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Alan Gabriel Vargas Rivas

English VII

1.-Antenna: A conductor by which electromagnetic waves are sent out or

received, consisting commonly of a wire or set of wires
Sample sentence
The mission itself is simply a small computer powered by solar cells, with
an antenna transmitting at 145.80 MHz.
2.-Compatible: Capable of being used with equipment in a system
without the need for special modification or conversion.
Sample sentence
Facebook kicked her off once, she says, because she wrote that Sharia
was not compatible with American society
3.-Complex: Consisting of many different and connected parts.
Sample sentence
The plant's shoots receive nourishment from a complex network of
connections to the roots.
To reduce the storage space required for (data) bychanging its format
Sample sentence
The algorithm should compress the video file without losing anyquality.
5.-Computer file: A collection of data or information that has a name,
Sample sentence
files: data files, text
files ,program files, directory files.
6.-Customize: To modify or build according to individual or personal
specifications or preference.
Sample sentence
These services take long, ugly website addresses and present them in
shortened, customized format.
7.-Defect: A shortcoming, fault, or imperfection.
Sample sentence
VW has a defect with his cars and for that they have a big problem.
8.-Dish: A concave, dish-shaped reflector serving to focus
electromagnetic energy as part of a transmitter or receiver of radio,
television or microwave signals.
Sample sentence
A dish antenna is usually operated with an unbalanced feed line.
9.-In orbit: The state of moving around a celestial body, as the sun.
Sample sentence
During its final years in orbit, the Russian space station Mir suffered a
number of mishaps

Alan Gabriel Vargas Rivas

English VII

10.-Inspect: To look carefully at or over; view closely and critically.

Sample sentence
Take time to read the small print on the packages you inspect at the
11.-Machine tool: A power-operated machine, as a lathe, used for
general cutting and shaping of metal and other substances.
Sample sentence
In machine-tool design a wholly new invention is an exceedingly rare
thing, and a successful new machine is still rarer.
12.-Machining: A machine tool which is capable of performing
automatically any or all of the functions of storing, selecting, and
changing the various cutting tools required at different stages of a
manufacturing process.
Sample sentence
Much of modern day machining is carried out by computer numerical
control (CNC), in which computers are used to control the movement and
operation of the mills, lathes, and other cutting machines.
13. Network: A number of interconnected computers, machines,
or operations.
Sample sentence
You see, the Internet is a large network of inter-connected computers.
14.-Peripheral: (Of a device) able to be attached to and used with a
computer, though not an integral part of it.
Sample sentence
These connectors can be plugged into devices such as computers and
peripheral devices such that the respective components can be
15.-Router: A device which forwards data packets to the appropriate
parts of a computer network.
Sample sentence
The network routers do not know if the packets they forward contain
healthcare information or movies.
16.-Sreen: A flat panel or area on an electronic device such as a
or smartphone,
and data are displayed.
Sample sentence
Since portable devices have small screens, much less data is required to
achieve full-screen quality for video.
17.-Software: The programs and other operating information used by a
Sample sentence
These lapses have nothing to do with the operating system or software
being used.

Alan Gabriel Vargas Rivas

English VII

18.-Supplies: The parts and materials that a manufacturer needs to

make things.
Sample sentence
Next time you go to a supermarket for your supplies, consider your
shopping habits.
19.-Three- dimensional: Having or appearing to have length, breadth,
and depth.
Sample sentence
Those topographic features scatter ambient light in such a way that a
three-dimensional image appears.
20.- Wireless hotspot: An area with a usable signal to allow wireless
connection to the Internet or some other computer network.
Sample sentence
It can also tap into the Internet using high-speed wireless hot spots in
cafes and book stores.

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