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The Forbidden History

The Law That Never Was
Dezert-owl’s “Special” Program
Eddie Kahn, formerly of American Rights Litigators and Guiding Light of God Ministries
Sandra Cerud, Panamanian Lawyer from Lexius Law Firm (Spanish speaking)
with interpreter Gina Durand
and J.R. Williamson
Truth Radio

Tuesday 11a.m. to 12 noon., Eastern Time

8 a.m. to 9 a.m., Pacific Time
To hear Jack and Margy Flynn go to http://firstamendmentradio.com, Saturday evenings and also
check out
www.truthradio.com , Wednesday’s at 11 am, Eastern time.
To contact Dezert-owl call 386-684-6462 or e-mail: thelyghte@yahoo.com

Dezert-owl: thelyghte@yahoo.com
Lighthouse Ministries: 386-684-6462
Call-in for programs: 904-342-3888
Conference number for programs: 641-297-7200, pin number 532345 #.
Sheriff Ed Dean: 352-732-8181 (Florida)
Marion County Jail: 352-351-8077;
Marietta Hardy (medical supervisor): 352-369-6780
Eddie’s current address: Marion County Jail, attention, Eddie Ray Kahn, 700 Northwest 30th
Avenue, Ocala, Florida 34475
Eddie’s legal fund: This Day Christian Ministry, 6558 Racquet Club Drive, Lauderhill, Florida
J. R. Williamson: 775-264-9474
Ocala Star Banner: 352-867-4020; website, www.ocala.com
Ocala Star Banner publisher, Allan Parsons: allan.parsons@starbanner.com
Jack and Margy Flynn: www.citizensoftheamericanconstitution.org
Pearl Brian: 863-984-7474. justice1351@yahoo.com (for the Flynn’s Florida seminar)
Jeremy DeWitt: 515-208-6225 (the Flynn’s upcoming Des Moines seminar)
American Free Press newspaper: 202-544-5977; www.americanfreepress.net
Dave Bosset: daveb@bosset.com
Jack Cohen: 253-566-0960; e-mail address: eplanner1@comcast.net
Cajun Mike: www.freedomcommittee.com/5522
Dr. True Ott: www.lighthouseminerals.com
Denali: www.freedomhealth.denalihealth.com


Radio Programs of Interest


[Dezert] You want to make a difference in your world, ladies and gentlemen? Then get
ready for The Forbidden History and The Law That Never Was with our special guest, today, J.
R. Williamson, Iloilo Jones from Fully Informed Jury Association and our special Panamanian
attorney Sandra Cerud from Lexius Law Firm and our translator Gina Durand. This is where we
try to bring you the most important information on the face of the entire earth or under the earth.
Here is where, each week, we try to bring you the very best in radio broadcast listening while we
reveal the greatest secrets and the deeper mysteries of life but the one question that will always
remain will be this, can you handle the truth as it will be presented here this afternoon, this
morning, this evening wherever you are in the world. You’re about to learn some truth about
what’s really going on in your world and with Eddie Ray Kahn of American Rights Litigators
and Guiding Light of God Ministries. So get ready for the Forbidden History and The Law That
Never Was because the law is on your side whether they like it or not. Look for the magic. I’m
your host, Dezert-owl, don’t go away, we’ll be right back.
Welcome to the program, ladies and gentlemen; I’m your host, Dezert-owl and the first thing we
must do if we hope to survive in this world is to learn and then understand the true nature of law.
Welcome to a special edition of The Forbidden History series on… And who is Eddie Ray
Kahn? I know that’s what you’re asking me…. Well, Eddie is a friend of myself and J.R.
Williamson who’s on here and a friend of thousands of people across America that he’s been
helping for years in the issues of IRS matters and law and he’s a man who’s being persecuted,
today, even though he’s no longer active in the ministry that he had and was in Panama for
almost three years minding his own business and living out his life in peace and harmony and
love but the federal government—you may have heard about Wesley Snipes in the news—well
Wesley Snipes was a patron of Eddie Kahn’s and Guiding Light of God Ministries and therefore
today the people who are friends of Eddie’s are being persecuted to teach everybody a lesson that
how dare they ask questions of the IRS or how dare they challenge… Where do you get this ….
from anyway that you say, I owe, just asking questions, excuse me, and so as a result Eddie was
very successful in holding back unlawful tyranny but in the end the hammer comes down and the
people are taken down one by one by a beast gone wild. So we have standing by from Panama
Sandra Cerud of the lawfirm Lexius. We have her other friend standing by and they’re going to
listen to Sandra Cerud and find out what exactly transpired, how Eddie Kahn was kidnapped
from Panama contrary to international law, contrary to court order, etc, etc, and threats, as well,
threats to Sandra Cerud and threats to Eddie Kahn’s wife (Kookie) to boot. So, with that, we
have standing by our translator Gina Durand and, Gina, first of all, Sandra Cerud, welcome to
The Forbidden History, here in America. Are you with us?

