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Ok, this is going to be a tutorial that will show you how to build the frontend

of a PHP/MYSQL based chatbox that has a WYSIWYG built in.

First we need to set up the mySQL database:
We're going to call this table chatmessages for this tutorial. It needs 5 fields
ID - Bigint, primary , auto increment
name - varchar 255
IP - varchar 255
postime - bigint
message - I'd say tinytext, but you can do medium text if you want your users to
be able to post over 400 chars per post.
The second table is for a list of all ipbans:
IPID - Auto generated IP, primary Auto increment, bigint
IP - varchar 255 - this is where we wil store the actual IP
So you need 3 files for the main chatbox.
1 file we'll call chatbox.php as the main file to hold the other two frames.
Another file called chatlog.php that will Display the messages and a third file
called send.php we'll use to send the messages.
The later 2 files will be iframes in the first file.
We also need a connect.php file for mySQL database connection:
$db = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password") or die("Could not conne
ct."); //username and password
die("no db");
if(!mysql_select_db("database_name",$db)) //database name
die("No database selected.");

$_GET = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $_GET);
$_POST = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $_POST);
$_COOKIE = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $_COOKIE);

$_GET = array_map('stripslashes', $_GET);
$_POST = array_map('stripslashes', $_POST);
$_COOKIE = array_map('stripslashes', $_COOKIE);
$_GET = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $_GET);
$_POST = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $_POST);
$_COOKIE = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $_COOKIE);


First we will work on submit.php

include "connect.php";
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) //if submit button push has been detected
print "You did not input a message";
else if(strlen($name)<1)
print "You did not enter a name, please try again.";

$IP=$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; //grabs poster's IP
$checkforbanned="SELECT IP from ipbans where IP='$IP'";
$checkforbanned2=mysql_query($checkforbanned) or die("Could not check for
banned IPS");
if(mysql_num_rows($checkforbanned2)>0) //IP is in the banned list
print "You IP is banned from posting.";
$thedate = date("U"); //grab date and time of the post
$insertmessage="INSERT into chatmessages (name,IP,postime,message) valu
mysql_query($insertmessage) or die("Could not insert message");


print "<form action='submit.php' method='post' name='form'>";
print "Your name:<br>";
print "<input type='text' name='name' size='20'><br>";
print "Your message:<br>";
print "<textarea name='message' cols='40' rows='2'></textarea><br>";
print "<a onClick=\"addSmiley(':)')\"><img src='images/smile.gif'></a> "; //repl
ace images/smile.gif with the relative path of your smiley
print "<a onClick=\"addSmiley(':(')\"><img src='images/sad.gif'></a> ";

print "<a onClick=\"addSmiley(';)')\"><img src='images/wink.gif'></a> ";

print "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'></form>";
print "<script language=\"Java Script\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
print "function addSmiley(textToAdd)\n";
print "{\n";
print "document.form.message.value += textToAdd;";
print "document.form.message.focus();\n";
print "}\n";
print "</script>\n";
print "<br><br>";


This is the file that will submit a user's message into th database. At the bott
om you see the form that asks for your poster's name and
the message he wants to post. The onclick and following javascript function allo
ws for clickable smilies. If you want more, simple add more smilies in and copy
and paste more:
print "<a onClick=\"addSmiley(':(')\"><img src='images/sad.gif'></a> ";

lines in, change the :( into the character you want for your smiley and the imag
e path to the image path of your smiley.
The code that comes in the:
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) //if submit button push has been detected

case is basically validation code for message, it checks to make sure the poster
's name and message is at least 1 character long and if it isn't, it doesn't pos
t and gives an error message telling them that one of the required fields is not
valid. Next it gets the poster's posting IP with the $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] fu
nction and checks that IP against the table of banned IP with $checkforbanned. I
f the IP is found in the list of banned IPS, it throws an error message saying t
hat your IP is banned and does not post the message. Finally, if all the conditi
ons are met, it grabs the current unix timestamp wth $date("U") and posts all th

e information into the message database.

Now lets look at chatlog.php, the file that displays the messages, the newest me
ssages will be posted at the bottom:
include "connect.php";
$getnummessages="SELECT COUNT(*) as messagecount from chatmessages";
$getnummessages2=mysql_query($getnummessages) or die("blah");
$getnummessages3= mysql_result($getnummessages2, 0);
$getmsg="SELECT name, message from chatmessages order by postime ASC limit $star
$getmsg2=mysql_query($getmsg) or die(mysql_error());
$message=Smiley($message); //Smiley faces
print "<font color='red'><b>$getmsg3[name]:</b></font> $getmsg3[message]<br>"

function Smiley($texttoreplace)

':)' => "<img src='images/smile.gif'>",

':blush' =>"<img src='images/blush.gif'>",
':angry' =>"<img src='images/angry.gif'>",

"<img src='images/shocked.gif'>",



$texttoreplace=str_replace(array_keys($smilies), array_values($smilies), $te

return $texttoreplace;


Basically , this first counts the number of messages there are in the database f
irst, then subtracts 20 from that number and stored that value in $startrow.
Then we grab all the messages from $startrow to the last message in the database
and look through the array to display the 20 messages, with the latest message
at the bottom. The smilies function replaces the smiley characters with the actu
al smiley images, not that this can also be used as a bad words
filter. The last line simply refreshes the page automatically every 2 seconds, s
o that new messags will automatically come up, just like a real chatroom.
Now we can look at chatframe.php which is a simple page with two iframes to hold
the submit page and the chatlog page.

