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Our Lady's Devoted Shepherds Speak:

00186 Rome, Italy

Dear Father Gruner,
It is already a considerable time since I have received from you some letters
and also a book regarding the message of Fatima. I am residing in Rome since
my ordination because I am responsible, on behalf of the Polish Bishops
Conference, for the pastoral care of the Poles living outside of Poland.
You are taking a lot of care and energy that the message of Fatima could reach
many people. I am admiring your initiatives and perseverance in realizing them.
I am convinced that at the present moment for many so called progressive
Christians (no one really knows what the word progressive means) the devotion
to Our Lady and the Fatima revelations are very inconvenient. It does not
correspond to the present atmosphere, to the criticism of the Magisterium and
to the "theology" which is trying to please human frailties. Our Lady, similarly as
Christ has said, is speaking of sacrifice, of penance, of mortification, all words
very undesirable in the present world. But that is the truth. And therefore I can
only congratulate you on undertaking your efforts and pray that you may be
successful in all your endeavors to bring the message again into conscience of
the present world.
Yours sincerely in Christ
+Bishop Szczepan Wesoly


Dear Rev. Fr. Gruner,
I must congratulate you and thank you for the initiative you have taken to get
the Bishops of the world to petition the Holy Father to get Russia consecrated to
the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As you want me to do, I am herewith sending
you the statement you have sent me signed and sealed.
In this diocese we have already consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of
Mary and we renew the consecration whenever there are Conventions or
Crusades of Our Lady. I am fully in agreement with you regarding the
Consecration of Russia to Our Lady because I am convinced that only Our Lady
can effect some change in the present turmoil of the world. I had been to
Europe in June (1988) and I even visited the Communist Bloc of East Berlin. I

could see that people are in fright; they can't have the normal social life, being
always under the suspicious eyes of the police. I was told that except for wheat
and potatoes, there is shortage for everything like sugar, milk, meat and fish.
There is compulsory labor and nobody is allowed to go out of the country, with
the result that people are virtually like in a big prison. In spite of all these
miseries, in their own countries, terrific propaganda is going on, in places like
India, giving the idea to the poor people that once Communist rule comes, there
will be peace and prosperity. Poor people are deceived and they are led to
revolution. Compared to the terrific propaganda of the Communists, we find
ourselves helpless. Only Our Lady can stem the tide of Communist onslaught.
For your information, this See of Alleppey is also the Center of Communists and
the town is known as the Moscow of India. From the 22nd March '87 our state is
under the Communist regime. Instead of employment opportunities increasing
and developmental activities undertaken in the state, there is only slogan
shouting and fomenting feeling against the Central Government. Alleppey is
chosen as the venue for many of the Communist activities. So I am telling my
people to pray the rosary and beseech Our Lady's intercession to help us in the
hour of our need.
I got 'The Fatima Crusader'. It is a very well brought out publication.
Unfortunately in the Magazine you sent me (issue 25 of August-September '88)
pages from the 5 to 40 (inclusive) are taken away. So I cannot read the articles.
I would like very much to get copies of the publication, but since we are under
the socialistic pattern of Society with state control over all our economic
activities, I cannot send you the subscriptions. If some willing soul is ready to
help, I will be happy to get your magazine as well as your book World
I understand that you are criticized from all corners even in your own country.
As you are interested in the propagation of the Fatima message, it is only
natural that hostile reactions come from the part of the FATHER OF ALL
REBELLION the serpent of old, but you can be assured that there are so many
people the silent majority admiring you and supporting you with their
prayers, among whom I place myself also.
Wishing you God's blessings and Our Lady's protection.
Yours sincerely in Our Lord,
Bishop Peter M. Chenaparampil
Bishop of Alleppey
These are just a few of the many letters of support and encouragement
we receive from Bishops and Cardinals around the world.


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