[Sandra] Ok, thank you.

[Dezert] Very good. Can you please tell the story about what happened there in Panama
regarding the matter of Eddie Kahn?

[Sandra] (through translator) She said that: His visa was revoked after two and a half years.

[Dezert] Ok. And why was that?

[Sandra] She said that: He had a legal document and his visa and everything was good but
they’re saying that he lied saying that he didn’t have anything pending in the United States.

[Dezert] Ok.

[Sandra] She said that: When he came during that time that he had his legal documents and
got his visa he had told them that he did have a pending case in the United States and it was in
the process of resolution in solving the issue.

[Dezert] Ok. And then, there was a court order of some form that was protecting Eddie so
that he could stay in Panama?

[Sandra] She says: When was the order, what order are you talking about, when?

[Dezert] Well, what we understand is that, if we understand correctly, Sandra went to the
airport with a court order stating…

[Gina] Ok, ok, I know.

[Sandra] She said that: The FBI had issued out an arrest order for him and he went to her to
see about meeting because he wanted to resolve it….

[Dezert] Right, and did she have…

[Sandra] And then, he came to my office and immigration came to the same building and
arrested him and put him in the police department and after that they went to the airport and he
went to the airport to put a habeas corpus. In the airport the immigration office, they don’t
receive the habeas corpus. And then, take Eddie to the airplane and go out from the country—
that’s so, no resolution, no document, no paper, no nothing—nothing. They came out of Panama.

[Dezert] No formal legal process which is normally required.

[Sandra] Nothing.

[Dezert] So that would be kidnapping? Would that be kidnapping, Sandra?

[Sandra] Yes. And habeas corpus was to stop the arrest because the arrest was illegal and
then they must to get back to Eddie to the immigration to weigh his documents, the document in
order, the arrest order from the United States in order, I read each document in order to make the

[Dezert] So the FBI in America broke the law in Panama in order to enforce law?

[Sandra] I think because they don’t give him any order, any document, nothing, they’ll say,
you have to go; the immigration take off the visa and then you have to go because you have some
civil order, you have a case in the United States and you have to go. You have to do the
document in order to take one out from country. You can’t do that by yourself because the FBI
wants that you go… He had a visa, a pensionada visa, legal document for pensionada visa,
exactly. And then, one day about 30 October the immigration say, ‘no, your visa is not legal,’ and
then why they gave you a document that pensionada visa. Now, his wife has to go. She can’t stay
because they take out the visa, too. And then the immigration say, ‘no, your visa is not in order
because Eddie lie to us…

[Dezert] Ok, hold it, right there. We’re talking to Sandra Cerud and you’ve got the….


