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Program: Organization and Management

Specialization: Management Education

Proposed Topic: Adjusting Employment Strategies to an Aging Educational Workforce
Background: The World Health Organization (2011) describes the planet as teetering in a
demographic milestone never known before. Young children always outnumbered adults for
centuries but this trend has reversed. Current fertility rates have been falling while life
expectancy for older people has risen and shows signs of accelerating. The estimated 524 million
people 65 years and older in 2010 are projected to reach 1.5 billion in 2050, most of them living
in poor or developing countries. Broad social trends are evolving along with these numbers and
influencing the lives of older persons. More and more of them have fewer children and thus have
fewer to care for them and support them. They realize that they need to find work in order to
support themselves (WHO).
The aging or graying population continues to increase and presents itself as a
phenomenon in our time. Contrary to popular belief, older people or senior citizens are willing to
continue working as far as their health permits and they qualify. Confronted by the shortage of
skills and manpower itself in the workplace and the continuously increasing number of skilled
but retiring or retired adults, human resource managers must find effective strategies of dealing
with two or more generations of workers. One consists of younger workers who must be trained
with the skills of older ones who are in current employ. The other consists of retiring or retired
workers who outnumber younger ones. They are also endowed with the experience, expertise and
insights, which are too valuable to lose or stagnate in retirement.
Retaining or rehiring older workers certainly requires new strategies (SHRM, 2014).
While newly hired young employees need to be trained fresh skills, older ones also need retraining. The situation requires strategies, which will invigorate both groups into maximum

productiveness for the organization. And these strategies need to be evaluated and re-evaluated in
the search for the best blend (SHRM).
QUESTION_1: Review examples of scholarly research related to your specialization and
discuss the various theories mentioned in these articles, focusing primarily on those theories that
go beyond the theories associated with your proposed (or School-approved) dissertation topic.
Analyze the extent to which these theories could serve as a framework for a current research
topic in your specialization. Evaluate the theoretical contributions that such current research
could make in your specialization.
1.1 Discuss the various theories mentioned in these articles
1.2 Focusing primarily on those theories that go beyond the theories associated with your
proposed (or School-approved) dissertation topic.
1.3 Analyze the extent to which these theories could serve as a framework for a current
research topic in your specialization.
1.4 Evaluate the theoretical contributions that such current research could make in your
QUESTION_2: Review the scholarly literature within the field of your program specialization
related to your proposed (or School-approved) dissertation topic. Analyze the reviewed literature
to determine what is already known about your proposed (or School-approved) dissertation topic
and what remains unknown. Synthesize your findings and evaluate how a study on your
proposed (or School-approved) dissertation topic could be designed to advance the scholarly
research in this area while maintaining ethical research requirements.
2.1 Analyze the
reviewed literature to determine what is already known
2.2 Analyze the reviewed literature to determine what remains unknown
2.3 Synthesize 2.1 and 2.2
2.4 Evaluate how a study on your proposed (or School-approved) dissertation topic could
be designed to advance the scholarly research in this area
2.5 Evaluate ethical research requirements.
QUESTION_3: Briefly summarize the purpose, research method, findings, and conclusions of
studies that provide a scholarly foundation for your proposed (or School-approved) dissertation
topic. Evaluate the methodological strengths and weaknesses of each study, and how the
weaknesses potentially limit the validity of the findings and conclusions. Based on your
evaluation, analyze how a study on your proposed (or School-approved) dissertation topic will
further the scholarly research while maintaining ethical research requirements.

3.1 Summarize the purpose of studies.

3.2 Summarize the research method of studies.
3.3 Summarize the findings of studies.
3.4 Summarize the conclusions.
3.5 Evaluate the methodological strengths of each study.
3.6 Evaluate the methodological weaknesses of each study.
3.7 Evaluate how the weaknesses potentially limit the validity of the findings and
3.8 Analyze how a study on your proposed (or School-approved) dissertation topic will
further the scholarly research.
3.9 Analyze how a study on your proposed (or School-approved) dissertation topic will
maintain ethical research requirements.

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