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It's so great to be here! Now, some of you will know the houses, some of you I have
spoken to, or you - even watched the video, which is on the website, so you can see this
again, if you want But no one ever does anything the same the same way! And one of the ways - when
you first learn about the houses, you all have a wheel - I just looked at your handouts,
and there's a little word written in each house, or a couple of key words - and that's how
all we astrologers learned houses, as well.
One of the ways to think about this, is these are gateways in which the archetypes come
through, and there are twelve gateways. The first gateway, the first house is here - and
I'm just going to tell you symbolically what this wheel represents - this is just a quick
detour, this is where the sun rises - in between, on your wheel where it says 1st house
and 12th house? The houses go like this, but the sun rises here. This is where the sun is
at its highest in the sky, this is midnight, this is where the sun sets.
So, when you look at this wheel - you're looking at a movement of emergence in the 1st
house, of height in the 10th house, of moving down and outward towards others in the
7th house, and going deeply inside in the 4th house.
This is what you're seeing when you're looking at the wheel. Now, we number them the
opposite way -you can just forget about that for the moment. Too complicated!
The 1st House
The 1st house, because it has to do with emergence - this is the window that other
people have on to you. On your sheet of paper, it is explained as identity and ego. Any
archetype that falls in to this house is the archetype which helps you define your identity.
It is through that energy that you become who you are.
Now, Caroline's been talking about twelve archetypes, all of these archetypes are part of
us. So, we can identify - and some of you can identify with every archetype in the deck,
or 36 instead of 8 or twelve
But, when other people see us - which is the one that we offer to the world? Which is the
one that is going out there and that is the most visible and that is the one that is helping
us to become who we are. This is the one that you will find in the 1st house when you
cast your chart.
The 1st house, then, this archetype is the one that is a very strong piece of who you are.
Now, you do not choose these, these will be chosen by the fates. And you will trust the
So, the 1st house is the one that you are offering to the world.
This (1st) house, by the way, is not only about who I am, it also has to do with your
appearance, the one you want other people to see; and it has to do with the quality of
life force that you're bringing in.
The 2nd House
The 2nd house is your pathway into the material world and your identification with it. It
has to do with money, it has to do with what is really important and fundamental to you,
what matters to you and your sense that you have some value, that you have worth in
the world. The archetype that will fall in your 2nd house is the one that you use to
become someone of worth, it's the one you use that helps you find what you have to
offer to the world.
Recommended Reading
Aah, books! David's just given me some books; I'm going to be I recommended these,
The Inner Sky by Stephen Forrest. Stephen Forrest is an astrologer I taught with in Bali

last year, in December - and this is a wonderful, basic, accessible book about the signs
and planets. It's called The Inner Sky, Stephen Forrest.
This book, from a different perspective, Caroline Casey is another colleague of mine,
whom I'm going to be teaching with in Bali in September - slight advertisement - she's
a Making the Gods Work for You is a book about the planets as Gods, as archetypes
that walk through your life, and this will help you if you want to go more deeply into
astrology or discover how the astrological language works. We do pull it in here in the
archetype work through the gods and goddesses. Caroline Casey, "Making the Gods Work
for You." (and) The Inner Sky, Stephen Forrest.
And this book, I don't know - the 12 houses of the Zodiac and their Relations to the 12
Organic Structures of Human Constitution. I've never seen it before. Which is a great
mystery. (Laughs) I would recommend a book called "The 12 Houses" by Howard
Sispordid (SP?).
The 2nd House
Let's go back, the 2nd house has to do with the way that you come into the world and
you say, "I like this! This gives me pleasure!" It's a very sensual house; it's a bodyrelated house. It can be a place in which you dive into matter and sensuality. An
archetype in this house will help you bring the world to you, it will help you accumulate,
it will help you gather substance. Does that make sense?
It will help you feel as if you're a part of this world in a body on a planet. You know, some
people are very detached - they might have in this house something like the Monk or
Nun. They don't they're value, what is important to them - what they are gathering is
not of this world. That can be a real problem for those who want to get rich. (Laughs)
However, whatever archetype you get in the 2nd house is the one who will bring
abundance into your life, and only when you know how to use it and activate it will you
be able to feel that you are functioning in an abundant way. So, the 2nd house has this asks this question - what is this worth to me? What is this worth, and what am I worth?
What do I have that is of worth? Very often, with the 2nd house, you have a first you
live it all of these things, like the archetypes, as you've been seeing it - everything
that's been said about these archetypes, you can live them on one level in the beginning,
and on another level later on - like, there are people who collect books and never read
them. Anybody here like that? (Laughs)
That really doesn't matter - because in a way, when you do that - you're saying, "This
means something to me, this is important to me" you're gathering something to you.
Later, again - you absorb this and you become - in the 2nd house - someone who walks
on the ground and flowers spring from your footsteps when you live this house in the
right way. That's an image of the goddess Aphrodite, by the way. (Repeats) When you
walk through this house, and you're in the right relationship with it, flowers spring up
from your footsteps. That's Aphrodite, because she has a natural relationship to the 2nd
house, it's like being in the relationship with the material world, with your own sense of
self and the material world in such a way that there's no resistance to abundance, and
things coming into form.
However, if you have entered life in such a way that there are self-esteem issues - okay,
this house is a biggie for you, and it will block that natural state of grace and emergence
into your life until you use the archetype that falls in this house to find that self-esteem.
Does that make sense?
So, again - an archetype here can work on many levels. This is also true of the 1st
house, but the 1st house is when you say "identity" this is who I am, it's so abstract in
a way, it's so huge it's almost harder to get a grip on. The 2nd house is a house where
things come into manifestation; it corresponds to the Earthy element. I'll show you this a
bit later.

The 3rd House

The 3rd house is once you kind of have found your way in the world, you know what
you're place is - you know that you're in your body yesterday I had a wonderful Thai
massage, and I kind of couldn't feel my body, the bones were in the right place in my
body - it was this extraordinary feeling, I didn't even realize that I was hadn't been
aware of my body since I took the airplane, and there's this, "Aah! This is the way it's
supposed to be!"
And so, the 2nd house is the place where you get that alignment. So, once you have
that, then you can go out and start making connections with the world around you. The
3rd house has to do with how we connect, how the mind wakes up - how we
communicate, how we exchange with other people, and how we form relationships about
those people that we're just bumping into. It rules our brothers and sisters in astrology
because our brothers and sisters are those - are the first people we bump into, literally.
There's that sense of, "Who are you?" How does what - how do you see the world?
What is this about? In the 3rd house, you give names to things. You give words to things.
Do you know how in many primitive traditions, one of the most important magical acts is
knowing the name of something. So, in my language, in the astrology language, there's
the link between Gemini in the 3rd house and Mercury - and if you have those planets
strong, as I do - if I walk out in nature, I'll say, "What's the plant called?" And people
would say, "I don't know." You know, I've been walking past it twenty years, it never
occurred to me to want to know it's name.
A lot of people don't do that, the 3rd house is where you need to know the name. And
why do we need to know the name? Why do I need to know your name? What changes
when we give each other our names?
So, there is this way of going out and making connections, of linking people to you - in
the 3rd house, we become aware - in the 2nd house, it's just this kind of "Mmm" - you
know, the 2nd house can be I'm eating a peach that's perfectly ripe that's come off the
tree in the sun" and it's this completely pure, bliss experience. In the 3rd house, I am
it's totally different, because you're exchanging idea and energy and vitality with other
living creatures. Things are moving between you and the outside world. It isn't a
contained universe, it's in movement all the time - so it's how you set things in
movement, and it has so much to do with language, it has so much to do with
understand, having ideas about the world.
Do you know? We long for that place where we're just in harmony with the universe, but
we're actually - the story of Eden tells us that we're probably not supposed to be just too

So, in the 3rd house, you want to discover what the world is, and what people are. Why
we're here? What is it? What's it called? The 3rd house isn't practical, it has a but, it is
very, very alive. It's also very discoursive. You know, it can go here, and then there and
then there - and there are lots of - what you'll see - as I talk about the houses, you'll
notice that there's connections between certain of the archetypal cards - and certain of
the houses, there's a natural connection with some of them.
And, that's because these are both archetypal patterns, and there are places where they
meet. 3rd house also has to do with the development of the mind in language. With
intelligence. And it is - there is a notion of finding yourself in the other, but it's not
relationship, it's a friendly, fraternal - we don't say sororital, do we? What do we say?
Sisterly. It has that kind of feeling to it.

