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Hope for the Best:

Prepare for the Worst

My Dear Friend of Our Lady,

Too many facts reaching us at The Fatima Crusader tell us that we must warn
you to be prepared for the worst, as we struggle to bring about the best.
The worst is that our Pope and Bishops will not heed the Message of Our Lady of
Fatima in time; that the laypeople will either give up their prayer and petition
campaign even though they know it is our only hope, or alternatively they will
be reduced to inaction and apathy by the false reasoning and lying, "facts" of
those blind leaders of the blind. Those "foxes" who cry "peace, peace, when
there is no peace." See Ezekiel 13.
If this continues to happen, and the majority of bishops and laypeople are
deceived by ignorance or lies into ignoring Our Lady of Fatima then no doubt the
catastrophe that Our Lady spoke about will overtake us.
Namely that the whole world including the United States and Canada will be
enslaved by Communist Russia and entire nations (including possibly Canada
and the USA) will be annihilated.

We Must Be Armed with Grace and Knowledge to Survive

To help you and your loved ones survive, we work to make available to you
more important survival information.
The first is spiritual survival because that is what is most important. This is
explained very well by Father Manelli and by St. Anthony Mary Claret. (See the
articles "Devotion to Our Lady and the Salvation of Souls", "Our Duty to
Separate from Occasions of Sin" and "The Brown Scapular Saves You
from Hell").
To help you see the enemy encroaching upon you and your temporal welfare in
your everyday life we present to you some incisive analyses by Don McAlvany
in "Apocalypse Now".
And to help you prepare for the worst of physical dangers, particularly a Nuclear
attack, we urge you to read the extracts from the book Nuclear War Survival
Skills in "NUCLEAR WAR: Death or Survival".


Lest you think we exaggerate these dangers, especially at this time, we urge
you to consider some remarks of a Soviet Colonel on active duty in Soviet and
other facts as well (see "DANGER: Wake Up America!" and also "Military
In the meantime, more and more people abandon the truth and grace of Christ,
and the remnants of Christian civilization continue to lose their influence, all
because of disobedience to God's holy Will, as manifested through the full
Fatima Message.
This is caused in part by the errors of Russia being spread into the very heart of
some groups and persons who think they serve Our Lady of Fatima while they in
fact empty it of its prophetic warnings and promises concerning world war and
world peace. (See "The Fourth Secret (Fatima Kept Secret!)").
But we must not be disheartened. We must do our duty to save souls and
Christian civilization. We must work to spread the full Fatima Message and we
urge you to do so too.
The first part of our duty is to be informed and to act on that knowledge. The
Third Secret, we know, refers to the dangers to our faith. See our letter sent to
all the bishops in "Letter to the World's Bishops from the International
Fatima Rosary Crusade". This letter briefly explains the importance and
urgency of the Third Secret which is the key to the Church's surviving the 20th

Bishop Januario of Pemba, Mozambique at our

Fatima office, admires a recent issue of The
Fatima Crusader.


Our Holy Church Under Attack

On this note we bring you some articles which show how the Church is under
attack locally, from within the Church. See Father Trinchard's article Some and
Brother Natale's article on the attack on the Eucharist in "Communion in the
Hand ... Why?"
But let us lift up our hearts because Our Lady of Fatima has promised the final
triumph. The article by Father Joseph Martinez outlines what the triumph of Our
Lady's Immaculate Heart will mean. See his article "Has Russia Really
Converted?" and the brief extract of Pope Leo XIII's encyclical in "The Rights
of Jesus Christ Must be Publicly Recognized".
When the plan of God for world peace and conversion is implemented, indeed
we shall all rejoice. Meanwhile, vigilance, prayer, reparation and almsgiving,
work and sacrifice are necessary in order to bring about the triumph of Our
Lady's Immaculate Heart.
Thank you for your support. One day the tide will turn. Let us be found watchful
and at our posts. Our reward is great in Heaven even if we do not survive to see
Our Lady's triumph here on Earth. We know it will come but we cannot promise
ourselves that we will personally survive.
We must stay close to God and Our Lady to make our election by God more
certain. Let us do all we can by our Rosaries, our Communions of Reparation
and our work and almsgiving. There is no greater cause on earth to fight for.
Keep up the good fight, God will vindicate and reward us as we work and pray
and sacrifice for Our Lady of Fatima.
Father Nicholas Gruner
P.S.Be sure to read important Fatima news "Update on Chronology of a Coverup" and "What Does the Pope Think?"


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