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Biographical Narrative

In your spiral notebook, write one page on the following topic.
o Recall someone who is important to you. Describe that person and
why he/she is important to you.
Bubble Map:
Center Circle: Topics Name
o Bubbles: at least 3 Personality Traits (kind, generous, funny, etc.)
Give examples & anecdotes that demonstrate that persons
personality traits and importance to you (kind because he
helps me with my homework, helpful because he taught me
how to ride a bike, hardworking because he works late hours
to support our family, etc.)
Choose a real person who is important to you. Write a 5-paragraph essay
explaining why this person is important to you and give examples. Discuss this
persons relationship to you (introduction), traits and anecdotes of memorable
moments to show the reader why this person is important to you (body
paragraphs), and emphasize this persons significance in your life (conclusion).
A Writers Framework:
o Open with an intriguing anecdote about your subject. (Hook)
o Provide background information about your subject. Give physical
description. Describe who he/she is? What is his/her
relationship to you? Etc.
o Hint at the significance of your subject (Thesis/Controlling Impression)
o Each body paragraph should focus on a trait
o Give examples of how he/she demonstrates those qualities
Include thoughts and feelings with details about people and
places. Use dialogue and interior monologue.
o Organize and pace your narrative logically.
o Sum up the significance of your subject.
o End with a memorable comment, image, or quotation that
reinforces the controlling impression.

Biographical Essay Rubric

Far Below

Below Basic




Essay does not follow prompt.

Essay is incomplete, missing introduction, conclusion, or
body paragraphs.
Essay is complete with an introduction, 3 body
paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, major errors are
present and/or details are missing.
Essay is complete (at least 5 paragraphs and 2 pages).
Only minor errors are present. Details are present, but
could be elaborated and more complete.
Essay is complete. No major errors with plenty of details
and elaboration.
Essay is complete. No errors are present. In-depth details
go beyond the minimum expectation. A unique writing
style and voice are present

An event that illustrates___________________
I learned ____________________ as a result of _________________________________
At the time ________________________ was ______________________
To understand the situation ___________________________________
I remember ________________________________
Looking back, __________________________
_______________________ was important because ____________________________
It started when _________________________
It began with ________________________
_______________________ realized ____________________ when __________________________
It became clear that ____________________________
During this time __________________________
Later _____________________________
Its important to understand _______________________________
_______________________ noticed that ______________________________

This led to ________________________________

Before long _______________________________
______________________ began to feel ___________________________
_______________________ soon discovered _____________________________
The situation grew ______________________________
The story continues with _____________________________
With each passing hour/day, ______________________________
I recall that _____________________________
It became clear that _____________________________
Suddenly, it occurred to _____________________ that _________________________
Soon after ___________________________
Once ___________________ realized that __________________________
Time passed ______________________________
_________________ saw/heard __________________________
It came to an end when ____________________
Eventually, _______________________________
Finally, ______________________________
Without warning __________________________________
Apparently _________________________________
The truth was _______________________________________
_______________ noticed that ________________________________
I now understand _________________________________
_______________________ has taught me _________________________________
From ____________________________, I learned that ______________________________
Upon reflection, I realize _______________________________________

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