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December 2015

Side-by-Side Ministry

sidebysideministry.com & friend us on Facebook at John-Paul Lutheran

St. Paul Lutheran and St. John Lutheran, Lakeside-Marblehead, Ohio
Our Vision: To be a vibrant, Spirit-filled people, participating in Gods work in the world.
Our Mission: Loving God and loving neighbor, we witness to Christs saving grace,
that others may believe and find life.

From Pastor Chris

Expect the Unexpected!

We all have expectationsof what the day will be, of what a career will be, of what a relationships or marriage will be, of
what being a parent will be, of what retirement will be, of what life will be. Sometimes our expectations are met and sometimes we are disappointed. Sometimes our expectations are exceeded, and sometimes we have to lower our expectations to
fit our reality. When we look closely at the Christmas Story in the Gospel of Luke, we find God turning the worlds expectations upside-down. Some will be disappointed that their expectations of a powerful, mighty Messiah will be met with the
cry of a vulnerable infant, working class parents, and the smell of an animal stall. Not what anyone expected! The story of
Christmas is filled with the unexpecteda little known priest receiving the first visit from Gods angel in about 400 years, a
old woman beyond child-bearing age giving birth to a prophet, a virgin giving birth to Gods Son, lower class grungy shepherds being chosen to see and hear the angel chorus. Do you see the pattern? With God we are to expect the unexpected.
Like Zechariah and Mary, we respond, How can this be?
Step into the unexpected story of Christmas, and maybe you will see yourself and your own expectations of life turned upside
-down. If our expectations are for what the world can offer, we will be disappointed, but if we open our hearts and minds to
what God is doing and to what God expects for us, we will find treasures that are more amazing than we can even imagine.

You Are Invited to Enter the Unexpected Story of Christmas!

How Can This Be? or, Youve Got to be Kidding, God!

An Old Man
An Angel & a Virgin
An Old Woman
Lowly Servants
A Baby
Ancient Prophecy
The Word Became Flesh

Luke 1:1-25
Luke 1:26-38
Luke 1:39-45
Luke 1:45-56
Luke 1:57-66
Luke 1:67-80
John 1:1-18

Sun., Nov. 29
Wed., Dec. 2 @ St. Paul
Sun., Dec. 6
Wed., Dec. 9 @ St. John
Sun., Dec. 13
Wed., Dec. 16 @ St. Paul
Sun, Dec. 20

*Wednesday Advent Meal at 6 pm, and Worship at 7 pm; youth will lead these midweek services, including the sermon message.
*Sunday Worship 8:45 am at St. John, 117 Stone Street, Marblehead; 10:30 am at St.
Paul, Danbury, 541 Church Road

Childrens Christmas Program and Happy Birthday Jesus Party

Sun., Dec. 13, 6:30 pm at St. Paul

Christmas Eve Worship

Shepherds and a Manger
5:00pm @ St. Paul (w. puppets)

Luke 2:1-20
Thurs., Dec. 24
7:00 pm at St. John 10:30pm at St. Paul (Music 10:10)

All services include candlelight and the Sacrament of Holy Communion (open to all)

Page 2

Special Events
Christmas Party
November 30thDecember 3rd
If you want to experience the true meaning of
Christmas, consider helping us take Christmas
joy into homes and nursing care centers, as
part of our Blessing Cup Team Ministry.
A schedule is posted at each
church to help with your planning. Please join us for one
visit, for all visits, or for anything in between.

Christmas Luncheon
Sunday, December 6, 12:00 p.m.
at the Victorian Inn
St. John women (WELCA) invite both congregations to their
annual Christmas Luncheon. Enjoy a jump-start to the
Christmas season with this festive meal, joyous conversation,
and fun time. Tickets are $13.00 each.
Reservations may be made by calling the
church offices or through Myra Prokop at
St. John and Louise Rogers at St. Paul by
Nov. 30th

Sunday School
Not Older, Just Better

Christmas Program

Monday, December 14, 11:30 at Marge

Bridgetts home

Sing a Song of Christmas

Directed by Sunday School Staff

Senior Singles and friends are invited to enjoy

what has become an annual Christmas lunch at

Toys for Tots

St. Paul has a drop-box for Salvation Armys annual
collection of toys. There is need in Ottawa County
for all ages, but the need for gifts for teens is estimated at 400. You are encouraged to bring any unwrapped toys or gifts to St. Paul on or before our
December 9th Joint Midweek Advent Worship at St.