[Dezert] Ok, you’re listening to The Forbidden History and The Law That Never Was,
ladies and gentlmen, right here on www.truthradio.com and I’m Dezert-owl. We’re talking about
a situation that has just transpired over the past ten days or so with Eddie Ray Kahn from
American Rights Litigators and he was kidnapped unlawfully out of Panama by the FBI and
we’re talking to Sandra Cerud from the law firm Lexius out of Panama with our translator, Gina
Durand and we’re trying to understand what is going on and how it happened, get the facts, and
we have standing by, also, Iloilo Jones from Fully Informed Jury Association and J.R.
Williamson, a friend of Eddie Kahn’s. So, you’re tuned in, right here, and, ok, picking it up from
where we left off, Sandra Cerud, puerto vor.

[Sandra] She’s saying that: Eddie Kahn, when he went to get his visa, his documents,
everything was legal and they had asked him that if he had any legal action pending in Florida
and he told them, yes, but ultimately, they were saying that he had lied.

[Dezert] Right, the papers, apparently, were saying that…

[Sandra] And an order but they need a lie and then Eddie can defend himself because he’s a
verbal, when you talk the verbal….

[Gina] Ok, un momento, everything was verbal, it wasn’t on paper. So, in other words,
they’re contradicting and calling him a liar but everything was verbally said.

[Dezert] Right, so his words were twisted as usually is the case with both the media…

[Sandra] They keep Eddie in the police department; I went to the police department at nine
o’clock, nine, ten o’clock and then after that they put him in the airport and that’s all. Don’t give
it no change, no nothing--nothing.

[Dezert] No change?

[Gina] They didn’t give him an opportunity.

[Sandra] Nothing. They put him in the police in the night. In the morning they put him in
the airport and then put him in the airplane and go; no change to nothing.

[Gina] He didn’t have a chance to explain anything; it was like just get him out of here.

[Sandra] They take Eddie the day before in the afternoon and then in the morning he out
from the city, no documents, no nothing—nothing. No order from nothing and then that is illegal.

[Dezert] Now, Sandra, you were threatened by the FBI?

[Sandra] Yeah, I was talking by phone with the FBI office in Panama and then he told me
that Eddie has to go out from the country or he’s going to be here in my office to arrest him. And
then they tell me that probably if I…..Eddie lawyer they can take me out a visa because I have
my thousand year visa. And then, they told me that.

[Dezert] What, if you tried to help Eddie they will take your international visa away?

[Gina] They were telling her that by her not telling the truth and trying to help them that
he was a wanted man that she was susceptible, her visa, to be taken.

[Dezert] In other words, prosecution.

[Sandra] I have mail that they sent me explaining to me that they probably take out my visa
and I have that mail. By mail, by e-mail.

[Dezert] They threatened her by e-mail?

[Sandra] US embassy sent me e-mail, telling me that probably they take out my visa. I have
that mail with me.
[Dezert] Now, Sandra, the court order, the writ of habeas corpus was by a judge? So you
had a lawful instituted habeas corpus by a court order?

[Gina] It was through the Secretary of the—I’m not sure….

[Dezert] The general secretary?

[Gina] Yes, general secretary. The general court that accepts the habeas corpus. He had
the habeas corpus, everything in order, everything was legal so they would not take him.

[Dezert] Right. And, Sandra, did you not have law enforcement with you, the policia, from
Panama to help you to enforce the order like normally they do here in America?

[Gina] They had told her that he was already gone and they couldn’t do anything.

[Dezert] That was, what, the police?

[Gina] She said that’s the truth.

[Dezert] The police told her that?

[Gina] They told her at the immigration that he was gone and there was nothing she
could do.

[Dezert] Ok, so, Sandra, you’re very upset about this? What is your view on the
international law and what has transpired? Why are you so upset? You want people to know, here
in America and around the world; we’re on the world-wide web.

[Gina] She says that they violated a legal order and they arrested him; they violated the
legal order and they violated due process and it was unrespectful; there was no respect for their
order, the due process and her defending Eddie Kahn for them to threaten her but it was just not
right for the United States to violate a legal order and violate due process.

[Dezert] Right. Does this mean that Americans are no longer safe in Panama, Sandra?

