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From: #ANYStudentEVERYStudent

To: President Janet Dudley-Eshbach, Salisbury University Faculty & Student Body
Subject: We Will Get Back To You
This is our student-approved statement of patience, consciousness, and internal
reflection in lieu of the systematic racial disparities that plague universities of
higher education nationwide.
As students of color, WE DO NOT point fingers nor cast blame for the lack of
awareness and understanding in regards to the black experience here at Salisbury
University, keeping in mind that racism and cultural segregation existed long
before any of us stepped foot on campus. However, we refuse to deny that the
current environment on campus takes a huge toll on the psyche of students of
color affected by the subconscious oppression.
Our mutual goal, like that of Salisbury University, is to first educate each other as
a means of establishing a functioning line of communication. We seek to build the
consciousness of our true identity and shine light on the knowledge of our
struggle while simultaneously bridging the gap of understanding that divides us
WE only ask that you listen and understand that these requests come from a spirit
of optimism and hope and not reactive racial outcry, further reminding you that
WE are highly intelligent students whom employ wisdom and strategy as opposed
to solely anger or fear.
WE understand that removal of anybody from the Salisbury University "family"
would be a failure as an institution to adapt and actually grow together. The goal
then is only to reveal how alike we are with our fellow peers all the while
subsequently eradicating the unfounded prejudices and institutional skeletons
that all students share.
In regards to the media, WE are not concerned with twitter hashtags, notoriety,
nor just standing in solidarity with other schools for the sake of cosmetic change.

We are genuinely dedicated and prepared to do what is necessary to inflict longterm change at the this university which WE call our home.
Many of the issues that have been brought to the forefront of national media are
important but only address the symptoms of the underlying problem. We seek to
treat the root cause of the problem which is the flawed psychology on both sides
of the equation. The first step begins with education, communication, and selfevaluation.
In the coming weeks, WE would like to meet with various members of the
administration and discuss changes which have been agreed upon by a studentbody concensus, opposed to allowing a few handpicked leaders make the
decisions for the many. By incorporating and empowering the campus as whole in
this renaissance of thought, it will inspire support as WE begin to undress the
stereotype driven dissonance between this administration, white students, and
students of color.
WE ask that you reflect on these topics as a means of getting the conversation

Student Recruitment Areas

Student Retention Strategies
RSO Structure Reform
Campus Diversity Planning
Combating Cultural Bias in the Campus Climate
Racial Profiling of Black Students by Local Authorities

Furthermore, WE seek to end the myth of diversity and replace it with genuine
relationships that result in unified-color-blind growth. With that in mind, WE
would like to schedule a time at a later date to present our plan before the entire
campus, students and faculty included. We are highly confident this method of
transparency improve the clarity of the message along with its sincerity.

In closing, WE appreciate the gesture of opening communication with us to field

our grievances but the fact remains that even in your position of power, you
cannot personally solve our problem. The solution will come from within the
hearts and minds of our students as result of constant education, interpersonal
uplift, and positive reinforcement. As a unit WE must acknowledge that WE have
much work to do and that this noble task will be uphill. However, WE are
confident in your competence as well as our peers that with an adequate
allocation of resources, attention, and compassion WE can accomplish whatever
WE set our minds to. It is imperative that you know that we only represent but a
taste of the true potential of the students of color here. We are not pressured.
We are not scared. WE are not threatened. It is true that our hearts are heavy and
it is true that the tensions are high, but WE place our trust and faith in our fellow
students and our ability to grow together to overcome this ancient enemy. We
are Salisbury University and We Will Get Back To You.
Sincerely and Respectfully,
Any Student/ Every Student
Written & Read by Salisbury University Student, Senior Matthew Jackson on
November 23rd 2015 at 4:49pm

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