Sunday, December 13th

6:30 pm at St. Paul
Followed by our

Birthday Party for Jesus!

Everyone is invited!
(Sign up to make cup
cakes on our Events Board)

Carols at the Cradle

Wreaths Across America

Thanks to those who have donated, and to Charlie Scott for
being our local contact. We are happy to be part of a national movement to put a wreath on each Veterans grave
in America in December, including those in St. Pauls

Sunday, December 27th,

Worship times
Sing your favorite carols and learn
the stories behind them. Experience the surround
sound of voices as, together, we joy at the wonder of the
Christ child.

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HomeRun Parenting Event for Parents of children and youth

Keeping Social Media Use Healthy and Wise
Monday, December 14th, 6:00 pm at St. Paul Lutheran Church (Includes a family meal!)
In a recent meeting with school officials, I learned that cell phones are no longer a luxury, but a necessity in our
technology-driven world. BYOD means Bring Your Own Device. Students use QR scanning for homework
assignments, take informal assessments by responding through their phone (yes/no), and parents have instant information on
how their child is doing. Cell phone and internet use is here to stay, and it is imperative for parents and other adults to understand the pros and cons, and learn how to teach and monitor proper use for the safety and health of our children. So, BYOD
and come. Call 419-734-9359 to register.
(Sponsored by Heartbeat and the SidebySide ministries of St. Paul and St. John Lutheran churches, & presenter, Scott Frank.)

Bible & Discipleship Studies

Sunday Morning, 9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study continues their study of the book of Genesis
Womens Bible Studies (WELCA All women ar e invited to par ticipate! )
St. John Women meet on second Wednesday at 2:00 p.m., no meeting in December .
St. Paul Women will meet 3rd Thursdays at 1:00.
Weekly Wednesday Bible Study Meets every Wednesday at 11:00 am at St. Paul. All Ladies are welcome. We
are studying the Characters of the Old Testament. Please join us as we dig deeper into the Lords would. Good discussion and laughter.

Building Friendships
Not Older, Just Better - Not Older, Just Better is meeting at Marge Bridgetts home for what has
become an annual Christmas tradition. Come on Monday, December 14th at 11:30 a.m.. Call Marge at
419.798.8816 if you have questions/need a ride.
Dartballplease see the attached church calendar for dates and locations.
Tuesdays at the Danbury Senior Center
Come Tuesdays at 5:00. Call in your reservation in to Paula by the Friday at 419.798.4101.
Picture Directory Updates - More information will be available soon. The new directory is at the
printers! A big thank you to Brenda Rettig and Jo Meyer for their tremendous and tedious work in accomplishing this gift for us!

The Couple Check-Up

$15.95 by David H. Olson, Amy K. Olson-Sigg, Peter J. Larson
Would you wait 100,000 miles to change the oil in your car?
Would you go 25 years without a dental checkup?
Would you have a physical exam only once in your lifetime?

Your relationship deserves a checkup too!

Pastor Chris wanted to share this information with your from Prepare/Enrich resources she uses
for Pre-marital counseling. This new resource for married or committed couples is available to
use in the privacy of your own home, or with Pastor Chris. There is an online survey for couples
to complete as part of this check-up. Highly recommended by Pastor Chris for any couple!

Special Events, cont


The Daniel Plan meets at St. Paul on Saturday mornings at 8:30.

You may join in on the fun at any time! There is no real beginning or end to the Daniel Plan.
The Daniel Plan is a faith based plan to guide you to a healthier lifestyle.
For more information call or text Linda Merckens at:


Senior High
Side-by-Side Youth
Youth Sunday1st
Sun. of each Month
Sign up on the easel on the ramp at church to
help with greeting, ushering, lecturing
(reading). Watch for texts and calls from Chris
and Helmi. See Pastor Chris is you can help
with Special Music.