[Gina] Ok, she thinking it depends, she says for the civil administration it depends on the
issue, the court issues and that really there’s no foundation for the United States—in other words,
they do what they want to do. If they want someone they will take them.

[Dezert] Well, what it was—J.R., you correct me if I’m wrong, J. R. Williamson, but Eddie
was not fleeing from justice; he had no charges against him. They had to bring him back to the
states in order to serve him, is that correct? JR has stepped off. Iloilo, are you there?

[Iloilo] I’m here, yes.

[Dezert] Ok, we got J.R. una momento, we got J. R.; go ahead, J. R.

[JR] Ok, I was muted; I’m sorry.

[Dezert] That’s ok, go ahead.

[JR] Yeah, he was there; there was a civil action which he was in correspondence with
the court continually for the last two and a half years trying to resolve that issue. But there was
no criminal issue when he went to Panama.

[Dezert] Right.

[Iloilo] It seems to me—this is Iloilo Jones from the Fully Informed Jury Association
[FIJA] that he was not given the opportunity to challenge the extradition action or even the serve
of the papers to the court which would have conformed to the Panama constitutional laws, as I
understand it, but he should have been given an opportunity to challenge the extradition rather
than being kidnapped.

[Dezert] That’s what they call due process and the process you are due, right?

[Gina] J.R., could you say what you said, again, so I could tell Sandra?

[JR] Beg your pardon.

[Gina] Could you repeat what you said about the….

[JR] Eddie had been for over two and a half years, had been corresponding with the
court in a civil action which was a minor issue. There was no criminal charges whatsoever.

[Gina] Ok. She’s saying that he went to her office to try to do things in a proper process,
a manner to do everything right…

[Dezert] Right, the way Eddie Kahn is….

[Gina] And when they came they just took him and they didn’t give the opportunity for
due process in that action. In my opinion, they abducted him.

[Dezert] Right. Eddie was honorable, the way he has always been; he was communicating
with the court and so what was the rush? What was the rush, right?

[Sandra] Exactly!

[Dezert] Ok, Iloilo, what is the international law, is there something you can do on the
international level to do something about what happened, he was unlawfully abducted, does that
not have an effect on his situation?
[Iloilo] It probably doesn’t, unfortunately, because I’m sure that the paperwork that will
be produced in court will show that he was lawfully removed and extradited under legal
circumstances. Our government lies about almost everything; I don’t think they have any qualms
about producing documentation that is false, as well, to support that. What I’m concerned about,
now, is that he is back. If he is going to have a trial that we make sure it is a jury trial and we
make sure that all the jurors know that do not need to find him guilty. In fact, they need to find
him innocent and let him go.

[Dezert] Yes, very good. And, Sandra, will you create an affidavit that supports all of this
that happened down there so we can have this for his court case, here in America?

[Gina] Ok, she is in the process of—she’s doing a document, she’s notarizing it, she’s
step-by-step everything that has happened and she’s going to have it certified for the United
States, it would be notarized and certified but at the same time she’s fearful for herself.

[Dezert] Fearful?

[Gina] Yes, she’s fearful for herself.

[Dezert] Wow; you mean, even in Panama they’re afraid of the American government,
huh? Ok, we’re winding down; hold you thoughts, una momento; we’re at another break and
you’re listening to The Forbidden History, what they don’t want to know, ladies and gentlemen,
and we’re going to tell you, right here, and The Law That Never Was. Look at, they don’t have
any law but they say they want to support law, right? Get with it.


