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: Chemical

Education Unit


Class / Semester

: X/1


: Basic Laws of Chemistry and Chemical Calculations

Sub Materi Sub Content

Allocation of Time

: The mole concept

: 2 x 40 minutes (1 meeting)


2. Understand the basic laws of chemistry and its application in chemical calculations


2.2 Proving and communicating the fundamental laws enactment chemistry through
experiments and apply the concept of moles in solving chemical calculations.

1. Comprehend Avogadros number
2. Explain the meaning mole as the unit of amount of substance.

3. Convert the number of moles by the number of particles, mass, and volume of gases.


Students can:

Comprehend Avogadros number

express oral or written understanding as a unit of amount of substance mole.

Determine the relationship between the number of moles of the substance, the mass
and the volume of gases by the number of particles contained in the substance, and
apply them in a chemical calculations.


: Lecture and discussion


: Concept


: Inductive-Deductive

The mole concept
Avogadro constant (L)
Donations do not stop until the relationship Avogadro number of particles (molecules,
atoms, ions) and the volume of gas, but extended further to the relationship of mass and

number of particles of matter. As an illustration of the relationship of mass and number of
particles of a substance, let's review the particles emitted by radioactive elements below.
Based on the measurement results, it is known that one gram of radium emits alpha
particles can be as much as 11.6 10 17 particles. Alpha particles as much as 11.6 10 17
helium equivalent of 7.7 10 -6 g. Alpha particle is a helium nucleus. Then the number of
helium atoms in one gram is:
Radiu m
Alpha particles ()
Heliu atom m
11.6 10 particles
7.7 10 -6 g
So, in the helium contained 1g 1.507 10 23 atoms of helium. This is the relationship
of mass (g) and number of particles (atoms).
Based on calculations, always emerging number of 6.02 10 23 for the number of molecules
whose mass is of value for the relative atomic mass of the element or elements of the relative
molecular mass of the compound.
In 18 g of water (Mr H 2 O = 18) contained 6.02 1023 molecules of H 2 O.
In 23 g of sodium (Na Ar = 23) contained 6.02 1023 atoms Na.
In 58.5 g of sodium chloride (NaCl Mr = 58.5) ng terkandu 6.02 10 23 ions Na + and 6.02
10 23 ions Cl Therefore, the number of 6.02 10 23 expressed as a constant Avogaro abbreviated L.
L = 6.02 10 23 particles
Avogadros Number
In chemistry, it is nearly impossible to deal with a single atom or molecule. Instead,
chemists have dened a group of particles that is convenient to work with. Since molecules
are extremely small, you might suspect that the number of particles in this group is going to
be very large. In fact, the number of particles in this group is 6.02 1023 particles, and the
name of this group is the mole (abbreviated as mol). The number 6.021023 is called
Avogadros number and is symbolized as the capital letter N. Although Italian scientist
Amedeo Avogadro did not determine this number, but the number was named in honor of
him. One mole of any object contains an Avogadros number, or 6.021023, of those objects.
The number of objects in a mole was not chosen arbitrarily. Instead, there is a very particular
reason that the number 6.02 1023 was chosen.
When chemists carry out chemical reactions, it is important to understand the
relationship between the numbers of particles of each element involved in the reaction.
Chemists realized that they obtained equal numbers of particles when they used one atomic or
molecular mass in grams of the substances. By looking at the atomic masses on the periodic

