interested in the crystal skull,
and felt that it held power.

David Shoemaker is a man of several talents: gemologist, birding guide

and photographer. But the extraordinary thing that caused this Red Rock,
New Mexico man to be invited to address the Star Knowledge Conference
is his having in his possession what he says is material from a crashed star
craft (UFO). Furthermore, this New Mexico gemologist produces pages of
laboratory analysis of the exotic fragments, which indicate that some of
the material is of artificial origin, and that the material is not found in the
Earth's crust.
Shoemaker received the material from a man in the Midwest. This
Midwesterner was told as a child by his parents of a glowing object which
came in horizontally at 20 mph, then fell 30 feet to the ground, in early
July, 1947, about the same time as other objects crashed near Roswell and
the Plains of San Agustin (west of Socorro, NM). Because the man's
parents had heard about all the ridicule some citizens of Roswell had
gotten, they decided not to report this object, but to bury it. After three
days, when it was no longer too hot to approach, they covered the area
with dirt.
Fifty years later, the son, now a mature man, decided to search for "Dad's
flying saucer", and found the buried pieces.
Shoemaker feels that the debris he has from the Midwest, and that from
the crash sites at Roswell and at the Plains of San Agustin, are all part of
the same extraterrestrial craft, which broke up at the edge of the
atmosphere and was subjected to extremely high friction temperature in its
Among the test reports which Shoemaker displayed were analyses from
the Colorado School of Mines, the University of New Mexico Institute of
Meteoritics, and from Environmental Chemistry Services, Inc. The Ph.D.
scientist at the Colorado School of Mines who analyzed the material used
X-ray diffraction, isotropic and chemical studies in his analysis.
The material Shoemaker displays is of two types. One is dark-green
(chrome-rich), opaque Cristobalite, with the crystals twinned and in fanshaped groups, not like the Cristobalite found on Earth. Apparently this
Cristobalite was formed from Tridymite heated above 1470 degrees
Centigrade. Cristobalite and Tridymite are also found in lunar samples and
some meteorites. Shoemaker says the University of New Mexico Institute
of Meteoritics reports it is not a meteorite.
The other material is very dark gray previously-unknown mineral, which
the Colorado School of Mines report called a pyroxene with a composition
between hedenbergite and johannsenite. Some of its surface is deeply
pitted, looking as if subjected to enormous heat and melting, and contains

small perfect spheres of pure iron, consistent with having melted in

I asked Shoemaker if he was afraid that UFO Cover-Up enforcers might
steal his UFO fragments. A deeply-spiritual man, and a self-described
wizard, Shoemaker replied with a twinkle in his eye that Spirit would
protect him from such interlopers.
Grandmother Windrider is an Aztec-Mayan clairvoyant, prophet and
healer. She began her remarks by calling Dolphin consciousness into the
conference hall. Grandmother talked about getting ready for a spiritual
battle. She had just returned from Palenque, the ancient temple ruin
complex of the Lacandon Forest Maya, in Chiapas State, Mexico. She
described Chiapas as a "war zone". She said, "The bridging of the
Rainbow People [all races] happened in Chiapas." Grandmother added,
"The star-seeded children have come here, have chosen to come here. We
need to pay attention." (The Lacandon Maya have a culture of ongoing
contact with the Star Nations.)
She talked about having used Peruvian whistles and pipes. (The whistles,
which she calls The Voyagers, are double-chambered vessels, which when
blown into emit an eerie, ultra-high complex sound. A series of these
vessels blown into simultaneously creates an immediate consciousnessaltering, mind-transporting effect, as the author can personally attest.)
"People blew these whistles; changes happened in individuals. The
Voyagers will take you where you need to be. You are here to help others
go through the Millennium Passage."
Grandmother told of visiting the Arkansas Cherokee Medicine Society
women, and doing ceremony in their lodge. "The Grandmothers (spirits)
of the Four Directions came to me, told me to speak, that they would be
with me always." As the Grandmothers came in, the lodge flew up over
several other lodges, and then finally returned to its original site. Persons
outside said that during the flight of the Medicine Society Women's
Lodge, they saw the stars in the sky above form a Horn of Plenty, with the
opening of the Horn pointed towards the Women's Lodge. Then stars
cascaded out of the starry Horn of Plenty towards the campground.
"Everyone there received a healing."
Grandmother Windrider declared, "Your bodies are going through a good
mutation to prepare you for the Millennium." In the upcoming Earth
Changes, some who are not ready to make the transition to the Fifth World
will reincarnate elsewhere, on a planet at the more primitive evolutionary
stage that Earth has been in. Some will reincarnate to clean up the debris
here, and make the transition to the higher-consciousness world-society

