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Mental health problems in the community

is so extensive and complex. It is

interconnected with all aspects of human life. Over the last few centuries, mental or psychiatric
illness is often associated with an mystical secret. (Davis, 1995) and even mental illness is often
regarded as a lifelong disease. from social communities or even often considered to be one of
embarrassment. According to the most peoplethat are reluctant to get in touch with the people
who are still suffering from mental disruption or who had recovered. The inability of patients with
mental disorders to interact with other people making are often excluded

by Rosa (2009)

mentioned that people with mental disorders is still underestimated by the government, so the
shape is one of the sufferers often run away from their place of residence or even intentionally
discarded by their families and abandoned or homeless.
From the results of research conducted by Puspitasari (2009) stated that people with
mental disorders often have a negative stigma from the community or social environment
around it and also often inhumanely treated as in fun - fun, violent behavior, or even put in the
stocks for exiled. Forms of behavior like this that often lead to relapse for patients with mental
disorders that have been recovered. The problems associated with the family of course already
has a very important role to support the process of improving the quality of patient life back
either already recovered or are still in the recovery phase. According to (Suryani, 2013) of each
year, the number of people with mental disorders continues to increase, both severe and mild
mental disorders. This is proven by the results in the identification of Lawang Mental Hospital
bed capacity of 700 people average occupancy reached 93%

(Munir, 2013).

The highest prevalence of mental disorders in the Indonesian province located in the
city of Jakarta Capital Special Region (24.3%), followed Nagroe Aceh Darussalam (18.5%),
West Sumatra (17.7%), NTB (10.9%), Sumatra South (9.2%) and Central Java (6.8%) (MOH,
2008). Based on data from the Health Research (2007), showed that the prevalence of mental
disorders nationwide reached 5.6% of the total population, in other words show that in any
population of 1000 people, there are four to five people suffer from mental disorders. (Quoted
from Hidayati, 2012).
Mental disorders or abnormal behavior is a result of sickness or disturbed the apparent
clinical symptoms displayed (Bayhaqi, 2007). Mental disorders can give affect the quality of life
of individuals who experience. One is the physical impacts, social impacts, and economic
impacts. Besides it the impact of mental disorders can occur on existing family or community

environment around. So it needs the development of health services, especially in the field of
psychiatric nursing in order to able to provide effective services. (WHO, 2013) .
The high prevalence of these demands how the participation of health personnel in
order to reduce the impact. (Ambari, 2010). One is a policy decision making. As a healthcare
services one way to do this is by participating on several government programs that have been
established or is declared. Under Law No. 23 of 1966 on Mental Health states that patients with
psychiatric disorders are displaced must receive care and treatment at a health care and human
rights are to be realized by the Indonesian nation are arranged in the 1945 Constitution.
Additionally in Law No. 36 of 2009 states that health is a healthy condition physically, mentally,
spiritually so that they can be more productive, especially in terms of social and ekomoni.
(MOH, 2009). Based on this insight, it was found that mental health is an important thing that
must be considered to be the realization of health as a whole. With the hope of every individual
is able to interact socially without a significant obstacle.
Nursing is like a double-edged sword, on the one hand is as a tree of science (Body Of
Knowledge) and on the other hand is an application of the same science, through the practice of
nursing. (Sarwoko S, 2010). The uniqueness of the discipline of nursing is based on a form of
direct services provided which includes a real response to the complaint or that are based on
basic human needs, and when classified service related aspects keperawatanyang practice
given the response consists of aspects of biological, psychological, social, and spiritual. In
providing nursing care must not necessarily be running smoothly, but there are also some
dissatisfaction from different angles, one of which is of direct patient who is the subject of the
action. To reduce the possible approaches - teri appropriate nursing approach with the goal to
be achieved (Jenifer L, 2012).
Nursing is a form of services provided by a nurse who covers aspects of basic human
needs that is holistic. The services provided by the trust that nurses will do the right thing, the
necessary thing, and things that benefit patients and health. Therefore the human interaction
behave different then the necessary guidelines to direct how to act. Sometimes nurses are
faced with a situation that requires a decision to take action. In a decision on something, in the
world of nursing and especially for a nurse or nursing student've certainly based on a principle
of ethics of nursing where it is regarded as the basis of a theory. (Donny J, S, 1985). One form
of decision-making is in female patients suffering from mental disorders are required injections
contraception. Injections contraception was done as preventive measures to keep the female