The 4th House

The 4th house, the houses - the key houses, the one that's above and below - the 4th
house begins at the midnight point, and the 4th house is our root, it's where we come
from, it has to do with ancestors, it has to do with a very, very deep, deep connection to
the past - either the past within our own soul, to our tribal issues - these are the people
we come from, the place we come from, the place we choose to call "home."
Again, where the 2nd house we're in a body in the world and this is good, in the 4th
house, this is mine. This is my place. See the difference? This is where I feel safe; this is
where I look for safety and a sense of at-homeness in the world. It isn't just anyplace
where I can drop into a feeling of nature; it's like - this place. These people. These loved
ones, this circle that's been around me from the beginning, and it's that ability to create
the circle, the sense of home - a sense of belonging.
But, it's very, very personal because belonging can happen to outside the tribe, we
choose to build a home, and then we have a relationship with it over time. And CMED has
those - the people who've been coming back to CMED, it becomes - in the beginning
when you come to a group like this, it's not the 4th house, it's the 11th house - it's a
gathering of people from many, many places and cultures and then - as you get to know
each other, people like Ellen and Jim, you're part of the 4th house of CMED, you're the
home base of CMED. So, in group or organization can have this home energy - this family
energy, but this is really where you create security within yourself on an emotional level.
And archetypes in this house will challenge you; they may be something you need to go
through imagine you have a Bully in your home life, in your early childhood life. And the
Bully pops up in your 4th house - that means that the Bully is there to teach you how to
feel safe and close, and until you have integrated and gotten to the light side of the Bully,
that feeling of safety will be difficult for you. Do you see how this works?
If you - the 4th house is also a place of very deep connection, it is both the personal
family and the in some ways, those ancestral gifts that are coming through the
bloodline family is a bit more complex in astrology, the 10th house can have a bit of
that, as well, but we'll talk about
In the sense that one is coming through your genetic, psychological, emotional, spiritual
potential - also in many cultures, it's seen as coming through the ancestors. Whether
your ancestors lived it out, you can also develop this - it's like a seed that grows into a
tree and the high branches touch that place of highest potential.
(End of Part 1 on Myss.com)
(Begin Part 2 on Myss.com)
So, there's a relationship - there are relationships between all of the houses, and I'll talk
about that a little bit later. But in the 4th house you have this very deep, inward place
early in your life, or early in your soul's history and you draw on that place for nurturing,
and this is where you learn about security, and this is where you learn how to create it,
create a place where other people feel safe as well.
It's where you learn how to create that safety, and you learn how to create a place where
other people feel safe as well. I don't know what archetype David has in the 4th house,
but obviously there is something about the gathering, the founding yeah? So, this 4th
house energy - what's written on your piece of paper about this? Home. E.T. phone
Again, home is very different early in your life and later in your life. Right?
Student: (inaudible question)
I think so, yeah. I mean, for some people it's a given. Some people are going to get
some Mother in the 4th house, you know - they got - as Caroline was saying yesterday,
she got lucky with Mother. And some people don't. Some people don't even have that
archetype in their wheel.
So, again, this is what you also use to create that energy of home for others. Our
relationship with these places changes throughout our lives.

The 5th House

In the 5th house, you have here good fortune and luck, right? Something like that, which
is very interesting - I think that might come from me, actually. Traditionally, what you'll
find in an astrology book is creativity and children. Creativity and children. It's true that
this house is this house I've been thinking a lot about lately, because it is a place where
you let your light out in the world. It's a place of great generosity and open-heartedness
and delight.
In the very old astrology books, this is about music and dancing, pleasures and delights.
So, the 5th house is our ability, it's connected to the Child - again, you see there are
some archetypal association with this house, it rules children, but it really is about your
ability to let the life force flow through you and create delight in the world, whether
delight is a child - which is what creativity and delight is for many people in the world
But whether that delight is a painting, or a song, or a piece of software or a place like
this, or a book And so, the 5th house is your ability to give yourself whole-heartedly to the world. And, it
is about where we fall in love with life. And so, it is a house also about the heart and the
ability to love. So, this is a place of good things. Now, imagine you end up with the
Vampire in the 5th house. This is - these things - you are not the one who decides this.
They decide.
So, this means that in order to get to this state, you will walk the archetypal path of the
Vampire in order to know love. You will walk the path of the Warrior in order to know
love, if that's the card that falls out here. Your heart will open through the Warrior. Do
you see? Again, it is a place - whatever energy is in there may be the energy that you
need to walk, to get to this particular place of
You know, when we look - over and over again, when I spend time with with Christmas
I was with friends who have small children? And, you know - 4 and 6, that ideal age for
Christmas? And there's just those moments of pure delight that all of us would love to
have, you know? Our Magical Child card there? And it's that there's that element of that
that is the possibility in this house, you have those - that naturalness of energy, that
spontaneous energy and when you are in this it brings good fortune into your life.
The ancients called this the house of (buenas fortuna sp?) - good fortune because of
that. It is a falling it does have something to do with relationship, but it doesn't have
any of the because it has to do with opening the heart, but it doesn't have any of the
contractual, serious, responsible side of relationships. Is that clear?
However, if you get the Judge in this house (laughs) you can see that you might get
confused. So, you have and again, this house is going to tell you something about your
experience of yourself as a child, and your relationship with your children. You know, I
think a good test of how you're doing with the 5th house is when you - for those of you
who come to Paris, you know - Paris is a place where, is a romantic city, and so people
will be will walk across a bridge at sunset and there's always a pair of young lovers
embraced with the sunset behind them. And, depending on your reaction to that, like,
"Eeew - can't they do that in their own home?" (Laughter)
Student: Get a room!
Get a room, yeah, right! For those of you who've had those responses at some point in
your life, it'll be interesting to see what archetype falls in your 5th house. For those of
you who have the Nun here, or the Monk (laughs) - it is really, a place of the other
thing I've been thinking about this house is it is also about what we have developed in
ourselves because there, unfortunately for many of us - we are not naturally and easily
loved for who we are - for a million reasons - when we come into this world. Because our
parents weren't ready, they hadn't dealt with that stuff, they're not there, something
happens - so we don't get that feeling of "we're just loved because that's the most
natural thing in the world," right?
So, if you hadn't had that, this house can be about the archetype you developed in order
to make sure you're going to get it. You are going to love me, because I'm the boss! Met
any of those lately?
Jim Curtan: office, there's this guy that says, the boss says, "I want people to be afraid
of how much they love me!"

