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In this post I will explain the tricks of low poly style landscape render with Enter
3Ds Max.
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started the project by creating the plane for the ground base mesh. Its
a simple almost
square 2025 segment plane. Then I converted to Edit Poly by right clicking the mesh.

After creating ground I heightened the hills and the mountains with soft selection tool
which is in Soft Selection panel at right side.

When I create the mountain tops I increased the pinch value

of the soft selection tool as you see in the picture at left.
Pinch value make the vertices which is in the falloff area of
the selection stronger
or weaker.The graph below values
must be seen like a mountain.
Tip: You can start to create mountains with a lower pinch
and you can increase the value a little after.

I finally decided to leave the mountains like above.

After finishing the ground, mountains material have to be set up. I decided to paint
mountain body to brown and top of the mountain to white. Due to there is only one mesh
to paint 3 different materials, the
best solution is to use multi-sub object. To use this

kind of material, Polygon Material IDs must be grouped. I leftthe polygons that will be
grass to default 1, I set the mountain body to ID 2 and the mountain top to ID 3. It can be
set in Polygon Material IDs in the Edit Poly tab. As you can see above. Before setting
the IDs the polygons which will be grouped must be already selected.

I am using smooth modifier to harden the meshes. It can

be selected in modifier
list>smooth. If Auto Smooth is selected, decrease the treshold amount and the mesh will
be like low poly style.

To create the multi/sub-object, Open the Materialtab(press M) then click the button
which says standart which is shown in the first picture above. It will open a new
window. Pick Multi/Sub-Object. As you see in the 3rd picture above there is a list of
material slots. Due to polygon material groups which is I did before the ID groups of the

material will paint them.

1st ID is green for the ground
2nd ID is brown for the mountain body
3rd ID is white for the mountain top
If the material IDs set correctly the mesh will be shown like the picture below.

I created the trees in a very basic way. I created a cone, copied it 4

times and attached
with a stick. I set the polygon material groups of the leaves to 2 and left the stick to
default 1. I made a new multi sub object material and added it to the tree.

Creating the clouds is a little bit tricky. I created a basic sphere with 16 segment then I
used pro-optimizer modifier which is in the modifier list menu and I added smooth

modifier to make it look low poly style. Just copied 3 times and variated it.

Stone is also created with the same


To create a forest, copying and copying is not the best way. It takes
time and it will be
like un aligned by the ground with hills. I think the best way to make a forest is to using
the Object Paint Tool which is above of the viewport screen. Before using this tool
make sure the object that you want to copy is 1 mesh.
Press the button which is marked with the number 1 then
click the tree mesh. Press the
button which is marked with 2 and you can click to the ground where you want to create
a tree. It will copy the tree where you will click. It is also aligned by the Axis Z. It
means if you click the mountain the tree will not stay below the ground. If new trees are
so big you can manipulate the values which is marked with 3 cyan color.

I put the stones with the same tools. I copied some clouds to the sky and added some
details like the river, rainbow and stuff.

October 26, 2014 Tagged 3D, 3D Studio Max, animation, Autodesk, effect, low poly, modeling, render, style, Tutorial,
video game


I Was In Arles from gunisigicihangir on Vimeo .

This is an artwork which I created as my graduation project for Marmara UniversityIstanbul. Digitalizing a classic artwork always excites me. While I was working on
Microsoft Kinect that idea appeared in my mind. How great it would be to see unpainted
areas in Van Goghs Bedroom painting. After the graduation exhibition in Marmara
University, it also exhibited inamberFest 13.
This work looks quite complicated but actually it is one of the simplest projects that I
I started by searching how to adding skeleton data taken by kinect into a Unity 3D
project. I found a sdk which is released by Microsoft for Unity. You can download it
from website below.
You will need to installkinect developer toolkit and kinect SDK
too. Just after the
download has finished, open the Unity3D and run

Kinect1.7UnityPackage.unitypackage. Make sure all the packages are selected then

press import. This will import a package consist ofsome codes and an example project.

We canwork inside the example project by modifying it. When you

import all the
package you will see KinectSample in the Project window below. Full path is

To create the feeling of looking at inside the picture I decided to create a main camera
with a target point which is always looked at. Because if you dont use a target point the
camera always look the same direction.
I found this code from reference tab from Unity3Ds website.
var target : Transform;

function Update() {


I copied and pasted this codes asa javascript code in Unity and
simply linked it into the
camera by dragging and droping. You can create a Java Script file by right clicking in
the project window and create>Javascript. You must see the component in inspector
menu when you select the camera. Then I created a cube front of the camera for the
target and attached it to the target tag of the component
that i just created inside the
camera. You can reach the target tag inside the inspector menu and you can add an
object by clicking the circle beside it.

