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College of Sciences and Humanities (Naucalpan)



Ricardo Delgadillo Malvaez

College of Sciences and Humanities (Naucalpan)
Christmas Day.
In the UK, Christmas Day is normally spent at home with family
and is regarded as a family celebration. The preparations begin
early, with the sending of Christmas cards and the installation of
a Christmas tree in a special place in the house. Although today
is a strong tradition, the Christmas tree was first popularized by
the husband of Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, who introduced
the custom from his native Germany in 1840. It is traditional
that the gifts are placed under the Christmas tree on Christmas
Eve begins .What more exciting for children on Christmas Eve,
when they hang up their stockings (an old sock or, more
ambitiously, pillowcases) around the fireplace or at the foot of
the bed for Father Christmas (Santa Claus ) fill them with gifts.
The first traces of the English Father Christmas or Santa Claus in
his traditional red and white costume are in an engraving of
1653. However, the history of Santa Claus arriving in his
reindeer-drawn sleigh and descending down the chimney to fill
stockings children with gifts, comes from the United States.
Boxing Day.
It is a UK public holiday celebrated on December 26. It is called
Boxing Day because it is a time when traders receive their
bonuses (sometimes some money as recognition for the work
they have done throughout the year) .Tradicionalmente is a day
to visit family and friends and engage in celebrate. Furthermore,
Boxing Day is a day for football and other sports traditionally
English. This date is a public holiday, so shops and banks are
New Year.
The New Year is welcomed with parties and family gatherings.
Tradition has it that the first person who crosses the threshold of the
door marked the fate of the home for the new year. This tradition is
known as the 'First Step'. At midnight on 31 December, particularly in
Scotland and northern England, a person (usually a man, tall, dark and
handsome) crosses the threshold bringing good luck. This person
must bring a piece of coal, a loaf of bread and a bottle of whiskey.
Entering put coal in the fireplace, the bread on the table and served a
glass of whiskey to the head of hogar.En Wales in the first stroke the
back door opens to leave the old year and in the last The front door
opens to enter the New Year. Scotland is made one of the biggest
festivals of the year called 'Hogmanay'.

Ricardo Delgadillo Malvaez

College of Sciences and Humanities (Naucalpan)
1-. The most exciting thing begins for children on Christmas Eve,
when they hang up their stockings around the fireplace or at the
foot of the bed 3. that the Father Christmas (Santa Claus) fill
them with gifts
2. The centerpiece of Christmas dinner in the UK, which
traditionally takes place on the evening of Christmas Day is
roast turkey
3. The main course is followed by a special dessert for the
occasion: the pudding
4. From the Middle Ages called the English made mummings,
which are representations masked people involved. These works
are traditional in schools and churches in small towns
5. The UK Holiday, which is celebrated on December 26. It is
called Boxing Day because it is a time when traders receive their
6. The origin of many English Christmas songs ("Christmas
Carols") come from the medieval times. At that time groups of
singers, called "waits" traveled from village to village, singing
old songs and carrying the message of good will, in exchange
for an invitation to dinner. The word "carol" in Old English
dialect means "a song about your life."
7. the "Christmas tree" has its origin in the Central paganism.
The pagans worshiped their gods in the woods or in some places
a significant tree stood. The Christmas tree from the German
8. Every Christmas the British send and receive over 200 million
Christmas cards and New Year. These cards are definitely a
British invention, Sir Henry Cole
9. Singing Christmas carols is a very popular tradition in the UK.
Across the country, children and adults are organized to sing in
public places or at home.
10. One of the most popular events is the singing of Christmas
carols in Trafalgar Square, which takes place every day around
the Christmas tree between 17:00 and 21:00 hours until 24

Ricardo Delgadillo Malvaez

College of Sciences and Humanities (Naucalpan)
Los Muertos se van de viaje
En esta obra de teatro Puedes Observar a personajes muy
Emblemticos y Populares del mundo y nos hacer ver o intentar
dar a conocer algunos datos interesantes de sus vidad o cosas
relevantes que hicieron en vida y los hiciera personajes
Tambin nos ensea cmo Era segn se tienen datos ,sus formas
de ser de cada personaje asindonos notar Las distintas formas
de pensar, ser y actuar por ejemplo : La prepotencia y Vanidad
de Cleopatra ,la humildad de charles Chaplin , La forma tan
despistada de ser de Marilyn Monroe ,La sencillez de
Cuauhtmoc ,La forma tan madura de pensar de Frida Kahlo ,la
alocada idea de querer ser poderoso de Hitler , y la torpeza de
Napolen ..
Creo que vale mucho la pena verla ,porque muestra las distintas
formas de pensar y de ser de las personas y que teniendo
comunicacin todos podemos llevarnos muy bien ,sin
problemas ,Adems rescata y fomenta las tradiciones mexicanas
como esta fecha tan importante que es el 2 de noviembre da de
The Dead will travel
In this play you can watch iconic characters and very popular in
the world and make us see or try to present some interesting
data from its cavity or relevant things they did in life and made
relevant characters
It also teaches us how was as data are available, their ways
each character holding fast to notice the different ways of
thinking, being and acting for example: The arrogance and
vanity of Cleopatra, humility Charles Chaplin, The way of being
so clueless Marilyn Monroe, The simplicity of Cuauhtemoc, the
so mature thinking of Frida Kahlo, the crazy idea of wanting to
be powerful Hitler, Napoleon and awkwardness..
I think it's well worth seeing because it shows the different ways
of thinking and being of people and that having intercourse can
all lead very well, no problems, also rescues and promotes
Mexican traditions as this important date that is 2 November
Day of the Dead
Ricardo Delgadillo Malvaez

College of Sciences and Humanities (Naucalpan)
1.-Cleopatra is a very vain woman have interested
2. Cuauhtemoc was an important emperor in Tenochtitlan
3. Frida Kahlo was a great painter proud of their roots
4. Marilyn Monroe in life was a sex symbol
5. Charles Chaplin was the greatest actor of silent films
6. Hetler was very obsessed by power and wealth
7. It was Napoleon was a military man and French ruler, General
Republican during the Revolution
8. Death is a symbolic figure for all Mexicans which tease
9 .- The Mexican traditions are very nice, full of great faith, joy
and love
10. The dead will also travel is a very interesting play

Ricardo Delgadillo Malvaez

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