That's right! There you go! And there are Victim is a wonderful one.
(in a sickly sweet voice:) "It's just so hard for me. You know what happened to me
today? You know? If you weren't here, I don't know what I'd do!" Another one, this is for
those of you know astrology, many years ago there was a cartoon - there was an
astrological cartoonist in the Mountain Astrologer, which is a Boulder-based astrological
magazine, and this guy did Valentine's - and Venus is the planet of love in astrology, and
for Venus in Pisces, it was like this - "I don't know who you are, but I can't live without
you!" (Laughter) And, there was another one, which was - I think Venus in Scorpio was
like, "You're going to love me, OR ELSE!"
So, this house is also - when, especially for those of us who have - and who hasn't had
not been loved by somebody? You know, all of us have felt at some point that we should
be loved more. We may be wrong (laughs) - however, we then develop these defensive
personalities to make sure that we're getting love - if we're not getting love, we're
getting attention. Caroline talked about that this morning.
So, this is also - the 5th house - we can look at it as love, but it can also be about "pay
attention to ME!" right? So, this archetype will get you attention whether it's negative or
positive attention, whatever archetype is in this house will get you attention. And, behind
it is a desire for love. And joy, and delight, and pleasure - and you know - this is also a
good house for the hedonistic things in life.
The 6th House
The 6th house is usually - for those of you who do astrology, the 6th house is like an
Orphan house, you know - nobody wants it because it's work and service. But, in spiritual
circles, people like the whole idea of service, so it generally gets a little bit more valued
Years and years ago, there was a famous astrologer in Boston named Isabelle Hickey
who said, the 6th house and the 12th opposite is about serve or suffer. So, in the 6th
house, you are is a place where there is work to be done, and this house also has to do
with the physical body, but it has to do with what we need to do to keep things working
they need to work.
In other words, we know where we have that experience of the natural world where
everything's perfect - there are moments in the cycle of things where we can't - you
know, when a storm is coming, when the ice storm hit here a few days ago, people the
staff of this place were not sitting there eating peaches. I mean, we have no idea what
went on here before we came, to get this back in shape - but I can imagine that it was
quite something.
And, all that work that gets done - all the things that are done here to make this happen
- all those details that people do are 6th house. The 6th house is where you participate in
what needs to be done; but you don't necessarily get attention for it. It's what needs to
be done.
And, somebody does the dishes. Somebody sweeps the floor. Somebody cleans the
toilets. This is the 6th house. The 6th house is the nitty-gritty, but it is also the work all
of us do something, we all make a contribution to this world in some way. Maybe our
contribution is supporting another person, just through our love, attention and care - that
is also work. Maybe our contribution is taking care of the sound equipment and the cold
and hot (temperature) in this room.
But, someone is - there are so many things I used to - I love Ticht Not Hahn, I don't
know if anybody here knows him? But I used to often go to his center in the southwest of
France, and you know - there's this little prayer they do there, which is before eating it's this - you pick up your carrot with a piece of fork and he says, "If you look deeply into
the carrot, you will see the sun and the wind and the rain and the clouds, and you will
see the people who planted the seed, and who harvested the seed, and who cut the
carrot, who put it on your plate" and again, this is 6th house - it's a way of looking at
the world and honoring all of those things that don't get noticed in ourselves.
So, the archetype in the 6th house is work that you will do, need to do, and if you don't
do this work - you will go out of alignment, because this is the house of health.

Caroline: What you're saying is so, so, so important. What Lynn is saying is - she's
describing so well is the work at becoming conscious, and what Teresa would describe as
God in the details, and the work of becoming conscious at the ingredients of your life and
the ferocious cosmic effort is has taken to put all of the details into your life that are in
your life. Details that are eclipsed because you don't see the immediate value of them.
You don't see the value that they serve - from people in the kitchen that are cutting your
carrots to those people - you would be out there hungry if those people weren't in there
cutting your carrots.
Caroline: And so, here you could say - "Isn't that right? Okay, what's for " and it goes in
one ear and out the other because - and this is what it means to be conscious, just to put
you in slow motion for a minute - to really put you in slow motion - and I think it was
DesCartes who said, "If you arrested me and put me in prison for the rest of my life, still
that would not be long enough for me to appreciate all that has taken place in one day in
my life." And this is what he was talking about in terms of taking each observation that
he had and tracing that observation in the fullness of what he really observed - which is
to appreciate the whole of what it is in your life, but to think this deeply, to observe this
deeply. Now, when you look at your life and you say, "Nothing's moving, nothing's
happening!" you're not observing.
Caroline: You're not seeing a thing. You're simply not seeing what you want to see, and
you're dismissing the whole - you're not seeing a thing that you want to see, you've gone
into - and you're not looking - you're not seeing what you want to see, and therefore
you're dismissing that anything at all is happening in your life when a million things are
happening - just not the ones you want. And you've thrown out the whole day, you've
thrown out every conversation, you've tossed out the value of everything you've placed
in your body.
Caroline: You've tossed out the significance of every moment of synchronicity, of every
blissful ray of sunshine that really came into your life, of possibly the stop light that just
saved your life, you haven't a clue - and you've tossed the whole thing out, because the
one thing you wanted to happen you didn't get that day!
Because - what Caroline's saying is so important, because the 5th house is the place
where the spotlight's on you - me, me, me - like me. And the 6th house is on - wow, look
at that - it's very ego-less. It is the place where the ordinary, the miracle of the ordinary
- the miracle of the small is occurring over and over and over again.
(End Part 2 on Myss.com)
(Begin Part 3 on Myss.com)
...God in the details, and this house is deeply connected to the body. Because - what
Caroline says about consciousness here is so important, because it is true that most of us
are going through life in this trance, so we don't notice, "Oh, I just left my glass there somebody must have picked it up and done something with it." Most of us function like
that - there's somebody who's always picking the glass up.
So, when we get really out of alignment, between who we want to be and how we are
actually in the world of every day - then our bodies start to disconnect. Our bodies start
to not function properly, because this is an area of repair. Servicing, in that sense. This is
the place where things get out of and back into alignment, every day.
Caroline: This is the house where you have to sit back and say, "Who is cleaning up after
me? Who does clean up after me? Who does look after all of the things that I use that I
ignore? Who does turn off the lights after I leave the room? Who is pickin' up my pieces?
Who are these pieces, that I just assume walk behind me and cover my tracks? Who are
these people? Why do I assume my tracks are covered? Let's go there. Who are these
people that are worrying about whether or not I'm going to have any water to drink in
years to come - because somebody better be doing that, because I'm not. I'm just
assuming that this planet that is rapidly running out of resources is still going to provide
for me because the truth is, I really don't care because I'm busy with my own life.

