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International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882

Volume 3, Issue 4, July 2014

Optimized Machine Translation from English to Hindi by Improving

Name Entity Recognition in NLP
Navneet Kaur Aulakh, Er.Yadwinder Kaur
Scholar of Department of Computer Science, Associate Professor Department of Computer Science
Chandigarh University, Gharuan Mohali (Punjab)

Abstract Learning general functional dependencies

is one of the main goals in the machine learning
algorithms. Latest improvement in kernel based methods
has focused on designing the flexible and powerful input
representations of the system. This paper has been
addressed the complementary issue of problems
including the complex outputs such as multiple
dependent output variables and structured output spaces.
We have proposed to generalize the multiclass Support
Vector Machine learning in a preparation that involves
features extracted jointly from inputs and outputs of the
system. The resulting optimization difficult is solved
efficiently by a cutting horizontal algorithm which
exploits the Sparseness and structural breakdown of the
problem. We demonstrate the effectiveness and
versatility of our method on problems ranging from
supervised grammar learning and named-entity
recognition (NER), to taxonomic the text classification
and sequence alignment. We use this learning approach
on text of English and SVM given significance better
Index TermsNatural Language Processing, Machine
Translation, Name Entity Recognition, Different

Natural language processing is an area of computer
science, artificial intelligence, and language concerned
between computers
system and human like (natural) languages. NLP is
related to the field of computer-human interaction.
Natural language processing refers to computer systems
that analyse, easy to understand, or produce one or more
languages for human, such as English, Hindi, Punjabi,
Japanese, Italian, or Russian. Many problems in NLP
involve natural language understanding - that is, enabling
computers to derive particular meaning from human or
natural language input. Natural Language Processing has
various Tasks:-Part-of-Speech Tagging, Chunking,
Named Entity Recognition, Semantic Role Labelling,
Languages Models, Semantically Related Words
(Synonyms) [1].
Machine Translation is the branch of natural language
processing which strives to convert natural languages
(such as Hindi, English etc.) to another natural language
by the use of machines. It is the field of computational

linguistic investigates the use of computer software to

translate text or speech from one natural language to
another natural language. Translation of machine
performs simple substitution of word in one natural
language for words in another language. The literary
work is fed to the machine translation system and
translation is done.
Named Entities such as person names, location
names and organization names usually carry the core
information of spoken documents, and are usually the
key in understanding spoken documents. Named Entity
recognition has been the key technique in applications
such as information retrieval, extraction of information,
question answering, and machine translation for spoken
documents. Named Entity Recognition is the process of
identification and classification of all proper nouns in a
particular text document or a sentence into pre-defined
classes such as persons, locations, organizations, date,
address and time expressions. Text can be identified by
persons name, locations, organization and concept etc.
The task of Named entity recognition is to categorize all
proper nouns in a document into predefined classes like
person, organization, location, etc. NER has many
applications in NLP like machine translation, questionanswering systems, indexing for information retrieval,
data classification and automatic summarization. It is a
two-step process consisting of the identification of
proper nouns and their classification. Identification is
concerned with marking the presence of a word/phrase
as NE in the given sentences and classification is for
denoting role of the identified NE. Named Entity
Recognition is the process of identification and
classification of all proper nouns in a given text
document or a sentence into pre-defined classes such as
persons, locations, organizations, date, address and time
expressions. Named Entities are defined as the proper
names identified in a text. Identified text may be a
persons names, organizations names, locations names,
and date and time expressions. To make a computer
acceptable and divide these named entities into predefined categories, which are important tasks of NLP.
This task is defined as Named Entity Recognition. It is
also called Information Extraction [15].
The Support Vector Machine is based on
discriminative approach and makes use of both positive
and negative examples to learn the distinction between
the two classes. The SVMs are known to robustly handle



International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 3, Issue 4, July 2014

large feature sets and to develop models that maximize

their generalizability. Suppose we have a set of training
data for a two-class problem: {(x1, y1),..... (xN, yN)},
where xi RD is a feature vector of the ith sample in the
training data and yi {+1, -1} is the class to which xi
belongs. The goal is to find a decision function that
accurately predicts class y for an input vector x. A nonlinear SVM classifier gives a decision function f (x)=
sign (g (x)) for an input vector where,

g (x )= wi k ( x , zi )
i 1

Here, f(x)=+1 means x is a member of a certain

class and f(x)=-1 means x is not a member. zi s are
called support vectors and are representatives of training
examples, m is the number of support vectors. Therefore,
Computational complexity of g(x) is proportional to m.
For example:Name entity type

Global India
President Pranab Mukherjee,
Chandigarh, Mount Everest
three fifty a m, 12:30 p.m.
$567,175 million Canadian
12-06-1991, June
25.22 %, fifty pct,
Stonehenge Washington