table, chemists knew that the mass ratio of one carbon atom to one sulfur atom was 12 amu to
32 amu. If they measured out one atomic mass in grams of both substances (in other words,
12 grams of carbon and 32 grams of sulfur), they would have the same number of atoms of
each element. They didnt know how many atoms were in each pile, but they knew the
number in each pile had to be the same. This logic is the same as knowing that if a basketball
has twice the mass of a soccer ball, then 100 lbs of basketballs and 50 lbs of soccer balls both
contain the same number of balls. This amount of substance (its molecular mass in grams)
became known as a gram-molecular mass.
One gram-molecular mass of any substance had the same number of particles in it.
Years later, when it became possible to count particles using electrochemical reactions, the
number of particles in a gram-molecular mass was counted. That number turned out to be
6.021023 particles. This number of particles continued to be called a gram-molecular mass
for many years, but eventually the name was changed to the mole. The mole is dened so that
1.00 mole of carbon-12 atoms has a mass of 12.0 grams and contains 6.021023 atoms.
Likewise, 1.00 mole of water has a mass of 18.0 grams and contains 6.021023 molecules.
One mole of any element or compound has a mass equal to its molecular mass in grams and
contains 6.021023 particles. The mass in grams of 6.021023 particles of a substance is
now called the molar mass (mass of 1.00 mole).
Definition Mol
Based on calculations, the 56 g of iron contained 6.02 10 23 atoms of iron, in one
milliliter of water contains 3.345 10 22 molecules of water. The numbers of this magnitude
is not efficient when used for the calculation of the substances in the laboratory.
For simplicity, the scientists set up a unit amount of substance which specifies the number of
particles of matter. This unit is called the mole. Under the agreement, for the particles of the
Avogadro constant amount or 6.02 10 23, stated at a mole. In other words, one mole of any
substance contains 6.02 10 23 particles of matter, both atoms, molecules, or ions.
In one mole of iron contained 6.02 10 23 atoms Fe.
In one mole of water contains 6.02 10 23 molecules of H 2 O.
In one mole of sodium chloride contained 6.02 10 23 ions Na + and 6.02 10 23
ions Cl -.

Molar Mass
Based on calculations, it is known that in 18 g of water contained 6.02 10 23
molecules of H 2 O, 23 g of sodium contained in 6.02 10 23 atoms Na, and in 58.5 g of
sodium chloride contained 6.02 10 23 units of the formula NaCl.
On Ar and Mr, my friend was able to determine Mr H 2 O = 18; Ar Na = 23, and Mr NaCl =
58.5. Based on this information, there has been regular contact between the mass of matter
(g), Ar or Mr, and number of particles (L).
Mass (g)
Ar / Mr (sma)
Number of particles
6.02 10 molecules of H2O
6.02 10 atoms Na
6.02 10 23 units of NaCl
Relationships based on proficiency level table, it is known that the mass of matter in
the amount equal to the value of Ar or Mr contains a number of particles as much as 6.02
10 23 or by one mole.
Thus, it was concluded that the mass of one mole of a substance equal to the value of
Ar (for atoms) or Mr. (for compounds). The mass of one mole of a substance is called the
molar mass (Mm) with units of grams per mole (g mol-1).
Molar volume
By Amedeo Avogadro: at a certain temperature and pressure, the same volume of any
gas contains the same number of molecules. This means that any gas for the same volume
and measured at the same P and T will contain the same number of molecules. If the number
of gas molecules as the Avogadro constant (L = 6.02 1023 molecules), it can be said that is
the number of moles of gas.
Based on the calculation that refers to Avogadro's law, at 0C and 1 atm (STP,
Standard Temperature and Pressure), the volume of one mole of gas is 22.4 liters. The
volume of one mole of gas is known as the gas molar volume, Vm abbreviated.
Substance Weight Mol Volume
Number of molecules
NO 2
6.02 10 23 molecules of NO 2
NH 3
6.02 10 23 molecules of NH 3
6.02 10 23 molecules of CO
CH 4
6.02 10 23 molecules of CH 4
How to determine the volume of a gas at standard state? To determine the volume of
gas at a certain temperature and pressure can be calculated using the ideal gas equation. Ideal
gas equation is an equation which is derived based on the assumption of chemical experts
with reference to the results of experiments such as Charles, Amonton, Boyle, and GayLussac.

