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Nivel: 1, 2, 3, 4 o 5
Unidad de cada nivel: 1, 2,3 0 4
Tema: Gramtica 1 / Vocabulario 2 /Reading 3
Objetivos generales
Que el alumno logre adquirir las herramientas necesarias de reconocimiento de
la lengua extranjera (ingls) tanto en su expresin oral como escrita a un nivel
pre intermedio.

objetivos especficos reconocer:

lenguaje bsico, saludos y presentaciones
rutinas, ubicacin en momento del da y espacio
lenguaje empleado en situaciones de compras
expresiones y situaciones relacionadas a viajes
diferencia entre pasado y futuro
lenguaje usado en situaciones de socializacin
expresiones relacionadas con las emociones
lenguaje en situaciones de esparcimiento
empleos y hobbies
partes del cuerpo humano y algunas afecciones
vocabulario relacionado con las distintas partes de la casa y actividades
all realizadas
distintas festividades segn culturas
expresiones relacionadas con la industria y los negocios
trminos vinculados a la ciencia, literatura, cine, arte, etc.
expresiones usadas en situaciones de emergencia, de desastres
naturales, etc.
trminos relacionados con la familia, los vecinos, etc.
Trminos vinculados a contaminacin y reciclado

Nivel 1
1. 1. 1 Grammar and usage

Forming plurals- Greetings and farewells- Present Progressive- Yes-No

questions- Personal Pronouns- Adjectives- Direct Objects- Quantity
comparisons- Definite and indefinite articles- Subject-verb agreementQuestions with who and how many

1. 1. 2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Food.- Animals- Everyday activities- Colors and sizes- ProfessionsNumbers 1-6- Household object and clothing words-

1. 1. 3 Readings related to the unit

1. 2. 1 Grammar and usage

Compound subjects- Nouns, articles, prepositions and syllables- Personal

Pronouns. Titles and addresses- Predicate adjectives- Prepositions

1. 2. 2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Numbers 7-12- Family relationships- Question words- Age- Household

words- Rooms in a house- Common appliances- countries and
Nationalities- words for city landmarks- Colors- Articles of clothingPersonal physical states.

1. 2.3 Readings related to the unit

1. 3. 1 Grammar and usage

Demonstrative adjectives- Numbers- Simple Present- PunctuationSubject and verb agreement- Because- questions with when and
where- Prepositions of time and place- Reflexive verbs

1. 3. 2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Workplaces- Times of day and time-of- day greetings- Time and place
related prepositions- Numbers 13-69- Calendar time- Days of the weekPolite language- Parts of the body- Sensory words- Names of languagesBedroom and bathroom objects- More adjectives

1. 3 .3 Readings related to the unit

1. 4. 1 Grammar and usage

Use of need and want- Compound sentences- Possessive PronounsThe stative passive- Forming questions-Comparison- Expressing likes and
dislikes- Expressing quantity

1. 4. 2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Shopping- Names of several stores- Things commonly bought- Things to

do around town- Sports- Cost of items- Common currencies- Forms of
payment- Shopping phrases- Describing objects one shops for-

1. 4.3 Readings related to the unit

Nivel 2
2. 1. 1 Grammar and usage

Asking for directions-Prepositions-Pronoun contractions- The imperativeOrdinal numbers- Telling the time- Future tense- Indefinite subject

2. 1. 2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Types of buildings- Types of stores-Public transportation- Types of

transportations- Asking and giving directions language- Vehicles-Travel
itineraries- Time words- Numbers 70-99- Airport and train station
vocabulary- Travel destinations- Weather language- Temperature- Kinds
of precipitations

2. 1. 3 Readings related to the unit

2. 2. 1 Grammar and usage

Past Tense- Future Tense- Imperfect Tense- Making requests- Indirect

object pronouns- Asking for repetition- Punctuation- Past Continuous

2. 2. 2 Vocabulary related to the unit

School subjects- Different levels of schools and students- Jobs and


2. 2. 3 Readings related to the unit

2. 3. 1 Grammar and usage

Direct/Indirect objects- Prepositional phrases- Demonstrative adjectivesExpressing politeness and preferences- Comparisons- Adverbs of placeFormal imperative- Possession-Accepting/Declining an invitation.

2. 3. 2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Social life- Leisure time activities- Months of the year- Planning an eventMethods of communicating- How to write and say dates- Numbers 1001,000- Types of parties- phone etiquette-

2. 3. 3 Readings related to the unit

2. 4. 1 Grammar and usage

Adverbs of degree- Use of prepositionsExpressing

sequencing events- Possession- Modal verbs- The future


2. 4. 2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Food and restaurant language- Landmarks- Architectural featuresMusical instruments- Art media- Religious buildings- Emotions- Sightseeing verbs- Sequencing words- Common vacation activities- Places to
go on vacation- Things to see on vacation- The weather- Vacation-termed

2. 4. 3 Readings related to the unit

Nivel 3
3. 1. 1 Grammar and usage

The imperative- compound sentences- Inquiries and requestsPunctuation- Opposites- Expressing health needs- Body language. Time
related adverbs: always, never, sometimes

3. 1. 2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Backyard- Comparison words- Kitchen- Bathroom- Living room- Chore

related verbs- sports- Body parts- Minor injuries- First aid

3. 1. 3 Readings related to the unit

3. 2. 1 Grammar and usage

Relative pronouns- Compound words- Present Perfect Continuous TenseDirect and Indirect speech- Conjunctions- Infinitive phrases- Possessive
pronouns-Present Perfect- Subjunctive mood- Pronouns and adverbs:
everyone, everything, probably, nothing.

