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Many people suffer from diabetes, these same people suffering

from this disease ideally tend to sometimes complain but with these
complaints do we ever wonder the reality of diabetes and how to deal
with it? First we need to recognize the important of glucose to the cells
in the body and why humans become infected with diabetes; Once we
understand this we will know how we can diagnose and understand the
response of our body in relation to blood sugar levels in addition to a
simple explanation of the basic proportions of food groups that must
be contained in food diabetics. the basic proportions of food to groups that must
be contained in food diabetics. Global health centers indicate that there are more than 245
million people around the world living with diabetes. It is expected that this percentage
will increase during the next 20 years to reach 380 million a diabetic! What is diabetes
and why quorum it?
Before we answer this question we need to understand that the education is so
important in the article The Effectiveness of a Community Health Program in Improving
Diabetes Knowledge in the Hispanic Population which studies a population of Mexicans
in the West (a region dominated by Mexican-Americans with Mexican roots) and their
original education patterns, and what they seemed to be lacking. They learned that those
who were diagnosed with the disease more than 5 years ago did not appear to have a
change in eating and physical habits as those not diagnosed with the disease, as they had
never been fully educated on the topic. They also were able to show that age (primarily in
the age group > 65 years old), primary or no education, more than 20 years living in the
country, and having a genetic relationship with someone with the disease would make

that person more susceptible to contracting the disease. They would then proceed to
educate the population in small groups, which in turn would show to ultimately better the
health of the overall population. This study shows how critical education is in regards to
this disease, and how much we need to emphasize on this point.
Before we can answer this question, we have to understand the importance of glucose (or
sugar) for the cells of the body. Glucose is the fuel for every cell in the body. Every cell
in the body needs glucose and oxygen to be able to do its job properly. Body gets glucose
as a result of the work of the liver and processed food items that we eat. In Return the
liver launches off glucose into the bloodstream to be distributed to all the cells of the
body. However, the glucose cannot cross the membrane or cell wall and entered except by
the presence of the hormone insulin. And as we know, this hormone is produced by the
pancreas which is which converts sugar and starches into energy. If the amount of insulin
is not enough in the body or is not used by the body properly, glucose will stay in the
bloodstream and will not be able to enter the cells and so the cells continue to claim the
body more fuel, and continue the liver to produce more glucose and send it into the
bloodstream despite the lack of consumption in the cells due to the imbalance in the ratio
of the hormone insulin, as a result, rising blood glucose level.
What is the definition of diabetes? Diabetes is simply the lack of having enough of the
hormone insulin in the body or is not being used properly by the body condition.
However, there are three types of diabetes. The first type of diabetes usually starts from
infancy. The usually occurs either as a result of infection or Vairoseh be genetically (some
of the children they are not diabetic but they shall inherit the tendency to infection later shows them during old age). The second type of diabetes usually begins in adulthood.

Unfortunately, we note the increase in the proportion of injured adults and young people
also with this type of diabetes. The reasons for the injury to obesity, increased
consumption of calories more than your body needs, excessive intake of sweets and
sugar, the body's resistance to sugar, and aging. The third type of diabetes is gestational
diabetes, which infected by women during pregnancy even if it was not infected with the
disease before pregnancy. . In addition the difference in reading about the natural rate of
sugar does not necessarily mean the disease, there are other readings may indicate just a
sugar high, or an imbalance in glucose tolerance or the actual incidence of the disease.
Here are the following Dear readings be with you to guide you to the health of your
situation in relation to sugar. The food or diet prepares the bodys glucose, thereby raising
the percentage of sugar in the blood, the sports medicine and understanding of diets
significantly reduced the level of sugar in the blood.
For food and diet, there is no specific system for the treatment of diabetes, but there are
principles that must be followed and adapted to the personal needs of each infected
person. If you are diabetic, food system is optimized to be followed is the one that will
be agreed upon with your doctor and dietitian and in this way would be appropriate for
your needs you specifically but with this, you should vary the food between various
aggregates starches, vegetables, fruits, fats, and also must have certain proportions and
according to the following:
Protein, forming about 20% - 30% of the per capita consumption of calories. This
also applies to any person who is a diabetic. As for the best source of vegetable protein
source is not the animal as is customary. The best plants rich in protein are: legumes
(such as beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans) in addition to the nuts. . Carbohydrates