Charles's law states that at a constant pressure, the volume of gas is directly
proportional to its absolute temperature. Mathematically formulated as:
Amonton law states that at constant volume, the gas pressure is directly proportional to the
absolute temperature. Mathematically formulated as:
Boyle and Gay-Lussac scale combining all three gases (pressure, temperature, and volume)
produces the following equation:
According to Avogadro, the equation can be written as:
R is the molar gas constant which does not depend on P, T, and V, but only depends on
the number of moles of gas. R values based on experiments is 0.082 L atm mol -1 K -1.
Based on the description, the ideal gas equation can be written as follows.
P = Pressure (atm)
V = Volume (L)
PV = nRT
T = absolute temperature (K)
n = number of particles (moles)
R = gas constant (L atm mol -1 K -1)
= 0.082 L atm mol -1 K -1
Chemical Calculations
Number of substances involved in the chemical reaction shown by his reaction
The reaction between hydrogen gas and chlorine to form hydrogen chloride gas is expressed
in the following equation.
H2(g) + Cl2(g) 2HCl(g)
This equation implies that:
1 molecule H2 + Cl2 2 molecules of HCl molecule
n molecules of H2 + Cl2 n molecules 2n HCl molecule
If the value of n of the equation equal to 6.02 10 23, or by the Avogadro constant then n is
equal to one mole of molecules. Thus, the equation stated mole ratio.
1 mol 1 mol H2 + Cl2 HCl 2 mol
`It can be concluded that the chemical reaction coefficient in the equation shows a
comparison of the number of moles of the reacting substances and substances reaction

products. Comparison of the coefficient of this reaction is called the stoichiometric ratio is
abbreviated RS.
As an illustration of the application of the concept of moles of chemical reactions can be
listened to examples of the following reactions:
How many moles of H2O are produced when 2 moles of O2 reacted with excess H2
Statement "excess" suggests that the amount of H 2 is more abundant than that
required to react appropriately with 2 mol O 2. Therefore, the amount of H2O is
produced depends on the amount of O2.
2H2 (g) + O2 (g) 2H2O (l)
Based on the equation, 2 moles of H 2 reacts with 1 mole of O 2 to produce 2 moles
of H2O. If O2 is reacted much as 2 moles of the number of moles of H2O can be
determined from the stoichiometric ratio (RS H2O / O2).
mol H2O = (RS H2O / O2) x mol O2 = (2/1) x 2 = 4 mol mol
Determine the weight of water produced when 0.25 moles of butane gas burned in
excess oxygen.
Occurring chemical equations:
2C4H10 (g) + 13O2 (g) 8CO2 (g) + 10H2O (g)
Of the equation RS (H2O: C4H10) = 10: 2
Number of moles of water produced = RS mol butane = (10: 2) 0.25 mol
= 1.25 mol
Molar mass of water (mm H2O) = 18 g.mol -1
Weight of water = Mm H2O mol H2O = 1.25 18 g.mol -1 mol = 22.5 g
How many molecules of CO 2 are needed to form 90 g of glucose in the process of
photosynthesis with the help of solar energy?
6CO2 (g) + 6H2O (l) C6H12O6 (s) + 12O2 (g)
Mol glucose = mass glucose / Mm C6 H12O6 = 90 g / 180 g = 0.5 mol
RS (CO2: C6H12O6) = 6: 1
Mol CO2 = RS (CO2: C6H12O6) mol glucose = (6/1) 0.5 mol = 3 mol
Number of molecules of CO2 = mole CO2 L
= 3 mol CO2 6.02 10 23 -1 molekul.mol
= 18.06 10 23 molecules
In reaction stoichiometry, any kind of information which is known and the type of
information in question can be solved by using the following four steps.
1) Write the chemical equation equivalent.
2) Change the quantity that is known to the unit mole.
3) Use the stoichiometric ratio (RS) of a chemical equation to determine the equivalent
amount in question in units of mol.
4) Change the unit mole into the scale in question, for example in grams or number of

Converting Molecules to Moles and Vice Versa

We now know that because the mass of a single molecule of H2SO4 is 98 daltons, the
mass of an Avogadros number of H2SO4 molecules is 98 grams. We can use this information
to nd the mass in grams of a single H2SO4 molecule because we know that 98 grams
contains 6.021023 molecules. If we divide 6.021023 molecules into 98 grams, we will get
the mass of a single H2SO4 molecule in grams. After performing this calculation, we would
obtain an answer of 1.61022 grams/molecule tiny, indeed. If we are given a number of
molecules of a substance, we can convert it into moles by dividing by Avogadros number,
and vice versa.
How many moles are present in 1,000,000,000 (1 billion or 1109) molecules of water?
Solution :