Many researchers have been discussed about Name
entity recognition of machine translation.
Deepti Bhalla [23] in this name entity comprises two
tasks; they can be translated or transliterated with the
help syllabification. In this translation of English to
Punjabi by using statistical rule based approach.
Syllabification algorithm is used for translation of name
entity. They calculated n-gram probability for syllable.
Kamal deep [24] rule based approach is used for
addressed the problem of transliterating Punjabi to
English language. The proposed transliteration scheme
uses grapheme based method to the transliteration
problem. Sharma et al. [5] show English-Hindi
transliteration by using statistical machine translation in
the different notation. This paper WX-notation gives the
better result over UTF notation by English Hindi corpus
by using phrase based statistical machine translation.
Dhore et al [7] have addressed the problem of MT where
give named entity in Hindi using Devanagari script by
using conditional random field as a statistical probability
tool. In this approach, they show machine transliteration
of name entities for Hindi-English language using CRF
as statistical probability tool. The accuracy of this system

is 85.79%. Sweta Kulkarni [15] this paper shows the

survey of name entity recognition. Then, they describe
the various approaches used for name entity recognition,
followed by the Performance Metrics which is used to
evaluate the system of name entity. They consider the
existing NER systems for each of the four main South
Indian languages: Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, and
Malayalam and analyze them. Nusrat Jahan [17] in this
paper they describe the various approaches used for NER
and summery on existing work done in different Indian
Languages using different approaches and also describe
introduction about Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and
the Gazetteer method for name entity recognition. We
also present some experimental result using Gazetteer
method and HMM method that is a hybrid approach.
Finally in the last the paper also describes the
comparison between these two methods separately and
then we combine these two methods so that performance
of the system is increased.
Ryohei Ageishi [18] combination of statistical with rule
based approach is used to recognize name entity in the
morphological analysis. HMM is use for tagging the
English text. They discuss rule based approach over n
consecutive word for the rule extraction. Thoudam
Doren Singh [21] there are two different models, one
using an active learning technique based on the context
patterns generated from an unlabeled news corpus and
the other based on the well known Support Vector
Machine have been developed. The Manipuri news
corpus has been manually annotated with the major
name entity tags, namely name of the person, Location
name, and name of Organization and to apply SVM. The
SVM based system makes use of the different contextual
information of the words along with the variety of
orthographic word-level features which are helpful in
predicting the NE classes. Georgios Paliouras [22] a
NERC system assigns semantic tags to phrases that
correspond to named entities, such that persons,
locations and organisations. Typically, such a system
makes use of two language resources: a recognition
grammar and a lexicon of known names, classified by
the corresponding named-entity types.we evaluated the
behaviour of C4.5 on the task of learning decision trees
to recognise and classify named entities in text. This
approach reduces significantly the effort needed for
customising a NERC system to a particular domain.
Yunita Sari [25] in this, to extract important facts from
unstructured text which later help to populate database
entries. Name Entity Recognition is one of the main task
needed to develop text mining systems in which it is
used to identify and classify entities in the text into
predefined categories such as the persons name,
organizations name, locations, dates, times, quantities,
percentages, etc. Mainly they focus on studying the
optimum solution to perform name entity recognition.
Many algorithms have been reported for NER ranging



International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 3, Issue 4, July 2014

from simple statistical methods to advanced Natural

language processing methods. This paper describes the
possibility to apply Link Grammar (LG) and Basilisk
Algorithm in NER.



The main objective of our research work is to make a

model for name entity recognition. Due to this NER
model, from the large data set it will extract the name,
organization and location. The architecture of system is
given in fig 1 that shows the various steps through which
the input in source language has been passed and finds
the name entities. The various steps are given in follows1) Source Language Text: - This is the first step
of our experimental setup. In this, first we take a
data set for the input language text. This source
language text is used for the next steps.
2) Tokenization: - Apply tokenization on the
source language text. Tokenization is the process
of breaking down a set of text or a sentence into
different words, different phrases, and many
symbols are called token.

3) Change in classifier form: - In this phase,

tokenization words are passed to the classifier
form. Tokenized words are change to the integer
4) Name Entity Recognition Model:- NER model
shows name entities like name of the person,
organization and location in the given data set by
machine learning algorithm. NER model also
analyse the given name entities. It will check the
precision and accuracy of the system.
For example: - Ram is going to university in
The name entities areRam- Name of person
University- Organization
Chandigarh- Location
5) Translation Model: - The Translation model
checks the name entities given by the NER
model. It will directly translate the entities into
target language. It will directly use the Google
API for the translation. At the last target text
which we find are given by it.
Table 1(Test Corpus)
English Words


Change in







Make a NER
model by

Analysis of
NER model




A) Evaluation Matrices
1) Accuracy: - It is the main objective of our system to
find the correct name entities from the data set and
translate effectively of that name entities. To find the
quality of output, this formula is usedAccuracy (%) =correct words/Total Name entities *100


Target Text

2) Precision: - Precision is the measurement of the

system which is related to the reproducibility and
repeatability is degree to which the repeated
measurements under unchanged conditions show the
same results.
Precision =Total correct entities/Total correct word *100
3) Recall: - Recall means that the algorithm which we
used gives the correct or relevant result.

Fig-1 Architecture of system

Recall = tp/ tp +fn



International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 0882
Volume 3, Issue 4, July 2014

4) F-Measure: - It is a measure which combines the

precision and recall.
F-Measure= 2.Precision.Recall/ Precision + Recall
Table 2 - RR09-Shuf-unbiased-E65
Test Set
Person, MISC



Fig 3- Evaluation of metrics

Table 3 - RR09-Shuf-unbiased-E65



In our research work, we formulated a Support Vector
Method for supervised learning with structured and
interdependent outputs. It is based on a joint feature map
over input/output pairs, which covers a large class of
interesting models including weighted context-free
grammars. To solve the resulting optimization problems,
we proposed a simple and general text mining or NLP
approach for extract entity and translate it .SVM given
better results than others.



Fig-2 Evaluation of Met ices

Table 4- ZJ03-Permute-biased-E100-R1e-5-EPH
Test Set
Person, MISC




Table 5- ZJ03-Permute-biased-E100-R1e-5-EPH
Precision% Recall%







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Volume 3, Issue 4, July 2014

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