and vegetables. This should be a category of 60% - 70% of the per capita consumption of
calories, but there are two types of carbohydrates simple carbohydrates which sugars and
a complex carb starches. Most of the carbohydrates that should be consumed by an
individual must be complex or starches. As for simple carbohydrates or sugars,
consideration should be given to them on the grounds that it is harmful but rather a
deadly poison.
Fats should this category accounts for about 10% of the per capita consumption of
calories. It should also be from plant sources because they are unsaturated fats are used
better by the body without causing increased cholesterol that you should keep your
consumption of it at a lower level - and do not forget that the animal very rich in
cholesterol. all of consumption as much as possible. As for good vegetarian sources of fat
are: nuts, seeds, corn, soybean, and olive oil.
What causes diabetes symptoms and risk factors for complications diagnosis
prevention treatment? Its a number of disturbances in the demolition and construction metabolism - the process (Metabolism) carbohydrates. The common denominator among
them is the high level (concentration) of sugar in the blood. Carbohydrates obtained by
the body from eating bread, potatoes, rice, cakes and other many other foods.
Disintegrate and decompose gradually. This begins the process of disintegration and
decomposition in the stomach, and then continue in the twelve (Duodenum) In the small
intestine. Produced by the process of disintegration and decomposition of this group of
sugars (carbohydrates - Carbohydrate) is absorbed in the blood circulation.
Internal secretion cells (Internal secretion) in the pancreas (pancreas - Pancreas), which
are called beta cells (Beta cells), are very sensitive to the high level of sugar in the blood

and secrete the hormone insulin (Insulin). And insulin is an essential bridge to enter the
sugar molecules, glucose, into the muscles where it is used as an energy source, and the
fat tissue and the liver where it is stored. Glucose is also up to the brain, too, but without
the help of insulin. There in the pancreas, as well, another type of cells are the cells alpha
(Alpha cells), which secrete a hormone called glucagon last extra (Glucagon). This
hormone causes bring out the sugar from the liver and activates the work of other
hormones that block the action of insulin. The balance between these two hormones
(insulin and glucagon) maintain the stability of the level of glucose in the blood and
avoid sharp changes.
Whenever a person is less fit than normal they need more insulin to deal with a
similar amount from the amount of glucose in the blood. This situation is called "insulin
resistance" (Insulin resistance).
When infected beta cells in the pancreas damage, the amount of insulin secreted
gradually less. This process continues for many years. If accompanied by this case with
the existence of "insulin resistance", such a mixture of a small amount of insulin and low
level of effectiveness, lead to a deviation from the proper level of glucose (sugar) in the
blood, and in this case is defined as a person as suffering from diabetes (Diabetes). It is
known that the proper level of sugar in the blood after fasting eight hours must be less
than 108 mg / dL, while the border level is 126 mg / dL. However, if the level of glucose
in the blood of someone 126 mg / dL and above, in two tests or more, then this is a
person diagnosed with diabetes.
Diabetes type I (Diabetes type 1) (or: diabetes type I / diabetes in children / diabetes in
young people - Juvenile Diabetes): is a disease of the immune system in which the

destruction of beta cells in the pancreas, for unknown reasons has not been determined,
yet. When boys, splurge this process take place quickly and last from a few weeks up to a
few years. As adults, they continue for many years. Many people who have diabetes type
I (Diabetes type 1) at an advanced age, is diagnosed, an error, as type II diabetes disease
(Diabetes type 2).
Type II diabetes is a disease which is the destruction and the destruction of beta cells in
the pancreas to genetic reasons, probably, supported by external factors. This process is
very slow and will last for decades. That the possibility of injuring a person with a
healthy weight and physically fit little disease diabetes, even though he had a drop in
insulin secretion. As for the possibility of injuring someone fat is not practiced physically
active diabetes is a high probability, since it is more likely to have to "insulin resistance"
and thus diabetes. Statistics show that the number of people with diabetes type II in the
world, scored a big increase too in recent decades, reaching nearly 150 million people, is
expected to rise to 330 million diabetic, until the year 2025. One of the main reasons for
this sharp rise Injury-diabetes: obesity, lack of physical activity and changes in the types
of foods. Foods common today include deli cause diabetes, the sugars that are easily
absorbed into the blood, leading to the increase in "insulin resistance." In addition, other
symptoms include a gradual rise in blood pressure show the majority of patients with
diabetes, distinct disorders in blood lipids, especially Triglyceride and low high-density
lipid protein (good cholesterol - HDL). The high blood pressure (hypertension Hypertension), imbalances in blood lipids and higher rates of glucose in the blood
(diabetes or hyperglycemia - Hyperglycemia) - are essential for the emergence of MS risk
factors for atherosclerosis (hardening of the Theroda - Atherosclerosis). This explains the

very high rates of morbidity (Morbidity) due to heart diseases and strokes among patients
with diabetes compared to other population groups and death. Since the seventies of the
last century, and even now, a marked decrease in morbidity and death records as a result
of heart disease and vascular disease in the general population in Western countries, while
not recorded a similar decline among diabetic patients.

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