[Dezert] You’re listening to The Forbidden History and The Law That Never Was. I’m
Dezert-owl, a special edition on behalf of Eddie Kahn of American Rights Litigators and of
Guiding Light of God Ministries who saved lives of 5,500 plus people throughout a ten-year or
longer period, ladies and gentlemen, and people who are so grateful to Eddie Kahn; they love
him. I’ve never seen a man that’s more loved that Eddie Kahn for doing great work, just asking
questions. Excuse me, we just want to know the truth, where’s the law, where do you get these
figures at? Go figure. So, we’re trying to make sense; we’re talking to Sandra Cerud from the
law firm, Lexius, out of Panama and we have Gina Durand, translator, and we also have J.R.
Williamson, a friend of Eddie Kahn and we have also Iloilo Jones from The Fully Informed Jury
Association [FIJA] and we’re going to try to have Iloilo on the Victim and Prison Outreach
Program. We may talk more about this, there, and other things on We Are All Doing Time on
Saturday morning at 8 p.m., eastern time on www.firstamendmentradio.com . So, feel free to
tune in, there, ladies and gentlemen. And real quick, Iloilo, why don’t you give out your
information so they can know how to contact FIJA.

[Iloilo] Thank you, Dezert. Please look at our website; it’s FIJA for Fully Informed Jury
Association, www.fija.org . If you’d like a free information packet call our free number 1-800-
TELJURY and we’ll send you a free information packet. I encourage you if you have internet
access, however, to go to our website. There’s a lot of information, there, also our contact
information if you need more information is on that website. That telephone number in numbers
instead of letters is 1-800-835-5879. Thank you, Dezert.

[Dezert] Thank you. And don’t forget that this production, right here, is being brought to
you by www.lighthouseminerals.com , ladies and gentlemen. Please check it out. And the little
time that we have left for Sandra Cerud—we’re very grateful that you’re here with us, Sandra,
gracias. Do you, J.R. or Iloilo, have any questions that you want to ask, yourself?

[Iloilo] Is there an attorney in the United States, now, to handle this case in Florida?

[Gina] Sandra?

[Dezert] Sandra Cerud, are you there? I have a feeling she had to go.

[Iloilo] Ok. Well, I think we need to make sure that we have an attorney, here, and it’s
someone who can work with Sandra so they have both ends of this story to present in court and,
again, I’m hoping that we can help in some way by giving all of the jury pool in that area
educated as much as we can as to why we do have juries because we have juries so that they can
say, ‘no,’ to bad laws and bad prosecutions.

[Dezert] Right. Now, J.R., do you suspect that Eddie is just being temporarily held in
Ocala and that, ultimately, since he’s now going to go into the federal jurisdiction he will go to
another place where they’re going to have court?

[JR] No, no, they’re going to have court in Ocala where the case was out of.

[Dezert] Well, good news for us, Iloilo, because we’re going to get on an FM station down
there Monday through Friday at nine p.m. in the evening and we’ll do some jury education.

[Iloilo] And we’ll also get some materials down there so people can take it in their hand
and read it and pass it to someone else.

[Dezert] Wow.

[JR] This is out of the District Court, Middle District of Florida, Ocala Division. I’ve
got a copy of the case. I just received a copy of the case and the indictment.

[Iloilo] What is the indictment, what are the charges against him, J.R.?

[JR] Well, the indictment, it goes through 28 counts, here.

[Iloilo] I see; of course, they always like to do that.

[JR] The 861 argument, so-called Bills of Exchange for fictitious documents probably
purporting to be financial instruments issued under the authority of the United States, that’s
documents falsely drawn, had no material financial value, just like the Federal Reserve note.
[Iloilo] My goodness.

[Dezert] Just like funny money. But the difference is that we do know the truth, don’t we,
J.R., that the Bills of Exchange are actually valid documents.

[JR] Sure. And, of course, it’s a conspiracy charge which…

[Iloilo] They like to throw those in because it’s bigger fines and more time, yes.

[JR] It says that it was part of a conspiracy that defendant, Snipes, Kahn, and Rosile
did attempt to deceive, crass trickery and dishonest means to make it appear as defendant Snipes
had no liability for federal income taxes when, in fact, Snipes had such liability.

[Dezert] So they’re connecting this kidnapping of Eddie directly to the Wesley Snipes
story, then, J.R., huh?