Caroline: So, somebody better be doing this, because I'm not. Because I'm busy, and I
have the policy - well, I've decided to adapt the policy that what can I do? Because
that's convenient. Because, I don't want to think "Oh, well - but what can I do?" Because
I don't want to see me as having that kind of influence in the details, because actually - I
probably would, if I got myself fired up. If I really, really realized I have a responsibility,
because the journey of becoming conscious in this house is the journey of realizing how
powerful you are at that level, that's the point. And that when you look at why your life
isn't moving - the whole point of that is God, or the universe - or whatever word you're
comfortable says, "I'm not moving you at all because you don't appreciate anything in
terms of movement. You're not moving at all because you are at the level of give me,
give me, give me and you appreciate nothing about your responsibility to the whole - so
you are going to be in a holding position, period."
Caroline: This isn't about what life gives you because you are sad, and you don't have
enough, and you aren't getting what you want, and poor you. Oh, poor you. This is about
you holding still and saying, "What is all of the abundance that I have that I am not
looking at that I'm not even managing? I'm not even managing all of the crops that my
consciousness has harvested. I'm not even aware of it, in fact - I don't even care to be
aware of it, I just want more."
Caroline: This is about becoming conscious of actually following thru and becoming
conscious of the force of prayer, the force of grace, the force of the details of how you
live each day, and the archetype that falls in this house is the archetype of mythology
and power that has the most influence over this journey in a huge, huge way. You look at
whatever archetype falls in there that you've chosen from the Slave to the Trickster to any of the archetypes and you think, "How am I going to interpret?"
Caroline: We'll get to that interpretation from symbolic - you get something like the Slave
in there, and the Slave is the archetype of ultimate surrender and liberation; because the
Slave says to the Master - the Master who is God, "Here, take my will. I'm surrendering.
You tell me what to do in this world, and I will do anything" and this is the house of
details on this Earth. "I don't want to do!" You tell me what to do on this Earth, and I
am all yours, I am your Slave (because) a Slave is ultimate, ultimate liberation - because
the Master takes care of the Slave. Totally. And then the Slave's job is to see the Master
everywhere, and the Master in all of the details of his life, or her life - and all is taken
care of. All is taken care of. Otherwise, the Slave at the frightened thinks, "I'm a Slave to
everybody and everything and I'll never be free" when in fact, the journey is absolute
freedom. It's extraordinary. Okay, so I obviously I'm so excited about I can hardly
stay in my body so, you just have to cut me off!
So, this is house - in this house, traditionally, by the way - this is fascinating, this house
traditionally rules servants. And it also rules our bodies as our servant - servant of
consciousness, and illness - this house is where - has to do with illness, as well. When
you're on a spiritual journey, this is why Caroline intervened here, in ordinary astrology,
you know - you see a planet in the 6th house and it's considered a weak house, because
astrology was developed and used for people to predict what would happen when they
get this raise, this job - would the king become the king, win the battle, etcetera.
But, for those of us who use it to look at the soul's journey and to look in the spiritual
journey, the 6th house - which has to do with this awareness of the smallest possible
thing, which is what the monastic life is about - bringing spirituality and prayer into the
smallest gestures, this becomes an extremely important house - that's why we're
spending more time on it. I could spend a whole day on this house, because it's often
misunderstood, so it's one of the things I teach, as well.
In this house this is a real interesting one, this is a little clue - remember I was telling
you that sunset was here, earlier? So, the sun actually sets here on what's called the
Descendent - these points where the sun is very powerful in the day are called "Angles"
in classical astrology. When the sun sets into the 6th house, in the 6th house, it's still
light after sunset, but it's a place where you're losing the light - and this to me is one of
the things I teach, you won't hear many people who are astrologers teaching this, but This house, a lot of what we do here is to maintain the light when the light is going out of
the world. To maintain vitality in the body, even when we're aging and we're less vital

than we used to be, right? So, the 6th house is the work to keep the light there under
changing conditions, and sometimes those things are very, very ordinary. Very ordinary.
So, an archetype in this house can be both work and healing - illness and healing, it can
be all of those things.
The 7th House
Up until now, we've been in houses - when you look at the sky, are you aware that we
only see half of the sky at any given time? The other half is being seen by people on the
other side of the world, right? So, this is the part - these houses, 1-6 are the part that
are not shown to the world, they're more private, they're more personal - they're our
path of personal development, and the 7th house is up there, it's in the visible part of the
sky, and it's there where we meet other people completely. It's the "I and thou" - it's the
In French, and in all of the romance languages, when you don't know someone you say
"vous" - the formal, we have a formal language - but if I said that to a dear friend, they'd
be insulted, because it's a distancing and we say, "tu." So, if we say the "tu" form in
English, we've lost this - in English we say "you" - except to God, where we say "Thou,
Thy and Thine" our most intimate, the intimate part of our language is reserved for God,
is an interesting way of thinking about it.
But, the 7th house is a place where we fully recognize the existence of the other person,
and we enter into relationship with them. This is the house of marriage, it's where you go
to meet the other person, and the archetype in this house is an archetype that takes you
into relationship whether you want it or not, whether you like it or not - and you may,
one of the things that can happen in this house - this is a house where it's very, very
easy to project energy on to other people So, let's say when you cast your chart you end up with the Victim in relationship, in the
7th house - that may be the archetype you pull in through, through relationship, through
the other person. You or - or you might have the Saboteur here. "You know, when ever I
do something my husband's always getting in my way - you know, he was helping me
with my computer and it crashed! Don't know why" This is a very, very powerful house,
the energy you have in here, the archetype that is in here will be the dance you dance in
relationship, and the 7th house is not only your wife, your husband, your boyfriend, your
girlfriend - it is also any other person who is full.
This is also the house of open enemies; it's also the house of war because it's that person
out there you can't stop thinking about - even if you hate them! So, this is an archetype
that takes you on the journey of discovering who and what an other person is, and how
to really be an exchange with another person. And sometimes, the first experiences we
have in life with others are difficult, like we met somebody who had Hermit in their 7th
Everybody knows families like that, where the father gets home from work and locks
himself in his workshop. No? Anybody had men like that in their family? Right. So, you
get this - how do you deal with that when you love and live with someone who has this in
relationship? Or if you are that person? How do you still do relationship?
So, this is a very powerful heart, it's a major - relationship is a major life issue for all of
Caroline: A good example, if you get the Hermit in that house - what helps you to
understand is that you don't have a problem, you have an archetype. Because that
tendency to withdraw and need your hermitage is not accommodating one in a
relationship, it is not. And there has to be a way to compromise and by you recognizing
that I have a Hermit, but Hermit's do not always have to be in their hermitage - it allows
you to transcend and cooperate - otherwise, if you see it as a trait that comes from a
vulnerability and damage, you will fight to the death for your space, and you'll destroy
your marriage - because you will force the other person to understand your
vulnerabilities and your pain as opposed to this being a part of your power.
I have a very dear friend who has a very strong - in astrological terms, a strong - she
chooses men who are Hermits as her partners. And one was somebody who went out and
walked in the bush in Africa from the age of 16 and would occasionally come back into