print "<iframe src='chatlog.php' name='chatlogframe' width='350' height='400'><
print "<br><br>";
print "<iframe src='submit.php' width='350' height='150' frameborder='0'></ifram

There's really nothing to this file, just two iframes to hold the other two file
The next post will be the admin files.
Supreme Administrator
Rank:Settler of Bobland
Group: Head Administrator
Posts: 2867
IP Logged
PM ID and RPS ID: 1
[PM Chipmunk]
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Posted at Sun Mar 18, 2007 16:12:55
Edit post|Quote
The next part of this tutorial will be building some basic admin things for the
chatroom. All these files will go in a /admin folder which will be password
protected. I am assuming you have a control panel(such as cpanel or directadmin)
that offer password protection for directories.
If you don't please take a look at
Basically, this simple admin panel will consist of three primary functions, bann
ing IPs, editing messages, and deleting messages. So put this link bar at the to
p of very page of this admin panel:
<A href='banip.php'>Ban IPS</a> | <A href='unbanip.php'>Unban IP</a> | <A href='
editdelete.php'>Edit/Delete messages</a><br>

First we will look at banip.php, its quite simple:


include "../connect.php";
print "You did not list an IP to Ban";
$ipban="Insert into ipbans (IP) values('$banip')";
mysql_query($ipban) or die("Could not ban IP");
print "Ip banned.";

print "<form action='banip.php' method='post'>";
print "IP to Ban:<br>";
print "<input type='text' name='banip' size='20'><br>";
print "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'></form>";

Basically this is just a form and when you hit submit it checks to see if anythi

ng was entered, and if something was, it inserts it into the banned IPS database
Now lets look at unbanip.php:
include "../connect.php";
$unban="Delete from ipbans where ipid='$ipselects'";
mysql_query($unban) or die("Could not unban");
print "IP Unbanned.";

print "<form action='unbanip.php' method='post'>";
$getips="SELECT * from ipbans";
$getips2=mysql_query($getips) or die("Could not get IPS");
print "<select name='ipselects'>";
print "<option value='$getips3[ipid]'>$getips3[IP]</option>";
print "</select><br>";
print "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'></form>";

This basically prints a form, queries the database to get all the banned ips and
uses the while loops on the query results to print them all out

as options in a select element of the form. When you hit submit, it deletes the
IP from the banned IP list based on the ID of the IP stored in the database.
Now lets look at the code for editing and deleting messages:
include "../connect.php";
$getmsg="Select * from chatmessages where message like '%$searchterm%' order b
y postime desc";
$getmsg2=mysql_query($getmsg) or die("Could not get messages");
print "<table border='1'><tr><td>Name of poster</td><td>IP</td><td>Message</td
print "<tr><td valign='top'>$getmsg3[name]</td><td valign='top'>$getmsg3[IP
]</td><td valign='top'>$getmsg3[message]</td><td valign='top'><A
.php?ID=$getmsg3[ID]'>Edit</a></td><td valign='top'><A href='delete.php?ID=$getm
print "</table>";

print "<form action='editdelete.php' method='post'>";
print "Search for messages(leaving blank will return all messages:<br>";
print "<input type='text' name='searchterm' size='20'><br>";
print "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'></form>";


This print out a simple form asking you for a search term that appears in the me
ssage you are searching for. Since we are matching on like, if you leave it blan
all messages will be returned in last-to-first order.
After you hit submit, it queries for the message containing the terms you search
for and print them neately in a table so you can edit or delete.
Now we require 2 more files to finish this admin panel, editm.php and delete.php
, lets take a look at those.
include "../connect.php";
$updatemsg="Update chatmessages set message='$themessage' where ID='$ID'";
mysql_query($updatemsg) or die("Could not get message");
print "Message updated.";

$getmessage="SELECT * from chatmessages where ID='$ID'";
$getmessage2=mysql_query($getmessage) or die("Could not get message");
print "<form action='editm.php' method='post'>";
print "<input type='hidden' name='ID' value='$ID'>";
print "<textarea name='themessage' rows='5' cols='50'>$getmessage3[message]</t

print "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'></form>";


So Basically in this file, when you click on the edit link, it draws out the con
tents of the page based on the ID defined in the URL. Then it prints a form with
the message in the textfield you can edit. When you click submit it passed the
ID of the message and the edited message and then uses a mysql update query to u
pdate the message.
So at last lets look at delete.php
include "../connect.php";
$delmessage="Delete from chatmessages where ID='$ID'";
mysql_query($delmessage) or die("Could not delete message");
print "Message Deleted.";

print "<form action='delete.php' method='post'>";
print "Are you sure you want to delete this message?<br>";
print "<input type='hidden' name='ID' value='$ID'>";
print "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Delete'></form>";

This code get the ID from the ID specified in the URL, stores it in a hidden fie
ld and confirms that you want to delete the message. Once you
hit the delete button, it passed the ID and then deletes the message from the my
SQL database based on that ID.
Thats it, a simple chatbox with admin panel.
Supreme Administrator

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