into which Earth is transitioning. Some will be taken off by the Star
Nations to voluntarily live with them.
She described a Dream-vision her son had. One day he would be strapping
babies to his back and his bike, and pedalling out of California. She
challenged others to be ready to receive these refuge children. She
prophesied chaos and volcanoes going off in California. She also noted,
"Changes are coming, with a planetoid coming close by. There will be
reactions in plants and people. Raise your consciousness to miss the wave,
when it comes through." (Apparently, the wave will be electromagnetic,
and affect adversely the minds and/or bodies of those who are not
operating in higher consciousness.) "The aging of your body will slow
down as the planet [Earth] slows down. Your appetite and food taste will
change. Learn outdoor survival skills."
Paul Ortega, Mescalero Apache medicine man, devoted the entire time of
his remarks to the theme that we have to return to living in a community
of love. Love is healing. Love is part of right order. We will not harm
Mother Earth if we operate from motivation of love.
Nestor Night Owl, Blackfoot-Delaware prophet, story-teller and healer,
practices Native American spirituality, while maintaining a lively
awareness of the Nature spirituality many Euro- Americans are now
following. Thus he seamlessly bridges the two perspectives when
addressing an non-Native audience. Central themes of his message were
that we are not "victims", and that victim-consciousness will get us into
trouble, mix us up, and make us sick. Night Owl pointed out that fear and
love cannot exist simultaneously; therefore, we should choose love.
Pathfinder, a young Cherokee/Apache man, and Silver Star, his Cherokee
female consort, have dedicated their lives to helping foster the spiritual
growth of Turtle Island, the Native designation of North America.
Together with Lakota-Dakota elder Standing Elk, they have used help
from the Grandfathers (Star Beings) to decipher some symbols found on a
crashed UFO. As these Native teachers stated, these symbols turned out to
be universal/spiritual laws. These Laws were first introduced to the public
by Standing Elk at the first Star Knowledge Conference. They have
compiled the deciphered laws in a book (in English) now available from
Standing Elk: "Maka Wicahpi Wicohan: Universal and Spiritual Laws of
Creation". Since it incorporates spiritual principles of understanding and
behavior acknowledged across the galaxy, it can truly be considered the
Star Law Manual of the Galactic Federation. These Laws incorporate such
issues as free will, spiritual freedom, change, spiritual growth, movement,
balance, spiritual strength, truth, choice, karma, equality, etc. I have
dubbed these Laws the Ten Commandments of the Fifth World into which

we are transitioning. Mastering the explanations of these Laws will change

the way we perceive what we call earthly, starry and heavenly realities.
Miniconjou Sioux spiritual advisor Wableza shared some prophetic
visions from Sitting Bull and other Native American leaders. He said that
the Mending of the Sacred Hoop (of all creation) is coming soon. But first
there will be famine and plagues affecting the whole of Earth's peoples.
Jane Egan is a mild-mannered older woman from Kentucky who told of
her experience of being plucked up into a Pleiadean mother ship. There
they called her Katreiya, and showed her many things. She learned that
humankind had been seeded from the stars. She got to watch a joint crew
of Pleiadean and Zeta Reticuli Grey medical officers work on restoring
various humans injured in tragedies, such as the Mexico City Earthquake
and the Gulf War. She was allowed to attend major conferences, involving
ambassadors from various star civilizations, debating policy on upcoming
developments regarding the Earth. She also saw notable and average
humans on board. In one electrifying meeting, representatives of one star
civilization, (in the minority, thank God,) argue to give up on Earthlings
and let us blow ourselves to bits. The vast majority of ambassadors
successfully argued for continuing the policy of encouraging humans to
clean up our ways, and the policy of graduated disclosure of the presence
and desire for open contact.
Lakota/Dakota spiritual advisor Standing Elk, a humble man but a classic
Indian jokester, said relatively little during the Conference. A man of
multiple talents, he operated a videocamera and recorded all the talks. He
designated Pathfinder and Silver Star to present the teachings on the Star
Nations Laws he had received. He conducted ceremonies during the
conference, and afterwards.
During a powerful blessing ceremony in El Paso after the Conference,
designed to anchor love in the world, Star Nation spirits were seen by
numerous Native Elders as well as this writer during the ceremony and
exiting at its conclusion. This writer saw them appearing as glowing violet
geometric-shaped forms, perhaps half a foot wide, floating across the
totally-dark room at about chest height. Their presence gave the fullest
possible meaning to the traditional Native American saying, Mitakuye
Oyasin, "All are my relations".
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC 2826 O Street, Suite 2, Sacramento, CA
95816, USA. (916) 455-0120 E-mail: drboylan@jps.net ; Primary website:
http://www.ufonetwork.com/boylan/ Author of: "Close Extraterrestrial
Encounters", "Labored Journey To The Stars" and "Project Epiphany".

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