civilization, and was an extraordinary person - but needed to go out and disappear into
the wild. A walk-about, yeah. He was also a person with a gift for (serpine?) He was a
Shaman, we would say now. But, he just wasn't the kind of person you could bring to a
dinner party (laughter) You know, this is a problem.
And she's somebody who - you know, she has the Queen in her wheel, which is also
called Leo in astrological terms, and she gravitates towards people who have stately
homes in the country and she's always being invited to things - and her current husband,
who she's been married to for over twenty years - is the kind of guy who wears the same
trousers you know his trousers are corduroy trousers that have been washed so often
they're an indeterminate color?
You know, he's just a guy who never does anything the way anybody else does - he's not
interested in being socialized - and for her, she does things to help him she doesn't try
to change him, and put a tuxedo on the bed, because she knows that that is the kind of
person she is drawn to, and needs in relationship, a person who has a wild place inside of
them. A wild place, right?
So, some of us need to navigate relationship through a kind of wild empty space, you
know - it's not everybody has a classic Companion or Lover archetype in relationship, in
fact - very few of us do.
The 8th House
The 8th house is one of the juicy, mysterious, secret dark houses. In the traditional
astrology, this was just death, this house. Death. Death, and anything associated with it.
So is this one over here. The ancient Greeks had a word for it - God, I can't remember.
Anyway, it was called the entrance to the Underworld, isn't that nice? The gateway to the
underworld, the 8th house.
Now, as you enter this house - again, think of this in terms of the sun's movement,
remember the sun rises here (in the 1st house) goes up to the 10th and it starts to
decline as it hits the 8th house, so there's this sense of something going down. The 8th
house is a place where we encounter the shadow inside of ourselves and other people.
In modern astrology we've changed the meaning of it and developed it into other
people's resources, and this is because of it's early association with death - it also rules
inheritance. Now, on a psychological level, this house is about what we get from other
people. It has to do with the power - it's a power house, and this house is where we find
power - but also where we confront those elements inside of ourselves that are anti-life.
That can have to do with so, this house is very, very complex. It's gotten associated
through Freud in the 20th century with sexuality, but in the original astrology, the 5th
house - the house of pure delight and pleasure is sexuality But, sexuality as a path to consciousness awareness and deep inner movement is the 8th
house. Sexuality as a path to consciousness to deep connection to evolution is 8th house,
because it is a conscious exchange of energy and life force with other people. Just having
fun is 5th house - you see the difference?
The 8th house is the first house we've looked at - the 7th house includes other people in the 8th house, your unconscious meets other people's unconscious. Whoa! It's a very
powerful place, and it is a difficult place to know, in fact by nature, it is a house of
mystery. We cannot know everything that's in this house. So, the archetype that you
have in this house is pulling you towards the unknown in yourself, it is pulling you toward
transformative experiences.
It's also a house that has to do with abuse and misuse of power, and what does that have
to do with what we've just been talking about?
(End Part 3 on Myss.com)
(Begin Part 4 on Myss.com)
When you open yourself, in the 5th house - when you open your heart and you say, "Love
me" it's about ME, isn't it? Love me, aren't I wonderful? And there's nothing wrong with
that, when a child does that, it's absolutely delightful, yeah?

On the other hand, when you hear - here when you say - "LOVE ME" (in a gravelly,
demon voice) there's something else going on! (Laughter)
Caroline: You know that expression "Apples don't fall far from trees"? That's this house.
Okay? And, those struggles that I said to you were mysteries in your life? Where I asked
you to identify those parts of yourself that you would say, "I don't know why I always
been like this, but I have" - those fear patterns or struggles that you feel you've inherited
from your family, or family crisis that have influenced you that you feel - I struggle with
this because of molestation, because of crisis like that - or that you inherited, for
example - a sense of status. That is really striking, that really ruins you because you
didn't achieve that.
Caroline: I have two friends from England and their father was a gambler, a classic
Gambler archetype - lost the entire estate, and I mean "estate" in the classic, British
sense - including the plates, including their plate - including everything down to their
sterling - in a poker game.
Caroline: The mother hung herself.
Lynn: This is 8th house.
Caroline: This is an 8th house story. Mother hung herself, and it left the children paupers.
But, the aristocratic archetype, but no aristocratic-ness to go with it. So, they inherited a
whole dynamic that really torments them, because they can't back it up with the goods.
Caroline: And they have both failed miserably in terms of their life because they cannot
back up - and he became a con artist, seducing older women to giving him money, all
kinds of con games, all kinds of he became the classic Kept Man, because it was all he
knew how to do, and that is the Con Artist - when in fact he was a type of an Artist, but
he went into the shadow Artist. It's a fabulous British drama! It is a fabulous British
drama, but he went that way because he absolutely - they could not bear to have this
title and all of the aristocracy but absolutely none of the goods. They could not convert to
anything, they couldn't make it. This is a classic 8th so, you can inherit what my family
expects of me, and it can destroy you!
Lynn: Right.
Caroline: And to look at this, well, my family expects me, my family expects me - and
you can carry in you expectations that totally form you - my family expected me to be
straight, my family expected me and so, your sexuality destroys you. All of this is a
journey in this house of certain expectations that you carry, that someone would say to
you, "Get rid of that! Who cares?" but you can't - it's just in your blood, and in your
bones, it's in fact in your soul.
One way, if you want - remember, this is the entrance-way to the Underworld, this house.
So, this is the slippery slope, and we all have temptation in our lives. Some temptations
aren't so bad, right? Some temptations aren't so bad but, once you start (laughs) - so
the 8th house has this very compulsive energy, very, very compulsive it's outside the
complete understanding of your consciousness. It's outside your grasp.
For those of you who know astrology, when you have planets in the 8th house, you are
drawn to this area of human consciousness. Right? But, if you - and it can be the power
area or understanding what's really going on in there - the need to understand the
So, one of the things with this house is this is a place that will bring transformation and
change, through this archetype something will have to die and be re-born at some point
in your life. And, this archetype - because it is a place where we can give other people
power over us - it's also, you notice what's written on your sheet? "Other people's
resources"? This is the nice way to talk about this house! (Laughs) We should re-name
In the beginning, if we did what the old books wrote and put "Death and Inheritance" then it would be like, "Is there a positive side to this house?" You know, people get
scared. So, we only tell you this when you come here.
So, the 8th house is a very juicy house, but very complex.
~The 9th House~

The 9th house on your sheet, it says spirituality. The spirituality in this sense, in that the
9th house is where we are aiming for that which is highest in our own nature. I work with
a very wonderful and very well-known astrologer named Liz Greene in London, who's
written many books and is a Jungian analyst, and Liz has some years ago did a
workshop on this house called "The Changing Face of God," right? And what she says, in
this house you have your version of God. Your version of the divine.
Now, again it could be your version - now, when you cast your wheel - if you end up with
the Saboteur in the 9th house, again - what's your religion? It's going to be an Old
Testament religion. I just I tried to do everything and God sent this thunderstorm,
right? It wasn't my fault. The Saboteur is outside you. We have many different ways of
relating to God, and in many ways the archetype here can be something that gets in the
way of you, your relationship with the divine, but these archetypes are always part of
your journey to any archetype in the 9th house is part of your journey to the divine. Part
of your journey to what is highest and best, and brightest in your own spirit and in the
entire Cosmos.
And, with this archetype will lead you to that place, even if it's a difficult archetype.
Caroline: One way to say that, I think - is that the archetype in this house is the one that
stands on the bridge between your spirit, ego and your soul.
Lynn: That's wonderful.
Caroline: The archetype that is in this house is the one that stands on a bridge between
your spirit, which is the expression of your soul within the form of the ego and your soul.
And in your life, the spirit is the way you known God through the mind. The ego knows
God through the mind/spirit, the heart/spirit; but that is not the soul. The soul is a
deeper consciousness that is discovered, excavated, opened through the mystical journey
and it says you cross this bridge into the experience of God versus the knowledge of God,
and many people are being called to be mystics out of monasteries. The archetype in this
house is the journey into that difficult journey that breaks down the defeat of reason, in
a sense - I mean, it could be like that in the 9th house is the journey of the struggle
between you and God. The struggle between you and God, the struggle between "Why
can't I get what I want?" The struggle where God gives you things you feel you have no
business enduring because they do not belong to you, but you are given them anyway.
This is where God gives you all of the things you feel you don't deserve.
I want to add in there - because in the traditional astrological model, which is not really
what's on your sheet - the mysticism would be more connected, for us, with the 12th
house. And the 9th house has to do with, almost with God out there in the open - the
way we give meaning to our life, and the world is resplendent with meaning in this
Caroline: (off-mike)
No, the 12th house is both collective and individual. That's what's confusing about it, is
it's both like an individual it's a place where the individual gets absolutely lost and is
torn with briars and brambles and it is a difficult place on an individual level, but that
individual journey leads to the collective experience. So, it's a meeting place of individual
and collective. And, in mysticism, of course - the individual moves beyond being an
individual, so it's in that sense
Whereas the individual relationship with the divine in the 9th is - it's a very direct, it's
where meaning comes through, right? And you know, you know - and then the testing of
that in the 12th house - a lot of that is tested, will get
My guess is that we might get to the 12th house after lunch, because I don't think I can
get through the next three houses beforehand
So, the 9th house, besides spirituality - it has to do with the need to understand the
world. The need to experience with - not just a physical or material level - but to
experience the world as a place filled with meaning. The need to make sense of what we
are doing here. And this house is also a house of opening our spirit to exploring that
which is very different from we are. It's traditionally linked to travel and foreign countries
and other worlds, other models, explorations.
So, for some people - the spiritual impulse comes from a need to see the world. They
might not talk about God, but they need to be "out" there - they're very confident about