7th and 8th graders

Confirmation Classes
Classes meet Sundays at 9:00 a.m.,
Wednesdays in December
Dec. 2 @ St. Paul, 6 meal, 7 help with worship
Dec. 9 @ St. John, 6 meal, 7 help with worship
Dec. 16 @ St. Paul, 6 meal, 7 help with worship

Dec. 24 Christmas Eve!

Sunday School Teachers

Volunteers for December include:
Thank you, Stacey Johannsen!
Please contact Chrissy French (419) 341-4653 with any
questions and/or to offer your help.

Sing A Song of Christmas

Sunday School Christmas Program
Sunday, December 13, 6:30 pm
Play practice will be every day during Sunday school.
Additional play practice information will be sent home
with all participants. The last day of Sunday school play
practice will December 13th.
***There will be no Sunday school December 20January 3.

Church Nursery
We have a gift in Cindy Coles, our Nursery Supervisor!! Thank you, Cindy, for your faithful and trusted
caring for our kids during worship!
**Anyone who can be on-call to give Cindy a break
when she needs to be elsewhere, please let her or
Pastor Chris know.


Thank You
St. Paul Chicken Dinnerwas held on November 11th. A special thank you to Ruth Scott for chairing the dinner.
Thank you to everyone who donated time and talents- setting up, preparing, serving and cleaning up. A special thank
you to everyone who brought in delicious pies. A very special thank you to Dayton Farms for donating all of the apples and Bergman Orchards for donating apple cider. The financial report is pending. We were 54 dinners short of
our goal.
Operation Christmas ChildThank you, THANK YOU! In this season, as we remind ourselves of all that God
has given us, I am so thankful for the loving, warm and generous hearts of the members of St.Paul and St. John. Your
care and compassion has made our Operation Christmas Child campaign a resounding success. Our congregations
collected over 70 shoeboxes for those in need. For most of the children, your shoebox will be the only Christmas
gift he/she will receive. The children will also receive a book about Jesus in their own language and participate in a
Discipleship Program which has led many to the Lord. St. Paul served as a collection center for Ottawa County and
many thanks to those wonderful people who helped staff the collection hours, put up the sign, packed cartons, and
helped transport them to the collection center: Laurel Berhent, Jan Kimerline, Cheryl Laubner, Myra Prokop, Sandy
Zollos, Marv and Bill Rettig, Rich Kihlken, Jan and Dave Hirt. On behalf of Samaritans Purse and Operation Christmas Child, thank you again.Jean Rhodes

Ever Thought About Becoming a Pastor?

December 7, 7:15 pm at Pizza Hut in Port Clinton (Rt. 53)
High SchoolAdults, Come meet with Pastor Chris and Cathy Schibler, Asst. to the Bishop for an informal conversation about
the process and a chance to ask questions. No commitment, just for exploration

Serving Others
Noisy Offering on December 13th, for Toys for TotsBring in a toy or a donation.
Blessing Cup TeamsWine and bread will be consecrated Nov. 29h for the Traveling Christmas Party. To be part
of this fellowship of Christs love, please contact Marge Bridgett or Myra Prokop or sign up on the Events Board
Celebration Chorus - Practice on Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m., after Advent Worship at the church where we worship.
Community Garden - Direct questions for 2015 to Emily Glynn 314-517-2402 or Betsy Deer 419-310-4406.
Council Nights Thursday, Dec.10th at St. Paul, 6:15 St. Paul, 7:00 St. John. (No Joint Parish Board Meeting.)
Danbury Food Pantry - No distribution in Dec. Holiday Bureaus greatest needs are canned goods, paper products,
cleaning supplies, disposable diapers. A mitten tree is up in St. Pauls for your donation of hats, gloves, scarves, ect.
Prayer Chain St. Paul contact Joan Harris at 419.734.3971 or 419.341.6373 or harris2110@roadrunner.com.
St. John contact Myra Prokop at 419.798.5101 or taylorsresort@frontier.com. God promises that our prayers are
Prayer Shawl Plus Ministry - Prayer shawl meeting will be on Wednesday, December 2, 2015 at 10:00. Contact
Janice Beachy at 614-563-0664.
SNAP Ministries (Suppor ting Native Afr ican Pastor s) For cur r ent ministr y infor mation go to snapministries.org (Welcome. to Home).
Bibles were given...on Sunday, November 15th, to Meadow Rohr bach, Austin Walker , and Hadleigh Ler ch
from St. Paul, in honor of the promises made in their baptisms to place Gods Word in their hands. All made a commitment to make Bible reading a regular part of their week.