patient. because of a problem pregnancy is a dramatic episode of the condition of the biological,
psychological changes and adaptations of a woman who never experienced it. Most women
assume that pregnancy is a natural event that should be passed but some are regarded as a
special event that will determine the next life. Physical and emotional changes that require
adaptation to complex lifestyle adjustments that occur with pregnancy. The conflict between the
desire of procreation, are grown pride of socio-cultural norms and issues in the pregnancy by
their self, may be the originator of a variety of psychological reactions, ranging from mild
emotional reaction, up to the level of severe mental disorders.
Psychological support and attention will have an impact on the pattern of social life
(harmony, respect, sacrifice, compassion, and empathy). In pregnant women, and of the
technical aspects can reduce resource aspect. The following are the changes that occur during
pregnancies: On the first Trimester: It often happens that the emotional aspects of the wide
fluctuations in this period have a high risk for an argument or discomfort, Second Trimester:
Emotional fluctuations have started to subside and pregnant women are more focused attention
on the various changes in body that occur during pregnancy, family and sexual life inner
relationship with her baby, Third Trimester: Related to many risk of pregnancy and delivery
process so that pregnant women are very emotional in an effort to prepare for or be aware of
anything that might be encountered.
Ironically, when health services perform such actions never launch an agreement with
the patient. Though the use of contraceptives also have some unwanted side effects, which
affect the wearer. One of the side effects is considered the most dangerous disorders of the
cardiovascular system, which can lead to coronary heart disease. From the existing data, at first
mention, that the increased risk of death among women who had previously used oral
contraceptives, primarily due to a disturbance in the blood vessels of the user who is older and
has a habit of smoking. While more recent report says, after a search of more than 25 years, it
is known that the effects of the contraception increases the mortality occurred in most new
users and is currently using. This effect is settled within a period of 10 years after cessation of
use. Other risk factors that can lead to coronary heart disease is an abnormality of the blood
glucose test. As is known, the use of contraceptive pills can also increase blood glucose levels
in the wearer, so that the participants who use family planning contraceptives in pill form, the
risk of cardiovascular disease will become increasingly larger.

The effect of contraceptive use on the carbohydrate metabolism as estimated by the

estrogen component of the oral contraceptive preparations, however, subsequent studies
showed that disruption of estrogen on the metabolism of carbohydrates is small. This statement
is also supported by research conducted Berenson and colleagues, these scholars examine
ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel preparations, which was also an impact on the metabolism of
carbohydrates, although the disorder is not clinically meaningful Moreover, research on the
effects of norgestimate and desogestrel combined with 25 mg of ethinyl estradiol (EE), but the
result did not show a difference in the two studies mentioned above (12). Currently much
research is done using a three-phase oral contraceptive. It seems that this type of oral
contraceptive is only a minimal effect on carbohydrate metabolism, and even did not show a
significant effect on the wearer. The effect depends on the kind of oral contraceptive use, and
the presence or absence of background risk of developing these diseases.


MOH. Working Guidelines PHC volume II. Directorate of Development, Public Health, Jakarta,
1997Marion, H., & Gero, L. (2013). The WHO definition of health must be enforced by national
law a debate. BMC Medical Ethics (2013), 14.
Basic Policy PHC Number 128/MENKES/SK/II/2004
Keliat, Budi Anna, et al, 2011, Community Mental Health Nursing CMHM (basic course).
Jakarta: EGC
Keliat, Budi Anna, et al, 2011, Nursing Management Alert Village CMHM (basic course). Jakarta:
Keliat, Budi Anna, et al, 2011, Nursing Management Alert Village CMHM (intermediate course).
Jakarta: EGC
Decree of the Minister of Health No.: 1688/Menkes/SK/VIII/2011 COMMITTEE ON THE








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59/MENKES/PER/XII/2012 About Guidelines Technical Assistance Operational Health

Unpublished Thesis. Diponegoro University
Yip, Kam-shing. 2006, the Community Mental Health in the People's Republic of China: A
Critical Analysis. Community Mental Health Journal, Vol. 42, No.. 1, February 2006 DOI:

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