3. 2. 2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Geography- Birth- marriage- Death- Countries- Cardinal directionsOceans- Types of trees- Climatic regions- animals- New adjectives

3. 2. 3 Readings related to the unit

3. 3. 1 Grammar and usage

Present Perfect- Adjectives and nouns formed with verbs- Conditional

situations- contrast words: correct, appropriate, ifnot- Gerunds- The
subjunctive mood- Syllables- Interrogative adverb. Use of only and

3. 3. 2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Shopping- Containers- Food- Shapes- Fractions- Units of measure- toolsCraft supplies- Cooking and cooking items

3. 3. 3 Readings related to the unit

3. 4. 1 Grammar and usage

Future Tense- Passive Voice- Quantifiers- Adverbs- Degree and QuantityModal auxiliary verbs- Frequency- Use of: too much/many, since, okay,
ever/never and again

3. 4. 2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Politics- Nationalities- Heads of State- News sources- Political termsBusiness vocabulary- memory- Learning- Celebrations- FestivalsReligious holidays.

3. 4. 3 Readings related to the unit

Nivel 4
4. 1. 1 Grammar and usage

Giving and getting directions- Review of interrogatives- Activity nouns

from gerunds- Expressing degrees of interest- Indicating alternative
actions with instead- Prepositions: with and without-

4. 1. 2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Tourist destinations- Guidebook information- Negotiating admissionOutdoor activities- Quiet and loud- Art- Media- Gift shop- FavoritesInteractions at a formal restaurant- Menu items- Dining in and taking out

4. 1. 3 Readings related to the unit

4. 2. 1 Grammar and usage

Adverbs: together and alone- Passive Voice- Phrasal verbs- Direct and
Indirect Objects-

4. 2. 2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Sports and competitions- Job and hobby- Sensory verbs- Discussing

ideas- Office location- Appointments and dates- Recurring eventsDesigning and presenting- Leaving a message- Geographical termsExploration tools- Dark and light- Leaving and returning- Shipping termsSending and receiving a package

4. 2. 3 Readings related to the unit

4. 3. 1 Grammar and usage

Practice of common verb tenses- Imperfect and past progressiveIntransitive verbs- Recent past and future: just and about to- Formal
and informal imperative- Prepositions to clarify movement: through and

4. 3. 2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Verbs for moving and arranging- features of a home- Home utilitiesRepair and damage terms- Expressing relative time: since and untilToys_ Negotiating use- Emotional states: surprise, worried and
embarrassed- Auto and street related terms- Driving directions.

4. 3. 3 Readings related to the unit

4. 4. 1 Grammar and usage

Conjunctions: either and neither- Plural first person imperative- Present

Prefect Progressive- Past Perfect- Conjunction: both

4. 4. 2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Landry terms- Clothing damage and repair- Outwear- making choices

with clothing- Jewelry and personal appearance terms- Fabrics and
precious metals- Describing hair qualities- discussing product originsDescribing symptoms- Treatment terms- States of health and healingHealth related conversation: get well soon and Bless you- Food
preparation verbs- Shopping and food terms

4. 4. 3 Readings related to the unit

Nivel 5
5. 1. 1 Grammar and usage

Adjectival clauses and the subjunctive- Dependent clauses and the

subjunctive- Impersonal expressions

5. 1 .2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Industries and industrial materials- Verbs of production and manufactureStore details- Prices and availability- Increase and decrease- Clothing
sizes- Agricultural terms- Solar time: midnight, noon, sunrise, sunsetCustomer service terms- making and cancelling plansBorrowing,
lending and recommending

5. 1 .3 Readings related to the unit

5. 2. 1 Grammar and usage

The conditional- Conditional Perfect- describing transformation: to


5. 2 .2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Discussing options- songs and stories- Genres and their characteristicsGovernment and citizenship- culture and tradition- Legality and illegalityBranches of science- Mathematical terms- Experimentation: to find out
and an answer- Expressing possibility- Managing tasks- Discussing

5. 2 .3 Readings related to the unit

5. 3. 1 Grammar and usage

Pluperfect subjunctive with conditional- Imperfect Subjunctive- Direct

and Indirect discourse

5. 3 .2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Emergency situations- Reporting emergencies- Emergency room termsUse of: to treat and to feel- Weather phenomena- Emergency
services- Use of To donate and to volunteer; normal and unusualIn-country resources: embassy, translator, customs- Theft and
ownership- Expressing empathy

5. 3 .3 Readings related to the unit

5. 4. 1 Grammar and usage

Adverbs: yet and anyone- Introductory phrases- constructions with

however- Adjectives: front, back and side.

5. 4 .2 Vocabulary related to the unit

Extended family terms- Expressing reality: to imagine to tell the

truth and to tell a lie- Describing and solving problems- Emotions:
nervous, excited and confused- Spending time with friends- Expressing
preferred activities- Use of: rarely and often- Neighborhood geographyIdentifying parts of objects- Expressing interest- Pollution and recycling

5. 4 .3 Readings related to the unit


La materia ser abordada por el alumno desde el proceso de auto aprendizaje

contando con instancias presenciales o virtuales, segn modalidad de estudio,
de clases de apoyo para evacuar dudas sobre los contenidos acadmicos.

Bibliografa Bsica:

Rosetta Stone Ltd. niveles 1 a 5 versin 3.0


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