the world. Some of the most spiritual people I know don't speak "God," they don't use
that word. But, it is an attitude towards the world, which is - there is a reason I'm here,
and there is meaning to where I'm going. So, this archetype leads you to meaning.
But, it can also lead you to the opposite, which is a feeling that nothing has any meaning
- that's also part of this house - depending on the archetype you have here.
Now, the 10th house - which begins with the highest point in the chart, the midheaven, again - which corresponds to the sun being up there - the 10th house is what
we on your sheet, it's written as highest potential. Now, what that means is - this house
is often connected with purpose, with "why am I here, and what am I here to do?" it's
highest potential in this sense, which is not about my job title.
It is - what is it, what is the path that you are walking that can lead to you living out the
most of what you have to do here? When we live in a world where we're perfect, we're
okay - but somehow we feel (that) we're not being used enough? Right? We'll be pulled
out here by this archetype; this archetype will tell you how to get to this highest
potential. How to get to that place where you're saying, "Here I am doing what I can do.
I am doing what I'm meant to do." When Caroline was talking about writing? Well,
writing is, of course, part of your highest potential - there's no doubt.
So, there are things in the archetype in this house - is something that will take you to
that place. It might not literally be that - so if you have a Writer (archetype) and the
Writer ends up here, it doesn't mean you're maybe I'm being confused here, it may not
mean that your highest potential is to be a Writer, it means the archetype of the Writer
will be a key to you realizing your highest potential (if) somebody who has it there. At
some level, that will be part of what they're doing.
Again, it's tricky with this house, because there's a tendency to get literal with it. And
again, every archetype contains within it a journey, and the house also represents a kind
of a journey.
Caroline: and make sure, and say it again and again and again and again that the ego
wants the highest potential to be a job. If I'd have that question once, I've had it a billion
times because your focus is on your survival, your physical survival. And that's why
understanding your journey within the context of the Prostitute and the Victim and the
Saboteur and the Child is so very significant. Those four archetypes manage your survival
journey on this Earth, those four archetypes have more authority over you than any
other of the archetypes than you can possibly imagine. All the other archetypes - until
you develop a self-esteem - confer with those four. They are almost at their beck and call
until you develop a sense of self-esteem. You can have the most powerful Writer or Judge
or whatever archetype you want to pick out - in the world
Caroline: and you can be given great opportunities - and by opportunities, I'm not just
talking job, I'm talking opportunities to speak up, opportunities to do things for others,
opportunities to be a mover and a shaker in this world. And your response could be, "But
what if I fail?" because your self-esteem is still at ground zero.
Lynn: This house also has to do with authority.
Caroline: And you can have that, and so you will still be at the level of the Prostitute
where you negotiate your self-worth so someone else takes care of you. Where you sell
bits and pieces of your sense of dignity, of your sense of integrity, of your sense of
creativity, where you still sit at meetings and someone asks for your creative input and
you say, "Oh, no, no" because you don't want to upset anybody. So, you sabotage your
creativity, you sabotage all of your training, you sabotage everything you've developed in
yourself because you don't want to upset anybody.
Caroline: And yet, you turn around and say, "What's my highest potential?" when you
can't handle your lowest. Why? Because you don't want to get humiliated. It's all about
humiliation, rejection and approval. That big huge basket, don't reject me! Don't criticize
me! So, you stay completely controlled by the Saboteur, Prostitute, Victim and Child.
When you say that, Caroline, I think it's so interesting because when you talk about the
10th house as highest potential - almost in the astrological wheel, there's a journey to
get to that place. You don't start from there, and in the 10th house, there's the desire to
be somebody important. So, it's a very strong house for the ego. I want to be important,

I'm somebody. This is the house that has to do with your reputation, it has to do with
your role - so remember when I was talking about the Boss earlier? The Boss, whoever
has been the boss in your life, whatever has authority over you is this house, whatever
has when you go somewhere and say, "Can I do this?" and someone else has the
answer to that? You're not in your highest potential.
Jim Curtan: There's also a paradox about highest potential, you can only achieve it right
now. It's only in this moment, it's not a cumulative thing, it's not like achieving a goal,
it's being full present and available for your potential of all of the energy you have right
now. Caroline tells a story in Invisible Acts about the woman's who's highest potential in
that moment was to touch the dog. It's not her highest potential every day to touch
Jim Curtan: Once she touches that dog, that doesn't mean that she's achieved her
highest potential for her whole life. Your highest potential in this class if your highest
potential here and now, in your seats, this moment. If you think of it as something that
you're going to achieve after you graduate from this class and become an archetypal
consultant, you'll never achieve your highest potential because your highest potential
right now is right now.
Caroline: (off-mike)
Caroline: with this moment in healing? With this person? You see, you begin to realize
that life is a mandela of highest potential-S!! How do I respond to the person in this
conversation? Do I enhance that person's self-esteem - which I could do - or do I cut 'em
off at the seams? Everything is an opportunity of pulling in the grace of highest potential
- that's what you begin to realize, is that I manage highest potential. Someone says, "Put
it on your job resume" - what do you do? "I manage highest potential!" (Laughs)
Caroline: But what that does is convert into every piece that you then move in your life's
compass, and what that does is increase the size and voltage of the life compass you'll be
given to manage. Did I just make sense to you? And then you stop worrying about the
life compass you'll be given. Because you are in no position to see where you belong,
once you start managing highest potential. That's when you understand the theology of
surrender and leave it to heaven to place you, at that point. Surrender and leave it to
heaven. If you choose where you think you belong, you'll always choose the place out of
fear, because you'll always choose from a frightened, weak, competitive, toxic ego.
(End Part 4 on Myss.com)
(Begin Part 5 on Myss.com)
I love what both Jim and Caroline have said here because, it's - there's often - you know,
in astrology books, this house is associated to some degree with Capricorn, and there's
this image of the goat climbing to the mountain-top? And again, when you look at it that
way, it's always outside yourself - and what Caroline said brings it back inside.
So, this house has to do with the desire to be the best you can possibly be - that's really
what this means. What is the best you can possibly be? Not just to "be" - not just to be
okay; but what's the best I can be? And again, what better time to start than now? And
yet, there is this sense that day after day, day after day you are going somewhere. So,
both are true. Both are true, you do get somewhere eventually.
Caroline: Isn't it fascinating when you go through these houses, you can feel the cycles
of your life in them? And you could feel the cycles of your soul's journey in them, and all
of the issues and what - and of the journey of life, and what is - to me - so extraordinary
- is you see how we're all in this together. How the journey of life is such a universal
journey, how just extraordinary that is. Okay, so Lynn's got the 11th and the 12th?
And, just to recap - something we said before about the 10th - that idea that what Jim
said, which was so important was that your highest potential's in the present moment?
And when you're really doing your best, you're not thinking about getting somewhere;
but, in fact that there is that idea of getting to the top in the 12th house at the same
time - because if you spend a lifetime doing the best you can do - you really do get