The distance between the camera and the target point is important to make the movement
more natural. But it depends on the project.
I attached the camera to the 03_Head
inside the KinectPointMan. The project has 2
skeleton. rainbowMan_v06
and KinectPointMan.
I used PointMan because the other one
vibrating the camerawhilePoint man is

To finalize the project delete the rainbow man which we

didnt use and move the
camera until the KinectPointMan disappears from the screen. Then you can create your

own scene to look inside. I would love to share my 3D model for Van Goghs bedroom

but unfortunately it was erased with many project which I didnt sync to cloud after the
burned hard disc disaster.
I created a couple of cubes to realize the movement as you can see below. I preserved the
skeleton just to show you my body movements.

You can manipulate the distance to see the difference.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. See you next time.

September 14, 2014 Tagged 3D, 3D Studio Max, Art, Artwork, Autodesk, Computer, Digitalize, Exhibition, Explanation,
Istanbul, Kinect, Make, Maker, Marmara, Microsoft, Tutorial, Unity, Unity3D, University, Van Gogh
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This isa very short part of the video teaser of ekermeker Sugarmugar which is a game
going to be released soon for Android
and IOS. The game will be published by
Codemodeon Game Studio which is Iam currently working as an art director. I will
explain you how I
created the teaser video with basic tools in After Effects.

characters in the video are exactly the same images as the one in the game. I started
withseperating the joints and moveable parts of the characters such as legs, arms, eyes,
eyebrow, head. Then I exported them to After Effects layer by layer.

After I get myimages in the project panel next step is to create a new composition. I used
the values below.

Next, drag and drop the images that insinde the project panel to composition panel below.
The images will be over and over not accurately. So Ineeded to move the individual
parts to the actual places.

The woman doesnt have a mouth as you see above. That becausethe mouth needs to be
created in After Effects as a vector.
So we can move the control pointsto animateit look
like she
is speaking.

I created the mouth like above by using Pen tool. I made only 4 control point, so it is a
very simple mouth. Pen tool must be used after
creating a new shape layer. Otherwise it
will react as if a mask.

To create motion I made a tween for the Shape Layer 1>Contents>Shape1>Path1. Its a
very long path but easy when you
familiar to it. After Effects works with keyframes. I
presume that you alredy know how it works so I will not explain it.

To animate joints, I used puppet tool. It is a very usefull tool in After Effects. It lets
usdefine joints and move them by click an release.
A usefull tip: you can Ctrl+click to a joint to make a realtime animation. If you click ctrl
while you already clicked to puppet tool you will realize the cursor will be a clock. So it
is readyto animate. Animation starts from the current time until the end of the

composition time.

If you dont have a character, you can experience it with simple objects like boxes etc.
Puppet tool is great for cartoon animations. It is simple but the result satisfies.

September 12, 2014 Tagged 2D, Adobe, After Effects, Android, animation, Character, CS6, Game, Mobile Game, Puppet,
Teaser, Tool, Tutorial
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In this tutorial I want to show you
how I created the little alien who is
wearing oculus rift at left side. I
created this character for the
banner above which is I made for
the company Iam currently

working for. I seperated the

tutorial to a few steps.
Before The Start
I had to let the audience understand
that we are basically working on
virtual reality by using Oculus Rift
in our products.
Oculus is a very magical tool to amaze people. And it seems like little bit futuristic.
Hence, I decided to create aliens who are wearing
Oculus Rift and looks amazed by it.

Creating The Body

strongly recommend you to make some sketch before starting your design.I made a few
sketches on paper thenI started to draw the body with pen tool in Adobe Illustrator. In
the third step ofthe picture above I decided the angle of axises of arms and legs, then I
drew the legs freely. I am skipping the hands for a while.

Creating The Rift
Drawing of Oculus Rift is easy part of this tutorial. I only paid attention to make it more
understandable and recognizable. Due to my alien has 6 eyes,he wears 3 goggles.

Drawing Hands
This step is a little bit advanced. To see this forms of hands, you may need some basic
drawing courses. I made a couple quick sketches above. They are not great but always
I am giving the shadows and highlights according tothe light I imagined before Ive
started. Upper sides are bright and lower sides are darker. It perceived like it is volumed.

Facial Expressions
This is an advanced step too. I collected mouth shapes above which I used on the other
characters in the banner to make it clearer. However it is not enough to understand facial
expressions. You will need to observe a lot. Even masters still observe.
When the first time I ever wear Oculus Rift basically I felt anxiety,
amazement and mind
blow. I tried to express this feeling uponthat
characters. First character above worried,
second one is amazed and the
last ones mind has blown.

Its always good to have some details like volumes, shadows, highlights and reflections in
your illustrations. It makes the artwork looks better. And always keep in mind to be
consistent when you draw the
shadows and highlights. Best way to work on lighting is
deciding the imaginary light source before painting the shapes. This will be very helpful.
I hope you enjoy this tutorial, see you soon.

September 10, 2014 Tagged Adobe, Alien, Art, Artwork, Banner, Body, Codemodeon, Design, Illustration, Illustrator,
Oculus Rift, Tutorial, Vector, Website
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