[JR] Sure, that’s correct. He’s the co-defendant along with Rosile and with Snipes.

[Dezert] Oh, Eddie Kahn is a co-defendant?

[JR] He’s a co-defendant with Snipes and Rosea. They were three people named in this
indictment. Wesley Trent Snipes, Eddie Ray Kahn, and Douglas P. Rosile.

[Dezert] Ok. By the way, Gina, you still with us?

[Gina] Yes, I am.

[Dezert] Ok, you’re welcome to stay; I know you’re going to have to go work. Do you
want to stay with us till the top?

[Gina] Yes, it’s only a few minutes.

[Dezert] Yes, it’s only about another seven, eight minutes.

[Iloilo] Alright, so is there an attorney to serve Eddie in this matter?

[JR] Well, it is…

[Dezert] They’re working on it.

[JR] …it’s the general opinion of—when you receive an attorney you become an

[Iloilo] Well, that’s true, but he will serve as his own counsel because he could have an
attorney who is of counsel and still serve as his own counsel…
[JR] ….next friend.

[Iloilo] Pardon?

[JR] He can have a next friend.

[Iloilo] Yes, he can.

[JR] …to give advice, but he will be acting in his own defense.

[Iloilo] He will serve as his own defense….good. Because he will have a lot more latitude
in the court and he will have a lot more latitude in making statements to the jury, then, if there
were an attorney who is, of course, a licensed officer of the court and, therefore, of the
government and, therefore, afraid to say much.

[JR] operating under restriction….yeah, see, one of the things that an attorney can’t do
is challenge the jurisdiction of the case in person….first order.

[Iloilo] And so, if Eddie is there, himself… We had a case in New York of some war
protesters who served as their own—let their own defense. They did have some attorneys of
counsel. However, they used a lot of our strategies and languages and it was a conspiracy charge
and the jury found them not guilty because they were able to explain to the jury, especially one
of the defendants, that the reason we have juries is so that they can make a judgment on the law
as well as the facts and she did a wonderful job of presenting it to the jury and the jury simply
refused to find any of the defendants guilty of conspiracy. So, if we can work with Eddie to assist
him in developing his strategy for his defense, we have a lot of material available that he should
be able to use to his benefit.

[Dezert] Well, we should probably get her to join us on our conference calls, JR. We’ll get
Iloilo up to date on what we’re doing with Eddie and then she can also give us some insight, as
well. The work’s very important.

[Iloilo] Ok.

[Dezert] Before we finish out, here, I just want to ask you, are you a real American? Then,
get the only real American magazine that covers the pure issues of law and defense. My radio
sponsor, now, for over ten years, The Americans Bulletin Newspaper, thank you, editor and
publisher, Robert Kelley. Please go to the website, www.ammerciansbulletin.com or call 541-
779-7709. Thank you for your support because the time, it is short. You better believe it. And if
you want to hear a re-broadcast of this or tell your friends about this to bring more awareness to
the plight of Eddie Kahn we appreciate everyone’s selfless contribution and help in this matter
and you can hear a re-broadcast of this on http://firstamendmentradio.com on Saturday at 9 p.m.,
eastern time. We’ll be on for three hours; it’ll go as long as we need to, then we’ll just do our
normal programming. So we’ll be bringing this to the attention of the world on that time slot this
Saturday. So please tell your friends to hear about an international crime. They want to support
what they claim to be law but they have no law and then they violate the laws of another nation
in order to bring somebody back here so they can just fry and fricassee him, basically, ladies and
gentlemen. J.R., Iloilo, any other thoughts?

[Iloilo] Well, I—go ahead, J.R.

[JR] Let’s do what we can to get this thing on the road and help Eddie in every way we
can. That means funds or whatever.