Converting Grams to Moles and Vice Versa

We can also convert back and forth between grams of substance and moles. The
conversion factor for this is the molar mass of the substance. To convert the grams of a
substance into moles, we divide by the molar mass. To convert the moles of a substance into
grams, we multiply by the molar mass.
How many moles are present in 108 grams of water?
Solution :


a. Initial Activities
Motivation and Apersepsi
Students answer questions from teachers to explore students' prior knowledge
(apperception) and remind the basic laws of chemistry and relative atomic mass (Ar)
and relative molecular mass (Mr).
Prerequisites Knowledge
The law of conservation of mass (Lavoisier law)
Fixed ratio law (Law Proust)
Multiple comparisons law (Dalton's Law)
Volume ratio law (Gay-Lussac's Law)
Avogadro's Hypothesis
Relative atomic mass (Ar) and relative molecular mass (Mr)

b. Core Activities
Teachers showed me and explained the pictures of substances with the same amount
of 1 mole of the web page.
Students discuss and conclude pengertia n mole as a unit of amount of substance as
well as the relationship between the number of moles of the substance by the
number of particles contained in the substance.

Students observe teacher presentations on the relationship between the mass of the
unit mole, and apply them to chemical calculations by the media as an example of
the web page.
Students work on and discuss the problems that exist on the web page.
Students observe teacher presentations on the relationship between the number of
moles of gas volume, and apply it to chemical calculations by the media as an
example of the web page.
Students do evaluation problems that presented on a web page

c. Final Activity
Teachers give awards to students who are active in the learning process.
Students (teacher-led) summarize the material concept of the mole.
Teacher explains the core concepts of the material concept of the mole who has
concluded that as reinforcement.


1.Chemistry book
2.Web page

a. Cognitive
Assessment of cognitive tests such as tests students' ability to communicate science
1. How many atoms are in 10.0 moles of Pb?
2. How many moles of C atoms are present in a sample of 1.25 1024 C atoms?
3. Calculate the molar masses of NaCl, CO2, K2SO4, and (NH4)3PO4.
4. What is the mass in grams of 0.0235 moles of Na?
5. What is the mass in grams of 3.75 moles of FeCl3?
6. How many moles are in 12.6 grams of H2O?
7. Find the density of N2 gas at STP.
8. Find the density of CO2 gas at STP.
9. Find the volume in Liters for 0.500 g O2 gas at STP.
10. Find the mass in grams for 1.5 L of NO2 gas at STP
11. Calculate the percent composition for C10H16N2O8.
Answer key


b. Affective
Understanding the concept of communicating:






Aspects that assessed



Specification aspects assessed:

A Ability to convey information
B.Capabilities give opinions / ideas
C.The ability to ask questions
D.The ability to argue to reject the opinion of friends
E. ability to use a standard language
F. Eloquence
Assessment Method (Rubric)
1. Not good, if one good way of conveying information as well as give ideas etc.
2. Well, if both gave way to convey information and ideas etc is correct but it is
less clear.
3.Very good, if the good way to convey information and give ideas etc. are correct
and very clear
Score = Total Score: Maximum score x 100

c. Psychomotor (Performance)
Surface Tension Experiment

Maximum score = 6

Aspects that


Students Student


Total Score



Explanation aspects assessed


About the table fills accuracy.

Skills to write the answers in front of the class.

Score = Total Score: Maximum score x 100

Maximum score = 2

Criterion scores (Rubric):

1.(Score 3): Right, if the student answered correctly and completely.
2.(Score 2): Not quite right, if students with correct answer, but not a complete
write way.
3.(Score 1): Not Exactly, if students answer imprecise and incomplete write
down the answers.

Total Assessment Sub material




Aspects that assessed






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