somewhere. You really do get somewhere. And the more you are in that space of doing
the best you can at a given time, the bigger the vision you have - because the 10th
house is a place of big vision.
~The 11th House~
One of the things that I didn't talk about is that these houses have relationships with
each other; but we have to the 11th is opposite the 5th, for example. And the 5th, as I
said is about me getting the light on me. The 11th is consciousness of the group, it's
consciousness of humanity. The 11th house is - in the very ancient astrologer Hellenistic
astrology, pre-medieval, the earliest encoded form we have - one of the things we said
about this house was that it was the house of the bonus diamond, and the bonus
diamond is the good daemon, the daemon is the guiding spirit you come in with who kind
of - if you've read James Hellmond's book "The Soul's Code" - it's in this sense, it's that
that which puts you back on track.
And, the Greeks consider that the 11th house is the house of friends. Now, we take for
grated sometimes, many of us have lots of friends - and you can say, "Oh, well, you
know" - a friend in life, someone who really has your best interest at heart, and wants
the best for you in your life is such an extraordinary thing! It's such a graceful thing, to
have someone near you who sees you as your best self. But, with no personal - it's not
about them. It's because they see who you are and who you can be. Right?
Have you noticed that you are your better self with certain people, than with others? You
know, we all have friends we complain about and show our little wounded Victim self to;
and then we have friend that we're our best possible self with. This is an 11th house
relationship. 11th house is where you see in your eyes who the other person can be.
What is inside them? There is that extraordinary because the 11th house always has a
future, it has a future element to it - it's what is in the process of becoming?
I remember many years ago there was a gurja (sp?) teaching story about the acorn,
some of you know this? That when you look at an acorn, it is impossible if you did not
know - to imagine that an acorn could become an oak tree. If you took a picture, you
measured it, you cut it half, you did it in pieces - if you had no idea, and someone were
to say to you, "What is this?" Right?
So, the 11th house is the ability to see deeply enough to see into an acorn that it can
become that thing. So, when we are in the 11th house, we are actually supporting the
extraordinary gifts that each of us has in this room. We are not thinking just about
ourselves, but we are thinking about what this group of people - coming together in this
work - can become. And that just sends chills up my spine - such an extraordinary thing!
And the 11th house is where we give because it's the only thing that makes sense. It's
the only thing that makes sense, is to give who we are - away. To give the best of
ourselves away. And to not really think about - oh, well if I do this, what will I get back?
So, the 11th house has this ability to bring people together because there is that vision
and each person in the room ties with the others together - they may have other areas of
their lives where they have nothing in common you know, you'll meet people here who
do things you don't know anything about, but there's a piece we are all sharing here.
And so, the 11th house is that sense of how we come together in community, of how we
are able to give to something that lasts long after we last, and how we keep the world
going. There's a connection to Aquarius, it's the 11th house, Aquarius is the 11th sign although there's not exactly the same - this is in the Hellenistic system, it's the joy of
Jupiter, who is the benefactor.
So, this is where we become the benefactors, those who support the good - but not
because it's about us. There is also an idea of being able to bring people together here,
all of the these houses, I'll show you this now ~Mentioning House Trines~
House 3, 7, and 11 are all about relationships, right? This triangle, 2 and 6 and 10 is
about manifesting in the world. It has to do with bringing things into being in a way that

we can touch and feel and see, but 2, 6 and 10 - they're Earthy, that's an Earth triangle.
This (Houses 3,7,11) is a relationship triangle, in the 3rd you have your brothers and
sisters, in the 7th you meet another person fully and in the 11th, you take in the whole
group. You take in all of it. So, it's an awareness of all these other living consciosness-es
- that doesn't exist as a word!
And the firey triangle is fire is - (houses) 1, 5 and 9. The 1st house, the 5th house and
the 9th house - it's this here I am! Let me give you everything and love me! And, I am a
child of God! It is this extraordinary, essential expression of the life force and of being.
~The 12th House~
Now, the last house - the 12th house is one of the you know, astrologers can spend
months trying to figure out what this house is. It is a very, very complex, shifting place I used to say that of all the houses that you go through these houses, there's a
development, you're going from the "I" to "we" up here, in the 11th, we - all of us - and
the 12th house, in a way - is where it starts the individual does start to blend back into
the collective.
So, what I was saying earlier is that it's the meeting of the "I" with the "much more than
I." That's why it's connected to mysticism. It's where the individual touches something
which is so beyond the small self. It is an awareness of just how big it all is. Now, at the
same time, this house is about a place where you can get lost, confused - it traditionally
rules places of being locked away, like hospitals and prisons - hermitages, monasteries it is a place, in a way where the energy is so big that you have to find a closed world in
order to navigate it. Just like the monastic who wants to know God goes and lives in a
smaller world because in that way the big energy can come in safely.
So, the 12th house has to do - there are several ways to experience it. It is a house that
is often, largely, unconscious. It's a place where we have no idea what we're getting into.
It's like when you're walking down the road, like this - and the Caroline was telling this
story last night of stepping through an open hole? You go through, you go off into the
abyss. You suddenly - you have no idea where you're going and (puff!) you're suddenly in
a world that's without measure. How did I get here?
And, once you're in it - you don't have any control. The 12th house is a place where you
are way beyond the level of personal control. And this can be very frightening, it can feel
like you're going completely mad - a drug addiction, yes - you lose it's a place where
you lose yourself, and you can either lose yourself and stay lost - or you can lose yourself
to find yourself.
Student: (off-mike)
Yeah, Alice through the Looking Glass is - it's a bit like that; she ends up in a universe
that doesn't make any sense. But, Castaway - which you're going to see tonight with Jim
is an ultimate 12th house experience. If you think of the raft at sea? You know, you're
just - hope I get somewhere! And how do you deal with that?
So, the 12th house - again in the Hellenistic system, this was the house of the Mallus
daemon - the bad daemon, the one who led you through difficult experiences.
Caroline: way is when people have invested money, an Enron experience - and all of a
sudden, all the stock goes bad. Poof! And they find themselves in a situation and they
think, "How did I get here?"
How did this happen? How did the rug get pulled out?
Caroline: How did it happen? Or, another 12th house - I thought that my marriage would
always be stable, and all of a sudden, I'm a single mom. How did this happen? All of a
sudden, this happened - where you go from one set of secure circumstances to boom! All
of a sudden
So, in the 12th house you have to learn that it's not you who decides
Jim Curtan: There's another opposite one. I used to work in show business, and I was
there when a 19-year-old John Travolta overnight became a huge star and lost himself.
Totally lost his bearings.
Caroline: A lot of them do.
Jim Curtan: You watch Britney Spears and these people - it happens too fast, and it looks
like a good thing; but they lose themselves, and it may be years before they find