Page 6


F OR D E CE M BE R , 2 0 15
St. John Council Highlights
The Beacon Light
December 2015
Council Highlights: Council met November 19, 2015. The secretarys report was read and accepted. The
treasurers report along with bills paid was read, accepted and filed for audit. The financial secretarys report
stated that we had $5,963.89 total receipts for the month of October.
Pastors report was presented noting the upcoming activities. Pastor reported that the Intern committee had
completed the application for a 1 year intern. A motion was made, seconded and passed that the application
be sent to Trinity.
Under new business the 2016 budget was presented and will be presented to the congregation Sunday. Under
old business it was decided to replace the rollers on the copier before considering purchasing a new copier.
Brenda Rettig and Jo Myers did a presentation of the new directory. Council voted to do the directory in
black and white as it was much cheaper than color.

Poinsetta Orders


Linda Otermat December 12


Curt & Maryanne Laubner- December 19

Jim & Karen Ruth- December 21


Ted Dress- December 4

Jim Benya December 9
Bill Smith December 14

Dedication of Organ & Piano Lamps

Wednesday, December 9
7:00 Worship at St. John
In honor and memory of our sisters in Christ,
Jane Sommers and Phyllis Dress

Please contact Linda Merckens

for information. Order forms
will be available soon.

Dedication of Art Work

Wednesday, December 9
7:00 Worship at St. John
In honor and memory of our sister in Christ,
Nancy Meuschke

Page 7

St. Paul Lutheran Church Messenger

December 2015

Special Notes from Louise:

St. Paul Lutheran Church Messenger

Please sign on the easel for January to help with our

mutual ministries.

October 2015 budget highlights:

General Fund-

Restricted Funds-

-Please pick up your offering envelopes as soon as

Est. Budget needs per month- $8,400.00 possible for yourself and your family. They must all
be picked up before the first of the year.
Portals of Prayer- We have both regular and large print, beExpense9,083.44
ginning with January



St. Paul November19, 2015 Council Highlights.

-Council will start inquiring on plans and cost of renovating the sanctuary, along with acdepting ideas from the congregation on
fund raising for the renovations.
-Approval was given to Brenda Rettig and Jo Meyer on going forward with the picture directories in black and white.
-Tim Mackey and Charlie Scott will be asking for volunteers to join in creating a new cemetery constitution.
Congregational Meeting Highlights November 22nd
-The proposed budget was approved for 2016.
-Election of officers for 2016: President- Tammy Davis, Vice President- Tim Mackey, Secretary- Chrissy French, Financial Secretary- Beth
Our Annual Meeting with reports will be in January.
The reports are due before then.

We are missing from the office the

old church record book. If you know
where it might be, please see that it
gets back to church.

St. Paul Women of the Church:

-The regular December meeting will be Dec. 17th at 1:00 pm with a pot luck. All women of the congregation are
members and encouraged to attend.
-St. John WELCAs Chr istmas par ty is December 6th at the Victor ian Inn.
-The Monthly Project Contributions for December are: canned goods and
paper products for the Holiday Bureau. Also, disposable diapers for Holiday Bureau or Food Pantry
-The Traveling Christmas Party and Blessing Cup visits ar e November 30December 3
-Thankoffering Sunday was November 22nd . The Women of the Church brought their Thankofferings and food
offerings to church. The Thankoffering was sent in to the Women of the Church offices to be used for the world
wide missions and programs they support. Thank you to Linda Otermat for her message of Thanksgiving.
Altar Guild
-Altar Guild - St. Paul Altar Guild will be taking orders for Christmas poinsettias. Please watch for the order forms, and have your Poinsettia orders in by December 13th. Our Advent schedule: We meet for work sessions on November 28th, Dec. 5th at 8:00 am to decorate. Dec. 19th at 8:30 am flower delivery and assembly of
cookie trays. December 20th cookie sale after service.

