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Simulation Summary Report

Written by Ryan Kim (April 20, 2010)



1.1 Screenshot

1.1 Purpose
Simulation summary report is used to display measurement statistics with reference and detailed
description of the specification.



2.1 Manual Installation Procedure

Step 1. Fill spec_doc.xml with specification document
Step 2. Copy summary.xml and summary.xsl files to $project-dir/ directory
Step 3. Copy spec_doc.xml, templates.xsl, summary_templates.xsl to $project-dir/data/ directory

2.2 Script Installation Procedure

The updated bbSim files with summary report are provided with this document.
Step 1. Fill spec_doc.xml with specification document
Step 2. Copy summary.xml and summary.xsl to following directories
Note: $version means bbSim version such as 'beta', 'cssxml'
Step 3. Modify 'create_project_directories' script as shown below to make the script to copy the
simulation summary report files
Insert following code in subroutine 'create_xml_files' (Around line 57x)
&update_summary_files($xml_files_dir, $report_dir, $report_errors);

Insert following code in elsif($option eq 2) in subroutine 'standalone' (Around line 21x)

&update_summary_files($xml_files_dir, $report_dir, $report_errors);

Create subroutine by name update_summary_files

sub update_summary_files {
my ($xml_files_dir, $output_location, $report_errors) = @_;
my $summary_templates_file_location = "$xml_files_dir/proj_files/data/summary_templates.xsl";
#my $summary_specDoc_file_location = "$xml_files_dir/proj_files/data/spec_doc.xml";
my $summary_xml_file_location = "$xml_files_dir/proj_files/summary.xml";
my $summary_xsl_file_location = "$xml_files_dir/proj_files/summary.xsl";
my $style_file = &get_report_file($summary_templates_file_location, $report_errors);
&create_xml_file("$output_location/data/summary_templates.xsl", $style_file);
#my $specDoc_file = &get_report_file($summary_specDoc_file_location, $report_errors);
#&create_xml_file("$output_location/data/spec_doc.xml", $specDoc_file);
my $summary_xml_file = &get_report_file($summary_xml_file_location, $report_errors);
&create_xml_file("$output_location/summary.xml", $summary_xml_file);
my $summary_xsl_file = &get_report_file($summary_xsl_file_location, $report_errors);
&create_xml_file("$output_location/summary.xsl", $summary_xsl_file);

Step 4. Copy spec_doc.xml manually to $report-dir/data/ directory.

Note: If you want the script to copy the spec_doc.xml automatically, please uncomment everything in the
subroutine 'update_summary_files' in create_project_directories script.



3.1 Tree structure of spec_doc.xml


Notes on spec_doc.xml
1. Version node is not read by the report. It exists for a record tracking purpose.
2. Create multiple spec nodes for multiple specifications.
3. Block, bench, and measurement names must match with the report otherwise it will not show.

3.2 Connectivity diagram

Following diagram shows where simulation summary report get data from and process of displaying
Green: Data XMLs
Grey: Stylesheets
Blue: HTML output



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