themselves because they're lost to an image of themselves, to reflections of themselves they're like in a fun-house with all distorted mirrors, where they can't get an accurate
reflection, they're getting flattering reflections, they're getting bizarre, giant-sized
reflections - they see themselves on the sides of buildings and they're 19 (years old).
This is because the collective has come and seized the individual and uses the individual
for its own ends. And in the 12th house, you can become an conduit for the collective,
but it is a dangerous thing.
Caroline: Evita. Classic story of Evita, Marilyn Monroe.
These are classic, kind of - again, as Jim says, it can look good. But, the 12th house people who have strong 12th house energy - sometimes it's in a way, they do become
conduits and one of the things that's really fascinating is about - in 2000, I was sitting
with a bunch of colleagues somewhere and we noticed that the whole crop of world
leaders - Putin, Tony Blair, George Bush and Shemon Paris (spelling?) - all had Sun in the
12th house.
I thought, "Well, that is weird!" and I actually went to a conference in Russia where this
Russian astrologer said, "It is impossible for the leader of the most powerful country in
the world to have Sun in the 12th house! So, I have rectified his chart!" (Laughs) "To put
Sun in the 10th!"
And this is how people think about stuff, if you really literal. "The 12th house cannot be a
powerful man!" Right! We explained that there was something going on behind the
scenes - when you literally become you can see when world events happen that
somebody is just - they just have to ride it.
So, the 12th house - those moments in your life you've merrily planned things, you're
doing the right thing, you're starting and all of a sudden, something happens! And,
you're like, "Whoa! I never planned for this! Now what?"
So, it is an initiation - it is an initiation and if you take it personally and you say, "I must
have done something to have a husband who has cancer, I must have been a bad
person" - it doesn't it's so much outside, it is this happens, you are on Earth school,
kids - and this it can take decades to understand why we have gone through some of
the things that we've gone through. Sometimes we're lucky and we know quickly.
Caroline: Jim just asked me if you said this was the house of initiation?
Well, there is an initiation - you could say there's an initiation in the 8th house as well
Caroline: Okay - a type of initiation?
It's an initiation into the world beyond our control. There's an initiation into power in the
8th house, there is an initiation it's an initiation into surrender is what it is - because
that is the key Surrender and grace are the great gifts of this house.
It is a house - if you have no faith - you can be completely shattered by despair, because
you do get lost here - and those people who are strongly 12th house in astrological
terms, they're not like other people - there's something outside the tribe about them from the very beginning, or there is something in their life that just will not fit the normal
The 12th house is beyond the margins, beyond the edge and so that can be great, it can
be extraordinary and it can be very lonely. It can be very lonely, and it can be very
painful. There is a contact with both suffering and compassion in the 12th house, and
there is that edge of madness.
Because one of the things that is happening in this house is the ego is being dissolved so
that we can actually take in more of what is - we are de-conditioned in this house, and so
things are taken away from us. Things that we imagined that were absolutely,
fundamentally who we are - and something is washed away - and when it happens, as
part of an intentional process, like let's say you decide to become a disciple in the 6th
house - which is opposite the 12th and you do the practice and the prayer and the
meditation and the work, etcetera - which actually is preparing you for this process, then
maybe - and people who design these processes were very, very smart - as things open
up - you're not going to be completely wiped out and lose go mad.
But, we all know people - I've had people who've come to see me who've gone
intensively into India and they're meditating and doing yoga and the Kundalini comes up
too fast and they're three months in a mental hospital - and that is a 12th house

experience and it's something that a lot of us long we want the spiritual path to go
faster? Believe me; you don't always want the spiritual path to go faster, because it can
take you years to recover from an experience like that - years.
And there are people for whom the spiritual energy comes in so fast and so powerful that
they are literally wiped out by it for days or weeks or months, until the self comes back.
Because we all know that we are more than just this "I" - a person in a female or a male
body of a certain age, born in a certain country - we all know that we are much more
than that - but we cannot necessarily step over that boundary into that.
Now, a lot times - sometimes the 12th house is just it's the parade of victimization and
suffering is so awful that you don't even want to know, right? Life's victims can be found
here, and they again - as Caroline has mentioned many times here - when she's talking
about the Serial Killer archetype, there are also those who the serial killer finds. And
there are those who serve as life's they are, you know, before we had T.V. and movies in Greek tragedy, you would watch people who lived impossible stories, the boy who has
to kill his mother to revenge his father - but who'll be haunted by the vengeful ironies for
the rest of his life and driven mad
So, when you get into circuits that just seem like - it seems like you're tied and bound
and blind-folded and you have no way out - when you're in that, you're in a 12th house
initiation. But, it is an initiation into surrender and there is a moment when you step over
the line - where grace pours into life. And this is also a house of where all the laws
ordinary time and space give way, and you enter the realm of the miraculous.
Because you are no longer bound by ordinary reality, but the difference between wanting
to be there, pretending to yourself that you're there and really being there - is the
difference between sanity and madness.
Student: (off-mike)
The Dark Night is definitely part of the 12th house is one place you can experience it.
You can experience it in the 8th, as well.
Caroline: a universal?
It's a universal experience, but I think that these two places are the meeting obviously,
again - when you're doing a wheel and you're doing a Chronos wheel, it's not - your 12th
house will describe your dark night of the soul, or this archetype will bring you there - it's
not like that. It's not on that level. I would say that - because, remember - this wheel we're going to do to cast your archetypes, but later - we'll use it as the Kairos wheel
and the Cosmic wheel, so it's bringing in different in that sense, when we're talking
about Kairos or Cosmos, it might be bringing something in in those areas.
Jim Curtan: When you say all ordinary laws of time and space, that's Chronos time and
Lynn: Right.
Jim Curtan: So, this takes you into Kairos or Cosmic? Through Kairos into Cosmic?
That's right - it's like a worm-hole to the next level, yeah? So, you're actually slipping
this is the place where you're jumping off into something you don't know. It is absolutely
non-rational. These three houses (4, 8 and 12) are the water houses. Water is connected
to feeling in astrology, it's that which feels its way through life, and it's beyond the mind.
And it is seek, water seeks unity.
So, the feeling there's a level of very profound personal feeling, where you're safe
enough to let your feelings go in the 4th house of home and family and in the 8th house,
you open up your feelings to another person - even if those feelings are difficult and
dangerous - you learn the power of feelings in interpersonal relationship, and in the 12th
house - you allow yourself to feel the world without limits. Right?
But, it's something that most of us cannot do fast, or too early because you can get
washed-away; or you are pulling in some energy that other people say, "There's
something about her that's a bit odd there's something about him" - so, people who are
in this place can be singled out by the herd as the ones to be avoided.
Or, sometimes they can be attractive, also, to the group. It can go both ways, again - it
depends on other things. So, the archetype in this house is an archetype which will lead
you to surrender and grace. And the archetype in the 11th will lead you to connection.

So, you notice that these go from the personal to something so much beyond the
personal - and yet, the 12th house is a very personal experience.
Remember earlier when I was talking about serve or suffer? Serve was the 6th, suffer
was the 12th? But, in fact - I really think that another thing that happens in this house is
because you jump outside the mind here, it's bigger than what you can make sense of.
Experiences in this house don't make sense, and because you move beyond the Chronos
time, you also step into a realm of healing.
So, this is also a place where healing particularly healing of the spirit and the soul
occurs. The 6th house is healing the body, sometimes these things are intimately
connected, most of the time they're intricately connected - but you can be soul sick
without being physically sick.
So, the 12th house- because it jumps out of time - it brings in this other world.
So, these are the houses, this is a beginning - very beginning lecture on the houses; but
it's a sophisticated beginning lecture on the houses! And it is - these are areas, as you
see your archetypes pop up - remember the 12th house is very much part of the spiritual
path, and then - you'll get more information about them as we go into interpretation.
(End Part 5 on Myss.com)

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