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St. Paul December Special Dates


Wedding Anniversary

2 Evan Sandvick, Robert Biers, Sr.

3 Mike & Vicky Doski

3 Susan Koch, Tammy Davis

9 Kevin & Kim Oxendale

5 Deborah French, Marla Hirt, Guy Tibbels

11 Guy & Rose Tibbels

8 Dillon Ringeisen, Roberta Gangl

14 Bill & Bonnie Biers

9 Douglas Waugh

23 Jenna & Mark Sandvick

10 Matt Batcha, Christina Grimm

11 Zachery Tokar

Baptismal Anniversary

12 William Covey

1 Bryan Ahrens

13 Lauren Indorf, Chris Freeh

2 Bradley Zura

14 Julie McDonald, Janis Zura

3 Elaine Mackey

15 Brooke Butler

4 Olivia Goff

18 Jim Boss

5 Scott Mackey

19 Mike Doski

6 Marcy Bergman, Kimberly Oxendale

20 Pat Puntel

10 Matthew Sandvick, Derek Mackey

21 Aubrey Harris, Meadow Rohrbaugh, Penelope Sandvick

15 Scott Bradbee

22 Gary Cove, Jean Rhodes

16 Paul Hallier

23 Jackie Grosswiler

17 Jack Peters


21 Jim Lenner

26 Steve Schenko, Brynn Schenko

22 Dave Hirt

28 Bonnie Dubbert, Linda Tvorik, Brandon Mooney, Emmett Mackey

23 Vincent Manuella, Dominic Manuella, Luco Manuella

19 Adam Steinbrick, Kaydon Glovinsky, Nancy Nielsen

25 Dawn Mullins, Sandra Lambert, Ashley Henninger

31 Ted Dayton, Haley Strimpfel

Page 9

Mutual Ministries
December 6

December 13

December 20

December 24

December 24

December 27


Maddie Harris

Betty Easton

Larisa Kerik

Vicky Doski

Linda Dubbert

Betty Easton


Tammy Davis

Chris French

Dave Hirt

Tammy Davis

Dave Hirt


Jim Kovach

Jim Kovach

Marge Bridgett

Crystal Chapman Marge Bridgett

Jack Easton

Abbey Cameron

Jack Easton

Dave Hirt

Dalton Chapman

Dave Hirt


Ryan Chapman



Daleigh Lerch

Erik Wadsworth

Kenneth Kerik

Daniel Lambert

Nate Ahrens

Matt Seamon

Ryleigh Lerch

Ginny Cameron

Will Tibbels

Mason French

Maddie Harris

Nolan Chapman

Mary Sennich

Jo & Jerry Meyer


Steeple Lighting Dee Warren

Jo & Jerry Meyer

Perpetual Light Jim Warren

Our Intensive Prayer List

Let us hold up in prayer Barb Agne, Barb Batcha, Joan Benya, Cleo Bodi, Ben Chapman, Karen Carpenter, Gary
Cover, Rebecca Dress, Betty Dubbert, Jack Easton, David Heinzl, Bill Hirt, Steve Hosko, Ruth Keller Nelf Kimerline, Joyce Linder, Rev. Sarah MacDonald, Alice Peroni, Sandra Reep, Kathy Stine, Sarah Tanner, Pat
Thursby, Gordon Wahlers, Sally Willis, Steve Young, Kim Zachariah. We pray for family and friends who are
serving in the military.
Alan J. Glasmyer passed away on November 3rd. He was remembered during our
Worship Service November 8th. May God comfort all who mourn his passing.
Lydia Jane Lammers passed away on November 14th. Her funeral was Saturday
November 21st at Neidecker LeVeck & Crosser Funeral home. May God comfort all
who mourn her passing.
The Messiah Community Choir
You are invited to join in singing Handels Messiah. They are practicing on Thursday evenings at 8:00 pm at St.
John Lutheran Church, Port Clinton. The Messiah concert will be presented Sunday, December 13at 3:00 pm at
St. John Lutheran Church, Port Clinton.

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