[Dezert] Alright, well, here, we talk about how you can help. Update on Eddie Kahn.
Eddie called me on the phone the other day, I think it was on Friday, while I was broadcasting on
Saturday. I was broadcasting on Mohawk Radio, www.mohawk-radio.com, in Canada and he
stated on air that the authorities will not let him have any salt and that he needs it for his colon
cleanse, every day, or he takes it internally, I think, orally, just takes a lot of salt down to flush
out his system and if it were not for the other prisoners giving him their own little packets of salt
for him to use from their own meals Eddie would be in the hospital, right now. If this condition is
not addressed and taken care of, immediately, then this condition will soon result in intestinal
blockage. He’s had this problem for years. What this is, ladies and gentlemen, is a violation of
human rights, natural rights; this is a form of indecency, torture and crime. Let’s see, he’s a
victim of kidnapping, torture, all the natural rights that we should have are not provided for him.
Please consider some form of action on Eddie Kahn’s behalf. Consider calling the Marion
County jail and voice your protest at 352-351-8077 or call the Marion County Sheriff and report
a crime with Ed Dean at 352-732-8181. Or call the local newspaper in Ocala and say, ‘what are
you reporting about, this international crime, and of kidnapping and torture, a denial of natural
rights; get a doctor, please. Call the Ocala Star Banner at 352-867-4020. If you’re a doctor, out
there, listening in we want a doctor in that area to come to his aid and to say that you want him to
get the proper treatment because they don’t do it right in there and they’re going to let him
collapse, first, before they give him the right kind of help. And the report at www.ocala.com is
the newspaper and the reporter, there, you can check out is Austin Miller and the
allan.parsons@starbanner.com , Allan Parsons is the owner, publisher of the New York Times
newspaper down there—Ocala, I’m sure they’re going to care, right? And you just heard it, right
here, ladies and gentlemen; we’ve got a great man who needs help. If you want to contact me
you can do that at 386-684-6462. That’s right here at the Lighthouse. If you missed any
information, here today, you can send donations to Eddie Kahn’s legal fund at This Day Christian
Ministries. Just call J. R. at 775-264-9474. Just call J.R., Eddie’s good friend and he’ll tell you
how you can send support money for Eddie Kahn and his legal fund. And, of course, if you’re
listening on Saturday at 9 p.m., eastern time on http://firstamendmentradio.com we’ll give out
more information. You can send Eddie correspondence directly to the jail and money if you want
to and what have you. And I’m very grateful that you could make on, today, Iloilo; you didn’t
make it on Saturday; I’m glad to finally have you on and, J.R. Any final comments from either
one of you?

[Iloilo] Let’s just all stay informed with each other and make sure people in the area know
what’s going on and to try to get a lot of letters to the editor and in all the papers down there and
as many radio interviews going on as possible. Public opinion does matter to these people.
[Dezert] Absolutely, if you’re all alone in that courtroom when they’re frying you, they
have a way with you, but if you got a packed courtroom of supporters, look out, they’re feeling a
little uncomfortable.

[Iloilo] Exactly.

[Dezert] Yeah. And public opinion does matter, ladies and gentlemen. Please e-mail your
friends in Florida, especially in central Florida. If you have friends in central Florida tell them
what’s going on, bring them to the website. We’ll be archived. This program, right here today, on
Tuesday at 11 a.m., eastern time, which is titled as the Ultimate Health Breakthrough but we
have a Forbidden History, special edition, is going to be archived, here at www.truthradio.com .
So go check out the archives for re-play. And you got it, ladies and gentlemen and so what are
you going to do about it? It’s The Forbidden History and The Law That Never Was and never
will be, I guess. I want to thank Iloilo Jones from FIJA, J.R. Williamson, Sandra Cerud, the law
firm, Lexius, and Gina Durand for our translations, today and The Americans Bulletin
Newspaper and I want to thank all of you for listening in to The Forbidden History and The Law
That Never Was. Come on back tomorrow at 11 a.m., Eastern Time. Don’t forget a re-play,
tonight, 11 p.m. Ok, re-play; come on back. Tell your friends.

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